this form - Campus Card and Mail Services

Use this pamphlet as
your guide to submit
your photo and personal
information for your
UMBC Campus Card.
You can submit your
information through
regular mail or e-mail.
In addition to your
UMBC Campus Card,
you should also visit
USG’s Office of Student
Services (Ground Floor,
Camille Kendall
Academic Center)
during normal business
hours to receive your
USG Student ID.
Your Campus Card allows
you to take advantage of
the privileges offered to
members of the UMBCShady Grove community.
Your Campus Card serves as your:
Campus ID
Library Card
And much, much more!
UMBC Campus Card Office
University Center, Room 112
1000 Hilltop Circle
Baltimore, Maryland 21250
Phone: 443-61-CCARD (443-612-2273)
Fax: 410-455-2828
Please include “SHADY GROVE”
in the subject line of all
correspondence with the
UMBC Campus Card Office.
UMBC-Shady Grove
Campus Card
Submission Instructions
Electronic Submission
Review the photo guidelines carefully.
Rename your photo file using your student
ID number as the file name (e.g.
AB12345.jpg). Send the file from your UMBC
email address as an attachment to Please
put “SHADY GROVE” in the subject line and
include your first name, last name and
middle initial in the text of the email.
Using regular mail
Review applicable photo guidelines carefully.
Affix your photo in the space provided and
fill in the remainder of the submission form.
Mail the form to the Campus Card office at
the address listed on this brochure.
The Campus Card Office reserves the right to
refuse any picture that does not meet our
Your photo must be submitted prior to the
last day to register for courses in your first
semester at UMBC-Shady Grove.
If emailed, photo submission must come
from your UMBC email address.
It is suggested that the image be at least
15 KB and no larger than 1 MB.
The image resolution must be at least
300 x 300 pixels (2” x 2”).
You may only submit JPEG (.jpg) images.
This picture is for identification purposes.
The picture must clearly identify your
person (no hats, sunglasses, jewelry or
garments that obstruct a clear view of the
You must be looking directly at the
camera. Profile images are not accepted.
The photo must be in color.
No red eye, flash reflections on glasses or
contacts are acceptable.
The background must be light in color
(white or off-white only). There must be
good contrast between the image and the
Getting your new Campus Card
You will receive an e-mail when your UMBC
Campus Card is ready for pick-up at USG.
You will be required to present an
acceptable form of government-issued
photo identification (e.g. drivers license,
passport, or military ID).
There should be a space between the top
of the head and the edge of the photo.
If you are submitting a photo by mail, affix it to this form, detach, and mail as instructed.
In your admissions packet, you received
instructions on opening your myUMBC
account. After you create your myUMBC
account, login to your myUMBC page. Click
on the personal tab. Near the middle of the
page you will see your name, address and
student ID number (it starts with two alpha
characters followed by five numeric
characters). Jot this number down on the
Campus Card photo submission form.
Campus Card Photo
Submission Form
UMBC-Shady Grove
Photo must be
2” x 2” and
similar to a
passport photo.
Refer to
guidelines for
Last Name ___________________________
First Name ___________________ MI ___
Student ID Number ____________________
(see “Here’s How” section on obtaining your student ID number)
E-mail ______________________________
Detach this page and mail to:
UMBC Campus Card Office
University Center, Room 112
1000 Hilltop Circle
Baltimore, Maryland 21250