A DOCTOR NEEDED RESTS WITH THE JTOGE 513-515-517 7. BASOTJLI ASKED IP HE WILL FBO- MBS. NAN PATTERSON'S CASE IN TECT ONE. HANDS OF JUSTICE CLARKE. ¦His Captives Said to Be in Want of Medical Assistance.Spanish Hearing of Habeas Corpus Proceedings .If Not Charged With Murder Minister's View. She Cannot Be Held. "YOU CAN HAVE IT CHARGED" to A dispatch from New York last night !the Navy Department by cable that he has been Informed that the captives are In need of medical assistance, and that the United States consul general has sent to Rasouli to Inquire whether a surgeon will be given safe conduct. Admiral Chadwick adds that If "a satisfactory response Is re'celved a physician will be sent In company the ahereef of Wazan. Rasouli's reply |with lis expected June 9. It takes two days for says: Justice Clarke of the supreme court this afternoon listened to argument in tho habeas corpus proceedings In the case of Mrs. Nan Patterson, held In connection with the mysterious death of Caesar Young, tho wealthy bookmaker, and at their con¬ / Roar Admiral Chadwick has reported 'a messenger to reach Rasouli's stronghold and return to Tangier. . Rear Admiral Chadwick reported to the Navy Department by cable yesterday that British battle ship Prince of Wales had jthe "arrived at Tangier. He also reported the return of the Baltimore to Tangier from Gibraltar. Rear Admiral Chadwick. by di¬ rection of the Navy Department, will make reports to Rear Admiral Barker on the sit¬ uation at Tangier, as well as to the departAdmiral Barker being the senior na'ment, ' val officer In European waters. The Spanish Minister's View. Senor Don Emilio de OJeda, the Spanish minister here, who represented his govern¬ ment at Morocco for several years, and who is personally acquainted with Mr. Ion Perdlcaris, the American held for ransom by Rasouli, has made the following statement regarding the situation at Tangier: "Spain does not entertain the slightest fear that the United States seeks to seize a port In Morocco. I know that recent re¬ ports coupled the sailing of a Spanish fleet for Tangier with the statement that the American desire for a port on the west coast of Morocco caused uneasiness. Spain naturally is opposed to any power taking a stronger position than herself In Morocco, which is Just across the Strait of Gibraltar, and where, wlthlhe exception of the Moors, nearly all the people and business interests are Spanish. We regard Morocco much as you do the West Indies or Central America. You are opposed to any powerful nation taking a strong position close to bor¬ ders. The Spanish fleet has goneyour to Mo¬ rocco merely to protect our interests from harm they would otherwise sufTer In the event of an outburst of fanaticism or revo¬ lution. "I fear for Mr. Perdlcaris, for he is old and feeble, and confinement in a hut in the mountains, where the climate Is exceedingly warm, will tell upon him. The situation Is a delicate one. I think the only way to ob¬ tain the release of the captives Is to comply with the demands of the bandits. Any other method is dangerous." Regarded Here as a Jest. The rumor which is agitating certain Blu- ropean newspapers to the effect that the United States government Intends to per¬ manently possess itself of a coaling sta¬ tion on the Moroccan coast, as an incident to the settlement of the affair, is regarded officially here Perdlcaris as a jest; there never was and is not now the slightest in¬ tention on the part of this of making any such demands. government It Moreover, is stated, that it is not contemplated by this government to seize, even temporarily, any Moroccan port and custom house in connection with the Perdlcaris case. Nat¬ urally at this stage the officials do not care to bluster and threaten, but th^y are prevented from publishing the quiet and sober project Which they have formed for the treatment of this subject until it has diflnitely ascertained just what the Sultan of Morocco intends to do. Unofficially the State Department learned that the sultan had made some sort of a response to the bandit Ralsouli's first extreme demands, but whether or not the Moorish government will finally »i?cede to the demands is not Known. VETERAN FIREMEN. Discussion of Date for Celebration. Monument to Dead Firemen. The Veteran Firemen's Association met last evening at Its hall In the old Union Engine Mouse, corner of lltth and H streets. ,' Mr. James II. Richards presided, with Mr. J. J Peabody secretary, and there was a fair attendance. * Letters were received from Representa¬ tive M. C. Benton of Missouri, N. McLeod of Elizabeth, N. J., and E. E. Downham of Alexandria, Va., indorsing the project for a monument to the deceased heroes among the volunteer firemen of the United States. The invitation to attend the annual con¬ vention of the Virginia State Firemen's Association at Alexandria, Va., August 17, 18 and IS), was received and accepted, and the arrangements therefor will be made at the July meeting. Mr. Peabody from the committee on the centennial of the organization of the first tire company in Washington, which occurs August 18 next, suggested that as the weather will be warm at that season and mar.y are likely to be away from the city. It would be better to postpone the celebra¬ tion until October. The first company, he Haid, had an existence of only a few years and one organized in October a life of sixty years. He read a list of all these com¬ panies, as follows: First fire ward, 18tv| to 1818, at West market. Cnion of second fire ward, 1*04 to 1814, first near tfie treasury and then at the Cen¬ ter market. The last he beard of this company was on the eve of the battle of Bladensburg. Columbia, fourth fire ward, 1S<M to 18t}4, first at Capital Hill market, on New Jer¬ sey avenue. Third lire ward company, 1*04 to 1818, near tlih and K streets southeast. Star fire company, 1817 to 1827. near treasury. Union of first ward. 1818 to 18C.4, at West market Navy Yard. 1818 to 1825. in the yard. Anacostla, 1818 to 18ti4, near <lth and K streets southeast. Patriotic, 1M:> to 1822, at Center market and at post office. Phoenix, fifth ward, 1819 to 1827 .at to¬ bacco warehouse, .">d between M and N stieets southeast. Potomac, 1S2<: to lHOi near United States arsenal. Alert. 1821 to 1*27 on below E street. This became th- Franklin. Washington. 1822 to ls:'.7 near post office. Phoenix of third ward, 1827 to 181(7, ("en¬ ter Market. Franklin, 1827 to ls<;t. at Alert's house and 14th and E streets. Columbian. 18'So to 1831. near Capitol. Perseveranfe. is." to Is'-1 near Pennsyl¬ vania avenue and 9th street, site of Empire. Northern Liberties, 1 M> to I8.">8. 8th and K and lith and 1. streets northwest. Island. 18in to 1S4C>, loth street and Mary¬ land avenue southwest. Western Hose. 18.Vt to IsiVl. K street.%. .. ne:tr 2fitli and Metropolitan Hook and I«ulder, I8.V1 to 18»V4. site of No. 'I Engine. Massachusetts between 4th and .">th streets north¬ west. American Hi w .k and I .adder. ls.V» to 18(M. Georgetown companies.Union, 1.813 to ISilt. Potomac. 181.'! to 18111; Columbia, 1813 to 181P; Sun. 1813 to 18111; Vigilant. 1817 to 18»!7; Mechanical. 1811> to lk2i(; Columbia. 1827 to 1 837. Eagle. 1827 to 18K»; Western Star, 1831 to 1ST.7; Potomac Hose, 18»i4 to 1.8H7. The matter of selecting a date for the celebration was left with the committee. avenue Wills Submlt*cd for Probate. By the terms of the will of Elisabeth Skelly. dated October :t, lixrj. and filed for probate, her estate Is bequeathed to her husband. William Skelly, for his life, and after his death to her four children. Mary J. Oats, Catherine E. Oats, Elizabeth H. Skelly and Joseph P. Skelly. as tenants in James F. Shea and Cornelius A. Shea are named executors. The will of James N. Fowler, dated December 21. 1!N)8. has also been filed with the register. It provides that the testator's personal estate, after the payment of a numlwr of small amounts to various per¬ sons. shall be given to his wife, Annie Fowler. The real estate is given to Mrs. Fowler for life, but It Is to be sold at her death and the proceeds distributed, after several small bequests, equally among a sister. Mary Jane Curtis, two half sisters, Fannie Jones and Oeorgiana Norrls, and a half brother, John T. Schley. Mrs. Fowler is named as executrix. common. clusion said he would give his decision possible hour. Mrs. Pat¬ terson was returned to the Tombs prison. J. Morgan Smith, brother-in-law to Mis. Patterson, appeared at the district attor¬ ney's office late this afternoon, accom¬ panied by two detectives, and was closeted with Assistant District Attorney Garvan for half an hour. He was Questioned re¬ garding the revolver with which Young was shot, but refused to answer, saying that for him to answer might tend to In¬ criminate or degrade him or to connoct him with the case. Attorney 1'nger, for Mrs. Patterson, re¬ ferring to the affidavit, said that they were confronted by a paper which purported to be a return, but was in such shape that he doubted that the district attorney's of¬ fice was responsible for it. He then de¬ murred formally to the return. at the earliest Papers for Dilatory Purposes. "This loose paper Is for a dilatory pur¬ pose." declared Mr. Unger. He then went into the law as to coroner's Inquests. and said that a coroner had no power to Im¬ prison a person accused of crime before the Inquest, unless the person was not in coroner custody. "In order to enable the laid be¬ to act there must be Information com¬ been has fore him that a murder mitted," said Mr. Unger "Or suicide," interposed Justice Clarke. Mrs. Patterson never took her eyes her counsel's face as he was making the argument, but she gave not the sllgntest Indication of nervousness or anxiety over the outcome. Argument Against Release, WelMraformed fliss [Mere Will Not Sale. [This Clothing' One of the busiest spots in the house since the sale began is the big fourth floor Cloth¬ ing Department, for here the reductions mean right out of the regular lines. picking Several full and complete lines of Men's Suits in a large variety of fancy cassimeres and fancy cheviots; all the newest of the lines; tailoring and every detail up to spring the Hecht high standard; all sizes. Lines $12.50 and $'5~ selling at $10,at the §(]) .w'vJ sale price of... choice your ^7 Lot of 150 Men's 2-plece Summer Suits In wool crashes, homespuns, gray serges; single and double breasted: suits that will sell up to $12.50 Men's Blue Serge Suits, quality warranted through and through, In both the single and dou- (PQ ble breasted styles; positively sold $12.50 by all stores; sale price....". Men's All-wool Worsted. 200 pairs Flannel, and Wool Crash Trousers that sell regularly at $3 to $5; in the sale at.. ,50 Men's 50c. Office Coats 35c. Men's Fancy Vests ; dark effects; sell up to QUAY'S SUCCESSOR COLORADO SITUATION RECEIV¬ GRAY SECURES AN INSTRUCTED DELEGATION. ING CLOSE OFFICIAL ATTENTION. . Sweeping Republican Victory in Oregon.Porter Not a Candidate. Other Political News. lU,,The foVd. Miss Laura Hardage Butler, sister of the biide. was maid of honor. She wore a pret¬ ty gown of pale pink crepe de chine, cover¬ ed with hand-painted roses. A large pic¬ ture hat completed her toilet. The groom was attended by Mr. Richard T. Merrick of Washington, as best man. and the fol¬ lowing ushers: Messrs. George Lafferty, Reginald Thrldekaeyser, William Ivanow, Frank Mullen of Washington, David Lemen and Arthur Carey Price of ShepherdsA novel feature of the wedding was that the groomsmen all wore double-breated blue sack coats, white waistcoats, shoes, gloves and ties. Mr. Edward Spohn sang a beautiful solo just previous to the entrance of the wedding party. Immediately follow¬ ing the ceremony at the church the mem¬ bers of the wedding party and the outof-town guests were entertained at "Ayrlie " the beautiful country home of Mrs. Eugenia S. Price, In the suburbs of Shep- herdstown. The brloe, who is a granddaughter of the late Charles Thomas Butler, is a brunette noted for her beauty. She is a skilled horsewoman and a talented pianist. Mr. Mitchell Is a grandson of the late O. M. Mitchell, general and astronomer. He is a brother of Mrs. Donald Armour, who as Miss l^ouise Mitchell was considered one of Washington's most beautiful women. He Is a member of the Metropolitan and Chevy Chase Clubs and is well known in Wash¬ ington society. Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell left late this afternoon on an extensive wedding trip and upon their return they will reside In Washington. Prominent among the out-of-town guests at the wedding were: Mr. James Hoban, Miss Elsie Hoban. Mrs. Preston Sands. Miss Frances Sands. Mr and Mrs. George How¬ ard Mr and Mrs. Huldekoper, Lieut. Henry Varnum Butler. U. S. N ; Miss Grace Bell. Miss Anna McCauley. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Drexel Mullan. Capt. J. S. Philips. and Mrs. Philips; Miss Philips of ington. D. C.: Mr and Mrs. Douglas Coch¬ ran, Dr. E. R. Kirby and Mr. and Mrs. Rob¬ ert Gibson of Philadelphia. J Wash¬ All-wool White Flannel from the Fire Sale; 3Uc value Utica and Mohawk Pil¬ low Cases from the Fire Sale Best quality Crash from the Fire Sale; 15c. and 19c. value Double Fold French Mad¬ ras from tho Fire Sale; 25c. value Best Apron Ginghams from the Fire Sale Yard-wide Bleached Mus- Un; best quality; from the Lot of Women's Fast Black Seamless Hose; usual price, 15c Lot of Misses' Fast Rlaek Hose, in all sizes; the kind that always sells at 20c Lot of Men's Good Quality -5/f> Neglige Shirts that sell at 50c. and 75c Lot of Men's Plain White ef IT / Hemstitched Handkerchiefs; 12'Ac. value Lot of Men's Silk Garters; Collecting Evidence. A dispatch from Denver last night says: While the Victor miners' union has de¬ nounced the dynamite outrage of yesterday, and the convention of the Western Federa¬ tion of Miners, in session here, has express¬ ed indignation over it, and talks of offering a reward for the perpetrators, damaging evidence of the guilt of union men is being gathered by the Mine Owners' Association All the and the authorities at Victor. books and records of the union were search¬ ed when the hall was raided yesterday, and among the archives was a quantity of pho¬ tographs of non-union men who havfe been employed in the mines of the district since the strike began last fall. Some of these photographs are peculiarly marked, and these are of the men who were dynamited yesterday, many who were shot or bea'en at various times and a large number who have disappeared. It has developed that nearly half of the miners now at work in the district are union men who have deceived the mine owners, and these men, whose names were gathered from the union's books seized at Victor, will not only lose their employment, but will be deported from the district if the mine owners and Citizens' Alliance have their way. It will require vigorous action by the authorities to prevent bloody (Hashes not only tonight and tomorrow, but In the more distant future as the foul plots for murder and other outrages are unearthed and their participants brought to light by the searching investigation now under way. Gov. Peabody Returns to Colorado. A dispatch from St. Louis last night says: Gov. James H. Peabody of Colorado left for Colorado today at 2:15 p.m. over the Bur¬ lington road. Up to the time of his de¬ parture Gov. Peabody received numerous telegrams from the Colorado authorities apprising him of the situation in the dis¬ turbed districts. 0 A dispatch from Harrisburg. Pa., last night says: A conference to* determine whether the senatorial vacancy created by Senator Quay's death shall be filled by appointment or by an extra session of the legislature was held tonight at the ex¬ ecutive mansion between Gov. Pennypacker, United States Senator Penrose and Insurance Commissioner Durham, who con¬ trol the situation. The governor spent several hours today examining the law on the subject, and It is thought he reached a decision and will announce it in the near future. The opin¬ ion still prevails here that an extra ses¬ sion of the new legislature will be held next December for the election of a Sen¬ ator, and that the governor is in perfect accord with the republican state leaders. Those who profess to know the gov¬ ernor's plans say that he prefers to make an appointment for the remainder of Sen¬ ator Quay's term, which expires next March, but that lie believes under the state constitution it is mandatory on him to call an extra session before the meet¬ ing of the next legislature, which will con¬ vene in biennial session in January. Gray Men Win in Delaware. A dispatch from Dover, Del., last night says: The democratic state convention late this afternoon indorsed Federal Judge Geo. Gray for the presidency and instructed the six national delegates to support him. This was brought about by the Gray followers, despite- the announcement that the judge had written a letter to ex-Judge David T. Marvel of Wilmington, asking that the in¬ struction of delegates in his favor be with¬ held in the interest of party harmony and as he has no ambition for the presidency. The anti-Gray forces fought for the sub¬ stitution of the word "request," and it was believed at last night's conferences between the factions that they had carried the day. but this afternoon the committee on reso¬ lutions by a vote of 8 to 7 adopted a reso¬ lution of specific instructions and the con¬ vention upheld this action. The platform denounces the administra¬ tion of Roosevelt, criticises the tariff, and wants the growing militarism of our gov¬ ernment checked. The money issue is avoided. Fire Sale Heavy Dujk from the Fire *-«. Sale; for sails, overalls. etc.; 15c. value 42-inch and 45-inch Pillow Casing from the Fire Sale; 15c. value Yard and a half wide Sheet- «i ing from the Fire Sale y) New and very desirable Batiste Shirt Waist Suits in handsome stripe effects; all sizes; suits small priced at $2.50 Very Stylish White Shirt Waist Suits, of finest and sheerest Persian Lawns, India Linens and Madras; some beautifully trimmed; -5 r* sizes 32 and 34; made to sell V up to $7.50. Sale price Latest styles and very handsome ef¬ fects in White India Linen Shirt Waist Suits with exquisite open-work insert¬ ing; also sheer and beautiful Blue and Violet Dimity Shirt Waist Suits; very stylish; these -3 . (ThS? elegant suits sell up to C5 sale price $!t.98; Women's New Duck Walking Skirts, in pretty shepherd plaid patterns; bot¬ tom made full flare; bought to be sold at $2.50. Specially reduced to Lot of new and very desirable White Linen Duck and white P. K. Skirts; a if* trimmed with embroidery dt? fl II iJly inserting: extra well made; sell at $2.OS Very desirable Natural Linen Skirts; extra good quality mater- dp « ials, and bought to sell at $3.00. Sale price Brilliantine Walking Skirts in black only: hundreds sold at $5.98; full flare bottom; extra good 99c. ^ jj WQ for the quality throughout; sale of Up-to-date Dress Skirtsare finest voile, handsomely in blue and black; they trimmed with taffeta silk bands in effective designs. These high-quality skirts <f>,Q are positively low priced at Beautiful Taffeta Silk Underskirts that sell under $7; exquisitely made of superior quality taffeta, in all the want¬ ed colors; profusely ac¬ cordion pleated, and with full-tucked flounce and rt tie. Sale price A choice lot of very desirable and good quality China Silk Waists; hand¬ never $3.98 11 e=i j-j. somely pleated front and band of lace inserting; black . y' and white Lot of Men's Otis Balbriggan Shirts and Drawers; short or long * sleeves; all sizes; values 50c. and 75c Lot of Men's Colored Bor¬ der Handkerchiefs; regular 12l/4c. value Lot of Children's Fast T[ / Black Seamless Half Hose; regular 25c. value / Lot of Women's Suede Lisle ^ Gloves; tan and mode; 50c. and 75c. value Lot of Women's Richelieu Ribbed Vests, taped neck and arms; 23c. value J? H // ji (0)'y>S)Co regular^ Cc >C, Exceeds Expectations will be abolished and the secret ballot sys¬ dispatch from Portland. Ore., last tem substituted. Scheme for Mudd's Defeat. night says: That the republican party in the state scored an overwelming victory A dispatch from Baltimore last night yesterday is being made more apparent as says: the count comes in. Returns from isolated The democrats are scheming' to overthrow counties are coming in slowly. Representa¬ Representative Mudd, and if their plans do tive Binger Hermann has been re-elected Mudd will have anything but in the first district with a majority of about not miscarryin his district this fall. They walkover a 7,000, while J. N. Williamson, the republi¬ an can nominee in the second district, rolled have already chosen Samuel A. Mudd up a majority of 10.000 and later returns elector, and now they propose to nominate may swell this estimate somewhat. as an independent candidate for Congress Porter Not a Candidate. in the fifth district John E. Mudd of Charles three Mudds on the ticket A dispatch from Paris last night says: county. With the negro voters in the fifth district will num¬ of New a York made Governor Odell find it exceedingly difficult to select the ber of farewell calls today, preparatory to right one. move was proposed to meet a sailing tomorrow. Asked concerning the This last of the law by the at¬ results of ills conferences with Ambassador possible construction on the marking of bearing torney general said over Porter the governor they went the ballot. the New York situation, as the direction of Louisiana for Parker. the campaign entailed upon him getting the A dispatch from New Orleans last night views of the various leaders. Mr. Odell hold their state convention tomorrow for the purpose of naming delegates-at-iarge to the national convention at St. Louis and to elect state central and state executive committeemen. On one side are arrayed Gov. Beckham and the administration forces, supporting Mr. McQuown of Bowling Green for chairman of the state central committee. Opposing them is what Is known as the "anti-machine" element, led by l.'nited States Senators Bla-ckburn and McCreary and Representative D. H. Smith, supporting Representative J. N. Kehoe for chairman of the stitte central committee. The administration leaders are for Judge Alton B. Parker, and most of the leaders of the opposition are likewise Inclined to¬ ward the New York man. Colorado Delegation Uninstructed. A dispatch from Pueblo, Col., last night says: The democrats of Colorado today named an uninstructed delegation to the national convention. The adherents of Wil¬ liam R. Hearst captured the caucus held by the second district delegates, but when they attempted in the convention to pass a resolution Instructing for Hearst It was defeated by a vote of ,'17D to 10H. The plat¬ form indorses the Kansas City platform of 1000 and instructs the delegates to use all honorable means to secure a platform in Lot of Misses' Lace Lisle 11 Hosiery, full regular made; regular 3»c. value Lot of Women's All-silk Q e= Parasols, 100 in the lot; regular $2 value Lot of Women's $1.25 Para- / r=> sols. 55 in all; choice of any in the Thursday clearance A special lot of women's extra good quality Nainsook Drawers from the sal¬ vage sale: all nicely trimmed with deep none embroidered ruffles; worth under 50c., most of them '"VJ/rv JrSy/<f* Waists sold at <S>c A very desirable lot of Women's Black and White Mercerize ! Satine 1'nderskii ts in the summer weights: all lengths; full pleated ruffles and flounces; >=j/r* skirts never sold under $1.50 anywhere Lot of fine Waists in lawn *=7/n\ embroidery trimmed; regular $1.50 value for * Beautiful Waists in finest lawns, lace or embroidery q trimmed; regular $2.00 value y0£o Lot of very handsome Black Lawn Waists, full front of broad hemstitched tucks; regular $1.50 value Well-made and fitted Dress'ng Sacques of cool materials: good quality materials throughout: pi lower than ever before at Lot of over 500 Kimonas, in light and dark oolors; all extra well made and fast colors; every size, from -r> 34 to 40; the kind that sell uni- -5 versally at 59c.; sale price Lot of Women's Highest Grade and Finest Waists; extremely .. <n\ O dressy and elegant; worth * as high as $5; choice Infants' White India Linen »"*) Lawn and Gingham Dresses; 1 S. * to 3 years; sell at 50c A very special clearance sale offering of women's extra good quality * c= Tape Girdle Corsets that sell regularly at 50c Ladles' Oxford Ties, with extended soles; kid and patent leather tips; also Button and Lace Shoes; vici kid vrmps; worth up to $2.00. (u) /f* Your choice ^ . Misses' and Children's Tiu Threestrap Ssncflils; correct shades <0,0, of leather; stylish shapes; kid lined; worth $1.50 ^3 Infants' Hand-turned Button Shoes; black, russet, and brown; toes shaped as they should be.to fit the feet; worth 75c Lad'es' Kid Button md Lacs Shoes; very low or regular heights of ^ '25c. ll 'J'ii ^ JloCo heeis; . slightly damaged by water; worth $1.50 f ^ * Boys' and Youths' S tin Calf School and Dress Shoes and Small Boys' Vici Kid Dress Shoes, with extra back tlays and solid leather soles; worth $1.50 Misses' and Children's Two and Tiirea.trap Sandals and Oxford Ties; kid or patent colt _ _ £&(U){£ $1.50 Men's, Boys' and Youths' Canvas Ox¬ uppers; worth fords, with rubber soles and .p. leather inner soles (sewed on, not glued). Vour choice Boys' Fine Linen and Chambray Sailor Blouse Wash Suits, 0 that sell at 79c.; reduced to.... Boys' Finest Wash Suits, in the Rus¬ sian and Sailor Blouse /*> styles; some sample suits; 'ft II^ 0 ^ *** values up to $3.98 . The _ Evening Dawson Wins in West Headless Body of Man Found. A dispatch from Parkersburg, W. Va., last night says: Two boys found the head¬ less and badly decomposed body of a man In the woods near Belleville this morning. Coroner Stout Investigated and found the man was Calvin Lewis, aged sixty years, who left home after a quarrel with his son, Charles Lewis of Parkersburg, last De¬ cember, and was seen near Belleville the His head had day before last Christmas.side. He is sup¬ fallen off, and lay by his death on Christmas posed to have froren to Eve. The remains were only forty feet from a frequented path, but were not seen until today. Boys' 50c. Linen Crash Pants Lot of Boys' Wash Knee Pants to be closed out at Lot of Boys' Wash Knee Pants Boys' 59c. Blue Serge K| Pants Boys' 59c. and 09c. Wool* Pants Boys' 39c. Wool Knee Pants Boys' 35c. "Brownie" Overalls -*yc- . Walnut-finished Srreet^ in several sizes, with hinges and all fixtures; bring door Lot of size of Walnut-finished Lot Screens; will fit most win¬ dows; low price at 15c. not more than 0 to a buyer. Lot of Hardwood Window Screens; 24 Inches high; rapid sellers at 35c. each Lot of White Hemstitched hat sell at 25c.; /r<\[T/ Shams that not more than 2 to a buyer; 241 at... Lot of Best Quality Capital Window Shades, with fixtures; always sell at 25c Lot of Fine White Ruffled Swi.-s Curtains; sold at 80c. pair Hardwood Screen Doors; extra well made and with best'wire fabric; complete, with fix¬ tures.in several sizes, val- regularlyyC, ue, .23 $1.50 5-4 Colored Best Quality Table Oilcloth in remnants; pretty designs: worth 21c. c. yard Best Quality Mosquito Netin all colors: 8-yard ing, pieces Heavy -tj Roman Striped Couch Covers: pretty col¬ ors; worth $2.00 Lot of good and service¬ able quality Canvas-cover¬ ed Trunks, that sell at $3 regularly Lot of high-grade Trunks; covered with canvas; extra well made; $7 usually .29 $4.98 Lot of Women's Fine White Duck Belts; very chic; for Thursday 10c. 110c. 19c. Lot of Women's Fine White Crush Duck Belts; nicely silk embroidered Lot of fine French Valen¬ ciennes Laces, in 12-yard pes.; for clearance, per piece Lot of slightly-soiled all-over Laces; IN inches wide; regular ¦"=M1 price, 50c.. 75c. and »Ke I.ot of women's Lace Collars: /*. all high grade, hut slightly X* 1 mussed; sold regularly at 59c.. Lot of women's Lace Collars; somewhat rumpled; values are $1.75 and $1.50 Lot of No. 5 fancy silk Rlbbons; regular price, 10c.; for Thursday take them at. Lot of Women's Fine Swiss Embroidered Handkerchiefs: sold regularly at IlkLot of very desirable Hamburg Km* irg Km broideries in various widths; 5c. yard everywhere; for to¬ morrow just half price . c. c. Oc. 2c. 10c. 2j^c. Star Patterns. Little Girl's Dress. Virginia. renomination of Senator Taliaferro and the ncmination of Frank Clarke over J. M. Barrs for Congress. For governor Davis is in the lead. State Senator W. P. Barksdale last night withdrew from the race for Congress in the sixth Virginia district. Boys' 25c. Pleated Waists Boy's No. 4514..In the picturesque little dress shown here we have a variation of the popular Russian modes that are so becom¬ ing to small girls and boys. The front and back are ornamented by two broad box pieats and the closing is on the aide In Russian style. A unique feature of the dress is the circular sleeve-cap, a style which is not confined to their elders alone, for we see it not only in the children's dresses but in coats as well. The dress may be made all In one or worn with a guimpe. An attractive dress would lx> of red ser^e trimmed with bands of white stitching, edged with soutache braid, and wearing with it a guimpe of cream-colored serge or cashmere, or better still, of white lawn or washable material, so that the guimpe and sleeves may be washed fre¬ quently and then the dress will be alwiys crisp and fres.li Any of the lightweight woolens or cottons are suitable materials. Sizes 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 yrs. A dispatch from Parkersburg. W. Va., last night says: The republican state com¬ mittee rret here tonight and acted upon the mi tter of the two contesting committees in the judicial circuit composed of Summers. Raleigh and Wyoming counties. Each of the two committees had called a conven¬ tion to nominate a candidate for judge. The con mlttee decided E. C. Eagle of Sum¬ mers. George W. Graham of Wyoming and W. Clay of Raleigh the legal committee, and called off both previously called con¬ ventions. leaving it to the new committee to call a new Judicial convention. The de¬ cision Is in favor of Frank Lively, a sup¬ porter of W. ^M. O.areDawson, andofagainst Teter. supporters the candidates who Notes. Scattering returns last night from Jacksorville. Fla., make practically certain the Boys' 35c. Fauntleroy or says: At the Louisiana state democratic con¬ vention, to be held June 20, Judge Parker will be indorsed, though the delegation to St. Louis will not be absolutely instructed for the new York candidate. E. B. Krutschnltt, chairman of the state central com¬ mittee. in an interview toijay, declared that Louisiana is not in favor of the GormanMurphy combination, which, it is reported, proposes to put forward Judge Gray as the candidate upon whom the opponents of Judge Parker may unite. harmony therewith. Virginia Democrats and Primary Plan Officers Break in and Arrest Mrs. Elias A dispatch from Richmond, Va., last A disratch from New York last night night says: The state democratic committee will as¬ says: Detectives tonight battered down the heavy front door at the residence in this semble here tomorrow for a meeting in ad¬ which meets city of Mrs. Hannah Ellas, the negro woman vance of the state convention, who is charged with obtaining nearly J700,- the following day. The main object of the 000 from aged John R. Piatt by blackmail. meeting is to receive a report of the sub¬ of ten appointed recently to They then placed her under arrest on a committee warrant charging her with extortion in make suggestions looking to amending the by the committee having secured 17,300 from Mr. Piatt in primary plan formulated some time ago. certain features of which May last. are objectionable. Mrs. Ellas was In bed when the warrant was served. Exactly the nature of the amendments to Immediately afterward the be is not yet known, but it is gen¬ offered action the civil in brought against papers erally supposed that the viva voce feature her by Mr. Piatt were served. .=, Waists _ ^ 4j-VC» Boys' White Duck Knee Pants; slightly mussed from handling: ^ sizes 10 to 10* years; value II positively 50c Boys' 25c. Blouse J[ s* (H) A added that whatever may have been said value c. regular price, 20c Oregon Majority during the conference relative to the nom¬ ination for the governorship was without prejudice to any other candidacy and was mainly tentative. The result of the governor's visit strength¬ ens the general impression that General Porter's wishes not to be regarded as a candidate for the nomination will prevail. Democratic Contest in Kentucky. A dispatch from iAJuisvllle, Ky., last night says: The Kentucky democrats will Boys' Very Smart Wash Suits, that sell regularly at $1.00 Boys' Blue Sailor Blouse Suits; 3-year size; trimmed with soutache braid; $1.40 AsiC qJJqJ) _to The assistant district attorney went on describe the wound and said that the w A dispatch from Denver, Colo., last night man was the only one who was near the says: pistol was held so close to the c«at Acting Gov. Hargott is considering the that it could not have been held by an>question of declaring martial law in Teller body but the defendant or the dead man he county. He said tonight that he had writ¬ and from the nature of the wound the ten a proclamation for that purpose, but dead man could not have returned Distol to his coat pocket, 8aid Mr. Sand was holding it back, pending further ad¬ as he asked the court to dismiss the vices on the situation there. He Intimated W rit that the proclamation would probably be Coroner's Jurisdiction. The gover¬ published within a few hours. militia "From what I can read In the code." said nor were of two that companies said Justice Clarke, "the coroner only has juris¬ arms In the Cripple Creek under already been has empaneled. district, having been called out by the local diction after the Jury There has been no Inquisition." officers. His latest advices were that "No." replied Mr. Sanford. "but a Jury peace disturbance had occurred in the further no has been summoned. The coroner Is acting He did not know, he said, that the camp. as a magistrate." had arranged to deport all union tt authorities "I shall have to examine these papers, miners. said Justice Clarke. "I do not know just Adjt. Gen. Bell and six of his National how she Is held." Guard left Denver for Cripple Creek to¬ "Nor anybody else." said Lawyer Lnger. night. Gen. Bell said he was going up The question of bail was then raised. merely to "size up the situation." It is In *».<#*>.'' Counsel said: "She is held that the martial law proclamation probable Issued ... "Five thousand dollars?" asked the court on his arrival at Cripple will be in surprise. "Why, what is she charged Creek with? If She is charged with murder In the A dispatch from Cripple Creek last night first degree that is not bailable. Is she held Bilia: In connec¬ as a witness?" Apart from a few small fights "I don't know." replied Mr. l-nger; that tion with the rounding up and arresting of out." to find we are trying is just what union miners, no outbreak has occurred in this district today. Two local militia com¬ Prisoner Remanded to Prison. and a small army of armed deputies, panies "If she is not charged with anything how under Sheriff Edward Bell, are in full con¬ can she be held?" asked Justice Clarke, and trol of the camp. Though there has been he added: "I think she had better be re¬ no turbulence today, there isill.an undercur¬ manded, and I will give my decision at the rent of feeling which bodes Miners Authorize a Statement. earliest possible hour." After Justice Clarke had announced that A dispatch from Victor last night says: he would take the papers and announce his The local committee of the Western Fed¬ decision later the crowd was hustled out of eration of Miners has authorized the Asso¬ the court room, and Mrs. Patterson taken ciated Press to say that they deplore the through the justice's chambers to the street. at Independence. The following The crowd, which rushed from the building, dynamiting was statement given out by them tonight: reached the street just in time to see the "No men who deserve to live would or carriage with the prisoner and her guard whirl around a corner on the way to the could approve the awful deed. The fiends Tombs. who planned and carried out the devilish John B. Patterson of Washington, father and punished to of the prisoner, visited her soon after she crime should be detected was taken back to the tombs prison. They the full extent of the law. The crime must sat together in the reception room and con¬ be unearthed and the perpetrators pun¬ versed in low tones for ten minutes. Their ished. The committee and all local mem¬ conversation was earnest, and several times bers of the Western Federation of Miners the young woman wept convulsively. Her are ready and willing to assist In uncover¬ father was plainly affected by her plight, ing the guilty ones, and will use every en¬ and as he rose to go he was heard to say: deavor to assist the authorities in their ef¬ forts; and we herewith tender the services "Well, in that case I shall stand by you." of all our members. We will also join in Father Declines to Talk. offering a suitable reward for the arrest Mr. Patterson left the prison as his and conviction of the guilty persons." daughter was led back to her cell, and as Union Miners Deported. ho emerged on the street he appeared A dispatch from Colorado Springs last greatly depressed. When asked If he had night says: A special train consisting of anything to say, M*. Patterson replied: an engine and two coaches, bearing fifty "The less said the better." union miners deported from Cripple Creek He was Joined outside the prison by two by the citizens, passed through this city to¬ young men. and they departed together. It is understood that the grand jury will night. It was going at the rate of thirty be asked to take up the case tomorrow, In miles an hour and did not stop here. The view of the possibility that Justice Clarke first car was empty and the second car had m;iy decide that Mrs. Patterson is not le¬ all the blinds drawn, and armed guards gally held under her commitment by the were on the platform. The police and coroner. This commitment, it is said, does sheriff's officers here were determined not not name the charge on which she Is held. men let the to stop here; and ar¬ deported rangements were made with the railroad to carry them past this city. It Is presumed MITCHELL-BUTLER. they are headed for Denver. About Hot) were at the station to see the train A Washingtonian Takes a West Vir¬ people pass through, but there was no demonstra¬ tion. ginia Bride. Mine Owners The Great Fire Sale is the Keyeote in Tomorrow's Clearance of Odds amid Ends. '1254c. Unbleached Table Linen from the Fire Sale; sells up to 75c... MILITARY UNDER ARMS FOE CHARGED" YOU CAN HAVE IT g J[ £5C# $3.50 98c. Assistant District Attorney Sandford said It would be a great pleasure to the coro¬ Union Men Deported Statement of ner If he could discharge the woman, but Federation of Miners.rMine Own¬ he could not under the pure Question of law. The Information had been laid be¬ ers After Dynamiters. fore him that a crime had been committed. Siic inl Mspatch to The Evening Star. SHEPHERDSTOWN. W. Va. June &. St. Agnes' Roman Catholic Church of this place was the scene ot a pretty wedding at ¦2. o'clock this afternojn, when Miss Nellie Lane Butler became the bride of Mr. Chas. .Piquette Mitchell of Washington. D. C. The bride, who was given away by her step¬ father, Mr. Robert Gibson of Philadelphia, was attired In a becoming gown of white tulle, trimmed with old lace. Her veil was caught up with a spray of orange blos¬ She carried a bouquet of lilies of soms. the valley. 513-515-517 7. Price, HO Cents. Fashion Department, Xhe Sveniny Star, For the 10 cents inclosed dress: please SIZE Washington, D. C.: send pattern to the fcllowing ad¬ Pattern No 4514 NAME ADDRESS CITY AND STATE. Note.All patterns are mailed direct to subscribers from New York office. It takes four or five days from time coupon is received before it will re* 'h your address. Judge Stafford Expected Tomorrow. Chief Justice Clabaugh of the Supreme Court of the District of Columbia has re¬ ceived information that the new member of the court, Wendell Phillips Stafford, will leave Burlington, Vt., about 10 o'clock this evening for this city. He expects to ar¬ rive here about 2 o'clock tomorrow after¬ noon, and will proceed without delay from the railroad station to the City Hall, and there qualify as Justice Pritchard's succes¬ Englishman's wife until she rifle!', the projterty of her hus¬ band. who was absent. This took place in broad daylight. The British consul de¬ mands the immediate arrest of tlie tribes¬ men. but the Moorish officials hesitate, for head of the gave up two the chief perpetrator Is an influential Moor. The sultan has not yet answered the de¬ mands made for the release of M<-ssrH. Perdicarls and Varley. The reports con¬ cerning the treatment of the prisoners con¬ tinue to be favorable. sor. Iowa Circle Concert. is the program of th{ Fif¬ Following Moors Raid Englishman's Home. teenth Cavalry Band at Iowa Circle Thurs¬ A cablegram from Tangier last night day evening from 5:55 to 7:25 o'clock: says: News received from the captives last March. Souvenir de Suisse Vereeken Auber night states that Perdlcaris is ill. An at¬ Overture, Fra Diavolo Bratton Roses' Honeymoon tempt is being made to obtain safe conduct Reverie, The Tobani Creme de la Creme . from Ralsouli for a doctor to visit him. Fantasia. Jaxon» Waltz. L.a Serenata The residence of an Englishman was en- Selection, The Prince of Pilaen Luders tcied today by armed Moors, members of Finale, Mr. Black Man Pry Of The Star Spangled Banner. the Anjera tribe, wfco held a pistol to the
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