Waimea Arts Council JUNE, 2014

Waimea Arts Council
JUNE, 2014
facebook: waimea arts council/firehouse gallery
PO Box 1818
67-1201 Mamalahoa Highway
Kamuela, HI 96743
WAC is a nonprofit organization dedicated to promoting the arts, the encouragement of artists, and providing a forum for art-related community
events. This newsletter is made possible by donations from WAC members and W.M Keck Observatory, who does the printing.
In the Firehouse Gallery
In the Firehouse Gallery
Quilt and Fiber Exhibition
A fine craft show by local artisans
Japanese Quilt Show
June 4 - 29, 2014
During the month of June, The Firehouse Gallery presents an
exhibit of fiber art, including quilts, weaving and all types of
artwork created from fiber products.
The exhibit opens on Wednesday,
June 4 and runs through Sunday, June
29. The Waimea Arts Council will
host a complimentary reception, open
to the public, on Friday, June 6 from 5
to 7 pm.
Over 30 pieces of traditional and
decorative pieces will be available
for viewing and purchase. Quilts,
Hawaiian style appliqué, plus
contemporary style will be
available for sale. This year’s
show will include woven works
from members of the Hawaii
Island Chapter of the Hawaii
Handweavers Hui.
"Tapa 2" by Jay West
"Fish Quilt" by Patricia Dinsman
Mini Shows in the Firehouse Gallery
Joyce Robertson
June 4 - 29, 2014
For the month of June the Firehouse Gallery will feature not one
but two mini-shows in the back gallery. Many members have told
us they’d like to have a solo exhibit but find the thought of
mounting a solo or even a tandem exhibit in the front gallery
overwhelming. In response, the Gallery Committee decided to
try something a little different—a solo (or tandem) mini-show in
the back gallery. Joyce Robertson will be our first artist.
In talking about her work, Joyce says: “It’s always difficult to put
into words the source and reasons for what I paint because it
Mini Shows... continued on page 3
May 30-31, 2014
On Friday and Saturday, May 30-31, the Waimea Arts Council
will present the quilts of Quilts Lei Hayama of Japan. This
exhibit will be.at the Firehouse Gallery in Waimea from 10:00
a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
These quilts demonstrate the fine craft of Hawaiian style
appliquéd quilting. Club President, quilt designer and teacher
Shigemi Obata will be the featured quilter with many new quilts
designed by herself and her students on display.
Shigemi teaches quilting in Hayama, Japan, which she learned
from Doris Iwalani Feary Nosaka of Hilo. Doris introduced
Shigemi to the Waimea Quilt Club many years ago. The Quilt Lei
Hayama, a club in Japan, was founded by Obata and presently has
between 15 and 20 students as on-going members. Ms.Obata’s
classroom features many Hawaiian fabrics and books.
Ms. Obata travels to Hawaii almost four
times a year photographing flowers that
she then translates to designs for her
original quilt patterns. She writes: “As I
travel to the Big Island every year I see
so much beauty everywhere. The nature
of Hawaii fills my five senses and that
influences and guides my hand to create
these quilt patterns. This show is the 15th
exhibition we have held at the WAC
gallery in Waimea. Last year, my
quilting sensei - Doris Iwanani Feary Nosaka passed away but it
is via her style of quilting that I hope my work continues her quiet
but sure spirit.
I want to give a great THANK YOU to my host family, my many
friends, the Waimea Quilt Club members and members of the
Waimea Arts Council for all the support they have so eagerly
shown year after year.
I hope everyone seeing this year’s collection leaves with a greater
understanding of Hawaiian quilting and how it has created yet
another bridge between cultures. Please enjoy the show and tell
your friends, too.”
For more information visit www.quiltsleihayama.com.
The Firehouse Gallery is the most visible project of the Waimea Arts
Council and is located in the heart of downtown Kamuela in South
Kohala’s historic old fire station, at the crossroads of Mamalahoa
Highway and Lindsey Rd. (Hwy. 19 and 190), across from the
Waimea Chevron.
Exhibits change monthly. Volunteer docents, often artists
themselves, host the gallery on Wednesday-Friday and Sunday, 11
am to 3 pm, and Saturdays 9 am to 3 pm. There is plenty of free
Joyce Robertson... continued from page 2
comes from a nonverbal experience. Have you ever meditated
and suddenly in the act of concentrating on your breathing an idea
pops into your consciousness that comes from nowhere? It is a
similar experience that brings me my images. I see an object in
a photograph or in the world that captures my attention. I don’t
know why. It's importance to me comes from a deeper
consciousness. It is a symbol that I want to paint. Sometimes it’s
a hat, sometimes a bird, sometimes a plane, a chair, a cup.
Sometimes it’s just a circle or an X, or a word. I’ve learned not
to question the symbol, what it means and why I should paint it.
I simply accept it as a gift and make use of it.
I use a square format because the square has spiritual significance
to me. It represents the “four directions.” The surface of the
painting is as important to me as the subject. I use a plaster-like
surface as my ground. I often scratch into it to give it the beauty
of age and accident. For my colors I use many layers of
transparent glaze to give depth to the color. I want my surfaces
to be as beautiful as the old walls I’ve seen in Europe and Asia.”
Fiber Arts Organizations
Since this issue is dealing with fiber arts, listed below you will
find the name and contact information for the various quilting
and weaving organizations located in North Hawaii:
KA HUI KAPA APANA O WAIMEA: Quilters meet 9 a.m. to
noon, last Saturday of every month (November and December
the third Saturday). St. James Episcopal Church Parish Hall. This
is Hawaii’s oldest Hawaiian quilting club. Everyone welcome.
Free. Info: Kathy Tanaka 775-0765.
CENTER: (Honokaa) Every Wednesday 8:30 a.m. – Noon.
Quilting led by Dorothy Badua, Jodean Dela Cruz and Mary
Hinck. Everyone welcome. Bring your own sewing machine and
extension cords or, if you hand quilt, your needles, scissors and
thread. Info: 775-0726.
2:30 p.m., every Thursday at Anna Ranch Teahouse. Members
do both patchwork and Hawaiian quilting and other needlework
and annually contribute quilt(s) they have worked on together to
a worthy group or cause. Info: Joan Moynahan 885-8830 or
email: moyn@hawaii.rr.com.
MAUNA KEA QUILTERS: 9:30 am - noon, 2nd Saturday of
each month in the Thelma Parker Memorial Library meeting
room. Started in 1997, this patchwork quilters group shares love
of quilting while also supporting worthwhile community
organizations. At Christmas they make quilted stockings and
quilts for needy children. All welcome. Info: Becky Parkinson
HAWAII HANDWEAVER’S HUI: hawaiihandweavers.org.
Our mission is to encourage and promote excellence in hand
weaving by bringing together weavers, spinners, dyers, fiber
artists, and educators who share the joy and passion of the fiber
arts. The Hui is affiliated with the Handweavers Guild of
America. New members always welcome, various educational
workshop and meetings around the island. Big Island Chapter contact Joan Namkoong, kamuelafoodie@gmail.com.
"Anything Goes"
June’s second mini-exhibit is open to all WAC participating
artists and its theme is “Anything Goes.” As the title suggests,
this is a chance to let your creativity run wild!
As you can tell, coupled with the Quilt and Fiber Exhibition in the
main gallery, we’ll have lots to see and buy! Be sure to come to
the reception for the artists on Friday, June 6 from 5 to 7 pm.
If you’d like to have a mini-exhibit, or have a theme suggestion
for our mini-shows, contact Sam Cudney, Gallery Committee
Chair (samcudney@gmail.com).
A reminder that all entries for the Photography is Art exhibit
should be picked up by May 29. Entries for the Fiber and Quillt
Exhibit should be brought to the gallery on June 1 or 2, between
9 am and 3 pm. Any work hanging in the back gallery should
also be picked up at that time and new entries for the "Anything
Goes" mini show can be delivered then.
Page 2
Out and About...
Joe Laceby exhibition
The Volcano Art Center Gallery will feature the artwork of
Waimea Arts Council member Joe Laceby, who uses sun
printing, also known as cyanotype printing, to create imagery.
The cyanotype technique is an old form of photography utilizing
the sun’s UV rays to create imagery.
The Gallery exhibit will run from May 24 through July 20.
Joe is a current member of the WAC board, and lives along the
Hamakua coast on old sugar cane land. This area is rich with
iconic Hawaiian relics which he translates visually through the
cyanotype process. "The relationship of the sun prints to early
western contact is a way to capture certain images from those
earlier times, with what I do now. The sun print itself creates that
historical connection."
Firehouse Gallery Upcoming Calendar
Calendar is subject to change.
June 4 - 29
"Quilt and Fiber Exhibition"
June 6
Reception 5-7 pm
July 2-27
"Duet of Color" Julie McCue/Lynn
July 5
Reception 2 - 5 pm
Offering a full range of quality art, glass,
and craft materials
at affordable prices
Jul 30-Aug.31 "Asia Inspired Art and Visions of
Hawaii", Marcia Wishnick/Merna
Joan Watta
Aug. 10
Sept. 3-26
Joe Laceby
Oct. 1-26
30th Annual Helen M. Cassidy Juried
Art Show
Oct. 29-Nov. 30 Coffee Festival
Dec. 3-28
Hale Kui Plaza – Mauka of Home Depot
73-­‐4976 Kamanu Street, #108
Kailua-­‐Kona, Hawaii 96740
The Gift of Art
Monday thru Saturday – 9:30 to 5:30
Marty Allen, Lauren Avery, Shelly Batha, Terry Bensch, Amber
Bonnici, Howard Bradley, Lynn Chapman, William Chillingworth, Pat
Collier, Teresa Crowell, Sam Cudney, Susan Cysewski, Pat Dinsman,
Sarah Ednie, Taurus Evans, Mary Fallon, Judy Folk, Diane and Scott
Foster, Janice Gail, Bernt Grundseth, Ann Guth, Suzanne Haight,
Carolyn Harper, Susan Harris, Dick Harrison, Sandra Ho, Margaret
Hoy, Bill and Kathleen Jaeger, Peter Jefferson, Suzanne Dix Kaliko, Joe
Laceby, Carolyn Lancaster, Kris Lockard, Mellanese Lofton, Henry
Lyon, Jaclyn MacKinnon, Julie McCue, Clytie Mead, Brenda
Meriwether, Harry and Ginger Miller, Erna Negandhi, Sandra Nelson,
Tim Pervinkler, Jayne Pinc, Irina Place, Joyce Robertson, Arielle
Roehrig, Wendi Roehrig, Amaury St. Gilles, Barbara Schaefer, Karli
Sexton, Carly Shepherd, Linda Simrose, Anna Sullivan, Aloha Sunn,
Beverly Thomas, Karen Thrasher, Diane Tunnell, Denise Ulrich, Bryan
Watai, Tami Watanabe, Norma Watt, Merna Joan Watta, Jay West,
Collie Will, Marcia Wishnick.
Advertising Rates
1/4 page - $40/6 mo. or $70/year
Business card - $25/6 mo. or $40/year
Contact Julie McCue jmccue@hawaii.rr.com
"Any great work of art... revives and readapts time and space, and the measure
of it's success is the extent to which it makes you an inhabitant of that world - the
extent to which it invites you in and lets you breathe its strange, special air."
~Leonard Bernstein, "What Makes Opera Grand?"
If you have anything to share about your activities
outside WAC, please send to Julie McCue at
Page 3
There is in every artist's studio a scrap heap of discarded works in which the
artist's discipline prevailed against his imagination."
~Robert Brault, www.robertbrault.com
Keiki Fest
Shown below are a few of the winning entries from the Art of
Recycling School Competition held in April.
A big mahalo to Jay West, Irina Place
and Anna Sullivan with her son
Donald, who made the WAC booth at
the 15th Annual Keiki Fest, held on
April 26, a success. Over 85 young
artists made collages, many that were
left for others to enjoy. WAC
members were decked out in jaunty
artist berets and some of the kids had
their pictures taken in them.
Clockwise. "Teradactyl" (Alema Ah Loy/ Kona Pili-Ledward), "Emma
Kepo'o's Tank","Tinkerbell Fairy Doll" (Makana Strahle
Lewitsky),"Hawaiian Kingdom" (Ian Shelly-Rose/Rowan Schultz/
Agastya Raul).
Community Events coming up...
Kahilu Theatre
June 1 Farm to Table 2:00 pm. Kahilu Theatre Artistic and
Managing Director Tim Bostock and his wife Melanie Holt
host Chef Mark "Gooch" Noguchi at their farm in Waiki‘i.
The event is a joint fundraiser for both PA‘I Foundation and
Kahilu Theatre, guests will have the opportunity to sample
delectable dishes prepared by Chef Gooch and his staff with all
ingredients collected from the farm. There are a limited
number of tickets for early VIP reception at 12:30 - that
includes champagne, passed hors‘doeuvres, farm tour, and an
intimate recital with Robert Cazimero at the piano. Price $150
General Admission / $250 VIP Early Admission / 50%
discount for children.
June 14 An Evening With Keali'i Reichel (sold out) 7:00 pm.
Keali`i Reichel is one of Hawaii's most popular recording
artists. He is renowned as singer, songwriter, choreographer,
dancer, chanter, scholar, teacher, and personality. He has spent
his life educating the world about Hawaiian culture through
music and dance.
Keali'i will present an intimate evening at Kahilu, in benefit for
Aloha Victor as well as Kahilu Theatre. He will talk story, sing
and play guitar with musician Sean Pimenthal and hula dancer
accompanying. Kahilu Theatre is very happy to share this very
special "Kumu Session" with Waimea.
Waimea Community Theatre/Chorus
June 7-8 Do You Hear the People Sing? Sat. 7:30 pm, Sun. 3:00
pm at the Kahilu Theatre. The Waimea Community Chorus
concert focuses on songs from musicals that were either
written in or about Europe in the last half of the 19th Century,
basically the time of Queen Victoria's latter reign. Musicals
and Operettas flourished, including "The Merry Widow",
"The 3-Penny Opera", " Carmen", "Bohemian Girl" and many
others. Musicals about the time period have flourished in
modern times on Broadway as well: "Les Miserables",
"Phantom of the Opera", "Oliver", "My Fair Lady", " Sweeney
Todd" all concern themselves with this period. The show
abounds with fun, surprising, unusual and astonishingly
popular songs that you've forgotten that you remember! Price
$18 Adult / $15 Senior / $10 Child
Mahalo to our Volunteers
The following members volunteered 152 hours during the month
of May. Mahalo!
Docents: Julie McCue, Carolyn Lancaster, Merna Joan Watta,
Terry Bensch, Barbara Schaefer, Bernt Grundseth, Marty Allen,
Collie Will, Joyce Robertson, Jay West, Teresa Crowell, Brenda
Meriwether, Pat Dinsman, Lynn Chapman, Karli Sexton,
Melanese Lofton, Susan Harris
Other: Lauren Avery, Joe Laceby, Sam Cudney, Susan Harris,
Irina Place, Marcia Wishnick, Jay West and Pat Collier
Most hours - Pat Dinsman
2013 - 2014 - Contact Information
*Lauren Avery
*Susan Harris
*Jay West
*Marcia Wishnick
*Sam Cudney
*Pat Dinsman
*Joe Laceby
*Irina Place
Julie McCue
Lynn Chapman
Pres./Temp. Treas./
Grants/Membership hawaiilauren@gmail.com
First Vice Pres./
Workshops & Classes susharris43@gmail.com
Second Vice Pres.
Sec./Gall. Marketing/
Fundraising/Auditor mwishnick@earthlink.net
Gallery Chairman
House & Grounds
Newsletter/Website jmccue@hawaii.rr.com
Press Releases