Everything you need to know about the new Scarborough and

Everything you need to
know about the new
Scarborough and Ryedale
Urgent Care Service
Introduc on
About the new service
On 1 April 2015 we are opening a new, 24-hour
urgent care service which is set to benefit
thousands of pa ents living across the
Scarborough and Ryedale area.
The urgent care service will be provided from
two urgent care centres, one located with the
emergency department at Scarborough Hospital
and one located at Malton Hospital, where the
Minor Injuries Unit (MIU) is currently. Home
visits will also be provided to pa ents where
The service, which replaces the exis ng Minor
Injuries Unit (MIU) at Malton Hospital, GP outof-hours service and the walk-in service at Castle
Health Centre, has been developed over the last
18 months by NHS Scarborough and Ryedale
Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) and based
on extensive consulta on with local residents
and clinicians. A procurement for the new
service concluded in October 2014 which
confirmed Northern Doctors Urgent Care, part of
the Vocare Group, as the new provider of the
The best way for pa ents to access the service is
by calling '111'. If they require urgent care, a
same-day appointment will be
made for them to visit their
nearest urgent care
centre. Alterna vely,
pa ents can go
The best way to
directly to one of the
access this service
centres and wait to be
is by calling ‘111'
This newsle er explains everything you need to
know about the new service.
What is urgent care?
Urgent care is for illnesses and injuries that need
immediate a en on, but are not lifethreatening. This could include things like
suspected broken bones and sprains, minor
burns, rashes and cuts.
By redesigning the way urgent care is provided,
we hope to make it simpler for residents and
visitors to the area to know which health service
to access for different needs and ul mately help
them to access the right care, first me.
When to use the service
You should access our new urgent care service if
you have an illness or injury that cannot wait for
an appointment with your GP, but is not lifethreatening.
The urgent care service should not be used as an
alterna ve for seeking advice and treatment
from your own GP – it is for urgent problems
that cannot wait.
Opening hours of the service
The urgent care service can be accessed 24
hours a day, 365 days a year by making a sameday appointment through '111'. Accessing the
service through '111', rather than just turning up
at one of the urgent care centres, will reduce the
me you have to wait at the centre to be seen.
For pa ents who choose not to book an
appointment through '111', the urgent care
centre in Malton is open from 9am to 8pm,
seven days per week. The centre in Scarborough
is open 24 hours per day, seven days per week.
Ge ng to the urgent care
The urgent care centres are located at
Scarborough Hospital and Malton Hospital:
Scarborough Hospital
Woodlands Drive
YO12 6QL
Malton Hospital
Middlecave Road
YO17 7NG
Both hospitals are located on bus routes and
both have ample parking facili es. Pa ents
accessing the urgent care centres do not have to
pay for car parking.
Castle Health Centre walk-in
Please be aware the walk-in service provided at
Castle Health Centre in Scarborough will no
longer be open from 1 April 2015.
Anyone needing urgent care should access the
new urgent care service by calling '111'.
How is the new service being
We have promoted the new service as part our
'right care, first me' campaign. This has
included an eight-week radio and newspaper
adver sing campaign as well as posters and
leaflets available in all local
pharmacies and GP
Prac ces. We have also been
promo ng the campaign on
a daily basis through Twi er.
If you would like copies of
any of our promo onal
materials please email:
How will the service be
developed further once it's
We are commi ed to working with users of the
new service once it opens to ensure it con nues
to meet the needs of local pa ents. We will do
this by giving people who have used the service
the opportunity to share their experiences to
help us make improvements.
Where can I find out more
informa on?
For the latest news about the new urgent care
service and other ini a ves we are working on,
please visit our website:
If you have a specific ques on about the service,
please contact us through the website or write
to: NHS Scarborough and Ryedale Clinical
Commissioning Group, Scarborough Town Hall,
York House, St Nicholas Street, Scarborough,
YO11 2HG.
If you would like to keep informed of the latest
developments with our CCG, why not join our
virtual engagement network 'The Loop'?
You can find out more on our website.