Company Captain: Mike Colbeck 11 Candler Street, Scarborough YO12 7DF T: 01723 372668 M: 07733 067088 12th February 2015 Dear Parent/Member, New Minibus Fundraising Quiz As you will be aware, we have recently launched our new campaign to raise money towards a new minibus. The Parents and Friends Committee has been busy planning events and also applying for funding to various Companies and Trusts, however we also believe that as they will be the people who see the most benefit from the bus it is important that the lads are involved in raising some of the money we need. With this in mind we are enlisting the help of our members, parents and friends in selling a Fundraising Quiz which we have put together. Each quiz sheet costs £1 and we have sent out 5 per family. Once they have sold these 5 sheets, they can ask for more at the reception desk on a Thursday evening. Also any money raised should be handed in to Mike on a Thursday evening too. The closing date for entries is 19th March and we will issue the answers to the quiz on our website at shortly after this date. If any member is unable to sell 5 quizzes we would ask that they return the sheets so that we can sell them elsewhere. We are always looking for new ideas to raise the money we need for a new bus and with this in mind, we would like to invite any parents to come to an open meeting on Monday 9th March at 7pm at Queen Street to discuss any ideas or to offer any support to our committee. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me. Yours sincerely, Kirsty Colbeck Parent and Friends Committee Chairman th The Boys’ Brigade, 5 Scarborough is part of and meets at Queen Street Methodist Central Hall, Queen Street, Scarborough, YO11 1HQ. Please visit our website at for full information regarding the Company. Our Object: The advancement of Christ’s kingdom among Boys and the promotion of habits of obedience, reverence, discipline, self respect and all that tends towards a true Christian Manliness The Boys’ Brigade (Incorporated), a Company No. 145122 limited by guarantee. Registered Office: Felden Lodge, Hemel Hempstead, HP3 0BL. Patron: H M The Queen. Charity registration No. 305969. VAT Registration No 226 5444 67
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