Dubai, Singapore & India CORPORATE & MARITIME CONSULTING BUSINESS AVENUE BUILDING OFFICE # 713 PORT SAEED ROAD, P. O BOX # 90992, DUBAI, U. A. E PHONE . +971 42956664 FAX : +971 4256099 9 BATTERY ROAD #25-01 STRAITS TRADING BUILDING SINGAPORE 049910 REPUBLIC OF SINGAPORE Callidus Corporate & Maritime Consulting (CCMC) and Rajah & Tann Asia have the distinct pleasure in inviting you to a very special series of discussions on: “Litigation and Arbitration in Shipping and the Scope of Ship Arrests in the U.A.E” The conference is intended to take you through the scope and procedural aspects of litigation in the UAE, focusing on the disputes that predominantly arise in the shipping industry. Furthermore, it will also cover the scope of arbitration and its limitations in the U.A.E. The Conference will be a great forum for the various sections of the shipping and transport industry to gain insight into the shipping industry, network and further build business relations. An Evening of Networking and Navigating Through Maritime Law May 27th 2015 at The Address Downtown Dubai Mr. JOY THATTIL ITTOOP “The Scope of Litigation & Ship Arrest Procedures in the UAE” Mr. Joy Thattil is the Managing Partner of Callidus and has a successful shipping practice in India as well as Dubai and Singapore. His offices have full-fledged teams handling Shipping matters such as claims under the bill of lading, charterparties, salvage etc, however, their primary area of expertise lies in ship arrests, headed by Adv. Joy himself. He simultaneously runs a consultancy service catering to the ever growing and multifaceted shipping requirements of companies based in various jurisdictions. His career has endowed him the opportunity to travel and imbibe in depth knowledge of the Shipping Industry, thereby enabling him to expand his expertise by interacting constantly with Ship Owners, P&I Clubs, Major Shipping Companies and Lines, Charterers, Agents, Shipping Guilds, Ministerial Officials etc from all walks of the industry. Mr. BALA V. “Pre-Award Reliefs in Arbitration” Mr. V. Bala's areas of practice encompasses commercial litigation and arbitration, international trade, shipping, commodities trading, charterparty, cargo damage and loss, marine insurance and engineering disputes. As a trained marine engineer with sailing experience, he is adept in dealing with engineering disputes and matters of a technical nature. Furthermore, he specialises in collision related work, oil carriage contamination and quality disputes, engineering disputes, marine insurance matters, bill of lading and charterparty disputes and international trade matters. He is an esteemed member of the Law Society of Singapore and the Singapore Academy of Law. Programme 6:30pm – 7:00pm REGISTRATION & HIGH TEA 7:00pm – 7:45pm SESSION 1 by Mr. Joy Thattil Ittoop 7:45pm – 8:30pm SESSION 2 by Mr. Bala V. 8:30pm – 8:45pm Q & A and CONCLUDING REMARK 8:45pm VOTE OF THANKS FOLLOWED BY DINNER Due to limited seating on account of Zero Registration fee, please RSVP names and contact details by email or phone, to reserve a place in the Conference. For further details please contact “Callidus” via one of the following means: Ms. Gea Monica M. Cilindro Admin & Accounts Callidus Corporate and Maritime Consulting (CCMC) Dubai Business Avenue Building, Office #713, Port Saeed Road, P.O.Box #90992, U.A.E Phone: +971 429 56664 Fax: +971 425 6099 Email:
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