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Innovation Award
Full Proposal FAQ
Frequently Asked Questions:
CAMTech Innovation Award
Q: Do you have a preference of a biosketch or CV and in what format?
Q: Who is eligible to apply?
A: We are agnostic to the format other than that the maximum number of
pages for Biosketch/CV should not exceed 4 pages in total.
A: Anyone is eligible to submit the Letter of Intent. Please note that official
signatures from an authorized representative whether from an academic
institution, an NGO or a private company are not required for the Letter of
Intent but will be required in the full proposal submission stage.
Q: I participated in a CAMTech Hack-a-thon/Jugaad-a-thon and created a
technology for Global Pedestrian Safety- Am I eligible to apply?
A: Yes! We are delighted to see applications for technologies created at the
CAMTech Hack-a-thons/Jugaad-a-thons.
Proposal details
Q: How many awards are there?
A: There will be one award given as part of this cycle for $10,000 (inclusive of
Direct Costs and Indirect Costs).
Q: Who should I list as collaborators?
Q: I have a technology that I created with a team outside of the Hack-a-thons/
Jugaad-a-thons- Can I still apply?
A: List only those who are significant contributors and who have agreed to be
on the proposal.
A: Yes. We welcome all applications for technologies that have been created
outside of the hack-a-thons/jugaad-a-thons.
Q: How does CAMTech define key personnel?
Q: I have applied for the CAMTech Innovation Awards before, but I have not
won an innovation award. Can I re-apply?
A: Yes. We strongly recommend re-applying.
Q: My technology does not address Global Pedestrian Safety- Am I still eligible?
A: No. This round of Innovation Awards must address Global Pedestrian Safety
in order to be eligible for the award.
Q: When are applications due for the LOI?
A: Letters of intent are due by 5PM EST June 1, 2015. Please make sure you take
into consideration upload time to CoLab.
Q: Will I receive confirmation that my application has been received?
A: Yes. Following the submission of your complete application via CoLab,
applicants will receive an automated email confirmation.
Q: Can I submit more than one proposal?
A: We are interested in seeing as many proposals as possible. Proposals from
different disciplines and for different funding amounts that represent all of
the activity around technology innovation are welcome.
Q: May I submit part of the application and finish the other components at a
later time?
A: No. All components of the application including the proposal body and
administrative documents must be submitted at the same time.
A: Individuals who contribute to the scientific development or execution of
a project in a substantive, measurable way, whether or not they receive
salaries or compensation under the proposed project. Consultants may be
considered key personnel if they meet this definition.
Q: For the full proposal (please note this is not required for the LOI), what are
the guidelines for indirect costs?
A: Please note for the LOIs we are not requesting a detailed budget; however,
if your proposal is invited for a full proposal, a detailed budget will be
requested. This award will provide 15% indirect costs. One-year total costs
including direct and indirect costs may not exceed $10,000.
Q: For the full proposal (please note this is not required for the LOI), will I need
to obtain institutional approval?
A: Yes, you will need to obtain institutional approval for the full proposal.
Your organization’s signing official is the individual, named by the applicant
organization, who is authorized to act for the applicant and to assume
the obligations imposed by a sponsor’s regulations, requirements, and
conditions that apply to the awards.
Review process
Reporting needs
Q: Who reviews the applications?
Q: Are there any reporting requirements if I receive the CAMTech award?
A: CAMTech’s Executive Committee will review the LOIs. For those who are
invited to submit a full proposal, CAMTech external Technology Review
Committee (TRC) will review those proposals. Reviewers include clinicians
with global health experience, business leaders and engineers.
A: Yes. We require a final report. We require both financial and programmatic
reports for the final report. CAMTech will provide a template for the report.
Q: Is my proposal confidential?
A: The review process is a closed process and your proposal will not be shared
beyond the reviewers of the CAMTech Executive Committee and external TRC.
All reviewers sign a confidentiality agreement and are asked to keep proposals
confidential. However, investigators should work with their respective
organization to protect any potential Intellectual Property (IP).
Q: If my proposal is not funded will I be able to see the reviewer’s comments?
A: We will only be able to provide comments from the reviewers to all applicants
upon request at the full proposal stage (not for the LOI); however, the
reviewers’ names will remain confidential.
Innovation Awards
Q: What does the final report process include?
A: We will require detailed financial and programmatic reports for the final
report. CAMTech will provide templates for the report. In addition, we may
require that you present your work formally in a public seminar at the end of
the project.
Q: What if we are a start-up? Are we ineligible since we do not have a grants
management team?
A: We encourage start-ups to apply; however, if you are awarded the CAMTech
Innovation Award and have had no prior relationship with MGH/Partners the
release of funds will be longer as you will need to complete a due diligence
form, which contains basic questions regarding your administrative and
financial systems, that ensures that you meet the minimum requirements
outlined by Partners.
General information
Q: Does CAMTech offer multi-year awards?
A: CAMTech does not provide multi-year awards at this stage but may in the
Q: Why do Innovation Awards not include vaccine and pharmaceutical
A: We are currently focusing our efforts on medical technologies. Devices or
protocols that administer vaccines or medicines will be considered.
Q: Can I apply the funding towards tuition for a Master’s degree in public health
or global health work in a developing country?
A: No. Innovation Awards are intended for a specific technology focused
on resource-limited settings. It cannot be applied to tuition for academic
programs or clinical work in a low- and middle-income country.
Q: I need more clarity on the definition of “co-creation.” Where can I find further
A: Please see this article: http://lifesciences.ieee.org/articles/47-global-healthtechnology-20.
Q: Where do I find more information on CAMTech?
A: CAMTech’s mission to source and accelerate medical technology innovation
and build entrepreneurial capacity to improve health outcomes in low-and
middle-income countries (LMICs). Please see our website or contact Alexis
Steel for further questions.
Q: How do I PDF a document?
A: Adobe Acrobat Professional can convert your documents into PDF.
There are also online sites that are able to PDF documents.
Q: If awarded, how long will it take for the funds to be sent to my organization?
A: Our goal is to expedite the process to ensure that work can quickly
commence; however, there are organizational limitations based on your
organizations existing relationship with MGH. If you have not previously
worked with MGH, it can take a significant amount of time to complete
the paperwork. The paperwork includes a questionnaire asking to provide
basic administrative and/or financial information about your organization.
Organizations based outside of the United States will be required to fill out a
more detailed questionnaire and risk management document.
Q: Can I hire individuals as consultants to help collect research and feedback on
my technology?
A: Consultants are allowed as a budget item but should be hired according
to your organization’s policies and procedures. If consultants will have
patient contact or access to patient health information, please make sure
that you have all the required IRB approvals and policies in place prior to the
consultant’s hire. A letter of commitment from the consultant outlining his/her
commitment to the proposal if granted will be required in the application.
Q: If I would like to pilot my technology at one of the CAMTech partner sites or
work with other investigators, whom should I contact?
For more information regarding the award visit:
A: For those interested in partnering with CAMTech partner sites, we have
included a question in CoLab to submit your request for a potential
collaboration. You are also encouraged to mention this in the LOI. Once LOI
applications are submitted, CAMTech will be in contact with you if there is a
potential fit to facilitate the introductions.
The CAMTech Innovation Award is made possible by the generous support of:
Alexis Steel