April 26, 2015 Fourth Sunday of Easter CATHEDRAL OF THE HOLY SPIRIT 520 Raymond Street • Bismarck, ND 58501 • 701-223-1033 www.cathedralparish.com FROM MSGR. RICHTER Friends of the Cathedral, Three things……First, today is the 52nd Annual World Day of Prayer for Vocations. Pope Francis’ Message is an insert in this bulletin. Please read it. In addition, I beg you to continue praying for vocations to the priesthood and religious life. Only a few times in the gospels does Jesus tell us to pray for specific things, but laborers for the harvest is one of them. Jesus said to them, “The harvest is abundant but the laborers are few; so ask the master of the harvest to send out laborers for his harvest.” (Luke 10:2) The Cathedral has six seminarians; there are a total of 24 for the Diocese; and Fr. Waltz, the Vocation Director, told me that there may be five more new ones for the Fall. Praise God! Let’s keep praying so this Diocese can keep receiving His great blessings. Second, next weekend is the God’s Share Appeal. Fr. Kramer rarely boasted, but when it came to the generosity of Cathedral parishioners to the God’s Share Appeal, he could not resist. In 2012, we gave $363,857.42; in 2013, we gave $397,749.35; in 2014, we gave $365,721.75. Thank you for your generosity. If you can increase your gift by a few bucks, please do. May we continue to be generous to God and to our bishop! Third, recently I received an email containing resources for divorced Catholics. It was quite good. In particular, I think the website www.catholicsdivorce.com could be a source of help and support. I encourage you to check it out and to share it with those who could benefit from it. May we receive more and more joy in the Risen Christ! Prayer for Vocations GOD OUR FATHER, we thank you for calling men and women to serve in your Son’s kingdom as priests, deacons, religious and consecrated persons. Send your Holy Spirit to help us respond generously and courageously to your call. May our community of faith support vocations of sacrificial love in our youth. We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever. Amen. CLERGY Bishop........................................ Most Reverend David D. Kagan Rector..............................................Rev. Msgr. Thomas J. Richter Parochial Vicar..................................................Fr. Jared Johnson Permanent Deacons.................Richard Fettig, Randal Schmidt, Ralph von Ruden, Tony Ternes, Woodie Wolf THIS WEEK @ CATHEDRAL MASS INTENTION TIME MONDAY, APRIL 27 Mass...............................Brandon Martel Family............... 6:45 AM Sacrament of Reconciliation...............................................7:20 AM Mass..............................................Gregory Luger............... 8:00 AM Eucharistic Adoration........................................... .9:00 AM-9:00 PM TUESDAY, APRIL 28 Mass.............................................Vicky Boechler............... 6:45 AM Sacrament of Reconciliation...............................................7:20 AM Mass.................................. Duane & Doris Liffrig............... 8:00 AM Eucharistic Adoration........................................... .9:00 AM-9:00 PM WEDNESDAY, APRIL 29 Mass............................................. Dan Campbell............... 6:45 AM Sacrament of Reconciliation...............................................7:20 AM Mass...........................Michael Genewich Family............... 8:00 AM Eucharistic Adoration........................................... .9:00 AM-9:00 PM THURSDAY, APRIL 30 Mass................................... +Alphonse Boechler............... 6:45 AM Sacrament of Reconciliation...............................................7:20 AM Mass............................................. +Lynda Larkin............... 8:00 AM School Mass...........................+Melissa Hellman............... 9:00 AM Eucharistic Adoration........................................... .9:00 AM-9:00 PM FRIDAY, MAY 1 Mass................................... +Laurie McCormack............... 6:45 AM Sacrament of Reconciliation...............................................7:20 AM Mass............................Mr. & Mrs. Devyn Nelson............... 8:00 AM SATURDAY, MAY 2 Sacrament of Reconciliation...............................................7:20 AM Mass.................................. Calvin & Patty Bosch............... 8:00 AM Sacrament of Reconciliation.............................................. 4:00 PM Vigil Mass........................Cathedral Parishioners............... 5:00 PM Sacrament of Reconciliation...............................................7:30 PM SUNDAY, MAY 3 Mass.......................................... +Lorraine Keller............... 8:30 AM Mass.............................Jenna & Madison Bosch............. 10:00 AM Mass.................................. +David Baumgartner............. 11:30 AM Eucharistic Adoration........................................... .2:00 PM-9:00 PM (+ Indicates Deceased) Welcome to all newcomers. CATHEDRAL SCHOOL NEWS To register or obtain additional information about the parish, contact the parish office or visit www.cathedralparish.com. No School at Cathedral on Friday, May 1. Because of PLEASE REMEMBER IN PRAYER Rice Bowls - Thank you to all of those who participated Holy Father’s prayer intentions for April: Universal: That people may learn to respect creation and care for it as a gift of God. Evangelization: That persecuted Christians may feel the consoling presence of the Risen Lord and the solidarity of all the Church. The sick: Sharon Roach, Dee Broxmeyer, Mary Sue Lucht, Deacon Ralph von Ruden, Alex & Kathryn Bichler, Craig Moilanen, Marie Stiegelmeier, Ron Knoll, Andy Dosch, Michelle Duppong, Jeanne Karhoff, Margie Sokolnicki, Jean Weisgerber, Steve Naumann, Sky Stevens, Patricia Eysaldt, Lavina Forster, Rita Schmidt, Ernest Borr, Lucille Gustin, Gene Buen, Dianne Heen, Luke Kilzer. To obtain a prayer blanket, contact the parish office. The deceased: Preston Keller. May his soul rest in peace. NEXT WEEKEND’S MINISTRY SCHEDULE Saturday, May 2 5:00 PM Altar Servers Commentator Ext. Min. of Holy Communion Hospitality Lectors Jonah Krebs, Kailey Weigel, Lucas Weigel Mark Haugen Carla Gerriets, Larry Grundhauser, Laurie Hagerott, Lon Hagerott, Erik Hanson, Angela O’Keefe, Kathy Sailer Joell Burian, Steve Gerriets, Marci Loomis, John Loomis, Peggy Puetz, Carlotta Richter Kimberly Hanson, Michael Knox Sunday, May 3 8:30 AM Altar Servers Commentator Ext. Min. of Holy Comm. Hospitality Lectors Nicole Harris, Thomas Kubisiak, Elijah Lawson Kari Stromme Patricia Churchill, Sandy DeForest, Kay Koble, Dawn Krieger, Jared Loegering, Kleo McLeod, Ralph Riedinger Jr. Matthew Fischer, Dawn Fischer, Paul Lawson, Jessica Lawson, Timothy Nagel Paul Forster, Janet Kubisiak 10:00 AM Altar Servers Commentator Ext. Min. of Holy Communion Hospitality Lectors John Armstrong, Isaac Armstrong, Matthew Scott Carla Hixson Mark Armstrong, Michael Bokinskie, Jeffrey Gross, Jerome Richter, Margaret Sitte, Allen Weisbeck, Nancy Weisbeck, Ryan Wilson Joetta Bichler, Scott Haas, Raumi Kudrna, Ryan Kudrna, Steve Windish Monica Hannan, Michael Seifert 11:30 AM Altar Servers Commentator Ext. Min. of Holy Communion Hospitality Zachary Cave, Dylan Obrigewitch, Dawson Obrigewitch Jo Bogner Robert McLeod, Cyndee McLeod, Stephen Schnaible Jay Fettig, Wendy Fettig, Lori Herold, John Herold, Nancy Polasky, Darlene Steffan Lectors Evan Baker, Donald Polasky Please contact Deacon Tony Ternes at 223-1033 with any changes. this, the School Mass will be on Thursday, April 30 at 9:00 AM. in the Rice Bowl collection during Lent. Cathedral School and Cathedral Faith Formation students brought in $1,711.01 for Catholic Relief Services. God bless you for your generosity! FAITH FORMATION NOTES Young at Heart will meet Sunday, April 26 at 3:00 PM in Church Room 3 for their Annual Trivia Contest, hosted by Duane Eichele. Please join them for an afternoon of fun, snacks, prizes and fellowship. Bring a friend! Thank you to Bonnie Lahr, Sue Kvas, Eileen Rouse and Jennifer Sletteland for helping to serve at the First Communion receptions for our children, parents and families last week! Vacation Bible School - Cathedral, St. Anne and Ascension Parishes will be holding Vacation Bible School June 8-11 from 1:00 to 4:00 PM for all children entering grades K-5 in the fall. VBS will be held at St. Anne’s Church and will include a week of fun games, crafts, songs, and much more! Together we will explore how we are MANY AND ONE in our parish, our diocese, and the church throughout the world. VBS is open to children from Cathedral, St. Anne, and Ascension parishes. Registration forms are available on the Cathedral website at www. cathedralparish.com and at the entrances of the church. Please return your form and payment to the parish office or to Kathy Olson by Wednesday, May 6. If you have questions or for more information, please contact Kathy at 222-2259. CATHEDRAL ANNOUNCEMENTS New Altar Server Training for Sunday Masses is scheduled for Thursday, April 30 from 5:00 to 6:00 PM in the main church. To be an Altar Server, you must be at least in the sixth grade, made your First Holy Communion, be responsible to a schedule, and most importantly, have a desire to serve for our Priests of Jesus Christ during the Holy Mass. To sign up for the training or if you have any questions, please contact Deacon Tony Ternes at 701-204-7111 or email him at deaconternes@ cathedralparish.com. Society of St. Vincent de Paul will meet on Tuesday, April 28 at 7:00 PM in room #3. Check out their website at svdpbismarck.org to learn how you can help reach out to those in need. The 58th Annual God’s Share Appeal will begin next weekend, and the hope is that all of you will participate. Your gift will help support so many important ministries and programs throughout our Diocese. These programs benefit every parish and every parishioner. Some of these programs include educating our 24 seminarians, caring for our retired priests, preparing couples for the Sacrament of Marriage, and many more. Our parish has been asked to raise $243,897 for this year’s Appeal. Please consider a gift to the 2015 God’s Share Appeal. CATHEDRAL ANNOUNCEMENTS Giving From the Heart and Soil - Last fall, over 500 lbs. of potatoes, 300 lbs. of apples, and many varieties of vegetables were collected and given to Sr. Kathleen Atkinson’s Ministry on the Margins. Again this year, vegetables will be collected in July. The St. Vincent de Paul Society will be giving carrot and/or green been seeds to gardeners to plant for this year’s food collection. Seeds will be available in the gathering space after all Masses this weekend. Monthly Food Collection will be next weekend. All items collected in May will be given to Catholic Indian Mission. Catholic Daughters will meet on Tuesday, May 5 at Cathedral at 7:00 PM. There will be convention reports, a memorial for deceased members, and the May crowning. Guest speaker will be from our local Catholic radio. Guests are welcome. For more information, call Rita at 701-321-1211. Lighthouse CD of the Week: Encountering the Poor - Biblical Roots for Catholic Social Teaching - Dr. Timothy Gray is the president of the Augustine Institute and is a well-known scripture scholar and Catholic speaker. Dr. Gray expounds upon the teachings of the Catholic Church surrounding social justice in light of sacred scripture. Check the Lighthouse Catholic Media kiosks in the church for this and other titles. COMMUNITY NEWS Light of Christ Catholic Schools has the following teaching positions open for the 2015-16 school year: Kindergarten Teacher and 6th Grade Teacher - Qualifications: Valid North Dakota teaching license in elementary education. Part-time Elementary Special Education Position - Qualifications: Valid North Dakota teaching license and Special Education endorsement in LD, ED, ID, or Strategist. Preferences: Elementary education licensure, experience in school setting, experience working with individuals with disabilities, technology skills to incorporate into instruction, knowledge of general education curriculum. To apply for any of these positions, please submit a letter of resume, college transcript, three letters of recommendation and a copy of teacher license to Kate Bleth, Light of Christ Catholic Schools, 1025 N. 2nd Street, Bismarck, ND 58501. An Equal Opportunity Employer. The Diocese of Bismarck has an opening for the Coordinator of Respect Life and Natural Family Planning. Job requirements include excellent written and oral communications skills, time management, be a self-starter with the ability to work well with others. Candidates should have certification to teach or working understanding of Natural Family Planning, understand the Church’s position on pro-life and birth regulation and compatibility with the Church’s teachings as an active, practicing Catholic. Bachelor’s degree in theology, pastoral ministry, or related field, proficienct in Microsoft Word and Outlook required. This is a part-time position with flexible hours working from the home. Send resume, cover letter, and three references to djordan@ bismarckdiocese.com. Questions can be directed to Denise at 701-204-7212. IT IS IN GIVING THAT WE RECEIVE You can avoid excess taxes by giving certain appreciated securities, art, or coin/stamp collections to Cathedral of the Holy Spirit. This is a very attractive and substantial way to make a memorial gift. COMMUNITY NEWS St. Mary’s Cemetery Fund Drive - The annual collection to help fund the only Catholic cemetery in Bismarck-Mandan will take place the week of May 18. You will receive in your mail some updated information and an envelope to make your contribution to the cemetery. St. Mary’s Cemetery has provided 8,355 burials as of April 2015. A new section will need to be developed soon in addition to the new section for cremation burials which will be completed late this spring. Without the generous support of members of our Catholic parishes, these developments cannot occur. Watch for this mailing and help maintain this beautiful and prayerful place for loved ones. The annual service of remembrance at St. Mary’s Cemetery will take place Wednesday, May 27 at 7:00 PM. All are welcome. Meet near the cross and flagpole on the hill. Peru Fundraising Fiesta - Members of the senior class at St. Mary’s Central High School will be hosting a “Peru Fundraising Fiesta” on Sunday, April 26 from 5:00 to 7:00 PM in the SMCHS Lunchroom. Celia Sattler, who will be cooking this authentic Mexican dinner, has also generously offered to sell her world famous salsa, refried beans and Mexican rice. There will be a limited amount of items sold, so be sure to come early. All proceeds will be evenly distributed to all of the students who will be going to Peru for a mission trip in July. Sustaining Parish Stewardship - Anyone interested in exploring and understanding stewardship as a way of life is invited to the Spring 2015 Institute for Stewardship Formation. The topic of the spring institute will address how to continue to sustain parish stewardship once it has been introduced in the parish. Not a program, but a way of life for the parish, sustaining what has begun is the way it continues to evolve in a parish. There are two sessions to choose from: Friday, May 1 from 1:00 to 7:00 PM at St. John the Apostle Church in Minot or Friday, May 8 from 1:00 to 7:00 PM at St. Joseph’s Church in Dickinson. Registration is $25, and dinner is included. To register, call 839-7076 (Minot session) or 4832223 (Dickinson session). SACRAMENTS For information about the Sacraments of Baptism, Holy Matrimony and Anointing of the Sick at Cathedral, please go to our website, www.cathedralparish.com, and click on the Liturgy & Sacraments tab. CONTACT US Parish Office......................... 519 Raymond St., Bismarck, ND 58501 Office Hours...........................................Mon.-Fri. 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM Phone............................................................................. 701-223-1033 Website........................................................ www.cathedralparish.com Facebook.................... www.facebook.com/cathedralparishbismarck Fax.................................................................................. 701-223-1438 Faith Formation Office.................................................. 701-222-2259 Submit bulletin announcements no later than Tuesdays at noon via mail, fax, or email jobrigewitch@cathedralparish.com. View our bulletin online at www.cathedralparish.com. 222-3937 www.dakotaeye.com Brenda Smith, REALTOR®, CRS, GRI 226-1124 • venturend.com www.kirkwoodbank.com Water & Fire Damage Carpet & Area Rug Cleaning Kevin Gilchrist, DDS 1929 N. 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Smith Dave Tschider Amber Smith Heinert 1851 Revere Dr., Bismarck, ND (701) 663-1004 www.thepaintersinc.com MESSAGE OF POPE FRANCIS FOR THE 52nd WORLD DAY OF PRAYER FOR VOCATIONS 26 APRIL 2015 - FOURTH SUNDAY OF EASTER Theme: Exodus, a fundamental experience of vocation Dear Brothers and Sisters, The Fourth Sunday of Easter offers us the figure of the Good Shepherd who knows his sheep: he calls them, he feeds them and he guides them. For over fifty years the universal Church has celebrated this Sunday as the World Day of Prayer for Vocations. In this way she reminds us of our need to pray, as Jesus himself told his disciples, so that “the Lord of the harvest may send out labourers into his harvest” (Lk 10:2). Jesus command came in the context of his sending out missionaries. He called not only the twelve Apostles, but another seventy-two disciples whom he then sent out, two by two, for the mission (cf. Lk 10:1-6). Since the Church “is by her very nature missionary” (Ad Gentes, 2), the Christian vocation is necessarily born of the experience of mission. Hearing and following the voice of Christ the Good Shepherd, means letting ourselves be attracted and guided by him, in consecration to him; it means allowing the Holy Spirit to draw us into this missionary dynamism, awakening within us the desire, the joy and the courage to offer our own lives in the service of the Kingdom of God. To offer one’s life in mission is possible only if we are able to leave ourselves behind. On this 52nd World Day of Prayer for Vocations, I would like reflect on that particular “exodus” which is the heart of vocation, or better yet, of our response to the vocation God gives us. When we hear the word “exodus”, we immediately think of the origins of the amazing love story between God and his people, a history which passes through the dramatic period of slavery in Egypt, the calling of Moses, the experience of liberation and the journey toward the Promised Land. The Book of Exodus, the second book of the Bible, which recounts these events is a parable of the entire history of salvation, but also of the inner workings of Christian faith. Passing from the slavery of the old Adam to new life in Christ is a event of redemption which takes place through faith (Eph 4:22-24). This passover is a genuine “exodus”; it is the journey of each Christian soul and the entire Church, the decisive turning of our lives towards the Father. At the root of every Christian vocation we find this basic movement, which is part of the experience of faith. Belief means transcending ourselves, leaving behind our comfort and the inflexibility of our ego in order to centre our life in Jesus Christ. It means leaving, like Abraham, our native place and going forward with trust, knowing that God will show us the way to a new land. This “going forward” is not to be viewed as a sign of contempt for one’s life, one’s feelings, one’s own humanity. On the contrary, those who set out to follow Christ find life in abundance by putting themselves completely at the service of God and his kingdom. Jesus says: “Everyone who has left home or brothers or sisters or father or mother or children or lands, for my name’s sake, will receive a hundredfold, and inherit eternal life” (Mt 19:29). All of this is profoundly rooted in love. The Christian vocation is first and foremost a call to love, a love which attracts us and draws us out of ourselves, “decentring” us and triggering “an ongoing exodus out of the closed inward-looking self towards its liberation through self-giving, and thus towards authentic self-discovery and indeed the discovery of God” (Deus Caritas Est, 6). The exodus experience is paradigmatic of the Christian life, particularly in the case of those who have embraced a vocation of special dedication to the Gospel. This calls for a constantly renewed attitude of conversion and transformation, an incessant moving forward, a passage from death to life like that celebrated in every liturgy, an experience of passover. From the call of Abraham to that of Moses, from Israel’s pilgrim journey through the desert to the conversion preached by the prophets, up to the missionary journey of Jesus which culminates in his death and resurrection, vocation is always a work of God. He leads us beyond our initial situation, frees us from every enslavement, breaks down our habits and our indifference, and brings us to the joy of communion with him and with our brothers and sisters. Responding to God’s call, then, means allowing him to help us leave ourselves and our false security behind, and to strike out on the path which leads to Jesus Christ, the origin and destiny of our life and our happiness. This exodus process does not regard individuals alone, but the missionary and evangelizing activity of the whole Church. The Church is faithful to her Master to the extent that she is a Church which “goes forth”, a Church which is less concerned about herself, her structures and successes, and more about her ability to go out and meet God’s children wherever they are, to feel compassion (com-passio) for their hurt and pain. God goes forth from himself in a Trinitarian dynamic of love: he hears the cry of his people and he intervenes to set them free (Ex 3:7). The Church is called to follow this way of being and acting. She is meant to be a Church which evangelizes, goes out to encounter humanity, proclaims the liberating word of the Gospel, heals people’s spiritual and physical wounds with the grace of God, and offers relief to the poor and the suffering. Dear brothers and sisters, this liberating exodus towards Christ and our brothers and sisters also represents the way for us to fully understand our common humanity and to foster the historical development of individuals and societies. To hear and answer the Lord’s call is not a private and completely personal matter fraught with momentary emotion. Rather, it is a specific, real and total commitment which embraces the whole of our existence and sets it at the service of the growth of God’s Kingdom on earth. The Christian vocation, rooted in the contemplation of the Father’s heart, thus inspires us to solidarity in bringing liberation to our brothers and sisters, especially the poorest. A disciple of Jesus has a heart open to his unlimited horizons, and friendship with the Lord never means flight from this life or from the world. On the contrary, it involves a profound interplay between communion and mission (cf. Evangelii Gaudium, 23). This exodus towards God and others fills our lives with joy and meaning. I wish to state this clearly to the young, whose youth and openness to the future makes them open-hearted and generous. At times uncertainty, worries about the future and the problems they daily encounter can risk paralyzing their youthful enthusiasm and shattering their dreams, to the point where they can think that it is not worth the effort to get involved, that the God of the Christian faith is somehow a limit on their freedom. Dear young friends, never be afraid to go out from yourselves and begin the journey! The Gospel is the message which brings freedom to our lives; it transforms them and makes them all the more beautiful. How wonderful it is to be surprised by God’s call, to embrace his word, and to walk in the footsteps of Jesus, in adoration of the divine mystery and in generous service to our neighbours! Your life will become richer and more joyful each day! The Virgin Mary, model of every vocation, did not fear to utter her “fiat” in response to the Lord’s call. She is at our side and she guides us. With the generous courage born of faith, Mary sang of the joy of leaving herself behind and entrusting to God the plans she had for her life. Let us turn to her, so that we may be completely open to what God has planned for each one of us, so that we can grow in the desire to go out with tender concern towards others (cf. Lk 1:39). May the Virgin Mary protect and intercede for us all. From the Vatican, 29 March 2015 Palm Sunday FRANCIS © Copyright - Libreria Editrice Vaticana
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