ACSRT Monday, 27 April 2015

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Monday, 27 April 2015
ACSRT Daily News Highlights
27 Apr 2015 09:00 Edition N°772
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African Union
Afrique: Communiqué du Conseil de paix et de sécurité de l'Union africaine (UA), en sa
499ème réunion, tenue le 23 avril 2015 sur l'assassinat de 30 ressortissants éthiopiens
innocents par des terroristes affiliés à l'Etat islamique (ES-Daesh) en Libye, te
communiqué de presse. Le Conseil de paix et de sécurité de l'Union africaine (UA), en sa
499ème réunion, tenue le 23 avril 2015, a adopté le communiqué de presse suivant sur
l'assassinat de 30 ressortissants éthiopiens innocents par des terroristes affiliés à l'Etat
islamique (ES-Daesh) en Libye, tel que montré dans une vidéo de propagande diffusée le 19
avril à 2015. Le Conseil s'est dit profondément choqué et attristé par cet acte odieux et
criminel, et a exprimé ses sincères condoléances au peuple et au Gouvernement éthiopiens,
ainsi qu'aux familles des victimes de cet horrible acte.
allafrica-fr 25 Apr 2015
Three Arrested Over Money Laundering to Fund Mombasa Terror Cell
DETECTIVES at the Coast are holding suspects believed to be funding terror activities
through money laundering. Officers drawn from the Anti-Terror and Anti- Fraud police units
arrested the suspects with a huge amount of money in US dollars and Ugandan and Kenyan
shillings. The suspects were arrested on Moi Avenue and Makadara Road in Mombasa on
Friday and booked at Port Police station. They are Mahad Osman, Said Sufi, Amin Mohamed,
Said Mohamed and Sharif Abdulrahman. A senior ATPU officer, who sought anonymity, said
they were tipped off by the National Intelligence Service.
allafrica 10:27:00 AM EAT
Colleges shut over terror attack fears
Military personnel help a student to evacuate from Garissa University College following a
terrorist attack that claimed the lives of 148 people. The Garissa Medical Training College
and Migori Teachers Training College have been closed over terrorist attack fears. PHOTO |
JEFF ANGOTE | NATION MEDIA GROUP “Following the Garissa University College
attack, we requested the county commissioner to provide us with armed security but we were
told the government could not provide the number we wanted,” Mr Osman said. In Migori, all
200 in-service teachers doing Kenya Institute of Special Education....
DailyNation 26 Apr 2015
Terrorist attacks on Christians mount
That means anyone who doesn't subscribe to such extremist views are enemies and in danger - Christians included. Of course, Christians aren't the only ones who have suffered at the
hands of such organizations. For example, most victims of ISIS are fellow Muslims who
refuse to go along with the ISIS worldview and ruthless tactics. Still, there's ample evidence
that Christians have been targeted. The latest came Friday, when an Italian prosecutor
revealed that a network of Pakistanis associated with al Qaeda talked about attacking the
Vatican back in March 2010. This attack wasn't carried out, but many others have been.
cnn 25 Apr 2015
Kenya Somali Leaders not doing enough to fight terror – Kenya – OPED
By: Ngunjiri Wambu. Last week I ended with a challenge to our Muslim brothers generally;
and our North Eastern leaders specifically; as regards their involvement in the war against
terrorism. The reason I chose to go ‘divisive’ is because whereas we can justifiably blame the
government for the terrorist attacks that have happened in Kenya over the recent past, it is
also becoming quite apparent that a key hindrance to the government doing its job of securing
us, is the lack of support and cooperation from our Muslim brothers, especially from the
North Eastern region. Let us look at my problem with leaders from North Eastern.
kenyalondonnews 26 Apr 2015
Security agents pursue new terrorist group in the East African region
The group, which calls itself Emigrants of East Africa Al Muhajiroun, was founded by former
British lawyer Anjem Choudary. Its followers argue that the colonial boundaries that created
Kenya, Uganda and Somalia should be disregarded and replaced by a country governed by the
Mujahedeen. Security experts in East Africa are on the trail of a new terrorist group that roots
in the United Kingdom, which is reportedly recruiting Kenyans and Tanzanians. The group,
which calls itself Emigrants of East Africa Al Muhajiroun, was founded by former British
lawyer Anjem Choudary.
EastAfrican 25 Apr 2015
Ruto Warns Against Tribal Politics
Marsabit Deputy President William Ruto has asked Kenyans to shun tribalism and embrace
respect and tolerance in order to realize peace and national cohesion. Ruto said Kenyans
should uphold peace and harmony and guard against political hatred that could undermine
development efforts. He said a peaceful country attracts investment and spur social economic
prosperity. Addressing wananchi at Marsabit stadium during the Saku educational fund on
Saturday, the Deputy President asked communities in the area to discard practices, which
could divide them on clan backgrounds and work together for the sake of peace and
development in the area.
allafrica 26 Apr 2015
Le Kenya exige la fermeture du camp de réfugiés de Daadab
Le gouvernement du Kenya a exigé la fermeture du camp de réfugiés de Dadaab sous 3 mois.
Le camp serait une source d'inquiétude. Mais les représentants de l'ONU déclarent que cela
n'est pas réalisable. Certains réfugiés ne sont pas prêts à partir. Rencontre avec Nima Aden
Ibrahim, jeune mère de 25 ans qui peine à survivre dans le plus grand camp de réfugiés au
monde. Le Kenya exige la fermeture du camp de réfugiés de Daadab. NIMA ADEN Réfugiée
somalienne "Si on me force à partir, je partirais, en vrai, il n'y a pas d'éducation pour mon
enfant en Somalie, ni de paix, même si vous avez une éducation, vous vous faites tuer.
cctv-fr 25 Apr 2015
Soldiers rescue two kidnapped Kenyans
Kenyan soldiers on Saturday rescued two Kenyans who had been abducted on Friday by
suspected Al-Shabaab militants in Mandera county in the northeast region, officials confirmed
on Saturday. The military rescued Adan Malel Kulac and Adan Hassan Affey who were
abducted in Arabia town late on Saturday. Mandera County Commissioner Alex Nkoyo also
clarified that Kulac, a madrassa teacher and Affey who is a member of a local relief
committee were abducted on noon on Friday at a local village, some 10 km from Fino town.
“The matter was immediately reported to the security agents on patrol who pursued....
onlinenigeria 26 Apr 2015
Two Teachers Abducted a Day After Area Chief Was Killed
Two teachers in Mandera were Friday evening kidnapped by suspected al Shabaab militia
from Mandera county. In the 4pm incident, police say the militia raided the house of the two
teachers and bundled them into a vehicle before driving off to Somalia. The Mandera County
Commissioner confirmed the incident by said the identities of the two teachers are as yet
unknown. The incident comes a day after the militia took hostage the chief of Arabia in
Mandera Muktar Maalim Ibrahim who they later killed. The clan elders of the chief allegedly
trailled Ibrahim's abductors and pleaded for his release.
allafrica 25 Apr 2015
Somali Refugees Deny Camps Used to Train and Plan Terror
Source: Voice of America Country: Kenya, Somalia Mohammed Yusuf DADAAB,
KENYA—The Kenyan government has attributed recent terror attacks in the country to the
presence of Somali refugees at the sprawling Dadaab camps, a claim denied by the refugees.
Kenyan officials and security authorities have called for the Dadaab refugee camps in the
country's north to be closed and its population sent back to liberated areas under the control of
African Union forces and the Somali government. Kenyan leaders have insisted Somalia's
Islamist militant group, al-Shabab, uses refugee camps to train and plan attacks in the country.
reliefWeb 10:26:00 AM EAT
Pay up or die: Mogadishu at mercy of al-Shabaab
The calls to Mogadishu’s businessmen can come at any time. Sometimes the voices change,
but their message is the same. “You have forgotten your Muslim brothers,” the caller says,
with scarcely concealed menace. “Your contribution is no longer being received.”
Shopkeepers, traders and restaurateurs — most of them know the drill. It is $50 for a small
shop, $100 for an established store and $200 for a wholesaler, according to a merchant who
asked not to be named. An official from the National Intelligence and Security Agency (Nisa)
said the country’s biggest companies pay up to $200,000 a month, because the.
thetimes 26 Apr 2015
Somalia seeks to drive militants from southern valley bases - PM
* PM urging Kenya to reopen cash transfer firms. * Kenya seeks to stop Somali militant
attacks, financing. * Military have driven al Shabaab from most strongholds (Adds comment
from leading remittance firm Dahabshiil) By Edmund Blair and Drazen Jorgic. NAIROBI,
April 23 (Reuters) - Somali and African forces aim to drive al Shabaab Islamist militants out
of one of the last major tracts of territory in southern Somalia that the group still holds and
which it uses to launch attacks, the Somali prime minister said on Thursday. Omar Sharmarke
also told Reuters he was pressing Kenya to reopen Somali....
trust 24 Apr 2015
Somalia's al Shabaab kills three officials, former lawmaker in Mogadishu
By Abdi Sheikh and Feisal Omar. MOGADISHU, April 26 (Reuters) - Somalia's al Shabaab
militants killed two city council officials, a former parliamentarian and a senior prison officer
in Mogadishu, police and the rebel group said on Sunday. The al Qaeda-allied group has
stepped up its gun and bomb attacks in the Horn of Africa nation over the past week. Six
people were killed in an attack on a vehicle carrying U.N. staff in the semi-autonomous
Puntland region on Monday, and a suicide bomber killed 10 in a restaurant in Mogadishu on
Tuesday. Gunmen shot dead the former lawmaker and two city....
trust 26 Apr 2015
Will Somalia Shebab choose Qaeda or Islamic State?
MOGADISHU - Somalia's Shebab militants are divided over whether to maintain their
allegiance to Al-Qaeda or shift to Islamic State, according to militant and security sources,
analysts and clan elders. The division comes at a time when Islamic State in Iraq and Syria
has become the jihadist franchise of choice, attracting fighters from abroad and other militant
groups such as Boko Haram in Nigeria, while Al-Qaeda too has recently expanded its territory
in Yemen. "Why is it a surprise to hear that Shebab may join the Islamic State? All Muslims
have to unite against their enemy," said a Shebab commander, speaking on condition of
middle-east-online_en 26 Apr 2015
Al-Qaïda ou Etat islamique? Le nouveau dilemme des shebab somaliens
Doivent-ils maintenir leur allégeance à al-Qaïda ou opter pour l'État islamique ? De l'avis des
analystes et des chefs de clan, les islamistes shebab de Somalie sont divisés sur la stratégie à
adopter. Ces hésitations surviennent à l'heure où l'État islamique en Irak et en Syrie (EI) est
devenue une franchise de choix dans le monde jihadiste, attirant des combattants de l'étranger
et l'adhésion de groupes islamistes comme Boko Haram au Nigeria. De son côté, al-Qaïda
s'est fait remarquer ces dernières semaines en étendant son influence au Yémen. "Pourquoi
est-ce une surprise d'entendre que les....
slateafrique 26 Apr 2015
Kampala seeking to control NGOs under new law aimed at boosting national security
The government has cited concerns that some organisations are engaging in subversive
activities that could put the country’s security at risk. But rights groups say the Bill is
punitive, giving authorities sweeping powers to clampdown on NGOs critical of the regime.
The NGO Bill seeks to curtail the political activities of civil society groups by requiring them
not to engage in any campaigns or support a political cause. According to Rose Namayanja,
the Minister of Information and National Guidance, the Non-Governmental Organisations Bill
2015, to be debated in parliament soon, will provide....
EastAfrican 25 Apr 2015
Cameroun-Tchad: Violents affrontements sanglants entre Massa camerounais et Peuls
Camerounlink-Social Vous pouvez aider le programme social de à lutter
contre l´analphabétisme des plus faibles. Suivez ce lien tous les jours et visitez les trois liens
que l´on vous proposera. Merci ! : Cameroun-Tchad: Violents affrontements sanglants entre
Massa camerounais et Peuls tchadiens Des violents affrontements sanglants ont opposé jeudi
et vendredi derniers, les peuplesMassa Search Massa de l’Extrême-Nord du Cameroun,
auxPeuls Search Peuls du Tchad, a confirmé à «koaci », une source sécuritaire, jointe au
téléphone et ayant requis l’anonymat.
camerounlink 26 Apr 2015
Central African Republic
L'accord de paix entre Djotodia et Bozizé accueilli avec prudence à Bangui 12:07 26/04/15
Centrafrique: L'accord de paix entre Djotodia et Bozizé accueilli avec prudence à Bangui
L'accord de paix signé le 14 avril à Nairobi par les anciens présidents centrafricains Michel
Djotodia et François Bozizé a été accueilli avec prudence à Bangui. Considérés comme des
acteurs clés de la crise en cours dans cette ancienne colonie française, ces deux hommes, qui
font l'objet de sanctions et d'enquêtes internationales, ont déclaré qu'ils voulaient rejoindre le
processus de transition en cours, en reconnaissant enfin le gouvernement intérimaire de
Catherine Samba-Panza.
fratmat 26 Apr 2015
Commando Training in Chad
An American Green Beret leads Chadian antiterrorist commandos in a round of 20 push-ups
after a disappointing performance on the rifle range in Mao, Chad, in February. Michael M.
Phillips/The Wall Street Journal A Chadian commando mediates during a scrum over a bednet
being given away at a medical clinic run by U.S. and allied special-operations forces in Mao.
Michael M. Phillips/The Wall Street Journal A blind girl is pushed through the crowd trying
to get treatment at the free clinic. Michael M. Phillips/The Wall Street Journal An American
Special Forces medic checks the blood pressure of a patient at the clinic.
wsj-en 26 Apr 2015
Avec les soldats de la force Barkhane
Trois jours que la poussière s'engouffre en volutes épaisses et cartographie l'itinéraire
parcouru de rouge, de gris, de jaune, sur les chèches protégeant les visages. Trois jours
éreintants entre Sahel et Sahara, avec seulement le vieux truc de la bouteille d'eau dans la
chaussette mouillée exposée au vent de la vitesse, pour tenter de boire une gorgée à peu près
fraîche et… toujours rien. Alors que lui, gueule de beau gosse, rêve «baptême du feu» contre
les groupes terroristes jihadistes, du haut de ses 21 ans. Frustration pour le jeune chasseur
parachutiste du 1er RCP de Pamiers.
ladepeche 8:54:00 AM EAT
Accord d’Alger : Un leader de la CPA annonce le paraphe de la CMA
Selon les informations diffusées hier après midi par Studio Tamani, la Coordination des
mouvements de l’azawad a décidé de parapher le projet d’accord adopté à Alger le 1 er mars
2014. L’information a été donnée hier samedi par Souleymane Ag Akli, vice président de la
Coalition du peuple de l’Azawad, un mouvement membre de la coordination. Selon M Akli, «
la décision fait suite à une rencontre que des responsables de la CMA ont eue avec le
représentant spécial du secrétaire général de l’ONU Mongi Hamdi ». « J’aimerais vous
confirmer que la CMA a décidé de parapher depuis hier soir suite à des concertations que
nous avons faites.
maliweb 9:42:00 AM EAT
Mali's main rebel group says it will initial peace deal next month
DAKAR, April 27 (Reuters) - Rebels from north Mali told mediators they will initial a longdelayed U.N.-brokered peace proposal on the future of Mali's north next month, a spokesman
for the lead northern separatist group said late on Sunday. The southern Bamako government
and another coalition of pro-government armed groups accepted the proposal in early March,
but the Tuareg coalition refused after consultations with its supporters in northern Mali.
Worried that the absence of a peace deal will lead to an intensification of violence in the vast
lawless desert region, the Malian government and....
trust 7:07:00 AM EAT
Attaques contre la MINUSMA : La série noire inquiète Ban
Le secrétaire général des Nations unies s’inquiète d’une série d’attaques à l’encontre de la
Minusma et de ses fournisseurs, qui ont tué cinq civils et blessé 13 civils et 16 casques bleus
depuis la semaine dernière. Le 15 avril, à Ansongo un véhicule transportant un engin explosif
improvisé a détoné à l’extérieur du camp de la Minusma tuant deux civils et blessant 12 civils,
y compris quatre enfants, ainsi que neuf casques bleus. Le 17 avril, à 25 km à l’ouest de Gao,
deux assaillants armés non-identifiés ont attaqué un convoi de camions de fournisseurs de la
Minusma et tué deux chauffeurs et blessé un autre contractant.
maliweb 9:42:00 AM EAT
Tournure spectaculaire dans l’équation Nord-Mali : Le trio Mnla-Hcua-Maa devient le
Pendant que tous comptaient sur un ultime dénouement par leur adhésion au processus
d’Alger, les mouvements armés séparatistes du Nord-Mali affichent la réelle dimension de
leur intransigeance en s’inscrivant dans une dynamique de remise en cause des chances déjà
maigres d’un accord sur le Septentrion malien. L’émergence d’une entité nouvelle susceptible
de les décharger tout engagement antérieur, d’annihiler les acquis engrangés depuis l’Accord
préliminaire de Ouagadougou et de contraindre à un retour à la case de départ. Tout le monde
attendait plutôt une sorte de dissidence artificielle....
maliweb 6:25:00 AM EAT
50 soldats tués par Boko Haram
Au Niger, une attaque du groupe islamiste Boko Haram samedi 25 avril aurait coûté la vie à
une cinquantaine de soldats nigériens basée sur l'île de Karamga, sur le lac Tchad. Le
ministère nigériens de la Défense ne confirme pas ce bilan et indique dans un communiqué «
des opérations en cours » pour chasser Boko Haram de l'île. Les pertes seraient considérables.
Attaqués samedi au petit matin par des combattants de Boko Haram, les 120 soldats
positionnés sur l'île de Karamga, au large des rives du lac Tchad, n'ont pas résisté à l'assaut.
Face à plusieurs centaines d'assaillants arrivés en moto....
al-wihda 9:49:00 AM EAT
Boko Haram inflige de lourdes pertes à l'armée sur le lac Tchad
Au Niger, une attaque du groupe islamiste Boko Haram samedi 25 avril aurait coûté la vie à
une cinquantaine de soldats nigériens basée sur l'île de Karamga, sur le lac Tchad. Le
ministère nigériens de la Défense ne confirme pas ce bilan et indique dans un communiqué
des opérations en cours pour chasser Boko Haram de l'île. Les pertes seraient considérables.
Attaqués samedi au petit matin par des combattants de Boko Haram, les 120 soldats
positionnés sur l'île de Karamga, au large des rives du lac Tchad, n'ont pas résisté à l'assaut.
Face à plusieurs centaines d'assaillants arrivés en moto et....
rfi-fr 7:21:00 AM EAT
Boko Haram seize Lake Chad island in Niger, "many" soldiers killed
NIAMEY, April 26 (Reuters) - Boko Haram militants have seized a strategic island in Lake
Chad from Niger's army, killing "many" soldiers in the first attack in Niger for weeks, army
sources said on Sunday. Hundreds of armed fighters from the Islamic militant group aboard
motorised canoes attacked the island of Karamga at dawn on Saturday, army and government
sources said. "There were many (Niger soldiers) dead on Saturday, considerably more than in
the first attack," said one of the army sources, referring to a battle in February for control of
the same island in which seven Niger soldiers died.
trust 26 Apr 2015
Boko Haram Attacks Army Base in Niger
Suspected Boko Haram militants attacked a Niger army base on an island in Lake Chad,
leaving many soldiers dead. Niger military sources said hundreds of armed militants riding on
motorized canoes attacked the island of Karamga early Saturday, their second attempt to
capture it since February, army and government sources told Reuters. A second army source
told Reuters a counter-attack to clear the island of militants was ongoing Sunday. The number
of casualties was not release, but unnamed officials say the military might have suffered
"heavy losses.
voanews 26 Apr 2015
Weakened Boko Haram Still Attacks
The already weakened Boko Haram militants have persisted in their attacks in Nigeria with
the latest case being the rocket attack on a Nigerian military vehicle in Baga town, Borno
State, killing two soldiers and critically injuring six other soldiers and a civilian vigilante on
Sunday, April 19, 2015, Mail Online reported, citing residents. Reports say the attack and the
mine explosion happened as the military escorted some 1,200 people from Baga on a brief
return visit to their hometown from the Borno State capital, Maiduguri. "Boko Haram fired a
rocket-propelled grenade on a military van....
allafrica 8:11:00 AM EAT
Suspected Fulani herdsmen kill 28, injure many in Benue
By Peter Duru. Comments MAKURDI — At least 28 person were feared dead on Saturday
evening while several others sustained injuries as suspected Fulani herdsmen attacked three
villages at Mbadwem district of Guma Local Government Area, the hometown of Benue State
governor-elect, Dr. Samuel Ortom. The attackers also razed several houses and farmland in
the three affected villages which include Tse Uosu, Gbudu and Branch Umenger. Vanguard
gathered from a source, who craved anonymity, that the crisis was sparked off by an alleged
killing of two Fulani herdsmen by some yet-to-be identified youths in the affected area.
vanguardngr 5:10:00 AM EAT
Boko Haram renames itself Islamic State's West Africa Province (Iswap) as militants
launch new offensive against government forces
The Isis militant group may have gained a firm foothold beyond the Middle East and North
Africa for the first time, after Nigeria’s Boko Haram adopted the name “Islamic State’s West
Africa Province” (Iswap). The Nigerian terror group’s leader Abubakar Shekau pledged
allegiance to Isis last month, but the diffuse organisation had appeared to continue to operate
under its official name Jama'atu Ahlis Sunna Lidda'awati wal-Jihad, Arabic for “People
Committed to the Propagation of the Prophet's Teachings and Jihad”. Boko Haram, a
nickname for the group meaning “Western education is forbidden”,....
independent 26 Apr 2015
Two Soldiers Killed in Jos Army Barracks Explosion
An explosion, which went off at the headquarters of the Third Armoured Division, Maxwell
Khobe Cantonment, located at Bassa Local Government Council of Plateau State on Saturday
has left two soldiers dead, while another soldier sustained serious injuries. The explosion was
heard in the cantonment around 11 am Saturday morning from a section where troops were
working to transport 'unserviceable' ammunition in the barracks for demolition when the
ammunition exploded, killing the two soldiers and injuring another. Deputy Director, Army
Public Relations Officer of the division, Col.
allafrica 26 Apr 2015
Boko Haram - EU to Support Borno Children With N325 Million
Abuja The European Union (EU) has approved a grant of N325 million for community-based
psychosocial support and protection of children and adolescents in Borno State. This was
disclosed by head of the EU delegation to Nigeria and the ECOWAS Commission, Michel
Arrion, at the signing of the financing agreement for the 11th European Development Fund
(EDF). The programme would be implemented by the United Nations Children 's Fund
(UNICEF) in collaboration with the Borno State government. Arrion said programme, which
would last for a year, would provide psychological first aid to 45,000 children....
allafrica 26 Apr 2015
Afrique de l'Ouest: Lutte contre la fraude - Le Giaba se dote du logiciel Ecolink
Le Groupe intergouvernemental d'action contre le blanchiment d'argent en Afrique de l'Ouest
(Giaba) a procédé, hier, au lancement officiel du projet Ecolink. Un logiciel qui se veut un
instrument de lutte contre le blanchiment d'argent, tout en instaurant une transparence dans la
passation des marchés. Un logiciel dénommé Ecolink a officiellement été lancé hier à Dakar
par le Groupe intergouvernemental d'action contre le blanchiment d'argent en Afrique de
l'Ouest (Giaba), institution spécialisée rattachée à la Cedeao. Ce logiciel se veut de veiller à la
rationalisation des tâches de longue....
allafrica-fr 25 Apr 2015
La famille d'Hervé Gourdel en Algérie
Selon nos confrères de , la famille d' Hervé Gourdel s'est rendue hier en Kabylie, la région
algérienne où l'alpiniste français avait été enlevé et assassiné. Cette région reste dangereuse
aujourd'hui. Sa compagne et son fils de 16 ans, accompagnés de diplomates français, sont
arrivés à Alger, avant d'aller se recueillir dans la ville de Tizi Ouzou, à proximité du lieu où
Hervé Gourdel avait été tué. L'alpiniste avait été enlevé et décapité en septembre 2014 par un
groupe djihadiste. avait été retrouvée en janvier. Le figaro Premium. Le Figaro en illimité et
un plaisir de lecture inédit dans votre nouveau rendez-vous avec l'information.
lefigaro 9:12:00 AM EAT
Une casemate contenant 44 mines de fabrication artisanale détruite à Skikda (MDN)
Alger Une casemate contenant 44 mines de fabrication artisanale, neuf tentes et des outils
pour la fabrication d'explosifs ont été découverts et détruits vendredi à Skikda par des forces
de l'Armée nationale populaire (ANP), indique samedi un communiqué du ministère de la
Défense nationale (MDN). "Dans le cadre de la lutte antiterroriste, un détachement relevant
du secteur opérationnel de Skikda (5ème région militaire) a découvert le 24 avril 2015, lors
d'une opération de ratissage au niveau du lieudit Boulehchiche près d'Aïn Laksar, une
casemate contenant (44) mines de fabrication artisanale,....
allafrica-fr 26 Apr 2015
MINUSMA chief optimistic about sealed peace deal in Mali
Algiers, Algeria (PANA) – The chief of the UN multidimensional mission for Mali
stabilization (MINUSMA), Mongi Hamdi, on Friday said he is optimistic about the success of
the Algiers inter-Malian peace process, which will be crowned by the signing, on 15 May in
Bamako, of a peace and reconciliation deal by all parties involved in the negotiations. Full
text... ©-Panapress-24 april 2015 14:13:33-thread Politics (174words) Brussels, Belgium
(PANA) – The joint annual conference of the African Union (AU) Commission and the
European Union (EU) Commission opened on Wednesday in Brussels with....
panapress-en 24 Apr 2015
Ehab Badawy. L'Islam politique n'est pas une solution
La condamnation à vingt ans de prison de l'ancien Président égyptien Mohamed Morsi signet-elle la fin des Frères musulmans ? Les décisions de justice ne se commentent pas. En ce qui
concerne les Frères musulmans, la perte de popularité auprès du peuple égyptien revient tout
d'abord à leur extraordinaire amateurisme et leurs dérives autoritaires lorsqu'ils étaient au
pouvoir, mais également au fait qu'ils aient voulu faire passer leurs intérêts avant ceux de
l'Égypte. Nous sommes choqués d'entendre que ce sont des islamistes modérés et que l'Islam
politique pourrait être une alternative.
TelegrammeDeBrest 26 Apr 2015
Le djihad de la misère extrême
Ce n'est plus une hypothèse : la Libye est en train de devenir une véritable base de lancement
à partir de laquelle des milliers de migrants , projetés à travers la Méditerranée par des
trafiquants à la solde de cerveaux djihadistes , cherchent à atteindre l'Europe. En témoigne
l'augmentation effarante des masses de désespérés, en provenance de toute l'Afrique , qui
préfèrent prendre le risque de périr en mer plutôt que de retourner dans leur pays d'origine.
Leurs points de concentration se situent le long des côtes libyennes, d'où partent
vraisemblablement une dizaine d'embarcations par....
lexpress 26 Apr 2015
No word on UN-sponsored talks between rival Libyan militaries
- There has been a continual three ring circus of peace talks and dialogue, sponsored by the
UN, among three sets of Libyan groups, the most significant being those involving Libya's
two rival governments. On the 19th of April, the UN special envoy to Libya, Bernardino Leon
, announced that the two rivals were close to reaching agreement saying at the end of talks in
Morocco: "I can tell you that we have now a draft which looks like something very close to a
final agreement, Eighty percent of the text in this draft is, let me put it this way, is something
that the parties can agree.
digitaljournal 26 Apr 2015
Le chaos libyen a accéléré la migration massive vers l’Italie
Impossible de rester de marbre face au nombre - sans cesse croissant - de migrants africains
qui finissent leurs vies dans la Mer Méditerranée. Eu égard à l’ampleur de la tragédie, la
bataille sur les chiffres quant au dernier naufrage paraît à la limite de la décence. Vu
d’Afrique, ces catastrophes à répétition renvoient brutalement à la figure à la fois le fameux
ordre mondial et la mauvaise gouvernance au niveau des Etats du Continent. Ces milliers
d’Africains qui cherchent désespérément à gagner l’Europe ne le font pas par simple
snobisme. Par esprit d’aventure non plus.
kongotimes 26 Apr 2015
Plus de 1 776 migrants noyés, 1 000 morts tueìs par Boko Haram : Quand les Africains
endeuillent l’Afrique
Massacre, barbarie, crime ! Aucun de ces vocables ne suffirait pour qualifier ces drames
commis par les Africains contre leurs freÌres...africains ? Les chiffres font froid au dos.
Depuis le 1er janvier 2015, plus de 1776 jeunes migrants ont peìri dans les eaux glaciales de
la mer Meìditerraneìe. Au même moment, la secte islamique, Boko Haram a tueì environ
1000 dans la sous-reìgion. A cela, il faut ajouter les quelques dix personnes abattues, la
semaine dernieÌre, en Afrique du Sud, dans des massacres contre les eìtrangers. Plus de 1 776
migrants noyeìs, 1 000 morts tueìs par Boko Haram, une....
camerounlink 25 Apr 2015
Six soldats tués lors de combats à Benghazi
Six soldats libyens et des dizaines d'hommes armés ont été tués au cours des deux derniers
jours lors d'affrontements à l'est de Benghazi, la deuxième plus grande ville en Libye. Les six
militaires ont été tués lors d'affrontements qui ont duré 36 heures près du camp 17-Février, à
l'est de Benghazi, indique une source militaire, notant que l'armée a utilisé l'artillerie lourde et
a procédé à des frappes aériennes contre des «zones de concentration des milices terroristes».
Elmoudjahid 26 Apr 2015
Sur sa responsabilité dans la destruction de la Libye BHL persiste et signe
Quatre ans après avoir milité pour une intervention militaire en Libye et l’élimination de
Kadhafi, Bernard-Henri Lévy, croit toujours que sa solution était la bonne, l’unique possible.
Face au constat du chaos, de la guerre civile, de la montée de l’islamisme, et du drame des
migrants, tout juste concède-t-il que la Libye n’est pas aussi belle qu’on pouvait l’escompter.
BHL ou l’art du truisme. Bernard Henri Lévy n’est jamais aussi sûr de lui que quand
l’évidence de ses errements saute aux yeux. Invité sur France-Inter le philosophe
interventionniste qui plaidait jusqu’à l’Elysée pour une....
camer 5:59:00 AM EAT
La Tunisie autorise l'accès de son espace aérien aux avions en provenance de la Libye
Tripoli, Libye (PANA) - Les autorités tunisiennes ont décidé d'ouvrir officiellement de
nouveau l'espace aérien tunisien aux vols en provenance des aéroports de Maitigua à Tripoli,
de Misrata (220 km est de Tripoli), de Labreg et de Tobrouk à l'Est de la Libye, ont annoncé
dimanche des journaux libyens, citant des sources tunisiennes. Texte complet... ©-Panapress26 avril 2015 11:24:00-Fil Economie (237mots) Brazzaville, Congo (PANA – Un cadre
permanent en vue de promouvoir l’investissement pourrait être créé entre l’Agence pour la
promotion de l’investissement (Api) et les banques installées....
panapress-fr 26 Apr 2015
Interior Minister Defends Joint Effort to Combat Drug Trafficking
Moscow The Angolan Interior Minister Ângelo Veigas Tavares, Friday in Moscow, Russia,
defended combined effort between the two countries to combat drug trafficking. Ângelo
Veigas Tavares was speaking on the sidelines of the second ministerial conference of antidrug fight, held in the Russian capital. Defending cooperation in the fight against drug
trafficking, the minister said that the exchange of information and police cooperation between
the two countries are crucial to fight against the phenomenon. The Angolan minister is
leading a delegation of senior officials from Interior Ministry....
allafrica 26 Apr 2015
Botswana faces imported terrorism financing crisis US report
Botswana faces imported terrorism financing crisis – US report by Khonani Ontebetse 26-042015. The latest US State Department report on international narcotics trafficking has has
sparked fears that Botswana may be sitting on a major terrorism risks because of insufficient
infrastructure to address money laundering and terrorism financing especially following the
relocation of DeBeers’ Diamond Trading Company from London to Gaborone In a scathing
analysis dated March 2015, the US State Department is critical of the authorities' efforts to
combat international drug trafficking, money laundering and terrorism financing.
sundaystandard 26 Apr 2015
Mozambique president ready to meet Dhlakama again
APA-Maputo (Mozambique) Mozambique's President Filipe Nyusi has said he is ready to
meet again with the leader of the main opposition Renamo party, Afonso Dhlakama, but any
such meetings should have a concrete agenda that would produce results, APA can report
Sunday. At the end of his four-day “open and inclusive presidency†in Maputo province,
Nyusi Saturday said he only liked going to meetings which he knew were likely to bring
about solutions. "Ã would like to transmit to Dhlakama the feelings and thoughts of the
Mozambican people concerning the need to preserve peace†, Nyusi....
apanews-en 26 Apr 2015
South Africa
CIO Says Boko Haram is In Zimbabwe En Route to South Africa
The Central Intelligence Organisation has communicated an intelligence report that says the
Nigerian militant group Boko Haram is in Zimbabwe en route to South Africa.
can reveal that police officers in Matebeleland have been put on standby following a tip-off
from South the African intelligence service that the group is entering that country through
Zimbabwe where it is feared they would carry out revenge attacks for the ill-treatment of
several Nigerian nationals in the on going xenophobic attacks which have killed seven people
and displaced thousands from their homes.
zimeye 26 Apr 2015
Retired generals: Be afraid of ISIS
Be afraid -- be very afraid. This is the warning the world deserves to hear. Because the leader
of the free world refuses to look with clear eyes at the chief security challenges of the 21st
century: the fruits of radical Islam. The results of the Obama White House's innovative efforts
to make the world a better place can be accounted for in the ever-growing numbers of victims
of radical Islam in the Middle East, North Africa and South Asia. Not to mention here in the
United States, Canada and Europe. Is it not a tragic irony that the Arab Spring-era policies of
a Nobel Peace Prize recipient....
cnn 5:28:00 AM EAT
Car Bombs, Suicide Attack Kill At Least 22 In Iraq
Police and hospital sources say at least 22 people were killed in explosions across Iraq on
April 26, including a suicide car bomb attack on a military post in western Anbar Province.
The sources said the deadliest attack came when a car packed with explosives was detonated
at an army checkpoint near the town of Al-Nukhaib, killing at least seven soldiers. Another
six people were killed and 17 others wounded when a car bomb went off near Khilani Square
in central Baghdad. Six more people were killed in bomb attacks in Baghdad's predominantly
Shi'ite districts of Amil, Hussainiya, and Bayaa.
rferl 26 Apr 2015
Air raids on Syrian market kill 40 civilians: Monitor
Syrian government air strikes on a marketplace Sunday killed at least 40 civilians, including
women and children, in a rebel-held town near the border with Turkey, a monitoring group
said. The strikes on Darkush came a day after rebels seized Jisr al-Shughur, another town
some 20 kilometres (12 miles) to the south and in the same province of Idlib. "At least 40
civilians were killed in regime air strikes on a market in the town of Darkush. Among the
dead were nine women and eight children," said Rami Abdel Rahman of the Syrian
Observatory for Human Rights.
ahram-EN 26 Apr 2015
Syrian military bombs disputed town
Syrian military aircraft have bombed the north-western town of Jisr al-Shughour today, a day
after insurgents seized control of it as part of a broader offensive that has left government
forces in the area reeling. The opposition campaign, spearheaded by the al-Qaida-affiliated
Nusra Front and Islamic rebel factions, has captured the two largest urban centres in Idlib
province in the space of a month. President Bashar Assad's troops have been unable to take
back any of the ground lost, despite attempts to mount a counter-offensive. The Local Coordination Committees activist collective and....
sligochampion 26 Apr 2015
Islamist rebels say capture army base in northwestern Syrian province
AMMAN - A coalition of Islamist rebels said they seized a Syrian army base in northwestern
Idlib province at dawn on Monday after a suicide bomber from al-Qaida's Nusra Front drove a
truck packed with explosives inside and set it off. Syrian state media said the army had
inflicted heavy casualties on rebels in the area and launched air strikes, but did not say the
base had fallen. The capture of Qarmeed camp, if confirmed, would be the latest in a series of
setbacks for the army in the region. It would allow the rebels to tighten their siege on the
major Mastouma army base nearby which has seen heavy fighting in recent weeks.
jpost 10:24:00 AM EAT
After Yemen attack, Saudi may struggle with peacemaker role
DUBAI, 2 days ago Saudi Arabia has bombed Yemen for four weeks but may be little closer
to imposing influence in its war-torn neighbour. As the kingdom winds down the campaign it
led against Yemen's Houthis, a militia allied to its regional rival Iran, Riyadh faces a test of its
diplomatic skills in trying to arrange talks among Yemen's fractious elites. The bombs have
helped prevent the Houthis from fully seizing Aden, Yemen's main port, but have yet to
reverse their decisive military gains over recent months, when they took the capital, joined
forces with army troops loyal to former leader....
tradearabia 26 Apr 2015
«Nous manquons de moyens»
Les enjeux de cette opération sont très importants dans le court, le moyen et le long terme.
L'enjeu de court terme, c'est évidemment de protéger la France et les Français du terrorisme
puisque l'on sait que la bande sahélo-saharienne est aujourd'hui parcourue par de nombreux
groupes jihadistes dont notre pays est l'une des cibles privilégiées. C'est d'ailleurs pour cela
que l'opération Serval avait été montée en janvier 2013. L'objectif à moyen et à long terme,
ensuite, c'est l'Afrique. Car l'Afrique sera notre avenir ou notre cauchemar. Elle sera notre
avenir si elle arrive à se pacifier et à consolider son développement.
ladepeche 9:28:00 AM EAT
Afrique : la France en première ligne
La guerre contre Daech en Irak et en Syrie a détourné l'attention du nord Mali. La stabilité y
reste pourtant fragile ainsi qu'en témoignent les différentes attaques et attentats de ces
dernières semaines (lire ci-contre), la situation demeurant tendue dans la vaste bande sahélosaharienne où l'opération Barkhane a pris le relais de Serval , le 1er août dernier. Barkhane :
le nom d'une dune allongée en forme de croissant… laquelle s'étend donc aujourd'hui de la
Mauritanie au Tchad via le Mali, le Niger et le Burkina-Faso sur l'équivalent de l'Union
Européenne, en termes de surface.
ladepeche 9:28:00 AM EAT
Three detained in Paris plot probe
The three are suspected of possible links to Sid Ahmed Ghlam, the chief suspect in the
thwarted attack. The investigation has revived security concerns in France, tense after deadly
attacks on a kosher market and newspaper offices in January. Authorities said Ghlam, an
Algerian computer science student, planned an attack on a church in Villejuif, south of Paris,
and is suspected in the killing of a woman nearby. He was arrested last week after apparently
shooting himself by accident. He was handed preliminary charges, including one for killing in
relation to a terrorist enterprise - which means investigators believe he had accomplices.
kerryman 26 Apr 2015
Attentat évité de Villejuif: trois personnes en garde à vue
Saint-Ouen (AFP) Trois personnes interpellés ce weekend étaient dimanche en garde à vue
dans l'enquête sur l'attentat évité contre au moins une église de Villejuif, pour d'éventuelles
complicités avec Sid Ahmed Ghlam. Un homme de 27 ans a été interpellé dimanche matin à
son domicile dans un petit immeuble rose délabré d'un quartier populaire de Saint-Ouen
(Seine-Saint-Denis), situé à quelques centaines de mètres du périphérique parisien et des
puces de Clignancourt, selon une source policière. Les enquêteurs cherchent notamment à
déterminer le degré d'implication éventuelle cet homme, dont....
corsematin 26 Apr 2015
Les acteurs de la lutte antiterroristes se réunissent à Paris
Ces rencontres internationales rassembleront des participants venant d'Europe, du ProcheOrient, d'Afrique et d'Amérique ainsi que des représentants d'organismes internationaux en
charge de la lutte antiterroriste comme Eurojust, Europol ou Interpol. Parmi les participants
figurent le Belge Gilles de Kerchove, coordinnateur de la lutte contre le terrorisme de l'Union
européenne, Michèle Coninsx, présidente d'Eurojust, Bruce Swartz, haut responsable du
ministère de la justice américain, Javier Zaragoza Aguado, procureur général espagnol,
Franco Roberti, procureur national italien et Boubacar Samake, procureur de Bamako (Mali).
levif 26 Apr 2015
Radical London al-Qaeda cleric free to roam Britain
Hani al-Sibai, an al-Qaeda cleric suspected of radicalising "Jihadi John" is free to stroll
through Britain's cities. Security services are understood to be investigating links between
Hani al-Sibai and the west London terror network in which Jihadi John - unmasked as
Mohammed Emwazi - operated. It is claimed that al-Sibai had "captivated" a number of
young Muslim men who subsequently went abroad to fight jihad. In a court case last year, he
was accused of having "provided material support to al-Qaeda and conspired to commit
terrorist acts", an allegation he denies.
nzherald 26 Apr 2015
Australian ISIS doctor Tareq Kamleh was a 'two-faced sexual predator'
'A creep, a fraud and a sleazeball': Australian ISIS doctor was a 'two-faced sexual predator'
who slept with a drug-using prostitute patient after spying on her medical records Australian
doctor who joined ISIS a 'sexual predator', past colleagues say; Colleagues say Tareq Kamleh
was 'two-faced' and boasted about sex; The doctor starred in a recent ISIS propaganda video
launching the ISHS; Kamleh said he slept with a sex worker after checking her medical
records; Tareq Kamleh refers to himself as Abu Yusuf al-Australi in the film He calls on
foreigners with training to join the ISIS health....
dailymail 10:31:00 AM EAT
“Disclaimer: Any views or articles presented in this email are solely those of the media source and do not
represent those of the African Union”.