Crossroads Clips Crossroads Quilt Guild May 2011

Crossroads Clips
May 2011
Crossroads Quilt Guild
President: Carrie Franklin
Secretary: Cheryl Milton
Treasurer: Janie Moore
Newsletter: Sandy Kusuda
Hospitality: Laurie Walston
Membership: Lora Arledge
Charity/Service Projects: Betty Sampson
Special Events: Angie Trenchik
Website: Connie Lofley
Vice Presidents:
Amanda Pitman &
Diane Mackowski
Donation/Raffle: Jan Morales-Hill
Challenge Quilt:Sue Swank
Historian & Outreach: Nancy Lowery
Properties/Librarian: Joy McNutt
Sunshine: Ginnie Adams
Next meeting will be held Thursday, May 12 at 6:30 pm
St. Christopher’s Episcopal Church
Carrie’s Corner
Things are still moving along in the guild. May is here and the May program is set up for
the whole guild to participate in a fun evening of fellowship and getting to know other
members we don’t have a chance to sit next to.
There are several opportunities to step forward and get involved. Nancy L. needs to step
down from Outreach and the guild will be looking for a committee head for that. Please
see Nancy L. for what is involved. Membership needs a chairperson also. See Lora A. for
details on that opportunity.
The quilts have been sent to Japan. Total weight of quilts sent from Crossroads was 67
pounds of compassion! This is a great group!
Magical Stitches (Linda and Lynn/guild members) generously sent me an email about 15 minutes after i sent
out the request for a machinist in the group via email. The donated machine is being looked after by Magical
Stitches. A thank you goes out to Magical Stitches for taking this on!
By the way as it looks right now I will not be in town for the May guild meeting. Amanda will be running things
in my place. Unless the baby decides to arrive early. Cheryl Milton graciously said she would step up and
keep things running smoothly. Thank you Amanda and Cheryl.
June 4 - 5 the Birmingham Quilters Guild is sponsoring Quiltfest 2011 in Birmingham, Alabama. Web site .
May Sew-Ins:
3 May Tuesday St Christopher’s 10 - until Caryn H.
14 May Saturday St. Christopher’s 10 - 5 Carrie F.
28 May Saturday St. Christopher’s 10 - 5 Carrie F.
As opportunities arise its is amazing to see the generosity of the guild. The guild is a made up of like minded
people who enjoy the art of quilting as a creative outlet. Sharing our talents, such as our lessons learned.
Those lessons learned the hard way of course. Wanting to see others succeed in their journey to become
accomplished quilters is another great attribute of Crossroads. This group is a great group of quilters!
From Our Vice Presidents:
May will be strip poker, the theme: Batiks. After the game Jan Morales-Hill will demonstrate an easy
quilt pattern in which you can use your winnings.
For those who wish to participate you will need 27 strips of quilting cotton Batik that are 2-1/2” wide, 44”
WOF. Sign in, get a ticket, and turn in 2 strips of fabric at the door. When we are ready to play you will
choose a table to begin at, 4 to 8 players at each table and 1 dealer. You will need to separate your
remaining 25 strips into groups of five. We will play 5 hands at a table, and play at 5 different tables
(for a total of 25 hands). To begin, you will place a group of 5 strips on the table in front of you, choose
1 for the pot. The dealer will deal one card face up to each player, announcing cards as they are dealt.
High card chooses 1 strip from the pot, next highest chooses, etc. Duplicates will be dealt a second
card to determine high card between them. We will repeat this process until the 5th hand, in which high
card takes the whole pot. Be sure to mix up your group when changing tables to enhance your fabric
choices and fellowship opportunities. Door prizes for the least amount won, second least amount won,
and for the ticket drawing. (If you are interested in being a dealer, please contact me (Amanda) by April
19th; 213-8380.)
In June Angie Trenchik will lecture on Art Quilting techniques. We have a one day quilt retreat scheduled
for July 15th at the Sunday Best Quilt Shop in Ellerslie; cost will be around $60. And July 16th presents
us with an opportunity to take a toothbrush rug class here in town. There will be sign up sheets for those
who may be interested in these two events at this month’s meeting with more information to follow.
I am spreading sunshine by sending
out cards to anyone in the Guild
who has been sick or has had a loss
in the family. Please write out the
guild members name along with the
concerns and submit to me.
Ginnie Adams, Sunshine Committee
From your newsletter editor:
I would like to express my sincere apologies for
the delays in the publication of the newsletter
as of late. There have been numerous computer
issues as well as some other hangups that have
caused problems with the production. I hope
that most of these issues have been resolved
and your newsletter will be delivered in a more
timely manner. I would ask that you update
your newsletter delivery information at the May
meeting (email or snail mail address). Thank you.
BY Cheryl Milton
Baby Lock Grace $400.00
Less than two years old!
Already had one yearly service.
Lightweight= great machine for class.
Works like a dream, only selling because
I upgraded before the Baby Lock price
increase May 1st.
Price Includes walking foot and ¼ “ piecing
Check out all the features at www.babylock.
Cash Only.
If purchased by a guild member Magical
Stitches will provide free instruction on
how to use this wonderful machine.
Secretary’s Report
Minutes for Apr. 14, 2011 Crossroads Quilt Guild Meeting:
submitted by Cheryl Milton
Meeting was called to order at 6:30 p.m.
Lora Arledge requests a replacement for Membership chair.
The April sew ins will be April 16th and 30th.
President Franklin announced that the Board passed a motion to grant lifetime free membership to the five
charter members of the guild.
Betty Sampson showed the wall organizer. Betty also requested help at the April 16th sew in to sew labels
on the quilts to be donated to Japan.
Amanda Pittman announced that we will play strip poker at the May meeting. The theme is Batiks. Any
members who don’t want to participate can serve as dealers. Also, Jan Morales-Hill will demonstrate a strip
cut quilt.
July 15, 2011- Sunday’s Best Quilt Shop will host a one day retreat for our members. More details and
signup to be announced.
Signup is available for the rug class to be held on July 16, 2011.
Laurie Walston needs additional signups for hostesses to finish out the year.
Nancy Lowery is compiling a notebook with all the minutes of the meetings from the inception of the guild.
Sharon Tallet had a computer crash. Therefore, she is requesting that all those who entered quilts in the quilt
show resubmit your name to earn beads.
ConnieLofley is requesting that all members sign up and use the website. Connie will hide something on
the site and if you find it you will win a prize. Pleases e-mail her at if you
find it.
Jan Morales-Hill asked all members who are working on raffle blocks to turn them in.
Angela Trenchik announced that the Houston Arts Aliance will be held on May 1, 2011 from 12-4p.m. at the
Macon State Warner Robins campus. The guild will be doing hands on activities for children. Angela needs
a pop up canopy if anyone has one to loan. Angela is also asking for volunteers.
Peggy Ellington has prepared a power point presentation of all the quilts submitted to the show. She will
burn a CD for all entrants. She bought her jump drive and asked all entrants to check to make sure their
quilt was included.
Lisa McNeil announced that she wants to open a quilt shop. She requested suggestions and investors.
Lora Arledge gave a quilt show critique. Everything did what they said they would do so the show was a
success. A box was also set up for the membership to submit written critiques.
Angelia Trenchik made signup sheets for the next show in 2013. The committees are:
Show co-chairs, Tickets, Publicity, Printed Materials, Donation Quilts, Raffle Baskets and Sponsors,
Demonstrations-Classes-Hostessing, Check-In/Check-out, Floor Plan / Hanging System, Show Setup/Take
Down, Ribbons, Vendors, Boutique, Special Exhibits.
Angelia asked all current committee chairs to make a list of information to pass on to the next committee
AQS –Paducah has directions on its website for putting sleeves on quilts.
Show and TellCheryl Milton – Brights and white pinwheel twin quilt, Faye Schnable – small whole cloth quilt, Susan
Belflower – stars full quilt, Jan Morales-Hill – Mystery of the Sierra Madre – small quilt, Barbara Wendell
– 6 quilts – various sizes, Ginnie Adams – bed size green quilt, BJ Worsley – Large Tote, Lorayne Hotte
– twin quilt, Patrice Burke – Kaleidoscope queen quilt, Jonanne Ford – Baby Rag quilt, Quinnie Bundrick
– Bed size quilt, Sheril Green – Red, White and Blue queen quilt and black and white queen quilt, Victoria
Rondeau – Blue King, Military twin and wall hanging, Sharon Skillen and Janie Moore – Baby quilt , Char
Steffen – book mark
The Meeting was adjourned at 9:00p.m.
Treasurer’s Report
March 2011
Beginning balance:
1 Membership
No Raffle for Mar. meeting
No Name Tag “rental”
Maria Peagler class (5 people signed up)
Sew-ins (2/11/11 & 2/26/11)
Total income (before quilt show):
Quilt Show totals:
Raffle Quilt
Raffle Baskets
Total Quilt Show income (not including boutique):
Total income:
St. Christopher’s for meetings
Lora Arledge - Quilt Show
City of Perry - Quilt Show
Maria Peagler
Vendor Lunches (quilt show)
B & V Printing
Total expenditures:
Ending balance:
Submitted by: Janie Moore
Hostesses for May:
Patrice Burke, Connie Lofley, Mary Young, Grace Hill and Dottie Deffenbaugh.jani
Ranger Cookies
1C Brown sugar
1C white granulated sugar
1C butter or margarine
2 eggs
2C Self-rising Flour
2C oatmeal
2C nuts, chopped
2C Rice Krispies
Thanks to the hard-working committees, we actually
made money on the show!
$2,089.60 (odd amount due to
purchase from cash box of toilet paper.)
Raffle Quilt
Raffle Baskets 450.00
Total Income: 3,313.55
Cream sugar and butter/marg. Add eggs, flour, and
oatmeal. Mix in nuts and rice krispies. Drop onto
greased cookie sheet and bake for 12 minute at 350
degrees. Let stand 1 min. after you take them out of
oven, then place on rack to cool.
Makes approximately 4 - 5 dozen cookies.
2,237.51 (May be additional)
submitted by Nancy Hursey
1,076.04 (conditional)
A new challenge began in January the theme is black and white + one.
Again I have picked up some paint
chips (40 of them). You will pick two,
maybe three, out of the bag and keep
only your choice of one additional
color for your black and white + one
quilt. This quilt can be any pattern
and needs to be at least a baby quilt
size. I will be sitting across from the
and picking out of my bag is
first come, first served. So sign up
early. I still have some color samples
for anyone wanting to participate in
the black and white + one challenge.
This challenge began in january and
will end in July. See you there. -Sue
Happy Birthday
to you!
12 - Patrice Burke
12 - Caroline Little
30 - Faye Simpson
15 - Sharon Skillen
24 - Angie Allison
16 - Ada Blackwell
7 - Victoria Stewart
24 - Susan Gero
3 - Sue Swank
18 - Mary Young
Congratulations to our Winners - Crossroads Quilt Guild’s Middle Georgia Quilt Show, “Pieces
of My Heart” March 11-14, 2011
Large Pieced Quilt:
1st Place – Phyllis Windham “Grandmothers Fans and
2nd Place – Faye Simpson “Grandma’s Flower
3rd Place – Victoria Rondeau “Turtles”
4th Place – Quinnie Bundrick “Blooming Nine Patch”
Medium Pieced Quilt:
1st Place – BJ Worsley “The Fish Quilt”
2nd Place – Monica Brady “Kitty Stars”
3rd Place – Sharon Funderburk “Morning Glory
4th Place – Linda Hennessey “Batik Gone Crazy”
Small Pieced Quilt:
1st Place – Janie Moore “Jeweled Forest”
2nd Place – Nancy Hursey “Cats in My Garden”
3rd Place – Melissa Miller “Star Flowers”
4th Place – BJ Worsley “My Favorite Star”
Large Appliquéd Quilt:
1st Place – Faye Schnable “Southern Heritage”
2nd Place – Angie Allison “As the Crow Flies”
3rd Place – Faye Schnable “Wonder of It All”
4th Place – Faye Schnable “Veggie Cats”
Medium Appliquéd Quilt:
1st Place – BJ Worsley “Monkeys”
2nd Place – Sandra Gilreath “Hartwell Commons”
3rd Place – Sandra Gilreath “Pleasures of
Pomegranates and Poinsettias”
4th Place – Sharon Funderburk “Spring is in the Air”
Miniature Quilt:
1st Place – Char Steffen “Sampler”
2nd Place – Char Steffen “Wash Day”
3rd Place – Angie Trenchik “No Two are Alike”
4th Place – Char Steffen “Ginger Jars”
Other Technique Quilt:
1st Place – Victoria Rondeau “The Final Bow”
2nd Place – Faye Simpson “YoYo”
3rd Place – Char Steffen “Crazy Quilt”
4th Place – Char Steffen “Christmas YoYos”
Collaborative Quilt:
1st Place – Faye Schnable “Full Bloom”
2nd Place – Laurie Walston, Sandy Kusuda, Sheril
Green, Diane Mackowski and Sue Swank “Heart”
3rd Place – Susan and Rich Bialac “Green
4th Place – Laurie Walston and Kate Busbee “God’s
Word and Blessing for Kaitlyn”
Young Quiltmaker’s Quilt:
1st Place – Carly Schnable “Boy’s Live”
2nd Place – Kate Shim “Butterflies”
Home Fashion:
1st Place – Angelia Ulrich “Floral Table Runner and 4
Place Mats”
2nd Place – Angelia Ulrich “Easter Flowers”
Viewers Choice:
Sandra Gilreath - “Hartwell Commons”
Small Appliquéd Quilt:
1st Place – Kristy Schumacher “Cat in the Garden”
2nd Place – Janice Morales-Hill “Flowers for My
3rd Place – Janie Moore “Joy to the World”
4th Place – Char Steffen “Blue Hawaii”
Best Long Arm Quilting:
Angie Allison’s “As theCrow Flies” quilted by Regina
Art Quilt:
1st Place – Angie Trenchik “Mind’s Eye”
2nd Place – Ethel Bill “Blue Ridge”
3rd Place – Sandra Gilreath “A Tree Grows in
4th Place – Sharon Funderburk “Fisherman’s Bend”
Best Hand Quilting:
Monica Brady – “Kitty Stars”
Best Home Machine Quilting:
Sandra Gilreath - “Hartwell Commons”
Best of Show:
Phyllis Windham – “Grandmother’s Fans and
Look what we did!
Getting ready for the quilt show
The grand entrance
A little fun
Challenge quilts
Quilts of Valor
Magical Stitches