The Most Holy Trinity Sunday - Cathedral Basilica of Saints Peter

The Most Holy Trinity Sunday
May 31, 2015
“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God,
and the Word was God.”
John 1:1
Dear Parishioners,
May 30, Saturday, Weekday
12:05 Luigi Pomponio
5:15 Kathleen Black
May 31, The Most Holy Trinity
8:00 Pro Populo - For the People of the Parish
9:30 Gelso Ventresca
11:00 Eduardo Cionci
12:30 Asuncioñ Carrasco
6:30 Pro Populo - For the People
June 1, Monday, St. Justin
7:15 Kathleen Dineen Wriston
12:05 John Bradford
June 2, Tuesday, Saints Marcellinus and Peter
7:15 Edward J. Esquire
12:05 Thomas J. Marshall
June 3, Wednesday, St. Charles Lwanga
7:15 Harriet May Ackermann
12:05 Eve Ann Labenberg
June 4, Thursday, Weekday
7:15 Charles Smith
12:05 Richard Mench
June 5, Friday, St. Boniface
7:15 Joan Hunt
12:05 Emily Elizabeth Bridges
June 6, Saturday, St. Norbert
12:05 Guildo Cionci & family
5:15 Maria Badolato
May 31, The Most Holy Body & Blood of Christ
8:00 Pro Populo - For the People of the Parish
9:30 Quici, Galipo & Greco family
11:00 Luigi Ranalli & family
12:30 Oscar Nava
6:30 Pro Populo - For the People
Today is Trinity Sunday! The Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity
follows so quickly after our ninety days of Lent, the Sacred Paschal
Triduum, and Easter, with a clear reminder that the foundation of all
that we believe as Christians and all that has been revealed to us by
the Lord, has its unshakable foundation in the eternal truth of the One
God, One God in three equal divine persons—the Father and the Son
and the Holy Spirit. We hear this truth so frequently in the prayers of
the Mass. We express this truth with every sign of the Cross. Today
gives us the opportunity to reflect on the greatness of this truth in a
singular way. “We worship one God in the Trinity and the Trinity in
unity! (Athanasian Creed).
All throughout this week the Basilica is host to the Baccalaureate
Masses for many of our archdiocesan Catholic High Schools. The
Baccalaureate Mass gives graduates, their families and friends the
opportunity to thank the Lord for his gifts, especially the gifts of academic talent and of a good Catholic school education. We are proud
of our parishioners who are graduating this year and promise them,
and all our graduates, our prayers as they take the next step in their
The summer season is here with the observance of Memorial Day
just less than a week ago. There is something about summer that allows for a slower pace and the chance for many for a vacation. I suggest that we take advantage of summer to read about the Faith. So
much is readily available to us—especially on-line and to order online. The first thing that I would suggest is to find time to read the
Word of God. Fix a time in your day when you can take a few
minutes to read the Bible and reflect on what the Lord is saying to
you. Perhaps this summer you may choose to prayerfully read one of
the Gospels. In our time we have seen the canonization of more
saints than in any other time of the Church. Pope Saint John Paul II
commented on this saying that genuine holiness is still a possibility in
modern times and we need these new saints for new inspiration. Perhaps you may choose to read the lives of the saints, such as the life of
Pope Saint John Paul II or Saint Gianna Molla, the co-patrons of the
World Meeting of Families. Please take advantage of the materials
on the Lighthouse Media carts at the entrances to the church with
plenty of good Catholic reading and listening.
Next Saturday, June 6, 2015, Archbishop Chaput will ordain twenty-one men as Permanent Deacons here in the Basilica at 10:00 AM.
Let us keep these men in our prayers as they prepare for the Sacrament of Holy Orders. Everyone is welcome to attend the Ordination.
The second collection at Mass next Sunday will be for the support of
our children’s choir, especially as they prepare for their trip to Rome
this coming January 2016. Thank you so very much for all of your
goodness and generosity to the Cathedral Parish in so many ways.
God bless you,
Father Dennis Gill
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The Sanctuary Lamp Candle burns this
week in the Cathedral Basilica for:
Kathryn Mihalek
Request of Margaret Silva
Donations are accepted for intentions for the Sanctuary Lamp in the Basilica and the Cathedral
Chapel. This candle burns perpetually as a reminder that Jesus is truly and really present in the tabernacle. If you wish to make the suggested donation
of fifteen dollars for an intention for a Sanctuary
Lamp, you may contact the Parish Office directly
or place your intention and offering in the collection basket.
Check out our Resource Display Stand
New CDs, books and booklets have just arrived
to help you learn, love, and live your Catholic
Faith, and to share your faith with others. These
resources have been brought to us by Lighthouse
Catholic Media and Stewardship: A Mission of
Faith—two not-for-profit Catholic lay apostolates whose mission is to feed hungry hearts.
They do this by bringing these resources right
into the parish where they will be easily accessible. They offer everything for free to anyone who
needs them, but they do rely on generous donations to bring their mission to more parishes. For
more information visit or
June 1 Choir r ehear sal, Chapel Hall, 7:00 PM
June 1 Hallahan H.S. Bacc. Mass, 11 AM
June 1 Bishop McDevitt Mass, 7 PM
June 2 Car dinal O’Hara H.S. Bacc. Mass
June 2 Augustine’s Brother s, Neumann
Room, 7:00PM
June 3 Char ismatic Pr ayer Gr oup, Neumann
Room, 6:00 PM
June 4 SS. Neuman/Gor etti H.S. Bacc. Mass,
3 PM
June 4 Little Flower H.S. Bacc. Mass, 7 PM
June 4 Choir r ehear sal, Chapel Hall, 7:30 PM
June 5 Roman H.S . Bacc. Mass, 6:30 PM
June 5 Bible Study, Neumann Room, 7 PM
June 6 Deacon Or dination, 10 AM
June 9 Filming of Spanish Mass, Baislica,
6 PM
Chat With Chaput
Young adults are invited for a Q & A with the leader of Philly Catholics, Archbishop
Charles Chaput!
Thursday, June 4 - 7:00 PM
Field House, 1150 Filbert Street, Philadelphia
You can ask questions such as:
- What have you learned about yourself as a member of the Potawatomi tribe?
- Which of the Saints do you pray to regularly or aspire to be like?
- Why did you choose to join the Capuchin order?
- Where is your favorite place to fish?
You can submit your questions to:
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Young Adults
at the Cathedral
Bible Study
New Parishioners
Welcome to the Cathedral Parish!
Next Bible Study: June 5
Please contact the Parish Office for parish registration. One of our parish priests will follow up
to register you in the parish. You may also see
one of the priests after Mass on Sunday to register.
We will be discussing and reflecting on Sunday Mass readings. The Bible Study will be kept
to an hour to honor everyone’s time. Refreshments will be provided. As such, please RSVP by
emailing if
you plan to join us. We look forward to seeing
you there!
If you have new contact information, please call
the Parish Office so that our records can be updated. If you have not been receiving your weekly
offering envelopes, again please call the Parish
Office to insure your address is registered correctly.
First and Third Friday of every month at 7:00 pm
Location: Neumann Room
Parish Office phone number is 215-561-1313.
Archdiocese of Philadelphia
Television Mass
Sundays at 5:30 AM - WPVI-TV, Chanel 6
Friday, June 5, 2015
11:00 AM to 12:00 PM
Cathedral Chapel
This Mass will be rebroadcast each Sunday at the
following times:
9 AM DT-2, Channel 6 digital
10:30 AM, LaSalle University 56
5:00 PM, DT-2, Channel 6 digital
The Most Blessed Sacrament will be exposed
for adoration before the 12:05 PM Mass.
Please come to adore the Lord!
The Sacrament of Penance will be available on
the First Friday of each month,
beginning at 11:00 AM.
vía UNIVISIÓN 65 todos los domingos a las 6:30 a.m.
Please remember these parishioners and friends of the Cathedral Parish in your prayers:
Paula Cohen, Janice Holshin, Vincent Abbruzzese, Lauri Mitchell, Maryann Healy, Darren Gardner, Barbara
Elaine, Nicholas Tiziano, Christopher Browne, Darren Gardner, Laura Emerson, Regina Carberry, Patrisha
Bollinger, Anna Marie Burgio, Jeanine Tingeter, Bobby Mitchell, Shirley King, Thomas Sabol, Doris Davison,
Nancy Tomaszewski, Therese & Bob Black, Robert & Marguerite Grant, Andrés Castillo, Antoinette Gonnella,
Bryon Hoch, Ryley June Nazario, Kim Whybrew, Josephina Bianco, Richard J. Mott, Charlotte McLaughlin, Sheila Kendall,
Shahidah Kendall, Ralph Berarducci, Winifred McKeon, Teddy Beaver, Robert Honish, Molly Sujan, Edward Endrich, Nicole
Carey, Ann Reilly, Mary Ellen Foyle, Bernard Thompson, Larry Ross, Samada family, John DeMelas, Nick Capozio, Linda
Brigandi, Dottie Bianci, Alexia Mervine, Sarah Murnghan, Pauline Cope, Ted Rice, Rita Borsaris, Bernie Brill, Molly Sujan,
Linda Brigandi, Elizabeth Grinder, Joe Capozio, Linda Watson, Michael Roman and those in nursing homes or hospitals and all
the sick. Please call the Parish Office with the name of anyone who is sick, to be included in our prayer list.
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National Catholic
Bible Conference
The Conference is returning to the Archdiocese of
Philadelphia at the Shrine of Our Lady of
Czestochowa in Doylestown, PA. Tis is a mustattend Bible conference of the year. The these of
this year’s conference is “Scripture and the Family
of God.” There you will discover how God is
calling you to do more than just believe in him.
He is calling you to a life-changing and life-giving
relationship with him. You will also learn how
you can live out your calling as a witness to the
Father’s unfailing love for each and every person
in your life.
Registrations are currently being taken. For more
information on the conference and to register,
please visit or call
June 19 & 20
Shrine of Our Lady of Czestochowa
654 Ferry Road
Doylestown, PA
31 de Mayo del 2015
Solemnidad de la Santísima Trinidad
Primera lectura: Deuteronom io 4, 32-34. 39-40. Dios
est presente en toda la creación, y en la historia de la
salvación. Esto obliga a serle fieles. El Cristiano es un
testigo privilegiado de esa presencia amorosa.
Segunda lectura: R om anos 8, 14-17. Pablo nos
recuerda lo más maravilloso y tierno de la fe cristiana:
Dios es Padre. El Espíritu nos capacita para invocarlo:
¡Abbá, Padre!
Evangelio: M ateo 28, 16-20. Jesús se despide de sus
discipulos, enviándolos a la misión que tendrán que
realizar con el poder del Padre, del Hijo y del Espíritu
Santo. Jesús estará con ellos, hasta el fin de la historia.
Readings of the Week
Monday: June 1
Tobit 1:3, 2:1b-8/Psalm 112:1b-2, 3b-6
Mark 12:1-12
Tuesday: June 2
Tobit 2:9-14/Psalm 112:1-2, 7-9
Mark 12:13-17
Our parish Charismatic Prayer
Group meets faithfully each week to join together
for prayer and to intercede with the Lord for many
intentions, including the intentions of the parish.
The Charismatic Prayer Group has now arranged
for a way for us to send to them our requests for
prayer. Simply e-mail your intention and prayer
request to:
The Charismatic Prayer Group meets every
Wednesday at 6 PM in the Neumann Room.
Wednesday: June 3
Tobit 3:1-11a, 16-17a/Psalm 25:2-5ab, 6-7bc, 8-9
Mark 12:18-27
Thursday: June 4
Tobit 6:10-11; 7:1bcde, 9-17; 8:4-9a/Psalm 128:1-5
Mark 12:28-34
Friday: June 5
Tobit 11:5-17/Psalm 146:1b-2, 6c-10
Mark 12:35-37
Saturday: June 6
Tobit 12:1, 5-15, 20/Tobit 13:2, 6efgh, 7-8
Mark 12:38-44
Sunday: June 7
Exodus 24:3-8/Psalm 116:12, 13, 15-18
Hebrews 9:11-15/Mark 14:12-16, 22-26
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Words from Pope
Living Stewardship Now
Short excerpts taken from
Pope Francis’ addresses
and homilies……...
God Grants Strength to Our Weakness
There are no difficulties, trials, or misunderstandings to fear, provided we remain united to God as
branches to the vine, provided we do not lose our
friendship with him, provided we make ever more
room for him in our lives. This is especially so
whenever we feel poor, weak, and sinful, because
God grants strength to our weakness, riches to our
poverty, conversion and forgiveness to our sinfulness.
Basilica Tours
A guided tour of the Basilica is available after the Sunday 11 AM Mass.
Please meet in front of the side altar of
the Sacred Heart, which is to the right
of the Main Altar.
Parish Financial Support
The Financial Support of the Cathedral Parish is
the duty of our parishioners. Here at the Cathedral
Parish we are greatly supported as well by our
many visitors.
This sacrificial offering—which benefits all—is
greatly appreciated. Please consider an increase
to your weekly offering. The operation and
maintenance of the Cathedral Basilica and Parish
is approximately 20,000 dollars a week.
The Offertory Collection for the weekend of
5/24/15 was 7,626 dollars. Additional weekly
income comes to approximately the same amount.
Again, many thanks for your goodness and generosity!
Although Jesus does command his followers to baptize
in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit
(Matthew 28:19), the term “Trinity” is never appears
in scripture. The Church believes that this truth has
been revealed as the worshiping Church pondered its
experience of God. It took three hundred years of such
pondering before the Church declared the doctrine of
the Trinity: the unity of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit as
three persons in one divine Being. It is important to
understand that “person” was traditionally understood
as being in relationship to others. So the three persons
of the Trinity are three in one: distinct, but one in being. As human beings in the likeness of our creator we
cannot “go it alone” without dire consequences. We
are all here to rely on one another, and find increasing
joy in a faithful life.
Living Stewardship Now
How much time do you devote to your community
of faith in worship, prayer, and deeds of love?
How do you express your thanks for what the
community gives to you?
Tithing Online
You can make weekly, monthly or quarterly
contributions or other donations on-line, either
from your personal checking account or a debit/
credit card. Go to our new website: and click on “Make A
Donation” and follow the instructions.
One option is to manually make weekly or
monthly donations or you can have your credit/
debit card or checking account automatically
debited each week/month.
We hope this service will provide convenience
and ease to our parishioners and visitors. Thank
you for your truly generous support during this
difficult financial time and for your continued
commitment to our Parish!
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