Annual Catonsville Flower Fest & Garden Party Sunday, May 3, 2015 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Village of Catonsville, Egges Lane Flowers * Artists & Crafters * Music * Food Business & Civic Group Application Presented by: For more information, call 410-744-4169. Visit our website at 4th Annual Catonsville Flower Fest & Garden Party Presented by the Greater Catonsville Chamber of Commerce, 924 Frederick Road, Catonsville, MD 21228, 410-744-4169 The Festival will be held from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. on Egges Lane, in the heart of Catonsville (Exit #13, ½ mile west of the I-695 Beltway) Rules and Regulations General Rules: 1. 2. The Festival will be open from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. on Sunday, May 3, 2015. Items offered for sale by craft vendors must be individually produced by the vendor. There can be no product changes or product line additions after an application is filed. 3. Craft vendors must ensure that the photo submitted includes a representative sample of the type of items to be displayed. We try not to assign vendors with similar items in close proximity to one another. 4. Spaces will be assigned with due consideration to exhibitors’ specific requests; however, the Chamber of Commerce reserves the right to make final space assignments. Exhibitors may not permit other Exhibitors to use their space, or any part thereof, without express written permission of the Greater Catonsville Chamber of Commerce. 5. Exhibitors must provide their own method of display, including table(s) and standard tents or canopies. 6. If an Exhibitor fails to occupy the space contracted for by the end of the scheduled set-up, or fails to comply in any other respect with the terms of this agreement, the Chamber of Commerce shall have the right to use such space in any other manner without releasing the Exhibitor from paying the registration fee based on the date of postmark. 7. Exhibitors should bring their confirmation letters on the day of the Festival and must display vendor-parking passes on their vehicle dashboards for entrance to the grounds and parking lot. 8. The Exhibitor absolves the Greater Catonsville Chamber of Commerce, their officers, directors, employees, and agents of all responsibility for the protection of Exhibitor spaces, contents, and vehicles. 9. Exhibitors may begin selling their items at 10:00 a.m. and MUST stop sales at 3:00 p.m. 10. The Festival will proceed rain or shine. The Chamber of Commerce assumes no responsibility for exhibits. 11. No pets, roller blades, scooters, skateboards, or bicycles, please. Exhibitor Space Dimensions: 1. 2. 3. Single space size is 10’ wide x 10’ deep. Tents/canopies must back up to the curb and protrude into the street no further than 10’. Exhibitors must remain within the confines of their spaces. No soliciting is allowed outside of the designated space. Setup and Removal of Exhibit: 1) Egges Lane will be closed to the public beginning at 6:00 a.m. on the day of the festival, at which time exhibitors may begin to set up their exhibits. Exhibitors will be sent by e-mail a designated arrival time. We request that you adhere to this time schedule to help us avoid traffic congestion on Egges Lane and help maintain a smooth drop off and set-up system. Vehicles must be removed from the street as soon as they are unloaded; 8:00 a.m. at the latest. 2) All exhibitors must remove their exhibits from Egges Lane by 4:15 p.m. Exhibitors must clean up their spaces before leaving. 3) Egges Lane will reopen to the public at 6:00 p.m. Traffic and Parking: Only vehicles with vendor parking passes will be permitted to park on the designated lot. Vehicles without parking passes must park on the side streets even if they are accompanying vendors. Exhibitors may not park in spaces reserved for area businesses. Any vehicle parked improperly is subject to be ticketed and towed. Sales and Use Tax Regulations: All Exhibitors required to collect Maryland State Sales Tax must take care of their obligations. For specific information, please contact: Maryland Sales & Use Tax Division Special Events Sections- Room 201 301 West Preston Street, Baltimore, MD 21201 410-767-6961 Page 1 Catonsville Flower Fest & Garden Party, May 3, 2015 Space # Business & Civic Group Registration Form Exhibitor Fees for 2015, NO REFUNDS once application is processed: Completed application sent by March 13 2015, cost per booth is $100.00 NO applications will be accepted after April 13, 2015. Supplied by Festival Committee NO application will be processed unless it includes the following: 1) Completed application form 2) Certificate of insurance for 1 million dollars of property damage and bodily injury. 3) Exhibitor’s FEE (see above) This application and payment can be processed online through the Chamber’s website at, click events OR mailed to: The Greater Catonsville Chamber of Commerce, 924 Frederick Road, Catonsville, MD 21228 For more information: E-mail: Phone: 410-744-4169. PLEASE PRINT or TYPE: Name: ____________________________Company Name: __________________________Type of product being sold:______________________ Sales and Use Tax ID Number: ____________ Address: ____________________________________________City/State/Zip: ________________ E-Mail: _______________________________________________ Telephone: ________________________ Fax_________________ MUST COMPLETE: Insurance Information Agent______________ Phone #_____________________ Expiration date of policy:___________________ Total Number of Exhibitor Spaces, each space 10’w x 10’d_____________ Total Space Cost: $ ____________ make check payable to Greater Catonsville Chamber of Commerce (GCCC) By signing this form, you have COMPLETED this application and INCLUDED all the necessary items (see list above) for your application to be processed and you have READ and AGREE to abide by the rules and regulations of the Flower Fest on page 1 of this form. Signature: _______________________________________________ Page 2 924 Frederick Road Catonsville, MD 21228
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