CRC RIDDEN SHOW 29th MARCH 2015 RESULTS CRC MEMBERS ONLY CLASSES Judge : April Buckingham Class 1 : Best CRC Combination 1st Babs Theinert – Brown Crunchie Gold 2nd Emma Arrandale Ruby Tuesday rd 3 Danielle Simpson Lovelinks 4th Hanne LeLievre Zachory th 5 Sue Dromgoole Jack Flash 6th Sarah Peck Irish Holiday Class 2 : Best CRC Rider 1st Danielle Simpson 2nd Babs Theinert – Brown 3rd Hanne LeLievre 4th Emma Arrandale 5th Sue Dromgoole 6th Sandra Tarrant Lovelinks Crunchie Gold Zachory Ruby Tuesday Jack Flash Filo PONIES / PARK HACKS & HACKS Judge : Katie Meyers 3. & 12. Best Presented 1st Danielle Simpson 2nd Annabel Fitzsimons 3rd Lucinda Murray 4th Jane Ensor 5th Hanne LeLievre 6th Lauren Orpwood Lovelinks Totally Confidential Soweto Milburn Momentum Zachory SBF Radioactive 4. & 13. Best Walking 1st Hanne LeLievre 2nd Lauren Orpwood 3rd Danielle Simpson 4th Katrin Hohn 5th Annabel Fitzsimons Zachory SBF Radioactive Lovelinks Linken Park Totally Confidential 5. Novice Pony & Park Hack 0-6 wins 1st Danielle Simpson Lovelinks nd 2 Annabel Fitzsimons Totally Confidential 3rd Hanne LeLievre Zachory 6. Open Pony 1st Hanne LeLievre Zachory 7. Open Park Hack 1st Danielle Simpson 2nd Annabel Fitzsimons Lovelinks Totally Confidential 14. Novice Hack 0-6 wins 1st Jane Ensor Milburn Momentum nd 2 Katrin Hohn Linken Park 3rd Lauren Orpwood SBF Radioactive 15. Open Hack 1st Lucinda Murray 2nd Jane Ensor 3rd Katrin Hohn Soweto Milburn Momentum Linken Park 8. & 16. Best Paced 1st Danielle Simpson 2nd Lucinda Murray 3rd Annabel Fitzsimons 4th Hanne LeLievre Lovelinks Soweto Totally Confidential Zachory 9. & 17. Best Mannered 1st Lucinda Murray 2nd Annabel Fitzsimons 3rd Hanne LeLievre Soweto Totally Confidential Zachory 10. & 18. Best Riding Club Horse/Pony 1st Hanne LeLievre Zachory 2nd Lucinda Murray Soweto rd 3 Annabel Fitzsimons Totally Confidential 11. Best Rider 1st Danielle Simpson 2nd Annabel Fitzsimons 3rd Hanne LeLievre Lovelinks Totally Confidential Zachory Champion Pony / Park Hack Danielle Simpson Lovelinks Reserve Champion Annabel Fitzsimons Totally Confidential Champion Hack Lucinda Murray Soweto Reserve Champion Hack Jane Ensor Milburn Momentum HUNTERS & COBS SPORT HORSE & RIDING HORSE Judge : Rosalie Kerr Judge : Diana Rickerby 20. Best Presented 1st Sarah Sauer Kanuka 21. Best Walking 1st Sarah Sauer 2nd Jennie van der Valk 3rd Amie Dean 4th Karen Seaton 5th J Hammond Kanuka Rubenesque Will He Rock DJ Oread Elsha 22. Novice 0-6 wins 1st Jennie van der Valk 2nd Sarah Sauer 3rd Erika McStay 4th Amie Dean 5th Karen Seaton Rubenesque Kanuka What a Boone Will He Rock DJ 23. Open Hunter 1st Jennie van der Valk 2nd Sarah Sauer 3rd Amie Dean 4th Erika McStay 5th Karen Seaton Rubenesque Kanuka Will He What a Boone Rock DJ 24. Open Cob 1st J Hammond Oread Elsha 25. Best Paced 1st Sarah Sauer 2nd Jennie van der Valk 3rd Amie Dean 4th Erika McStay Kanuka Rubenesque Will He What a Boone 26. Best Mannered 1st Sarah Sauer 2nd Erika McStay Kanuka What a Boone 27. Best Riding Club Horse 1st Sarah Sauer Kanuka 2nd J Hammond Oread Elsha rd 3 Amie Dean Will He 28. Best Rider 1st Sarah Sauer 2nd Amie Dean 3rd Erika McStay Kanuka Will He What a Boone Champion Hunter / Cob Jennie van der Valk Rubenesque Reserve Champion Sarah Sauer Kanuka 29. Best Presented 1st Jacinta Calland 2nd Raquel Cook Zlato RV Captorq 30. Best Walking 1st Jacinta Calland 2nd Raquel Cook Zlato RV Captorq 31. Novice 0-6 wins 1st Sally Graham 2nd Jacinta Calland 3rd Nola Huatorpet 4th Eleshia Mitchell 5th Raquel Cook Winton Arrow Zlato Mountain Traveres Time Bandit RV Captorq 32. Open Sport Horse 1st Sally Graham 2nd Fiona Given 3rd Eleshia Mitchell Winton Arrow Black Canary Time Bandit 33. Open Riding Horse 1st Nola Huatorpet 2nd Jacinta Calland 3rd Raquel Cook Mountain Traveres Zlato RV Captorq 34. Best Paced 1st Sally Graham 2nd Eleshia Mitchell 3rd Fiona Given 4th Jacinta Calland 5th Nola Huatorpet 6th Raquel Cook Winton Arrow Time Bandit Black Canary Zlato Mountain Traveres RV Captorq 35. Best Mannered 1st Fiona Given 2nd Nola Huatorpet 3rd Eleshia Mitchell 4th Sally Graham 5th Raquel Cook Black Canary Mountain Traveres Time Bandit Winton Arrow RV Captorq 36. Best Riding Club Horse 1st Fiona Given Black Canary nd 2 Eleshia Mitchell Time Bandit 3rd Sally Graham Winton Arrow th 4 Raquel Cook RV Captorq 37. Best Rider 1st Eleshia Mitchell 2nd Fiona Given 3rd Nola Huatorpet 4th Raquel Cook Time Bandit Black Canary Mountain Traveres RV Captorq Champion Sport / Riding Horse Nola Huatorpet Mountain Traveres Reserve Champion Sally Graham Winton Arrow G Smith & S Robertson Contracting Springston ph. 03 3252 055 STANDARDBREDS Judge : Katie Meyers 45. Best Rider 1st Laura Marks 2nd Rena Johnsen Almost Famous Bargin Baby Champion Standardbred Laura Marks Almost Famous Reserve Champion Katrina Gosney Meads Quaff COLOUREDS Judge : Rosalie Kerr 47. Best Presented 1st Laura Gundry 2nd Bernice Cribb 3rd Nicole Parrett Puzzle Traveller Caramel Kisses 48. Best Walking 1st Laura Gundry 2nd Nicole Parrett 3rd Bernice Cribb Puzzle Caramel Kisses Traveller 38. Best presented 1st Laura Marks 2nd Katrina Gosney Almost Famous Meads Quaff 39. Best Walking 1st Katrina Gosney 2nd Rena Johnsen 3rd M Killick Meads Quaff Bargin Baby Clever Lustre 49. Novice 0-6 wins 1st Bernice Cribb 2nd Nicole Parrett 3rd Laura Gundry Traveller Caramel Kisses Puzzle 40. Novice 0-6 wins 1st Katrina Gosney 2nd Natasha Bol 3rd Rena Johnsen 4th M Killick Meads Quaff OK Baddy Bargin Baby Clever Lustre 50. Open 1st Melissa Eden 2nd Bernice Cribb 3rd Nicole Parrett 4th Laura Gundry Natives Royal Affair Traveller Caramel Kisses Puzzle 41. Open 1st Laura Marks 2nd Natasha Bol Almost Famous OK Baddy 42. Best Paced 1st Katrina Gosney 2nd Laura Marks 3rd Natasha Bol 4th Rena Johnsen Meads Quaff Almost Famous OK Baddy Bargin Baby 51. Best Paced 1st Nicole Parrett 2nd Bernice Cribb 3rd Melissa Eden 4th Laura Gundry Caramel Kisses Traveller Natives Royal Affair Puzzle 43. Best Mannered 1st M Killick 2nd Laura Marks 3rd Rena Johnsen Clever Lustre Almost Famous Bargin Baby 52. Best Mannered 1st Melissa Eden 2nd Nicole Parrett 3rd Bernice Cribb 4th Laura Gundry Natives Royal Affair Caramel Kisses Traveller Puzzle 44. Best Riding Club Horse 1st Laura Marks Almost Famous nd 2 Rena Johnsen Bargin Baby 3rd M Killick Clever Lustre 53. Best Riding Club Horse 1st Laura Gundry Puzzle nd 2 Nicole Parrett Caramel Kisses 54. Best Rider 1st Nicole Parrett 2nd Laura Gundry Caramel Kisses Puzzle Champion Coloured Melissa Eden Natives Royal Affair Reserve Champion Bernice Cribb Traveller RIDING CLUB MOUNT Judge : Diana Rickerby 57. Best Presented 1st Maria Court 2nd Stephanie Bullock 3rd Babs Theinert – Brown 4th Sue Dromgoole 5th Sarah Hazlewood 6th Amie Dean Ridgeway Ronan Mel Crunchie Gold Jack Flash Makoya Will He 58. Best Walking 1st Sue Dromgoole 2nd Sandra Tarrant 3rd Emma Arrandale 4th Amie Dean 5th J Hammond 6th Chloe Wium Jack Flash Filo Ruby Tuesday Will He Taffy Tussock 59. Best Mannered 1st Chloe Wium 2nd Emma Arrandale 3rd Maria Court 4th Stephanie Bullock 5th Sandra Tarrant 6th Babs Theinert – Brown Tussock Ruby Tuesday Ridgeway Ronan Mel Filo Crunchie Gold 60. Best Journey Type (to be judged on walk/canter comfort) 1st Sarah Hazlewood Makoya 2nd Chloe Wium Tussock rd 3 Babs Theinert – Brown Crunchie Gold 4th Emma Arrandale Ruby Tuesday th 5 Beth Krehic Charlie Brown 6th Sue Dromgoole Jack Flash 61. Handy Mount 1st Stephanie Bullock 2nd Babs Theinert – Brown 3rd Chloe Wium 4th Maria Court 5th Sarah Hazlewood 6th Sandra Tarrant Mel Crunchie Gold Tussock Ridgeway Ronan Makoya Filo 62. Best Rider 1st Babs Theinert – Brown 2nd Sandra Tarrant 3rd Chloe Wium 4th Emma Arrandale 5th Sarah Hazlewood 6th Stephanie Bullock Crunchie Gold Filo Tussock Ruby Tuesday Makoya Mel 63. Best Jumping (to be judged on style and willingness) 1st Babs Theinert – Brown Crunchie Gold 2nd Emma Arrandale Ruby Tuesday 3rd Stephanie Bullock Mel th 4 Sarah Hazlewood Makoya 5th Beth Krehic Charlie Brown th 6 Sandra Tarrant Filo Champion Riding Club Mount Sarah Hazlewood Makoya Reserve Champion Chloe Wium Tussock Burwood Pruduce and Horse & Pony Supplies 172 Mairehau Road Marshlands 69. Best Mannered 1st Hannah Hamilton Miss Ella Judge : April Buckingham nd 2 Barb Fitzgibbon Jaimie 65. Best Presented 3rd Catie Cawley The Real Slim Shady 1st Lynley O'Brian Centennial Time Bandit 4th Rebecca Hadfield Infuro nd 2 Karen Franicevic Nippzzano 5th Julia Anderson Pine Eyre Kosar th 3rd Claudia McFarland La Vida Loca 6 Abigail Cowie Highbridge Ambrosia 4th Julia Anderson Pine Eyre Kosar 5th Abigail Cowie Highbridge Ambrosia 70. Best Riding Club Horse th 6 Barb Fitzgibbon Jaimie 1st Hannah Hamilton Miss Ella nd 2 Lynley O'Brian Centennial Time Bandit 66. Best Walking A rd st 3 Barb Fitzgibbon Jaimie 1 Catie Cawley The Real Slim Shady th Nippzzano 2nd Lynley O'Brian Centennial Time Bandit 4th Karen Franicevic rd 5 =Jenny Nicol Apache Q 3 Abigail Cowie Highbridge Ambrosia th 5 =Abigail Cowie Highbridge Ambrosia 4th Karen Franicevic Nippzzano th th 6 =Julia Anderson Pine Eyre Kosar 5 Julia Anderson Pine Eyre Kosar th 6 =Catie Cawley The Real Slim Shady 6th Claudia McFarland La Vida Loca 6th =Chontelle Clark Fancy That GREEN HORSE 66. Best Walking B 1st Barb Fitzgibbon 2nd Chontelle Clark 3rd Hannah Hamilton 4th Nikki Morgan 5th Lisa Hadfield 6th Jenny Nicol 67. Best Trotting A 1st Catie Cawley 2nd Abigail Cowie 3rd Lynley O'Brian 4th Julia Anderson 5th =Claudia McFarland 5th = Karen Franicevic 67. Best Trotting B 1st Rebecca Hadfield 2nd Barb Fitzgibbon 3rd Hannah Hamilton 4th Chontelle Clark 5th Lisa Hadfield 6th =Nikki Morgan 6th =Jenny Nicol Jaimie Fancy That Miss Ella Tuscan Sky Cruzza Gizmo Apache Q The Real Slim Shady Highbridge Ambrosia Centennial Time Bandit Pine Eyre Kosar La Vida Loca Nippzzano Infuro Jaimie Miss Ella Fancy That Gizmo Tuscan Sky Cruzza Apache Q 68. Best Paced 1st Rebecca Hadfield Infuro 2nd Catie Cawley The Real Slim Shady 3rd Hannah Hamilton Miss Ella th 4 Julia Anderson Pine Eyre Kosar 5th Lynley O'Brian Centennial Time Bandit 6th =Barb Fitzgibbon Jaimie 6th = Chontelle Clark Fancy That 71. Best Rider 1st Catie Cawley 2nd Hannah Hamilton 3rd Lynley O'Brian 4th =Julia Anderson 4th =Abigail Cowie 5th Lisa Hadfield The Real Slim Shady Miss Ella Centennial Time Bandit Pine Eyre Kosar Highbridge Ambrosia Gizmo Champion Green Horse Hannah Hamilton Miss Ella Reserve Champion Catie Cawley The Real Slim Shady CHAMPION RIDER Danielle Simpson Lovelinks CHAMPION NOVICE Danielle Simpson Lovelinks4 SUPREME RIDDEN CHAMPION 2015 Danielle Simpson Lovelinks
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