Casualty Response Technical Service Fast Response, Worldwide Expertise. UMC Dubai Plymouth Rotterdam Singapore Southampton Core-IRM Dubai Jakarta Labuan Singapore Thailand SeaTec Chennai Cochin Dubai Glasgow London Miami Monaco Shanghai Singapore V.Docks Monaco Singapore V.Scope London Monaco Even the best-prepared maritime owners, managers and insurers can find their resources stretched in a major casualty at sea. Having the right partner in place to manage complex and evolving situations can significantly ease the process and mitigate against losses. V.Group is that partner – a single source for the technical, operational and legal expertise you need. Our multidisciplinary team and international partnerships make us unique. We’re able to offer a worldwide team that can respond quickly, efficiently and cost-effectively to any casualty situation. Working as an integrated unit, we provide prompt, efficient and effective responses. So whenever and wherever a problem occurs, we’ll deploy the resources you need to manage it. Our team includes: — Surveyors — Consultant engineers and naval architects — Dry dock experts — IACS certified underwater repair companies and riding squads — Legal and marine insurance claims specialists V.Group brand architecture The Comprehensive Casualty Response Technical Service Marine operations rchitecture UMC International UMC International is our underwater inspection and repair unit. Their innovative products and services reduce the need for dry docking, off-hire and decommissioning Marine services downtime, which means significant savings in time and costs. Specialising in engineering in-water repairs, UMC has permanent offices in six major ports worldwide, and approved diving partners in a further 300. These offices are well placed to provide fast, effective and economical solutions. Find out more at or contact us on +44 238 026 9866. Core-IRM Core-IRM is a specialist provider of inspection, repair and maintenance (IRM) services to the Asian marketplace, with a special focus on the offshore oil and gas industry. Based in Singapore, the company has resources in Thailand, Labuan, Jakarta and Dubai. That allows us to provide Asian clients with specialist IRM services quickly and efficiently in response to their needs, without compromising on safety or quality. V.Group | Brand g Find out more at or contact us on +65 6261 1340 and +603 2164 1130. V.Group | Brand g SeaTec Repairs Fast track deployment of repairs teams on a worldwide basis plays a key role in mitigating the impact of the casualty and minimizes the associated expenditures. SeaTec Repairs provide turnkey and riding squad repair and maintenance solutions to the passenger, cargo and offshore industry. With centres in key global hubs, including Singapore, Chennai, Monaco, Shanghai and Glasgow, they’ll respond quickly, flexibly and economically to your needs. Find out more at or contact us on +44 141 305 1300. rchitecture SeaTec Inspections When a vessel or platform is damaged, the first thing you need to know is its condition. SeaTec Inspections offer fast, high-quality reports with video, photographs and diagrams that are easily accessible via a customer friendly web-based platform. Our team of naval architects and marine engineers can further support with emergency response stability checks Marine services and any other required engineering. Where there is serious structural damage, SeaTec’s expertise can mitigate against loss at an early stage. Find out more at or contact us on +44 141 305 1300. V.Docks To retain asset value, damaged ships must be restored to trading condition quickly and with the highest quality of repair. V.Docks has the experience and global networks to quickly arrange docking, project management, commercial tendering, technical and commercial support and technical repair assessment for project delivery. They support our worldwide fleet, and allow clients to share our technical and commercial experience and global buying power. V.Docks provides a powerful, proven process that will make sure your asset is trading again as quickly as possible. Find out more at or contact us on +377 9205 1010. V.Scope Risk Management Ltd Dealing with the legal aftermath of a casualty carries significant costs, particularly if that involves complex, technical claims and multiple agencies or services. V.Scope is our one-stop claims handling and consultancy service. They have strong, commercially-sound relationships with leading average adjusters, surveyors, shipping consultancies and law firms worldwide. This means they have the capacity to deal with your claims quickly, professionally and cost-effectively. Find out more at or contact us on +44 207 332 8549. V.Group | Brand The Comprehensive Casualty Response Technical Service. V.Group’s pool of companies is perfectly placed to offer you all the support you need in a casualty situation, from initial inspection through to repair and insurance claims. We also have contractual relationships in place with other service providers, so we can deal with any eventuality as it arises. We’ll assemble a dedicated team to respond to your specific needs, and work closely with owners, underwriters and Performance assured all other interested parties to ensure the best possible outcome for all concerned. If you have any questions about our service, or you would like to talk about how we can work with you, please feel free to email us at or you can find out more at our website
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