Newsletter 11th June 2015 - Canterbury Primary School

Primary School
Molesworth Street Canterbury 3126 Telephone 9836 4537 or 9830 1963
Vol: 23
No: 15
Facsimile 9888 5685
Fri 12th - Year 6 Excursion to NGV
Mon 15th - UNSW Writing @ 7.50am
L6C Excursion Channel 7 Studios
Tue 16th - UNSW Spelling @ 7.50am
Tue 16
- Community Engagement Committee 6pm
Education Committee 6:15pm
eLearning Committee 6:30pm
Tue 23rd - Fri 26th - Year 6 Camp
Tue 23rd - Year 1&2 excursion to Werribee Zoo, be at
school at 8:15am
Fri 26th - Last Day Term 2
school finishes @ 2.30pm
Mon 13th - First day Term 3
July 28th - UNSW English @ 7.50am
July 28th - Family Life Parent Info Evening @ 7pm
Wed 29th - Year 3 Camp
Thurs 30th - Year 3 Camp
Fri 31st
- Year 3 Camp
Tue 11th - UNSW Mathematics
Wed 26th - House Athletics Years 3-6 9am-3pm
Wed 2nd - CPS School Disco
Fri 18th - Last day Term 3 school finishes @ 2.30pm
Mon 5th - First day Term 4
Sun 25th - CPS School Fair (10am-4pm)
Sick Bay Linen (laundering)
roster Term 2
12th June Karyn White
19th June Kate Elliott
Date: June 11th 2015
From The Principal…
Prep enrolments 2016
Parents of children in the school with a sibling
who will be starting Prep in 2016 are
encouraged to collect an enrolment pack from
the office. The forms need to be completed
and returned as soon as possible. This
information is important in the planning
process for 2016 as we are currently receiving
many queries about enrolment both inside
and outside of our designated neighbourhood
catchment. Once we finalise our numbers
from within our catchment and current
families, we can determine the number of
positions we can offer just outside our
catchment. If you know of any families
interested in sending their children to
Canterbury Primary School please inform
them that enrolment packs are available and
that tours are conducted by appointment.
I will be taking long service leave for the last
two weeks of this term. Justine Mackey will be
well supported by our school Leadership
Team, Matt Forrest and Victoria Milne in my
absence. Best wishes to all of our Canterbury
families for the remainder of the term and the
term break.
David Wells, Principal
Please note that there is no casual dress day
tomorrow, Friday 12 June. If you would like to
donate food to the FEED MELBOURNE
APPEAL then please bring your non-perishable food
to your classroom tomorrow. See flyer attached to
this newsletter.
Dates for the University of New South Wales
Testing are:
Mon 15th June 7:50am
Tue 16th June 7:50am
Tue 28th July 7:50am
Tue 11th Aug 7:50am
Your special invitation to our
Annual Report 2014 Briefing
Every year our school is required to complete
an Annual Report and then present its highlights
community. The Annual Report features these
four critical areas:
1.Student Achievement
2.Student Engagement
3.Student Wellbeing
4. Productivity
Biggest Afternoon Tea
The Local Action Team are organising the
Biggest Afternoon Tea in the Creativity Centre
Hall on Thursday
3:30pm - 4:30pm.
If you can help by supplying some delicious
baked goods please chat to either Emma Ross
Kira Groves
All proceeds go to the Cancer Council.
It is really critical as a parent group that we do
all have an opportunity to contribute to strengthening our school to ensure excellent learning
and community experiences for our children. So
come along and hear the highlights from our
Annual Report on Tuesday 16th June at 6pm in
the school hall. The Annual Report discussion
will form part of the Community Engagement
Committee meeting.
There has never been a better chance to keep
current with what's happening in our school
Please RSVP to
Michelle Lawson
Community Engagement Committee
C1J Morning Tea Friday 19 June @ 9:15am at
Bambalero’s on Maling Road
There are two more exciting weekends left of
Auskick for Term 2. Saturday 20 June will be the
last Auskick for the term and there will be a BBQ for
all Auskickers and siblings.
Please remember to bring along a water bottle
for all your children playing Auskick.
Thank you for your continued support of the
D0H Parents Dinner Saturday 20 June @ 7:30pm
D0W Morning Tea Monday 22 June @ 9:30am
Year 6 Parents Morning Tea Tuesday 23 June @
Year 4 Parent Dinner Wednesday 24 June @
7:30pm at Pizza Religion
Year 1 Park Play Friday 26 June at Mary Mackillop
Park after school finishes
Prep Term Breakup Party/Sausage Sizzle Friday
26 June @ 2.30pm at Riversdale Park
C1D Mum’s Dinner Thursday 16 July @ 7:30pm at
Bangkok Terrace
Ladies and Gentlemen there is an amazing opportunity
for one lucky person out there!
The position of Secretary is currently vacant on the
CPA. The role requires typing up the quarterly
meetings and other related tasks. A full hand over is
provided with on-the-spot training and guidance.
This is a fabulous opportunity to join a groovy team of
ladies who meet ‘informally’ for coffee once a term and
‘formally’ once a term with the Parent Coordinator
meeting…not too time consuming! Please contact
Melinda or Lisa (see details below) to discuss.
Oh, and the first coffee is FREE !
Melinda Richardson
Lisa Charteris
Please donate a non-perishable food item
to be placed in classroom collection box
(Pasta, rice, couscous, tinned tomatoes, tinned tuna or other)