Community Issues Committee Agenda th for the March 17 , 2015 meeting to be held in the Council Chambers following Corporate Services Committee 1) DECLARATION OF PECUNIARY/CONFLICT OF INTEREST AND GENERAL NATURE THEREOF - now or anytime during the meeting 2) REGISTRATION OF PUBLIC WISHING TO SPEAK - with the secretary 3) PLEASE TURN OFF ALL CELL PHONES AND PAGERS 4) If there is an addendum, in accordance with Section 15.2.4 (of Striking Report) does the committee wish to approve this addendum? 5) Opportunity for members of Council to provide updates from Committees on which they serve. COMMITTEE/BOARD MEMBER OF COUNCIL Municipal Heritage Committee BIA Board Councillor Black Hospital Board Councillor Redmond Mississippi Valley Conservation Councillor Doucett Chamber of Commerce Deputy-Mayor Flynn Youth Centre Board Councillor Trimble Local Municipal Drug Strategy Committee Mayor Antonakos Deputy-Mayor Flynn Mayor Antonakos County Council Deputy-Mayor Flynn Library Board Councillor Doucett UPDATES th Community Issues Committee - March 17 , 2015 - Page 2 TO BE DISCUSSED 126164 Received from Addressed to Date Topic Various Committees Community Issues Committee March 2015 Action Report/Minutes SUMMARY Minutes of the January 21st, 2015 meeting of the Drug Strategy Committee are attached. Noteworthy items include: & & Trauma Workshop - March 23rd, 2015 at the Canoe Club People Helping People - Trial for one month Minutes from the March 2nd, 2015 meeting of the Carleton Place Environmental Advisory Committee are attached. Noteworthy items include: L L Recycle Day - April 25th, 2015 E-Bin Action Report for the March 2nd, 2015 meeting of the Parks and Recreation Committee is attached. Noteworthy items include: 126141 126142 126143 126144 126150 Arena HRV Units Community Programming Update Hockey Day in Carleton Place Draft Policy for Determining Cash in Lieu for Parkland Plaque for Donated Benches STAFF RECOMMENDATION THAT communication 126144 be brought forward to Planning and Protection Committee. THAT Council accept all other Committees’ decisions. COMMITTEE DECISION th Community Issues Committee - March 17 , 2015 - Page 3 126165 Received from Addressed to Date Topic Joanne Henderson, Manager Parks and Recreation Community Issues Committee March 12th, 2014 Community Enrichment Program SUMMARY The attached summarizes recent applications for funding from the Community Enrichment Program and includes recommendations. STAFF RECOMMENDATION THAT grants from the Community Enrichment Program to the various organizations, as detailed on the attached, be approved. COMMITTEE DECISION 126166 Received from Addressed to Date Topic Carleton Place & District Memorial Hospital Paul Knowles, Chief Administrative Officer March 12th, 2015 “Bed Pan Classic” Golf Tournament & Auction SUMMARY Registration opens April 1st, 2015 for the Hospital’s Annual Bed Pan Classic Golf Tournament & Auction which will be held on Monday, June 15th, 2015. STAFF RECOMMENDATION THAT Committee determine how many teams they wish to register. COMMITTEE DECISION BROUGHT FORWARD 126100 Received from Addressed to Date Topic Joanne Henderson, Manager of Parks and Recreation Community Issues Committee February 11th, 2015 Naming of Park in Highgate Subdivision The Corporation of the Town of Carleton Place Drug Strategy Committee Meeting 48th meeting January 21, 2015 MINUTES Present: Brian Turner - Chair Nicole Pearson (minutes), Cst. Sean Trahan OPP, David Somppi, Glenn Pierce, Dan Rathwell, Father David, Amanda Woodruff. Regrets: Louis Antonakos (Mayor), Jerry Flynn (Deputy Mayor), Sgt. Rob Croth OPP, Cst. Steve Stresman, Norma Hamilton. 1. Call to Order The meeting was called to order by the Chairperson at 7:00 PM. 2. Approval of meeting minutes – November 12th, 2014 One correction was brought forward: to omit under Item 3, Trauma Workshop the following “David will draft a business plan for this event and report back to the committee.” Father David made the motion to approve the minutes and the motion was seconded by Dan Rathwell. All were in favor. Motion was passed. 3. Additions to and Approval of agenda. Agenda approved with the addition of one (1) item: 1. PHP – People Helping People 4. DISCUSSION ITEMS 1. Trauma Workshop – Dan Trauma workshop – Foundations of Trauma and Complexity Workshop will be offered to professionals and educators CP-MDS partnership with CAST-Canada March 23rd, 2015 at CP Canoe Club 25 participants have registered so far ACTION ITEM: Brian to write an article and advertise the event in the EMC. Nicole to forward admin rights to Dan for the CP MDS website; Dan to post information of the workshop on website. 2. Hockey Day in Carleton Place 2015 - Dan No update on Hockey Day 3. Trauma Information session for the public Members discussed briefly the possibility of having a trauma information session offered to the public. Discussion to be continued at next meeting. ACTION ITEM: Dan Rathwell to contact Allison Adamovits. 4. CP-MDS Website Nicole is asking the members to revisit the website and update their profiles. Nicole will post the revised profiles on the website. ACTION ITEM: Nicole to invite Jaydon Turgeon to our next meeting in February. 5. Presentations Nicole was asked by Cst. Dave Murphy to deliver six (6) school presentations in Smiths Falls. 6. Committee comments Father David raised the concern that our committee may not have council representation in the future due to the new elect Deputy Mayor Jerry Flynn and new elect Mayor Louis Antonakos. ACTION ITEM: Brian to contact Town Council for clarification on representation. 7. People Helping People Philosophy: having people help each other; peer support group Father has the space at the church to run the support groups – 4X month Trial for one month The meeting was adjourned at 8:30 PM NEXT MEETING: February 2015. The Corporation of the Town of Carleton Place Environmental Advisory Committee Meeting March 2, 2015 Present: Margo Willmot, Bill Slade, Claudia Wutherich, Mike Villeneuve, Robin Janfield, Louis Antonakos, Absent: none Guests: Randy Martin and Doug Snedden Approval of the February Minutes: There was no February. Approval of the Agenda: Moved by: Margo Willmot Seconded by: Robin Janfield 1) Welcome guests: We are awaiting the Striking Committee to formally accept Randy Martin as a member of the CPEAC. Doug Snedden attended to discuss his blog ‘Suggested Ideas for Carleton Place, Going Green.’ 2) Recycling Day Saturday April 25, 2015: The agenda for the upcoming recycling day in April was reviewed, discussed and finalized. Missing components were filled in and tasks assigned to various CPEAC members. Louis Antonakos was asked to invite Carleton Place Town Council to drop by, perhaps to lend a welcome hand. 3) Face Book Page: Randy Martin gave a training session to the members of the CPEAC with regards to our Face Book page. Randy gave an overview in regard to posting articles, comments and updates. All members of the CPEAC will have administrator privileges. The CPEAC will be promoting this page to inform Carleton Place citizens of environmental issues, plans, points of interest, discussion and future events. Randy will further investigate the possibilities of tying into the Town’s Website, Municipal Matters, the Arena and Market Place Boards to promote upcoming events. 4) E‐Bin: Statistics are not yet available with regard to the use of the new E‐Bin located at the Town Yard. Information regarding the E‐Bin will be handed out by the CPEAC members at the Recycling Day event in April. Mike will follow up with staff to review the bin’s usage to date. The CPEAC would like to see the Town of Carleton Place promote this initiative by erecting a permanent sign or banner to appropriately identify the E‐bin located in the Municipal Yard. This sign could be attached to the inside of the fence beside the E‐bin. Recommended wording: ‘Community Electronic Recycling Bin.’ 5) Doug Snedden’s Blog: The committee reviewed points made on Doug Snedden’s Blog site in regard to some recommendations to help the town become greener. With Doug’s permission, many of his points will be included in our proposal for an environmental plan for Carleton Place. We thank Doug for taking the time to attend our meeting and hope that he attends some future meetings. Motion to Adjourn: Moved by Claudia Wutherich Seconded by: Mike Villeneuve Next CPEAC meeting will take place March 30, 6:30pm at the Carleton Place Library Boardroom Parks and Recreation Committee Action Report for the March 2, 2015 meeting held in the Arena Board Room at 7pm Present: Absent: Councillor Ross Trimble, Deputy-Mayor Jerry Flynn, Serge Robichaud, Paul Pillsworth, John Andrews, Tom Marshall, Joanne Henderson, Manager of Recreation and Culture, Reeve Richard Kidd(regrets), Bill Levesque(regrets), Jan Ferguson(regrets) 1) DECLARATION OF PECUNIARY/CONFLICT OF INTEREST AND GENERAL NATURE THEREOF - now or anytime during the meeting 2) REGISTRATION OF PUBLIC WISHING TO SPEAK - with the secretary 3) PLEASE TURN OFF ALL CELL PHONES AND PAGERS 4) If there is an addendum, in accordance with Section 15.2.4 (of Striking Report) does the committee wish to approve this addendum? 125393 Received from Addressed to Date Topic Joanne Henderson, Manager of Recreation and Culture Parks and Recreation Committee September 2, 2014 Pool Lift SUMMARY The pool lift needs to be replaced as it has been deemed unfit. It does not have a capacity plate and there is structural damage on the arm and on the post. COMMENT Staff are investigating options for replacement and grant opportunities to fund this unexpected expense. UPDATE Staff have applied for a Trillium grant to fund the purchase of a new lift. The turn around for Trillium applications is approximately 4.5 months. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Bring Forward. COMMITTEE DECISION Bring Forward. Parks & Recreation Committee –March 2, 2015 - Page 2 125399 Received from Addressed to Date Topic Joanne Henderson, Manager of Recreation and Culture Parks and Recreation Committee September 3, 2014 Disc golf SUMMARY Staff recently met with a group of individuals interested in introducing disc golf in Carleton Place. This sport is similar to golf but it consists of throwing a disc into a basket. This sport is a low cost activity that can be played by all ages. COMMENT Staff are working with the group to identify the best location to introduce this sport to the community. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Bring Forward. COMMITTEE DECISION Bring Forward. 126141 Received from Addressed to Date Topic Joanne Henderson, Manager of Recreation and Culture Parks and Recreation Committee February 27, 2015 Arena HRV Units SUMMARY Staff have received the following prices for supply and installation of two new HRV units in the dressing room hallway of arena #1. Carleton Refrigeration $4,200.00 + hst per unit. Thermal Balance - $3,965.00 + hst per unit. COMMENT The HRV units will help with the air quality in the lower hallway. This is a budgeted item. STAFF RECOMMENDATION That staff proceed with the installation of the HRV units from Thermal Balance for a price of $3,965.00 + hst per unit. COMMITTEE DECISION That staff proceed with the installation of the HRV units from Thermal Balance for a price of $3,965.00 + hst per unit. Parks & Recreation Committee –March 2, 2015 - Page 3 126142 Received from Addressed to Date Topic Joanne Henderson, Manager of Recreation and Culture Parks and Recreation Committee February 27, 2015 Community Programming Update SUMMARY The Community Programmer has prepared an update of recent and upcoming projects. The update is attached. COMMENT Some of the programs noted are in the preliminary stages of development and the Community Programmer will provide updates as the details are confirmed. STAFF RECOMMENDATION To be discussed. COMMITTEE DECISION Receive and record. 126143 Received from Addressed to Date Topic Dan Rathwall Parks and Recreation Committee February 27, 2015 Hockey Day in Carleton Place SUMMARY Proposal to host a Hockey Day in Carleton Place to promote mental health and substance abuse awareness at the youth level in Carleton Place and Lanark County through hockey and team sports. All proceeds from the event will be donated to one of the local mental health and/or addiction agencies. COMMENT The event organizer is looking for support from Minor Hockey, Carleton Place Canadians, the Parks and Recreation Committee and Town Council. UPDATE Dan Rathwall attended the meeting and provided the committee with details of his proposal. Parks & Recreation Committee –March 2, 2015 - Page 4 126143 Continued STAFF RECOMMENDATION To be discussed. COMMITTEE DECISION That the Parks and Recreation Committee support this initiative. 126144 Received from Addressed to Date Topic Joanne Henderson, Manager of Recreation and Culture Parks and Recreation Committee February 27, 2015 Draft Policy for Determining Cash in Lieu for Parkland SUMMARY Staff have prepared a draft policy for Determining Cash in Lieu for Parkland as per the Committee’s request. COMMENT The intent of the policy is to provide a clear guideline for determining the value of land for cash in lieu purposes. STAFF RECOMMENDATION To be discussed. COMMITTEE DECISION That the proposed draft be approved as written. 126150 Received from Addressed to Date Topic Andrew Trader Joanne Henderson, Manager of Recreation and Culture March 2, 2015 Plaque SUMMARY Recently, the Ontario Clean Water Agency donated two benches to the arena for players to sit on to have their skates tied. They are requesting permission to install a plaque to recognize the donation. COMMENT The benches are a great asset to the facility. Parks & Recreation Committee –March 2, 2015 - Page 5 126150 Continued STAFF RECOMMENDATION That the request for the installation of the plaque be approved. COMMITTEE DECISION That the request for the installation of the plaque be approved. Winter Carnival: Despite very snowy weather, the Winter Carnival Committee had a successful event at Riverside Park on Feb 21st. The event ran (in total) for 12 hours and had activities both indoors and outdoors. The Committee plans to keep the Winter Carnival at Riverside Park and is currently surveying members on the community for overall satisfaction and suggestions for improvements. Many are requesting activities for tweens/teens. The Committee will continue to build the event for the 2016 year. Celebrate Summer In CP: March 28th 10am – 2pm This one-day expo is taking place at Carambeck in the gymnasium and will showcase many of the programs and events taking place in Carleton Place this summer. This free event is intended to make families aware of the number of activities they can do in town, and sign up for programs or purchase tickets (if desired). Home Show: Staff are busy preparing for the 2015 Carleton Place Spring Home and Fashion Show. The event is now 95% sold out and staff are expecting to have both levels filled by the middle of March. The event has new attractions including a Country Dance on the Friday night and a children’s performance by James Funnyhat on Saturday. Returning attractions include: Women’s Fashion Show on Saturday, daily door prizes, and a $500.00 grocery gift card prize on Sunday. This year’s show will be the most interactive ever, with many booths including games and activities. National Fitness Day: Last year the Recreation and Culture Department presented a free public swim, as well as a scavenger hunt for National Fitness Day. Participants who completed the Scavenger Hunt were entered in a draw to win a 10pack of free swim passes to the pool and sadly the participation was low for the scavenger hunt but high for the free swim. The Department is working with the Heart and Stroke to build our own activities for this year, including freebies from The Heart and Stroke. More to develop. Music at the Market: Music at the Market will not be presented this year at the Market Square Pavilion. Instead; staff are working on bringing more interactive performances/activities to Riverside Park throughout the months of July and August. Due to lack of sponsorship, high performance fees, and lack of variety of performances- staff felt it was time to try something new for 2015. A movie in the park, geocaching and a scavenger hunt are all in the works for this summer. PanAm Torch Run: The PanAm Games have released their list of communities participating in the PanAm Games Torch Run, so staff have begun promoting the Torch Run travelling through Carleton Place on July 2nd. The Torch will make its way to Carleton Place around 11:30am, and will make one stop at CIBC before travelling to Town Hall for a small celebration before it leaves Carleton Place. Staff are working with Mitchell’s Independent Grocer to provide refreshments, as they are a presenting sponsor. More to develop. TOWN OF CARLETON PLACE CRITERIA FOR DETERMINING CASH IN LIEU OF PARKLAND DEDICATION REQUIRED UNDER PLAN OF SUBDIVISION AGREEMENTS. 1. If the purchase of the subject property has taken place within two years of the day prior to draft approval, the sale price will be accepted as the current value in determining the amount of cash in lieu of parkland. 2. Proof of the sale including a copy of the transfer of deed is required by the Town for properties sold within two years of the draft approval. 3. For properties which do not fall under the above criteria, the developer is required to provide a property appraisal of the subject lands at their own expense. 4. The property appraisal professional is required to be a member of the Appraisal Institute of Canada and be in good standing. 5. A copy of the summary appraisal report is to be provided by the developer to the Town for review. Community Enrichment Program Funding and Facility Approvals- March 2015 Name Event Debby Window Art at the Lytle/Jennifer Irwin Museum Project Date Amount Requested Notes Amount Approved 23-May-15 $1,500.00 Requesting financial support to assist in the "Window Art at the Museum" murals. TBD Mississippi River Days Committee Mississippi River Days July 24th - 26th, 2015 $1,500.00 Requesting in kind support to assist in restoring the Missisippi River Days. Requesting support via facility rental & municipal equipment $1500.00* to be put towards facility rentals & municipal equipment Ariza Consulting and Creative MindsEvent Planning The Man Cave June 21st, 2015 $1,500.00 Requesting in kind and financial support to assist in the start-up fees for presenting "The Man Cave." Requesting waived facility rental, municipal equipment. $0.00- Does not meet criteria Carleton Place and District Community Band Fundraiser Concert 30-May-15 $1,000.00 $396.00* - hall rental & staffing fees Lanark Autism Support Group Austism Fundraiser Walk 22-Aug-15 $500.00 Requesting in kind support of waived facility rental, as well as $550.00 financial support to assist in promotion Requesting in kind support towards the staffing fees & municipal facilities Lanark County OPP- OPP vs. National CP Detachment Sledge Hockey Game 25-Apr-15 $432.30 Requesting in kind support for waived ice rental fees & facility hall retntal. $432.30- in kind Carleton Place Celebrate Seniors District Civitan Club Month Dinner 04-Jun-15 $450.00 Requesting inkind support of waived facility rental fees. $450.00- in kind $500.00- in kind Community Enrichment Program Funding and Facility Approvals- March 2015 Name Event Project Date Amount Requested Notes Amount Approved Rotary Club of Carleton Place & Mississippi Mills Seniors' Christmas Dinner Nov/Dec, 2015 $450.00 Requesting inkind support of waived facility rental fees. $450.00- in kind Total Funding Requested Total Funding Available $7,332.30 $19,351.44 Total Funding Approved $3,728.30 $15,623.14 Total Funding Remaining * Indicates that amount could change depending on staffing needs for in kind support
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