here - Forum for the Future

Helping Your Business Be More Successful By Being More Sustainable
The Opportunity
The Offer
India’s Companies Act, 2013, (Section
Forum for the Future and GIST
135) requires large and profitable
Advisory can help your company on
companies to invest 2% of their
this journey by:
average net profit over the last three
years in CSR activities.
• Identifying the material issues that
will shape your business’ success.
This provides companies with an
opportunity to design and invest in
• Use our insights and tools to design a
CSR programs that tackle key
program of activities, funded by your
sustainability issues as well as
2% spend, which address these
improve business performance in the
material issues.
long run.
• Provide technical guidance and tools
We believe that this legislation
for monitoring and assessing the
presents a unique opportunity for
activities funded by your 2% spend.
Indian businesses to use the 2% rule
to start their journey towards
becoming future-ready in a truly
comprehensive way.
• Evaluate the social and
environmental impact of your
business’ activities.
Our Approach
Our expert consultancy at each step – from policy making to annual reporting –
ensures that your business is equipped to meet not just its current targets, but also
anticipate future issues and build capacity to address them.
As a result of this process, your company will achieve the means to create a CSR
policy as required by the legislation; report on CSR programme activities; and fulfil its
obligations under the Companies Act, 2013.
More importantly, you will have a better understanding of the most material external
issues impacting your business’ success – including recommendations for CSR
programmes that responds to these issues. We see this as the first step in a process to
creating a sustainability strategy that will drive efficiency and long term resilience in
your business.
Exploring key sustainability issues
(Forum for the Future)
Use futures techniques to
identify the key upcoming
sustainability issues affecting
your company, and their link
to its prospects for business
Identifying and engaging partners
(GIST Advisory)
Provide technical guidance
and tools for assessing
suitable CSR activities
Identify the key material
issues–risks and opportunities
– which need addressing if it is
to become a successful,
sustainable business.
Conduct a review of NGO
performance (SROI Analysis)
& recommend basket of
activities & NGOs for 2%
CSR investment
On this basis, select priority
areas for investment of CSR
funds that create a bridge to
your business being
sustainable and profitable in
the future
Identify stakeholders &
beneficiaries, set up
framework for monitoring
and data collection
Forum for the Future and GIST Advisory have a strong track record in creating futureproof strategies with companies and measuring their impact and, if required, can talk
to you about possible additional services that meet your individual needs.
Deliverables & Timeline
Our streamlined process is designed to enable customized and timely solutions –
ensuring that your business’s CSR goals are realized in the most efficient and costeffective manner possible.
WEEK 1 & 2
Formulating the CSR Strategy
(Forum for the Future)
Insights from research, phone
interviews and video conferences
WEEK 3 & 4
Identifying and engaging partners
(GIST Advisory)
Recommend CSR Activities & NGOs
Framework for Future Assessment
Summary of material issues
Who We Are
Forum for the Future has an 18 year track record in
supporting leading businesses across the world to be
more successful by responding to sustainability
challenges. We work with over 130 organisations,
creating future-ready strategies for our clients, including
Unilever, Aditya Birla Group, MAS Holdings and Marks
and Spencer. We help organisations to identify the
challenges that will be material to their long term success
– such as climate change, disruptive technologies, and
changing consumer expectations of business – and
respond to them such that they are profitable in the short
and long term.
You can contact us at:
Forum for the Future
c/o Inlaks Shivdasani Foundation,
86/87 Atlanta, Nariman Point,
Mumbai – 400 021
Tel.: +91 (0) 22 2288 6580
GIST Advisory provides sustainability consultancy
services to governments, corporations, financial
institutions and civil service organizations (CSOs). The
“GIST collaborative” brings together vast experience and
in-depth knowledge across the fields of economics,
ecology, environment, finance and policy. We have been
measuring holistic performance & evaluating
externalities since 2004.
You can contact us at:
GIST Advisory Pvt. Ltd.
B1-206B, 2nd Floor, B-Wing, Boomerang,
Chandivali Farm Road,
Andheri (East), Mumbai – 400 072
Tel.: +91 (0) 22 6710 2812 / 6710 2884