Supporting Young Carers

June – August 15
Fo r p e o p l e l o o ki n g a f t e r f r i e n d s a n d f a m i l y
Young Carers
Carers Week
8th – 14th June
Autism –
some exciting
WHATS ON - June – August 2015 PAGE 2
Our last edition of What’s
On included information
regarding our Care-AwarePrepare Service. Read on
for the latest updates…….
Community Buddy
Linked up offers a new
service for young carers
aged 8-16
For the last two years,
our Linked Up project has
supported young adults aged
16-25 who have a caring
role. This support for young
adult carers will continue and
we are now also providing a
service for carers younger
than 16. This new aspect to
the project started on 1st April
and offers support to young
carers aged 8-16.
Young carers are children
and young people who
often take on practical
and/or emotional caring
responsibilities that would
normally be expected of an
adult. Some young carers
will provide a high level of
care while others will share
the caring role with other
family members.
• Opportunity to attend
occasional day trips/
residential trips – offering
young carers the chance to
have a break and try new
role and could do with some
If you would like more
information on Community
Buddy, please contact
Amrit at amrit@carerslink. or 0800 975 2131.
support then please don’t
Emergency Planning
If you know of a child or young
person who has a caring
hesitate to get in touch with
Emma on 0141 955 2131
or you can email emma@
Young Adult Carers
Activities for Young Adult
Carers will continue on a
monthly basis. At our Young
Carers Takeaway Night
on Thursday 9th of April
suggestions were put forward,
and the details for the summer
The new service for young
carers will offer support
depending on the young
carer’s needs and caring
situation. The types of
possible support available are:
months are as follows:
• Advocacy – ensuring that
every young carer’s voice
is heard and they are being
listened to
Ape at Aberfoyle
• 1-1 Support – spending time
with every young carer and
ensuring their needs are being
recognised and met
can get involved too! Or
• Access to regular groups –
giving those who need it the
opportunity to meet others in a
similar situation
Do you feel as if you have
no time for yourself? Have
you perhaps lost your
interests and hobbies
due to your caring role?
If so, our Community
Buddies can help you reengage with your interests
and widen your circle of
support through access
to dedicated carer groups
and social activities,
helping you to feel part of
the community again.
• Wednesday 3rd June
(evening) - Pottery class with
Stef Baxter at Bellahouston
• Sunday 23rd August - Go
If you are a young adult carer
and think these activities
would interest you then you
perhaps you know of a young
person who has a caring
role who could do with some
Call Jan on 0141 955 2131
or 07903889858, or email
An event was held in
Milngavie Enterprise
Centre, where a group
of carers completed
their plans with the help
of a member of staff
or volunteer. We have
arranged similar events
over the next two months,
and our aim is to get to
everyone who would like
to complete a plan as
soon as we can. We will
arrange to meet a carer
at one of these events or
at whatever venue suits
them, including at home.
If you are interested and
would like more info on
the Emergency Planning
service, please let us
know using the reply slip.
Alternatively, you can
contact Rose at rose@ or Amrit
uk, or by calling 0800 975
2131 or 0141 955 2131.
The Emergency Planning
service is progressing and
the first plans have been
successfully completed.
Carers Week –
Summer Picnic/
Tea Dance
The theme for Carers Week 2015 is
Building Carer-Friendly Communities
and in recognition, we are organising something a bit
different this year……….namely a Summer Picnic & Tea
Dance! Come and join us as we celebrate and recognise
the contribution that carers
make to families and
communities alike. And
don’t worry…………we’re
not taking any chances
with the Scottish weather
and the picnic will be held
As well as enjoying some
delicious food, there will
be entertainment and the
chance to polish off your
dancing shoes and ‘trip
the light fantastic’. You might also be lucky enough to
win a prize at Bingo, and above all, you will have the
opportunity to meet and enjoy the company of other
The picnic will take place in Milngavie on Thursday
11th June from 11am – 2pm and places will be limited
so if you’d like to come along, let us know as soon as
possible using the reply slip.
For more information you can contact Amrit at amrit@ or on 0800 975 2131. Please also let
Amrit know if you would like to attend but need transport,
as we may be able to arrange this for you.
WHATS ON - June – August 2015 PAGE 5
AUTISM – some exciting opportunities…
Carers Link has been successful in receiving funds from Scottish Strategy for Autism. The events detailed on this page
are designed specifically to provide tailored and ‘one-to-one’ training for families of people on the spectrum, and also
those who are on the spectrum themselves.
If this is you, please use the reply slip to let us know which
events you would like to attend. Alternatively, for further
information please contact Fiona at
Behavioural Support
We are running two Behavioural Support sessions as
Tuesday 26th May from 10.30am – 2.15pm
Thursday 28th May from 10.30am – 2.15pm
The sessions will look at some of the behaviours that
cause difficulties, their possible causes and solutions;
looking at sensory, communication and routines and
how these impact on interactions.
Following the sessions there will be opportunity
for further support as necessary. This might take
the form of one-to-one support with an individual/
family, or as part of a group where there is a common
element such as age or issue.
Equal Futures Workshops
The aim of these workshops is to give families the
time and space to think and begin the process of
planning for the future, and to address some of the
challenges that families with a relative with additional
support needs can face.
The workshops will run over three weeks covering:
• Housing Options
• Financial Security, Trusts and Trust Management
• Circles of Support.
We are also planning to run a networking event
where you will have the opportunity to have
questions answered by specialists in issues such
as employment, finance & benefits, sensory issues
and environmental issues. Please email fiona@ with your questions in advance
of the session.
The session will take place in Milngavie on Tuesday
16th June from 11am – 1pm, and will be followed by
a light lunch.
These sessions will be specifically for those caring
for someone on the spectrum or for those on the
spectrum. There are four sessions in total, and each
session will run from 11am – 1pm. The venue is
Carers Link in Milngavie Enterprise Centre and the
dates are Mondays 1st, 8th, 15th, 22nd June.
If you’d like to come along, please let us know using
the reply slip.
You will have the chance to hear from experts on
the law and housing and from families about their
experiences of realising their vision for the future.
Each of the three workshops will last for three hours,
and they will be relaxed and friendly. Refreshments
will also be provided.
We plan to run these particular workshops after the
school summer holidays, sometime in late August.
WHATS ON - June – August 2015 PAGE 6
Find your Group . . .
Bishopbriggs. Dates for
the next few months are
Mondays 8th June, 13th
July, 10th August.
Carers Cafés
(formerly Blether
The Carers Café
is a monthly get together
where you can come
together to chat with other
carers, swap tips on caring,
make new friends and find
out about other avenues of
support; as well as having a
coffee and a slice of cake.
Milngavie Carer Café
Meets on the second
Friday of the month (with
occasional exceptions)
from 10.30am – 12.30pm
in Carers Link offices in the
Enterprise Centre. Dates
for the next few months are
Fridays 12th June, 10th
July, 14th August.
Kirkintilloch Carer Café
Meets on the fourth
Monday of the month (with
occasional exceptions)
from 10.30am – 12.30pm
in Kirkintilloch Baptist
Church. Dates for the next
few months are Mondays
22nd June, 27th July,
24th August.
Bishopbriggs Carer
Meets on the second
Monday of the month from
10.30am – 12.30pm in The
Avenue Bar & Restaurant,
177 Kirkintilloch Road,
Coming soon! If you would
like more details please get
in touch. Contact Amrit at or
0800 975 2131.
Are you a parent carer?
Are you a parent/guardian
of a child under 19 years
of age who has additional
support needs?
Dementia Carer
Do you have
a relative with
a diagnosis of dementia?
Come along to our friendly
support group, and meet
people in the same
circumstance, make new
friends and find out about
other avenues of support
over a light lunch. The
group meets on the third
Thursday of every month
at Carers Link in the
Enterprise Centre from
12noon – 2pm. Dates for
the next few months are
Thursdays 18th June,
16th July, 20th August.
For more information
contact Amrit on 0800 975
2131 or amrit@carerslink.
Dementia Carer
If you care for someone
with dementia, join us for
coffee and chat at this
informal group. We meet
on the first Monday of the
month from 7pm – 9pm
at the offices of Alzheimer
Scotland, 49 Milngavie
Rd, Bearsden. Dates for
the next few months are
Mondays 1st June, 6th
July, 3rd August. For
more information contact
Amrit on 0800 975 2131 or
If so, we would like to invite
you to our informal Parents
Café. The cafés take place
monthly in Bishopbriggs
and Milngavie, and we are
in the process of arranging
for speakers to come
along, which we hope you
will find informative and
interesting. Dates for the
next few months are:
Meets on the first
Wednesday of the month
from 10.30am – 12.30pm
in the Carers Link
meeting room in Milngavie
Enterprise Centre. Dates
for the next few months are
Wednesdays 3rd June,
1st July, 5th August.
Meets on the second last
Monday of the month (with
occasional exceptions)
from 9.30am – 11am
in the café at Asda in
Bishopbriggs. Dates for
the next few months are
Mondays 22nd June, 20th
July, 24th August.
Our team of dedicated
volunteers will also do a
phone round to remind you
of the dates nearer the
time and update you on the
speakers. If you would like
to receive a phone call, text
or email reminder, please
complete the reply slip
as appropriate. For more
information contact Paul on
0800 975 2131 or paul@
Men’s Group
After the success of the first
Men’s Group meeting we are
planning another outing, this
time to Oran Mor to enjoy “A
Play, A Pie and a Pint”. This
will be in July.
If you would like to come
along please tick the box
on the reply slip and we will
contact you when we have
finalised the details.
Happy Snappers
This is a group for carers
who have a passion for
photography and want to
learn more. We meet on
the second Tuesday of
each month from 1.30pm
– 3.30pm at Carers Link
offices in the Enterprise
Centre. Dates for the next
few months are Tuesdays
9th June, 14th July, 11th
For more information contact
Jon on 0800 975 2131 or
Meet and Geek
(Computer Group)
If you enjoy having fun,
meeting new people and
learning about computers
then this is the group for you.
Carers of ALL ability levels
are welcome. We meet on
the last Thursday of every
month from 11am – 1.30pm.
Dates and venues for the
next few months are:
Thursday 25th June –
Kirkintilloch Baptist Church
Thursday 30th July –
Milngavie Enterprise Centre
Thursday 27th August –
Kirkintilloch Baptist Church
For more information contact
Alister on 0800 975 2131 or
Registered Office: Enterprise Centre, Ellangowan Road, Milngavie G62 8PH
Telephone: 0141 955 2131 • Freephone: 0800 975 2131 • Email:
Recognised as a Scottish Charity Number SC034447, Registered in Scotland as a Company Limited by Guarantee Number 270702
If you would prefer not to receive mailings from Carers Link, please tick the box on the enclosed reply slip or telephone us on Freephone 0800 975 2131