Summary of Steering Committee Webinar 25 March 2015 Present: Darrel Stickler (Cisco); Juan Ramón Silva Ferrada (Acciona); Fernando Martínez Salcedo (Abengoa); Lwandle Mqadi (Eskom); Jane Wang (Sinopec); Hannah Yoo (LG Electronics); Alexander Roeder (CEMEX); Kevin Agnew (Reed Elsevier); Arunavo Mukerjee (Tata); Masao Seki* (Sompo); Wagner de Siqueira Pinto* (Banco do Brasil) Merlyn Van Voore (UNEP); Daniele Violetti, Isabel Aranda (UNFCCC); Lila Karbassi, Jayoung Park, Heidi Huusko, Margaret Fenwick, Ignace Beguin (UN Global Compact), COP21 Update and C4C Workstreams UNFCCC secretariat provided an overview of COP21 priorities: 4 priority pillars of COP21: 1) Intended Nationally Determined Contributions (INDCs); 2) Climate Finance; 3) Agreement text; and 4) Lima-Paris Action Agenda. The climate agreement in Paris will come into effect in 2020. Every country INDC will have a reference to the private sector in some ways. By late October/November, a synthesis report aggregating the effect of all the INDCs submitted will be released. Lima-Paris Action Agenda will focus on contributions of different sectors, various initiatives involving cities and bring forward a variety of commitments including commitments and announcements made at UN Secretary-General’s Climate Summit and others. Reference: To see the INDCs, please visit:; To see draft negotiating text and various upcoming Conferences, please visit: UN Global Compact shared progress on the following workstreams and related activities planned for 2015: Carbon Pricing: Currently 35 companies aligned with the leadership criteria with goal of mobilising 100 companies by COP21. Formed Business & Investors Working Group on Carbon Pricing with 25+ companies, strategic partners, and various Global Compact Local Networks to produce a final inspiration guide on realizing the business leadership criteria on carbon pricing. Science based targets: Methodology and materials advanced by CDP, WWF, WRI. By 2015, seeks to mobilize 100 leading multinational companies to adopt ambitious emission reduction targets in line with climate science. Adaptation: A case compendium of best case examples will be launched at COP21 and the Business Forum. C4C currently exploring a variety of focus areas from disaster risk management, water, food, energy nexus to climate justice to help elaborate on progress that has been made on this topic including opportunities. Responsible Policy Engagement: Released Executive Guide to the larger report at COP20. In 2015, together with partners, C4C will collect compendium of key messages and examples incorporating key trends, data, statements and engagement opportunities for positive lobbying. FEEDBACK FROM STEERING COMMITTEE MEMBERS: SC members expressed interest and support on engaging in national level climate action with some companies already engaged in INDC process and the willingness to host national level dialogues. A SC member was interested to learn more about the specific business and industry engagement and UNFCCC shared views on ways to engage: 1) Business and Industry NGO, accredited entities that have the opportunity to make statements in plenaries and 2) Dialogues between business and governments throughout the year e.g. ADP workstream. Caring for Climate Business Forum is also a platform. A group of SC members expressed support and the need on building a robust case for carbon pricing with some members who will join the working group. China Summit on Caring for Climate will align with the key priorities of Caring for Climate. A group of SC members were interested to advance the topic of adaptation and felt was a priority topic ahead of COP21. A group of SC members asked for clarity on which Caring for Climate companies were involved in the science based targets group and the roll-out of methodology moving forward. Page 1 of 2 ACTION ITEMS: Steering committee members are encouraged to align with the leadership criteria and join the Business & Investors Working Group on Carbon Pricing and provide input to adaptation case studies, set science based targets, and adopt recommendations from the C4C policy guide. For more information, please send an email to th Save the Date: Business & Climate Summit (20-21 May, Paris); C4C Special Session at GC 15 Anniversary Event (24 June, NY); China Summit on Caring for Climate (22 July, Beijing) COP21 Preparations and the Caring for Climate Business Forum UNEP provided an overview the third annual Caring for Climate Business Forum at COP21 as well as engagement opportunities for SC Members. Forum Objectives & Format: • Forum to provide focused venue for business and investors to demonstrate progress on climate change and serve as a platform where private sector commitments are featured and announced. • Continue to build on the Forum’s role to help companies scale-up ambition, innovation, and collaboration to advance climate action and deepen commitment to Caring for Climate workstreams – carbon pricing, science based targets responsible policy engagement, adaptation and resilience, and disclosure. • Forum will be held over 2 days and format will be similar to previous years: Opening Plenary: Official opening of the Forum with emphasis on the critical need for driving higher levels of innovation, ambition and collaboration in support of INDCs in line with the 2020 implementation horizon. Thematic Breakouts: Parallel thematic sessions led by Caring for Climate together with strategic partners covering carbon pricing, responsible policy engagement, adaptation & resilience, and finance. Lunch & Announcements: Platform for announcement of commitments to action by companies across sectors, themes and regions and showcasing notable deliverables. Closing Plenary: Highlight pathway for the future in raising climate innovation, ambition, and collaboration towards carbon neutrality by 2050 featuring key initiatives such as Science Based Targets, Climate Neutral Now, and Renewable Energy 100 (RE100). • High-Level Meeting on Caring for Climate to highlight private sector commitments and announcements and topic of carbon pricing. • Provided overview of the sponsorship package for Caring for Climate ahead of the Business Forum at COP21. There are 3 categories for this year: Strategic Champion Level (200K); Event Champion (125K); and Event Supporter (75K). ACTION ITEMS & ENGAGEMENT OPPORTUNITIES: All SC members encouraged to make commitments to action for COP21 and inform C4C secretariat on upcoming plans. Save the Date: C4C Business Forum at COP21 (7-9* Dec, Paris) All SC members are encouraged to sponsor the Business Forum. See separate slides attached. For more information and to express interest, please contact Jay Park ( and Claire Kells ( Page 2 of 2
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