9 November 2014 We welcome all visitors to our services and hope that our time of Worship and Fellowship together will be an inspiration and blessing to us all. We would be honoured if you would sign the Visitor’s Book in the porch before leaving. Readings am Psalm 46 v 1-11 570 This morning we welcome the pm 1 Peter 1 v 6-9 1217 Larne Remembrance Parade. 11.00 amPrayer meeting 11.30 am Morning Worship: Rev G Glasgow. 6.00 pm Prayer meeting 6.30 pm Evening Worship: Rev G Glasgow 7.45 pm SNAC Today Monday 10 November 6.00 pm The Boys’ Brigade 6.30 pm Meeting of the Finance Committee 7.00 pm Property Committee 7.30 pm Congregational Committee Tuesday 11 November 10.30 am Parents, Toddlers & Friends 7.30 pm Choir Practice 7.30 pm Indoor Bowling Club Wednesday/Thursday 12/13 November Home Bible Study Groups Thursday 13 November 10.30 am Men’s Fellowship 6.00 pm Girls’ Brigade Friday 14 November 7.00 pm Youth Club Saturday 15 November 7.30 pm Ceilidh to be held in Gardenmore Halls. It will be led by Herbie and Ella Mawhinney and a light supper will be served. This is a night of fun for all the family. Please plan to keep this night free and encourage your family and friends to come along. Any donations given on the night will go to support the work of our local CAP Centre in Larne. If anyone would be interested in helping to provide sandwiches/ traybakes or helping to serve the supper for the Ceilidh evening would they please speak to Mrs Sharon Farquhar as soon as possible. Sunday 16 November 10.30 am First practice of the Junior Praise Group. It is important that all members attend. 11.00 am Prayer Meeting 11.30 am Morning Worship: Rev G Glasgow Enrolment of our Boys’ Brigade and Girls’ Brigade companies. 5.15 pm A Coach has been booked and will be leaving the church car park at 5.15 pm to go to Margaret Robertson’s Induction Service in Elmwood Presbyterian Church, Lisburn. If you would like to travel on the coach please sign your name on the sheet in the vestibule today. Cost: £6 per adult, £3 per child under 16. 6.30 pm Margaret’s Induction service in Elmwood Presbyterian Church, Lisburn Monday 17 November 6-7 pm Minister’s Surgery in the Minister’s room 8.00 pm Meeting of the PW Thursday 20 November 10.00 am Busy Hands Wednesday 26 November 2.00 pm Friends Together KEYS Margaret used her Deaconess key to open up the halls for a number of organisations. Now that she is gone we need a couple more keys. This is also an opportunity to update our list of keyholders which must be available for insurance purposes. It is possible that one or two members of the congregation were at one time keyholders for an organisation. They may no longer have that responsibilty, but still have a key. This could date back a number of years. Please have a think and if you do indeed have a key, return it to me. These keys are expensive to cut and we do need to try and keep the number in circulation as small as possible. Billy Burns, Congregational Secretary CHRISTMAS NEWSLETTER 2014 It is not intended to produce the Christmas Newsletter in its usual form. Instead an ‘advertisement’ sheet will be included in the December envelopes giving details of any events being held over the Christmas period. If your organisation wants to include anything on this sheet please let Sarah know no later than Sunday 23 November. Advance Notices The Belfast Community Gospel Choir are coming to Larne on Saturday 29th November. Tickets are £10 and will be available from local Churches and Larne Tourist Information Centre (028 2826 0088). Early booking is advised. Venue: Larne High School (Entrance by Sallagh Park where there is car parking space). The African Children’s Choir will be holding “An African Christmas with Friends” in the Waterfront Hall, Belfast on 11 December 2014 at 7.30 pm. IRISH MISSION CALENDARS 2015 These are now available in the vestibule from Ivan Thompson, price £3.50 each. Why not purchase one to send to a friend abroad, it will be greatly appreciated. Ivan will be happy to take phone orders at 07833 524 804 Church Library The library in the church halls will be always open. Feel free to have a browse and help yourself to a book. The church website can be found at www.gardenmorechurch.org Worshipping Jesus - Following Jesus - Sharing Jesus
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