The Boys’ Brigade Northern Ireland Headquarters Newport, 117 Culcavey Road, Hillsborough, Co. Down, BT26 6HH Tel: 028 926 88 444 Email: QUEEN’S BADGE RESIDENTIAL COURSES 2014/15 Cost £65.00 (Cheque payable to NIHQ) Dates and Venues 13th - 15th February 2015 (Rathmore House) 27th February - 1st March 2015 (Rathmore House) 13th - 15th March 2015 (Rathmore House) 27th - 29th March 2015 (Rathmore House) 24th - 26th April 2015 (Rathmore House) 26th - 28th June 2015 (Rathmore House) Joint Skills/Residential Notes Maximum of 5 Candidates per Company per Course You must participate fully in a Completion Residential: (a) no earlier than the session equivalent to Year 13 (b) not less than 12 months from the date of registration, and (c) not less than 6 months from the completion of Skills for Queen’s Badge training. Additional Notes Registrations will only be accepted by receipt of completed record book, form, and payment. Extra Forms may be photocopied. Please complete relevant consent form. If 1st choice course is fully booked at time registration is received, Candidate will be notified that they have been allocated their 2nd choice course Terms and Conditions Withdrawal, including transfer to another course, less than 8 days prior to commencement of a course will result in the loss of 100% of the course fee. Withdrawal, including transfer to another course, 8-14 days prior to commencement of a course will result in the loss of 75% of the course fee. Withdrawal, including transfer to another course, 15-28 days prior to commencement of a course will result in the loss of 50% of the course fee. Please Enclose – Registration Form Consent Form Completed QB Record Book Course Fee FOR NIHQ USE: Date received Receipt Number The Boys’ Brigade Northern Ireland Headquarters Newport, 117 Culcavey Road, Hillsborough, Co. Down, BT26 6HH Tel: 028 926 88 444 Email: QUEEN’S BADGE RESIDENTIAL COURSES 2013/14 Registration Form Course Applied for: 1st Choice: 2nd Choice: Candidate Name Date of Birth / / Company Address (Incl. Postcode) Telephone Landline Mobile Email Address Date of Registration for Queen’s Badge (stamped in Record Book) / / I enclose £ _______ being the appropriate fee Signed: _______________________________ (COMPANY CAPTAIN) Tel. No. __________________ Email Address ____________________________________ FOR NIHQ USE: Date received Receipt Number The Boys’ Brigade Northern Ireland Headquarters Newport, 117 Culcavey Road, Hillsborough, Co. Down, BT26 6HH Tel: 028 926 88 444 Email: CONSENT FORM PART A (To be completed by Company Captain/Official) Company/Battalion/District: Northern Ireland District Activity or Event: Queen’s Badge Residential Venue: Rathmore House, Larne BT40 1DZ Dates: ________________________________________________________ Officer in Charge: N.I.D. Training & Programme Officer Contact Telephone Number: 07727994074 It is advised that parents/guardians make a note of the above details. PART B (To be completed by the Parent/Guardian) Full name of member: ___________________________________________________ Date of birth: _______________________ ___________________________ PERMISSION I give my permission for _______________________________ (child’s name) to attend and take part in activities which may include Sporting Activities, Drill, Church Parade or Visit to Local Leisure Centre. I understand that in the event of any illness or accident, every effort will be made to contact me, but if this is not possible, I authorise any Leader to sign on my behalf, any written form of consent required by medical authorities. MEDICAL DETAILS Name and address of young person’s Doctor: _______________________________________ _______________________ Doctor’s Telephone Number: ____________________________ National Health Service Number: __________________________ Details of medicine/diet/treatment which is being taken/followed (including any medication needed whilst at the event/activity): ________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Details of known allergies/sensitivities (e.g. penicillin): _________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ My child has/has not* been immunised against tetanus within the last five years. (*Delete as appropriate) During the time your child will spend with us, photographs may be taken for general Boys’ Brigade purposes and for this we need your permission. On signing this form we will assume you have given permission for your child’s photograph to be taken unless otherwise informed. PARENT/GUARDIAN CONTACT DETAILS (for use during the event/activity) Address: ______________________________________________________________________ Telephone: (home) _________________________ (mobile) ____________________________ Alternative Contact (name and telephone number): ____________________________________ Signed: __________________________________ (Parent/Guardian) Date: ________________ The Boys’ Brigade is registered under the Data Protection Acts. Any parent may request a copy of relevant information by the Company/Battalion/District and enquiries should be directed to Brigade Headquarters. FOR NIHQ held USE: Date received Receipt Number
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