94 ISSUE April 2015 Community Newsletter for Carlton-in-Lindrick, Costhorpe and Wallingwells Inside: DIARY DATES Page 3 See what's happening this Spring CouNcil TAX Page 8 See what you are getting for your money Gardening Page 18 Tips on sowing seeds Local Man Runs London Marathon For Cancer Charity Richard Hillam from Windsor Road in Carlton-in-Lindrick is running this year's London Marathon on Sunday April 26th to raise funds for Sheffield based Charity Cavendish Cancer Care. Have you visited www.carlton-news.co.uk Delivered FREE to 2600 homes ESTIMATED READERSHIP 7000 Having entered the annual ballot for the opportunity to take part in this event on seven different occasions and been unsuccessful, Richard was thrilled to be given the opportunity to raise funds for Cavendish Cancer Care in 2015's event. Cavendish was a client of graphic designer Richard and knew of his desire to compete, so offered him their charitable acceptance to this year's run. Richard has lived in the village for all of his life, except for his time at Nottingham University, born and bred in Windsor Road. Richard has already gained some running experience by running the Nottingham Marathon in 2009. This, along with competing in fourteen Half Marathons, including Cardiff, Manchester and Retford to name a few. Carlton News has received support from the Coalfields Regeneration Trust, and Carlton in Lindrick Parish Council Richard is currently running in excess of thirty miles a week. He does, however, have a twenty mile run planned in the next two weeks. A target has been set to try to raise between £1500 and £2000 pounds from sponsorship and donations. The current total is £900. I am sure our generous readership can help Richard to achieve his target and beyond. You can donate with gift aid by going to justgiving.com/richardhillam - all sponsorship and donations will be gratefully accepted, supporting this worthwhile cause. You can follow Richard's progress and how well he performed and the final amount raised on The Carlton News Website. By Dan Basden Your Award Winning Newsletter Hello USEFUL CONTACT NUMBERS Please send any articles, letters and photographs to sarah@carlton-news.co.uk as they would be greatly appreciated. Thank you. Chairman Vice-Chairman Treasurer Secretary Editor & Design Reporter Webmaster Distribution Managers Editorial Committee Alan Duffy 731149 731463 Ivor Sheppard 733740 Kath Burgess 731584 Stephanie Paulin 07884171242 Sarah Hart 07951099609 Dan Basden 07766815019 Chris Hart 732799 Ted Banks 731463 Ivor Sheppard Mary-Ann Vickerstaff Mary Godwin Lorraine Simpson Deadline Dates are 15th of the following months: January, March, May, July, September, November Email: sarah@carlton-news.co.uk Website: www.carlton-news.co.uk Post: The Editor Carlton News, 92 Long Lane, Carlton-in-Lindrick, Worksop, S81 9AU Small £60 W60mm x H40mm Medium £84 Portrait W60mm x H90mm Landscape W94mm x H64mm Large £126 Portrait W92mm x H130mm Landscape W125mm x H80mm Half Page £250 Portrait W105mm x H290mm Landscape W190mm x H130mm Measurments may vary slightly dependent on artwork. 504504 Chemist Dudley Taylor Pharmacies Ltd 730340 Clerk to the Parish Council Mr P Goulding 541120 Civic Centre, Long Lane Email:pcgoulding@btinternet.com Doctors The Village Surgery Long Lane 732933 Hospital Bassetlaw 500990 Library Long Lane 732275 NHS Direct 24 hour health care helpline SIX NS EDITIO le o (the wh year) Volunteers produce this Newsletter but advertisements help to pay for the printing costs. It is delivered FREE to over 2,700 households. In addition, by advertising, you are helping to support the local community. For more details please call Kath Burgess 01909 733740. Cheques should be made payable to Carlton Village Newsletter send to: Kath Burgess, Treasurer, Carlton Village Newsletter 1 Jubilee Cottage, Low Street, Carlton in Lindrick, S81 9EL. 111 Parish Centre Bookings Mr G Lewis 731324 Police Carlton-in-Lindrick Civic Centre 500999 Schools Kingston Park Ramsden 730294 730408 The Rector Revd. J. Blatherwick 732498 Carlton-in-Lindrick Civic Centre Bookings 541127 Youth Club 733764 Street Lighting Advertising Deadline Dates are 1st of above months. ADVERTISING RATES 2015 North Notts College 0300 500 8080 A1 Housing 0800 590 542 Next Carlton Newsletter meeting TuesDAY 5th May LIBRARY OPENING HOURS Monday 2pm - 6pm Tuesday CLOSED Wednesday 2pm - 6pm Thursday CLOSED Friday 9am - 12pm Saturday 9am - 12pm DISCLAIMER & COPYRIGHT The views expressed within this Newsletter DO NOT necessarily reflect the views of the Editorial Panel. We make every effort and take great care in the assembly and production of this newsletter. However, we accept no responsibility for matters or disputes arising as a result of errors, printing errors, stories, features or advertisements which appear in this publication. Submitted articles, pictures and advertisements are accepted on the understanding that the contents are true and accurate, and the contributor owns the copyright, or has cleared the material for use, and that the Carlton News has permission to publish all or part of that submitted material. 2 DIARY DATES CARLTON IN LINDRICK LIBRARY SCHOOL CHILDREN FREE Crafty fun Some of these activities can be messy so it's best to wear old clothes. Saturdays 10.30am - 11.30am 4th April 15 May 4th LCC Big Local May Day Family Fun Costhorpe Sports Field (Opposite Carlton Youth Centre) IS NOW T N EVE D E L L NCE LCC Big Local are organising a family All money raised will go towards the Christmas lights throughout the fun day for ALL the community. We LCC area for 2015. More 2details are currently looking for Community 16. t in 0 ndisplays e v e about activities and will be Groups to have stalls on the day. n rds a g towa nearer the time If you would like to have a stall at workinreleased r be eveyou ow the event please ensure that h l il w LCC The the Please book via RCAN on the book using number below. following number 01623 727600 Charges for stalls are as follows: or email pbaker@rcan.org.uk Local Community Groups / charities £7.50 Others £15 THIS IS CA 18th April 15 2nd May 15 16th May 15 30th May 15 13th June 15 27th June 15 Extra Easter Holiday Activity dates to be confirmed, please ask at the Library for more information. All CRAFTERS Meet Like Minded People Bring along your project, swap ideas, knitting patterns and material. From 10am - 11am 25th April 15 23rd May 15 20th June 15 Stay & Play FOOD AND CRAFT MARKET, SATURDAY 26th SEPTEMBER 2015 St John's Church is holding the popular annual food and craft market in the parish centre complex on the above date. If anyone is interested in having a stall, or would like any further information please contact Kath Ledger on 01909 540624. Deliverers required Please help the residents of Oxford Road, Le Brun Square and Amanda Avenue to continue to receive their copies of the Carlton News. If you can help, please get in touch with Ivor on 01909 731463. Your letters The Carlton News welcomes any letters of interest to our community (please include your contact details - but we won't print them) or if you fancy reporting on any events going on, please get in touch with us. Sessions for pre schoolers Monday 2pm - 2.45pm Term Time only Enquiries & Bookings 01909 541127 WORLD RECORD!!! Don't forget about our Summer Reading Challenge for all school age children. This year we want to be RECORD BREAKERS!!! We want to try to set the record for 'the most number of people pledging to take part in a reading challenge' so we'll need as much help as possible. The Reading Challenge will run throughout the school summer holidays so look out at the library for more information. Office Hours: 9.00 - 15.00 Monday-Saturday visit our website for information on events www.civiccentre.org.uk REGULAR EVENTS AT THE CIVIC CENTRE MONDAY Keep Fit Lindrick Players Pilates THURSDAY 18.30 - 19.30 19.30 - 21.30 19.30 - 20.30 CLIC Taekwondo Rebecca's Dance Studio U3A Basic Computer Skills Zumba START - 10.00 START - 12.00 18.00 - 21.00 START - 18.00 19.00 - 21.00 FRIDAY TUESDAY room hire venue Weight Watchers Weight Watchers Bingo Weight Watchers Parish Council 10.00 - 12.00 17.30 - 18.30 18.15 - 21.00 18:30 - 20:30 19.00 - 20.00 Under 5's Chat & Play Group 09:30 - 11:30 Fit Club 18.00 - 19.00 Jukado Ryu Martial Arts 19.30 - 21.00 (2nd Tuesday in the month except August) SATURDAY WEDNESDAY Rebecca's Dance Studio Under 5's Chat & Play Group 09:30 - 11:30 Action Sports 13.45 - 15.15 Keep Fit 18.30 - 19.30 Linedancing 19.00 - 22.00 visit our website for information on events SUNDAY Ballroom Social Dance 09:30 - 14.15 19.30 - 22.30 www.civiccentre.org.uk supporting the community 3 Carlton-in-Lindrick Methodist Church & Centre DIARY DATES Weekly EVENTS Sunday worship at 10.45 am Monday Coffee morning 8.30 am – 12noon April 3rd Good Friday 7 pm Service led by Rev Roz Page. During term time: April 5th Easter Sunday 8.15 am Holy Communion. Rev Roz Page. 10.45 am Josie Dunster. Wednesday Brownies 6.15 – 7.15pm April 12th Rosemary Hall April 19th Judy Smith April 26th Church Anniversary Rev Peter Sheasby May 3rd Holy Communion Rev Roz Page May 10th Rev Bryan Stevens May 17th Local arrangements May 24th Family Service & Parade David Clark May 31st Mrs K Page. SPRING FAYRE 10 am -12 on Saturday 2nd May Cakes, crafts, tombola, hot drinks, bacon butties & usual stalls. Tuesday Boys’ Brigade 6 – 7pm Thursday Rainbow guides 5.30 – 6.30pm Thursday Guides 7 – 8.30pm CONTACTS: Minister Rev Roz Page 01909 560233 Room hire J Marsden 01909 730155 BOOK SALE 10 am -12 on Saturday 9th May Second hand books at bargain prices. St John’s Church Easter Services 2015 Join us as we journey with Christ during Holy Week. Come and walk with Jesus the man, fully human and yet divine, who took your sins to the cross so that you could be reconciled to God. Palm Sunday 29th March 8.15am BCP Communion 10.30am Holy Communion Monday 30th March 7.30pm Holy Week Reflection Tuesday 31st March 7.30pm Holy Week Reflection Easter Fayre and Car boot sale Monday April 6th 8.30am till 11am Please join us for our annual Easter fayre at the Parish Centre, Church Lane. Bring a friend, have a coffee, eat a bacon sandwich, browse the stalls and help us to raise money for your local Parish Church. To bring a car for the car boot sale costs £6. Wednesday 1st April 7.30pm Holy Week Reflection (St Mark’s, Oldcotes) Maundy Thursday 2nd April 6.30pm Family Meal and Communion Good Friday 3rd April 10.30am Messy Church at Kingston Park Academy. 2.00pm An hour at the cross Easter Sunday 5th April 6.00am Early morning service followed by breakfast 8.15am BCP Communion 10.30am Easter All Age Communion 4.00pm Easter Communion at St Luke’s, Langold 4 For weddings, baptisms and other general queries please contact our Parish Administrator Becky Hancock via email:beckystjohnscil@gmail.com or call 07876 457931. www.stjohnscil.org.uk *LUNCHEON GROUP* We now have a list of people wishing to join our Luncheon group which we are starting on Thursday 23rd April. We still need a few more volunteers. If you can help in any way we would be very grateful. Please contact Helen on 01909 541127. The group is planned to run every Thursday from 10.30am - 2.00pm, lunch will be served at 12 o’clock. We have a great programme of events and activities to look forward to. Mothering Sunday On Mothering Sunday, Kath Bradley preached at Carlton-in-Lindrick Church & Centre. All the ladies were given a colourful primula in a pot, kindly donated by Angela of Feteful days. Pots were also taken to those who were housebound or ill. The children pictured above, handed out the flowers. Police Beat Surgery The Police Community Support Offices of Carlton In Lindrick are holding Beat Surgeries at Carlton Civic Centre monthly throughout the year of 2015. Anyone is welcome to come along and have a chat regarding any Police issues that you may be experiencing within your community or home. April 7th 2015 Tuesday 1100 – 1200 May 5th 2015 Tuesday 1100 – 1200 June 9th 2015 Tuesday 1100 – 1200 July 14th 2015 Tuesday 1100 – 1200 August 6th 2015 Thursday 1100 – 1200 PCSO 6365 Cathy Parker PCSO 7419 Jaime Shaw PCSO 3439 Andy Wardle Carlton-in-Lindrick Parish Council and the Civic Centre Trustees are pleased to announce the Annual Village Fete and Indoor Summer Market on Saturday 11th July, 11am - 3pm. There are some fantastic new attractions this year including children’s entertainer Andy & Lewis, Hawks of Steele Hawk, Falcon and Owl display, Split Links Motorcycle Club, as well as the very popular “Just Climb” 25 foot climbing wall and the White Post Farm Animal Road show! All above We will also be joined by Apollo Entertainment inflatables (small charge). Not to forget the wonderful stalls at our Indoor Market including gift ware, jewellery, toys, paper craft, local honey, cakes and much, much more! Please contact the Civic Centre Office (details below) if you would like any further information or to book a stall. Bring your under 5’s Chat & Play Group Wednesdays & Fridays 9:30am - 11:30am FREE ENTRY Small donations for tea & coffee We welcome Tip2Toe Beauty which now has a salon within the Civic Centre. For more details phone Michelle on 01909 807787. Advice Bassetlaw offers free and confidential advice on debt and money, benefits, employment, housing discrimination, laws and rights, relationships, health and well-being and many more issues. Initial guidance can be obtained by contacting Laura at the Centre on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays (details below). Telephone: 01909 501127 Email: enquiries@civiccentre.org.uk Registered Charity Number: 1091557 Civic Centre, Long Lane, Carlton-in-Lindrick, Worksop, S81 9AP 5 BOYS’ BRIGADE Bassetlaw Cardiac Support Group Back in November Gregor Milligan and Luke Barraclough received their President’s Badges from the Battalion President, Mark Boswell and are now working towards their Queen’s Badge. Fraser Milligan is working along side them for his President’s Badge. This often involves them in helping the younger members. Kathryn Hine is now a BB officer and will do her youth leader training in the next year. This time last year the numbers were low. This has improved considerably and in November we enrolled ten members and we have added four more members recently. This increase in numbers makes it possible to do more activities than before, and we have been able to have relay races, play team games and parachute games. Glyn Hine comes from time to time and we have a ‘Band Night’ and we hope to have a ‘parade’ at Pentecost. We have replaced our ‘Games Nights’ by ‘Family Nights’ when other members of the family are invited to join in. We sometimes continue for an additional half hour on these nights We are having a Sponsored Walk as usual on Easter Monday, 6 April, which starts from the Methodist Church and Centre at 9.30 am and hope to enjoy baked potatoes etc. on arrival back at the Coffee Morning, as we did last year. The BB Flag Day in Worksop is on Saturday 25 April. The company meets in the Methodist Church and Centre at 6pm on Tuesdays during school terms. All boys of school age are welcome. Eddie Croot, Captain 1st Carlton in Lindrick Brownies 1st Carlton in Lindrick Brownies would welcome girls from 7-9 years old to come and join us. We meet during term time in the Parish Centre on Wednesday evenings from 5.45- 7pm. If you enjoy making new friends and doing fun activities then come along to one of our meetings. For further details please call Cath Delaney on 477653. 6 Group members chatting with Paddy Tipping. The Group held its March meeting at Retford Hospital and Chairman, Chris Coldwell warmly welcomed Paddy Tipping (Police and Crime Commissioner for Nottinghamshire) as the guest speaker. The presentation was excellent and enjoyed by the large attendance of Group members. A lively and frank question time rounded off a splendid afternoon. The Cardiac Support Group Meets on the first Friday of each month, alternating between Retford and Bassetlaw hospitals and welcomes new members to any of the venues. The aim of the Group is to support anyone in the area treated at Sheffield, Bassetlaw or Doncaster Hospitals or by their GP following a cardiac episode. For further information call Chris 01909 730629 BASSETLAW BRANCH PARKINSON'S UK Following the Branch AGM the March meeting welcomed special guests, Rachel Baxter (Parkinson’s Nurse), Barbara Marshall (Speech therapist) and Julia Robinson (information and support Worker) to a well attended afternoon. Guest speaker Andrea Davis gave an impressive presentation and demonstration of Reflexology which members found very informative. The popular Pilates class continues to prove beneficial to all and the Branch will continue to fund the sessions for another year. Thanks is extended to Charlotte Ecclestone for her understanding, patience and expert tuition. Branch members will join with the Cardiac Support Group for a day trip to Cadbury World for the first outing of the year. Membership continues to grow and more friendships, support and socialising are made possible. April 7th sees Nichole Huthwaite giving a presentation on Hypnotherapy. May 5th welcomes Jeannette Walker, Environment Officer. Meetings are the first Tuesday of every month at Worksop Cricket Club at 2pm. For more information call Chris 01909 730629. 1st Carlton St. John's Scouts Let me begin with a big ‘Thank You’ to all those who turned out on Friday March 6th for the Flower Arranging fund raiser with June Borrowdale. It was a sparkling success and gave a real boost to our funds. I hope everyone took away some ideas and enjoyed the event. The money gets poured back into the improvement of the Scout Headquarters, its utilities and upkeep for future generations of scouts and, of course, perhaps more importantly, the materials to keep the programme of events full and interesting for our current members. We are hoping that in the next few months we can update our IT equipment to make it more effective in supporting the activities of the group and also add a new dimension to the climbing wall by adding extra holds and different routes. The Beavers needed some material and stamina as well as warm clothes for their Big Garden Bird Watch in February. They spent time looking for different species in and around the Church and Scout HQ. I believe a lot of their efforts were interrupted by the presence of some large and dominant pigeons who kept a careful watch on them during the day. However, they did get about with their charts and spent an enjoyable day learning about birds and making novel seed pictures to hang up for the birds to feed from in their own gardens. They are also able to contribute to the RSPB national Big Garden Bird Watch. The Beavers, Scouts and Explorer Scouts who gathered at Walesby this year for the NESST Challenge walk were very fortunate to have a cold but clear night for their expedition and the Explorers from our Group did very well achieving the second best time behind a Team much older than themselves. It was really good to be there and see how many young people are motivated to turn out on a winter’s night to take part in events like this. 51 Scout Teams entered and 21 Explorer Teams. That’s a lot of young people up for a challenge and an awesome lot of food and drink provided for both staff and walkers. The Scouts have been back on the improved climbing wall over the last few weeks and also working on their competence in First Aid helped by the Explorers who are also members of the local St John’s Ambulance Brigade. It is always good to see how bridges can be built from scouting into other avenues for service to the community. Speaking of service, the popular car-wash will take place on May 18th at the Parish Centre Car Park from 6.30pm to 8.30 again this year, only £3.00 per car and a quality assured finish! All our minds are turning towards the first weekend Group Camp on the second weekend in May this year. We are all setting off for Squirrel Wood north of Doncaster for a change of scenery. It is going to be a camp based around the theme of ‘Circus’ and to help out we have some Circus tutors with us on the Saturday. There were some comments about taming wild animals at the planning meeting, but it wasn’t much to do with the four legged variety. The potential for fun and learning new skills seems immense, with a good turn-out and bright weather it should be great. Light nights and the passing of Easter always gives more opportunity for the group to be outdoors and doing a wider range of things. We are indebted to our leaders for keeping the activities varied and enjoyable. If you feel you could be a leader, have some time to give as a volunteer and would like to know more about what that entails, or if you would like to help in any way, for example as a member of the group committee, contact Richard Smith on 01909731324 for more information. Geoff. Lewis DONT FORGET Car Wash May 18th ONLY £3 PER CAR 6.30pm til 8.30pm 7 Parish Council Parish Council Tax – What You Get For Your Money The Parish Council in Carlton in Lindrick is very much aware of the importance of communicating to Local Council Taxpayers exactly what services are provided locally and how these services are paid for. Getting good value for your money is a priority and ensuring quality services is a day to day objective. The net cost to the Parish Council in providing local community services is £148,000 per annum. This money is raised by making a property Council Tax Charge of £95.00 per year which you will see on your Council Tax Bill. The £95 charge applies to Band D properties and this amount will vary slightly if your property is in a different Council Tax Band. The charge is collected by the Bassetlaw District Council along with other Council Tax Charges. Government initiatives over recent years have encouraged Local Authorities at all levels to be more accountable and for many years your Local Council has endeavoured to keep residents informed on what we do and how Council Tax Monies are allocated. Detailed below is an analysis of how the £95 Annual Council Tax is spent and what services are supported. The analysis shows what percentage of the £95 is allocated to each service and what that means in relation to how much per week is allocated to provide the local services listed. 2. Section 137 Grants (Grants to local organisation) weekly Council Tax Charge for the Parish 4p per property Following the analysis you will find explanatory notes on the service provision for each of the Parish Council’s responsibilities. This charge enables the Parish Council to support local organisations who are benefiting the local community. The Parish Council supports the Carlton News in the provision of an excellent local Newsletter Publication and many other small grants are made. Recently the Parish Council has agreed to meet accommodation costs at the Civic Centre for a local service which enables local residents to embark on a healthier lifestyle. The initiative has the support of local G.P’s who can refer appropriate patients for participation in activities to improve their health. The grants budget enables the Parish Council to support these activities. Quite often, members of the local community are understandably confused as to which services are provided by which Local Authority. The above figures relate totally to the net expenditure being met by your Parish Council and an explanation as to how the money is used to support the services listed is detailed below. 1. Playing Fields – Open Spaces weekly Council Tax Charge for the Parish – 26p per property This charge provides the money for the Parish Council to employ Contractors to maintain highway grass verges, garden areas at the Civic Centre, the Youth Centre, Lambert Gardens and other environmental maintenance work. In recent years this charge which supplements some work undertaken by the County and District Council’s has resulted in excellent standards being achieved although adverse weather conditions do occasionally make the job more difficult. Percentage of Expenditure Description/Service Parish Precept £95 Per Annum Weekly Charge 14.3 Playing Fields O/Spaces 13.59 0.26 2.2 Section 137 Grants 2.09 0.04 0.12 Chairman's Budget 0.11 0.00 16 Staff Costs 15.2 0.29 11 Youth Centre 10.45 0.20 1.2 Village Fete 1.14 0.02 3.5 Admin/Meeting Rooms 3.33 0.06 4.1 General 3.9 0.08 0.6 Play Equipment 0.57 0.01 17 C Centre General Includes 16.15 0.31 6 C Centre Maintenance 5.7 0.11 1.5 Footpaths, Bridleways 1.43 0.03 4 Burial Ground Maintenance 3.8 0.07 8.8 Burial Ground Reserve 8.36 0.16 6 Burial Ground Improvements 5.7 0.11 3.3 Loan Repayment 3.14 0.06 £94.66 approx £1.81 approx TOTAL 8 3. Chairman’s Budget This is a small allocation of £200 per annum which is in place if the Council wishes to send floral tributes to commemorate recently deceased former members who have given previous service to the Council and community. This budget is used also to purchase wreaths to commemorate those lost in action serving their Country in wartime. 4. Staff Costs – weekly Council Tax Council Charge for the Parish – 29p per property This figure represents the cost of employing two part-time employees at the Civic Centre to undertake the work of the Parish Council. 5. Youth Centre – weekly Council Tax Charge for the Parish – 20p per property Most of you will know that the Parish benefits from having an excellent Youth Club in Lawn Road. The Youth Club is held in property owned by the Parish Council and this allocation enables the building to be maintained in addition to supporting the work of staff and volunteers at the Centre. The Parish Council has an excellent record in working in cooperation with the Notts County Council to secure and develop this valuable community service for young people. In addition, the Vintage Club meets on a weekly basis for more mature residents to have a social “get together” and to enjoy some of the facilities at the Club. Parish Council 6. Village Fete – weekly Council Tax Charge for the Parish – 2p per property This allocation supports events arranged at the local fete held on the field alongside the Civic Centre in July of each year. The event is organised by the Civic Centre staff and is largely self-financing but this relatively small allocation serves to support the event especially if bad weather interferes. 7. Admin/Meeting Rooms – weekly Council Tax Charge for the Parish – 6p per property This charge covers the cost of legislation updates, Audit Fees, Health & Safety Inspections and advice, room hire for meetings, website costs and all Councils' Insurances and Subscriptions. 8. General Costs – weekly Council Tax Charge for the Parish – 8p per property This is a charge in reserve for legal advice provision which could be required in relation to all Council activities and to support unanticipated requirements arising from risk assessments on all Council resources. 9. Play Equipment – weekly Council Tax Charge for the Parish – 1p per property 11. Civic Centre Maintenance – weekly Council Tax Charge for the Parish – 11p per property 15. Burial Ground Improvements – weekly Council Tax Charge for the Parish 11p per property The Civic Centre is owned by the Parish Council. The Council has a duty to maintain the facilities in good order and this provision ensures the safety and efficiency of the building. The Council owned burial ground at the Church and adjacent to the A60 Highway is in need of improvement works. Adverse weather conditions often create unreasonable surface conditions for pedestrians. Vehicles and plant equipment employed on the site also add to the potential for adverse ground surfaces. This allocation will enable the Parish Council to undertake an improvement scheme which will also improve access for the disabled to the site. 12. Footpaths and Bridleways – weekly Council Tax Charge for the Parish – 3p per property As most of you will be aware, the Parish has a network of footpaths and bridleways. Most rural areas have similar networks. Although clearance work, maintenance and signage on the paths is the responsibility of the Notts County Council, their budget cuts have meant that the maintenance work undertaken by the County is limited to a minimum requirement. The Parish Council, therefore, arranges for extra work to be undertaken in an effort to maintain the network to a good standard for local users. 13. Burial Ground Maintenance – weekly Council Tax Charge for the Parish – 7p per property This is a charge which ensures Safety Inspections on all Parish Council Play Equipment. Professional advice is obtained by the Council in order to minimize any accident potential. In recent years the Parish Council has become responsible for grounds maintenance at the Church. Contractors who also undertake grass cutting and garden work in the rest of the village also maintain the burial ground. This allocation meets the annual cost of the required work. 10. Civic Centre General – weekly Council Tax Charge for the Parish – 31p per property 14. Burial Ground Reserve – weekly Council Tax Charge for the Parish – 16p per property The Civic Centre is owned by the Parish Council and Managed by a Board of Trustees who employ staff to support services at the Centre. This allocation ensures the provision of an excellent local facility which is available to local organisations, societies and to local families for accommodation required for family occasions. In addition, the Trustees and Staff endeavour to organise a variety of Community Events for local residents and other organisations make use of the premises to provide their services at a local level. The Board of Trustees act purely on a voluntary basis but this budget allocation helps to support staff and running costs at the Centre. Most of you will be aware that space at the Church for interment purposes is becoming limited. The Parish Council has a legal duty to provide land and resources for interments to continue within the Parish. If the provision cannot be met, families would have to arrange for the interment of deceased loved ones to be undertaken in other towns or parishes. The Parish Council is currently in the process of purchasing land for the purpose which will serve the local community for many years to come. This allocated reserve will contribute towards development of the land and the costs of legal and planning fees which will need to be met. 16. Loan Repayment – weekly Council Tax Charge for the Parish – 6p per property The Capital Cost of land purchase for the continued provision of burial facilities within the Parish is £60,000. It is normal practise for smaller Councils to obtain loan facilities of this nature from the Public Works Loan Board, who provide financial resources to local authorities at competitive interest rates. The Parish Council has included within its present budget this allocation which will mean that provision has been made for repayment of the loan without increasing the annual Council Tax Charge of £95. Finally, residents need to be reminded that the £95per annum Council Tax Charge has been “frozen” for the 4 year period 2014 to 2018. Your Parish Council will continue to co-operate and work with others who have experienced severe budget cuts in recent years, in order to maintain good standards in our areas of responsibility. The joint working principle is very much supported and promoted by your local Parish Council, who continue to be in discussions with the County and District Councils and representatives of the Health and Voluntary Sector in order to maintain a viable community service. The Parish Council meets at 7pm on the second Tuesday of each month (except August, when we do not meet) at the Civic Centre in Long Lane. Members of the public are encouraged to attend. If you have any observations or queries relating to the Parish Council and its responsibilities please do not hesitate to contact Peter Goulding (Clerk) at the Civic Centre, Long Lane, Carlton in Lindrick, Worksop, S81 9AP or on 01909 541127. 9 OTHER NEWS Carlton in Lindrick Neighbourhood Plan Carlton in Lindrick Parish Council has decided to undertake a Neighbourhood Plan that will guide further development over the next sixteen years. The Council and community will have control over future development in our Parish and, therefore, planning will be done for us, by us and not to us. We need you, the local community to get involved. The Parish Council has applied to Bassetlaw District Council to undertake the plan. Representations on this application may be made to: Writing Regeneration and Investment Team, Bassetlaw District Council, Queen’s Buildings, Potter Street, Worksop, S80 2AH, Email natalie.cockrell@bassetlaw.gov.uk Call 01909 535151 Representations should be made by 5pm on 8 May 2015. To view the proposed Neighbourhood Area please visit www.bassetlaw.gov.uk, Type Carlton in Lindrick Neighbourhood Plan into the search facility on the internet or visit the Council offices in Worksop or Retford. A Steering Group will be constituted to design and process the plan. Are you interested in taking part? If you would like to be involved in future planning proposals and you wish to become a member of the Steering Group please contact: Peter Goulding – Clerk, Carlton in Lindrick Parish Council, Long Lane, Carlton-in-Lindrick, Worksop, S81 9AP. Call 01909 541127. ELECTIONS Bassetlaw Moves To Whole Council Elections Bassetlaw District Council has voted to change its election system and will move to whole council elections from May 2015. This means that on May 7, 2015, and every four years after, all of Bassetlaw’s 48 District Councillors will be up for election, as opposed to the previous system of electing a third of the council each year over three consecutive years. The decision was made at an Extraordinary Meeting of the Council on Thursday March 5, 2015, following two public consultations on the issue. Of the 41 councillors present, 40 voted in favour of whole elections. Stephen Brown, Head of Corporate Services at Bassetlaw District Council, said: “Prior to this decision, Bassetlaw was the only district council in Nottinghamshire to still elect by thirds. 10 This decision has allowed the council to modernise its election process and bring it in-line with the rest of the County. It also means that we will be able to start implementing savings immediately. In addition to District Councillors being elected every four years, all Parish Elections will now take place at the same time to generate additional savings and provide consistency with ward elections. “While adopting a whole council elections process will bring with it significant savings – an estimated £150k over five years – this change also has a number of benefits for both the electorate and the council. A briefing session will now be held for prospective District and Parish candidates, agents and Parish Clerks on Monday March 16, 2015 at Worksop Town Hall’s Ceres Suite, starting at 6:30pm. “By giving electors the opportunity to vote for their district councillor once every four years we hope it will encourage more people to turn out to the ballot box and make the process easier to understand.” Nomination Packs are also now available to pick up and any candidates or agents wishing to attend should contact Julie Briggs, Electoral Services Manager, on 01909 533464 or email julie.briggs@bassetlaw.gov.uk OTHER NEWS The Raf Are Coming... Bring Out The Brylcream! If you don’t understand the headline, ask an older member of your family! However, the brilliant news is that the RAF are coming to the Civic Centre, Carlton-in-Lindrick. We are delighted to announce that on Sunday 5th July 2015 the Band of the Royal Air Force College, Cranwell will be giving a Concert at the Civic Centre, Long lane, by permission of the Air Force Board of the Defence Council. The Band’s prestigious engagements during the last year included a visit to Amsterdam, playing at Holyrood Palace, and Buckingham Palace, to name just a few! They will also be taking part in the Edinburgh Tattoo and the Lord Mayor’s Show in London later this year. You can see why we are so excited that we are able to host them here in Carlton! You will notice that the original date has been changed due to the Band’s operational duties, which obviously must take priority. There is a close connection with the Band and at least two families in Carlton-in-Lindrick which makes it even more exciting that we have been able to secure this performance. Freed Beeches Quiz Night We anticipate that demand for tickets will be great; previous concerts that we have personally attended have been oversubscribed so please book your tickets early – at the time of writing (March 8th) we have at least 40 tickets reserved, and numbers are limited. If you have heard the Band before you will know what a great evening of music it will be and you won’t want to miss this! I would just like to say a MASSIVE THANK YOU to everyone who attended the Freed Beeches Quiz on the 19th March. I have to say this has got to have been one of the best ones ever! The atmosphere was incredible, so much laughter to be heard and a great time was had by all. I have to say as always, I start off vey nervous but the warmth I felt from everyone who was there, made me at ease very quickly and I enjoyed every second of it. Tickets cost £12 and include a Souvenir Programme. Please order from the Civic Centre in person or by calling 01909 541127. I would also like to thank everyone who donated raffle prizes for the Quiz, including the wonderful Carlton News, Sally from the Grey Horses and Lee from BMW for his very generous donation of a BMW Car Hire from Friday to Monday! Brilliant. Doors and the Bar will open at 17.45, with the Concert commencing at 19.00. The Concert will be in aid of Help for Heroes, who will be present, manning a merchandise stall, and we will be holding a SUPER Raffle for them. With your help we hope to raise in excess of £1,000 for this very worthy charity. We also hope that Sir Andrew Buchanan, former Lord Lieutenant of Nottinghamshire, will be able to join us for this evening of musical excellence. I look forward to your company on 5th July, 2015. Cllr. Barry Bowles, Deputy Chairman Board of Trustees, Civic Centre Mother's Day Lunch The Quiz made a record amount of £585 which was topped up by a lovely gentleman who after having such a wonderful time at the quiz, wanted to donate £100 to FREED. This was quite overwhelming for me and just wonderful, so thank you so much, just amazing of you. I am thinking of organising another quiz night in October, as unfortunately, not everyone managed to get a place this time as the quiz sold out in just 2 and half days! So please look out for more information in the Carlton News for the upcoming Quiz. Thank you so much again to everyone for making the night a truly memorable one! Kingston PRIMARY Pupils at Kingston Park Academy celebrated Mother’s Day by inviting mums, grandmas, aunties and carers into school to have lunch with them. It was a great opportunity for relatives to sample the healthy, fresh, tasty meals that the dedicated team of kitchen staff provide. We are looking forward to welcoming our fathers, grandads and uncles into the school for Father’s Day in June. Pupils Ben & Jessica Scott are pictured opposite with mum. More photographs can be viewed at www.kingstonpa.org.uk After learning about dinosaurs last month the Foundation pupils at Kingston Park took up the challenge of producing an imaginative dinosaur sculpture in a family orientated workshop.This was a special morning for staff, parents and children to enjoy time together creating a piece of art using recycled materials. Part-time places are available in the nursery for ages 3-4 years. Children can attend for morning sessions and enjoy a range of activities with our expert teaching staff. To apply for a nursery place or for more information call 01909 730294 or email Info@kingstonpa.org.uk. 11 Carlton Youth Centre facebook.com/ carltonyouthcentre The youth centre is being used more and more with lots of projects happening through the day, as well as the usual busy nights. LEARNING SUPPORT Tuesday we have the Learning support and construction groups attending from North Nottinghamshire College. The construction group have built a BBQ and are now laying foundations for an outside store. The learning support have dug a vegetable patch and are building planters out of recycled materials, A1 housing have funded these projects with a donation which will pay for the store and support them until the summer. MAKING NEW LINKS Monday and Wednesday afternoon Dinnington School are running sessions, opening the centre to young people who do not usually attend a youth centre and it is proving very popular with their students. Monday night is music night with 12 the disco area in full use. Over the last 2 months The Paul Hunter Foundation has been running snooker sessions for the young people with lots of new games and challenges. Tom Blagg is the man to beat, maybe next time Tucker. On Tuesday the 31st March the Carlton in Lindrick boys' brigade used the sports barn as an alternative to their usual base, I’m sure all the group had a good time. Also the centre would like to say well done to Greg, from the Boys' Brigade, who has been volunteering at the youth centre. I look forward to more links between them and the youth centre. Carlton Youth Centre SNOOKER PRINCE TRUST Wednesday afternoon see's our local snooker and pool club running, starting at 13:00 contact Steve for more information. After that Dinnington are running there after school club. You can see them preparing their Cheese Toasties. We have had the Princes Trust redecorating the Sports Barn as part of their community project, and will be holding their award ceremony in there. Wednesday under 14’s night, Maggie and Tracy have been busy with Valentine’s Day, Mother's day and Easter with lots of ideas for arts and crafts, and biscuit making. Reece and Liam have been running the competitions in the barn. HILLsBOROUGH Thursday morning the Vintage Club meet with pool and snooker being the popular choice of activities. FOOTY FUN Thursday nights see the young people having football coaching from Steve Fletcher. This is also the darts night. We are now getting a decent team together, Jess and Kirsty are always busy in the canteen with toasties, pizza and hot dogs. FUN CLUB Friday the Fun Club has been very well attended with over 50 young people attending each night. They have been doing lots of arts and crafts, especially with Mother's Day and Easter, plus other games like football, dodge ball and bouncy castle in the barn. The centre has been to Hillsborough twice in March to see the mighty Owls play. We have not seen them win yet, but we live in hope. But some young people and staff are swopping their allegiance form other not so great teams to Sheffield Wednesday (Ha Jackie). We are now looking forward to the summer with trips planend on the barge to sporting events such as the Welbeck Fun Run. If you wish to run in this, to raise funds for us, then get a sponsor form from the centre. We hope to make full use of our new BBQ and pizza oven which was very popular last summer, with a new paved and seating area. If you wish to get involved in the centre then just call in OR Call Steve for more information 07805791799 13 RAMSDEN PRIMARY Book Week Weird and wonderful things were happening at Ramsden Primary School last week in preparation for World Book Day 2015... Strange songs, sealed up doors and mysterious boxes of goodies arriving. We've upcycled old jars, fabric and bottles for a Mad Hatter's Tea Party! Thank you to all who came along for a cup of tea and a biscuit. Our choir sang to a packed house! Recently, one of our pupils, Abbigail, entered a competition at Tesco in Sheffield by drawing a design to be printed on their bags. She won the competition and the school received 250 bags with her artwork on – one for every child in school! Tesco have also donated £300 towards the school and a trip for her and some friends to visit the Tesco store. To find out how to spend the money, she has set up a steering group with other children so they can discuss ideas. Some suggestions for spending the money so far have been: more art equipment, reading books or sponsoring an endangered animal. 14 RAMSDEN PRIMARY Retford Half Marathon Fun Run On Sunday 8th March 2015 the newly formed Ramsden Runners took part in the Retford Half Marathon Fun Run. The runners were: Daisy Nadin Amelia Redfern Luca Redfern Abigail Richards Sam Richards All involved had a wonderful time in their first official run. The children train on a weekly basis and are looking forward to taking part in the inaugural Ramsden Mile later on in the Summer Term. 15 Healthy Eating with Wray Annable Hi Everyone Hope all is well and your weight loss dream is on track for your summer holidays. With Easter coming up I thought I'd let you see some tasty, tempting Chocolate recipes as Chocolate eggs are loaded with calories. Until 4th April we have our marvellous range of chocolate bars on offer, with only a pro-point value of two. Whether a member or not you are welcome to browse our range of goodies, cook books etc in our meetings. Hope the recipes help! Happy Easter Love Wray 07525005942 Chocolate swirl meringue stack 5 Pro Point per serving (serving 12) INGREDIENTS 5 egg whites 200g caster sugar 1 tsp cornflour 1 tsp white wine vinegar 35g cocoa powder 150g dark chocolate melted and cooled 300g 0% fat natural greek yogurt 25g icing sugar 75ml double cream 300g berries METHOD Basic meringue recipe 1 Preheat the oven to 120c, fan 100c, gas mark half. 2B eat the egg whites in a bowl with an electric whisk, until soft peaks form. Slowly add the sugar 1 tbsp at a time, making sure each is fully incorporated before adding the next. Once all the sugar is added, continue whisking for 3-4 minutes or until the mixture is thick and smooth. Whisk in the cornflour and vinegar and fold the cocoa powder through. For the stack 1 Follow instructions to 1 & 2 above. 2L ine 2 baking trays with greaseproof paper and draw 3 x 18cm circles on the paper. Turn the paper upside down, so the markings are on the underside. 3D ivide the mixture into 3, spoon onto the greaseproof paper and smooth to make 3 x 18cm circles. Place 1-2 tbsp of the chocolate onto each meringue circle and, with a spoon, gently push into the meringue to create a swirl. Cook in the oven for 1 hour 30 minutes. Remove and leave to cool fully. 4M ix the yogurt with the icing sugar and cream. Place one of the meringue rounds on a plate or serving dish. Top with a third of the cream and drizzle a little of the creaming chocolate over. Repeat with the next 2 layers. Arrange the fruit on top, then drizzle the rest of the chocolate over and serve. 16 INDIVIDUAL MERINGUES 1 Follow basic meringue recipe 2L ine 2 baking trays with greaseproof paper spoon onto the greaseproof paper in 12 rough rounds and smooth. Place 1-2 tbsp of the chocolate onto each meringue circle and, with a spoon, gently push into the meringue to create a swirl. Cook in the oven for 1 hour 30 minutes. Remove and leave to cool fully. 3M ix the yogurt with the icing sugar and cream. Divide the cream among the meringues and drizzle a little of the remaining chocolate over. Arrange the fruit on top and serve with chocolate flakes. Use Your Old Tax Disc Holder for In Case of Emergency (ICE) Details ICE Contact Disc allows emergency services to contact your Next of Kin should the driver be unable to communicate with us in the event of an accident. Ensure that your next of kin knows their details have been disclosed on this form. As a cautionary measure, if your next of kin is contacted, they can verify that the call is genuinely from the emergency services by calling 101 Step one Cut out this sheet, cut and fold along the dotted lines to prevent the information being visible. Step TWO Fill in your emergency contact deatil and medical information. Step THREE Insert insert into your tax disc holder Share with your family, friends and colleagues you could help save a life! THE Company behind the ad This month we have been speaking to John Buttery from John's Quality Plants and Shrubs of Langold. This also incorporates Flowers by Julie. Julie is John's partner. John is celebrating ten years in this business this year. John describes the business as a Small Garden Centre, catering for the local community with the extensive range of various plants and flowers they provide mainly British plants. They do, however, have suppliers who can get most plants that their customers desire. John and Julie are now preparing for the start of what they expect to be a very busy season. John has always strived to provide quality plants and shrubs at competitive prices. Year on year they continue to see growth in the Garden Centre. However, restraint on space will see them turn their stocks over more frequently. The business is built on good local trade from their regular customers built over the period of his tenure. They are also able to offer a comprehensive range of food for wild birds. Again, these are all very competitively priced. John's three garden tips 1 Don't forget to feed your plants 2 Plant at the right time of the year 3 Plan your garden. Lay the plants out in pots before planting. Easier to move pots. Flowers by Julie offer a full cut flowers service for every occasion. By Danny Basden For Carlton News. 17 GARDENING by TERRY WOOD Time To Sow ? As the weather gets warmer and the soil warms up now is the time to plan your flower display for the coming summer. You can save a lot of money by growing your plants from seed. When growing plants from seed you need to take into account which plant group it belongs to. This will determine the correct time to sow. Hardy annuals – plants that germinate, grow, flower and produce seed in a 12 month period. Can be grown from a spring sowing straight into the ground where you want them to grow providing the ground is not wet and sticky. If you have a greenhouse sow them early under glass and, as they are frost hardy can be planted out as soon as they are big enough to handle. Remember birds and cats love newly planted and sown garden areas so cover with netting, sticks or CDs to keep them off. Seeds of hardy annuals can also be sown during autumn as the plants will stand the cold weather and flower in spring. 18 Half-hardy annuals – some of the most colourful of bedding plants belong to this group. They are native to countries with warmer climates and will not withstand the cold and wet. They must be sown under glass or heated frame and planted out when all danger of frost has passed. If you have not got a greenhouse or heated frame you may be able to germinate seed on a sunny windowsill as the seed only requires a temperature of 15 deg. C. Remember to harden plants off gradually before planting out. It is also possible to sow seeds of late flowering half-hardy annuals outside in May providing all danger of frost has passed. If you save seed from these plants for next year store them over winter in a dry warm place. Biennials – these are plants that are sown in one year then overwinter and flower, make seed and die the following year. You can sow these straight into the ground in a prepared seedbed and later thinned out into rows or sown in a plant pot. Transfer to a flowering position in autumn. Biennials that flower early the following spring will need to be sown early to allow for enough growth to be made before winter. Keep on gardening Jobs for this month Vegetable garden – If soil conditions are favourable, seeds of beetroot, turnips, carrot, peas and spring onions can be sown. Early varieties of chitted potatoes can be planted. Onion sets can also be planted. Flower garden – If you need to lift and divide snowdrops do it whilst they are still in leaf. Perennials can be planted as the soil warms up. If growing hardy annuals prepare the seedbed. Greenhouse – take cuttings of chrysanthemums from new shoots and place in pots of compost. Sow sweet peas and runner beans in pots ready to plant out when frosts have finished. by Howard Williams Wildlife NOTES This first week of March has not yet seen the first spring chiffchaffs in Carlton Wood as far as I am aware, nor any early violets. Only a few celandines in sheltered spots have begun to show, together with spikes of bluebell leaves. Snowdrops are still flourishing, however, in many of our local woods, and at Creswell Crags recently many primroses were in full bloom. Perhaps the bitterly cold winds, low temperatures, and hard ground frosts of January and February are responsible for a slowish start to the spring, though once the weather really turns, vegetation quickly catches up. Most plants are flowering 2-3 weeks earlier than 15 years ago despite temperature blips that can occur. In gardens, birds still come to feeders and baths and mixed flocks pass through of blue, great and long-tailed tits, chaffinches and goldcrests. Dunnocks, blackbirds and robins are already paired up and will soon be nestbuilding. Nestboxes are being inspected. With winter passing, willow tits no longer come to the feeders in our garden, but songthrushes are making intermittent visits when not driven off by blackbirds. From February bank voles too have been appearing here. They are active the year round but are more visible in spring and summer with nests to build and young to feed. The first frogs and spawn suddenly appeared here on 7th March, so things are looking up. Walking by the Canch in Worksop in early January, I caught a glimpse of a kingfisher flashing across the water and off round a bend upstream. Another brief sighting was on the upper lake at Langold in February. A glimpse is all most of us get of this beautifully coloured bird, but now and then, with luck, you can see one perched on a branch overhanging water. Many people think kingfishers are rare, but they are surprisingly frequent, perched near water or flying over canals, lakes, rivers and larger ponds. They are secretive, however, with a fast flight, which is why a flash of blue and orange is all most of us get to see. Kingfisher, by Richard Rogers The lakes at Langold are noisy and bustling in the early year with all the common ducks, geese, grebes and gulls. At Idle Valley you can also see flocks of shelduck, wigeon, teal, goldeneyes and the occasional little egret. One late afternoon in February in fields between Rayton Angle and Carlton Forest Farm I saw flocks of fieldfares that must have numbered at least 100 birds, probably more. They were no doubt feeding up in preparation for their journey back to their breeding grounds in Scandinavia. They will be replaced soon by our summer migrants, and by the next Carlton News in June, early spring flowers will be past and we shall be into summer. Fieldfare by Richard Rogers Nottinghamshire Wildlife Trust (Worksop Group) Indoor Programme 21st April 2015 A-Z of UK Marine Life, with Leigh Howard. At Station Hotel Worksop, 7.30pm. Members £1.50, non-members £2.00. There will be a programme of outdoor walks/events after this. For details contact Sue McIlwaine 07790 098707 or Alvin Green 01909 476276. 19 Whats on... MONDAY TUESDAY (continued) THURSDAY Rainbow Pre-school Parish Centre, Church Lane Monday - Friday 8:50am - 2:50pm All below held at Vintage Club 50+ Meet at the Youth Club, Lawn Road, Costhorpe 10am - 1pm Worksop & District Live at Home Scheme - Over 60’s Lunch Club & Activities Ann Daniels Centre, 64 Dadley Road, 12 noon-3pm 732488. Quiz Night Grey Horses 9pm onwards 732503. Young Parents Group Kingston Junior School (Health visitor 2nd 4th Mondays) 1pm - 3pm 731269 Lindrick Players 7:30pm - 9:30pm or just come along. Keep Fit Pilates 541127 730341 6:30pm - 7:30pm 7:30pm - 8:30pm Rebecca’s Dance Little Stars 1 (3-5yrs) 4:45 - 5:30pm Little Stars 2 (5-7yrs) 5:30 - 6:15pm Juniors (Age 7+) 6:15pm - 7:45pm Rhymetime 2:30pm - 3pm (Library School term time only) Coffee Morning Methodist Church 8.30am - 12pm TUESDAY PIC OF THK MONT E H Worksop & District Live at Home Scheme - Ann Daniels Centre 64 Dadley Road Over 60’s Luncheon Club 12noon - 1:30pm 732488. Boys’ Brigade Methodist Church The Anchors & Juniors 20 6:30pm 12pm 6pm Charity General Knowledge Quiz at the Grey Horses. 10pm Youth Club Lawn Road Ages 13 to 19 from 6:30pm - 9pm All below held at Bingo Doors open Eyes down 7:30pm Weightwatchers Start times 10am Scouts Scout Headquarters, start 7:30pm 731087. Explorer Scouts 7:30pm Scout HQ. Parish Council Meeting 2nd Tuesday each month 7pm (with the exception of August when the Council does not meet) 6pm - 7pm Freed Alternate Tuesdays 39 Park St Worksop 7:30pm-9:30pm Memories Day Support Service Costhorpe Memories Cafe every 3rd Thurs 10:30am - 12:30pm Worksop & District Live at Home Scheme - Ann Daniels Centre 64 Dadley Road Over 60’s Bingo & Light Lunch 10:30am - 1pm 732488 New members welcome Buzzom Buddies 2nd Thursday monthly 733794 Annette Voice Mothers’ Union First Thursday in every month. Friendship Ramblers Alternate Tuesdays 01909 481287 Dennis Briggs Youth Club Lawn Road Age13+ 6:30pm - 8:45pm Judo Cleveland Close Community Centre. 6:15pm - 8:45pm 07784649915 Rainbow Guides Methodist Church Girls aged 5 to 7 WEDNESDAY 1st Carlton Guides Methodist Church 7pm - 8:30pm Rainbow Toddler Group Parish Centre, Church Lane 9:15am - 11:15am Women’s Institute Parish Centre, Church Lane 2nd Thursday in every month 7:15pm - 9pm all visitors and new members welcome. 489474 Christine Clark Brownies Parish Centre, Church Lane, 5:45pm - 7pm Brownies Methodist Church 6pm - 7:15pm Cub Scouts 6:45pm Scout HQ. All below held at Beaver Scouts Scout Headquarters 5:15pm 732503. 733296 541127 50+Club 1:45pm - 3:15pm Keep fit, Bowls and Badminton Keep Fit Karate 5:30pm - 6:30pm All below held at Clic 6:30pm - 7:30pm 541127 9:30am - 11:30am 5:30pm - 6:30pm Taekwondo Rebecca’s Dance Adult Tap class 7:30pm - 8:15pm 7:45pm - 8:45pm Line Dancing Beginners 7pm - 8pm Intermediate 8pm - 10pm Circuit Training Youth Club Lawn Road 6pm - 8pm Under 14s School Year Group 4 to 7 Health Walk Meet Andy’s Cafe - Langold Cub Scouts Scout HQ 6:45pm 10am 8:30pm - 9:30pm Reach Out And Discover Spirits Cleveland Close 7:30pm - 9pm Different Medium each week 730825 The Blue Bell Quiz Irish Bingo & FREE supper 9pm FRIDAY SUNDAY Youth Club Carlton Youth Centre 6pm - 8pm year 3, 4, 5 and 6 only. Youth Club Lawn Road, ages 11 to 16 year 5:30pm - 7:30pm Adult Dance Class Civic Centre 7pm - 9:30pm Ballroom Social Dance Carlton in Lindrick Civic Centre 7:30pm - 10:30pm Fitclub Fitness & nutritional talk Civic Centre 6pm - 7pm Open day St Luke’s church Church Street Langold Saturday 18th April A chance to see all the renovation work and to thank the fundraisers who have made it all possible. See displays from various groups in the village. Any group who would like to take part please call Carol Bower 731470 or email caz@kittymail.com JOHN MANN Member of Parliament for Bassetlaw SATURDAY Rebecca’s Dance Carlton in Lindrick Civic Centre 9:30am - 2:15pm Funeral Plans one of the most considerate and sensible decisions you can make PROTECTION for your family against rising funeral costs PEACE OF MIND that all your wishes will be catered for AFFORDABILITY SURGERY DATES 2015 By appointment only May 22nd - Worksop May 29th - Retford May 30th - Harworth However, if you have a more pressing need to contact John CALL 01909 506200 EMAIL mannj@parliament.uk FAX 01909 532477 VISIT www.johnmannmp.com a range of flexible payment options ALAN RHODES for more details, pop in or call us on 01909 530853 stuartbellassociates.co.uk Your County Councillor for Worksop North East and Carlton Alan is available to provide information and advice for people in the local area. If you would like to contact Alan to arrange a meeting at a mutually convenient time please: Call 01909 483743 - Worksop 0115 977 2941 - County Hall Email cllr.alan.rhodes@nottscc.gov.uk Write 24 Beechcroft, Worksop, Nottinghamshire S81 0SX Alan also attends meetings at Carlton Parish Council held at the Civic Centre at 7pm on the 2nd Tuesday of each month. www.alanrhodes.nottinghamshire.gov.uk Please mention Carlton News when responding to our Advertisers 21 Local BUsiness Your one stop mobility shop... DONCASTER 01302 323 536 Expert advice Large showrooms & range Competitive prices Mail order catalogue SHEFFIELD 0114 229 3391 ROTHERHAM 01709 839 369 Beds & Chairs Stairlifts Footwear www.clarkshop.co.uk Scooters 22 Walkers & Walking Sticks Bathlifts Please mention Carlton News when responding to our Advertisers Local BUsiness invitations & WEDDING STATIONERY Offering bespoke designs that are personalised, whatever the occasion, without breaking the budget. invitations & WEDDING STATIONERY Offering personalised designs for every occasion, without breaking the budget. No minimum orders. No minimum orders. pecked invitations.com pecked invitations.com E: sarah@peckedinvitations.com T: 07884 171 242 E: sarah@peckedinvitations.com T: 07884 171 242 SOUTH CARLTON MOTORS Quality bespoke invitations & timber products from Oak Beams WEDDING STATIONERY to Rustic Cladding. Offering personalised designs Bespoke Oak Beams Cut to Order for every occasion, Oak Fireplace Surrounds without breaking the budget. Waney Edge Cladding No minimum orders. Oak Coffee Tables Floating Shelves Firewood - Hardwood Logs Landscaping Sleepers Local family run business. pecked 01909 540879 07584357926 invitations.com www.carltonwoodmill.co.uk E: sarah@peckedinvitations.com T: 07884 171 242 ESTABLISHED OVER 30 YEARS • SERVICING • MOT's • REPAIRS • TYRES • AIR CONDITIONING & ALL AT AFFORDABLE PRICES invitations WEDDING STATIONERY CALL 01909 730386 50 High Road, Carlton In Lindrick Offering personalised designs for every occasion, without breaking the budget. No minimum orders. Modern & Traditional Barber Queue Barbering OPENING HOURS Monday Closed Tues-8.30-5.30 Wed-Fri-9.00-5.30 Sat-9.00-4.00 pecked invitations.com 49 - 51 HIgh road, CARLton-in-lindrick OPPosite the sherwood ranger E: sarah@peckedinvitations.com T: 07884 171 242 Please mention Carlton News when responding to our Advertisers 23 Local BUsiness CLEANER HEAT UK SAVE UP TO 70% ON GAS BILLS WITH A POWER FLUSH To your central heating system SignAL ELECTrOniC SErViCES Noisy boiler? Radiators not heating up? High Gas bill? A new boiler installation should be Power Flushed in line with manufacturer's warranty. The Power Flush System removes dirt and sludge from your central heating system. Visit www.cleanerheat.co.uk or for a free quote call Darren Layden 07985142854 01909 731890 Satellite & aerial Installation, Erected, Repaired & Extended Plasma Installations digital Switchover services TV, Video & Satellite piped into other rooms. Telephone Points & extensions CCTV Installed & Serviced • Boiler replacements • Radiators fitted • Power flushing • Landlord safety checks • Boiler servicing • Fully designed systems • Magna cleans fitted • Fully insured • Lime fighters fitted • Thermostatic radiator valves fitted • Gas registered FREE SITE SURVEY • FREE DIGITAL METER TEST FREE CALL OUT • FREE ADVICE We guarantee all our work for 12 months Over 35 Years in the Electronic & TV industry Contact Philip Stringer (Proprietor) 07889 833 410 01777870665 RB Plumbing & Maintenance Services Qualified plumber with over 12 years of experience and assured quality every time, from a full bathroom installation to a leaking tap. dean’s plumbing & heating Disability aids, hand rails, higher toilet seats, anything you need can be installed FREE no obligation quote For all your plumbing & heating needs nything from a leaking tap, A to a boiler installation No job to small Call Daniel Dean on H: 01909 290462 M: 07775863933 24 Prices from Thermostatic Radiator Valves upgrades £40.00 Covering all areas of Worksop, Rotherham, Doncaster and Sheffield Pump changed Realistic prices and no hidden costs Taps changed £40.00 Outside taps £40.00 CRB checked and fully insured Bathroom fitted £150.00 Radiator relocated £60.00 £300.00 Call Richard any time: 07838152280 01909 809500 Based in Carlton-In-Lindrick, Worksop. Please mention Carlton News when responding to our Advertisers Local BUsiness FOR A FREE QUOTE Call 01909 808032 or 0772 1738 919 Advertise YOUR BUSINESS Here £60 SIX EDITIONS (SMALL AD) Need your Advert designed? We now offer a full design service Call the Editor for more information RST Electrical Ltd DOMESTIC I COMMERCIAL I INDUSTRIAL • Fully insured electrical contractor • All work carried out to 17th edition regulations BS7671:2008 • Part P registered with NAPIT Call Richard Scott 01909 472881 07860 775307 Email rstelectricalltd@gmail.com Please mention Carlton News when responding to our Advertisers 25 Local BUsiness FM Paving Ltd DRIVES • PATIOS • PATHS • FORECOURTS GARDEN WALLS • FENCING “ “ Frank and his team were brilliant! Their workmanship and commitment was excellent! Very polite and helpful people. 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Quoin House, Dukeries Industrial Estate, Claylands Avenue, Worksop S81 7DJ 26 Please mention Carlton News when responding to our Advertisers Local BUsiness RS O O -D airstylist N I HAeIsRand genptesrmhing, blow, Ladi uring ting, colo , cut , g g in r in ett Offe in the ller s s, all g, ro w o in r y r e d eyeb hom and own r u nails o fy fort o com CKIE A ne J o h Telep 31440 97 0190 100689 5 0779 A choice of fresh food just minutes away... You’ll find all the day to day essentials you need, along with lots of inspiring meal ideas - from the tempting treats in our Truly Irresistible range to our delicious Healthy Living and Fairtrade ranges. BIG DEALS Low prices on everyday essentials 29 Doncaster Road, Carlton in Lindrick S81 9JX. Tel: 01909 733096 /centralenglandcooperative Opening times: Monday - Saturday 7am - 10pm, Sunday 10am - 4pm @mycoopfood w Please mention Carlton News when responding to our Advertisers www.centralengland.coop 27 UPCOMING EVENTS FOR 2015… Performing at our VE Day Indoor Street Party on Friday 8th May - Doors open 6.15pm - Tickets £12 Ration style food - fancy dress optional The Band of the RAF College Sunday 5th July Doors open 5.45pm £12 per ticket - includes souvenir programme Subject to operational commitments (The Band plays by permission of The Air Force Board of The Defence Council) DONATE YOUR FURNITURE AND ELECTRICALS and we’ll pick up your items for FREE Your unwanted furniture and electricals can help us fight back against heart disease. We collect all sorts of items. Call 01909 521 452 or book online at bhf.org.uk/collection Please don’t be disappointed if we are unable to accept items for reasons of safety or quality Back by popular demand! Saturday ©British Heart Foundation 2014, registered charity in England and Wales (225971) and in Scotland (SC039426). 28 Carlton News - Kindly supported by the Carlton in Lindrick Parish Council 19th December ! Reserve your tickets now Civic Centre, Long Lane, Carlton-in-Lindrick, Worksop, Nottinghamshire, S81 9AP Registered Charity Number: 1091557 Tel: 01909 541127 Email: enquiries@civiccentre.org.uk
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