Matter of Principal April 2015 Mission Annual SMS School Council AGM Thursday May 28 at 9 am after Stampede Pancake Breakfast For information on School Council contact: Shelley Murray, Chair SMS school Council To provide a safe and caring environment where academic excellence, character development, parental involvement and staff leadership are valued and fostered. Vision Excellence in student achievement and character development through distinctive teaching and learning. In this issue: TWO SPECIAL DOOR PRIZES!! 1. Up to $200 towards your child’s activity fees for the 2015/2016 school year 2. FFCA Spirit Wear Matter of Principal… 1 School Council positions… 2 Casino Society info… 3 SMS Fundraising… 4 School News… Both Door Prizes will be drawn at the end of the AGM and parents must be in attendance to win! Thanks to Wear It for donating the Spirit Wear Door Prize We appreciate you! We look forward to seeing you there! Justin Kool Susan Boyd Principal Educator Associate Principal 5-6 Family Movie Night… 7 Friendly Reminders… 8 Library News… 9 Mountaineering News… 9 Counsellor Corner… 10 - 11 Parent Volunteer Info… 12 Service Learning… 13 Student News… 14 Art Contest… 15 Calendar… 16 School Council Position Descriptions Executive positions: Hot Lunch Coordinator: Chairperson: Verify all hot lunch dates with administration Sets the Agenda for Council meetings Work with suppliers/vendors for lunch orders Chair the School Council meetings Hand out hot lunch order forms/envelopes and collect hot lunch orders Representative and spokesperson of School Council Counts all monies and prepare monies for deposit by the treasurer Member of the ASC (Association of School Councils for FFCA) Organize bins for each classroom and make sure the lunches are Attends all ASC meetings Ensures compliance by the School Council with regard to FFCA bylaws and the School Act Act as primary contact to the FFCA board of directors delivered on time Reports information to School Council at meetings Andy’s on Main Coordinator: Runs the Andy’s concession snack stand Vice-Chair: Coordinates volunteers to help run Andy’s Have all duties and responsibilities in the absence of the Chair Replenishes supplies/food Assist the Chair in running the meetings Performs any other duties related to Andy’s as applicable Member of the ASC and present a report from meetings of the Reports information to School Council at meetings ASC to Council Attends ASC meetings Community Service Coordinator: Perform other duties as may be assigned by the Chair Coordinates and Implements school community activities (examples Secretary: Reports information to School Council at meetings Keep and distribute accurate minutes from the Council meetings Casino Coordinator: would be Pancake breakfast, Welcome back BBQ, teacher appreciation) Make available minutes to the school community Attends monthly council meetings Maintain an accurate list of the contact information of School Coordinates volunteers for our Casino dates Council members Treasurer: Maintain records of all financial transactions of School Council Coordinates with Alberta liquor and Gaming for our casinos or questions Advises council on casino related matters Receive and Deposit all monies received by School Council Mentor Family Coordinator: Complete cheques to be sent out in a timely manner for Act as the main liaison between Administration and Mentor Families payments of services At AGM present a next year budget and maintain a running budget on all balance sheets Presents a balance sheet of the funds to School Council at meetings Other Council Representatives: Fundraising Coordinator: The coordinator implements various fundraising activities (Such as SUTP, Entertainment Books, Magazine, Flower orders) and any other fundraising campaigns approved by the School Council Reports fundraising activities and profits to Council at meetings Volunteer Coordinator: Collects and maintains volunteer hours Sends notices to parents for volunteer opportunities Reports volunteer information to School Council at meetings Act as liaison, as a School Council member, between School Council and Mentor Families Schedule Mentor Families for various events if there is a need identified by the School Council Maintain scheduling of the Mentor Families for school events identified by Administration Be familiar with the Being Heard Document and encourage appropriate communication To commit to be available to answer questions by e-mail from the School Community throughout the school year; to attend various School events as a Mentor Family throughout the school year Please note that the duties listed above are basic duties and may not be limited to the ones as stated above. If you have any questions please contact Shelley Murray, Chair SMS 403-238-1527 2 CASINO SOCIETY NEWS We are coming close to the end of the school year and it is time to begin planning for 2015 - 2016. We invite you to attend the FFCA SMS Campus Society (Casino Society) ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING on the morning of Thursday, May 28th immediately following the School Council AGM. We will be selecting our Executive for the 2015 - 2016 school year which include the positions of President, Vice President, Treasurer and Secretary. Come and enjoy the Stampede Pancake breakfast and consider becoming involved for the upcoming school year. We look forward to seeing you on May 28th! SAVE THE DATE! PARENT SOCIAL EVENING FRIDAY MAY 22, 7PM – 9PM School Council is hosting a social gathering to celebrate our special partnership with our wonderful SMS parents. The staff, students, and council of SMS appreciate the important role parents play in the education of our students and the success of our school. We would like you to enjoy an evening of fun and refreshments. This will be an opportunity for parents to meet and mingle with other parents and our staff. Come and join us for a fun night out! More details will follow in early May, so mark your calendars now! We hope to see you there! 3 FUNDRAISING AT SMS At South Middle School fundraising is an important part of our school community. School Council uses funds to support SMS Community building and school initiatives such as the Welcome Back BBQ, Stampede Breakfast, school infrastructure and new technology in the classrooms. ONGOING PROJECTS: QSP Magazines This online fundraiser started in November and is ongoing throughout the school year. Check out the website at and use our online ordering code: 3658283 For information regarding fundraising programs please contact: Dear SMS families, School Council still has a limited number of movie tickets for sale: 11 Adult and 10 Child tickets please help us to sell these before the school year is over! First come, first served! If you would like to order from our extra tickets please send in cash or cheque made out to: FFCA SMS School Council, and indicate how many tickets you would like and we will be able to get them back to you as soon as possible. Extra tickets will be first come first served. CINEPLEX GREAT ESCAPE - $35.00 each The Cineplex Great Escape includes two (2) general admissions, two (2) regular soft drinks and one (1) regular popcorn (Approximate Retail Value: $42.37) CINEPLEX CHILD ADVENTURE - $15.00 each The Cineplex Child Adventure includes one (1) child admission and one (1) kid’s tray combo which includes a drink, popcorn and treat (Approximate Retail Value: $16.64) Any questions please contact Shelley Murray, Chair SMS school council 403-238-1527 4 On May 4th, there will be an assembly for the entire school where an SMS teacher will kiss a goat for the WE DAY Charity. The “We Create Change” charity provides a goat that will be sent overseas to help a family in need. A goat for a family provides milk, food and economic opportunities. Our plan is for every student to donate 2 dollars. If every student donates a toonie, our school will be able to purchase 23 goats for families in need. Each goat is $50. Please consider donating to this worthy cause. By: Sachitri K. 7W The Student Transportation Association of Alberta (STAA) has announced that Monday May 4th is the Second Annual School Bus Driver Appreciation Day. This day will be recognized all across Alberta to draw attention to the important role school bus drivers have in the lives of students. Be sure to thank a Bus Driver for all that they do! Congratulations to Amber S. from FFCA NWE campus for her winning entry in the School Bus Safety poster contest! Back row L to R: Shounak 7SU, Shawn 6N, Kyla 6S, Luca 6S, Saad 5HU Front row L to R: Mrs. Sealy, Elizabeth 6B, Jasmeet 6B, Petrina 6K Missing from photo: Srisha 5F This year, 9 students from SMS attended the Calgary Youth Science Fair (CYSF) on April 17 and 18 at the Olympic Oval at the University of Calgary. To qualify to attend CYSF, these students had to think of a scientific problem or question, design and conduct an experiment, and create a tri-fold and oral presentation. The SMS students joined more than 1000 grades 5-12 students from all over Calgary in the two-day science extravaganza. Each project was judged at least 3 times and participants were scored on their science and presentation skills. Congratulations to all of our SMS participants for being fantastic representatives for our school. Prize winners include Srisha (5F) with bronze/$25, and Shounak (7Su) with gold/$75. 5 Important Update Regarding the Grade 6 PATs/SLAs Alberta Education recently announced that the Grade 6 Student Learning Assessment (SLA) Pilot will be rescheduled. The Grade 6 SLA Pilot was originally going to be implemented at the beginning of the 2015/2016 school year. The implementation date has now been moved to the beginning of the 2016/2017 school year. This does not affect our current plans regarding this school year's Grade 6 Provincial Achievement Tests (PATs). The Grade 6 PATs will be written as planned near the end of this school year, as we have done in the past. For further information regarding the PATs and SLAs please see the Alberta Education website at: PAT Examinations Schedule 2015 Wed. May 13 - Language Arts Part A 9:00am - 11:00am Wed. June 17 - Language Arts Part B 9:00am - 10:00am Thurs. June 18 - Mathematics 9:00am - 10:15am Fri. June 19 - Science 9:00am - 10:00am Mon. June 22 - Social Studies 9:00am - 10:00am Reminder for Parents: When taking your child(ren) out of class early for appointments or other reasons, please contact the office at 403-259-3175 as soon as you can in order for the office staff to contact your child(ren). Thank you! High School Open House, AGM and Parental Consultation on the High School Rebuild! All FFCA parents are invited to an Open House at the High School on Monday evening, the 4th of May, for coffee, tea and dessert, and to hear a presentation by the architects for our High School Rebuild project. All are welcome, and there will be opportunity for questions. We will follow with our annual High School AGM. Coffee, Tea and Dessert 6:30 PM – North Foyer High School Rebuild Presentation 7:00 PM – North Gym All are Welcome!! 6 Friday May 1st SMS Theatre (aka our gym) Presents… A cross country coach (Kevin Costner) in a small California town transforms a team of athletes into championship contenders. Based on a true story! Movie Starts at 6:30pm Family pack of 4 movie tickets $20 & Single movie tickets $6 Food tickets $1 each to towards: pizza-2 tickets, pop-1 ticket, and popcorn-1 ticket Please preorder tickets using the envelope that went home with your child. Feel free to bring a picnic blanket and lawn chair (making sure it won’t scratch the gym floor) and wear pajamas. We will have mats out for comfortable seating. Come on out for an entertaining movie night with great snacks all the while supporting Grade 8 Farewell! Questions? – Please contact Gina Grace at the school. 7 Friendly Reminders Address: School Council Meeting 6626 – 20A Street S.E. Our next meeting is May 11, 2015 at 6:30pm in the SMS staffroom. All are welcome to attend. Calgary, Alberta T2C 0R3 Phone: 403-265-9200 School council is still looking for parents to fill two positions of community coordinator , fundraiser coordinator and mentor family coordinator, if you are interested or want more information then feel free to contact myself at the email address below. WEAR IT STORE HOURS Tuesday 10-7 Wednesday 10-7 Shelley Murray, Chair school council SMS Thursday 10-7 Friday 10-4 Saturday 10-4 Appointments for in store purchase of your school uniform can be made through the Wear It website at... www. School Council AGM May 28, 2015 9am Attendance A Friendly Reminder to Kindly Notify the Office When a child is going to be late or absent from school, it is the parent/guardian’s responsibility to call the office by 9am and inform them of the reason for the lateness/absence. Please leave a message on the voicemail with your child’s first and last name, homeroom teacher, and reason for lateness/absence. If you email your child(ren)’s teacher please also email the main office: Please contact the office at 403-259-3175 ext. #221. Lost and Found There is currently a large number of items in the Lost and Found near the office. Please remember to label your child’s items clearly so they can be returned to them. Have your child check the lost and found bins across from the office, as well as their classroom lost and found, for any items they may have misplaced. Scrapbooking Club We have started a scrapbooking club for students in Grade 5-8. We are currently looking for donations for our club. Items could include: paper, adhesives, scissors, stickers, ribbons, buttons, punches, as well as other scrapbooking items. Donations can be dropped off at the office for Mrs. Bradley. Thank you! 8 Library News Level Up! rihannaboi95 Teen Gaming Club a live-streamed play by Jordan Tannahill at Fish Creek Library Whether you are a board game enthusiast, or just a little curious about tabletop gaming, we encourage you to drop in every Monday afternoon from 3:30 to 5:00 p.m. for board games and video games at the library. There will be snacks! Free for teens 13 to 19 years old Upcoming dates: May 4th, May 11th, May 25th, and June 1st “I make these videos for you – whoever you are – watching in your bedrooms with the volume low down, or on your headphones, under your covers.” Sixteen-year old Sunny needs to talk about what's happening, but he has to do it where no one will find him. Because Sunny, aka rihannaboi95, made some videos and while they're getting lots of hits, some people at school found them too and now the eggshell world he so carefully treads is threatening to collapse beneath him. Cloistered within the Forest Lawn bedroom of his friend Keira, Sunny records a video for his loyal viewers, invoking his YouTube namesake when he needs her most. Join our viewing hub at the Fish Creek Community Library in the 3rd Floor Program Room Saturday, May 2nd, 2:00 to 3:30 p.m. No registration required In partnership with Downstage Theatre Starring Diego Stredel, directed by Simon Mallett, design by Deitra Kalyn Mountaineering Club The Mountaineering Club team has been busy planning the last few months of school with some great activities. The first two presentation will be held in the Fitness Room at 11:50, bring your lunch. Monday, April 27th Miss Miller will be talk about long distance hiking trips and a little orienteering. Thursday, May 7 Fish Creek Provincial Park will be in to present Walk on the Wild Side - Carnivores of Alberta. Thursday, May 21 we are doing a group city hike to Carburn Park and Beaverdam Flats. This will be an all-day event. We are considering to also do the BBQ this day. Due to the increase in out-of-town bus costs (about $600 to mountains), we have opted for the city hike and will do a weekend hike in June. Monday, June 1st will be back-up day for city hike due to weather conditions. Saturday, June 13 will be a family mountain hike (no back up day) location yet to be decided upon. Don’t forget to check Edmodo for more details on upcoming events and paperwork for upcoming hikes. 9 FFCA’s Counselor’s Corner 10 11 Parent Volunteering Information Have you logged any of your Volunteer Hours yet? Perhaps you haven’t because you are unaware of why it so important to log your hours? The reason that FFCA is so adamant about logging in Volunteer Hours is simple…bragging rights! When our Board members visit with government officials in hopes of acquiring funds for our schools, a report that shows how committed and dedicated our families are to our school speaks volumes! Or perhaps it is because you are unclear of what constitutes Volunteer Hours? - Have you watched your child participate in a school sport that they are a part of? - Have you cooked or baked for your child’s class? - Have you attended an FFCA drama production, such as Cinderella or Aladdin? - Have you sat down with your child and tried to help them understand long division or shopped for supplies for a school project? - Have you gone to the grocery store and shopped for a snack for your child’s class? - Have you sat and shed a few tears while attending our Remembrance Day Assembly? - Have you come out to the Pancake Breakfast to indulge in a delicious pancake or two? All of these examples, plus many more, are considered “Parental Partnership Opportunities” and are worthy of being logged as Volunteer Hours. So what are you waiting for? It is so simple to make a difference, just go to the FFCA website and… Under “Campuses”, click on your child’s campus Click on “Family Login” (right hand side) Under “FAMILY” click on “Login as a FAMILY” Login with your “Username” and “Password” Click on “Family Volunteer Hours” (right hand side) Fill in the necessary information: date, activity, hours and campus Click on “create/add” and logout. It is that easy and quick! Just one entry places your family’s name on the “Volunteer Report” and shows the world how proud you are to be part of the FFCA community! Michelle Haylow SMS Volunteer Coordinator 12 Service Learning Moving? If you are planning to move in 2015, and your new home puts you within the boundaries for a different campus, please email a completed “Request for Internal Transfer” application to A “Request for Internal Transfer” application form can be found on the FFCA website under the “Parent” tab. Internal transfers can only occur if seats become available in the requested campus. Internal transfers do not occur mid-year, so be sure to have your request into Central Office before March1st for it to be possible to have your child start at the designated campus for your community at the beginning of the new school year. The Parent Handbook link for Google Apps for Education is: We are looking for donations as part of a character incentive program we run at our middle school. The FFCA blog is a place where anyone in our FFCA community can share, reflect, discuss, ponder, celebrate and engage in meaningful conversations about our campuses, classrooms and our professional practices. Each week a new entry will be posted on the blog. Please be sure to share the link with your student and parent community through your classroom communications such as Edmodo. A link to the blog is also found on the FFCA website. This blog is YOUR blog, OUR blog, a COMMUNITY blog! All articles for this blog will derive from our FFCA community. If there is something you would like to write about, please send me your blog post in a word document. This blog is open to ALL writers from staff, students and the FFCA community. Recent articles on the blog are: App Smashing in the Grade One Classroom - by Duana Webb, SEE Service Learning at NWE - Christa Delmar, NWE Kindergarten Student Wins 1st Place in the Palaeo contest - Pat Mealey, NWE Collaborative Learning using Google Apps for Education - Bryndan Costuros Spence, SMS A Message From FFCA Superintendent - Roger Nippard Global School Play Day - Marja Erkens, NEE Students in our school are given tickets for positive behaviors such as: helping or encouraging other students, picking up garbage without being asked, volunteering within the school and community, or standing up for a friend or classmate. We have draw bins where students place their tickets, which will be drawn for a variety of prizes at whole school assemblies throughout the year. We would appreciate any donations you would be able to provide for this program. Donations such as gift cards to chapters, 7-11, or iTunes cards in any denomination, coupons for free items at your company or services, or tickets/passes to movies and events are some examples of what we are looking for. Please call or email if you have any further questions. We look forward to your response. Sincerely, Michelle Newell Rachel Bradley Blog Main Page: 403-259-3175 13 Student News Bus Delay Communication BUS PASSES To sign up to receive email and text messages regarding bussing go to the FFCA website and select the “Parent” tab, then “Transportation”. Follow the instructions listed for Southland transportation. South Middle School does not issue bus passes to students. If there is an emergency that requires your child(ren) to change busses, parents need to contact Susan Goldsmith in advance at: Telephone Etiquette Casual Days A reminder to our students about clothing for casual days: Appropriate and modest attire must be worn Shirts should have sleeves that come to the shoulder No bare skin can be shown in the stomach area A Reminder for All Students Shorts and skirts must be knee length When using a school phone to call parents for any reason (sick, forgot homework, etc.) and no one answers the phone please Leave a Message. Tights or jeggings are not to be worn as pants Tights or jeggings can be worn under long Even if you call a second phone number, always leave a message so your parents will know who called. shirts, shorts, skirts, or dresses Clothing is to be respectful and not contain any inappropriate images or words. Math Mansion Math Mansion The Math Mansion, FFCA SMS Peer Math Tutoring Program, opens October 1! Students can get help from awesome, amazing, highly talented and tutor-trained grade 7 and 8 students in anything math related like: -Test preparation -Test corrections -Basic facts -Getting caught up on missed work -Getting more practice with challenging stuff! The Math Mansion will be open every day at lunch recess in the science lab. Questions? Please contact Sabina Floyd or Jane Ranshaw 14 15 SMS May 2015 Calendar Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 1 Reminders for April 30: Early Dismissal Fort Calgary - Gr 5B Final Drop-in Badminton 6 - 8 pm Soccer game @ Calgary Waldorf School 5pm 4 5 Gr 5 Information session 6 Soccer game @ West for parents 6:30pm Island College 5pm Soccer practice - Lunch Friends of Rachel - Lunch Recess Soccer practice - Lunch Recess 11 7 Fish Creek Park - 7D Soccer game @ Calgary Waldorf School 4pm 13 14 Friends of Rachel - Lunch Card Club - Lunch Recess Soccer practice - Lunch Soccer practice - Lunch Recess Recess Victoria Day No Classes MRU - Gr. 8’s Recess 12 18 8 15 Soccer game @ Calgary Academy 5pm 19 20 21 Calgary Zoo - Gr 7 Friends of Rachel - Lunch Spirit Day - Wax Museum Photo School Holiday No Classes Fish Creek Park - 7SE Recess Soccer practice - Lunch Recess 22 Elbow Valley Visitor Centre 8F Casual Day Moustache Day Hot Lunch Day Soccer game @ Rundle College 4pm 25 26 27 28 Soccer practice - Lunch Aerospace Museum - Friends of Rachel - Lunch Aerospace Museum - 6L & Recess 6k & 6B Soccer game @ West Island College 5pm Recess 29 Organizational Day No Classes 6S Aerospace Museum - 6CS & 6N Soccer practice - Lunch Recess Project Club - Lunch Recess SMS Stampede Pancake Breakfast 8:15am School Council AGM 9am (following breakfast) Casino Society AGM following School Council AGM Track & Field Day @ Foothills Athletic Park SMS June 2015 Calendar Monday 1 Soccer practice - Lunch Recess Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 2 3 4 Fish Creek Park - 7SU Fish Creek Park - 7SE Calgary Climbing Elbow Valley Visitor Soccer practice - Lunch Centre - 6S/7P Centre - 8HE & 8G Soccer game @ West Island College 4pm Recess 5 Heritage Park - Gr 7’s 16
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