Far North Newsletter Volume Team Leader Talk January—March 2015 Hello everyone Country Callback for Regional Queensland: UnitingCare Community has launched a new service to help Queenslanders affected by drought and hardship. The Country Callback Service is a free, confidential and independent 24 hour advice, referral and counselling service for anyone living in rural Queensland. Contact the Country Callback Line on 1800 54 33 54 Inside this issue: From the Counsellor’s Desk…. 2 Preparing for NDIS Workshops 2 Introducing Tara Beal —My Future My Life 3 Better Start Briefings 3 Vick’s Notes About the Cald Program 4 Carers Support Groups & Workplace Giving 4 Snaps from Carers Week 5 Carer Contributions and 6&7 Message from Michelle Events Calendar As I write we nearly at the end of the first month of 2015 which is hard to believe! I hope that 2015 will bring good things to you all! Once again a lot has happened since our last newsletter: Carers Week 2014 was an exciting week with a morning tea, luncheon and breakfast held over the week. Two of the highlights during the week were the announcement of the local winners of the 2014 Carer Friendly Business Awards at the luncheon and readings by two of our talented local carers, Janice Shoesmith and Sally McDonald at the breakfast. Carers Christmas functions were held throughout December in Cairns, Cooktown, Innisfail, Mareeba and Atherton. We were pleased to be able to celebrate the festive season with carers throughout the region. It was also a great opportunity to introduce ourselves to some of you for the first time. We have also welcomed a new member of the team: Tara Beal joined us as Family Carer Support Officer – My Future My Life. You can read more about Tara and My Future My Life on page three. The Cairns office team has also been doing lots of planning about how we can better support the carers of FNQ and look forward to sharing our ideas with you in the near future. One new initiative is to provide our counselling service from a location in Mareeba once per month. The aim of this service is to make it easier for carers in Mareeba and the Tablelands to see our counsellor, John, face to face. More information is attached to this newsletter. Another very exciting opportunity for local carers is the opportunity to undertake accredited training in Community Services Work with Carers Queensland. This training will be offered in Cairns and Innisfail. Further information is attached. Carer Support Groups will shortly be starting for 2015 – the yearly calendar for these meetings will be out soon for Atherton, Cooktown, Innisfail, Mareeba and North Cairns groups. At this time, due to low numbers of participants, the Innisfail group will not be recommencing in 2015. We thank the group members that continued to support this group long after their caring roles finished! Lastly, we will shortly start planning for Carers Week 2015 and we would like to involve carers in this process. If you have any ideas about how to celebrate Carers Week 2015 or would like to be involved in planning and preparing for this important event please get in touch with Michelle or I. As always, please remember that we are here to support you in your caring role – so please do not hesitate to give us a call. Best wishes, Lynda 8 Page 2 Preparing for NDIS The Queensland Government is funding 9 agencies throughout Queensland to help families and people with disabilities to prepare for the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS). There are two events coming to Cairns in the near future: Recording the Vision Workshops: Hosted by: Parent 2 Parent Queensland Recording the vision is the second in a series of three workshops for parents and carers over 60 or if Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander aged over 45. They will be held on: 3 February 2015 9.00am—1.00pm Atherton Motel Conference Room 102 Maunds Road, Atherton 7 February 2015 9.00am—1.00pm Statford Library Meeting Room 11 Kamerunga Road, Stratford Freecall 1800 777 723 Or email: info@parent2parentqld.org.au Ready To Go: PLAN AHEAD Workshop Hosted by: Queenslanders with Disability Network For Queenslanders with intellectual or learning disability. A fun and free workshop followed by lunch 2 x half day workshop over two weeks Learn about NDIS and what it means for you. Tuesday 24 & Tuesday 31 March 2015 To Register Phone 3252 8566 or 1300 363 783 VENUE: ARC Disability Services 92 Little Street North Cairns Far North From the Counsellor’s Desk….. Making the decision to move a loved one into a residential facility (nursing home) Moving a loved one into professional full time care provided by a residential facility is by all accounts one of the hardest decisions that a spouse may face. Unless you have been in those shoes it would be hard to grasp what it would be like to make the decision that the person you have shared much of your life with needs full time professional care. Guilt and shame are the two big problems that a spouse often wrestles with when making such a big decision. Is this the right time? Should I /Could I still provide the care? What will people think? What will the family say? What makes it such a difficult decision is that there are no absolute guidelines on what to do, or when. There is no test a doctor can do and say “it is time”. People have to make a decision that is very emotional, and this just makes it a very hard decision. Talking to friends and family can help, but sometimes it doesn’t because everyone you speak to will have their own views. However, no one is standing in your shoes, so no one can know what it’s like for you. This is the perfect time to speak to someone outside of your life, someone who is totally independent; a counsellor for instance. When I work with people who are facing the need for residential care for a loved one at some point in the future, I ask them where they would draw the ‘line in the sand’. Would it be if the person they care for becomes bed bound? Would it be if the person they care for becomes incontinent and needs to be showered more than once a day? Would it be if the person no longer recognises them (in the case of dementia)? It helps to be clear about what you think your ‘line in the sand’ would be, because once you get there you may find your resolve is not so strong, or quite so clear. This is where the guilt feelings start to kick in. Sometimes the feelings of guilt can be very powerful and this can lead to people changing their minds. Feelings of guilt lead to people making the wrong decision, or putting off the decision past when the time is right. I tell people that feelings of guilt don’t mean it isn’t the right time, guilt is just the price of love and care. Rather than feeling guilty it is better to consider where the loved one will best get their care needs met? If you are struggling with this decision or know that you might at some point in the future, don’t try and figure it out alone. Speak with friends and family, by all means, but at some point consider speaking with someone independent, so you make up your own mind. John is available Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Call the office on 4031 0163 and make an appointment. John Bal - Counsellor Page 3 Introducing Tara Beal—My Future My Life Hello everyone. My name is Tara Beal and I am the new Family Carer Support Officer – for the My Future My Life Program. I joined the Carers Queensland team on 2 December last year. I can tell you it was a wonderful time to join. I got to meet people in our organization through all the Christmas break up lunches and get togethers such as the Walk and Talk Group, the Staff Christmas Party and when I went to Brisbane for my induction, there was a going away party that I was able to attend. It was a great way to get to know everyone in a relaxed environment and there was so much food! I’m sure I gained a few kilos! A little bit about me. I have been a Disability Support Worker for almost five years now. I am still supporting people with disabilities in a one-on-one environment in their homes and the community. I can honestly say I love my job. My mother is also a Disability Support Worker and has been for the last 19 years, so I have been a part of the disability community since I was nine years old. Better Start Briefings... Yet another year has passed, goodbye to 2014 and hello to 2015. The last three months has been a very busy and exciting three months for the Better Start Initiative program. The program has taken me out and about into the Townsville, Wujal Wujal, Cooktown, Northern Peninsula Area and Thursday Island regions, touching base and rebuilding networks with many clients, potential clients and organizations. A ‘Better Start Moving Forward’ workshop was conducted at New Mapoon on Wednesday 12 November 2014 and Thursday Island on Thursday 13 November 2014. Michelle O’Sullivan – Better Start Initiative State Program Coordinator, Kylie Harms from CPL Cairns My Role at Carers Queensland: The My Future My Life Program is a Transition Preparation Support Program for secondary school students with disabilities and their families to progress their thinking about life after school. Carers Queensland is being funded by Centacare to provide this program in Far North Queensland. Students and their families will be supported to develop their vision for a meaningful and inclusive young adult life at school and after school through conversations about their future and undertaking a person centred planning process. I am very excited to be a part of this program, a part of the Cairns team and a part of the Carers Queensland Australia organisation. If you would like more information about My Future My Life please contact me on ph 4031 0163 or by email: tbeal@carersqld.asn.au . I am available each Tuesday and Wednesday. Tara Beal My Future My Life Tara Beal Family Carer Support Officer My Future My Life Program and Barry from Queensland Aged & Disability Advocacy (QADA) also attended making it quite a worthwhile trip. Carers QLD hosted an event for the wider community and organizations at New Mapoon on Tuesday 11 November and at Thursday Island on Friday 14 November, providing information about the various services that our organizations offer. There was phenomenal interest received from both service providers and individuals at New Mapoon and Thursday Island. We hope to make this an annual event to improve our working partnerships and keeping our far north communities informed. The next three months I am keen to meet and greet with local organisations and individuals in the Cairns and Hinterland region. A ‘Better Start Moving Forward’ workshop is scheduled for 25 March 2015 at Atherton. Any families who has a child with a disability nearing seven and/or entering the school system in 2016 are encouraged to attend. If you are interested please contact the Cairns Office on 4031 0163. Robyne Bowie RIS Advisor - Better Start Program, Family Carer Support Officer Page 4 Far North Vick’s note about the CALD Program Hello everyone! It has been a few (wonderful) months since I joined Carers Queensland Cairns Office. I have been really enjoying my new role as Family Carer Support Officer - CALD Program. The part I love the most about my role is engaging and working with elderly people from diverse cultural backgrounds. I feel glad to be making a difference in the lives of frail or elderly people by providing them with the required basic support through Home and Community Care (HACC) services. This enables them to stay in their homes and live independently as much as possible – this is very rewarding. Work Place Giving Show your support for carers Are you currently working? Would you be willing to donate $5 per pay period – or the cost of a cup of coffee - to Carers Queensland? Carers Queensland is currently seeking donations through its Workplace Giving Program. Donating via Workplace Giving is easy. Just nominate Carers Queensland as your chosen charity through your employer’s payroll system and a small amount of money will be deducted each pay period. (Donations of $2 and over are tax deductable). Just visit the Carers Queensland website to find out how to donate. The other interesting thing about the CALD Program is that it also includes younger people (under the age of 65) with disabilities or any significant medical condition who are in need of HACC services. The aim of the CALD Program is to conduct culturally appropriate assessments for HACC eligibility and to identify individual needs of the clients as well as of their carers, and to arrange appropriate community services to meet their identified needs. The CALD Program offers an alternative entry into HACC services for people who identify as being culturally and/or linguistically diverse. There is no waiting list for assessment and all the care plans are monitored and reviewed regularly and re-assessments completed as often as necessary. Making a referral to us is very easy either you can ask your GP for HACC services or contact us directly at (07) 4031 0163. Vick Bhardwaj CALD Family Carer Support Officer Carers Support Groups What are Carer Support Groups: Carer Support Groups aim to support carers in a number of ways: Providing an opportunity to talk with other carers who understand the caring role. By carers sharing information and tips. Providing a venue to hear guest speakers and receive updates. Give carers some ‘time out’ from their caring role. Provide an opportunity for social contact and fun! Who are they for: Carer Support Groups are open to anyone who is currently, or has recently been, caring for a family member, friend or neighbour. The groups are intended to be a safe place where carers feel comfortable to share their caring experiences. For this reason, we would ask that people receiving care do not come along to the groups. If respite care is needed to assist a carer to attend a meeting, we can assist you in arranging this. Page 5 Far North Carers Week Events Carers Week Cake at Wuchopperen Morning tea Luncheon at TAFE Listening to Janice reading her poem Early risers at Carers Week Breakfast Swaran Austin, Wuchopperen Yarning Up Service Counsellor and Ian (Carer) Happy carers & CRCC staff at the luncheon at TAFE Carer Friendly Business Awards In awarding Reegan, the panel noted the trust between Reegan and Karen, allowing Karen to have a real break, knowing her daughter is well supported with Reegan. In her nomination of George and his company, Liz used words such as reliable, meticulous, efficient, understanding, compassion and humanity to describe the service she received. Winner—Great Employee Category Reegan Della Costa (right), GSL, with Karen (carer) Congratulations to the following nominees who were commended: Commendation—Great Service Provider: Eacham Community Help Organisation Commendation—Great Employee Category: Peter Dillon, FNQ ILSA Commendation—Great Employee Category: Deb Curcio, Ozcare Winner—Great Service Provider Category—George Cook, Superclean Atherton, with Liz (carer) Page 6 Far North Carers Contributions We have decided to start a Carer’s Contributions section to our newsletters. If anyone has any recipes, interesting news, poems etc that they would like to share with other carers, please feel free to email these to Michelle so that these may be included. Her email address is moliver@carersqld.asn.au. A carer from our Walk and Talk group bought this beautiful Chocolate Cheesecake along to our Walk and Talk morning tea. We all enjoyed this immensely and she was happy to share it with you all. Chocolate Cheesecake Base: 1 ½ packets of chocolate ripple or buttersnap biscuits (crushed) 150 grams of melted butter (approximately) Crush and line base of cheesecake tin. Cheesecake Mixture: 2 packs of Philadelphia Cream Cheese ½ a cup of lemon juice 1 tin of condensed milk Beat together for seven minutes. Variations: Mix whatever chocolate you love together eg melt some white and dark chocolate – use about ¾ of a block. Drop in either chopped up Maltesers, Aeromint Chocolate, Violet Crumble etc. Melt anything eg Lindt Chocolate Peanut Butter Balls (6 – 10). Method: Crush biscuits and line buttered cheesecake tin. Beat cheesecake ingredients together for seven minutes. Add whatever variation of chocolate you want and stir it through whether melted or just chopped. Swirl chocolate through refrigerate until set. Handy Hint for Melting Chocolate: Use a kitchen knife to roughly chop the chocolate while you bring a saucepan of water to a gentle simmer. Place the chocolate in a clean, heat-proof bowl and set it snugly on top of the saucepan. No water or steam must touch the chocolate or it will seize up. Use a metal spoon to stir the chocolate as it starts to melt and once again when it is mostly melted. It's important to use a metal spoon as wooden spoons can retain moisture and cause your chocolate to seize Last Word from Michelle Well it has been nearly six months since I have had the pleasure of joining Carers Queensland Cairns Office. I have really enjoyed my time here, diving into the deep end when Carers Week 2014 was being organised upon my start . I have enjoyed meeting some of you at functions and at our office. If you have any concerns or wish to email me with some of your carer contributions, please either phone me or email me (moliver@carersqld.asn.au). I am looking forward to a productive new year helping Lynda and the team organise events such asg Youth Week for young carers, Carers Week and the general office administration tasks. Page 7 Far North A glimpse into the life of a carer—a poem by Janice Shoesmith To celebrate Carers Queensland 25th Anniversary, we ran a poetry completion. Janice Shoesmith from Cairns was our very worth winner. Here is her winning poem. Reconciliation happens day by day To put to rest the awful things people say Life has been so hard from the beginning But here is why my heart goes on singing Constantly aware of other peoples needs The winds of strife blow you like a reed At times feeling like you are trapped in a cage And smile sweetly when you feel nothing but rage 25 years ago begun a great team A beacon of hope to some it would seem The gift of support to keep on trying To look after loves ones disabled or dying Often the love you feel outweighs the bad You smile like you’re happy even though you’re sad Exhaustion and stress creep up to your head At times leaving you emotionally dead Your body feels like a lump of lead We had many a growing concern About those we loved, so we wanted to learn The best way to help them achieve their goals And counsel us in our supporting roles Being social is not always an option we take Because our supporting roles are not a piece of cake We think of others more than ourselves Facebook and Twitter may the only thing into Which we can delve There are a number of growing concerns About keeping up with the demands and learn How best to deal with the problems at hand And not go under in the quicksand The young ones grow old way too quick Burning the candles both end of the wick Dealing with stresses beyond their age While losing their family, they feel trapped in a cage Always on call to help when we’re needed Without Carers Queensland our cries would go unheeded They’re always there to help us when we call And to pick up the pieces when we fall Our own emotions and feelings are put on hold Otherwise we upset those we try to uphold The things we want to do, seldom get done Looking after others, makes it harder to look after Number one Then all of a sudden they will do something sweet And you will catch a glimpse like a real little treat Of what they are really like, below all that stress And you pick yourself up again And continue cleaning up the mess No matter how much stress they bring At times they make your heart sing When you catch a glimpse so rare You find that their heart is so sweet and fair The occasional time when they show they care Whether good or whether bad Whether happy or whether sad We love them and care for them And we’d do anything for them No matter the stress and no matter the strife We care and try to give them an easier life. By Janice Shoesmith Winning Entry Carer—Cairns Page 8 Far North Events Calendar - February / March 2015 February 2015 Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun 1 2 Maereba 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 12 13Carers Day Out hosted by Anglicare & Life Without Barriers 14 15 16 CQ Counsellor in Mareeba 17 18 19 North Cairns 20 21 22 25 Tablelands 24 27 28 Carers Support Group 9 Edmonton Carers Support Group Carers Support Group 25 26 Carers Support Group March 2015 Mon *’Feast of Cultures’ on Thursday 19th March – 10am -2pm at the Serbian Club, Greenslopes Street, North Cairns Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun 1 2 Mareeba 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 12 13 14 15 17 18 19 Cairns North CSG 20 21 22 27 28 29 Carers Support Group 9 Edmonton Carers Support Group 16 CQ Counsellor in Feast of Cultures 10am—2pm * Mareeba 25 Tablelands 24 25 26 Carers Support Group 30 31 Our Programs: Far North Queensland Regional Office Carers Advisory Service * 1/320 Sheridan St Counselling Cairns QLD 4870 * PO Box 955 LPO Cairns North QLD 4870 * 8.30am – 5.00pm Mon-Fri * Ph: 4031 0163 * Fax: 4051 0166 * Carer Advisory Service: 1800 242 636 Carer Support Groups Young Carers Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) www.carersqld.asn.au Training Better Start (free call except from mobiles) No Interest Loan Scheme (NILS) Carers Queensland Inc. ABN: 20 061 257 725 Advocacy Support
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