May Chronicle - Calvary United Methodist Church

May 2015
Fifty days after the resurrection of Jesus on Easter, the disciples were gathered together in Jerusalem when the
Holy Spirit descended upon them with
wind and fire and tongues, and the
church was born and thousands of believers were baptized and welcomed
into the emerging faith community
called the church. It is recorded in the
book of the Acts of the Apostles, 2: 112, like this:
As we anticipate that same Spirit in
the life and ministry of Calvary
Church, on Sunday, May 17, we receive the Confirmation Class of 2015
into full membership in the church at
the 11:15 am worship service. Plan
to be present and welcome these
new brothers and sisters in Christ
into the church as they profess their
faith, as they join the great choruses
of witnesses to our Lord, and as the
Spirit of the Lord is ever-present and
apparent in our midst. We welcome:
When the day of Pentecost had come, they
were all together in one place. And suddenly
from heaven there came a sound like the rush
of a violent wind, and it filled the entire house
where they were sitting. Divided tongues, as of
fire, appeared among them, and a tongue
rested on each of them. All of them were filled
with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in
other languages, as the Spirit gave them ability. Now there were devout Jews from every
nation under heaven living in Jerusalem. And
at this sound the crowd gathered and was bewildered, because each one heard them speaking in the native language of each. Amazed
and astonished, they asked, ‘Are not all these
who are speaking Galileans? And how is it that we hear, each of us, in our own
Sofia Barkat
Annie Fowler
Sophia Hartman
Mac Hutcheson
Brooke Quillen
Ryan Riffle
Samantha Smithson
native language? Parthians, Medes, Elamites, and residents of Mesopotamia, Judea and Cappadocia, Pontus and Asia, Phrygia
and Pamphylia, Egypt and the parts of Libya belonging to Cyrene, and visitors from Rome, both Jews and proselytes, Cretans
and Arabs—in our own languages we hear them speaking about God’s deeds of power.’ All were amazed and perplexed, saying
to one another, ‘What does this mean?’ But others sneered and said, ‘They are filled with new wine.’ But Peter, standing with
the eleven, raised his voice and addressed them: ‘Men of Judea and all who live in Jerusalem, let this be known to you, and listen to what I say. Indeed, these are not drunk, as you suppose, for it is only nine o’clock in the morning. No, this is what was
spoken through the prophet Joel: “In the last days it will be, God declares, that I will pour out my Spirit upon all flesh, and your
sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams. Even
upon my slaves, both men and women, in those days I will pour out my Spirit; and they shall prophesy. And I will show portents
in the heaven above and signs on the earth below, blood, and fire, and smoky mist. The sun shall be turned to darkness and the
moon to blood, before the coming of the Lord’s great and glorious day. Then everyone who calls on the name of the Lord shall
be saved.”
The color of Pentecost is red. Wear RED as a sign of the Spirit of the Lord upon us on Pentecost Sunday,
May 24, 2015! Worship services at 8:45/11:15 (traditional) and 10 (contemporary).
Just like the Christmas season, when the music
stops, the decorations come down, the presents get returned and exchanged, and the
next shopping events are already in full
swing—so very soon after Christmas day—so it
is with Easter. Not so much in the commercial
and secular world—because Easter is not
nearly the commercial enterprise that Christmas is—but even in the life of the church. The
lilies die, the crowds don’t return, the trumpets
are silenced. The day and days after Easter—
it’s over. Except….except the reality is that it
isn’t. A song from the 60’s declares that “every
morning is Easter morning from now on.” A
hymn of the church declares “Easter people,
raise your voices. Every day to us is Easter
with it resurrection song.” The liturgical season of the church year lasts for 50 days. It’s
not all over on Easter Monday after the chocolate bunnies are eaten and the Easter eggs are
found and turned into egg salad. The celebration continues. And in reality, it continues for
more than 50 days. Now, because of Easter,
we are, in fact, an Easter people; every Sunday
becomes a celebration of Easter; all life and
death is colored and understood through the
lens of Easter’s resurrection news; cemeteries
are a place to inter our mortal bodies, but the
faith understands that our souls live in immortality, in heaven, alive forever in the presence
of God. Easter over? Hardly!
the valley of the shadow to the other side
where there is light and life and joy eternally?
Still coming to church?
So what are you doing this Easter season?
Still celebrating resurrection? Still understanding and acknowledging that death—which
touches all of our lives, our family and friends,
our community and nation, and finally even
us—is not an end but only a journey “through”
Doesn’t get much better than that, eh? See
you in church. Filled
with life, love, and
laughter! Blessings!
And then, in 50 days, another church celebration takes place. You won’t find it in the
stores—no Pentecost trees or decorations or
presents or parties or songs—just a church
celebration and recognition of the coming of
the Holy Spirit to the disciples to empower and
engage them in the ministry of being an Easter
people. If we are an Easter people, then the
church is certainly a Pentecost product, led by
the Spirit to make disciples, transform the
world, tell the good news, proclaim salvation.
So how will you celebrate Pentecost? Open
your hearts and minds and doors to the movement of the Spirit within you? Be guided and
directed not by your own desires and wants
but by the leading of the Spirit within you? Be
so Spirit-filled that it oozes out of every pore
and word and action of your being? And like
Easter, it’s not a one-day event—but keeps going on and on—the Spirit is let loose, and nothing—not anything nor anyone—will stop its
moving amongst us.
Easter over? Hardly. Pentecost coming? Absolutely! Both ongoing? Oh yeah! We are an
Easter people. We are a Pentecost church. We
are the people of God, living eternally and
spirit-filled—in this day and time, and forever.
On April 12, 2015 we celebrated the
Sacrament of Baptism for:
Sophie Madison Baldwin Linderman,
who is the daughter of
Russell and Kimberly Linderman
Calvary Church,
Please express to the congregation my sincere appreciation for the
lovely cards and notes so many have sent.
May Rynex
1401 Flagstone Court
Severn, MD 21144
Kristi Giuliano
105 Stone Point Drive
Unit 169
Annapolis, MD 21401
Katie Gateau
These expressions of thoughtfulness and friendship have made me
feel a part of the congregation even though I cannot physically attend.
Many thanks and please keep me in your prayers.
Joan Dennis
Only 3-4 hours of your time PER YEAR!
The Altar Guild helps prepare the altar for Communion on the first Sunday of the month. The majority of
the set up is done by the chairperson prior to Sunday morning. Team members are needed to put out the
elements approximately 45 minutes prior to the first service and replenish the elements as well as do a
quick clean up prior to the 2nd service. Volunteers are also needed to help clean up after the 3rd service.
This takes about 15- 30 minutes and you can choose when you want to help, depending on the service you
attend. Training is provided and you will always serve with a current member. We'd love to have you join
us! Please contact Kim Bowman 410-531-0052 or
This year’s annual conference, May 28-30, held at the Waterfront Marriott Hotel in Baltimore, is an opportunity for United Methodist from 631 churches in Washington, D.C., Maryland, the panhandle of West Virginia,
and Bermuda to gather for worship, fellowship, learning, and holy conferencing as they conduct the business of
the church. Attending from Calvary Church will include Rev. Wright, Rev. Crane, and lay members Bill Abner,
Doris Glover, Al Keyser, and Roberta Liddick. Pray for the leaders of our church as they gather to conference
together and guide us in making disciples for Jesus Christ.
Page 3
2015 Guatemala Mission Results
Over the past fifteen years, a short-term mission team from Calvary Church has
ventured on a mission to Guatemala each year. Despite this year’s small team,
the mission was successful.
Bill Abner and Nelson Gardner comprised this year’s group. They departed BWI
on April 18 and returned April 26 after spending one week with Dr. Hugo Gomez
and Global Che Enterprises (GCE) in Monte Cristo near the Pacific Coast.
They worked side-by-side with local villagers to build a cinder block parsonage for
the Monte Cristo church’s pastor. The team also ministered to the village’s children with a VBS educational program. Highlights included coloring books with
Bible stories and games featuring water balloons, jump rope, and balls teaching
Christian community. Of course, music was part of the program using an acoustic
guitar and songs, along with rewards like juice and cookies.
The team looks forward to sharing their experiences with Calvary’s congregation members soon. Their earnest
hope is that these experiences spark more interest in this annual trip. In years past, as many as 14 congregation
members participated, so please consider the instrumental role that you could play in 2016 by making the trip
and joining the mission.
The 2015 team sincerely appreciates your support by having kept
them close in your prayers and being generous with your donations.
Because of your support, we returned safely, we made good progress
on the construction, and we experienced Christian brotherhood with
the local villagers. A most special thank you is reserved for the Mission Ministry Team and the United Methodist Men who championed
the cause.
Nelson Gardner
Thank you to the many who donated furniture, dishes, kitchen utensils, bedding, towels,
time and money to help our mission family get settled into their home. Because of your
thoughtfulness, the family is well settled with everyday and good dishes, pots, pans,
crockpot, coffee maker, kitchen towels, bath towels, sheets for every bed, love seat,
rocking chair, dining table, even cleaning supplies. The generosity of Calvary members
never ceases to amaze.
The Mission Family Committee
Page 4
The final performance on this season of the Calvary Concert Series is coming up at the beginning
of May. The Capital Ringers, an auditioned handbell group from Dover, DE, will present a program
entitled "Broadway to Hollywood" on Saturday, May 2 at 7 pm. See their trailer at
Tickets are $10 for adults, $5 for students, and may be purchased at the door or by visiting: http:// The Calvary Concert Series would not exist without your attendance and direct donations to the concert series fund. We thank you for your support.
The second annual Fine Arts Festival will be May 10-17. Special performances will be featured on
those Sundays, including the second movement of Bernstein's Chichester Psalms on May 17 with
choirs, organ, harp, and percussion. Fine art from professional and amateur artists will be on display in Room 103 that week, including some representative samples from the Calvary School. The
Performing Arts Showcase on Thursday, May 14 at 7 pm (Fellowship Hall) will feature church and
community talent in "Broadway Bound", with great songs and scenes from the Broadway stage.
Donations for the performance, benefitting the concert series, will be accepted at the door.
Moses is coming to Calvary UMC! The spring children's Disciple Ship musical, entitled "Moses and
the Freedom Fanatics," will be presented at the 10 am service on Sunday, May 31. Be sure to support the children’s choir as they cap off their year in Sunday night Disciple Ship.
Page 5
May 3 Disciple Ship Choirs (8:45—K-2nd & 11:15—3rd-5th)
May 10 Sunday School (Moms & Muffins)
May 31 Disciple Ship Choir Presentation at 10 am
Special Disciple Ship Choir Rehearsals at 4 pm (May 3 & 17)
Disciple Ship at 5 pm (May 3, 17, 31)
July 13-17 from 5:30-8 PM (Dinner at 5 PM)
It is time to get your gear together to join the expedition to the
summit. Sign-up today through the link:
vbs/ez/calvaryumc. Then you’ll be able to join us in the incredible Bible experiences, cool Bible songs, teambuilding games, tasty
treats, and science fun gizmos to learn from. We’ll need expedition leaders for our crews as well. On July 18, we’ll be leading the
Sunday worship services to share where we met God that week!
Meet ya at base camp!
Walking in Jesus' footsteps during that first Holy week was incredible! It gave us new insight into what
Jesus experienced. Thank you to all the parents and leaders! You did a phenomenal ministry which
glorified God and blessed the children. More pictures are posted on Calvary’s FaceBook page.
Page 6
Coming Up:
5/10/15– NO SNY (Mothers Day)
5/17/15– Confirmation Service 11:15
5/24/15-No SNY
Summer Time Madness:
5/31/15– SNY
Youth Sunday: June 7
6/7/15– Youth Sunday (all 3 services)
Inflatable Day– Summer
Kickoff: June 14
6/14/15– Summer Kick Off Event:
Camp at West River– Open to Middle and
High School, this is the week that Sarah will
be there to help direct June 28– July 3. Also if
your student is interested in being a Counselor in Training at all during the summer,
please let her know, there is a training session on the weekend of June12-14!
Inflatable Day
Calvary Vacation Bible School–the week
of July 13
Mission Trip with Urban Promise, to Camden, New Jersey: July 27– August 1
2014 Summer Mission Team, hope
you can join us in 2015!
Please stay tuned
to the weekly email
updates, for all
times and other
details of our
events. If you
2015 Confirmands and Mentors !!!
Page 7
would like to receive the updates please
contact Sarah at
On Saturday, April 11, the United Methodist Women sponsored a one day
retreat here at Calvary. What a wonderful day as forty-three woman gathered to hear Pastor Mernie Crain take us on “A Walk In The Psalms”. Do
you know how many psalms there are? Check your Bible. Did you know that the Psalms are
divided into five books and that each book ends with a praise psalm?
The day was filled with singing, discussions, and a deeper understanding of the psalms. At
lunch we were able to visit and socialize with friends and get to know other women who attend other services. We were quite a jolly group.
Pastor Mernie had us get into groups and each group was to prepare a choral presentation
of Psalm 1. We were to determine mood, use our voices effectively, and practice, practice,
practice, and share.
After lunch the thespians shared their presentations. All the groups were great and each
group gave a different interpretation of the psalm. In reflection, I realize that the group that
Betty Hepler was in had accompaniment during their performance and the group that Bev
Eanes was in had choreography as a part of their presentation.
The day was uplifting and very informative. I am sure that each one of us went home with a
new understanding of the Psalms. For me, Psalms is no longer that bit in the middle of my
Bible that gets me closer to Chronicles or Isaiah. It is a stopping off place. A place to wander
through, visit, and reflect. I can pass
thru laments, thanksgiving, praise,
royal & kingship to wisdom or torah all
the Psalms are a part of my life.
I will end with Psalm: 150:6 “Let everything that breathes praise the Lord!
Praise the Lord!”
Always in His Love,
Claudette Cozad
Page 8
There was a Yard Sale, It is indeed Spring!
On the beautiful spring weekend of April 11 and 12 the UMM gathered to sell heirlooms
from ancestors and Disney World to the passing public. Sales and the spring breeze were
brisk and the Fund for Missions account grew considerably.
Ken Forrester and the rest of the UMM Board wish to extend a very special thank-you and God bless to all of
those guys and gals who made donations, contributions and collected a few aches and pains in making this
year’s yard sale a success. Without your efforts and contributions, we would not have been able to raise the
funds we did. Again, thank you so much and God bless you.
Meetings and Missions
The Men of Calvary are invited to gather on Tuesday evening, May 19 for an evening of faith, fellowship and
fun. Fellowship Hall at 1830 is the place and time. Pizza is the default cuisine.
Fairways of Faith
While the tournament has yet to be played, we will report the rounds and what we hope will be another stunning triumphant for Dave Born’s Boys of the Back Nine in the next edition.
The Shower Ministry will stand-up again in late April for a run to October. Anticipated start date is April 28.
Check the Sunday Bulletin and other Calvary media for details.
God Bless,
Dave Myers
All men of Calvary are UMM members.
Just share your name and some basic contact info to join our
group or just come to our monthly meeting—we are a friendly
group. You can serve at will and when you can. Contact information can be sent to or, or you can just say “hi” at church!
Page 9
Page 10
Church Offices Closed
10:00 Children’s Musical
5:00 Sunday Night Youth
5:00 Disciple Ship*
5:00 John Bible Study
9:15 Men’s Cov. Disc.
7:00 Book Club
7:00 Chancel Choir
8:30 Men’s Cov. Disc.
6:00 Shower Ministry
7:15 Handbells
8:00 Men’s Cov. Disc.
9:15 Men’s Cov. Disc.
10:30 Bible Study
1:00 Harmony Circle
7:00 Book Club
7:00 Church Council
7:00 Chancel Choir
8:30 Men’s Cov. Disc.
6:00 Shower Ministry
6:30 UMM
7:00 Friendship Circle
7:15 Handbells
8:00 Men’s Cov. Disc.
(Wear Red)
5:00 SNY
9:15 Men’s Cov. Disc.
7:00 Book Club
7:00 Combined Choirs
8:30 Men’s Cov. Disc.
6:00 Shower Ministry
6:00 UMM Board
7:00 SPR MT
7:15 Handbells
8:00 Men’s Cov. Disc.
6:30 Confirmation Banquet
Traditional Worship
Children’s Sunday School
10:00 Contemporary Worship
Children’s & Adult Sunday School
11:15 Traditional Worship
* Bible Study and Children’s Choirs
10:00 Children’s Dress
7:30 Maintenance Breakfast
10:00 Choirs
7:00 Handbell Concert
9:00 Employment Support
6:00 Disciple IV
7:00 Praise Team
7:30 Calvary Choir
9:00 Employment Support
6:00 Disciple IV
7:00 Praise Team
7:30 Calvary Choir
9:00 Employment Support
6:00 Disciple IV
7:00 Performing Arts
7:00 Finance MT
7:00 Trustees MT
7:00 Praise Team
9:00 Employment Support
6:00 Disciple IV
7:00 Praise Team
7:30 Calvary Choir
9:15 Men’s Cov. Disc.
7:00 Book Club
7:00 Missions MT
7:00 Chancel Choir
12:30 Staff Meeting
6:00 Women’s Cov. Disc.
12:30 Staff Meeting
6:00 Women’s Cov. Disc.
6:30 Worship MT
10:00 Moms & Muffins
5:00 John Bible Study
8:30 Men’s Cov. Disc.
6:00 Shower Ministry
6:30 UMW Board
7:15 Handbells
8:00 Men’s Cov. Disc.
8:45 & 10:00 Receive New
11:15 Confirmation
4:00 Children’s Choir
5:00 Sunday Night Youth
5:00 Disciple Ship*
5:00 John Bible Study
12:30 Staff Meeting
6:00 Women’s Cov. Disc.
7:00 New Member Class
1:00 New Member Class
4:00 Children’s Choir
5:00 Sunday Night Youth
5:00 Disciple Ship*
5:00 John Bible Study
May 2015 Events
Paul Armstrong
Ashley DiIonno
Andrew Caple
Matt Caple
John Phillips
Brenda Wintrode
Kenneth Alban
Bill Bourne
Alexander Cregan
Glenn Gottschalk
Mary Beth Davis
JoAnn Glancy
Edgar Hammersla
Tony Rodriguez
Nelson Stammer
Rick Chappell
Erica Wood
David Balinsky
Judith Griebel-Ramos
Carmel Tuttle
Carol Clary
Alex Griffin
Richard Karsten
Dick Dickenson
Andrea Forrester
Geri Donald
Jo Hook
Jessica Hosmer
Dunavan Knight
Amanda Vragovich
Cynthia Wharton
Shawn Wharton
Joan Dennis
Jane Wilson
Dick Hott
Johnna Parker
Yusuan Smithson
Seth Cosgrove
Dana Strotman
Amy Clarkson
Tom Mosser
Helen Sherman
Barry Van Ry
Paula Truffelli
Derek Allman
Jay Moore
Gregory Caple
Michael Long
Gregory Bishop
Hannah Goldbeck
Amy Mahoney
John Elberti
Carole Jacoby
Lydia Mazza
Bob Shoemaker
Judith Collinson
Danny Shearer
Paul Deafenbaugh
Larry Thompson
Tony Fowler
Patrick Guidry
Sabra Ladd
Kurt Waldron
Bev Hay
Steve Rice
Shakeel Barkat
Roberta Liddick
Page 11
Carole Doxey
Ruth Day
Mike Geers
Julie Snow
Heather Williams
Denise Zucco
Peyton Cassidy
Jean Graf
Jaime Hanafourde
Carla Schwartz
Mike Biggs
Douglas Dawson
Caroline Tringali
Stan Livengood
Tom Scott
Jennifer Sevec
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Annapolis, MD
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Calvary United Methodist Church
301 Rowe Boulevard
Annapolis, Maryland 21401
Ph: 410-268-1776 Fax: 410-268-5283
As a committed United Methodist community, we
strive to know and worship God, the Father, Son,
and Holy Spirit; to grow in faith and love through
ministry, discipleship, and fellowship; and to go
into the world to bring others to Christ through
mission. We at Calvary Church are committed to
making disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.
May 2
May 3 & 4
May 9
May 10
May 14
May 15
May 17
May 24
May 25
May 27-30
May 31
Handbell Concert
New Member Class
Maintenance Breakfast
Mother’s Day
Moms & Muffins
Performing Arts Showcase
Confirmation Banquet
Receive New Members and
Pentecost—Wear Red!
Memorial Day—Offices Closed
Annual Conference
Children’s Musical