AGENDA FOR THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE 7Assessment SANITARY DISTRICT CARPINTERIACARPINTERIA SANITARY DISTRICT GOVERNING BOARD TO BE HELD May 5, 2015 The regular meeting of the Governing Board will be held commencing at 5:30 p.m. The location of the meeting is at 5300 Sixth Street, Carpinteria, California. I. CALL TO ORDER II. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE III. BOARD APPROVAL OF AGENDA AS [SUBMITTED] [MODIFIED] Board President asks the Board, public, staff, and legal counsel if there are any additions and/or modifications to the Agenda. IV. APPROVAL OF MINUTES April 7, 2015 AS [SUBMITTED] [MODIFIED] V. PUBLIC FORUM The public may address the Governing Board on items of interest to the public which are not already on this evening's agenda and are within the subject matter jurisdiction of the Board. The time allotted for this discussion shall be pursuant to Board Bylaws. VI. MATTERS BEFORE THE BOARD A. GENERAL REPORTS: 1. General Manager’s Status Report (Page 1) Description: General Manager to review his written report regarding the following issues: • • • • 2. ASHT Replacement Project Update CWEA Award and Annual Conference Report Recycled Water Facilities Planning Study Update Operations Update (Pages 2-11) District Action to Abandon and Construct Sewer Facilities Pursuant to Health & Safety Code Section 6523.3 – 1300 Block Linden Ave. Description: The Board to review and consider approving an agreement for abandonment of existing sewer and construction of new sewer facilities. Staff Recommendation: That the Board approve agreement as presented. 3. Cash Contract No. 423 – Olin Corporation Sodium Hypochlorite Supply (Pages 12-19) Description: The Board to review and consider approving Cash Contract No. 423. Staff Recommendation: That the Board approve Cash Contract No. 423. 4. Cash Contract No. 424 – Univar USA, Inc. Sodium Bisulfite Supply (Pages 20-27) Description: The Board to review and consider approving Cash Contract No. 424. Staff Recommendation: That the Board approve Cash Contract No. 424. 5. Amendment No. 1 – Cash Contract No. 415 – Stantec (P&S) CalTrans Utility Agreement No. 05-UT-0897.223 US 101 Widening and Bridge Replacement Project (Pages 28-36) Description: The Board to review and consider approving Amendment No. 1 to Cash Contract No. 415. Staff Recommendation: That the Board approve Amendment No.1 to Cash Contract No. 415. 6. Board Workshop Planning (Page 37) Description: The Board to discuss and provide direction to staff regarding a strategic planning workshop. Staff Recommendation: That the Board provide direction to staff. VII. BOARD ITEMS A. COMMITTEE REPORTS Description: Verbal reports by the committee chairperson(s) of the following committees: • Standing Finance Committee • Standing Personnel Committee • Standing Public Relations Committee • Standing Utilities Committee • AD-Hoc Facilities Planning Committee B. GENERAL ITEMS 1. CASA Legislative Committee Report (Jeff Moorhouse) • Discussion of pending legislation affecting CASA member agencies. 2. LAFCO Report (Jeff Moorhouse) 3. SBCSDA (Santa Barbara – California Special Districts Association) Report 4. CSRMA Report (Jeff Moorhouse) 5. Board Member Vacation Dates 6. Future Agenda Items VIII. CLOSED SESSION CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL — ANTICIPATED LITIGATION: Significant exposure to litigation pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(d)(2): one case. December 10, 2013 Notice of Violation from Central Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL — EXISTING LITIGATION: Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(d)(1): Name of Case: The People of the State of California v. SCP Woodland, LLC, Carpinteria Sanitary District, et al. Santa Barbara Superior Court Case No. 1440021. IX. RECONVENE OPEN SESSION X. CLOSED SESSION REPORT XI. ADJOURNMENT FURTHER INFORMATION AVAILABLE A staff report providing more detailed information is available for most agenda items and may be reviewed in the District office during regular hours (Monday - Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. and/or 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.). Copies of individual reports may be requested at this office. Call (805) 684-7214 extension 10 for more information. In compliance with the Ralph M. Brown Act and the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need a disability-related modification, accommodation, or other special assistance to participate in this meeting, please contact the District’s Board Secretary at (805) 684-7214, extension 10, at least 48 hours prior to the start of the meeting. Next Ordinance Available........#14 Next Resolution Available.....R-280 Posting Date.......05/01/15 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE CARPINTERIA SANITARY DISTRICT GOVERNING BOARD April 7, 2015 These are the minutes of the regular meeting of the Governing Board of the Carpinteria Sanitary District in the City of Carpinteria, County of Santa Barbara, and State of California. The Governing Board of the Carpinteria Sanitary District held a regular meeting on April 7, 2015, at 5:30 p.m. at its District administrative office located at 5300 Sixth Street, Carpinteria, California. The agenda notice for this meeting was posted in the front window of the administrative office of the Carpinteria Sanitary District and on the District’s website at least 72 hours in advance of the meeting. I. CALL TO ORDER President Damron called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. and noted for the record that Director Velasco would be absent from tonight’s meeting. Directors Present: Mike Damron – President Lin Graf – Treasurer Jeff Moorhouse – Secretary Mike Modugno – Secretary Pro-Tem Staff Present: Craig Murray – General Manager Hamid Hosseini – Finance Director Kim Garcia – Board Clerk Legal Counsel Present: Anthony Trembley – Musick, Peeler & Garrett, LLP Public Present: None II. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE President Damron led those present in the Pledge of Allegiance. III. BOARD APPROVAL OF AGENDA President Damron asked if there were any modifications and/or changes to the agenda. Hearing none, the agenda was approved as submitted. IV. BOARD APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF March 16, 2015 Board Clerk noted one correction to the minutes of March 16, 2015, Page 3, Item VII, first sentence, was modified to read: Legal counsel, Bill Carter, Musick, Peeler & Garrett, participated by telephone and the Board went into closed session at 4:56 p.m. on the following agendized item: Director Graf made a motion, seconded by Director Moorhouse that the Board approve the Minutes of the March 16, 2015 Regular Board meeting as modified. The motion carried by the following vote: AYES: 4 Modugno, Damron, Moorhouse, Graf NOES: 0 None ABSENT: 1 Velasco ABSTAIN: 0 None V. PUBLIC FORUM None Carpinteria Sanitary District Regular Meeting Minutes – April 7, 2015 Page 2 VI. MATTERS BEFORE THE BOARD General Manager’s Status Report 1. General Manager reviewed his written report regarding the following: • • • • ASHT Replacement Project Update Chemical Supply Bid Process Water Security Symposium Operations Update Cash Contract No. 422 – Bartlett, Pringle & Wolf, LLP - Independent Auditing Services 2. for FY 2014/15- 2016/17 General Manager reviewed his staff report related to Cash Contract No. 422 between the District and Bartlett, Pringle & Wolf, LLP for independent auditing services for fiscal years 2014/15, 2015/16 and 2016/17. Staff prepared an RFP and solicited responses from seven qualified firms. Four proposals were received and reviewed by the Board Finance Committee. Bartlett, Pringle & Wolf, Inc. was selected. If approved, Cash Contract No. 422 would engage Bartlett, Pringle & Wolf, Inc. to provide independent auditing services for three-year period, commencing with FY 2014/15, with a not to exceed contract amount of $26,000. Director Moorhouse made a motion, seconded by Director Graf to approve Cash Contract No. 422 between the District and Bartlett, Pringle & Wolf, Inc. dated April 7, 2015. The motion carried by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: 4 0 1 0 Graf, Moorhouse, Damron, Modugno None Velasco None Resolution No. R-279 – Recognizing Teaman, Ramirez & Smith, Inc. for a Decade of 3. Outstanding and Dedicated Service to the Carpinteria Sanitary District General Manager reviewed his staff report related to adoption of Resolution No. R-279 which would recognize Teaman, Ramirez & Smith, Inc. for their exemplary service to the District over the past nine consecutive fiscal years. Director Graf made a motion, seconded by Director Modugno that the Board adopt Resolution No. R-279. The motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: 4 0 1 0 Graf, Moorhouse, Damron, Modugno None Velasco None Board Workshop Planning 4. General Manager reviewed his staff report regarding a strategic Board planning workshop. After Board discussion, there was general consensus that a Board workshop would be beneficial. Direction was provided to staff to bring this item back to the Board with tentative dates and discussion topics. Carpinteria Sanitary District Regular Meeting Minutes – April 7, 2015 Page 3 VII. A. BOARD ITEMS COMMITTEE REPORTS Standing Finance Committee None. Standing Personnel Committee None. Standing Public Relations Committee None Standing Utilities Committee None. Ad-Hoc Facilities Planning Committee None A. GENERAL ITEMS CASA Legislative Committee Report Director Moorhouse reported on several legislative bills. LAFCO Report (Jeff Moorhouse) None. SBCSDA (Santa Barbara California Special Districts Association) Report None. CSRMA Report (Jeff Moorhouse) None. Board Member Vacation Dates Director Modugno not available for June 2nd or June 16th meetings. President Damron not available for July 21st meeting. Future Agenda Items Board workshop. VIII. CLOSED SESSION Legal counsel led the Board into closed session at 6:05 p.m. on the following agendized item: CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL — ANTICIPATED LITIGATION: Significant exposure to litigation pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(d)(2): one case. December 10, 2013 Notice of Violation from Central Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board IX. RECONVENE OPEN SESSION A. CLOSED SESSION REPORT President Damron reconvened the open session at 6:22 p.m. and stated that there was no action taken on the closed session item and nothing to report. Carpinteria Sanitary District Regular Meeting Minutes – April 7, 2015 Page 4 X. ADJOURNMENT There being no further items to discuss, President Damron adjourned the meeting at 6:23 p.m. Michael Damron President Gerald Velasco President Pro-Tem Jeff Moorhouse Secretary Mike Modugno Secretary Pro-Tem Lin Graf Treasurer Carpinteria Sanitary District Board of Directors Meeting General Manager’s Status Report TO: Board of Directors FROM: Craig Murray, P.E. – General Manager SUBJECT: General Manager’s Status Report DATE: May 5, 2015 ASHT Replacement Project Update. Cushman completed hydro testing of the tank structure with a good outcome. Finish work on the tank exterior is underway with handrails and other appurtenances being installed concurrently. Retaining walls for the new concrete ramp were poured last week. Piping installation within the gallery is also underway. The latest schedule update shows a completion date in late August. CWEA Award and Annual Conference Report. I attended the 2105 CWEA Annual Conference in San Diego (April 30 – May 1) with Mark Bennett, Matt Oliver and Tim Gallup. At the Awards Luncheon on Friday, the District received the CWEA 2014 Collection System of the Year Award for agencies with less than 250 miles of sewer. This is a very prestigious award and District staff were recognized throughout the conference for this accomplishment. There were many very informative and timely presentations within the “Crafting Water” theme. I attended several sessions on advanced water treatment and indirect/direct potable reuse. Recycled Water Facilities Planning Study Update. RMC Water is working in earnest on this project. I participated in a forum on April 15th at the CVWD offices that brought interested agricultural users to the table for a discussion about recycled water use and potential demand within the valley. Water quality requirements for specific crops were discussed. Of note, a representative from Driscolls commented on the expansive use of recycled water on their open field strawberry operations in Oxnard. This type of customer demand meetings will continue through the first phase of the study. Operations Update: WWTP and Collection System operations updates are as follows: • The treatment plant is operating in full compliance with our NPDES discharge permit. • Operations staff remains focused on coordination activities related to the ASHT Replacement Project and maintenance of plant operations during construction. • No SSOs or other collection system issues were reported during the period. The system is functioning well. • Collection system staff responded to remove accumulated water from the newly constructed sewer system extension for the Casa de Las Flores development (Peoples Self Help Housing). District permitting staff directed the project manager and contractor to cease any discharge of water to the system prior to its completion and acceptance by the District. • Two problematic lower laterals were rehabilitated using pipebursting to address recurring root intrusion. A local contractor performed this work with oversight by the District. 1 Carpinteria Sanitary District Board of Directors Meeting STAFF REPORT TO: Board of Directors FROM: Craig Murray, P.E. - General Manager SUBJECT: District Action to Abandon and Construct Sewer Facilities Pursuant to Health & Safety Code Section 6523.3 – 1300 Block Linden Avenue DATE: May 5, 2015 REQUESTED ACTION: That the Board take the following necessary actions to address public health and safety concerns related a failed shared sewer pipeline: 1) Approve an Agreement for Abandonment of Existing Sewer Facilities and Construction of New Sewer Facilities to District Collection System (Master Agreement) between the District and five property owners within the 1300 Block of Linden Avenue; and 2) Authorize the General Manager to execute construction contracts and proceed with the requisite improvements, contingent upon execution of the Master Agreement by each of the five affected property owners. FUNDING SOURCE: Account 5690-1 / Reimbursement BACKGROUND: Five residential properties in the 1300 block of Linden Avenue are connected to the public sewer via a shared sewer that exists along their rear property boundary. This orangeburg pipe has failed and caused backup of raw sewage into an existing dwelling unit located at 1335 Linden Avenue. The failure has also affected the property to the north (1337 Linden Avenue). No clear record or documentation can be located regarding the history or ownership of this shared sewer, although the District has maintained that it is a private facility that does not conform to District construction standards in place at any point in history. Based on direction from the Board provided at its November 4, 2014 regular meeting, District staff installed a cleanout on this shared sewer near the point of connection to the main sewer. The line was cleaned to the extent possible and inspected with a push camera. The line is badly deformed and deteriorated along its entire length. There are several locations where the pipe has broken and soil is exposed. We were unable to clearly see the defect believed to be the cause of the backup, but future problems and sewer backups are imminent based on the condition of this shared sewer. In my professional engineering opinion, based on the occurrence of this pipeline failure, there exists an immediate threat to public health and the near term expenditure of District funds is necessary to safeguard health and property. The most logical and appropriate remedial response would be to connect these five residential dwellings to an existing 10-inch sewer main that exists in the public road fronting the parcels. This would be accomplished via construction of new lower laterals within the public right of way, with District-standard property line cleanouts, and realignment of the private upper laterals to connect to the new service laterals. 2 Extensive work has been done by District staff and legal counsel to craft a solution to this problem that is expedient, acceptable to the affected property owners and conforming with governing statutes. Attached hereto is an Agreement for Abandonment of Existing Sewer Facilities and Construction of New Sewer Facilities to District Collection System (the Agreement) for consideration by the Board. The Agreement sets forth the specific requirements and authority by which the District, or its contractor, would construct new sewer laterals, make associated plumbing improvements on each of the five properties and subsequently abandon the deteriorated, shared, private sewer main. The Agreement further provides a mechanism by which the District would receive reimbursement of applicable costs incurred to perform the work on each private property. In the interest of protecting public health and the environment, and due to the limited financial resources of affected individuals, cost recovery would be made over a period of ten years with nominal interest assessed on an annual basis. The Agreement also requires the property owners to indemnify and hold the District harmless from actions associated with this work. Each owner will also be asked to execute a separate acknowledgement of this Agreement to be recorded against each property memorializing the owner’s obligations. District staff has identified qualified contractors to perform the work necessary to remedy the public health threat. Informal quotes were obtained from a number of utility and plumbing contractors, and based on submitted quotations, it is proposed that County Sanitation Company, Inc. be contracted to install the new private sewer laterals at a total cost of $31,300. Per parcel costs, reimbursable to the District, would range from $4,900 to $7,400. It is proposed that Shaw Contracting, Inc. be contracted to perform work within the public right of way, including installation of new lower laterals between the existing 10-inch main and the property lines of each parcel. These public improvements would be constructed at a cost of $29,600. If authorized by the Board, the General Manager would proceed using the District’s standard form of construction contract for work of this type. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board 1) Approve an Agreement for Abandonment of Existing Sewer Facilities and Construction of New Sewer Facilities To District Collection System (Master Agreement) between the District and five property owners within the 1300 Block of Linden Avenue; and 2) Authorize the General Manager to execute construction contracts and proceed with the requisite improvements, contingent upon execution of the Master Agreement by each of the five affected property owners. SUGGESTED MOTION: I move that the Board 1) Approve an Agreement for Abandonment of Existing Sewer Facilities and Construction of New Sewer Facilities To District Collection System (Master Agreement) between the District and five property owners within the 1300 Block of Linden Avenue; and 2) Authorize the General Manager to execute construction contracts and proceed with the requisite improvements, contingent upon execution of the Master Agreement by each of the five affected property owners. 3 M_______________________________ S_______________________________ Ayes:_____________________ Nays:_________________ Abstentions:________________ Prepared By: ___________________________________ Craig Murray, P.E. - General Manager Attachments: 1. Agreement for Abandonment of Existing Sewer Facilities and Construction of New Sewer Facilities to District Collection System 2. Reimbursement Schedule 4 AGREEMENT FOR ABANDONMENT OF EXISTING SEWER FACILITIES AND CONSTRUCTION AND CONNECTION OF NEW SEWER FACILITIES TO DISTRICT COLLECTION SYSTEM (MASTER AGREEMENT) This Agreement for Abandonment of Existing Sewer Facilities and Construction and Connection of New Sewer Facilities to District Collection System (“Master Agreement”) is between the Carpinteria Sanitary District (“District”) and the Guadalupe V. Garcia Trust, Eric B. Kunkel, the Ramona Garcia 2009 Revocable Trust, Celio MA Guadalupe, and Antonio P. Ramirez (collectively the “Property Owners” or “Owners”), and is entered into with an effective date (“Effective Date”) of May 5, 2015. RECITALS A. Property Owners respectively hold title to the following five (5) developed residential parcels located in the 1300 block of Linden Avenue within the District and the City of Carpinteria, County of Santa Barbara: (1) Guadalupe V. Garcia Trust, 1301 Linden Avenue, Assessor’s Parcel No. (“APN”) 004-027-011; (2) Eric B. Kunkel, 1309 Linden Avenue, APN 004-027-012; (3) Ramona Garcia 2009 Revocable Trust, 1315 Linden Avenue, APN 004-027013; (4) Celio MA Guadalupe, 1337 Linden Avenue, APN 004-027-015; and (5) Antonio P. Ramirez , 1335 Linden Avenue, APN 004-027-014. The respective parcels are individually referred to herein as a “Property,” and collectively as the “Properties.” B. The Properties are currently connected to the District’s sewer collection system via a shared, aging private lateral sewer line (“existing pipeline”) existing along the rear boundaries of the respective Properties. The existing pipeline is of orangeburg construction, is badly deformed and deteriorated along its entire length, and does not meet current District construction standards. There exist several locations where the existing pipeline is broken and soil is exposed. Two of the respective parcels have previously been affected by multiple sewer backups (including backup of raw sewage into a dwelling), and the District has previously responded to the Properties to provide assistance, including installation of a cleanout. The current condition of the existing pipeline is violative of District ordinance provisions and has created an imminent threat to public health and safety. The Property Owners currently pay sewer service charges to the District, collected on behalf of the District annually by the County of Santa Barbara via the property tax roll. C. The District and the Property Owners (collectively “ the Parties”) hereby agree that the District pursuant to its principal act (including but not limited to Health & Safety Code Section 6523.3), may enter or cause entry to each of the respective Properties by one or more District-selected contractors to: (1) properly abandon in place the existing pipeline serving each Property; and (2) construct and install for each Property a new four (4)-inch sewer lateral line, together with associated plumbing modifications and a standard District cleanout, and connect such improvements to the District’s existing sewer main to serve each Property (collectively the “Work”). 1 5 May 5, 2015 D. The Property Owners agree that: (1) each of them shall be obligated to reimburse and repay to the District all costs associated with performance of the Work on their respective Properties; (2) the District may take any action necessary to annually collect such reimbursement and repayment of costs for the Work, in addition to collection of annual sewer service charges, from the Owners via the property tax roll of the County of Santa Barbara (“County”) in accordance with the District’s principal act; (3) Owners through collection on the property tax roll shall reimburse and repay the obligations on an installment basis over a ten(10)-year period, at an annual interest rate of two percent (2%) on the then-existing principal balance; (4) each of them shall also execute a separate acknowledgement of this Master Agreement to be recorded against each Property memorializing the Owners’ obligations herein; and (5) any outstanding amounts due to the District shall be fully due and payable upon Owner’s sale or transfer of the Property during such ten (10) year reimbursement and repayment period. NOW, THEREFORE, based upon the terms and conditions set forth herein, the Parties agree as follows: 1. Incorporation of Recitals and Approval Of The Work. A. All of the recitals set forth above are incorporated into this Master Agreement as if set forth in full. B. The District agrees to perform the Work upon the terms and conditions set forth herein. Based upon the foregoing recitals, the District also finds and declares that commencement and completion of the Work is necessary to eliminate an imminent threat to public health and safety and to correct an existing condition of violation of the District’s ordinances. C. The Property Owners agree that pursuant to this Master Agreement: (1) the District and/or its contractor(s) may enter the Properties and undertake, or cause to be undertaken, the Work as described above; and (2) each Property Owner shall reimburse and repay the District for the cost of the Work for their respective Property pursuant to annual payments on the tax roll for the County of Santa Barbara. The schedule of such annual payments is attached as Exhibit A hereto. The Property Owners further acknowledge and understand that if they fail to timely make annual payments to the County via the property tax roll, the County may independently exercise all remedies available to the County for such non-payment, including institution of liens against, or foreclosure of, Owner’s Property. The Property Owners also acknowledge that in such circumstance, the District may also exercise any remedies which it may possess against an Owner for non-payment. D. In lieu of the District adding the reimbursement and repayment amounts to the property tax roll on an annual basis, any Property Owner may elect at any time during the tenyear reimbursement and repayment period to pay the entire principal amount owed plus any accrued interest on the then-existing principal balance. Any outstanding amounts due to the District shall be fully due and payable upon Owner’s sale or transfer of the Property during the ten-year reimbursement and repayment period. 2 6 May 5, 2015 E. Each Property Owner understands and acknowledges that: (1) the District will commence the Work only after all Property Owners enter into both this Master Agreement and any separate acknowledgement or other document required by the District; (2) the timing and scheduling of the performance of the Work, and the order in which the Work is undertaken as to the respective Properties, shall be in the sole discretion of the District; and (3) the costs of the Work as to each of their respective Properties will vary from Property to Property. F. Each Property Owner: (1) warrants that the conditions on their respective Property will successfully accommodate the Work; and (2) agrees that District and its contractor(s) shall not be financially or otherwise responsible for replacement or repair to any surface improvements on the Property affected by the Work, and further agrees that Property Owner shall undertake any such replacement or repair. 2. Indemnification, Defense and Release of District. Each Property Owner agrees to indemnify, defend and hold the District harmless from any and all claims, actions, losses, damages, expenses, costs (including reasonable attorney fees in litigation) or liability of any nature, including claims for property damage or personal injury (collectively “claims”), arising out of or in connection with the Work, and to release the District from all liability therefore, except and only to the extent such claims arise from the active negligence, sole negligence or willful misconduct of the District or its contractor(s). 3. Integration. This Master Agreement contains the entire agreement between the Parties pertaining to the subject matter hereto, and supersedes all prior agreements, oral or written, and all prior or contemporaneous discussions or negotiations between the Parties. 4. Modification. No alteration of the terms of this Master Agreement shall be valid unless made in writing and signed by all of the Parties hereto. 5. Rules of Interpretation. The terms of this Master Agreement have been negotiated by the Parties and the language used in this Master Agreement shall be deemed to be the language chosen by the Parties to express their mutual intent. The Parties have all had the opportunity to review this Master Agreement with their respective attorneys. This Agreement shall be construed without regard to any presumption or rule requiring construction against the party causing such instrument to be drafted, or in favor of a party receiving a particular benefit herein. No rule of strict construction shall be applied against any party hereto. 3 7 May 5, 2015 6. Partial Invalidity. If any term, covenant, condition or provision herein is found by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, void or unenforceable, the remainder of the provisions hereof shall remain in full force and effect, and shall in no way be affected, impaired or invalidated thereby. 7. California Law. This Master Agreement shall be interpreted and construed pursuant to the laws of the State of California. any dispute between any of the Parties shall be filed and heard in a court of competent jurisdiction in the County of Santa Barbara. 8. Authority of Signatories. Each signatory hereto represents that he or she possesses the authority to execute this Master Agreement on behalf of the respective Party for which they are signing this agreement. 9. Agreement Binding On Successors. This Master Agreement shall be binding on all successors, transferees, heirs, representatives and assignees of the Parties. 10. Counterparts. This Master Agreement may be executed in multiple counterparts, a complete set of which shall be deemed to be an original and all of which together shall comprise but a single document. Signatures may be given via facsimile transmission and shall be deemed given as of the date of facsimile transmittal of the executed agreement by a party to the others. 11. Effective Date. This Master Agreement is effective as of the date first set forth above. Its implementation shall be subject to the provisions of Section 1.E. hereof. / / / / / / / / / / / / / 4 8 May 5, 2015 CARPINTERIA SANITARY DISTRICT By: Mike Damron President, Board of Directors PROPERTY OWNER 1301 Linden Aveune By: Guadalupe V. Garcia Trust APN: 004-027-011 PROPERTY OWNER 1309 Linden Aveune By: Eric B. Kunkel APN: 004-027-012 PROPERTY OWNER 1315 Linden Aveune By: Ramona Garcia 2009 Revocable Trust APN: 004-027-013 PROPERTY OWNER 1335 Linden Aveune By: Antonio P. Ramirez APN: 004-027-014 PROPERTY OWNER 1337 Linden Aveune By: Guadalupe Ma Celio APN: 004-027-015 5 9 May 5, 2015 Exhibit “A” to Master Agreement REIMBURSEMENT SCHEDULES OLD LINDEN AVENUE EMERGENCY SEWER LATERAL PROJECT MAY 2015 Provided below are reimbursement schedules for recovery of the actual cost of sewer improvements to be undertaken by the District on behalf of respective property owners. Costs will be recovered over a 10-year term at an annual interest rate of 2 percent. Annual principal and interest payments will be collected via the property tax roll as an addition to annual Sewer Service Charges. 1301 Linden Avenue (APN 004-027-011) – Total Cost: $4,900 Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 Year 7 Year 8 Year 9 Year 10 TOTAL Total $541.08 $541.08 $541.08 $541.08 $541.08 $541.08 $541.08 $541.08 $541.08 $540.62 $5,410.34 Interest $93.92 $84.90 $75.69 $66.29 $56.70 $46.93 $36.94 $26.78 $16.39 $5.80 $510.34 Principal $447.16 $456.18 $465.39 $474.79 $484.38 $494.15 $504.14 $514.30 $524.69 $534.82 $4,900.00 1309 Linden Avenue (APN 004-027-012) – Total Cost: $5,200 Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 Year 7 Year 8 Year 9 Year 10 TOTAL Total $574.20 $574.20 $574.20 $574.20 $574.20 $574.20 $574.20 $574.20 $574.20 $573.83 $5,741.63 Interest $99.66 $90.09 $80.30 $70.38 $60.18 $49.80 $39.22 $28.42 $17.40 $6.18 $541.63 Principal $474.54 $484.11 $493.90 $503.82 $514.02 $524.40 $534.98 $545.78 $556.80 $567.65 $5,200.00 10 1315 Linden Avenue (APN 004-027-013) – Total Cost: $6,900 Total Year 1 $761.88 Year 2 $761.88 Year 3 $761.88 Year 4 $761.88 Year 5 $761.88 Year 6 $761.88 Year 7 $761.88 Year 8 $761.88 Year 9 $761.88 Year 10 $761.76 TOTAL $7,618.68 Interest $132.25 $119.54 $106.58 $93.35 $79.85 $66.09 $52.04 $37.68 $23.10 $8.20 $718.68 Principal $629.63 $642.34 $655.30 $668.53 $682.03 $695.79 $709.84 $724.20 $738.78 $753.56 $6,900.00 1335 Linden Avenue (APN 004-027-014) – Total Cost: $6,900 Total Year 1 $761.88 Year 2 $761.88 Year 3 $761.88 Year 4 $761.88 Year 5 $761.88 Year 6 $761.88 Year 7 $761.88 Year 8 $761.88 Year 9 $761.88 Year 10 $761.76 TOTAL $7,618.68 Interest $132.25 $119.54 $106.58 $93.35 $79.85 $66.09 $52.04 $37.68 $23.10 $8.20 $718.68 Principal $629.63 $642.34 $655.30 $668.53 $682.03 $695.79 $709.84 $724.20 $738.78 $753.56 $6,900.00 1337 Linden Avenue (APN 004-027-015) – Total Cost: $7,400 Total Year 1 $817.08 Year 2 $817.08 Year 3 $817.08 Year 4 $817.08 Year 5 $817.08 Year 6 $817.08 Year 7 $817.08 Year 8 $817.08 Year 9 $817.08 Year 10 $817.07 TOTAL $8,170.79 Interest $141.83 $128.21 $114.30 $100.08 $85.64 $70.88 $55.83 $40.46 $24.78 $8.78 $770.79 Principal $675.25 $688.87 $702.78 $717.00 $731.44 $746.20 $761.25 $776.62 $792.30 $808.29 $7,400.00 11 Carpinteria Sanitary District Board of Directors Meeting STAFF REPORT TO: Board of Directors FROM: Craig Murray, P.E. - General Manager SUBJECT: SODIUM HYPOCHLORITE SUPPLY: OLIN CORPORATION Cash Contract No. 423 DATE: May 5, 2015 REQUESTED ACTION: It is requested that the Board review and approve Cash Contract No. 423 between the District and Olin Corporation of Tracy, California for the provision of bulk sodium hypochlorite for a two-year term. FUNDING SOURCE: Operating Budget - Account 5522-1 BACKGROUND: Sodium hypochlorite (chlorine bleach) is essential for the disinfection or the selective destruction of disease-causing organisms found in treated municipal wastewater. The District currently purchases bulk sodium hypochlorite at a unit price of $0.679 per gallon from Olin Corporation. The supply agreement with Olin is effective through June 30, 2015. A competitive joint bidding process for a two-year supply of sodium hypochlorite and sodium bisulfite was undertaken with the Goleta Sanitary District. A request for proposal and project specifications were prepared and distributed to regional bulk chemical suppliers. Four bids were received prior to the March 19, 2015 submittal date. A tabulated summary of the bid prices is provided with this staff report. The lowest responsive and responsible bid for bulk sodium hypochlorite was submitted by Olin Corporation. Their unit bid price was $0.653 per gallon delivered, including all applicable sales tax and mill charges. Olin Corporation is a national provider of chlor alkali products and they currently serve many of the water and wastewater agencies in the Tri-Counties area. Staff believes they have the resources and capacity to fulfill the terms of this two-year agreement, commencing on July 1, 2015. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the Board approve Cash Contract No. 423 between the District and Olin Corporation for the two-year supply of bulk sodium hypochlorite at the unit price of $0.653 per gallon delivered, including all applicable sales tax and mill charges. 12 SUGGESTED MOTION: I move that the Board approve Cash Contract No. 423 between the District and Olin Corporation for the two-year supply of bulk sodium hypochlorite at the unit price stated therein. M_______________________________ S_______________________________ Ayes:_____________________ Nays:_________________ Abstentions:________________ Prepared By: ___________________________________ Craig Murray, P.E. - General Manager Attachments: Cash Contract No. 423 Bid Tabulation Summary P:\Board\Staff Reports\201\05--1\CC4_Olin.doc 13 CASH CONTRACT NO. 423 AGREEMENT FOR THE SUPPLY OF SODIUM HYPOCHLORITE This Agreement is made and entered into, effective May 5, 2015 between: CARPINTERIA SANITARY DISTRICT, (hereinafter referred to as “District”) AND OLIN CORPORATION, (hereinafter referred to as “Contractor”) RECITALS WHEREAS, pursuant to the invitation of the District, the Contractor in accordance therewith, on or before the 5th day of May, 2015, filed with the District a bid (proposal) containing an offer to provide bulk sodium hypochlorite; and WHEREAS, the District has determined that Contractor’s proposal represented the lowest responsive and responsible bid; and WHEREAS, the District Board of Directors accepted the proposal as the lowest responsive and responsible bid at their regular Board Meeting on May 5, 2015, for a two-year term commencing on July 1, 2015. NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS AGREED: 1. The Contractor shall supply bulk sodium hypochlorite to District and shall comply in every way with the requirements of those certain specifications entitled “Specifications and Proposal for Furnishing Sodium Hypochlorite and Sodium Bisulfite” dated February 2015. 2. In consideration of faithful compliance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement, the District agrees to pay the Contractor $0.653 per gallon of sodium hypochlorite delivered. This unit price includes all delivery costs, applicable sales tax and mill charges for the term of this Agreement. Exact quantities may vary from the volume estimate given, and may be increased or decreased to meet the District’s requirements. No minimum is guaranteed. 3. Unless terminated earlier pursuant to Section 9, this Agreement shall begin on the 1st day of July 2015 and terminate two years later on the 30th day of June 2017. Cash Contract No. 423 -114 May 5, 2015 4. The Contract Documents which are hereby made a part of this Agreement by actual attachment or by this reference are as follows: a. The “Specifications and Proposal for Furnishing Sodium Hypochlorite and Sodium Bisulfite” dated February 2015. b. The executed “Proposal Form” dated March 16, 2015, attached and incorporated herein as “Exhibit A”. 5. This Agreement shall be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of California. Should litigation be filed concerning this Agreement, such litigation shall be filed and heard in a court of competent jurisdiction in the County of Santa Barbara, State of California. 6. Any notice, payment or instrument required or permitted to be given hereunder shall be deemed received upon personal delivery or upon deposit in the United States mail, registered, postage prepaid and addressed as follows: District: Contractor: Craig Murray General Manager Carpinteria Sanitary District 5300 Sixth Street Carpinteria, CA 93013 John Schabacker Olin Corporation dba Olin Chlor Alkali Products 26700 South Banta Road Tracy, CA 95304 Telephone: (805) 684-7214 x12 FAX: (805) 684-7213 Email: Telephone: FAX: Email: (209) 835-7204 (209) 835-9760 7. No claim or right arising out of a breach of this Agreement can be discharged in whole or in part or by a waiver unless the waiver is supported by consideration and is in writing signed by the aggrieved party. 8. This Agreement represents the entire Agreement between the parties and shall not be modified, except as agreed in writing. 9. The District in its sole discretion, without cause or penalty, may terminate this Agreement at any time. In such event, Contractor shall be paid for its services rendered up to the date of termination. 10. Contractor acknowledges that: (a) its bid proposal was made to two public agencies, including the District; (b) this Agreement is solely between Contractor and District; and (c) separate agreements are to be reached between Contractor and the other public agencies involved in the joint bid process. / / / / / Cash Contract No. 423 -215 May 5, 2015 By signing hereunder, Contractor acknowledges he has reviewed all of the foregoing provisions of the Agreement and agrees with the terms, requirements, and conditions contained herein. The parties have executed this Agreement on the day and year first set forth above. CARPINTERIA SANITARY DISTRICT By: _____________________________________ Mike Damron President, Board of Directors “District” OLIN CORPORATION By: _____________________________________ Print Name ________________________ Title ______________________________ “Contractor” APPROVED AS TO FORM: MUSICK PEELER & GARRETT, LLP By: ______________________________ Anthony H. Trembley Legal Counsel for District Cash Contract No. 423 -3- 16 May 5, 2015 Exhibit "A" 17 18 GOLETA SANITARY DISTRICT BID TABULATION SUMMARY February 2015 CHEMICAL PROVISION PROPOSALS BID OPENING DATE: March 19TH 2015 BASE BID ITEMS BIDDERS: Thatcher Company Thatcher Company JCI Jones JCI Jones Brenntag Pacific Brenntag Pacific UNIVAR UNIVAR HASA Inc. HASA Inc. Hills Bros. Hills Bros. Olin Chlor Alkali Olin Chlor Alkali UNIT $ / gal $ / gal $ / gal $ / gal $ / gal $ / gal $ / gal $ / gal $ / gal $ / gal $ / gal $ / gal $ / gal $ / gal Sodium Hypochlorite GSD No Bid CARP. SD No Bid GSD 0.6742 CARP. SD 0.6742 GSD No Bid CARP. SD No Bid GSD 0.935 CARP. SD 0.935 GSD 0.868 CARP. SD 0.868 GSD No Bid CARP. SD No Bid GSD 0.653 CARP. SD 0.653 19 Sodium Bi-Sulfite No Bid No Bid 0.8816 0.8816 No Bid No Bid 0.815 0.815 No Bid No Bid No Bid No Bid No Bid No Bid Carpinteria Sanitary District Board of Directors Meeting STAFF REPORT TO: Board of Directors FROM: Craig Murray, P.E. - General Manager SUBJECT: SODIUM BISULFITE SUPPLY: Univar USA, Inc. Cash Contract No. 424 DATE: May 5, 2015 REQUESTED ACTION: It is requested that the Board review and approve Cash Contract No. 424 between the District and Univar USA, Inc. of Kent, WA for the provision of bulk sodium bisulfite for a two-year term. FUNDING SOURCE: Operating Budget - Account 5522-1 BACKGROUND: Sodium bisulfite is a chemical used to remove residual free chlorine from disinfected wastewater effluent prior to discharge to the Pacific Ocean. Dechlorination is a requirement of the District’s NPDES permit. The District currently purchases bulk sodium bisulfite at a unit price of $0.877 per gallon from JCI Jones Chemicals. The current supply agreement is effective through June 30, 2015. A competitive joint bidding process for a two-year supply of sodium hypochlorite and sodium bisulfite was undertaken with the Goleta Sanitary District. A request for proposal and project specifications were prepared and distributed to regional bulk chemical suppliers. Two bids were received prior to the March 19, 2015 submittal date. A tabulated summary of the bid prices is provided with this staff report. The lowest responsive and responsible bid for bulk sodium bisulfite was submitted by Univar USA, Inc. (Univar). Their unit bid price was $0.815 per gallon delivered, including all applicable sales tax and mill charges. Univar currently serves many of the water and wastewater agencies in Tri-Counties area. The District has previously contracted with Univar for the supply of bulk sodium hypochlorite. Staff believes they have the resources and capacity to fulfill the terms of this two-year agreement, commencing on July 1, 2015. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the Board approve Cash Contract No. 424 between the District and Univar USA, Inc. for the two-year supply of bulk sodium bisulfite at the unit price of $0.815 per gallon delivered, including all applicable sales tax and mill charges. 20 SUGGESTED MOTION: I move that the Board approve Cash Contract No. 424 between the District and Univar USA, Inc., for the two-year supply of bulk sodium bisulfite at the unit price stated therein. M_______________________________ S_______________________________ Ayes:_____________________ Nays:_________________ Abstentions:________________ Prepared By: ___________________________________ Craig Murray, P.E. - General Manager Attachments: Cash Contract No. 424 Bid Tabulation Summary P:\Board\Staff Reports\2015\05-05-15\CC424_Univar.doc 21 CASH CONTRACT NO. 424 AGREEMENT FOR THE SUPPLY OF SODIUM BISULFITE This Agreement is made and entered into, effective May 5, 2015, between: CARPINTERIA SANITARY DISTRICT, (hereinafter referred to as “District”) AND Univar USA, Inc. (hereinafter referred to as “Contractor”) RECITALS WHEREAS, pursuant to the invitation of the District, the Contractor in accordance therewith, on or before the 5th day of May 2015, filed with the District a bid (proposal) containing an offer to provide bulk sodium bisulfite; and WHEREAS, the District has determined that Contractor’s proposal represented the lowest responsive and responsible bid; and WHEREAS, the District Board of Directors accepted the proposal as the lowest responsive and responsible bid at their regular Board Meeting on May 5, 2015, for a twoyear term commencing on July 1, 2015. NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS AGREED: 1. The Contractor shall supply bulk sodium bisulfite to District and shall comply in every way with the requirements of those certain specifications entitled “Specifications and Proposal for Furnishing Sodium Hypochlorite and Sodium Bisulfite” dated February 2015. 2. In consideration of faithful compliance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement, the District agrees to pay the Contractor $0.815 per gallon of sodium bisulfite delivered. This unit price includes all delivery costs, applicable sales tax and mill charges for the term of this Agreement. Exact quantities may vary from the volume estimate given, and may be increased or decreased to meet the District’s requirements. No minimum is guaranteed. 3. Unless terminated earlier pursuant to Section 9, this Agreement shall begin on the 1st day of July 2015 and terminate two years later on the 30th day of June 2017. Cash Contract No. 424 -1- 22 May 5, 2015 4. The Contract Documents which are hereby made a part of this Agreement by actual attachment or by this reference are as follows: a. The “Specifications and Proposal for Furnishing Sodium Hypochlorite and Sodium Bisulfite” dated February 2015. b. Contractor’s executed “Proposal Form” dated March 16, 2015, attached and incorporated herein as “Exhibit A”. 5. This Agreement shall be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of California. Should litigation be filed concerning this Agreement, such litigation shall be filed and heard in a court of competent jurisdiction in the County of Santa Barbara, State of California. 6. Any notice, payment or instrument required or permitted to be given hereunder shall be deemed received upon personal delivery or upon deposit in the United States mail, registered, postage prepaid and addressed as follows: District: Contractor: Craig Murray, P.E. General Manager Carpinteria Sanitary District 5300 Sixth Street Carpinteria, CA 93013 Jennifer Perras Municipal Specialist Univar USA, Inc. 8201 South 212th St. Kent, WA 98032 Telephone: (805) 684-7214 x12 FAX: (805) 684-7213 Email: Telephone: (253) 872-5000 FAX: (253) 872-5041 Email: 7. No claim or right arising out of a breach of this Agreement can be discharged in whole or in part or by a waiver unless the waiver is supported by consideration and is in writing signed by the aggrieved party. 8. This Agreement represents the entire Agreement between the parties and shall not be modified, except as agreed in writing. 9. The District in its sole discretion, without cause or penalty, may terminate this Agreement at any time. In such event, Contractor shall be paid for its services rendered up to the date of termination. 10. Contractor acknowledges that: (a) its bid proposal was made to two public agencies, including the District; (b) this Agreement is solely between Contractor and District; and (c) separate agreements are to be reached between Contractor and the other public agencies involved in the joint bid process. / / / / Cash Contract No. 424 -2- 23 May 5, 2015 / / / By signing hereunder, Contractor acknowledges he has reviewed all of the foregoing provisions of the Agreement and agrees with the terms, requirements, and conditions contained herein. The parties have executed this Agreement on the day and year first set forth above. CARPINTERIA SANITARY DISTRICT By: _____________________________________ Mike Damron President, Board of Directors “District” UNIVAR USA, INC. By: _____________________________________ Print Name ________________________ Title ______________________________ “Contractor” APPROVED AS TO FORM: MUSICK PEELER & GARRETT, LLP By: ______________________________ Anthony H. Trembley Legal Counsel for District Cash Contract No. 424 -3- 24 May 5, 2015 Exhibit "A" 25 26 GOLETA SANITARY DISTRICT BID TABULATION SUMMARY February 2015 CHEMICAL PROVISION PROPOSALS BID OPENING DATE: March 19TH 2015 BASE BID ITEMS BIDDERS: Thatcher Company Thatcher Company JCI Jones JCI Jones Brenntag Pacific Brenntag Pacific UNIVAR UNIVAR HASA Inc. HASA Inc. Hills Bros. Hills Bros. Olin Chlor Alkali Olin Chlor Alkali UNIT $ / gal $ / gal $ / gal $ / gal $ / gal $ / gal $ / gal $ / gal $ / gal $ / gal $ / gal $ / gal $ / gal $ / gal Sodium Hypochlorite GSD No Bid CARP. SD No Bid GSD 0.6742 CARP. SD 0.6742 GSD No Bid CARP. SD No Bid GSD 0.935 CARP. SD 0.935 GSD 0.868 CARP. SD 0.868 GSD No Bid CARP. SD No Bid GSD 0.653 CARP. SD 0.653 27 Sodium Bi-Sulfite No Bid No Bid 0.8816 0.8816 No Bid No Bid 0.815 0.815 No Bid No Bid No Bid No Bid No Bid No Bid Carpinteria Sanitary District Board of Directors Meeting STAFF REPORT TO: Board of Directors FROM: Craig Murray, P.E. - General Manager SUBJECT: Amendment No. 1 to Cash Contract 415 – Stantec (Penfield & Smith) CalTrans Utility Agreement No. 05-UT-0897.223 US 101 Widening and Bridge Replacement Project DATE: May 5, 2015 REQUESTED ACTION: That the Board approve an amendment to Cash Contract No. 415 between the District and Stantec Consulting for permitting services necessary for relocation of District infrastructure in association with the subject transportation project. FUNDING SOURCE: 100% Reimbursement per CalTrans Utility Agreement (CIP Project P-148: Carpinteria Creek Suspended Line Restoration) BACKGROUND: On October 1, 2013 the District approved Cash Contract No. 415, engaging Penfield & Smith to provide engineering design services for the pending relocation of an existing sewer crossing over Carpinteria Creek that was to be coordinated with a larger CalTrans highway widening project. The authorized contract amount is $68,000. Since the contract was initially set, Penfield & Smith merged with Stantec Consulting Services, Inc. (Stantec) and the District authorized transition of the existing contract to the new entity. Stantec has advanced the design, which involves an inverted siphon crossing under the creek using trenchless methods, to approximately the 90 percent completion level. Earlier this year, CalTrans approached the District and requested that we proceed with this project as a standalone construction activity as soon as possible, in the hope that it could be completed in the summer of 2015. This request was made due to scheduling concerns for the larger project, as Caltrans needs to commence grading and earthwork in the vicinity of the District’s existing pipeline in the spring of 2016. In order to accomplish this, the District will have to procure all required permits for the work. CalTrans has completed the CEQA environmental review, but prior to construction it will be necessary to obtain a Coastal Development/Conditional Use Permit from the City of Carpinteria, as well as permits from the US Army Corps of Engineers, California Department of Fish & Wildlife and the Regional Water Quality Control Board. Attached is a letter proposal dated April 21, 2015 from Stantec requesting an amendment to their contract for the permitting and related environmental services. Because the District will administer this project separately from the CalTrans project, some additional engineering and bid phase services are also required. A total fee amendment of $48,000 is proposed. If approved, the revised contract amount would be $116,000. The contract performance period would be extended through the end of 2015. 28 The District entered into Utility Agreement No. 05-UT-0897.223 with CalTrans in September 2013. This agreement provides a reimbursement vehicle through which the State will pay for the full cost of designing the pipeline relocation project. Caltrans has committed to covering the entire cost of pipeline relocation. As such, District staff will work with CalTrans to amend the existing agreement in order to cover the additional permitting and engineering costs that would be authorized by the proposed amendment to Cash Contract No. 415. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board approve Amendment No. 1 to Cash Contract No. 415 between the Carpinteria Sanitary District and Stantec Consulting Services, increasing the authorized fee by $48,000 to $116,000. SUGGESTED MOTION: I move that the Board approve Amendment No. 1 to Cash Contract No. 415 between the Carpinteria Sanitary District and Stantec Consulting Services as presented. M_______________________________ S_______________________________ Ayes:_____________________ Nays:_________________ Abstentions:________________ Prepared By: ___________________________________ Craig Murray, P.E. - General Manager Attachments: 4/21/15 Letter from Stantec 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 Carpinteria Sanitary District Board of Directors Meeting STAFF REPORT TO: Board of Directors FROM: Craig Murray, P.E. - General Manager SUBJECT: Board Workshop Planning DATE: May 5, 2015 REQUESTED ACTION: That the Board discuss and provide direction to staff regarding a strategic planning workshop. BACKGROUND: The District’s Board of Directors directed staff to begin the process of planning for a Board workshop for the purpose of strategic and long range planning. Topics to be considered at the workshop tentatively include the following: • • • • • Long Range Capital Improvement Program Update Financial Model Review and Long Term Fiscal Planning and Rate Forecasting Administration Building Replacement Project Planning Recycled Water Opportunities Outreach and Public Relations Update Of course, there may be other topics or issues that the Board or individual Board members would like to cover in a workshop setting. Staff would like to receive input from the Board regarding workshop timing, format, location and other administrative matters. As with every convened meeting of the District Board of Directors, the workshop would be a public meeting that is properly noticed and open to any member of the public. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Board provide direction to staff regarding a Board workshop as outlined herein. SUGGESTED MOTION: None. Item for Board discussion and staff direction. Prepared By: ___________________________________ Craig Murray, P.E. - General Manager P:\Board\Staff Reports\2015\05-05-15\WorkshopPlanning.doc 37
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