Sustainability reporting key to good corporate governance

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CSRtracker - In Depth
Issue 27
March 26th, 2015
In This Issue
Dear Olivia,
Carbon Credit Capital is pleased to send you CSRtracker - In Depth, an
edited snapshot of global corporate social responsibility (CSR) news, as well
as in-depth research and analysis on current issues affecting corporate
environmental reporting, supply chain management, standards and regulation,
and corporate stewardship in the U.S. and throughout the world. The
CSRtracker is delivered to your inbox every other week.
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Corporate Reporting Tracker
U.N. Guiding Principles Reporting Framework Released by the Human
Rights Reporting and Assurance Frameworks Initiative
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In late February, after 18 months of research and consultation, a new
Reporting Framework has been released to help companies report on their
human rights performance in a manner aligned with the expectations set
forth in the U.N. Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. The
Reporting Framework is intended to enable companies of all sizes, and in all
sectors, to report on their efforts to operate consistently with the corporate
responsibility to respect human rights.
Sustainability reporting key to good corporate governance
Corporate-sustainability reporting should deliver information in such a way that it provides decision-making value to
investors, customers, employees and other relevant groups who have a stake in the company or who are in some ways
affected by the company's actions. This type of reporting should increase the transparency and accountability of companies,
and is considered an important way for companies to demonstrate their performance and long-term economic value, to
assume corporate responsibility and to contribute to sustainable development.
Sustainability reporting 2015: The materiality burden and opportunity
Sustainability reporting standards like GRI are increasingly focused on defining and prioritising material issues. Materiality has been
thrown into the mainstream of sustainability reporting. Three leading standards - the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI)'s G4
guidelines, the International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC) and the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB) - all
have materiality at their core, requiring companies to adjust their processes accordingly.
Corporate Supply Chain Tracker
Multi-Stakeholder Collaboration Builds Sustainable Supply Chains
Stakeholder collaboration can help management prepare for a better future: Stakeholder
expertise on operations on the ground can unveil areas in supply chains where there is high risk
potential and unexplored opportunities.
Companies can improve the environmental, social and economic impact of their supply chains
by working with, for instance, suppliers. The challenge that climate change poses on supply
chains is becoming increasingly more complex. A collaborative approach provides a robust
starting point for addressing issues in a comprehensive, systematic way. Businesses can ensure
that their actions create long-lasting positive impacts by collaborating with strategic partners
that possess specific competences. This enables these businesses to positively affect the
environment and communities they operate in, as well as their bottom line.
Triple Pundit
Building Success in Sustainability: Transparency in the Supply Chain
Transparency is critical for the success of any program, and that includes one focused on sustainability in the supply chain.
At AT&T we view our supply chain through the lenses of accountability and transparency with the notion that, "what gets
measured gets done." Based on our experience, the following key actions provide a strong foundation for a transparent and
sustainable supply chain.
3bl media
Standards & Regulation Tracker
Mandatory CSR gives corporates an opportunity to serve larger stakeholders
Prof V Kasturi Rangan is the Malcolm P. McNair Professor of Marketing and the co-chairman of Social Enterprise Initiative at
the Harvard Business School. Rangan was recently at the Indian Institute of Management - Ahmedabad (IIM-A) to conduct a
workshop on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). Rangan, an alumnus of IIM-A, has authored several books and working
papers on CSR and its strategic importance for the companies and believes that Indian corporates have an opportunity to
serve the broader stakeholders under the compulsory 2 per cent CSR spend as mandated in the new Companies Act, than
keeping a narrower motive of serving the shareholders with profit numbers.
Hindu Business Line
Sustainability Conference in Seattle Shares That the Best Innovations in CSR Are the Simplest
CSR is a notoriously slow-moving and under-funded, so it comes as no surprise that some of the greatest innovations in CSR
are coming from smaller, nimbler organizations, and being demonstrated at smaller, nimbler conferences.This last week, CSR
leaders from the Pacific Northwest assembled in Seattle for the Purpose and Profit CSR Conference held by University of
Washington Tacoma's Center for Leadership and Social Responsibility.
Corporate Stewardship Highlight
Northern Trust Named a 2015 World's Most Ethical Company by Ethisphere Institute
Northern Trust announced that it has been recognized as a 2015 World's Most Ethical Company® by the Ethisphere
Institute. The World's Most Ethical Companies designation recognizes those organizations that have had a material
impact on the way business is conducted by fostering a culture of ethics and transparency at every level of the
company. "This honor underscores Northern Trust's longstanding commitment to ethical business standards and
practices, which begins with our board and senior leadership team but rests on the integrity, expertise and commitment
to service of our 15,000 worldwide partners," Northern Trust Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Frederick H.
Waddell said. "This is one reflection of our core values of service, expertise and integrity in our 125th year of service to
our clients, shareholders, employees and communities."
Report Tracker
The Pace of Sustainability
Disclaimer: The information contained in this CSRtracker - In Depth has been carefully researched and compiled to the best of our
knowledge. However, Carbon Credit Capital does not accept responsibility for any consequences, which might be caused by the
use or reliance upon the information in the CSRtracker - In Depth. Carbon Credit Capital does not assume any liability for the
accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of the content of this newsletter.
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