Sunday 17th May 2015 Sunday Pre-Service Prayer Meeting Sunday Morning Service CBK Sunday Pre-Service Prayer Meeting Sunday Evening Service 10.30am 11am 11.15am 6.30pm 7pm Monday CBK Monday 6.45pm Tuesday Parent & Toddlers 10.15am Wednesday Midweek Prayer Meeting Home Groups—1st & 3rd Wednesdays of month 8pm Thursday Ladies Meeting-first Thursday of month Carrickfergus Baptist Church 3 Northland, Carrickfergus, BT38 8ND Phone: 028 9336 9070 Email: Church Office open Monday-Friday, 9am-1pm 8pm Calendar Building Fund Today being the first Sunday of the month, the offering will be dedicated to the building fund. Monday 18th May Walk for Life Carrick Baptist 7.30pm General Account March 2015 Freewill Offering £2946.34 Gift Aid £14183.00 Sundry Income £1062.98 Total £18192.32 Expenditure £8861.27 Surplus £9331.05 Sunday Building Freewill £2370.10 Total £11701.15 If loan payment is £3500.00 Balance For March +£8201.15 Tuesday 19th & Wednesday 20th May Church Office Closed—Tracy Off Wednesday 20th May Prayer Meeting: John Gourley Fellowship Hall 8pm Prayer & Study Groups Thursday 21st May Baby Massage Fellowship Hall 11am CBK Training Fellowship Hall 7.30pm Friday 22nd & Saturday 23rd May YF Weekend @ home Monday 25th May Church Office Closed Walk for Life Carrick Baptist 7.30pm Men’s Precept Class Fellowship Hall 7.45pm Clothes for Shankill Community Fellowship Tuesday 26th May No Parents & Toddlers If you have any new or nearly new clothes which you would like to donate to Shankill Community Fellowship, please see Sinclair Quinn. Wednesday 27th May Prayer Meeting Fellowship Hall 8pm Storehouse Thursday 28th May Baby Massage Fellowship Hall 11am Precept Class Fellowship Hall 7.45pm Storehouse distributes non-perishable food and other items to those in need. If you would like to help with this, please place items in the basket in the porch, or see Sinclair Quinn for more information. Elders If you are available to help with Walk for Life, please add your name to the list in the porch. Held on Monday evenings over 6 weeks at 7.30pm 18th & 25th May - Carrickfergus Baptist 1st & 8th June - Christchurch Oakfield 15th & 22nd June - 1st Carrick Presbyterian For more information please speak to May Green If you would like to help financially with this outreach, please place your donation in the pink welly in the porch. Should you wish to contact the Elders, their contact details are as follows: Pastor Peter Lawther Tel: 07762821504 Email: Campbell Green: Tel: 9336 7765 Dave Ramsey: Tel: 07709315089 Email: Stanley Spray: Tel: 9335 5534 Email: Archie Thompson: Tel: 9336 2925 Email: M15 Creche Rota M15 is a one day conference for men, hosted in Belfast. 17/05/15 Evelyn Aston Ruth McCoy Elizabeth Gourley Saturday 14th November 2015 from 10am. Spires Centre, Belfast Tickets: £25 Speaker: John Dickinson Worship Leader: Dave Dickinson Please add your name to the sign up sheet in the porch if you plan to attend. 24/05/15 Judith Loney May Green Kerry Courtney 31/05/15 Janice Gray Fiona Pollock Rachael Johnston 07/06/15 Sonja McIlfatrick Robina Millar Roberta Courtney If you are unable to make it to church can you please arrange with someone else on the rota to swap with you. Also, if you can be in attendance from 10.45am it would be helpful. Thank you for your help in creche, it is much appreciated. Car Park Rota Prayer & Study Groups Prayer & Study Groups meet on Wednesday this week, 20th May. 17/05/15 Philip Magill Peter Burnside Johnny McAllister Archie Thompson 24/05/15 Campbell Green Jim Magill Alan McIlfatrick Jonathan McBride Study Questions for the evening can be downloaded from the church website and copies are available in the porch. Leading Parents & Toddlers There will be no Parents & Toddlers on Tuesday 26th May, due to work in connection with the new building. Parents & Toddlers will finish for the summer on Tuesday 16th June. Irish Women’s Convention A group of women from the church are planning to attend the Irish Women’s Convention, which is an excellent annual conference held in the Spires Centre in Belfast. The date this year is Saturday 17th October and Nancy Guthrie, who is an International Speaker, will be sharing from the book of Job. Tickets cost £18.50 and can be booked on the following link: As this is a web-based booking, we ask that you book your own tickets and then inform Tracy so that we can organise to travel together as a group. 31/05/15 Trevor Davison Jonathan Blain Stephen Gordon David Haigh 07/06/15 Gavin Martin Johnny McAllister Tommy Thompson Peter McIvor May: Group 3 — Kim Jordan, Debbie Johnston, Ruth Kingston, Andrew Magill, Ian Baird, Craig Greenlees, Simon Gibson, Jayne Gibson Lesson Memory Verse Quiz 17/05 Jayne Lesley Simon Craig 24/05 Ian Simon Andrew Jayne 31/05 Andrew Jayne Craig Simon Flower Rota 17/05 Valerie Ramsey 31/05 Lynn Baird Family Devotions— ‘Long Story Short’ This week we are on week 15 and we would really encourage all our families to use the ‘Long Story Short’ material for family devotions. For more details speak to Peter, Dave or Lesley.
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