Newsletter Thursday 7 May 2015

Primary School
Molesworth Street Canterbury 3126 Telephone 9836 4537 or 9830 1963
Vol: 23
No: 11
Fri 8th
- Mother’s Day Stall at CPS
Tues 12th - NAPLAN Years 3 & 5
Language Conventions & Writing
Wed 13th - NAPLAN Years 3 & 5 - Reading
Year 4 Camp
Thurs 14th - NAPLAN Numeracy
Year 4 Camp
Fri 15th - Year 4 Camp
Sat 16th - Years 5 & 6 Working Bee
Tue 19th - UNSW Digital Tech (7:50am)
Thurs 21st - District Cross Country
Years 4 - 6 (9.30am - 1.00pm)
Mon 18th - Sat 23rd - EDUCATION WEEK
Call the office & book to attend School
Tours for prospective parents
Fri 22nd - Mothers Day Function for all CPS mums
Geebung Polo Club @ 7.00pm
Tue 26th - Parent coordinators and Parents association
meeting at CPS (7pm)
Wed 27th - Foundation Excursion to NGV
Wed 3rd
Mon 8th
- UNSW Science (7.50am)
- Queens Birthday Public Holiday
(No school on this day)
Mon 15th - UNSW Writing (7.50am)
Tue 16th - UNSW Spelling (7.50am)
Mon 22nd - Fri 26th - Year 6 Camp
Fri 26th - Last Day Term 2 school finishes @ 2.30pm
Mon 13th - First day Term 3
July 28th - UNSW English (7.50am)
July 28th - Family Life Parent Info Evening @ 7pm
Wed 29th - Year 3 Camp
Thurs 30th - Year 3 Camp
Fri 31st
- Year 3 Camp
Sick Bay Linen (laundering) roster Term 2
8th May
15th May
22nd May
29th May
5th June
12th June
19th June
26th June
Catherine Booth
Colleen Starick
Dimitra Ouliaris
Donna Pirozek
Karen Sutcliffe
Karyn White
Kate Elliott
Katherine Oxnam
Facsimile 9888 5685 Date: May 7th 2015
From The Principal…
2015 Canterbury Art Exhibition
Congratulations and thank you to the outstanding and
hardworking Art Exhibition committee for once again
providing a wonderful weekend of art, community
building and significant fundraising. An event such as
this can only occur with great planning, organisation
and huge levels of support from many people. A huge
thank you to all committee members for everything that
went into ensuring a highly successful Art Exhibition
weekend. A very special thank you to the parents,
students and school staff who assisted with art sales,
assisted in the gift shop, baked, worked in the café,
handed out food, worked in the bar, sold raffle tickets,
organised and ran art workshops and family day
activities, moved furniture and many other roles that
make up this event.
The National Assessment Program in Literacy and
Numeracy (NAPLAN) will be conducted across
Australia next week, on the mornings of Tuesday May
12, Wednesday May 13 and Thursday May 14. Tests
will be held for students in Years 3 and 5 in Language
Conventions (Spelling, Grammar and Punctuation),
Reading, Writing and Numeracy. The results of the
tests provide diagnostic information for parents and
teachers about a child’s performance in literacy and
numeracy. This information is analysed by teachers
and is used to support teaching and learning programs
and improve student achievement. NAPLAN reports
are issued in September. NAPLAN information
brochures were sent home today for parents of children
in years 3 and 5. For more information about the tests
visit the NAPLAN website at
At Canterbury Primary School the NAPLAN tests are
one of a number of assessments that are undertaken
throughout the year and a more comprehensive
assessment of a student can be made by talking to
teachers who are continually tracking each child’s
progress based upon standardised tests, teacher
judgements and zone assessments.
Prep enrolments 2016
Parents of children in the school with a sibling who will
be starting Prep in 2016 are encouraged to collect an
enrolment pack from the office. The forms need to be
completed and returned as soon as possible. This
information is important in the planning process for
2016. If you know of any families interested in sending
their children to CPS please inform them that
enrolment packs are available and that tours are
conducted each day in the week of Monday 18th May or
by appointment.
Best wishes to our Year 4 students who are on camp,
at Camp Rumbug near Foster in South Gippsland, from
Wednesday to Friday next week.
David Wells, Principal
Visit from Suzhou
Host Families Needed!
We will be hosting a delegation of 28 students and
3 teachers from our partner school in Suzhou, China for
one week commencing 23rd July and are
looking for host families.
Being a host family is rewarding and thank you to those
families who have already offered to be a part of this
year’s program.
Please contact Justine Mackey if you are interested or
would like more information.
The Premiers’ Reading Challenge
is open!
If you would like your child to participate this year please
download the consent form which can be found by clicking this link. Please ensure the form is signed and that
you tick the relevant box regarding your child’s name
appearing on the online Honour Roll. Completed forms
can be returned to the office and we will then provide a
username and password.
Details of books read can be recorded online here
Please remember to keep a note of books read
during the holidays. You are also able to use this
website to access full details of the challenge
including booklists and the reading targets for each age
group. If you have any queries, please contact
Maria Bennett at
Community Engagement Committee
 Do you think we could enhance the connection
between our school and parent community?
 Do you have a general interest in improving
Then the Community Engagement Committee would be
perfect for you. We currently have vacancies for parents
keen to get involved.
Our key project for this year is working with teachers to
review the student reports and the way your child's
progress is communicated to you. We will also set goals
and complete initiatives towards supporting a more
inclusive community.
This is a committee that makes a real difference in the
day to day life of our school community.
To get involved contact Justine Mackey on
a library volunteer
to cover new books This is a year round task which can be completed in
the library office or in the comfort of your own home.
New books arrive regularly so an ongoing commitment
of a few hours each month would be very much
appreciated. If you think you can help please pop in to
the library office, call Maria on 9836 4537 or email
In celebration of Mother's Day on Sunday the Auskick
team are holding the infamous Mum vs Kids morning at
Auskick on Saturday from 9:00am to 10:30am, Highfield
Road on the lower oval.
Please continue to support Canterbury Auskick by
dropping by the café. All profits are put back into Auskick
to help pay for new equipment, trophies, theme days
plus much more. Parents – please ensure your child
brings along a water bottle each week.
Auskick Registrations
It’s not too late to join up! Follow the instructions on the
Information Form at this end of this newsletter.
Registration and payment should be done online and
then bring your completed Information Form along on
Saturday. If you have any questions please contact
Claire at
Ladies and Gentlemen there is an amazing opportunity
for one lucky person out there!
The position of Secretary is currently vacant on the
CPA. The role requires typing up the quarterly
meetings and other related tasks. A full hand over is
provided with on-the-spot training and guidance.
This is a fabulous opportunity to join a groovy team of
ladies who meet ‘informally’ for coffee once a term and
‘formally’ once a term with the Parent Coordinator
meeting…not too time consuming! Please contact
Melinda or Lisa (see details below) to discuss.
Oh, and the first coffee is FREE !
Melinda Richardson
Lisa Charteris
Year 5 Mums & Carers - Monday 18th May - walk to
Whitehorse Rd for coffee @ Nursery Café
(meet at Molesworth Street gates after drop off)
Parents Association
Mothers Day Stall
When: Friday 8th May 2015
Where: Canterbury Primary School
$5 per gift – money will need to be given to your
classroom teacher prior to the stall
Gifts include …
Magnetic scissors
Kitchen scale
Delicious Marmalade and Jam … & more
See the full range on display at the School office from Monday 4th May
Stall will be open after school to purchase gifts for Grannies, Aunties etc
(if stock permits)
2015 Canterbury Auskick Information Form
(please complete 1 form per child)
Saturday Mornings 9:00 am to 10:30 am
Lower Oval, Highfield Park
Starts 18 April (1st Saturday after second term commences)
Child’s Details
Child’s First Name:
Grade/Year in 2015 (circle one):
Contact Information
Birth Date
Home Telephone:
AFL Team
Mother’s Name:
Mother’s Mobile:
Mother’s Email
(please print):
Father’s Name:
Father’s Mobile:
Father’s Email
(please print):
(A weekly update is sent to all parents via email)
Medical Issues
Does your child suffer from any illness, disability, and allergy or is he/she allergic to any
Yes or No
(circle one)
Details of medical issues:
In case of emergency
please contact:
Mobile Phone:
In case of emergency I authorise the Canterbury Auskick centre coordinator or their representative to
arrange any necessary medical treatment for your child where prior notification has not been possible.
Signed by Parent/Guardian:
Yes or No
Can you help with (please circle):
Yes or No
General Help
Yes or No
2015 Canterbury Auskick Information Form
(please complete 1 form per child)
Saturday Mornings 9:00 am to 10:30 am
Lower Oval, Highfield Park
Starts 18 April (1st Saturday after second term commences)
Auskick is the AFL’s introductory program for primary school-aged children and their
families. Canterbury Auskick has been running for many years with the aim of teaching
children the basic skills of AFL and most importantly for all kids to have fun.
Canterbury Auskick runs three groups. One for students in Foundation, one for Grade 1
and a combined seniors group for students in Grades 2, 3, 4 and 5. Auskick also provides
a relaxed forum for children and parents to socialise.
Canterbury Auskick runs from Saturday 18th April until Saturday 29th August inclusive
(rain, hail or shine), with a break for the Queen’s Birthday long weekend (no Auskick on
6th June) and school holidays (no Auskick on 27th June, 4th July and 11th July).
During the year Canterbury Auskick runs a number of “Theme Days” including
Grandparents Day, Dads’ Bake Off and the hotly contested Mums vs. Kids Day.
Auskick for Foundation students: The main objective of Auskick for
Foundation students is for them to have fun. Along the way there is
social interaction with other children, ball games and short matches.
Auskick matches have modified rules including sharing of the ball
and no tackling.
The registration cost is $95 per child which includes:
New to Auskick: backpack, football, pump,
cap, footy cards, album and activity book
Returning to Auskick: football, pump, footy
cards, sticker sheet, boot bag and T-shirt
A participation Medal / Trophy on
Presentation Day (Saturday 29th August)
For older groups, a chance to participate in a
½ time game at either the MCG or Etihad
Free “Auskick Under Lights” & Pie Night
All equipment and coaching
Free BBQ and soft drinks for kids & their
families on selected Auskick sessions
To Register
Click on either New Participant or Re-Register.
Click on the Find centre button, search for Canterbury and then click the
‘Register’ button.
Complete the online registration process.
Pay registration fee of $95 via the online payment process and print out your
Complete the other side of this Information Form
Staple your payment receipt to this Information Form.
Either send your Information Form to Claire at 37 Maysia Street, Canterbury 3126, or bring it
to the first Canterbury Auskick session on 18th April 2014.
Any questions please email