The Chronicle - Calvary United Methodist Church

April 2015
The Celebration
of resurrection!
6:15 am
Sonrise Celebration
of Resurrection
World War II
Rt. 450
at Navy Bridge
8:45 / 11:15 am
10 am
A moment with Mernie...
Psalm 91:4
“He will cover you with His pinions, and under His wings you will find
refuge; His faithfulness is a shield and buckler.” (NRSV)
Worship has a life-giving function. When we gather as a people of God, we are
drawn close to the Lord our God and to each other. We are invited to respond in devotion
with total abandon. Worship is to be a safe and sacred place where we can let go, confess
our limitations, and know we are held in the shelter of the Most High. It is a place to be
received warmly and experience mutual support. Worship is a place to be blessed.
There is another aspect of worship about which we sometimes don’t think. We are
drawn to worship not only to receive but also to give. The Holy Spirit leads us to share our
gifts and talents in a multitude of ways, from participating in prayer to leading the service.
The joy of worship is most fully expressed when Jesus unites us and then sends us to share
what we have experienced. This is symbolized in some churches by an acolyte taking the
light of Christ out into the world at the end of the service. It is actualized in all churches by
the believers going forth to love and serve in the name of Jesus.
Easter, and the ensuing 50 days that comprise the Easter season, are a celebration
of the resurrection power we evidence both inside and outside of worship. The beauty of
the psalmist’s words describe how we are held with loving care in the midst of this awesome power of the Lord Almighty. We are drawn close and shielded by God’s own
“feathers”--own “pinions”--in order to protect us from snares and deliver us to life eternal.
My prayer for your this Easter season is that during worship you encounter the risen
Christ in a way that further reveals the Holy One.
Peace and joy,
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On February 15, 2015 we celebrated the
Sacrament of Baptism for:
Michael John Adams, III, who is the son of
Michael and Jessica Adams
On March 8, 2015 we celebrated the
Sacrament of Baptism for:
Gail Smith
66 Franklin Street, #413
Annapolis, MD 21401
Caleb Michael Ballard, who is the son of
Matthew and Leah Ballard
Parker Louise Cregan, who is the daughter of
Alexander and Emily Cregan
Libby Mae Gateau
Born February 19, 2015 to
Katie & Tommy Gateau.
Wyatt Andrew Wright
Born February 23, 2015
to Megan & Andy Wright.
The pastors of Calvary Church and the Riffle
family invite you to a service of baptism for
Midshipman 1C Lauren Riffle and
confirmand Ryan Riffle.
Sunday, April 26, 2015; 1:30 pm, All
Faiths Chapel in Mitscher Hall, United
States Naval Academy. All are welcome to this special service of immersion
baptism as the congregation gathers with
them. Entrance to drive onto the USNA grounds
requires a DOD ID Card (active or retired). Others may walk in through Gate 1 with a photo ID
card. Calvary Church will provide bus transport
to Gate 1, leaving the church at 1 pm.
Page 3
Remembering Jesus’ last supper with His disciples in the Upper Room.
12 Noon – Service of Holy Communion
6 pm – A fellowship meal, followed by worship including Holy Communion
(Menu: Lasagna, salad, bread, dessert) Cost: donation
The day of crucifixion, death, and burial—
a holy time of reflection and prayer, light and dark
9 am – 7 pm – A Good Friday Labyrinth Walk
(come and go as you desire)
7:30 pm – a tenebrae choral presentation by the adult choirs
with progressive darkness
Dear Calvary friends,
Dear Chip and people of Calvary,
I want to say thank you to Mernie, Kenan,
and my many other friends for your visits,
cards, phone calls, kindness, and prayers
during my stay and upon my return from
the hospital. The prayer shawl is lovely
and gets lots of use.
Thank you so much for all the
support and compassion
through very difficult and distressing times.
This experience made me appreciate even
more what it means to be part of our Calvary family.
Kenan Habetler
Blessings to all,
Barbara Muller
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Thank you to Calvary for the
generous donation to the Lighthouse Food Pantry in the
amount of $1,130!
Colette Stevenson
Lighthouse Liaison for
Calvary UMC
April 5—Easter Service, Children’s Choir Presents @ 8:45 am & 11:15 am
10 am only Sunday School - Walk With Jesus & Easter Egg Hunt
No Disciple Ship!
April 12—Angel Choir Presents @ 8:45 am
April 18—Children’s Ministry Spring Program Rehearsal (10 am-Noon)
April 19—Children’s Ministry Spring Program (All Services)
No Disciple Ship!
Disciple Ship! Dates—April 12 & 26
At Winter Relief this year, Disciple Ship
children presented the gospel through a
deck of cards. Many of the guests enjoy
card playing so it seemed to be a joy to
many of them to see the children share in
this way. The children gave gift bags
which had the gospel written down with a
deck of cards in it so guests could reflect
on it and perhaps even share it. They also
put in a puzzle book, pencil, and a chocolate treat. The children also sang and
signed songs for the guests. The last song
was the “Hokey Pokey” where guests
were invited to join in. They enjoyed the
energetic rendition and our explanation
that God wants the whole body in! It was
a fun-filled evening for us and the children are always so excited to share God’s
love. We are already planning what we
will do for our next Winter Relief guests.
July 13-17
It is time to begin getting your gear together to join the expedition to the summit. Sign-up today through our website
( and click on the Vacation Bible School link to join in the Bible
experiences, cool Bible songs, teambuilding games, tasty treats, and science
fun gizmos to learn from. We’ll need expedition leaders for our crews as well.
Meet ya at base camp!
Page 5
Organs in Worship:
The pipe organ is often called the "King of Instruments"
due to the multitude of sounds it can make, similar to a
full orchestra but played by one person. Calvary UMC is
proud of its fine 1970s era Moeller pipe organ. Like all
organs of good size, it produces many timbres and a
variety of loud and soft sounds, creating different
moods that are called for throughout the liturgical year
and even in a given service. A fairly full sound is used
for congregational singing since it leads the collective
voices. It also accompanies the choir and soloists, often
using a more moderate volume level but still with expressive timbres. Pieces designed for the organ alone,
referred to as "voluntaries," are usually used as prelude
and postlude music. These voluntaries may lend themselves to showing a wider range of sounds, according to
what is required by the individual pieces and composers. One might hear soft, meditative music using flutes,
festive up-tempo music using reeds, or grand and majestic music using principles and mixtures. As we leave
church, we frequently hear such grand or festive music
as a postlude, as we are to be energized and go to be
Christ in the world. What is the proper mood for preludes? This tends to be a frequent topic of conversation
at Calvary Church, particularly since in our bulletins we
say the prelude is meant to be a time for quiet meditation as we prepare our hearts for worship and encountering God. This direction is meant primarily for the
congregation, so that it doesn't become merely a time
to talk and visit friends. Some people think this also
means that the prelude should be a soft, meditative
piece, but that's not necessarily the case. Many preludes by Bach and other composers are really in the
"grand" or "festive" category, appropriate for the liturgical season. Should a prelude on Easter Sunday be
soft? Probably not. Certain times of the year, it is common to have these uplifting preludes that give us a picture of the awesome majesty of God. Yet you may have
noticed that during this season of Lent, the prelude music has mostly been the soft, meditative sort that fits
the appropriate penitential mood. So whether we have
meditative, festive, or majestic music in which to prepare our hearts for worship, each is appropriate for different times, and each calls on us to be quiet and listen
to that still, small voice as we enter into worship. Let's
enjoy the many sounds from the king of Instruments
and the brilliant literature from master composers that
David Beatty brings to our congregation.
-Stan Livengood
A/V Update: Equipment is coming in, and the cabinet in
the sanctuary is being built. We still await a reasonable
bid for electrical work, but things are moving forward
with our audio/video upgrade. We hope to have the
system completely ready by the end of April. One thing
we still need from the congregation: volunteers to help
operate the video and sound equipment, with the assistance of our professional sound man Malcolm McFadden. Each service needs a team to run everything.
Please contact Doug Sweeley or Stan Livengood if you
can help and are willing to learn.
Intro to Handbells! Stan Livengood is teaching an Introduction to Handbells class with the youth during the
Sunday Night Youth program, starting at 5:30. Any interested youth or adult is invited to attend and join the
teens already beginning to learn to ring. Please contact
Stan Livengood at for details.
Upcoming Concert: The Calvary Concert Series is proud
to present the Capital Ringers, an auditioned, community handbell group from Dover, Delaware, on Saturday,
May 2 at 7 pm. Their program is entitled "Broadway to
Hollywood," and will be a joyous collection of familiar
tunes from the "Great American Song Book." Tickets
are $10 for adults and $5 for students and children, under age 6 is free! Tickets will be available in a few
weeks through Stan Livengood or online via a special
web site. Keep looking at the weekly announcements
for details.
May Fine Arts Week: The annual Fine Arts Week will be
May 10-17, with the Performing Arts Showcase held on
Thursday, May 14, featuring the music of Broadway.
Stan Livengood is looking for visual artists who wish to
display their fine art in the parlor during that week.
We'll have a mixture of professional and amateur art,
including some art from our own Calvary Center, all
celebrating the beauty of the visual arts. Please contact
Stan at to let him know you have
some art to display.
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Coming Up:
4/5/15– Easter Sunday No SNY
4/12/15– SNY
4/18/15– Day at West River for
Confirmands (9 am-3 pm)
4/19/15– SNY
4/25/15– Cookie Factory
Also please note NO SNY on 5/10/15
(Mothers Day) and Confirmation Sunday is
5/17/15 at the 11:15 Service.
At the end of February we had the opportunity
to prepare a meal for our winter relief guests.
And there
were pies
in the
That time we went to Snow Camp, at
Teen Quest, we came back with the
trophy for most Enthusiastic Youth
Group. We went tubing, horseback
riding, gaga ball, paintballing, got
dragged behind a snowmobile on a
tube, archery, worship, devotions, and
so so so much more!
Summer Time Madness:
Youth Sunday: June 7
Please stay tuned to
the weekly email updates, for all times
and other details of
our events. If you
Camp at West River– Open to Middle and High
School, this is the week that I will be there to help
direct June 28– July 3. Also if your student is interested in being a Counselor in Training at all during
the summer, please let me know, there is a training on the weekend of June 12-14!
would like to receive the updates
please contact
Sarah at
Calvary Vacation Bible School – the week of July
Mission Trip with Urban Promise, to Camden,
New Jersey: July 27– August 1.
Page 7
April is a busy month for United Methodist Women.
During the month we have opportunities for all woman of the church to participate. Below is our calendar of events.
April 11 – UMW one-day retreat titled “A Walk Thru the Psalms” led by Pastor Mernie. For more information contact Barbara Jedrey (see contact information at bottom of page).
April 15 – Harmony Circle will meet in the church parlor (Room 103) at 1 pm. Their program is Christianity’s Family
Tree. Contact Bobbie Bold (410-798-0308) for more information.
April 18 – Attic Treasures will be held in Fellowship Hall from 8 am-2 pm. This is a
fundraiser for UMW. We need donations and volunteers. Contact Pan Halliwell (410263-7582) for more information.
April 21 – Friendship Circle will meet in the church parlor (Room 103) at 7 pm. Pat
Brodsky will be sharing her trip to the Holy Land. Contact Sandy Poland (410-6470732) for more information.
As you can see we have lots of activities and interesting programs. Come and join us.
Always in His love,
Claudette Cozad
Women’s One Day Retreat - Saturday, April 11
From 8:30 am to 3 pm in Rooms 119/121
The United Methodist Women invite you on a spiritual journey to explore the Book of Psalms with Pastor Mernie. We will open our day in
fellowship with a continental breakfast. We will spend the morning digging deep into the Psalms and hear how they still speak to us today. At
noon, we will enjoy a delicious catered lunch from The Main Ingredient.
Our study will continue through the afternoon and wrap up around 3
pm. Make time for yourself and let God renew you! Registration and
$20 due no later than Monday, April 6. Contact Barbara Jedrey at or on 410-798-9221 for questions and/or registration.
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Meetings and Missions
The men of Calvary are invited to gather on Tuesday evening, April 21, for an evening of
faith, fellowship, and fun. Representatives from the Arundel House of Hope will talk about
their goals for the community, achievements of their organization, and perhaps share information about the Shower Trailer during the past months.
In March, Bill Lovelace presented a special program on the Stations of the Cross. The meeting, which was open
to the entire Calvary community, opened with a pot luck dinner as favorite dishes were shared prior to Bill’s
inspirational presentation. Additionally, the UMM Officers were finally sworn in.
There is a Yard Sale, Must be Spring!
Time is running out to clear out that garage as the UMM yard sale days, April 11 and 12, fast approach! Although it will be hard to part with some of those heirlooms from Disney World and Universal Studios, we will
do everything we can to pick them up and get them “on the shelves”. Details regarding pick-up begin with Ken
Forrester 410-991-7099 or or Tony Fowler at A few
young fellas (a relative term) will be very warmly welcomed.
Choir On The (Short) Road
Following their bravura performance at Winter Relief, the UMM Choir took the show on the road on March 14,
traveling to Heartlands in Severna Park for a lively performance featuring songs of the Irish season. While no
members of the group were mistaken for leprechauns, the warmth of the gathering was worth a pot o' gold!
Lenten Dinner
The UMM served the Lenten dinner on Wednesday March 25. A wonderful time was had by all...and the food
was pretty good as well!
Shower Ministry
The Shower Ministry will stand-up again in late April for a run to October. Anticipated start date is April 28.
May you have blessed Easter and a joyous April!
God Bless,
Dave Myers
All men of Calvary are UMM members.
Just share your name and some basic contact info to join our
group or just come to our monthly meeting—we are a friendly
group. You can serve at will and when you can. Contact information can be sent to or, or you can just say “hi” at church!
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Page 10
9:15 Men’s Cov. Disc.
7:00 Book Club
7:00 Chancel Choir
8:30 Men’s Cov. Disc.
7:15 Handbells
8:00 Men’s Cov. Disc.
9:15 Men’s Cov. Disc.
10:30 Daytime Bible Study
1:00 Harmony Circle
7:00 Book Club
7:00 Chancel Choir
9:15 Men’s Cov. Disc.
10:30 Daytime Bible Study
7:00 Book Club
7:00 Combined Choirs
9:15 Men’s Cov. Disc.
10:30 Daytime Bible Study
7:00 Book Club
7:00 Chancel Choir
8:30 Men’s Cov. Disc.
7:00 SPR MT
7:15 Handbells
8:00 Men’s Cov. Disc.
8:30 Men’s Cov. Disc.
6:00 Shower Ministry
7:00 Friendship Circle
7:15 Handbells
8:00 Men’s Cov. Disc.
8:30 Men’s Cov. Disc.
6:00 Shower Ministry
7:15 Handbells
8:00 Men’s Cov. Disc.
12:30 Staff Meeting
6:00 Women’s Cov. Disc.
12:30 Staff Meeting
6:00 Women’s Cov. Disc.
12:30 Staff Meeting
6:00 Women’s Cov. Disc.
UMM Yard Sale
5:00 Disciple Ship*
5:00 Sunday Night Youth
5:00 Covenant Bible Study
5:00 John Bible Study
Children’s Easter Program
1:30 LSO Concert
5:00 Sunday Night Youth
5:00 Covenant Bible Study
5:00 John Bible Study
1:30 Riffle Baptism at
Mitscher Hall
4:00 Children’s Choir
5:00 Disciple Ship*
5:00 Sunday Night Youth
5:00 Covenant Bible Study
5:00 John Bible Study
6:00 Women’s Cov. Disc.
9:00 Employment Support
6:00 Disciple IV
7:00 Praise Team
7:30 Calvary Choir
9:00 Employment Support
10:00 Prayer Shawl
6:00 Disciple IV
7:00 Praise Team
9:00 Employment Support
6:00 Disciple IV
7:00 Praise Team
7:30 Calvary Choir
9:00 Employment Support
6:00 Disciple IV
7:00 Praise Team
7:30 Calvary Choir
12:00 Worship Service
6:00 Dinner/Worship
9:15 Men’s Cov. Disc.
7:00 Book Club
7:00 Combined Choirs
Church Offices Closed
6:15 Sonrise Service at
WWII Memorial
April 2015 Events
7:30 Cookie Factory
Confirmation Retreat at
West River
8:00 UMW Attic Treasures
10:00 Children’s Choirs
UMM Yard Sale
7:30 Maintenance Breakfast
9:00 UMW Retreat
Traditional Worship
Children’s Sunday School
10:00 Contemporary Worship
Children’s & Adult Sunday School
11:15 Traditional Worship
* Bible Study and Children’s Choirs
9:00 Labyrinth Walks
7:30 Tenebrae Service
Ward Lavino
Andrea Allen
Caren Anthony
Karen Donaldson
Richard Segar
Justin Berdeguez
Justine Disborough
Jeffrey Hamilton
Larry Hosmer
Virginia Knudson
Doris Erhardt
Mark Jacoby
Ruth Lindeman
Jim Phillips
Kristi Giuliano
Benjamin Griffin
Grace Owen
Jim Sood
Ruth Hoffman
Kyle Rensler
William Riggins
Becky Ruppert
Jennifer Barrett
Ron Duncan
Pam Halliwell
Lisa Mauck
Tara Robertson
Tricia Rogers
Tom Stephens
Peter Ramsey
Denny Love
Becky Tantalla
Lucille Anderson
Claudette Cozad
Sarah James
Rachel St. John
Natalie Beverungen
Jake Bleacher
Mort Cozad
Jan Croft
Brad Eyre
Joseph Knudson
Patrick Love
Margy Brown
Stephanie Crane
Steve Porco
Carol Duvall
Stu Keiller
Drew Mergler
Jackie Reinauer
George Wilson
Tia Titgemeyer
Page 11
Liz East
Dwayne Mosco
JoAnn Simmons
Mark Jones
Sarah Chance
Alisa Davis
Jane Frantzich
Bob Knudson
Allie Burt
Arden Robbins
Rebecca Stamato
Heidi Howard
Eddie McDevitt
Jennifer Wright
Andrew Latschar
Cathie Stutler
Joan Johnson
Tim Burt
Lauren Fisher
Henry Hutcheson
Tim Mahoney
Sara Sandel
Dwight Snyder
Dave Ewing
Kevin Peters
Charlie Priola
Mary Jane Rensler
Karla Stewart
Ryan Taylor
Stephanie O’Neill
Holly Reed
Howard Rogers
Gregory Spriggs
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Annapolis, MD
Permit 207
Calvary United Methodist Church
301 Rowe Boulevard
Annapolis, Maryland 21401
Ph: 410-268-1776 Fax: 410-268-5283
As a committed United Methodist community, we
strive to know and worship God, the Father, Son,
and Holy Spirit; to grow in faith and love through
ministry, discipleship, and fellowship; and to go
into the world to bring others to Christ through
mission. We at Calvary Church are committed to
making disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.
April 2:
April 3:
April 5:
April 6:
April 11:
April 12:
April 18:
April 19:
April 21:
April 25:
April 26:
Maundy Thursday Noon Worship
Dinner/Worship Service
Good Friday Labyrinth Walks
Tenebrae Service
Easter Day—4 Services
Church offices closed
Maintenance Breakfast
UMW Retreat
UMM Yard Sale
UMM Yard Sale continues
UMW Attic Treasures Sale
Confirmation Retreat at West River
Children’s Easter Program
LSO Concert
Shower Ministry begins
Cookie Factory
Riffle Baptism at Naval Academy