REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS FOR ARCHITECTURAL SERVICES Cathedral Church of St. Paul Site, 2 Cherry Street Burlington April 13, 2015 Cathedral Square (CSC) (Consultant) is working with the Cathedral Church of St. Paul and the Episcopal Diocese of Vermont (together, the Owner) on the feasibility of development of the site adjacent to the Cathedral located at 2 Cherry Street in Burlington. The goal of the project is to develop one building comprised of senior housing, program space for the Cathedral, office space for the Diocese and underground parking. Representatives from CSC and Cathedral Church of St Paul’s Advisory Committee (CCSP) will review the proposals and negotiate a contract with the selected firm for the pre-development feasibility and schematic design work with the intent to contract with the selected architect for design development through construction administration phases of the project. Candidates with the most competitive proposals will be interviewed if necessary. Criteria for selection will be based on the following: a. The firm’s experience with mixed use new construction in infill sites with an emphasis on: i. cost-effective and durable design; ii. energy efficiency; b. Experience with publicly funded projects; c. Experience with design of comparable multi-family housing, underground parking, non-profit community space and public services; d. Experience working with multiple Owner’s representatives; e. Experience with permitting under the state Department of Public Safety and current building codes relating to construction of multi-family property; f. Experience with accessibility requirements under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973; Americans with Disabilities Act; and Fair Housing Act Design Requirements; g. Experience with permitting in City of Burlington; h. Experience working with Efficiency Vermont/Burlington Electric Department; i. Experience with green building and certification programs; j. Quality of working drawings and bid documents; k. Clarity in the specifications, and the firm’s commitment to review and revise their boiler plate specifications; l. Experience with construction administration; m. Personnel assigned to the project; n. The firm’s ability to work within the Owner’s time frame; and o. Costs. Description of Site (see attached aerial view): The primary area labeled “A”, totals approximately 27,417 sf, and is the area envisioned for the building due to its location and largest size. The area labeled “B” is currently the Cathedral’s entrance and angled parking and totals approximately 12,087 sf. The area labeled “C” is owned by CSSL Limited Partnership (CSC is General Partner), is approximately 11,898 sf, and is currently CSSL’s parking lot. The design team could include just area “A”, or “A” and one other, or all three areas (“A,” “B” and “C”; totaling 51,402 sf) in its analysis and proposal(s). Please submit a Letter of Intent by April 27, 2015, indicating whether you will be responding to this RFP, and whether you will be attending the optional site visit. The optional site visit will be held at 9:00 AM on April 29, 2015. Questions should be directed to: Proposals are due no later than 4:00 PM on May 13, 2015. The pre-development work will begin immediately with the intent of following a two-phase feasibility scope of work, as described below in the Scope of Work. The selected firm will choose one primary contact person from the pre-development phase through the completion of construction administration. The architect must consult with the Owner’s representatives in all matters relating to site layout, design, project cost, materials, quality control, change orders, and other issues impacting the cost and quality of construction. In coordination with the Owner, the project architect will solicit bids for engineering services, specifically: Civil, Structural, Electrical, Mechanical and Fire Protection. All consultants will have contracts with the Architect. We will execute a form of AIA B101-2007 as amended by the Owner as the contract between Architect and Owner. The Owner will retain final approval of all decisions including the selection of project consultants, engineers, cost estimator and general contractor. The Owner reserves the right to decline any and all proposals. Brief Project Description: CSC and CCSP wish to explore the development capacity of the land adjacent to the Cathedral Church of St. Paul at 2 Cherry Street. Specifically, CSC and CCSP are interested in the development of 35-50 senior housing units, program space for the Cathedral, office space for the Diocese, and maximum underground and other on-site parking. CSC and CCSP seek to work with an architect on the feasibility study (Phase I) and if the concept proves feasible, continue to work on the final product (Phase II). Once Phase I has been completed, the Owner will decide whether or not to move into Phase II of the work. Financing Funding sources for this project have not been secured. We anticipate that the project will be funded by the Vermont Housing & Conservation Board, the Community development Block Grant Program, the HOME Program, Burlington Housing Trust Fund, and federal Low Income Housing Tax Credits. Financing commitments are likely to take 12-18 months. Other Requirements The selected architect will be required to sign the Architect’s Certification forms from the Vermont Housing & Conservation Board and the Vermont Housing Finance Agency, and the Vermont Department of Fire Safety Accessibility compliance forms. The selected architect will be required to provide professional liability insurance coverage on this project with an annual aggregate of $2,000,000, and $1,000,000 per occurrence coverage. The Scope of Work to include: The selected architect will be expected to begin work on this project immediately. 2 Phase I: Perform field visit(s) to the site to become familiar with existing conditions, topography and surrounding neighborhood Investigate and survey the subsurface conditions (utilities, etc.) which could impact development on the site (enlist engineering as needed) Review the zoning ordinance to inform the development capacity and constraints of the site Meet with CSC and CCSP to discuss Owner’s goals and vision Based on zoning and site conditions analysis, assist CSC and CCSP in understanding how many senior housing units, how much program space for the Cathedral and office space for the Diocese, and how much underground and other on-site parking can be developed on this site Produce several design scenarios including schematic drawings, illustrating how the Owner’s goals can be achieved Meet with CSC and CCSP to review the design scenarios and relative costs of each The Phase I work product will include a site conditions report including information on topography and subsurface conditions, a zoning analysis, and several design scenarios including preliminary drawings to assist the owner in understanding what is achievable on this site. Phase I work should be completed by September 15, 2015. Phase II Based on the work of Phase I, the Owner will decide whether to continue to Phase II to further define the Cathedral Project. Phase II work will include: Prepare a scope of work and outline specifications. Prepare a preliminary permit review. Attend 4 meetings with Owner, to review existing conditions, discuss program, permit requirements, and preliminary layouts; confirm project scope, schedule and preliminary budgets. Prepare schematic drawings of units and buildings. Prepare a schematic site plan. Prepare and distribute meeting minutes notes based on these design meetings with the Owner. Identify permit requirements. Prepare outline specification and provide information for a preliminary construction cost estimate. The Owner will contract separately with a cost estimator. Phase II work should be completed by January, 25, 2016. Design Development: If we have success in obtaining initial funding requests, we expect to extend the contract with the selected Architect for the design development, construction documents, bidding and negotiation, and contract administration phase. Attend 5 meetings with Owner, other consultants, funders and regulators to refine design and resolve conflicts. Solicit and obtain proposals from mechanical, electrical, civil, fire protection and structural engineers to be reviewed by both the architect and the Owner. Architect and Owner will select engineers for the project; the engineers will have a subcontract with the Architect. 3 Obtain all necessary permits. o Prepare a complete code and permit review. o Obtain a preliminary code opinion from the City of Burlington Code Enforcement Office and DFS if applicable. o Produce drawings and information for local and state regulators, as required, including site plan; typical floor plans and building elevations. o Complete required local permit applications & attend 4 local hearings If Act 250 is applicable, assist the civil engineer in the completion of the Act 250 application; the civil engineer will take the lead role in Act 250 as well as state waste water, water and storm water permits. The architect will be expected to attend one Act 250 hearing. o Meet with public officials to review plans and to resolve design and permit issues. Refine and revise the design including further development of structural, mechanical, electrical and apartment improvements. Work closely with engineers and consultants to coordinate site and building designs. Work closely with owner’s historic, energy and environmental consultants to assure those issues are addressed in the design and planning. Produce plans and specifications for review by the Owners. The architect should expect to have 3 design review meetings with the Owner and project design team. Construction Documents and Construction Administration: Meetings with Owner as required to review plans and resolve issues. Review and incorporate into final plans and specs, energy-related building improvements, as recommended by Efficiency Vermont and other energy-related funding sources. Prepare final construction drawings and specifications that the Owner will use to solicit competitive pricing from general contractors for the project. o These plans and specifications will be complete and detailed, coordinating all components of the project to include: site plan, civil & structural engineering, architecture, and mechanical, fire protection and electrical systems. Between 50% and 80% completion of construction drawings, the architect will provide information to the Owner’s cost estimator for a revised cost estimate. Prepare Burlington permit applications for submission by the Owner. The Owner would like to submit plans to the City for approval one full month before going out to bid. Bidding and Negotiations: The architect will be expected to: Distribute bid documents to contractors. Facilitate a pre-bid walk-through with contractors Respond to general contractor inquiries and issue addenda through the bid phase. Be available by phone and e-mail to answer questions from bidders during the bid phase. Assist Owner in evaluating bids and preparation of construction contract agreement with general contractor. Assist Owner in contract negotiations, as requested. Construction Administration: Work to include, but not be limited to: Complete construction oversight reviewing the general contractor’s work and problem solving. Coordinate with consultants to resolve problems in a timely manner. Coordinate and attend one site visit and one job meeting per week, conducted on the same day; 4 Prepare and distribute typed meeting minutes. Review all material and equipment submittals and shop drawings. Provide clarification sketches and respond to Requests for Information (RFIs) as needed. Review all change requests and change orders with supporting documentation for Owner’s approval. Review and certify contractor requisitions for payment. Preparation and distribution of punch lists. Conduct final inspection of work. Preparation and certification of certificate of substantial completion. Obtain certificates of occupancy for the building. Conduct one-year warranty inspection. Prepare and distribute list of warranty items to be corrected by general contractor. Preliminary Project Schedule: Letter of Intent Due: Optional site visit: Deadline for Response to RFP: Contract Award Date: Complete pre-development Phase I: Complete pre-development Phase II: 4 PM on Monday April 27, 2015 9 AM on Wednesday, April 29, 2015 4 PM on Wednesday, May 13, 2015 Friday, May 22, 2015 Tuesday, September 15, 2015 Monday, January 25, 2016 Please direct all questions to Cindy Reid, CSC, 859-8805, Equal Employment Opportunity CSC is dedicated to the principles of equal employment opportunity in any term, condition or privilege of employment. We do not discriminate on the basis of age, race, sex, color, religion, national origin, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, gender identity, or any other status protected by state or local law. This policy applies to all employees and non-employees such as customers, clients, vendors, contractors, subcontractors and consultants. The procured contractor(s), its successors and assigns and its consultant(s) and subcontractor(s) under this solicitation will not be considered an employee of CSC. CSC intends to utilize federal funding sources for this project and will make positive efforts to utilize small businesses, minority owned businesses, and women owned businesses as required in 24 CFR, 84.44. CSC encourages minority and women owned businesses, small, locally owned businesses and Section 3 businesses to submit qualifications. 5 CATHEDRAL PROJECT PROPOSAL SUBMISSION REQUIREMENTS ARCHITECTURAL SERVICES April 13, 2015 Proposal Submission Requirements: Letter of interest including key personnel in your firm who would be working on this project, and the design experience of those individuals on projects of similar nature. Firm resume and brochure, including photos and descriptions of relevant completed projects. Describe related site planning experience. (If this has previously been submitted to us, it is not necessary to resubmit this information). Three references of recent completed projects. Not-to-exceed price for all pre-development Phase I and Phase II services related to this project. Please separate the pricing for each phase. Include a not-to-exceed price for reimbursables and percentage mark-ups for consultants. Schedule of hourly rates for additional services during the pre-development design phase for principal(s), associates, drafters, etc. Provide a percentage-based fee for full architectural services including the following design phases: o o o o Design Development Construction Documents Bidding and Negotiation Construction Administration The percentage will be based on the cost of construction as determined in the cost estimate of the schematic design in Phase II of the pre-development work. Professional liability insurance coverage with an annual aggregate of $2,000,000 and $1,000,000 per occurrence will be required if we move forward with the AIA contract for design services. Please provide proof of insurance. Indicate your firm’s availability for start-up, and commencement and completion dates. Please submit two original proposals to: Cindy Reid Cathedral Square Corporation 412 Farrell Street, Suite 100 South Burlington, VT 05403 Proposals are due no later than 4 PM on May 13, 2015. Faxed proposals will not be accepted. Electronic proposals may be accepted with a hard copy to follow. END OF RFP 6 68.6 9' 47 ' (66) (61-63) 58 's (60) 8'R OW 48 .5 ' STREET (53-55) (56) (57-59) 163. 75' 56 .5 ' (52) (49) 36.5' 45 .0 8' (45) 71 .1 7' 75.2 5'd 42 .5' 51's 49 .5 ' (32) (31) 50 ' 45 ' (27) 12 ' 14.9 ' 96 ' (23) 41 .5 's 38' 6.5 ' 15 .7 5' (40) 6x64.75 'RO W 64 .9' 71 .6' 87 .06' 56 .7 5' 53's 43'd 43'd 71' 65'd 71's 62.6' 42 .5' 42 .5' (70) (67) (65) 36's 94' 51's 94' 33 .5 ' 33 .5 ' (74) (71) 47 ' 32.04' 51' 51' 125'd 133 's (19) 50 ' 71.9 1' GEORGE 85'p 18 5'd 18 9. 50 ' (3) 98 ' 98.0 3' 131.5' (13) 21' 40.00' 90.00' Abutting town parcel boundary Parcel boundary Public Road ROW 332.5s 336'd Private road ROW (83) Parcel boundary coincident with surface water Railroad 69.2' 103.5' 103.5' Grid500_poly (symbology) 34's 140' (6) Lake Champlain shoreline Burlington_Breakwater 98's 163's 148's (20) 33' Map Printed: Oct 8, 2014 010 012 69.2' 165' 83's 38.5's 43.6' (76) (70) (50) 013 69.2' 104.5's 43.22' 61.85' PINE 33.37' (28) (27) (33) 51.35' 011 38.5's 20-3 21-1 20-4 21-2 21-4 22-2 22-4 07-2 07-4 23-1 23-3 24-1 24-3 25-1 25-3 23-2 23-4 24-2 24-4 25-2 25-4 01-2 01-4 26-3 27-1 27-3 28-1 28-3 29-1 29-3 02-1 02-3 26-4 27-2 27-4 28-2 28-4 29-2 29-4 02-2 02-4 03-2 03-4 30-3 31-1 31-3 32-1 32-3 33-1 33-3 34-1 34-3 04-1 04-3 35-1 32-4 33-2 33-4 34-2 34-4 04-2 04-4 35-2 36-3 37-1 37-3 38-1 38-3 39-1 39-3 40-1 36-4 37-2 37-4 38-2 38-4 39-2 39-4 40-2 40-4 41-2 41-4 05-3 43-1 43-3 44-1 44-3 45-1 45-3 46-1 46-3 47-1 43-4 44-2 44-4 45-2 45-4 46-2 46-4 47-2 08-3 49-1 49-3 50-1 50-3 51-1 51-3 08-4 49-2 49-4 50-2 50-4 51-2 51-4 53-1 53-3 54-1 54-3 55-1 52-4 53-2 53-4 54-2 54-4 55-2 56-3 57-1 57-3 58-1 58-3 06-1 56-2 56-4 57-2 57-4 58-2 58-4 06-2 59-1 59-3 60-1 60-3 60-2 60-4 104.5's (23) 9.3' 43.2 2' 30-4 399.29' 41.66' 23.6 9' 43.3 3' 004 033 399. 54' 248. 03' 298.50 ' 139.32 ' 014-003 49.7 1' Town Boundary 16 2's 162's 65's Private or utility ROW coincident with Parcel boundary 07-1 27.4 6' 014-001 09-2 17.67 014-002 .3 7' 280.78 ' 252.37' 30 65.00' 83.58' 39.2 1' STREET 29.01' 6.41' 16.0 7' 11 7.01' 111.36 ' 24.7 3' 21.84' 295. 7' 104. 20' REVISED & REPRINTED BY 298.56' 174.30' 176.00 ' ) 144 004 This is NOT a survey. The information contained on this map is used to locate, identify and inventory parcels of land in the City of Burlington, VT for reference purposes only. This map was prepared for listing and reference purposes and is NOT to be used for legal description, conveyance, current or former occupation or determination of legal title Map information is believed to be accurate but accuracy is not guaranteed. 12.6 3' 182. 72' 273.85' 332.78 ' 99' (86 354.24' . 174 143 137 259. 00' 96' E LAK ' 800 165.08' 47' 42's 168. 5's 51' 51' (16) (12) 132'd 101.30' 007 47.65' 47.65' 51.35' 86.7' 99' 20x120 'electric RO W 85.5' 164.44' 12.7 5' 17.67 119.81' 008 163.01 ' 28' 2) 101.38' 1' 167.9 Unknown 185.44' 30.6 8' . 302 (10 ' 64.56 46.87' 36' 66'd 61' 66'd 28' 66'd 78' (131) (127) (125) (117) MAP 050-1 (109) 61.2 5'd 3.51' Utility easement or ROW Boundary between separate parcels with the same owner 024 MAP 049-3 102.37' 120 Private ROW 140.50' 68.00' 2' 41.2 2' 47 ' 87' 31.1 8' 58' 58' (22) STREET (1) 132'd 133's 81.25' 2' 83.4 4' 37.8 (35 CHERRY ST) 40' 40' 009 57.00' 003 Easement bnd (86) (67) 147 119.52' Subdivision or Condo Unit # Subdivision bnd 48's 98's 85.5' 137.25 ' (45) 258.64' 46.35' 200 Feet 107. 53' ) (112 (41) 150 Lot #, as shown on the parcel 45.0 0' 457.85' 16 7. 85 ' 14 0. 83 ' 172.5' 214. 88' ' 06' CHERRY 145 006 40' 142.6' (25) 69.6 3' MAP 049-1 94' 94' (27) (23) (17) 15.00' 346.67' 258.34' 350.54' 5.3' 9.12' 6' 62.5 80.5 028 100 Parcel hooks 53' (77) 225' 50 Parcel number structure: 053-4-079-000 STREET 146 0 Legend 88's (78) 85.5' (16) (2) 66.64' 114 Map-block #, as shown on map title above 35' 027 115.1' 138.00' 198.55' 20 ' 47 .68' 81.25' 11' EET STR . 774 19.18' 025 35' ' . 293 B A 15 1. 14 ' 1 inch = 50 feet 5 0 's 99.47' 119 164.53' 2' 115' 44.5 3' 260.00' .00 005 41 .7 2' 113 86 's 89 .5'd 023 STREET 43.5' 348's 0 14 004 C 7' (11) 90' 198' 116.60' 140' BATTERY 88.33' 72.93' 140' ' 026 140' 66.00' .5 74 6.16' 182.11' 9 13. 5' R OW 99'd 117 4.5' 58's 4' 002 48.5 2' 20 'ROW 48.5 ' 40.0 0' (67) 115' 45' 164.00 ' 30.95' 89.7' 5' .7 33 21.01' 50 .34' 136.5' 54' (64) (58) 115 57.00' 128.63 ' 3 3. 58' 112 79 .80' 118 54.23' 30.42' 30.00' (59) (39) 5' 34.6 15 0' (32) (20) 337.45 ' 97 .6 8' 60 's 96's 60' 37' 38' 83.07' 214. 5' 214.5' 100' 100' 81' 81' 116' 116' 92.5 5' 12'ROW 10' 90.4' © 111 33.26' 16.0 0' 021 51.5' 40' 92' 148' 33.25' 022 41.25' 020 110 99 ' 116 138' MAP 044-2 42' 15 0' 53's 11.00' 32' 40' 41's 63.25' 23.99' 019 065 57.5' 63.02' 21.84' 066 6' 41.5'd 39's 40' 33.14' 92' 018 068 60's 41.25' 41.2 5' 51' 132' (10) NORTH 134. 85'p 133's 134.8 5'p 117's 117's 119.05'p 15.8' 52' 61 .6 4' JOHNSON 174' 174' 157. 27' 62' 62' 83' 9x83 ROW 60.70' 51.5' 41.2 5' 069 57.5' 067 44' 10 7' 60.5' 41.5 ' City of Burlington, Vermont 151' 109 72.5' (81) 054 05535' 38.5' 69's 20 ' RO W 104 43' STREET 118.01' 001 064 (77) 47.5' 38.5' 67 's 43 ' Tax Parcel Maps Revision 2014 36 .8' 33.37' (16) 62' 62' 45.2' 45.2 ' (24) (21) (15) 148' 6 11 0's 61.85' (10) 117's (25) (21rear) 65' 65' 64' 070 132' 122 174. 9d 181s 50' 40' 35' MAP 045-2 (8) 017 55' 36 .8' 105 108 (80) (73) 45.5's 63's 132' 19' 10' 016 071 41's 91.1' PEARL 213.01' 71.88' 70.5 ' (30) (29) 41' 40d 42s 40d4 2s 073 148' 26.12' 116.2' 34.7 4' 34.8 0' 015 38.5' 38.5' 36.0 2' 36.0 ' 35.9 7' 38.5' 10'x141.24'ROW ' 136 (8) 90.7 2' 27.41' 141.24' 35.5 3' 5 9.2 27 (6) 65's 62.7 5' 25' 35' 136 35.2 0' (12) 35' 27.5' 77.5' (10) 123 074 17.24' 50' 77.5' 103 (72) (69) 48.2' 63.3' 072 89's 30' 16.5 ' 50' 11.58' 165.5' 245.85' MAP 044-2 123 89' 134 38.5' 218.18' 40.8 4' 177.56' 35's 40.8 4' 133 101 102 74.2 8' (65) (69) 151' 10 8' 063 (67) 99.63' 32.22' PARK (16) (22) 177.56' 136 ROW 64.4' 80' 099 74's 62' (61) (55) 42's 90' 85'd 89's 89'd 48' 090 089 (58) (52) (48) (38) 125 83's 36' 54' 50' 135 126 82.6 ' 82.6 ' 94' 94' 128 42' 132 42' 129 94' 35' 127 89's 85'd 62' 54.4' 39.95' 64.15' 84' 088 39 .5' 97.43' 100 74's 091 50' 50' 059 098 106 69's 74's 092 90' 33' 060 84' 85' 88.7 5'p 36' 54' 48' 60' 60' 72's 75' 82.5' 82.5 ' 33' (40) 1.5' 062 33' STREET 41' 50' 130 45' (26) 35' 52' 131 52' (28) 028 52' 573's 45' (25) (19) (15) 37' 175's 175' 119's 105' 105' 7.5's 59'(s) (52) CHAMPLAIN 061 64's 075 087 107 59' 9' 62' (51) (9) 093 (48) (44) (41) 132' (30) (24) 16.85' 095 73.4 'p 38' 61.6 7' (58) 43.25 STREET (51) (45) 52.7 5' 60.5 's 90.5' 10'x54'ROW 11.5 'x70 'ROW 61.53' 61.5 ' 61.5 ' (62) 61 .53' (65) (57) 80' 11.5' 076 097 20 ' 54.5's MONROE (7) 094 56.0 8' 82.5' 44.5 ' 051 76.5 's 114.5's 113's 113' 113' 113' 52.7 5' 052 55' 11.5 ' 55' (18) (12) 51'(s) 52 .75' 90.5 ' 050 48.33' 61' 93.5' (67) 47.3 ' 47's 38' 38' 53 .5 ' 131.5'd 31' ' 049 119's 66' 47.3 ' 58's 59'p 68.2 2' 80' 127's 29' 048 084 20' 077 096 62' 62' 14's 132' 053 53's 083 62' 82.5 'd 50' 48's 45' 13.5' 225' 30' 054 24 STREET 047 35.5's 61' 16' 055 31' 12 ' (42) 058 31' 36's 55's 17' 31' 112.7' 39' 628' 056 21' 19.2 5' ROW 96 .5 ' 17' 62.5' 50 .25' 057 110. 82' (46) 047.1 082 29.5 's 078 086 085 26' 76.5 ' 14 ' 22' 33.3 1' 081 080 132' 54.7 ' 39 .5' 33 ' 58' 33' 72' 31' 31' 82.5' 50' 57.75' 35.25' 079 STREET (87) 12' 22.5' (88) (81) (77) (73) 50' 60' 80' 80' 80' SHERMAN (44) 125'd 131.5's (84) (80) (78) (74) 039 28' 35' 35' 41' 86' 037 036 038 29' 76.5 ' 132's 28' 27.85 (21) (19) (15) (13) (61) (45) (37) (27) (25) MAP 045-1 STREET PERU STREET PERU (9) (34) (66) (62) (58) (54) (52) (46) 33' 33' 33.7 5' 65.2 5' 44.4 ' 39' (32) (28) (24) (20) (16) (14) (10) 43' 40'd 46's 43.3 3' 23's 30' 44' 74.5 ' 132'd 35' 35' 82' 82' (58) 044 68.75' 38' 38' 43' 43' 52' 52' 19'p 041 72'd 040 99' 86' STREET 72'd 8' 43' 42' (66) 035 50' 321 70'd 72's 53 .8 1' 106' 70.5' 70.5' 034 308 MAP 044-3 59' (65) 043 (63) 046 43' 41.5 43' 155' 68.75' (38) SHERMAN 042 106' 68.75' 031 68.5' 045 (70) 68.75' 033 032 31 .8 6' (71) 137' 030 66.22' 106' 37' 37' 42.6' (18) 42.6 ' 337 68.5' 207 7's 165' 278 7' .6 86 MAP 044-1 140.2'
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