brochure -

Thursday, June 25 through Sunday, June 28 at the Shrine of Our Lady of Mariapoch in Burton, Ohio
ALIVE in Christ Ascetical Boot Camp for Guys
Nehemiah 4:20;22
“At whatever place you hear the sound of the
trumpet, rally to us there. Our God will fight
for us. ...Let each man with his servant
spend the night within Jerusalem so
that they may be a guard for us
by night and a laborer by day.”
“At whatever place you hear the
sound of the trumpet, rally to us
there. Our God will fight
for us. ...Let each man with his
servant spend the night within
Jerusalem so that they may be
a guard for us by night and a
laborer by day.”
Nehemiah 4:20;22
Looking for a life-changing summer experience? Here’s
your chance!
Run through some crazy relay races; experience everybody’s favorite activity – the scavenger hunt. Hang out with
college age Catholic guys who love God and their Catholic
faith; hear what they have to say about their faith and how
that faith has made a real difference in their lives. Team
competitions, trivia contests, camping, and prayer all make
this weekend an event guaranteed to challenge your mind,
your body and your soul.
Don’t just sit around all summer letting life pass you by;
get out there, take the risk, and allow God to transform your
life. Your family needs you. Your friends need you. Your
Church needs you. God needs you!
Step-up to the challenge and join us. “Our God Will Fight
for Us.”
ALIVE in Christ Ascetical Boot Camp for Guys
When is it?
6:00 pm on Thursday, June 25th to
2:00 pm on Sunday, June 28th 2015
We strongly encourage the guys’ families to attend the 11:00 am Hierarchical
Divine Liturgy on Sunday morning with His Grace, Bishop John, followed by
dinner and the awards program.
Where is it?
Shrine of Our Lady of Mariapoch
17485 Mumford Road
Burton, Ohio 44021
Who can go?
Guys ages 8 – 18 and their friends
Please note that any guy age 8-11 must be accompanied by a male legal guardian for
the duration of the camp.
What does it cost?
$90.00 per guy
$270.00 maximum family tuition
Make checks payable to “Eparchy of Parma.”
All participants must attend all scheduled talks and activities as well as have an open
mind and cooperative attitude towards fellow participants, facilitators and chaperones.
How do I register?
Register online. Follow the link at
Completed forms and payment are due by
Monday, June 15, 2015.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: What is “ALIVE in Christ?”
A: “ALIVE in Christ” is a spiritual camping weekend for guys ages 8-18. The camping
weekend is designed to enrich guys’ lives by enhancing their Byzantine Catholic
faith and equipping them with the tools necessary to live a good Christian life on a
daily basis. The guys will learn how to implement Church teachings in everyday
scenarios. This will help them make good faith-based decisions that will assist
them in discerning their God-given vocations.
Q: I’m not a teen, will I be uncomfortable or feel too young?
A: Don’t worry. Any guy age 8-11 needs to be accompanied by a legal male guardian.
Plus, you won’t be alone. There will be other guys there your age.
Q: What if my family and I cannot afford the $90.00 cost?
A: Scholarships may be available for guys who find that the cost is a financial burden.
Please contact Fr. Dennis Hrubiak with your request (216.741.8773x223 – or – Also, there is a $270.00 maximum family tuition for
families with multiple guys attending.
Q: Can I bring a friend who is not Byzantine Catholic?
A: YES! Please do!
Q: What do I need to bring?
A: When you sign up we will send you a complete packing list.
Q: I heard that the girls’ sleepover is across the street at Christ the Bridegroom
Monastery this same weekend. Will we see the girls or spend any time with
A: Not until Sunday morning for the Hierarchical Divine Liturgy with Bishop John.
Q: Who should I contact if I have additional questions?
A: Please contact Fr. Dennis Hrubiak in the Office of Vocations (216.741.8773x223
– or –
sponsored by the Eparchy of Parma Office of Vocations
with cooperation from the Byzantine Catholic Cultural Center