Easter VI - May Devotion

The Very Revd Lee Kenyon VF (Parish Priest)................................................................403.764.6827
A Roman Catholic Parish of the Personal Ordinariate of the Chair of Saint Peter
The Revd Jonathan Gibson (Assistant Priest)...................................................................403.804.2824
– under the Patronage of Our Lady of Walsingham –
The Revd Adrian Martens (Parish Deacon) ......................................................................403.922.2044
Kathryn Blair (Chairman of the Finance Council; ex-officio Member of the Parish Council)....403.370.9458
1423 8th Avenue S.E., Calgary, Alberta, T2G 0N1 · Telephone : 403.265.5072
E-mail : stjohn@calgaryordinariate.com · Website : www.calgaryordinariate.com
Parish Office : Tuesday – Friday 8 a.m. – 2 p.m.
Alane Boudreau (Director of Music)......................................................................................403.286.5180
Norman Davis (Member of the Parish Council).....................................................................403.686.7322
Dr Agnes de Dreuzy (Member of the Parish Council)...........................................................403.681.9490
Guy Evans (Member of the Parish Council).............................................................................403.252.4822
Peggy Gibson (Children’s Liturgy)........................................................................................403.804.2824
Richard Harding (Member of the Finance Council)................................................................403.277.0423
Bob Harrod (Treasurer and Member of the Finance Council)..................................................403.720.3691
Mike Heimbecker (Member of the Parish Council)..............................................................403.244.0060
Lauren Kyfiuk (Member of the Parish Council) .....................................................................403.200.0777
Tyler Langdon (Member of the Parish Council).....................................................................403.615.1755
Eric Milner (Envelope Secretary).............................................................................................403.663.8612
Jacquie O’Neil (Administrator, St John the Evangelist Choir School)....................................403.289.0019
The divine calling is a mystery which brings obligations to service and the grace to fulfil them. To
turn to God is to be born again.
HAPPY EASTER AND WELCOME to St John’s today! We’re happy to have you worship
with us. The full Order of Mass can be found in the Mass booklet, which you may take home
with you. The hymns are found in the blue hymnals. Please return your hymnals to the
Sidesmen at the end of Mass.
CHILDREN’S LITURGY. For children 4 and up a Children’s Liturgy of the Word (a
programme of teaching and catechesis) is available in the St Gregory Room below church.
Children leave after the Vidi Aquam and return at the Offertory for the Liturgy of the Eucharist.
A NURSERY ROOM for our youngest worshippers (ages 0-3) is available downstairs. Children
are welcome to remain throughout Mass, but if you, or your child, would be more comfortable,
please use the door by the pulpit to take your child downstairs at any point.
Carol Poon (Lector Co-ordinator)............................................................................................403.289.2549
REFRESHMENTS & FELLOWSHIP. Following the Parish Mass we gather in the Cross
Hall, adjacent to church, for refreshments and fellowship. Tea, coffee, juice, and a selection of
goodies are available. If you are new, please make yourself known to the Clergy and
Gary Prette (Member of the Parish Council)............................................................................403.620.2433
ATTENDANCE: Easter V 144 (Mattins 1, Parish Mass 133, Evensong 2, Low Mass 8)
John Serafini (Member of the Parish Council).........................................................................587.439.5040
CONFESSIONS are heard on Sundays from 9-9.30 a.m., and after all Masses, by request.
Bruce Travis (Secretary and Member of the Finance Council)..................................................403.968.0073
MATTINS & EVENSONG are recited on Sundays at 8.30 a.m. and 4 p.m.
Susan Travis (Secretary to the Parish Council) .......................................................................403.273.3792
THE COLLECTION last Sunday was $20,473.85 ($3,526.85 General Operating Fund,
$16,717.00 Building Fund, $50.00 Works of Mercy Fund, $180.00 Organist Thank You). Copies of the
February & March Financials are available at the back of church.
Ron O’Neil (Member of the Finance Council).........................................................................403.289.0019
Cristina Villemaire (Parish Administrator and Member of the Parish Council).....................403.265.5072
PARISH LUNCH TODAY. Please join us for a special pizza lunch after the Parish Mass today, and
meet our guest, Fr Bradley. A free-will offering will defray the cost of the lunch.
THE HOLY ROSARY will be said at 1.30 p.m. in church today, to conclude our May Devotion.
In thanksgiving: For the safe delivery of Jerome Robert Reid.
ASCENSION DAY is this Thursday 14th May. Solemn High Mass at 7 p.m. The Celebrant will be
Fr James Bradley, a priest of the English & Welsh Ordinariate. The music of the Mass will be sung by
the Schola of the Sacred Heart, the children of our Choir School. The setting will be Gabriel Faure’s
Messe Basse. Please note that this day is a Holy Day of Obligation – all Ordinariate members are,
unless impeded, obliged to be present at Mass today.
Those expecting children: Fr Lee & Elizabeth Kenyon, Chris & Melina O’Neill, Mike & Sue
GARDEN CLEAN-UP. Next Saturday 16th May we are going to tend to the church gardens and
prepare them for the summer. If you can help out please plan to come to St John’s for 10 am. We will
break for Low Mass at 11.30 a.m. and then have lunch after Mass. We will then continue with the clean
up and be done by around 2 p.m. If you cannot come for the whole time but can offer an hour or two
that would also be appreciated. There will be a sign up sheet at the Parish Lunch this Sunday. You can
also sign up by e-mailing Cristina.
ST JOHN’S CHOIR SCHOOL 2015-2016 REGISTRATION. Our parish’s growing school, St John’s
Choir School, is now accepting registration for the 2015-2016 school year. See the parish website for
contact and registration information or talk to Jacquie O’Neil after the Parish Mass on Sundays. Grades
3-8 Programme: This wonderful two day/week programme is designed for homeschool children in
grades 3-8. It features a well-directed choir programme as well as foundational grammar and composition,
literature-based history, catechism, Spanish/Latin, art, and sport. The classes are limited in size and some
grades are now almost full. High School: Beginning this fall, SJCS is offering a four day/week complete
programme of courses in grade 9 and grade 10. This classical programme will feature courses which
achieve AL outcomes while offering extra formation in formal logic, Euclidean geometry, and a
humanities programme emphasizing history and Great Books. It also includes, of course, the excellent
Choir programme!
WESTERN CANADIAN STEWARDSHIP CONFERENCE will be held in Calgary from 12th–
14th June at the Telus Convention Centre (120 9th Avenue SE). The theme of the conference is:
Stewards – Radiating the Joy of the Gospel. Registration is $235. To register visit www.wccsc.ca or call
Samantha Jones at 403.218.5531.
The sick and those in need: Tim Smith, Linda Rose, Elspeth Thomson, Louis Boudreau, Jody & Bruce
Ireland, Cathy Dubé, Mary, John, Neil Bentley, Erik Nissen, Judy Rodgers, James Guy, Greg, Dylan
Hardy, Tamara Madej, Gwyneth Harding, John, Jan, Anastasia, Anne Langdon, Shirley, Harry Hilterman,
Lihsuan Law, Louise Sheffield, Jim Tilley (priest), Jewell Avery, Heather Lam, Sebastian, Christine, Phil
Dahdona, Ava Hadfield, Trent Seymour, and Norbert Reichl.
The departed: Romy, Veralyn Smith, Kingston Ireland, Helen Wong, Barbara Gibson, Blanche Barnes,
and Jack Kenney.
Mon 11
Easter Feria
7.00 p.m.
Low Mass (for Victoria Fach)
St Pancras
11.30 a.m.
Low Mass (for Carmen Allen)
Wed 13
Our Lady of Fatima
10.30 a.m.
Low Mass (for Rose Allen)
7.00 p.m.
SOLEMN HIGH MASS (for our hope of heaven)
Easter Feria
9.30 a.m.
11.30 a.m.
Low Mass of Requiem (for Veralyn Smith)
Low Mass (for Yvonne Gusdal)
Easter Feria
11.30 a.m.
Low Mass (for greater devotion to Our Lady)
SUNDAY after the
8.30 a.m.
9.00 a.m.
10.00 a.m.
4.00 p.m.
5.00 p.m.
Confessions (to 9.30 a.m.)
THE PARISH MASS (pro populo)
Low Mass
CONFIRMATIONS 2015. These will take place later this year, on the Solemnity of Christ the
King, Sunday 22nd November. We will welcome The Revd Msgr Peter Wilkinson, a former Anglican
bishop, who will act as the Ordinary’s delegate in celebrating the High Mass and conferring the
Sacrament of Confirmation. He will also give First Holy Communion to those who have reached the age
of reason and discretion.
ENGLAND PILGRIMAGE 2015. Please pray for our pilgrims, Fr Kenyon & Dominic Kenyon, Bruce
& Susan Travis, Rory & Marissa Burlet, Peter & Gail Bochenek, Jim & Dr Chris Grabenstetter, Jocelyn
& Julia Langdon, Glenda Ball, Linda Rose, Jackie Sharpe, Pam Pritchard, David Pritchard, Noella Birch
(wife of Fr Michael Birch, Anglican rector at St Johns 1974-1984), Jennifer Lowndes (a former
parishioner who returned, last year, to live in her native England), and Margery Kenyon. They depart next
Sunday 17th May, and return to Calgary on Thursday 4th June. If you have special requests for prayer at
the Shrine of Our Lady of Walsingham, please let Fr Kenyon know.
O LORD AND HEAVENLY FATHER, strengthen us, we beseech thee, in love to one
another, and increase in us the love of thyself. Deliver us from self-seeking in the work that we
undertake for thee; and grant us grace faithfully to serve thee with one heart, mind and soul in
the fellowship of thy Church on earth, that rock upon which we build, that hereafter we may be
united in the communion of Blessed Mary, Our Lady of Walsingham, and of all thy saints;
through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.