Latest Newsletter - The Bury St Edmunds Academy Trust

Tollgate Primary School
Tollgate Lane, Bury St Edmunds, IP32 6DG
Telephone: 01284 752742
April 2015 Newsletter
Dear Parents and Carers,
I would like to take this opportunity to thank you all for your continued support. As I reflect back over the last
term it has been good to have a secure and stable school with lots of successes. I am very proud of the
achievements and milestones we have reached as a school.
The children have been fabulous and are a real credit to you all as parents and carers. They are super children
and I am ever so proud to be their Headteacher. This newsletter includes events and activities that the
children have taken part in; they have represented us superbly. I had the privilege of watching and listening
to the Year 4s in the All-Through Trust concert at The Apex and then the Year 3 Pupils in the Dance Festival.
They were amazing and demonstrated the benefits of being part of The Trust. They were a real credit to us all.
We were sad to say farewell to Mrs Flack but wish her every success in her new role as Deputy Headteacher at
Glemsford School. I am very pleased that Mr Lloyd will continue to teach the Year 4 children to the end of the
school year. Staffing for the next academic year will be confirmed during the summer before the children’s
transition day.
We are looking forward to all the opportunities of the Summer Term as we continue to Inspire, Discover and
Celebrate Together.
Mrs Earl
Year 4 Maths morning with Barrow, Westley and
Horringer Court
Rugby Festival at County Campus with Barrow pupils
We take our Safeguarding responsibilities very seriously. This means that we ensure that everyone working in
our school has successfully completed the necessary clearances to enable them to work with children.
It also means that we have specifically trained and designated staff within school. These staff are the
Headteacher, Deputy Headteacher and SENCO. Mrs Earl and Mrs Bateman have recently attended the 3 year
review training programme.
We follow the Suffolk Child Protection Procedures and the Local Safeguarding Children’s Board local
guidance and have systems in place to share concerns regarding children’s welfare with our designated staff,
with parents and with relevant external agencies. Part of our legal duty to safeguard our children, may also
include us needing to consult specifically with and take advice from the Police or Children's Social Care,
should the need arise. By working closely together as staff, with you and with our partner agencies, we
firmly believe that we will continue to offer a safe learning environment for all our children.
Please take the time to read our policies on the website and do not hesitate to contact the school should you
have any questions.
Report of Governors’ Visits—Spring 2015
Last term the visit objective was to monitor progress towards our School
Development Plan Priority —Raising standards of attainment in
Governors observed mathematics lessons in class and talked with children about their learning. After the lesson
governors met with the class teacher to discuss the lesson.
The individual reports included evidence of technical vocabulary being used, a range of creative and imaginative
teaching methods employed, and opportunities for the children to be actively engaged and enthusiastic. Most
children said that they loved maths and enjoyed hard challenges as it helped them learn more. The children
knew how to improve and which equipment and resources can help them if they are stuck.
The children‘s comments are indicating how Building Learning Power is having a big impact on their attitudes to
Governor vacancy - We are looking to appoint a parent governor with an ability to work in a
professional manner as part of a team and take collective responsibility for decisions. We would be
particularly interested in hearing from you if you can offer skills in marketing, project management or
Please be aware that collecting your child early for an appointment disrupts the
learning of your child and others in the class.
Result of parent vote on core values
We value your involvement and will continue to use your
responses to guide our assembly values in the future.
Number of
Tolerance & Respect
Caring & Nurturing
Serving Others
Other suggestions:
At the end of the school day children are
collected on the playground. If you are late
after school the children are taken to the
office until 3.30pm. After this time they will
be taken to the after school club ‘Time Out’ in
the dining room. A charge for child care may
be required.
This term our Building Learning Power
focus will be on Reflectiveness, through
this the children will be more self aware
and developing the habits of successful
learners. A special launch day will take
place on Friday 17th April with a leaflet for
Last term we focused on Trust, following your responses our
assembly value this term will be Responsibility.
The Year 4 children performed ‘Once Upon a Time’ at The Apex
There are a range of photos on display outside the music room, if
you would like a print, please ask in the office.
Thank you to all the helpers who have helped us to transform our
Wildlife Area into a new outdoor learning space that has been
renamed by the Eco-Council as ‘The Nature Garden’.
Thank you for the bird boxes, we are looking for further donations of
branches for den building, wood chip for paths, suitable plants eg Buddleia and a
digger for spreading some old leaves. There is still work to be done on the fencing so please
ensure that your children do not enter unsupervised.
Is your child eligible for pupil premium? We have the opportunity to send children on special days, such
as trips to the pantomime. This is dependent on identifying more children eligible for pupil premium.
The government offers schools additional money for pupils whose families receive:
Income Support; Income-based Jobseekers Allowance; Income-related Employment and Support
Allowance; Support under Part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999; The guaranteed
element of State Pension Credit;
Or has been ‘looked after’ for 1 day or more, was adopted from care, or left care under: a special
guardianship order or a residence order
Chat to Maryanne if you are unsure whether your child is eligible. The form is available at the school
office; if you need any further support with this, Maryanne is happy to help you.
School Council Update - The school council met this half term with the task to gather
ideas for some new play equipment for the field. The meeting involved lots of
discussions and sharing ideas. Estimates for costs are being gathered as we hope to
receive Locality Funds through Councillor Nettleton. We will also need to partly fund
this project ourselves so lots of fundraising ideas are needed, see PTA section.
Early Years Pupil Premium
From April 2015 3 and 4 year-olds will attract funding if their family gets 1 of the following:
Income Support
income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance
income-related Employment and Support Allowance
support under part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
the guaranteed element of State Pension Credit
Child Tax Credit (provided they’re not also entitled to Working Tax Credit and have an annual
gross income of no more than £16,190)
Working Tax Credit run-on, which is paid for 4 weeks after they stop qualifying for Working Tax
Universal Credit
the child has been ‘looked after’ for 1 day or more
they have been adopted from care
they have left care under a special guardianship order or residence order.
Please talk to the office staff if this may apply to you as there are individual benefits through the
school’s additional funding.
Dates for this term
Tollgate is a very busy school and
there is always so much going on.
Please note these dates in your
21st 9-10 ERIC, Parents welcome
30th 9-10 MICE, Parents welcome
1st Class photos
4th Bank Holiday car boot sale
8th May day picnic and dancing
11th Parent maths course starts, then 18th, June 8th,
11th Yr 3/4 trip to Sutton Hoo
14th Open Day
20th Yr R to Lackford lakes
21st Tollgate’s Got Talent
22nd No school - Teacher PD day
25th Car boot sale half term
11th Yr 4 transfer at middles 9-12
18th New Yr R parents induction meeting 6.00pm
19th Yr 3 brass at The Apex
23rd 12-3 Yr 4 transfer day at middle
25th Picnic with parents and sports afternoon
4th Summer fete
10th Whole school transition day to new classes
18th Summer disco
22nd Last day in school
31st Car boot sale
2nd PD day
3rd Children start school
Year 3s in the All-Through Trust Dance Festival
Recent events were a fun Bingo evening, enjoyable
Easter hunt and busy carboot sale. The Bingo and
Easter hunt were events to encourage people to get
together and socialise. The carboot was very busy so
from all these events we are delighted to have raised
£2413.21. Special thanks go to Mrs Moss, staff,
governors, parents and community members who made
the events possible.
We are spending some money on upgrading the
Reception outdoor learning area and raising funds for
our new playground climbing and activity areas. Please
give your name to the office if you can spare a few
hours at the next carboot.