Cardinal Pacelli Post April 22, 2015 4/29/15, 1:49 PM Quick Links April 22, 2015 Our Lord Christ the King Church From the Principal PTO website We are happy to announce that Mitch L is our May Crowning King and Anna H. and Allie G. are our May Crowning Queens! Athletics Website Calendar Headmaster April 2015 Lunch Menu Tech Center Talk The 8th Graders voted for these students to be the people who will crown Mary at the May Crowning Ceremony on May 5th. Congratulations Mitch, Anna & Allie on such an honor! Important Dates: April 24th JuneFest Kickoff 4th Grade Crystal Clear Market Day Pick-Up April 28th Dewey's Pizza Night Scrips Order Forms Due May 1st 4th Grade Wax Museum Interims May 2nd 1st Communion 1:00 PM May 4th No School for 2nd Graders May 5th May Crowning 7:00 PM 8th Grade Graduation Pictures 6:00 PM May 7th All School Rosary 1:45 PM May 8th Yearbook order deadline. Clothing Drop Off Last Day No School for Kindergarteners 4th Grade at Sunwatch Village Spring Concert - Thursday, May 21st 5th, 6th & 7th Grade parents! Mark your calendars now! Your students will be performing in this concert! Be sure to come and see them perform on May 21st at 7:00 PM in the gym. All are welcome to atttend this free Spring Concert! Internet Safety Presentation Grades 5-8 On Friday, April 17, Detective Mary Braun of the Cincinnati Police Department came and spoke to middle school students in two separate sessions. With 5th and 6th graders, Detective Braun focused on cyberbullying from both the victim and the bully's perspective, including the motives of those who cause cyberbullying incidents and actions that victims can take. She also discussed cyberbullying with 7th and 8th grade students, but expanded the conversation to include other internet safety issues such as predator avoidance and the students' digital footprint. Telling a trusted adult is a victim's first tool in dealing with Internet safety problems. However, it is not always easy to take that step. Detective Braun's contact information is being given to 7th and 8th grade students. If your student confides in you on an issue related to Internet Safety or you have questions, you can contact Detective Braun (or the Cincinnati Police Department) at 513-946-8335. Page 1 of 13 Cardinal Pacelli Post April 22, 2015 4/29/15, 1:49 PM Altar Server t-shirt Day May 13th Box Top Family Spiritwear Day 7th Grade Parents: 8th Grade Test Prep Info May 14th 8th Grade Bake Sale May 15th Spiritwear Day May 19th COSI May 21st Grades 5-7 Spring Concert 7:00 PM in the Gym White Envelope Dewey's Pizza Flyer Yearbook Flyer Cougar Football Program Registration Form Powers Educational Services will again provide our Test Prep Program for the High School Entrance Test. They will provide test prep during school hours and it will be mandatory for all upcoming 8th grade students. Parents, please plan on attending the information session on Thursday, May 7th at 7:00 PM. The meeting will be held in Mrs. Maly's classroom (only parents are to attend). COSI Volunteers Needed Resceduled Date: MAY 19TH Volunteers Needed for COSI Day on Tuesday, May 19!!! We need 40+ parent volunteers to help with this very popular and fun event for grades K-5. No experience necessary. All instructions and materials are provided. Teams of 2-3 parents per table guide students through hands-on activities. This year our theme is, "It's Simply Chemistry". You can help students learn about Chemistry in our daily lives through experiments that teach them about density; solids vs. liquids, ultraviolet ink and black light, and more. Sign on Volunteer Spot: or contact Mindy Smyth: or 478-9365. Summer Assignments: Language Arts and Math summer assignments are mandatory for all returning students entering grades 1st-8th. Language Arts assignments will be sent home by the upcoming grade level teachers. We will be using the Summer Solutions workbooks for our Math summer assignments. Please Click Here to be taken to the ordering page. The information you'll need is below and was also sent home in the White Envelope today, Wednesday, April 15th. Please order for the grade they are currently in (except 7th grade students who need to go to the 8th grade option when ordering). Deadline: May 17th, 2015 School Code: CAR45226 Page 2 of 13 Cardinal Pacelli Post April 22, 2015 4/29/15, 1:49 PM Current K students: Level K Common Core Mathematics AND Level K Reading Comprehension Current 1st grade students: Level 1 Original Mathematics Current 2nd grade students: Level 2 Original Mathematics Current 3rd grade students: Level 3 Original Mathematics Current 4th grade students: Level 4 Original Mathematics Current 5th grade students: Intermediate A Mathematics Current 6th grade students: Intermediate B Mathematics Current 7th grade students: Go to 8th grade options and select Algebra 1 Part A Mathematics Clothing Donations Needed Drop Off Until May 8 Please consider donating items that don't fit to Children's Hospital, who is in need of gently used spring and summer clothing. They will also accept winter clothing. Donation details: *Items will be accepted until May 8 *Drop items off in the school office OR *Drop off items at 1427 Herschel Avenue (leave on front porch). *Boys and Girls Spring and Summer Clothing, in Sizes Newborn to Ages 9-10. Shoes are also needed. Any questions, please contact Bridget Castellini at, 871-4499 (home) or 515-9673 (mobile). -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Toys needed for church daycare The childcare at the church is also in need of small toys (books and toys for 1-4 year olds). Drop off at school or parish. Contact Emily Dailey: Page 3 of 13 Cardinal Pacelli Post April 22, 2015 4/29/15, 1:49 PM PARENTS - JOIN US FOR THE JUNEFEST GRAND RAFFLE KICK-OFF The 2015 JuneFest Grand Raffle Kickoff is this Friday, April 24th at 9:30 AM in the gym. The rally is a blast so stop by and participate in the excitement! Packets come home this Friday so start your selling engines! Your JuneFest Chairs, Matthew & Jamie Schwendeman, Jennifer & Doug & Mary Beth Hines and Sandy & Bridgett Pauly. YEARBOOKS ON SALE NOW!!! Information regarding Yearbooks is in today's White Envelope. ALL YEARBOOK ORDERS MUST BE PLACED ON LINE. Please see the flyer in today's White Envelope for details and instructions as to how to place your order. If you have any questions, please contact Victoria Osborne at The deadline to order is May 8th. FROM THE SCHOOL NURSE Last week, Sixth Grade Parents should have received an important letter in a separate envelope from me. The letter was about a mandatory immunization incoming 7th graders are required to have. If you have not done so already, please schedule your 6th grade student for a well child visit before school starts in August, if he/she has not already received this vaccination. Thank you, Mrs. Strominger School Nurse HEALTH & WELLNESS Spring sports have started so it's important to keep kids hydrated. Consider replacing sport drinks with coconut water. Coconut water contains more potassium (at about 294 mg) than most sports drinks (117 mg) and most energy drinks. Coconut water has less sodium (25mg) where sports drinks have around 41mg and energy drinks have about 200 mg. Coconut water has 5mg of Natural Sugars where sports and energy drinks range from 10-25mg of Altered Sugars. Coconut water is very high in Chloride at 118mg, compared to sports drinks at 39mg. Coconut Water Benefits Coconut water is incredibly healthy and one of the best drinks to hydrate the body. Besides helping to remove toxins from the body and aiding digestion, coconuts have amazing anti-viral, anti-fungal and anti-microbial properties that help to cure diseases. PTO NEWS Page 4 of 13 Cardinal Pacelli Post April 22, 2015 4/29/15, 1:49 PM Fashion Show We would like to extend a big thank you to everyone who helped make the Fashion Show such a huge success. Thank you to the committee members whose creativity and hard work allowed for a very enjoyable event. Thank you to the models who gave of their time to show us beautiful fashions. Thank you to our amazing emcee, Brian Fortin. Thank you to the dads who volunteered their time to serve dinner and drinks as well as clean up after the event. Thank you to all who donated items to give away as well as items to raffle. Thank you to our grand prize sponsors. Thank you to those who donated appetizers and desserts. Thank you to Chuck Lipp and Dewey's Pizza for providing such a wonderful dinner. Thank you to Steve Kucia and the rest of the facilities team for helping us with set up and clean up. Finally, we would like to give a big thank you to everyone who attended the event. Without the support of our volunteers, models, donors, and guests the Fashion Show would not happen! ClickHere to take a look at pictures from the Fashion Show. Thank you to Mitch Dunn for once again being our in house photographer. The pictures are great! Thanks again, The Fashion Show Chairs April is Kroger's renewal month. Please renew your card... Cardinal Pacelli will receive over $4,500 from the Kroger Plus program. Please follow the instructions below for registering your card to renew your Kroger Plus Card on behalf of Cardinal Pacelli. If your family is currently not signed up please follow these same instructions to register your Kroger Plus Card today. Register online at If you do not yet have a Kroger Plus card, they are available at the customer service desk at any Kroger. If you are registering for the first time you will get a message to check your email inbox click on the link within the body of the email, sign in again.. If you use your phone number at the register call 800-576-4377, select option 4 to get your Kroger Plus card number. Once you have your account number, sign in. Then find your organization. Enter our NPO number (80040) and select Cardinal Pacelli from the list. Save your selection! Box Tops - HELP YOUR CHILD'S HOMEROOM WIN A SUNDAE PARTY May 8th will be the final turn-in date for the Box Tops sundae party homeroom competition. We have been keeping track during the year and one homeroom from grades Pre-School thru 4th, and one homeroom from grades 5th thru 8th, will win a sundae party for the most Box Tops turned in, based on an average number of students in each homeroom. Please ask family, friends, and neighbors for their Box Tops. Thanks to you, Cardinal Pacelli PTO has earned over $1100. The next Box Tops spiritwear day is May 13th for those families who turn in 50 or more Box Tops. Your family still has time to earn a pass. Please e-mail Robin Keyser Market Day Page 5 of 13 Cardinal Pacelli Post April 22, 2015 4/29/15, 1:49 PM The Market Day pick-up is this Friday, 4/24, at 2:30 in the school cafeteria. Thank you to the following families who have ordered this month: Beirne, Bossart, Clayton, Custer, Doyle, Fitch, Knight, Roy, Solomon, Steinert, Zerhusen. Dewey's Pizza! Mark your calendar for Pacelli Night at the Oakley Dewey's on Tuesday April 28th! Please see this week's White Envelope for more details. Scrips Gift Cards Stock up on gift cards for summer! The spring Scrips gift card order form was sent home in last week's white envelope. You can also find it by Clicking Here Scrips will donate a portion of each gift card sale to our PTO. Orders are due April 28th. Fine Arts All Pacelli Got's Talent Show participants are invited to perform his/her talent(s) once again on Sunday of JuneFest! We hope to make the JuneFest Sunday Italian Dinner extra special with entertainment from our very own students. If you did not participate in this year's show but wanted to, please sign up for this encore performance! We want to hear from you. Please contact Jill Giles at . Olympic Day It's that time of year to start thinking about one of the most fun days at Cardinal Pacelli school thru our kids eyes. Calling all volunteers to help with Olympic Day Friday, May 29th. You can either volunteer to work a game from 9-10:30 or 10:30- 12:30. We also need volunteers for the cookout or you can sign up to bring a baked good or salad. Please email Meghan at: as to what you would like to do. After School Enrichment Programs Please note Pottery Wheel 101 Class and Empowering Girls with Confidence classes have been cancelled due to not enough students being signed up for the classes. For complete details and more information on all other programs, check out the After School Enrichment area on the PTO website: As always, your child must be signed up prior to attending the class. Pope Francis Service Award/Scholarship Community Service Scholarship - 8th graders attending a catholic high school next fall are eligible to apply for the Pope Francis Service Scholarship funded through the PTO. Applications are due in the office no later than 5/15. Click Here for a copy of the application. JUNEFEST 2015 Page 6 of 13 Cardinal Pacelli Post April 22, 2015 4/29/15, 1:49 PM For fun JuneFest updates, like us on FaceBook: Our Lord Christ the King OR go to to check out all things JuneFest. You can register for RunFest, review the weekend Schedule of Events and much, much more! Check back often for updates, volunteer opportunities and new information. We can't wait to see you at JuneFest! Bridgitt & Sandy Pauly, Jamie & Matthew Schwendeman, Mary Beth & Doug Hines COUNTDOWN.... 7 Weeks until the Friday of JuneFest! SPONSORSHIP.... JuneFest sponsorships help us start the summer together as a community and support our parish and school all year long! Please consider sponsoring! If you have any questions, please contact Doug Hines (513)256-6207. For information about sponsorship levels and donor forms, please visit our JuneFest website VOLUNTEER ON-LINE Thank you to all families that have signed up to help at JuneFest 2015! We have many spots filled, but many more that need your attention and commitment! Please visit to check out all that JuneFest has to offer or go right to Here is how it works in 3 easy steps: 1) Click this link to see our Sign-Up on VolunteerSpot: 2) Review the options listed and choose the spot(s) you like. Page 7 of 13 Cardinal Pacelli Post April 22, 2015 4/29/15, 1:49 PM 3) Sign up! It's Easy - you will NOT need to register an account or keep a password on VolunteerSpot. If you have any questions about using this site or prefer to sign up manually, please contact Lisa Hilbert at Thank you in advance for your willingness to support our Parish Community and all those working toward a fabulous festival! All students are invited to showcase their talent(s) at JuneFest's Sunday dinner! Many students who performed in this year's Pacelli's Got Talent show will be providing an encore performance at that time. If your student was not able to join the talent show in January, now is his/her time to shine on stage! At your earliest convenience, please let Jill Giles know if your son/daughter is interested and/or available to sing, dance, or play a musical instrument for this special rendition of the school's talent show. A digital storm is brewing for Bid & Buy at JuneFest. Our catalog will be online with mobile bidding. Later in May, you will be able to register your profile online and in person at RunFest. Don't worry, you can still view items in person at the parish center during the JuneFest weekend! In preparation, we could use your help in filling our baskets and catalog. We all buy and use services from someone: hairdressers, landscaper, favorite artist, trainer, housekeeper or favorite restaurant. It is easier to ask someone you know for a donation than a stranger. Most people are willing to give if asked. No donation is too small! We appreciate any and all items. Please consider asking your vendors, friends and family for donations. If you prefer us to ask for the donation, please provide the contact information. Donations can be dropped off directly at the Rectory. We thank you for your support and generosity! Please feel free to contact us directly with any questions: Sally Heidelberg: OR Shannon McAffry-Davidson: Page 8 of 13 Cardinal Pacelli Post April 22, 2015 4/29/15, 1:49 PM YES!!! JuneFest Parties Are Back!!!! You are cordially invited to host a party for JuneFest 2015. Gather some friends and start thinking about hosting a party for our upcoming JuneFest 2015. It's very simple and a lot of fun! Click Here for Letter Click Here for Sign Up Form 5K RunFest Saturday, May 30, 2015 Join Us for a 5K run/walk/stroll 8:20 AM - PreRace warm up powered by Fleet Feet Sports 8:30 AM - 5K Run/Walk 9:40 AM - Post Race Yoga, Move your Hyde - Leslie Jane $15 for Adults / $10 for Kids / Under 6 FREE Register now at: or CLICK HERE Special Thanks to REBECCA RONNOW and her RunFest team for taking an idea and "running" with it! Rebecca's energy and enthusiasm will help us kick off JuneFest with a bang! Page 9 of 13 Cardinal Pacelli Post April 22, 2015 4/29/15, 1:49 PM CAPITAL CAMPAIGN UPDATE FROM FR. ED Dear Parents, Thank you to all who have already pledged or donated. We need everyone to make this a reality. Click Here to set up a payment. Fr. Ed and Kim Roy CHURCH NEWS Ghana Health Care Does providing a YEAR of health care for a child or family speak to your heart? In Ghana, just $7 for a child, $20 for an adult or $54 for a family will provide them with a year of health care. This project of the Christ the King Twinning Committee supports needy families in the Diocese of Obuasi. Click Here to make a donation or to learn more. Page 10 of 13 Cardinal Pacelli Post April 22, 2015 4/29/15, 1:49 PM Jesus Day Saturday, April 18th was JESUS DAY for our Second Graders. They gathered with their parents to pray, practice, and share a meal together. They will be making their First Communion on Saturday, May 2nd at 1:00pm. We hope you will keep them in your prayers as they prepare to receive the Blessed Sacrament. Become a Social Media Ambassador for our Parish and School. If you already enjoy checking your Facebook feed or are involved with other forms of social media, we need you! Please help us get the good news out about our Parish and School. We are creating a group list of dedicated individuals to become our ambassadors by simply viewing, linking, and/or sharing posts from our Our Lord Christ the King/Cardinal Pacelli School facebook page. We will contact you when information has been posted so you can share our good news. It's that easy! Please contact Emily Daley at or 321-4121 to volunteer or learn more. We welcome your suggestions! ATHLETIC NEWS Cougar Football - Save These Dates TOMORROW: Cougar Football Spiritwear for Past Players: We want past players to encourage students TO COME TO Information Night. Cougar football t-shirt or sweatshirt with jeans, khaki or navy shorts/pants are permitted. Cougar Football Information 7-8pm in Cardinal Pacelli Gym: Learn about the program, hear the value of football from a surprise keynote speaker, and get a free Cougar Football shirt for attending and registering for the 2015-2016 season. Page 11 of 13 Cardinal Pacelli Post April 22, 2015 4/29/15, 1:49 PM FRIDAY: Cougar Football Spiritwear Day #2 That's right, a SECOND SPIRITWEAR DAY for past and future players! Student attendees of Thursday's Information Night will receive a new Cougar Football T-Shirt and can wear that shirt only this Friday with jeans or navy/khaki shorts/pants. We want boys to wear the new shirt to encourage everyone to REGISTER for the program by 4/30!!! THURSDAY, APRIL 30th: Submit Cougar Player Registration and Fee. See today's white envelope or print the form from home by clicking here. Mail the $140 fee payable to "Cougar Football" and the completed form to 4136 Floral Ave, Cincinnati, OH 45212 Attn: Cougar Football Can't come Thursday? Contact Aleth & Rob Rhoades with questions at or 513-310-2947 Click here to access the registration form or look in the 4/15 white envelope for a hard copy. Completed forms and fee should be mailed by 4/30 to: Cougar Football, 4136 Floral Avenue, Cincinnati, OH 45212. PRACTICE BASEBALL PANTS!!! The A/C is selling grey used baseball pants from the past. One pair of pants is $5 or 3 pairs for $10. Please send the money to the school office in an envelope marked "Baseball Pants" on the outside along with your child's name, how many pairs and size(s). If you have any questions please contact Tracy Anderson at Important Information from Matthew Fisher, Athletic President As the news has reported over the past several month, the CYO has decided to disband at the end of this school year. To fill this void the Archdiocese has held several meetings with parishes in the Archdiocese. These meetings have led to creation of a new league for girls basketball and volleyball called the Greater Cincinnati Catholic League (GCCL). In addition to the formation of this new league, the question of what time of year the sports should play. Each parish / school must choose whether to offer girls volleyball in the fall and girls basketball in the winter (similar to the high seasons) or vice versa, as has been the case for many years now. After much debate and discussion of the pros and cons of each alternative and realizing that most schools (especially those that we traditionally play) are moving to girls volleyball in the fall and girls basketball in the winter, the Christ the King/Cardinal Pacelli Athletic Commission voted to offer girls volleyball in the fall and girls basketball in the winter starting this fall. Boys Basketball will continue to be played in the winter. Work is taking place on this league formation and we will forward information as it becomes available. Page 12 of 13 Cardinal Pacelli Post April 22, 2015 4/29/15, 1:49 PM Registration for fall sports (Boys/Girls Soccer, Boys/Girls Golf & Girls Volleyball) is now open. Please use our online portal at to register your child. Register as quickly as possible so that we may determine the number of teams and can ensure that we have adequate space for practices, etc. If you have any questions, please feel free to call me or any member of the Christ the King/Cardinal Pacellli Commission. Thanks for your patience as we navigate through a new league and schedule. Let me know if you have any questions. Thanks, Matt Fisher SCOUTS The Cardinal Pacelli 6th grade Girl Scouts need your help! They are in the running for a "Bling Your Cookie Booth" contest to win $500 for their Washington DC trip. Every vote counts and you can vote up to 1x per hour! Please click the link often to place your vote! Only takes 3 seconds. Contest ends April 30, so we really need to rally! Thanks for your help! Go to: Cardinal Pacelli School | 513-321-1048 | | 927 Ellison Avenue Cincinnati, OH 45226 Text | Link Copyright © 2014. All Rights Reserved. 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