APRIL 5, 2015 Easter Sunday CATHEDRAL OF THE HOLY SPIRIT 520 Raymond Street • Bismarck, ND 58501 • 701-223-1033 www.cathedralparish.com FROM MSGR. RICHTER Friends of the Cathedral, Christ is risen! He has truly risen! A blessed Easter to all of you. CLERGY Bishop........................................ Most Reverend David D. Kagan Rector..............................................Rev. Msgr. Thomas J. Richter Parochial Vicar..................................................Fr. Jared Johnson Permanent Deacons.................Richard Fettig, Randal Schmidt, Ralph von Ruden, Tony Ternes, Woodie Wolf THIS WEEK @ CATHEDRAL MASS INTENTION TIME MONDAY, APRIL 6 Mass.............................................. Pat Theophila............... 6:45 AM Sacrament of Reconciliation...............................................7:20 AM Mass......................... Nicholas Wilson (Birthday)............... 8:00 AM Eucharistic Adoration........................................... .9:00 AM-9:00 PM TUESDAY, APRIL 7 Mass................................................. Linda Miller............... 6:45 AM Sacrament of Reconciliation...............................................7:20 AM Mass........................................ +Marge Hartwick............... 8:00 AM Eucharistic Adoration........................................... .9:00 AM-9:00 PM EASTER MEMORIALS IN MEMORY OF DONOR Jaden Michael Jahner...........................................Elizabeth & Douglas Jahner Don & Maxine Mizera........................................................................Anne Mizera Jack Bachmeier................................................................................ Mary Gluesing Leonita Heilman.............................................................................Victor Heilman Leon & Bill Heilman......................................................................Victor Heilman Magdelena & Lawrence Feist....................................Pauline Buelow Family Steve Buelow....................................................................Pauline Buelow Family Rose (Feist) Horner.......................................................Pauline Buelow Family Sid Sieracki................................................................................Rosemary Sieracki Howard L Mack................................................................. Eileen & James Rouse Alice Rouse......................................................................... Eileen & James Rouse Peter Heinert.................................................................... Mark & Sharol Haugen Sarah Ann Haugen......................................................... Mark & Sharol Haugen James W. Fischer................................................................................ Doris Fischer Sheri Burgard...........................Greg Burgard & Corrine & Craig McGarvey Marilyn Koch............................Greg Burgard & Corrine & Craig McGarvey Jack Kautzman......................................................................... Virginia Kautzman Kenny Schumacher................................................ Kenny Schumacher Family Bill Campbell.................................................................................Evelyn Campbell Ray & Marian McIntee.........................Geri McIntee & Larry Boeck Family Eldon Boeck.............................................Geri McIntee & Larry Boeck Family Nicole Thorson.....................................................Barb & Tom Thorson Family Harriet Heilman....................................... John J. Heilman & Thorson Family Alice Hermes................................................................................Rosemarie Kuntz Deacon Edwin Wesolowski..........................John & Robynn Berger Family Irene Wesolowski.............................................John & Robynn Berger Family WEDNESDAY, APRIL 8 Mass..................................... +Eugene Weisbeck............... 6:45 AM Sacrament of Reconciliation...............................................7:20 AM Mass............................... Deacon Lance Gartner............... 8:00 AM Eucharistic Adoration........................................... .9:00 AM-9:00 PM THURSDAY, APRIL 9 Mass...........................................+Norma Brazell............... 6:45 AM Sacrament of Reconciliation...............................................7:20 AM Mass...................................... Michael Genewich............... 8:00 AM Eucharistic Adoration........................................... .9:00 AM-9:00 PM FRIDAY, APRIL 10 Liturgy of the Word with Holy Communion (Communion Service)......................................................... 6:45 AM Sacrament of Reconciliation...............................................7:20 AM Mass..........................................Claire Schnaible............... 8:00 AM Chaplet of Divine Mercy with Cathedral School................ 9:00 AM SATURDAY, APRIL 11 Sacrament of Reconciliation............................................. 7:20 AM Mass...........................................Haley Wilson................... 8:00 AM Sacrament of Reconciliation............................................. 4:00 PM Vigil Mass........................ +Anna Mary Mastel................... 5:00 PM Sacrament of Reconciliation............................................. 7:30 PM SUNDAY, APRIL 12 - Divine Mercy Sunday Mass..........................Cathedral Parishioners.................. 8:30 AM Mass.............................+David Baumgartner.................10:00 AM Mass..................................... +Robyn Jangula.................11:30 AM Eucharistic Adoration......................................... 1:00 PM-9:00 PM Chaplet of Divine Mercy..................................................... 3:00 PM (+ Indicates Deceased) Welcome to all newcomers. To register or obtain additional information about the parish, contact the parish office or visit www.cathedralparish.com. PLEASE REMEMBER IN PRAYER Holy Father’s prayer intentions for April: Universal: That people may learn to respect creation and care for it as a gift of God. Evangelization: That persecuted Christians may feel the consoling presence of the Risen Lord and the solidarity of all the Church. The sick: Sharon Roach, Dee Broxmeyer, Mary Sue Lucht, Deacon Ralph von Ruden, Alex & Kathryn Bichler, Craig Moilanen, Marie Stiegelmeier, Ron Knoll, Andy Dosch, Preston Keller, Michelle Duppong, Dan Campbell, Margaret Mackay, Dominic Solitto, Earl Larson, Rose Berger, Wayne Hilzendeger, Jeanne Karhoff, Grace Hartman, Genevieve Robinson, Margie Sokolnicki, Jean Weisgerber, Steve Naumann, Laurie Braun, Rita Schmidt, Sky Stevens. To obtain a prayer blanket, contact the parish office. The deceased: Mary Mayer. May her soul rest in peace. NEXT WEEKEND’S MINISTRY SCHEDULE Saturday, April 11 5:00 PM Altar Servers Commentator Ext. Min. of Holy Communion Hospitality Lectors Shayla Sperle, Damian Ternes, Casey Ternes Mark Haugen Carla Gerriets, Larry Grundhauser, Laurie Hagerott, Lon Hagerott, Sharol Haugen, John Mongeon, Dawn Mull Tammy Bopp, Becky Deichert, Steve Gerriets, Marci Loomis, John Loomis, Carlotta Richter Michon Matthiesen, Patrick Ward Sunday, April 12 8:30 AM Altar Servers Commentator Ext. Min. of Holy Comm. Hospitality Lectors Nicole Harris, Thomas Kubisiak, Elijah Lawson Kari Stromme Terese Birnbaum, Victoria Birnbaum, Matthew Kurtz, Paul Lawson, Kleo McLeod, Becky Serri, Larry Urbanec Allan Dvorak, Carolanne Dvorak, Mary Lee Hilt, Terry Hilt, Darin Morman, Jennifer Morman Jana Heen, Bonnie Lahr 10:00 AM Altar Servers Commentator Ext. Min. of Holy Communion Hospitality Lectors Caleb Fallgatter, Brighton Fallgatter, Elijah Fallgatter Rod Kuhn Sonia Ciavarella, Paul Dieter, Jeffrey Gross, Carla Hixson, Cheryl Kruger, Diane Roller, Michael Schmitz, Jennifer Schroeder Jeffrey Gross, Connie Gross, Scott Haas, Raumi Kudrna, Ryan Kudrna, Steve Windish Karen Karls, Ginny Schweitzer 11:30 AM Altar Servers Alexander Hilzendeger, William Lengenfelder, Caleb Schnaible Commentator Tom Stebner Ext. Min. of Holy Maria Gokim, Joyce Gruby, Stephen Schnaible Communion Hospitality Cori Flanagan, Joel Ross, Amanda Ross, Darlene Steffan Lectors Margaret Magelky, Mary Cate Mannion Please contact Deacon Tony Ternes at 223-1033 with any changes. FAITH FORMATION NOTES Confirmation and First Communion - The Cathedral Confirmation Liturgy will be Friday, April 10 at 7:00 PM. The Cathedral First Communion Liturgy will be Saturday, April 11 at 11:00 AM. Please keep these children in your prayers. Congratulations to Donald Jensen, Ben Johnson, Megan Kapp and Troy Niemeier, who were received into the Catholic Church and confirmed on Saturday, March 28. Welcome home, Donald, Ben, Megan and Troy! Young Adults: Join us for our April Young Adults gathering on Friday, April 17 at the home of Jerome and Sara Richter, 402 W Avenue C. The evening begins with a social at 7:00 PM followed by our speaker, Fr. Josh Waltz, at 7:30 PM. Fr. Waltz serves as the Director for Vocations for the Bismarck Diocese. He will be giving the fifth talk in a five-part series on the Rules for Discernment by St. Ignatius of Loyola. Previous attendance is not required. Childcare will be provided from 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM in the lower level of the Cathedral. CATHEDRAL ANNOUNCEMENTS Bismarck Catholic Daughters will meet on Tuesday, April 7 at 6:00 PM at Cathedral. This is our spring potluck. Bring a dish to share and also invite a guest. For more information, call Rita at 701-321-1211. Knights of Columbus will meet Thursday, April 16 at 7:00 PM in the cafeteria. Divine Mercy Sunday - St. Pope John Paul II, in his homily at the canonization of St. Faustina Kowalska in 2000, designated the Sunday after Easter as Divine Mercy Sunday. On Sunday, April 12, we will have Eucharistic Adoration from 1:00 PM to 9:00 PM in the main body of the church with recitation of the Divine Mercy Chaplet at 3:00 PM. The Chaplet was given to St. Faustina with this promise: “Encourage souls to say the chaplet which I have given you” (Diary, no. 1541). “Whoever will recite it will receive great mercy at the hour of death. … Even if there were a sinner most hardened, if he were to recite this chaplet only once, he would receive grace from My infinite mercy. I desire that the whole world know My infinite mercy” (Diary, no. 687). Society of St. Vincent de Paul will meet on Tuesday, April 14 at 7:00 PM in room #3. Check out their website at svdpbismarck.org to learn how you can help reach out to those in need. “And The Two Shall Become One” - A new pastoral letter from Bishop Kagan entitled “And The Two Shall Become One” is now available in the gathering space. The pastoral letter was written as “an encouragement to all to thank Almighty God for the precious and singular gift of the holy union of one man and one woman for the salvation of their immortal souls and those of their children.” If you would like a better understanding of Catholic belief and practice concerning marriage, please take a copy. CATHEDRAL ANNOUNCEMENTS Thank you to those who assisted with funerals in March: Darlene Weigel, Pattie Hale, Betty Schumacher, Judy Sateren, Gail Leary, Jeanine Cederstrom, Sharon Helbling, Jerry Haider, Loretta Stockert, Nora Allen, Nancy Gannon, Kristi Becker, Robynn Berger, Ruth Malaktaris, Joy Benson, Peggy Puetz, Terese Birnbaum, Mary Bluemle, Marsha Bopp, Mary Brucker, Bennie Benz, Laura Frank, Bev Duppong, Allison Brink, Tiffany Baumgartner, Eileen Welk, Virginia Kautzman, Connie Johnson, Cec Dockter, Diane Marquart, Rita Ciavarella, Elizabeth Johnson, Angela Voigt, Larry Zabrocki, Joanne Brown, Jean Schnaible, Sandy Kadrmas, Carol & Ervin Walther, Jeanne Feist, Jane Torgerson, Jean Fortune, Mike Conlin, Geri McIntee, Marlene Schaaf, Lon Hagerott, Jo Bogner, Marilyn Keller, Nancy Fields, Eileen Rouse, Diane Roller, Connie Johnsen, Jean Hilts. Lighthouse CD of the Week: The True Meaning of Easter - Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen was one of the bestknown and best-loved Catholic orators of the twentieth century, reaching millions of Christians of all denominations. Presented here are his timeless reflections on the Passion, Death, and Resurrection of our Lord, combined with Scripture and Gregorian Chant to create a powerful presentation that is sure to become a family favorite. Check the Lighthouse Catholic Media kiosk in the gathering space for this and other titles. COMMUNITY NEWS Celebrate the Year of Consecrated Life - Gain a special understanding and appreciation for the men and women devoted to the consecrated life during a conference on Saturday, April 25 at McDowell Activity Center on the University of Mary campus, Bismarck. The conference starts at 9:00 AM and concludes with Mass at 3:30 PM. Keynote speakers are Father Roger Landry and Sister Anna Laura Karp, O.P. Go to www.bismarckdiocese.com for registration and more information. The event is free, and lunch will be available for registered participants. The event is sponsored by the Diocese of Bismarck, Annunciation Monastery, Sacred Heart Monastery and Assumption Abbey. Youth Minister - St. Mary’s and Ascension Parishes in Bismarck are seeking a full time Director of Youth Ministry who will help their young people to grow in faith and love of God by providing them opportunities to encounter God through worship, prayer, community and service. Responsibilities involve coordinating events and activities for the junior high and senior youth groups. Qualifications: Catholic in good standing; classes and/or experience in Youth Ministry; background in scripture, Catholic theology, spirituality and catechetical methods; knowledge of physical, emotional, intellectual and spiritual development stages of youth; ability to relate and build positive relationships with youth; successful completion of diocesan background check. For questions or to apply, send a cover letter and resume or contact Steve Braus, 806 E. Broadway Ave., Bismarck, ND 58501, 223-5562 or steve@stmarysparishfamily.net. Deadline: Until filled. Like us @ www.facebook.com/cathedralparishbismarck IT IS IN GIVING THAT WE RECEIVE Stocks and bonds, especially if appreciated in value over the years, can cost you a lot of capital gains taxes, but they can also make substantial gifts to Cathedral of the Holy Spirit. Consider such a gift in your Will. Cathedral Total Collection Report Amount Collected in March 2014: $126,009.68 Amount Collected in March 2015: $140,718.10 COMMUNITY NEWS Administrative Assistant - The Diocese of Bismarck has a full-time opportunity for an individual to provide professional program support for the Department of Finance and Parish Services and be part of the diocesan staff team. Must possess strong administrative and computer skills, particularly MS Office Suite. A two year college degree is preferred plus a minimum of five years increasingly responsible work experience. Qualities needed include ability to be highly organized, coordinate meetings, multi-task, meet deadlines, be detail-oriented, have a willingness to be flexible, and demonstrate an ability to maintain confidentiality. For a detailed position description and an application, please contact Laura Huber at lhuber@bismarckdiocese.com or 701-204-7196. Send application, cover letter, references, and resume to same. New Evangelization Summit - Be inspired, receive formation, and connect with other Catholics at the New Evangelization Summit April 24 & 25. The conference will be webcasted live from Ottawa to Fargo at Shanley High School, 5600 25th St. South. Doors open at 6:00 PM Friday, and the conference concludes by 4:30 PM Saturday. Join over 4,000 Catholics across the USA and Canada for this premier conference on the New Evangelization. The conference will feature Scott Hahn, Fr. Michael Gaitley, Ralph Martin, Patrick Coffin, JoEllen Gregus, Fr. James Mallon, Ken Yaskinski and Michael Dopp. The NES has been designed to inspire you and help you live out your personal call to evangelize. Register now at www.newevangelization.com. Cost: $50/participant. For questions, call 701-356-7908. Call our bulletin advertisers first! We are very grateful to all of them and encourage you to patronize their businesses and let them know you appreciate their support. SACRAMENTS For information about the Sacraments of Baptism, Holy Matrimony and Anointing of the Sick at Cathedral, please go to our website, www.cathedralparish.com, and click on the Liturgy & Sacraments tab. CONTACT US Parish Office......................... 519 Raymond St., Bismarck, ND 58501 Office Hours...........................................Mon.-Fri. 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM Phone............................................................................. 701-223-1033 Website........................................................ www.cathedralparish.com Facebook.................... www.facebook.com/cathedralparishbismarck Fax.................................................................................. 701-223-1438 Faith Formation Office.................................................. 701-222-2259 Submit bulletin announcements no later than Tuesdays at noon via mail, fax, or email jobrigewitch@cathedralparish.com. View our bulletin online at www.cathedralparish.com. 222-3937 www.dakotaeye.com Brenda Smith, REALTOR®, CRS, GRI 226-1124 • venturend.com www.kirkwoodbank.com Water & Fire Damage Carpet & Area Rug Cleaning Kevin Gilchrist, DDS 1929 N. 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