CalSWEC Newsletter CSULA School of Social Work Mission Statement The MSW Program at California State University, Los Angeles educates students to assume leadership roles in professional practice. Our advanced urban generalist graduates analyze, intervene, evaluate and advocate with diverse, underserved, and oppressed clients and communities. Message from the CalSWEC Project Coordinator Dear CalSWEC Students, Issue 6, Spring 2015 In this issue Message from the CalSWEC Project Coordinator 1 Message from the Director of the School of Social Work 2 Students Highlights: Phillip Lu Heidi Martinez Stephanie Rush 2 This academic year has been full of exciting 3 innovations for the CalSWEC program. 4 During the 2013-14 academic year, we launched the Title IV-E Field Model which 5 CalSWEC Student Day Photo consists of 4 components: Mutual Partner5 CalSWEC Field Faculty & Staff ship Activities; Field Instructor Recruitment and Support; Placement Selection and Process; Field Curriculum. In our second year (2014-15) of the new CalSWEC model, we continued with a revised curriculum for monthly specialized seminars, as well as partnership activities with the Los Angeles County Department of Children and Family Services and other Los Angeles area schools. As part of a 3 year plan, we will gradually introduce aspects of the program, while working to refine the curriculum. In addition to moving forward with the field model, we have had educational and stimulating special events this year. On Saturday, February 28, 2015, Philip Browning, Director of Los Angeles County Department of Children and Family Services, came to the CSULA campus. His presentation to a joint seminar of 3 year program MSW students was very enlightening and down to earth. This special presentation was made possible through the efforts of our CalSWEC student, Stephanie Rush-Dawkins. Another event is our annual CalSWEC statewide Title IV-E Student Day, an all-day conference that is planned and coordinated by the Student Day Planning Team, composed of Title IV-E MSW student representatives from the graduate schools of social work throughout California. The conference features speakers, workshops, and networking opportunities for attendees. This year, Student Day was held on April 3rd. Our CSULA CalSWEC representatives for this year’s event were Stephanie Rush-Dawkins and Kelly Burgos. I want to acknowledge Stephanie for her participation for the past 2 years as a student representative for Student Day. For this year’s event, Stephanie was elected to be one of the members of the executive planning team. Stephanie has been a leader throughout her time as an MSW student in the 3 year program. Kelly Burgos, another CalSWEC student leader, is a 1st year student in our 2 year program who volunteered to be on the planning committee. Last year, Phillip Lu, current President of the MSWSO (Master of Social Work Student Organization), was a Student Day committee representative. Many thanks to these outstanding CalSWEC students. We are thrilled to acknowledge our graduating students from the 3 year program: Evelyn Aguirre, Olga Flores, Davina Hill, Guadalupe Neri-Trolia, Cynthia Novoa, Stephanie Rush-Dawkins, Anna Safarian and Vanessa Soto. Graduating from our 2 year program are: Jasmine Corona, Phillip Lu, Elizabeth Pascual and Ericka Salazar. Congratulations on a job well done! We are all very proud of you. 1 Message from the Director, School of Social Work Dr. Siyon Rhee, Interim Director of the School of Social Work The CSULA School of Social Work aims to educate students to assume leadership roles in professional practice. Our advanced urban generalist graduates are equipped to intervene and advocate with diverse, underserved and oppressed clients and communities. The CalSWEC Program at CSULA is instrumental in fulfilling our mission under the leadership of Carol Mroz, the CalSWEC Coordinator , together with our dedicated CalSWEC Field Faculty, Bridgette Mitchell, Carla Bykowski, Rosa Leslie and Rosa Medina-Carrillo; Administrative Analyst, Elizabeth Medina; and Administrative Assistant, Stephanie Glenn. We are excited to be able to recruit a group of highly committed compassionate MSW students who will make a significant difference in the field of child welfare. Director of Field Education, Hermila Melero, LCSW Hemila Melero, Director of Field Education, sends her greetings to all CalSWEC students and wishes the upcoming graduates all the best in their future plans. Student Highlight: Phillip Lu, MSW Class of 2015 Phillip Lu is currently in his last year of the MSW program at CSULA. Prior to his enrollment to the program, he has worked at the LA LGBT Center where he provided direct services to LGBT homeless youth, ages 12-24 in Los Angeles. It is here where he grew a passion for working with the transgender community. He immediately recognized that transgender youth are disproportionately represented amongst the homeless youth population. For his last year of internship, Phillip is placed at DCFS in the Pasadena office. Through his interactions with social workers at DCFS, he realized that there is a need for education that focused on transgender related issues. As part of his macro project, he will conduct a workshop with a fellow CSULA MSW student, Gabriel Marmolejo. Topics covered in the workshop will work on building sensitivity and cultural humility towards gender identity and expression, development in transgender lifespan, and transgender related policies regarding services and housing. The workshop is to be expected in late March. Since his enrollment, Phillip has also taken leadership with his cohort as the President of the Master in Social Work Student Organization (MSWSO). 2 Working at DCFS for over ten years, I have come to understand the importance of hard work and dedication. There have been many days in the past that I have wondered what it would be like to work for the contracted agencies that DCFS works with and questioned whether working for these agencies would be less strenuous. In the last year, working at a foster care agency, I have come to realize that the grass is not greener as I had once assumed. Working in the foster care agency has allowed me to see, first hand, the hard work that occurs behind the scenes when placing a child in a foster family agency home. Student Highlight: Heidi Martinez, MSW Class of 2016 "Working in the foster care agency has allowed me to see, first hand, the hard work that occurs behind the scenes when placing a child in a Foster Family Agency home." Working for the agency has allowed me to understand that working as a foster care social worker takes a number of different skills, given that a foster care social worker also has different roles. While foster care social workers are generally assigned approximately 15 cases a months, they are responsible for a multitude of tasks on a daily basis. As a foster care social worker intern I have had to adjust my current methods of service delivery to adhere to the needs of the population I am assigned to work with. While the ultimate goals for the population served are similar, it is important that a foster care social worker be in tune with the day to day activities and needs of not only the children but the foster parents who are assigned to care for these children. A foster care social worker has to advocate for not only the child but for the foster parents and at times on behalf of the parents as well. This takes a high level of finesse and understanding for each of the individuals in any particular case. Additionally, it is imperative that the team members assigned to work in any particular case be synchronized and committed to similar goals and objectives. Coordination of services, therefore, can only be executed accordingly if the particular team has a similar understanding and esteem for the goals at hand. I have come to understand as a DCFS social worker, communication is key to teaming and working together. What I have learned in the last few months, sadly, is that the ideal teaming approach rarely occurs. I have found it difficult to communicate effectively with county social workers and I have noted a particular trend stemming from the offices that I consequently know are highly impacted by a high volume of cases. In general, foster care social workers are provided very limited information on the child’s history and are rarely provided updates unless the information is specifically solicited by the foster care social worker. This pattern of communication becomes challenging and results in disruptions in meeting the needs of children in foster care. Looking forward, I would like to be an advocate for foster care agencies when I return to DCFS. I often encourage the staff that I work with to maintain open line of communication with foster care social workers. I suspect that if foster care social workers and DCFS social workers attend similar trainings and are given an opportunity to meet and communicate under more positive circumstances; this will contribute to the relationship building between the two agencies. Attending trainings together will not only enhance the quality of communication of the two agencies, but will also equally train staff from both agencies on topics that are of interest to both and how to address the specific topics. Attending training together will also contribute to the harmonization of service delivery in the best interest of the children that are served by both DCFS social workers and foster care social workers 3 Philip Browning, Carla Bykowski, Dr. Siyon Rhee, Dean Beatrice Yorker, Carol Mroz, Paris Silva 2nd Year Joint Seminar Students, Class of 2015 Student Spolight: Stephanie Rush, MSW Class of 2015 I began my career with DCFS in 1997. I have had the opportunity of working under 5 Directors with each having made a positive impact. However, since 2011, Philip Browning has maintained an open communication policy with all of his employees. He provides the employees with a weekly message from the Director, keeping the staff informed of what is going on with the department, words of encouragement, community events, self care and acknowledgements. Mr. Browning is also interested in what the staff have to say and encourages an open dialogue. Also, on any given day you may run into him at your office water cooler. This is what happened to me. Mr. Browning was walking past my desk and I decided to start a conversation with him. I told him I am graduate student at Cal State LA, in the MSW program and that a requirement of the program is that students attend a Field Seminar, a forum where students process what is going on at their internships. This is also a learning environment where students have the opportunity to hear leaders in the field. Therefore, it would be an honor if you would consider being a guest speaker. His response was so warm and gracious, he replied, “Send me an e-mail”. Well, I did just that. 4 CalSWEC Statewide Title IV-E Student Day April 3, 2015 Advocacy and Empowerment in Action: Social Justice in the 21st Century CalSWEC Student Attendees (Left to Right): Edison Park, Arlene Jose, Stephanie Rush, Kelly Burgos, Feliza Estrada, Annabelle Capristo, Elizabeth Pascual, Phillip Lu, Nancy Herrera and Jasmine Corona (not in picture-taking the photo) Our CalSWEC Field Faculty & Staff: Carla Bykowski, MSW CalSWEC Field Faculty Stephanie Glenn CalSWEC Administrative Assistant Rosa Leslie, MSW CalSWEC Field Faculty Elizabeth Medina, BS CalSWEC Administrative Analyst Rosa Medina-Carrillo, MSW CalSWEC Field Faculty Bridgette Mitchell, LCSW CalSWEC Field Faculty Carol Mroz, MSW CalSWEC Title IV-E Project Coordinator 2014-15 CalSWEC Newsletter Staff: Carla Bykowski & Elizabeth Medina 5
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