ATTENTION ALL PLAYERS AND COACHES: If you sign up to play or coach it is highly encouraged that you be at the new city park April 18th at 10am for a skills assessment and to receive fundraiser information. BUFFALO BASEBALL CLUB The Field Umpire shall have the right to expel any coach or member of a baseball team for un-sportsmanlike or immoral conduct. Application for Buffalo Baseball Club Name: (Print name)________________________________ Age before May 1, 2015: ___________________ Height: _________Weight: ___________ Shirt Size _________Years played: _________ Birth date: ________ Address: ______________________________________ City: __________________ Zip:_________________ Home phone: _______________________ Parent (work or cell): _________________________(Mom or Dad) Email: _____________________________ Parent (work or cell): _________________________(Mom or Dad) Please circle one: $25 fee for 6 & under T-ball (Monday & Thursday) $25 fee for 8 & under Coach Pitch (Tuesday & Friday) $30 fee for 10 & under Kid Pitch (Tuesday & Friday) $35 fee for 12 & under Kid Pitch (Monday & Thursday) $45 fee for 15 & under Kid Pitch Payment made by: Check / Cash $ ($5 (TBA) ._________ discount for each additional sibling registered) Players may only play up 1 year above their age. Games begin May, 2015 ***This application must be returned by April 18, 2015*** Any Applications Taken After April 18th Will be Subject to a $10.00 Late Fee and the Player will be Responsible for the Purchase of the Players Uniform. Please mail to Buffalo Baseball Club, PO Box 1157 Buffalo, Mo 65622 or return to DA Mallory office. Surrounding area players are welcome to participate. I/We, the parents of the above named candidate for a position on the Buffalo Baseball Club team, hereby give my/our approval for his participation in any and all Buffalo Baseball activities. I/We assume all risks and hazards incidental to such participation in any and all Buffalo Baseball activities. I/We do hereby waive, release, absolve, indemnify and hold harmless the local league, the Buffalo Baseball Club, organizers, sponsors, supervisors and persons transporting my/our son, except to the extent and in the amount covered by accident or liability insurance. I/We will furnish a certified birth certificate for the above named candidate upon request of the league officials. I/We agree to return the uniforms and any other equipment issued to my/our child in good condition, except for normal wear and tear. No Team Special Request Will Be Honored: Dad/Guardian_________________________________ Mom/Guardian________________________________ (Print name) (Print name) Dad/Guardian_________________________________ Mom/Guardian________________________________ (Signature) (Signature) APPLICATION TO COACH: NAME: _____________________________________________(HEAD COACH OR ASSISTANT COACH) –Please Circle One Follow us on FACEBOOK – Buffalo Baseball Club WEBSITE –
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