February 2015 4-H Newsletter - Bullitt County Cooperative Extension

Bullitt County
4-H Newsletter
February 2015
Bullitt County Cooperative Extension
384 Halls Lane
Shepherdsville, KY
(502)543-2257 Office
502)543-6940 Fax
Lake Cumberland 4-H Camp
July 13-17, 2015
Bullitt, Spencer and Trimble Counties
Camp Applications will be ready by February 6th!
Counselor in training
9-14 years old
14-16 years old
16-18 years old
18 years old and up
Make sure you go LIKE the Bullitt County 4-H page!
4-H Camp information and other 4-H activities and
events will be located on this page! Thanks for your
4-H Summer Camp Job Opportunities
Lake Cumberland, Nancy: May 27 – July 26
Are you interested in being on Lake Cumberland 4-H Camp Staff? 2015 Camp positions are posted!
All applications are completed online. http://www.uky.edu/hr/employment.
Interested applicants can search for the positions under the Cooperative Extension tab with the keyword Camp. Because
UK has a new employment system, all applying will have to set up a new account, login information and application – even
returning staff or others who already had an account prior to July 1.
4-H Demonstration Contest April 27th, 2015
Mark your calendar for the 4-H Speech and Demonstration Contests! The Demonstration contest is
much like the speech contest only you will need to include visual aids and show us “how to” do
something! Participants will be divided according to age and topic categories. Categories include:
Agriculture, Animal Science, Clothing, Crafts, Foods, Dairy Foods, Electric, General Health, Home
Environment, Horticulture, Photography, Safety, Small Engines and Shooting Sports. All
Demonstrations should be 5 to 15 minutes in length. Visual aids are encouraged in the demonstration
contest however, live animals must be kept at home!
Please complete the form below and mail it to us by April 3rd, 2015.
The registration form can be mailed to the Bullitt County Extension Office
384 Halls Lane Shepherdsville, KY 40165
4-H Demonstration Registration Form
Name____________________________ Address_______________________________________
Age (as of 1/1/15)_______Date of Birth
/___/____ Phone__________________
School_______________ Teacher________________Grade____________________
Demonstration Title____________________________________________________
4-H Speech Contest April 27th, 2015
The 4-H Speech Contest you will write and prepare a speech to give on any topic of your choice.
On Monday, April 27th, at 6:00 p.m. you will give your speech to a panel of judges and guests.
Youth, ages 9-13, must do a speech for 3-5 minutes. Youth, ages 14-19, must perform a speech
for 5-7 minutes. The speech can be on any subject of your choice. Youth compete with other
youth of the same age. They may only have note cards to do the speech; no other visual aides
are permitted. Please mail or send the 4-H speech contest registration form in before April
3rd to get entered into the contest!
Please complete the form below and mail it to us by April 3rd, 2015
The registration form can be mailed to the Bullitt County Extension Office
384 Halls Lane Shepherdsville, KY 40165
4-H Speech Contest Registration Form
Age (as of 1/1/15)__________Date of Birth
/___/____ Phone_______________
School______________________ Teacher___________________Grade__________
Speech Title ___________________________________________________________
4-H Teen Summit 2015
Started in 2005, the Kentucky 4-H Summit is held annually at the Kentucky 4-H Leadership
Center in Jabez, KY for youth who are currently enrolled in 6th,
7th and 8th grades. This program is designed to develop leadership, citizenship and
communications skills. This program is also designed to inspire middle school aged 4-H youth to
remain active in the 4-H program and to acquaint them with the programs and activities
available to them as senior 4-H members. Planned and designed to satisfy a wide range of
Interests, delegates choose from several interest areas including leadership, communications and
citizenship. Objectives are accomplished through hands on active workshops, guest speakers,
seminars, group living, recreation, and recognition.
WHEN: March 19-21, 2015
WHERE: Lake Cumberland 4-H Leadership Center
(4-H Agent transports the teens to conference)
For more information, or to receive an application, CONTACT:
WHO: 6th, 7th and 8th graders
COST: $90 includes, food, lodging, classes, t-shirt and
special instructors
Bullitt County Cooperative Extension
4-H Youth Development Agent
384 Halls Lane
Shepherdsville, KY 40165
Chickasaw Archery
Pitts Point Road
February 2nd– Archery Club
February 6th– Goat Club
February 7th– Home School Club
February 9th– Archery Club
February 13th– Teen Summit Registration Deadline
February 16th– Archery Club
February 18th– Clover Bud Club
February 23rd– Archery Club
February 24th– Green Giants Club
March 19-21, 2015– Teen Summit
April 3rd- Communications Registration Deadline
April 27th– County Communications Day
May 9th– District Communications Day
June 8th-11th– Teen Conference
July 13th-17th- 4-H Camp
July 31– 4-H Fair
6:30 p.m.– 8:00 p.m.
Monday nights
Cooperative Extension Service
Bullitt County
384 Halls Lane
Shepherdsville, KY 40165
(502) 543-2257
(502) 543-6940
Did You Know...
Did you know that Valentine’s Day began almost 1800 years ago by a man known
as Saint Valentine? According to legend, marriage was forbidden in the Roman Empire
under the rule of Claudius II because the emperor believed that single men made better soldiers than those who were married. A priest, known as Saint Valentine, continued to marry couples in secret despite the strict orders from the emperor. When Saint
Valentine was discovered performing secret ceremonies he was put to death by the emperor.
Another legend declares that Saint Valentine actually wrote and gave the first
valentine to his wife while being imprisoned for his religious beliefs. The holiday has
been celebrated since Valentine’s death in 270 A.D.
More than 188 Million Valentine’s Day cards are sent annually making it the
second most card giving occasion ever!