Messenger 4-13-15.indd - First Baptist Church of Carrollton

The Purpose of the
First Baptist Church of Carrollton is:
To be a dynamic spiritual church
empowered by the Holy Spirit to
share Christ with as many people
as possible,
To be a worshiping fellowship
experiencing an increasing
awareness of God and a growing
response to His leadership,
To nurture Christians toward
spiritual maturity,
To be a church whose members are
Christ-like in their daily living.
(770) 832-6359 • (770) 832-6467 Fax
Worship Broadcast: Radio Station 102.7 FM
VOLUME 65, NUMBER 14, APRIL 13, 2015
Crenshaw and Carl
A man had two of the best tickets for the Augusta Masters.
As he sits down, another man comes along and asks if anyone is sitting in the seat next to him. “No”, he says, “the seat
is empty.”
“This is incredible!” said the man. “Who in their right mind would have a seat like this, the biggest golfing event of the whole
world, and not use it?”
He says, “Well, actually, the seat belongs to me. My wife always would come with me, but she passed away. This is the
first Masters we haven’t been to together since we got married.”
“Oh... I’m sorry to hear that. That’s terrible. I guess you couldn’t find someone else, a friend or relative, or even a neighbor
to take the seat?”
The man shakes his head . . . “No. They’re all at the funeral.”
I love golf. I’ve loved it all my life. I’ve had more fun times on the golf course and had more laughs than anyone could
imagine. I’ve laughed so hard I cried when a friend would hit a gosh-awful shot or someone would tell a golf joke. I don’t
remember ever crying on the course, though sometimes I felt like it after totaling my score. I have shed a few, however,
when watching on TV or reading about the game I love.
Ben Crenshaw, former Masters’ champ, and all around good guy from Texas played in his 44th and last Masters this past
weekend. His long time caddie, Carl Jackson was at his side. It was a tearful farewell for Crenshaw.
A story from several years ago about Crenshaw and Carl moved me to tears. Jackson, who knows Augusta National like
I know my way around a baptistery, had caddied for Crenshaw for decades at each Masters tournament.
The two of them, Crenshaw and Carl, are as different as, well, black and white. Crenshaw is white and Jackson is black.
Crenshaw is a Texan from the country club scene and Jackson, an Augusta native, took up caddying because he didn’t want
to work in the cotton fields.
Like I said, Jackson has been Crenshaw’s caddie for 40 plus Masters, until Crenshaw’s retirement this year. Every year
except the year 2000. You see, that was the year Carl Jackson heard the dreaded “c” word. At the age of 46, he was
diagnosed with colon cancer. There was a new treatment that would help, but it was too expensive. At that time, Jackson
said, “Let me go, instead of running up a big bill my family was going to have to pay.” A few minutes later, the phone was
ringing. Crenshaw was calling from Texas, with a Texas-sized heart, saying, do whatever it takes to get well. He said he
would cover the bills.
Said Carl Jackson: “He was standing there when I needed him. That’s a brother. That’s someone
who loves me.” Carl is now cancer free. He is also free to love in return. Said the caddie of the golfer,
“Silver and gold, I have none, but I’ll give him what I’ve got.”
George Mann Piano Recital
Sunday, April 19 • 3 p.m. • Sanctuary
The Fine Arts Team is sponsoring GEORGE MANN in a solo PIANO RECITAL in the
Sanctuary of First Baptist. The recital is open to the public and First Baptist members
are encouraged to support this event with your attendance.
Mr. Mann is retired from the University of West Georgia where he was Professor of
Music. He is no stranger to First Baptist as he has performed here many times in solo
and duet recitals.
Baby Dedication Photos
Needed in the Office by Sunday, April 19
If you would like to participate in our Baby Dedication Ceremony Sunday, May 3 at 11 a.m., please email or bring a
photo of your child for the newsletter and worship guide,
along with full name, date of birth, parents‛ names, grandparents‛ names, and a brief paragraph describing your child‛s
personality, likes, dislikes, etc. BY SUNDAY, APRIL 19th. (Please send to susan@ or bring to the office.)
Tuesday, April 14
VBS Workers’ Clinic
Thursday, April 16 • 6:30 - 8:30 p.m.
Mt. Pleasant Baptist Church • 694 Mt. Pleasant Church Rd.
Theme: “Journey Off the Map”
For ALL volunteer workers!
& Mission Projects BBQ
Wednesday, April 29
Supper: 5 p.m. • Concert: 6 p.m.
BBQ sandwich plates will sell for $8.00 per person with proceeds offsetting the cost of our
youth & children’s mission trips & projects. Please purchase your tickets from a deacon,
staff member, or member of the mission team so that we will have an accurate number for
which to cook. We would love for you to pick up some extra to sell, also! Tickets will be
sold at the door on April 29th, as well. Invite your friends & neighbors to enjoy BBQ
& a wonderful performance by our children in WAM3 & Music Friends.
Friday April 24
6:00 - 9:00 p.m.
for kids up to grade 6
$20 per family
Please feed children supper before arrival.
Proceeds will help our children go to summer
CentriKid Camp!
CentriKid Camp
Completed Grades 4-6:
Completed Grade 3:
June 22-26 • Boiling Springs, NC
$330 plus fundraiser participation
July 10-12 • Shocco Springs in Alabama
$205 plus fundraiser participation
The remainder of camp costs will be due June 7, 2015.
Max & Henry’s has graciously agreed to
give our youth a portion of the earnings
between 6 PM and 9 PM on April 14. Bring
your entire family, your neighbors, & your
friends to eat supper there on the 14th &
help send our kids on a mission trip!
Thursday, April 16, 23 & 30th
Girls’ & Guys’ High School
Breakfast @ the Callaways
All high school guys & girls will meet for
breakfast at 6:45 a.m. at the Callaway’s
house (323 Cedar St.) only on these Thursdays.
Youth & Graduate Day will be
Sunday, May 17th.
Graduating High School Seniors’
Lunch in Burns Hall • 12:15 p.m.
Graduates will also be recognized in the
newsletter the week before & in the worship
guide on the 17th. If you are a high school,
technical school, college or graduate school
to the office along with the following
Sunday, May 10
Last Sunday Youth Games
for the summer
Wednesday, May 13
Last Wednesday for Youth
Activities for the summer
Friday, May 22
Youth Lock-In
Adult 4 Generations Class
Fish Fry at Lake Wedowee
June 13-19
Saturday, May 2
The Adult 4 Generations Sunday School Class will
enjoy a delicious fish fry at the home of Herb & Mary
Smith on Lake Wedowee, & a spin on the lake if
desired! The fellowship will begin at 10 a.m. with
lunch being served at noon.
Please see Mary or Herb for directions or call the church office IN
need a ride on our bus.
Allendale, SC & Charleston area
See John for details.
July 20-15
Knoxville, TN • Grades 7-12 • See John.
In Sympathy
Our deepest sympathy is expressed to Joan
Cole and family in the death of her sister.
To Ann Mallory and family in the loss of her
brother, Tom Coleman of Richmond, TX.
To David Siviter in the loss of his girlfriend,
Linda Turman.
In the Hospital as of 04/13/15
Emory: John Miller
WMU Meetings
Margaret Marchman Bible Study Group
Monday, April 20 • 10:30 a.m. • Oasis
Ruth Reed Circle Meeting
Tuesday, April 21 • 2:00 p.m.
at the home of Sherry Jennings:
36 London Way
Please bring feminine care items to be disbursed by Open Hands.
April Artist of the Month: Greg Hendrix
Greg Hendrix is a native Georgian who was born and
raised in Carroll County. He attended West Georgia
College and finished his degree in business at Carroll
Technical College. In high school he was a member of
the Carrollton High School Trojan Band where he played
trumpet for four years. In addition to playing in the band,
Greg studied organ with Patti Prichard. He was a piano
student of May Boyd and Betty Sue Smith. He served as
part-time organist at Tabernacle Baptist Church for several
years before becoming organist at the First Baptist Church
in Villa Rica, a position he held several years.
Greg is a multi-talented artist who not only is a talented
musician but is also an individual who creates artistry with
flowers and home décor. Greg sings in the Adult Choir and plays in the Handbell Choir
at First Baptist in Carrollton. His creations with fresh flowers often grace the sanctuary
and add to the atmosphere of worship. Greg is co-owner and lead designer of Mountain
Oak Florist in Carrollton.
WMU Council will NOT meet.
Senior Adult
Top of the River Trip
Thank You
Monday, May 4 • Time: TBA
Dear Luncheon Greeters, WMU Hostesses,
& Flower Team,
Thank-you again to everyone who helped our
Church host the Holy Week Devotionals. Your
help made the fellowship hall look beautiful,
the guests feel welcome, & each lunch &
devotion move seamlessly.
In Christ, Marla Dugan & the FBC Office
Ladies Tuesday Morning
Summer Bible Study
June 16 - July 21 • 10 - 11:30 a.m.
The Place • Videos • No book or homework!
The 6 weekly sessions will
be on Tuesday mornings with
Elizabeth McCollum facilitating.
There will be a prayer &
discussion time, & then a one
hour video each week. There
will be no book to buy & no daily
homework during the summer
T he videos will include studies
by Beth Moore, Priscilla Shirer,
Jennifer Rothschild, Anne
Graham Lotz, & Kay Arthur.
It is understood that those
attending may not be able to
attend every session due to
various summer activities.
Each video is free-standing, not
consecutive, so it is fine to come
to any of the sessions that are
Also, it is not necessary to
sign up in the office in order to
attend, because there is no book
to purchase. All ladies are invited
to join us when you are able!
Join us for good food & fellowship
at this restaurant in Anniston, AL.
Please contact the office to reserve
your spot on the bus.
Homes will be needed
Volunteers Needed for
June Wednesday Night Suppers in Homes
June 10, June 17 & June 24
at 5:00 p.m.
(The church picnic will be
June 3 at Smokerise Park.)
The host home will provide
water & tea & ice. Attendees
should bring covered dishes of
vegetables, salads or desserts;
FBC Hospitality Team will provide
chicken & paper goods.
Please contact the office or Dr.
Davis if you can volunteer your
Quarterly Church Conference
Regular Reports Due & Vote on Baptism Bylaws Change
Wednesday, April 22 • 6 p.m. • Burns Hall
All leaders & chairmen are asked to present a report of last quarter’s activities.
If you cannot be present, please send your report in advance to the office: A copy of the FBC bylaws change may be emailed
by request or picked up in the office. Copies will also be available in Burns Hall
on the 22nd.
Volunteers Needed for Flower Planting Day:
Tuesday, April 14th • Beginning at 5:00 p.m.
The FBC Grounds Team needs help planting spring flowers
tomorrow: Tuesday, April 14th. Carl Brack has ordered
flowers to come in today, and we need to get those in the
ground asap. At least 8 folks are needed. Please contact the
office or Herb Forrister if you can help. Thank you!
April 19 Duty Rosters
Upcoming Meetings & Events
Deacon of the Week: Tommy Muse
(April 13-April 19)
Deacon on Patrol: Nita Moore
6-9 p.m.
Lay Reader: Henry Tyson
9:30: Cleve Entrekin,
Kerry & Rosa Kinard
Welcome Team:
Parking Lots: Herb Forrister (8:15),
Kin White, Jim Russell (11:00)
Welcome Center: Sara Santini
Escort: Joan White
Morning Ushers:
8:30: Herb & Mary Smith,
Mandy Smith
11:00: Jeff & Wanda Todd & family,
Tommy & Cindy Muse & family
3:30 p.m.
5:00 p.m.
5:30 p.m.
5:30 p.m.
6:00 p.m.
6:00 p.m.
6:00 p.m.
7:00 p.m.
6:45 a.m.
6:30 p.m.
Children’s Church:
Alex & Nicholas Rainwater
8:30 a.m.
9:30 a.m.
9:45 a.m.
10:00 a.m.
11:00 a.m.
2:00 p.m.
3:00 p.m.
4:00 p.m.
4:30 p.m.
6:00 p.m.
Open Arms Classroom:
Wina Low
7:00 a.m.
10:30 a.m.
Carl Brack & Rufus Dixon
Extended Nursery:
Andrea & Josh Chapman
Grounds Team: April 18
Alex Rainwater, Todd Simpson
Offering Counter: April 20
Sherryll Miles
Wednesday Night Menu:
April 15
1: Chicken & Veggie Bake/$5 adults/
$3 students 12 & up/$2 child/$15 max
2: Salad, Baked Potato/$3 adults &
students/$2 child/$15 family max
3: CHILDREN ONLY: 11 & under:
$2 per child/Chicken Nuggets
Church Staff
Dr. Steve Davis, Pastor
Dr. Glenn Eernisse,
Associate Pastor of Music & Worship
Rev. Henry Tyson
Associate Pastor of Pastoral Care
Rev. Jennifer Jindrich,
Associate Pastor of Children
Rev. John Callaway,
Associate Pastor of Students
Katie Callaway,
Associate Pastor of Education
& Spiritual Renewal
Debbie Malloy, LPC, Dr. Ron Huggins,
& Rev. Ed McGee, Counselors
Tuesday, April 14
Youth Spirit Night Fundraiser for Mission Scholarships
at Max & Henry’s Restaurant on the Square
Wednesday, April 15
Open Place/Grades 7-12/The Place
Family Supper/Burns Hall
Children’s WAM3/Music & Mission Friends/Age 3-Grade 6
The Bridge/Grades 7-12/The Place
Prayer Meeting/Bible Study/Burns Hall
Youth Bible Study/Grades 7-12/The Place
Handbell Choir Rehearsal/Adult I
Sanctuary Choir Rehearsal/Music Suite
Thursday, April 16
High School Guys & Girls Breakfast with the Callaways/
323 Cedar Street
Associational VBS Workers & Teachers Clinic/
Mt. Pleasant Baptist Church
Sunday, April 19
Early Worship Service/The Lord’s Supper
The Gathering/Food & Fellowship/Burns Hall
Sunday School
Young Adults/Drop-In Study/the Oasis
Morning Worship Service/The Lord’s Supper
Communion to Shut-ins/Nursing Homes
56ers Bible Study/Fellowship/The Place/Grades 5 & 6
Deacon Meeting/The Place Conference Room
Youth Games/Grades 7-12/The Place
Monday, April 20
Deacon Prayer Breakfast/Burns Hall
Margaret Marchman Bible Study Group Meeting/the Oasis
Special Gifts
First Facts:
April 12, 2015
In Memory of JoAnn Reynolds
Given by: Bruce & Deborah Ashendorf,
Harlan & JoAnne Carroll
In Memory of Hilda Nasser
Given by: the Current Events Class,
Theron & Sherry Jennings
Accessibility Team
In Honor of John Ball, Jim Hughes,
Gil Royal & Henry Tyson
Given by: David & Annette Griffin
Open Hands
In Memory of Hilda Nasser
Given by: Tim & Shelley Martin
Sunday School: ...........................142
General Fund.....................$9,937.91
Required Weekly ................$16,404.63
Required to Date .............$246,069.45
Received to Date .............$263,132.49
Non-Budget Missions ...........$280.00
To Date ..............................$12,708.55
Faith for the Future .............$450.00
To Date ..............................$11,202.00
Total ............................$1,011,785.98
Designated ............................$118.50
To Date ..............................$14,990.95
TOTAL GIFTS ...............$10,786.41
Vienna sausages, pop-top beans, etc.,
ready to eat tuna & crackers, snack bars,
breakfast bars, peanut butter & jelly,
water, individual dry cereal boxes, etc.
Published weekly except the weeks of July
4 and December 25 by First Baptist Church,
102 Dixie Street, Carrollton, GA 30117.
POSTMASTER: Send change of address
to 102 Dixie Street, Carrollton, GA 30117.