Congregation Beth Ahm Red, White & You Annual Gala Event April 26 at 5:30 p.m. An evening of wine, food and fun that you don’t want to miss! Call 248-851-6880 to purchase your tickets! SPRING 2015 What’s Inside? Shabbat on the Hillel Playground Page 3 Sisterhood Rummage Sale Page 4 Shabbat with Chancellor Eisen SHAVUOT SCHEDULE & SERVICE TIMES Page 7 Birthdays & Anniversaries Page 8 Join us as we celebrate the giving of the Torah to the Jewish people. Everyone welcome! Refreshments will be provided. We will start at 8:00 p.m. with Shabbat Minha followed by a variety of teachers at our Tikun including Professor Howard Lupovitch, Rabbi Rubenstein, and several Beth Ahm members. We will break from our learning for Maariv at 10:00 p.m. For the night owls, our Tikun will finish at approximately 1:00 a.m. Calendar of Events Page 9 Creating the Jewish Future Page 10 Sunday, May 24 Shaharit 9:30 a.m. Minha 7:00 p.m. Jews on the Small Screen with Howard Lupovitch Page 11 Tikun Leil Shavuot Saturday May 23 Monday, May 25 Shaharit 9:30 a.m. We will also chant The Book of Ruth prior to the Torah service Yizkor approximately 11:00 a.m. Minha 7:00 p.m. In Loving Memory BIG ENOUGH TO ENRICH YOU. SMALL ENOUGH TO KNOW YOU. Spring 2015 XXXVIII No. 4 Nisan - Iyar - Sivan - Tammuz 5775 Page 17 B’nai Mitzvah Zachary Evan Rones will become a Bar Mitzvah on April 25, 2015. Zachary is the son of Debbie Rones and Todd Rones and brother to Brandon Rones. Proud grandparents are Larry and Marcia Brown and Rona Rones. Zach is a student at Hillel Day School. He enjoys basketball, NASCAR, watching sports and spending time with his friends. For his mitzvah project he has been involved with JARC. Jonah Ariel Singman will become a Bar Mitzvah on May 2, 2015. Jonah is the son of Jorge and Beth Singman and brother to Leah and Noah. Proud grandparents are Dr. Ernesto (z’l) and Tita Singman and Dr. Harold (z’l) and Evelyn Plotnick. Jonah is a student at Berkshire Middle School. He enjoys travel, science, politics, progressive rock, Israeli music, tennis and golf. For his mitzvah project Jonah comes to Beth Ahm Sunday morning minyan and puts on tefillin. Isaac Gabriel Smith will become a Bar Mitzvah on May 9, 2015. Isaac is the son of Shari Wenokur Smith and Fredric Smith, and is the brother of Alec and Hunter Ramsay-Smith. Proud grandparents are Dotty and Arthur Smith and Arlene and Larry Wenokur. Isaac is a student at Orchard Lake Middle School. He enjoys science, sports and singing. For his mitzvah project he has been volunteering with Kids Kicking Cancer and helping to prepare baskets for Yad Ezra. Jonah Samuel Cohen will become a Bar Mitzvah on June 6, 2015. Jonah is the son of Ted and Julie Cohen. Proud grandparents are Edie and Dan Sklar, Shirley Cohen and Larry Cohen. Jonah is a student at Anderson Middle School. He enjoys music, playing drums, riding the subway and hanging out with his friends. For his mitzvah project he will be visiting residents at Colville Assisted Living Apartments with his standard poodle Cesar. BIG Join Rabbi Steven Rubenstein for: A Welcome to our Newest Members Tot Shabbat at 10:45 a.m. Parents and/or grandparents are invited to attend with their pre-schoolers! Wendy Robins Birthday Shabbat Kids will join us for end of service in the main sanctuary to receive a special blessing and gift during their birthday month. Carri, Adam, and Olivia Riemer April 18: Tot Shabbat and Birthday Shabbat May 16: Birthday Shabbat May 24: Tot Shabbat Shavuot Edition June 13: Tot Shabbat and Birthday Shabbat RSVP to Rabbi Rubenstein at 248-851-6880 ext. 17 or 2 Youth & Family Pirkei Avot for Teens With Dahlia Schwartz April 18, 25 and May 2 at 11:00 a.m. A lively discussion for teens and older tweens: Around 2000 years ago, the most learned rabbis gave advice on everything from what sort of people you should hang out with to the most important values for living your life. Can their advice help us to live in today’s world? What do we do with religious texts that today seem outdated? Together, we’ll discuss, debate, and decide how relevant this ancient advice is for us today. Questions? Contact Rabbi Rubenstein at Healthy Body, Healthy World May 7 at 6:00 p.m. Join us as we celebrate Lag B’Omer with a delicious vegetarian meal. Learn about home gardening, organic farming, and how healthy eating helps to maintain a health world. There is no charge to attend but advanced registration is required. For more information or to register, contact Elissa Berg at 248-851-6880 or Sponsored by the Nadis Family Fund. Shabbat on the Hillel Playground May 15 at 6:00 p.m. Join your Beth Ahm and Hillel Day School friends for a ‘kid friendly’ Shabbat experience. Meet on the Hillel Day School playground and bring a dairy or pareve dinner. Challah, grape juice, dessert and fun will be provided! There is no charge but advanced reservations are encouraged. Contact Elissa Berg at 248-851-6880 or to register or with questions. Rain??? No problem, we’ll meet inside in the Hillel merkaz. Youth Shabbat May 30 beginning at 9:30 a.m. Bring the family to Shabbat services and stay for lunch! All of our young people, pre-school through high school will be leading us in services. Childcare will be available for pre-school through kindergarten aged children. There will also be a family program presented by the Ramah fellows during the Torah service for K-5th graders at approximately 10:30 a.m. There is no charge for lunch but advanced registration is encouraged. Contact Elissa Berg at 248-851-6880 or to register or with questions. Purim Fun! 3 Men’s Club & Sisterhood Parasha and Pizza with Rabbi Rubenstein Three Part Minyan Learn Series – Women of the Bible Open to the community, all welcome - $7 per person per learning session 5:45 p.m. - Pizza and salad in Goodman Hall followed by learning with Rabbi Rubenstein 7:00 p.m. - Minha in the Tauber Family Chapel (about 15 minutes) Payment by check (made payable to Congregation Beth Ahm Men’s Club) or cash can be made at the door. No credit cards. Please share this invitation with anyone you think might like to attend! Contact Jerry Zabel by April 21 for reservations at 248-521-1090 or Part One: Tuesday, April 28: The Shunamite and Elisha The Shunamite woman’s dedication to the prophet Elisha takes several dramatic turns over the course of many years. Her independence and strength teach us not only about her as an individual but also open up questions about the role of women in public society in ancient Israel. Part Two -Tuesday, May 26: Tamar’s Deception Telling the truth may be the best policy, but the Tanakh contains several stories in which deception is used by a weaker party to obtain results. We’ll explore Tamar’s deception of Judah, the danger involved, and her ultimate triumph. Part Three - June 30: Rahav in Jericho Before the ‘walls came tumbling down’, two Israelite spies encounter Rahav, a non-Jewish prostitute within the walls of Jericho. Is it true dedication or opportunism that has her side with the Israelites? Jewish tradition will trace her story long after the Battle of Jericho. Let’s Do Lunch with the Men’s Club April 21 and May 19 Come join Rabbi Rubenstein and the Men’s Club of Beth Ahm at Noon at Jerusalem Pizza in the West Bloomfield JCC for a chance to meet, greet and eat with the group. Please confirm your attendance (RSVP’s a must) by contacting Pat Ritchie at 248-285-1480 or Book Talk and Lunch in the Teen Lounge Thursday, May 14 at 7:30 p.m. Debra Darvick will review “The Boston Girl” by Anita Diamont (author of “The Red Tent”) The cost is $5 per person. For more information, or to RSVP, contact Shelley Shindler at 248-417-8000 or 4 Men’s Club Tigers Game Detroit vs. Boston Sunday, August 9 at 1:00 p.m. Carpool at 11:30am from Beth Ahm parking lot to the game. Tickets are $25 for Men’s Club members and $30 for non-members. RSVP’s and payments must be in by July 17 and made payable to the Beth Ahm Men’s Club. Please RSVP to Steve Davidson at 248-363-5537 or Sisterhood Rummage Sale Sundays, August 2 & 9 from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mondays, August 3 & 10 from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Rummage (rŭm′ĭj): Clothing, housewares, linen, toys, sporting goods, art, books and more... Make spring cleaning a mitzvah by donating your rummage to the Sisterhood. Donated items will be accepted Monday through Friday starting May 18 between the hours of 9:00 a.m and noon. Contact Karen Davidson at with questions. Volunteers are also needed before, during, and after the sale. Interested? Contact Marni Foster Lupovitch at Minyan Matters Message from the President An Invitation To Experience Shabbat Minha - All Welcome! Dear friends, I’d like to invite you to join us for a weekly service with which many are unfamiliar: Shabbat minha (afternoon). Now that we are back on Daylight Savings Time, we are davening Shabbat minha at 5 p.m. on Saturdays. I would like to encourage you to consider joining Rabbi Rubenstein, Howie Lupovitch, me, and our other Shabbat afternoon regulars, to experience Shabbat minha, perhaps for the very first time – a beautiful service with its own unique prayer melody (nusah) and ambience. For those who are not already familiar with Shabbat minha: it begins with Ashrei and Hatzi Kaddish, followed by a brief Torah service (consisting of the first aliyah from next week’s Torah portion, divided into three aliyot), the Amidah (individually and then repeated by the person leading the service), Aleinu and Mourner’s Kaddish. At the conclusion of the Shabbat minha Torah service, before the Torah is returned to the ark, we recite the special memorial prayer “El Malei Rahamim” for any yahrzeit which is being observed that day Drop In and Learn on DVD or during the coming week, if a yahrzeit observer is present. This can be especially important for those who have yahrzeit during the week Wednesdays at 1 p.m. in the Teen Lounge but are not able to attend an early morning minyan service on the Free and open to the community actual day of the yahrzeit. no reservations needed, all welcome Shabbat minha runs about 30 minutes. Following minha Rabbi Spring - Summer Schedule will include: Rubenstein leads a brief Torah study session (less than 5 minutes) “The Story of the Jews” with Simon Schama in lieu of ma’ariv, followed by a reading of the yahrzeit names for the (5-part series shown on PBS) coming day; then mourners, those observing yahrzeit, and anyone else who wishes to participate stand to recite kaddish derabbanan “Jerusalem” with Ray Suarez (2-part series shown on PBS) (the kaddish for Torah study). “Hollywood and the Jews” with Professor Howard Lupovitch I hope many will take the opportunity to be part of our Shabbat minha (4-part series presented at Beth Ahm in July 2014) kehilla at Beth Ahm this spring and over the summer. As always, I “Jewish Philosophy Matters” with Professor Howard Lupovitch welcome hearing from you with any questions, comments or (4-part seriespresented at Beth Ahm in January 2015) suggestions you might have. Please feel free to contact me! Kol tuv, all the best Nancy Kaplan Ritual Assistant 248-737-1931 Facebook: Nancy Federman Kaplan Shabbat Times Candlelighting April 3 - 7:44 p.m. April 10 - 7:51 p.m. April 17 - 7:59 p.m. April 24 - 8:07 p.m. May 1 - 8:15 p.m. May 8 - 8:23 p.m. May 15 - 8:30 p.m. May 22 - 8:37 p.m. May 29 - 8:44 p.m. June 5 - 8:49 p.m. June 12 - 8:53 p.m. June 19 - 8:56 p.m. June 26 - 8:57 p.m. Lectures by Scholars at the Shalom Hartman Institute in Jerusalem Each week’s session includes informal discussion facilitated by Nancy Kaplan. For more information contact Nancy at 248-737-1931 or or visit Service Times Shabbat ends Daily Minyan* April 11 - 8:55 p.m. Friday: 7 a.m. & 6 p.m. April 4 - 8:46 p.m. April 18 - 9:03 p.m. April 25 - 9:12 p.m. May 2 - 9:21 p.m. May 9 - 9:30 p.m. May 16 - 9:39 p.m. May 23 - 9:47 p.m. May 30- 9:55 p.m. June 6 - 10:01 p.m. June 13 - 10:05 p.m. June 20 - 10:08 p.m. Monday – Thursday: 7 a.m. & 7 p.m. Sunday & Major Legal Holidays: 9 a.m. & 5 p.m. * Weekday morning minyan starts at 6:45 a.m. on Rosh Hodesh (Sunday & Monday, April 19 & 20, Tuesday, May 19, Wednesday & Thursday, June 17 & 18) Shabbat Services Kabbalat Shabbat & Ma’ariv – Friday 6 p.m. Shabbat Morning – Saturday 9:30 a.m. Shabbat Minha Minha 5:00 p.m. June 27 - 10:09 p.m. 5 Synagogue News TIKKUN OLAM SOCIAL ACTION TEAM (TOSAT) – Dedicated to Improving the World Having just celebrated Pesach, we remember the privileges that freedom brings like being with family and friends, and of course good food. We also remember those less fortunate in our community. A big thank you to everyone who sent a Passover donation to Yad Ezra. We support this essential agency throughout the year with our appeals for cash donations, donations of food and the delivery of groceries to their clients who are unable to come to the agency themselves. Many thanks to our recent volunteers: Nancy and Jeff Adler, Sharon Kapit, Beverly Fradis and Hadas Bernard. TOSAT is also proud to have made a donation to the Experiencia Preparatory Academy in Detroit to purchase books at Bookstock. This past year congregant Risha Ring has been acting director of this charter school that primarily serves disadvantaged children. Our donation supports “one of our own”, a school in great need of books, and Bookstock. Debi King 248-224-5773 Agenda for the Day! 7:00 a.m. Run for Israel Registration Opens 8:00 a.m. Run for Israel Start 11:00 a.m. WFI Programs begin/Open to the public 12:30 p.m. Free Kosher Lunch from Jerusalem Pizza (New Start Time!) 1:30 p.m. Walk begins (New Start Time!) The Run & Walk for Israel take place at Temple Shir Shalom, which is located on the corner of Walnut Lake Road and Orchard Lake Road in West Bloomfield. We Extend our Condolences to: Ilene & Henry Rubin and Family on the passing of their niece Barbara “Bobbie” Gavorin. Judy Vine, Sandra Vine-Sirlin and Family on the passing of their father and grandfather Charles Rader. The Family of Meyer Blackman on his passing. Steven (Cara) Schafer and Family on the passing of his father Herbert Racklin. Roz Winer and Family on the passing of her brother Harold Patrick. Deborah (Richard) Warsh and Family on the passing of their mother Paula Urbach. Marsha Lynn and Family on the passing of her husband Jerry Lynn. The Family of Grace Naftaly on her passing. Raye Dinnerstein and Family on the passing of her brother Joe Metzger. Premier catering for all your needs Dish Kosher Cuisine Located at: Congregation Beth Ahm 5075 W. Maple Road West Bloomfield, MI 48322 248.539.8825 f-248.539.1745 FULLSERVICE • CARRY-OUT • OR YOUR CHOICE OF LOCATION Vaad Certified 6 Synagogue News Mazal Tov and Yasher Koach to: Murphy Ealy and Family on the birth of his grandson Eviare Lee Ealy. Marisa & Dr. Gary Lakind and Family on the birth of their son Masada Lakind. Ila & Leslie Schonberg and Family on the birth of their granddaughter Nina Abigail Schonberg. Lisa & Brian Gates and Family on the birth of their son Caleb Adam Gates. Havurah-Style Shabbat Dinner Friday, May 15 Would you be interested in being part of an informal group that prepares a light vegetarian dinner to enjoy on Friday night following 6:00 p.m. services at Beth Ahm? Dinner will be held in Goodman Hall, so space is limited. $10 per person, $5 for ages 5 to 12, No charge for children under 5 or $36 per household. To RSVP, contact Alison Blau at 248-851-6880 or Questions? Contact Nancy Kaplan at 248-737-1931 or Save the date! Friday, June 12 at Adat Shalom. Beth Ahm and Adat Shalom Synagogue invite you to celebrate Shabbat with Chancellor Arnold Eisen of The Jewish Theological Seminary. Kabbalat Shabbat services will begin at 6:00 p.m. followed by dinner and a conversation with Chancellor Eisen at approximately 8:00 p.m. More information about the dinner, registration details, and Chancellor Eisen’s presentation will be available soon. Learn To Read Hebrew Want a confident retirement? Call Al Sasson at Ameriprise Financial at 248.865.2006 or email at AL SASSON, CRPC® Financial Advisor Vice President 32255 Northwestern Hwy Ste 200 Farmington Hills, MI 48334 248.855.5000 al.sasson Ameriprise Financial Services, Inc. Member FINRA and SIPC. Confident Retirement is not a guarantee of future financial results. © 2014 Ameriprise Financial, Inc. All rights reserved. (1/14) Hebrew This class for beginners will Literacy get you on102 the path to Tuesday nightswith 7:30 8:30 p.m. reading Hebrew--starting the– Aleph-Bet. Seven sessions beginning April 28 Instructor: Elissa Berg Know the Hebrew alef-bet but need practice reading? This class is for you. We’ll improve our reading capabilities in a fun and Everyone welcome - Open to the Community interactive way. Tuition is $30. Contact Elissa Berg at 248-851-6880 or to register or with questions. Class Sessions 7 Tuesday Nights Jan 20, 27 Feb 3, 10, 17, 24 March 3 Learn To Read Hebrew 7:30-8:30pm TuitionThis - $30 class for beginners will get you on the path to reading Hebrew--starting with the Aleph-Bet. To register, call 248-851-6880 or email Instructor: Elissa Berg For questions or if you are interested in add’l opportunities to learn Hebrew, please contact Rabbi Rubenstein - 7 Birthdays & Anniversaries April Birthdays 1 1 3 4 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 9 10 10 10 11 11 11 11 12 12 Lisa Chaben Emily Sitron Debra Lebovic Richard Wolk Venera Collins Emily Hersch Belle Hornung Manuela User Howard Manela Steven Schafer Terri Stearn Reemone Chudnow Kendall Hornung Maynard Kalef Robert Kleinberg Janice LeWitt Levi Rothberger Eitan Cisneros Lev Eisenberg Zachary Rones Bruce Skolnik Emery Weiss Joshua Davidson Joyce Herman Leslie Kohn Elana Burnstein Herbert Kaufman Barbara Schnipper Barbara Traison Paul Kales Elizabeth Manela 12 13 13 13 13 14 14 14 15 15 15 15 15 16 16 16 17 17 18 18 19 19 19 20 21 21 21 22 23 23 24 Ari Rubenstein Manny Glazier Risha Ring Brandon Rones Warren Tessler Edward Klein Esther Salomon Ryan Tamaroff Jennifer Ellenbogen Scott King Sharon Lampear Joshua Manela Margi Opperer Jill Farber Jack Friedman Gary Lakind Maxine Berman Carl User Sherri Goodman Michael Kaplan Lisa Dresner Donald Nitzkin Marilyn Rice Debra Darvick Sacha Aguilar Elizabeth Elkus Susan Goren Joshua Ben Phyllis Applebaum Barbara Stern Jake Becker June Birthdays 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 4 5 5 5 6 7 7 7 8 8 8 9 9 10 10 10 10 10 10 11 11 11 11 11 12 13 13 13 14 14 8 Angel Brittingham Mark Weiss Laurence Deutsch Julie Hersch Sanford Stacey Anita Blender Alyssa Mientkiewicz Elizabeth Traison Deede Auster Bella Brookenthal Terry Kahan Marc Soble Stanford Gross Bylaina Lavine Ellen Weiss Ronni Baum Ron Israel Robert White Jonathan Kaufman Ashley Weisberg Ella Bak Raye Dinnerstein Simon Indianer Lisa Shapiro Illana Stern Steven Traison Mark Adler Joshua Eisenberg Bradley Nusbaum Sadie Rubinstein Sharona Shapiro Clara Gaba Maureen Frank Staci Giske David Kott Alexandra Barrett Jenna Jacobson 14 15 15 15 17 18 19 19 20 20 20 20 21 22 23 23 23 23 23 24 24 25 25 25 27 27 27 27 28 28 28 29 30 30 30 24 24 24 24 24 24 25 25 26 26 26 27 27 27 27 27 28 28 28 28 29 29 30 Shelly Brodsky Joshua Cykiert Jaclyn Goldis Ron Jedwab Mickey Shapiro Stella Skolnik Alexander Kovnat A. Irving Schnipper Evan Chudnow Steven Davidson Mara Israel Lawrence Bluth Noel Lawson Gary Nitzkin Marnie Schafer Isaac Smith Janet Belsky Matthew Blackman Isaac Kurzmann Michael Rice Nadav Goren Marc Terebelo Gerda Wolf Sari Weiss Douglas Kahan Abigail Soble Henry Stern Andrew Belsky Helene Kohn Nat Fishman Jeffrey Silver Emily Nadis Rebecca Nadis Goldie Topper Richard Warsh Roland Collins Jason Rosenbaum Arielle Davidson Sara Kahan Daniel Kaufman Daniel Kohn Jeremy Moss Manuel Charach Jerome Soble Max Feber Marci Klein Andrew Sternberg Henry Dodge Beth Greenapple Nancy Kaplan Ila Schonberg Sara Goodman Dayna Slutsky Joel Tauber Daniel Lebedinski Maurice Opperer Beth Singman David Stryk May Birthdays 2 2 2 3 4 4 5 6 6 6 6 7 8 8 8 8 8 8 9 10 10 10 11 11 12 13 Paul Brookenthal Lois Langberg Tali Rubenstein Ellyn Weiss Yoav Cisneros Aliana Schwartz Jane Kessler Marissa Goldston Minna Kaufman David Sachs Sean Steingold Eric Frehsee Jennifer Becker Aaron Bernard Sharon Hobson Joshua Kaufman Toby Kleinberg Agnes Lugosi Ashley Tamaroff Eryn Block Sara Shapiro Robert Steingold Evelyn Gorge Diane Sasson Harry Lebovic Nathan Bak 13 13 15 16 16 17 18 18 18 19 20 20 20 21 21 21 21 22 22 23 23 24 24 24 25 25 Ilana Gaba-Maine Harvey Schulist Jamie Frehsee Jeffrey Kahan Marcia Kersch Seth Kahan Joshua Israel Elaine Siegler Margo Woll Elizabeth Lovinger Jason Goldis Sharil Roby Eugene Weiss Sarah Aguilar Marc Cohen Svetlana Lebedinski Hannah Manela David Feber Karen Lovinger Daniel Davidson Barry Rosenbaum Jesse Adler Stuart Cykiert Francesca Weisberg Gail Baron Joshua Lampear 25 26 26 26 26 26 27 27 28 28 28 28 29 29 29 30 30 30 30 30 31 31 31 31 31 Benjamin Nadis Lillian Bricker Miriam Farber Irvin Kessler Scott Rosenberg Sally Tuchklaper Florence Dulberg Jody Kersch Louis Aguilar Steven Chaben Florence Nitzkin Jared Rothberger Ryan Israel Tessa LeWitt William Sperber Sari Blackman Margot Efros Jennie Gnesin Aaron Schafer Spencer Schafer Howard Brode Aaron Ellenbogen Abraham Levine Howard Lupovitch Gavriella Weisberg April Anniversaries 2 7 13 17 20 23 Michael & Marla Schmitz Noah & Illana Stern Larry & Laraine Deutsch Steven & Esther Davidson Martin & Debra Darvick 35th Erica & Chris Gray 1 3 4 5 5 12 15 19 20 Herbert & Mildred Chad Mark & Lori Farber Lawrence & Nancy Bluth Paul & Cheryl Darmon Marc & Susan Soble Ben & Monica Rosen Julia Pais & Beth Greenapple 10th Jerrold & Rochelle Zabel Ryan & Lauren Barrett May Anniversaries 21 23 23 25 28 28 29 29 June Anniversaries 1 3 3 5 6 7 8 8 9 10 10 12 12 13 13 14 14 14 14 15 15 15 Leonard & Dolores Farber Manny & Nancy Kalef Harvey & Shelley Schulist Robert & Rhona Fidler Ron & Linda Jedwab Jeffrey & Sari Weiss Steven & Jennifer Ribiat Harry & Sally Tuchklaper Manuel & Natalie Charach Jeffrey & Sari Blackman A. Irving & Barbara Schnipper Stuart & Donna Farber Jeffery & Sharil Roby Leonard & Shirley Cetner Scott & Jodi Cranis Benoit & Evelyn Gorge Doug & Ilene Kahan Steven & Margie Shapiro 30th Jorge & Beth Singman James & Sherry Hobson Ed & Marcia Kersch Jeffrey & Alesa Silver Maurice & Karen Davidson Fabio & Staci Giske Harvey & Helen Shapiro Gary & Marisa Lakind Gregg Kepes & Shelly Brodsky Salo & Sue Korn Bruce & Susan Sitron Richard & Deborah Warsh 16 Michael & Nancy Kaplan 17 Robert & Francine Levine 18 Manny & Sandy Glazier 19 Harris & Phoebe Mainster 55th 20 Asa & Sara Shapiro 21 Andrew & Marci Klein 21 David Lerner & Sharona Shapiro 22 Ira & Eileen Rosenbaum 22 Douglas & Margo Woll 40th 23 Howard & Lilly Jacobson 25 Jason & Marla Golnick 20th 25 Michael & Marilyn Rice 25 David & Karen Stryk 15th 26 Hershel & Dorothy Sandberg 10th 27 Adam & Jennie Gnesin 28 Alex & Diana Kovnat 28 Noel & Judith Lawson 28 Steven & Jodie Mientkiewicz 28 Leon & Esther Salomon 29 Alon & Shari Kaufman 30 Milton & Barbara Stern Calendar of Events Jewish Community Center of Metropolitan Detroit D. Dan & Betty Kahn Building • 6600 W. Maple Rd. West Bloomfield, MI • 48322 • 248-432-5579 Michigan Watercolor Society 68th Annual Exhibition May 17 - July 16 This juried exhibition is open to all Michigan residents. Artists will compete for $5,000 in prizes to be presented at the opening reception. Since 1946 the Michigan Watercolor Society’s mission has been to promote a stronger awareness and interest in watercolor, maintain high standards; and further education in the contemporary arts. Jon Hunter - Coy Opening Reception Sunday, May 17, 1-4 p.m. The opening reception begins with a noon lecture featuring Robert Burridge in Handleman Hall. The lecture is free and open to the public. Ted VassarSystemization of a Chaotic Condition 2 7 8 9 14 15 16 17 18 19 23 24 25 26 30 31 6 12 13 30 The Janice Charach Gallery is open from 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. Sunday-Wednesday, and 10 a.m. - 7 p.m. Thursdays. For information, call the gallery at 248-432-5448, go to or visit the Janice Charach Gallery on Facebook. The Gallery is open to the general public at no admission. Visit the Gallery opening live stream at Are you looking for a good Realtor that will… • Make your real estate needs her priority • Get you the best price for purchase or sale • Answer your calls • Answer your emails • Answer your text messages • Communicate with you any way you prefer • Counsel you on your real estate options Pirkei Avot for Teens Tot Shabbat and birthday Shabbat Men’s Club Shabbat Let’s Do Lunch with the Men’s Club Yom Hazikaron Yom Haaztmaut Zachary Rones Bar Mitzvah Pirkei Avot for Teens Annual synagogue gala Pizza and Parsha with the Men’s Club Beginning of Hebrew Literacy class May 2015 Jonah Singman Bar Mitzvah Pirkei Avot for Teens Lag BaOmer Young Adult Shabbat dinner Isaac Smith Bar Mitzvah Sisterhood book review Shabbat on the Hillel playground Havurah style Shabbat Dinner Bet Midrash Shabbat Birthday Shabbat Walk for Israel Start of rummage sale collection Let’s Do Lunch with the Men’s Club Tikun Leil Shavuot Shavuot Tot Shabbat Shavuot edition Shavuot & Yizkor Pizza and Parsha with the Men’s Club Youth Shabbat Annual congregational meeting June 2015 Jonah Cohen Bar Mitzvah Shabbat with Chancellor Eisen Tot Shabbat and Birthday Shabbat Pizza and Parsha with the Men’s Club Recurring Events Drop In & Learn - Judaica on DVD Every Wednesday at 1:00 p.m. in the Teen Lounge Free and open to the community. No reservations required, walk-ins welcome. See page 5 for more information. Conversation Café Every Thursday from 2:00 – 3:00 p.m. at Beth Ahm Join Rabbi Rubenstein for a weekly conversation about ideas, community, politics and society. Something new each week. Come every week or just drop in. Bella Brookenthal, Full Time Agent 248-225-3600 or 2012, 2013 & 2014 Hour Magazine Real Estate All-Star Top Realtor 18 21 22 23 25 26 28 April 2015 1931550 9 Message from the Rabbi Creating the Jewish Future He was voicing his concern, his angst about the Jewish future. It was an honest statement, one that many people at Beth Ahm might voice themselves. In spite of his efforts to live a Jewish life, educate his children, participate in Jewish community, he worried—what is going to happen to the next generation of Jews? It is a reasonable question. After all, we all have concerns about The State of Israel, growing Anti-Semitism in Europe, and the challenges to Jewish identity and meaning that we face here in the United States. The angst that I sometimes hear expressed is a serious one, borne out of a place of deep meaning within people’s hearts. What is going to become of the Jewish people? It is a hard question to answer, but it is certainly not the first time that it has been asked. Simon Rawidowicz once called the Jews, ‘the ever dying people,’ in an attempt to describe our concern that disaster will overtake us. But if we have often been concerned about the Jewish future, we have had cause. Throughout our history, we have faced serious challenges to our survival, both physical and spiritual. Fortunately, we have been blessed with leaders who have helped us face those challenges. Each one faced it in his or her own way. The Maccabees took up the sword in defense of Jewish sovereignty. Rabbi Yohanan ben Zakai showed us how to transform Jewish life after the destruction of the Temple. Rashi became the teacher that we needed so that we could learn Torah. Maimonides helped us find a path between Greek and Muslim philosophy and Jewish tradition. Not to mention the various ways that modern Zionists helped create the State of Israel—some through bravery in battle, others through the settling of the land, and still others through diplomacy. In each generation, the Jewish people needed something different, and in each generation new leaders arose. More than that, the Jewish people rose to the challenge. Ultimately, it is we, the Jewish people who are called to live Jewish lives, the beauty and the challenge of that life. Of course, those who feel connected to the Jewish people and Jewish life are more apt to feel concern for the Jewish future. So what should we do? I wish I had all of the answers to lead us into the Jewish future. Instead, I have only a few words of advice for you. While there are many ways that Jews have divided themselves up into groups, there may only be two kinds of Jews—serious Jews and not-so-serious Jews. I am not the first to suggest this, but I have always found it instructive. If you care about the future of the Jewish people, take yourself seriously, as a Jew. The Jewish future has always depended on those Jews who felt responsible for that future. Take on that responsibility and live the Jewish life that you hope to see in the future. To paraphrase a bit, our tradition says, it is not your responsibility to complete the task, but neither are you free from participating in the task. Rabbi Steven Rubenstein 248-851-6880 ext. 17 Summer Sermon Series Bet Midrash Bet Midrash Shabbat with Rabbi Rubenstein Saturday, May 16 “The Sabbatical Year/Shemita” The Torah teaches that every seven years, a series of laws go into effect in the Land of Israel which impact agriculture and the economy in far-reaching ways. We’ll discuss how these ancient ideas speak to the contemporary world and touch on issues of land use, rest, and social responsibility. Special Bet Midrash Shabbat Schedule No Torah study – Shaharit begins at 9:00 a.m. Bet Midrash will begin at the conclusion of services (approximately 11:00 a.m.). This is a wonderful opportunity for you to dive into Jewish learning and to share some of that learning with the congregation. Rabbi Rubenstein is happy to help you learn the Torah portion of the week and mentor you as you craft a sermon. You have the ability to deliver an important message to our community, sharing both what you have learned as well as a part of yourself. Our Summer Sermon Series will take place on the following Shabbatot: June 20 Parashat Korah July 4 Parashat Balak August 1 Parashat Va’ethanan If you have questions or would like to sign up to deliver one of these sermons, please contact Rabbi Rubenstein at 248-851-6880 or Young Adult Shabbat Celebration Friday, May 8 beginning at 6 p.m. Young Adults are invited to join us for Shabbat services and dinner at Beth Ahm. Open to the community. No charge but RSVPs are required by May 5. Questions? Want to RSVP? Contact Rabbi Rubenstein at 10 Message from the President As I write this, still sated from two lovely seders with family and friends, and two days of leftovers, I am looking forward to an exciting series of events at Beth Ahm. First, of course, is our annual gala on April 26. I hope to see as many of you as possible that evening. We’ll have a chance to nosh and kibbitz, and celebrate our shul’s accomplishments over the past decade. The most recent of those accomplishments, the renovation of our sanctuary, will begin in mid-May and be ready in time for Rosh Hashanah. Very shortly, you will be able to see renderings of the renovation, designed by our own Dina Kawer and Sari Blackman. Dina, of course, has designed two other holy spaces in our shul, the Kahan Memorial Room and the Tauber Chapel (as well as the Teen Lounge). The design for the sanctuary will tie together all three of these holy spaces. Thanks to your generosity, our sanctuary will continue to be, as it has always been, a warm, comforting space for our community to gather and celebrate Shabbat and holidays. We will not have the sanctuary available for Shavuot, which begins less than a week after the renovation begins, but plans are underway nonetheless for a festive celebration, including our tikkun leil Shavuot, with learning sessions led by Rabbi Rubenstein and Professor Howard Lupovitch. We have been increasing our joint programming with other Conservative congregations over the last couple of years, in recognition that we are part of a larger community. We have had two very successful years of joint Purim celebrations. Last fall, we cosponsored our scholar in residence program with Adat Shalom, featuring Professor Jeffrey Rubenstein from NYU. On Friday, June 12, we reciprocate, cosponsoring Chancellor Arnold Eisen of The Jewish Theological Seminary at Adat Shalom. Chancellor Eisen is a compelling speaker, a dynamic leader and one of the brightest intellectual lights of the Conservative movement. It is an honor for us to cosponsor his visit to our community. I hope you’ll join us at Adat Shalom for services, dinner, and Chancellor Eisen’s presentation. I look forward to seeing you at these events, and on Shabbat. Remember, if you have any questions, comments, ideas, or concerns, you can e-mail me any time at L’shalom, Jeff Silver President Annual Congregational Meeting May 31 at 10:15 a.m. You’re invited! YOU, as a member, are an important part of this meeting. Learn about congregational happenings and cast your vote for Officers and Trustees. Come early and enjoy minyan and breakfast starting at 9 a.m. Jews on the Small Screen with Professor Howard Lupovitch Tuesdays in July at 7:30 p.m. For more than half a century, Jewish characters and themes have appeared on television, sometimes at the heart of a program and other times in the background. In this series, we explore through video clips and readings not only where Jews have appeared but what the Jewish presence on television reflects about the complex relationship between America Jews and American culture. July 7: From Absent to Invisible: the Mainstreaming of Jews on Television Older television shows included Jews only rarely, and then often as exotic friends or visitors; eventually Jewish characters became the center of plot and controversy. A measure of this change is the way intermarriage was once treated as a source of tension and discomfort but eventually became part of the backdrop. July 14: Criminalizing Anti-Semitism From older shows like the Twilight Zone to more recent shows like Law & Order, Anti-Semitism has been used a trope to show moral failure and the struggle of mainstream American culture to eliminate it and other forms of prejudice. July 21: Laughing at Jews, Laughing with Jews How have television shows manage to present Jewish mannerisms and quirks in a way that is funny and sometimes even irreverent but rarely offensive? July 28: Beyond the Yiddishe Mama The depiction of female Jewish characters on television reflected the changing image of women from the stereotypical Mrs. Goldberg to the stronger, more independent women like Rachel Menken on Mad Men and Ziva David on NCIS. $50 for the series or $15 per session Register by calling 248-851-6880 or email 11 Tributes Aliyah Fund Max & Mali Blum Norman Ochs Jacob Sandberg, Father Donation by: Senior Shut-in Fund By: Faye & Mark Wolf By: Hershel Sandberg Faye Wolf In Memory of: Nancy & Manny Kalef Helen Music Meyer King Irv Rubin, Brother Staci Giske By: Pauline & Werner Seiferheld By: Faye & Mark Wolf Toby Mermell, Sister Lena Rubin, Mother In Honor of: Stuart J. Bricker Library Shelf Fund Alyce Diamond Solomon Rubin, Father Arielle reading Torah In Memory of: By: Gladys Allen By: Mike Rubin & Sidney Simonian By: Faye & Mark Wolf Alyce Diamond Charles Rader Philip White, Father By: Linda & Sid Blackman By: Robert White By: Lillian & Al Bricker In Memory of: Harry (Hillel) Lengel Sidney Cohen Alan Sachs By: Lillian & Al Bricker Jean Blau In Honor of: Meyer Blackman Finishing sholoshim for father Andrea Maremont’s son By: Jean Blau Charles Rader By: Lillian & Al Bricker Faye & Mark Wolf By: Judy Vine Harold Patrick Paula Urbach Nadis Family Fund By: Lillian & Al Bricker By: Barbara Cohen In Memory of: Paula Urbach Deanna Weisman Rose By: Lillian & Al Bricker By: Faye & Mark Wolf Walter & Shirley Cykiert Fund Thank You to our recent Gregory Drigant Donation by: Esther Kawer Minyan By: Boris Drigant Stuart Cykiert Breakfast Fund Sponsors Max Garber Stacy & Andrew Cykiert In Memory of: By: Sara & Maxwell Nadis By: Freda Lengel Arlow Helena Sara Lebovic By: Batia Z. Lebovic Yefim Glik Sara Manson By: Anna Glik Ester & Moscu User Aaron Kraft By: Isac User Boris Rozenfeld By: Anna Glik By: Sara & Maxwell Nadis By: Sara & Maxwell Nadis Max Linder, Brother In Memory of: By: Dorothy (Hershel) Sandberg Walter Cykiert Charles Rader By: Beth & Ronn Nadis Pearl Rose By: Stuart Cykiert Batya Berlin, Friend By: C. Martin Rose Stacy & Andy Cykiert By: Nancy & Mike Kaplan Louis Shoskes In Honor of: Sara Opperer Zdanowicz, Mother Samuel Robins Annie Friedman’s 80th Birthday By: Morry (Marji) Opperer By: Barbara & Dr. Milton Stern By: Shirley & Fred Harold Patrick By: Sara & Maxwell Nadis Grace Naftaly By: Sara & Maxwell Nadis Molly & Sam Linder, Parents Beth Ahm Endowment Fund Sidney & Bee Kalt In Honor of: Israel Scholarship Fund Norman Lewis’ 80th Birthday In Memory of: Ernest Klein, Husband By: Toby & Rob Kleinberg Sidney Kalt David Loren Klein, Son Steven Deitch By: Steven Kalt By: Sharon Klein and Family By: Sara & Maxwell Nadis In Memory of: By: Dorothy (Hershel) Sandberg Herbert Racklin By: Sara & Maxwell Nadis (Andy, Heleen, and Dina Klein) Charles Rader Esther Kawer By: Toby & Rob Kleinberg Minyan Breakfast Fund Josef Sperber, Father In Honor of: By: Bill Sperber Meyer Blackman Manny Kalef’s 85th Birthday By: Toby & Rob Kleinberg By: Faye & Mark Wolf Paula Urbach By: Sara & Maxwell Nadis Esther Tolkovsky Ester & Moscu User, Parents By: Sara & Maxwell Nadis By: Carl (Nety) User, Ike (Mia) User, Belle Perlove In Memory of: Ben Perlove Beckie Metzger By: Toby & Rob Kleinberg By: Raye Dinnerstein 12 and Strul (Manuela) User Willie Opperer Fund In Memory of: Dr. Milton Superstine, Husband Charles Rader By: Dorothy Sandberg and Family By: Margi & Morry Opperer Tributes Abigail Kott Boris Rozenfeld Alesa Silver’s Birthday By: David Kott By: Anna Glik By: Sari & Jeffrey Weiss Grace Naftaly Morris Kersch Debbie Leclaire’s 50 Birthday By: Margi & Morry Opperer By: Marcia & Ed Kersch By: Annise, David and Helena Sara Lebovic Sara Goodman By: Batia Z. Lebovic In Memory of: Frank Yale Summers By: Susan & Martin Rose th In Honor of: Samantha Erin Rosen The birth of granddaughter Youth Programming Fund Millie & Ed Rosenbaum’s Cecile Bass Sivan Rimon Vered In Memory of: 44 Wedding Anniversary By: Audrey & Jack Sobel to Barbara & Dr. Milton Stern Morris Indianer By: Micki Lasher By: Margi & Morry Opperer By: Helen & Sy Indianer th Alyce Diamond Hanna Lupovitch’s Bat Mitzvah By: Illene Wenner By: Marc Terebelo Jody & Rich Grossman Our Home Our Future Pat Sachs Food Fund In Honor of: In Memory of: Our 65 Wedding Anniversary Rhonna Bassin Nancy Kaplan By: Ilene & Henry Rubin By: David Sachs & Freda Arlow By: Charlene Loar Get Well Wishes to: Sylvia Baum David Goodman Phyllis Levin By: David Sachs & Freda Arlow By: Nancy & Ira Goldberg Joseph & Yetta Schlaff Mindy Smith’s 60th Birthday In Memory of: Memorial Fund By: Dolores & Leonard Farber Charles Rader In Memory of: By: Alesa & Jeff Silver Charles Rader Art Smith’s 90th Birthday Jerry Share By: Bea Mondry By: Dolores & Leonard Farber George Vine Schreier Endowment Torah Fund Manny Kalef’s 85th Birthday sister and brother By: Jerry Share In Memory of: By: Susan & Martin Rose By: Marilyn & Michael Rice Harry Schreier Joyce Tubben and Family By: Phyllis & Burton Applebaum Flo & Donny Nitzkin th Selma Silverman Leon “Skippy” Warner By: Staci & Fabio Giske and Family By: Marni Foster & Howard Lupovitch By: Charlene Loar Prayer Book Fund In Memory of: Sara Manson By: Selma Silverman Susan & Norman Kronowitz’s Mille & Herb Chad Amy Singer Cyd Stone By: Phyllis & Ron Chess Donation by: Tim & Sara Zivian Zwickl Ruth & Steve Spiegel Judy Vine Paula Urbach Libby Newman Ruth & Dennis Rice’s brother Norman By: Marilyn & Michael Rice By: Illene Wenner and In Honor of: Shari & Craig Morgan Those who prepare Mille & Herb Chad’s Shabbat Kiddush new Florida home By: Charlene Loar By: Flo & Donny NItzkin Eleanor Fradis’ Birthday Synagogue Fund Sharon Lampear’s 80th Birthday By: Shelley & Harvey Schulist Donation by: By: Kathy & Ron Sonenthal Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund Anita & Harvey Zalesin Shabbat Kiddush Fund Donation by: Shari Smith Elfriede Glancy and Family Kurt Landsberger By: Marcia & Scott Glickman In Honor of: Albert Smith By: Ellyn, Mark, Emery Thank You to: Garry Parker Beth Ahm Sisterhood for a Rabbi Rubenstein Marcia Freedland great Sisterhood Shabbat By: Ruth Rader Minnie Berman By: Judy Vine and Andrew Weiss Charles Rader By: Linda & Ron Jedwab In Honor of: In Memory of: Lois & Nat Fishman’s Get Well Wishes to: Marilyn & Michael Rice and Family Yefim Glik 60th Wedding Anniversary Herb Chad Keith Sirlin By: Anna Glik By: Jayme Hirschman By: Nancy & Manny Kalef Jerry & Marilyn Soble Gregory Drigant Rabbi Rubenstein Tom Lugosi Debi & Steve King By: Boris Drigant By: Jayme Hirschman By: Judy Vine Nancy & Manny Kalef Maxine Berman Ellen & Ken Apsel 13 Tributes Brenda Altus Suzanne & Carl Dibble William “Bill” Naftaly Louis & Fay Woll Brenda & Mark Altus Judy & Dan Green By: Jerry Naftaly and Memorial Bible Garden Fund Rene & Cathy Lichtman Mrs. Grace Naftaly In Honor of: of blessed memory The birth of grandson Anita & Harvey Zalesin Paula Urbach Tim & Sara Zivian Zwickl By: Roz Winer Marc Terebelo Maxine Berman Rueben Lopatin to Jane & Chuck Kessler By: Margo & Doug Woll Jacob William Schonberg Zita & Don Kirsch Ida Schwartz By: Marilyn & Michael Rice and Family Millie & Ed Rosenbaum and Rice & Blackman PC By: Debi & Steve King Nancy & Jeffrey Adler In Memory of: Claire & Marvin Tamaroff Nathan Rose Morry Merty Elfriede Glancy Tim & Sara Zivian Zwickl By: Sam, Orlie, Ron and By: Margo & Doug Woll By: Debi & Steve King Debi & Steve King Linda Jedwab Meyer King Libby Newman and Family Izio Yosef Halberstadt Cheryl & Alex Goldis Lawrence R. Sukenic By: Debi & Steve King Nancy & Manny Kalef By: Jerry Sukenic and Family By: Margo & Doug Woll Michael Shpiece Betty Singer Meyer Blackman Nathan Shiovitz Stuart Edelman By: Marilyn & Michael Rice and Family Sid & Linda Blackman By: Marilyn & Michael Rice, Nancy & Manny Kalef Dolores & Leonard Farber Erica, Chris, Leah & Chloe Gray Grace Naftaly Debbie & Rob Steingold David Saperstein & Susan Knoppow Meredith, Joshua, Madison By: Jerry Naftaly, Mayor Jane & Chuck Kessler Lilly & Howard Jacobson & Jacob Ben Rita & Ken Rocklen Linda & Murray Feldman Zoya, Evan, Gabriella & Rebecca Rice William “Bill” Naftaly Cathy & Henry Averbuch Lois & Mark Langberg and Family Erica, Justin & Miles Rice By: Jerry Naftaly and Lori, Bruce, Jessica & Judy & Arnie Goldman Matthew Epstein By: Margo & Doug Woll Mrs. Grace Naftaly TOSAT Fund of blessed memory Ronna & Maurice Perlman Harold Patrick Barbara & Wallace Prince By: Zita & Don Kirsch Manny Kalef’s 85th Birthday Charles Rader Patricia & Alan Erenstoft Illene Wenner and By: Diane & Al Sasson By: Margo & Doug Woll Rose & George Cooper Shari & Craig Morgan Debi & Steve King Rochelle & Jerry Zabel Libby Newman and Family Anita & Harvey Zalesin Roz & Marvin Fink Jody & Rich Grossman Judy Vine Royalyn & Larry Vert Grace Naftaly Tim & Sara Zivian Zwickl By: The Rosenbaums Marc Terebelo and The Spinners Sheila & Melvin Burstein In Honor of: By: Margo & Doug Woll In Memory of: Rose Silverman Alvin Dunn By: Lois Langberg By: Margo & Doug Woll Jerry Naftaly, Mayor Michael Shpiece Yahrzeit Fund Sid & Linda Blackman By: Ruth & Alvin Kwaselow In Memory of: Perry Shulman Judy Vine By: Marilyn & Michael Rice and Family Suzanne Taranto Larry Davis Roberta Weisswasser By: Diane & Al Sasson Elsie Tatelbaum Karen Gorge Cy Servetter By: Evelyn & Benoit Gorge Dezso Biel Patricia & Ian Lanoff By: Philip, Susie, Shaylee and Sarah Markel Paula Urbach Charles Rader By: Agnes & Thomas Lugosi By: Cherie Warsaw By: Tim & Sara Zivian Zwickl Risha Ring Sarah Revzin Marc Terebelo Barbara Cohen By: Betty Klein Linda & Ron Jedwab, Steven Deitch Meyer Blackman Helen Music and Orley & Steve Light By: Marc Terebelo and By: Pamela & David Haron By: Merle Leserman Sheri Terebelo Schiff Michael Blackman By: Ruth & Alvin Kwaselow Herb Racklin Paula Urbach Jeffrey Laski and By: Dorothy & Hershel Sandberg By: Cherie Warsaw S & M Heating Sales Co. Flo & Don Nitzkin Diane & Al Sasson Hana Singer By: Renee & Sam Jedwab, Jerry Lynn Enid & Sam Wapner 14 Dr. David M. Davidson By: Steven Davidson Joseph Kreekun By: Nancy Kalef Tributes Ruth Baker Rabbi Elias (Eliyahu) Levi Maurice Lahr Mara Kheyfets By: Eileen Rosenbaum By: Ariel Levi By: Selma Silverman By: Alex Goldis Rose Bakst Earl Barth Helen Hauer Milton Superstine By: Sheri Terebelo Schiff By: Tom Barth By: Staci & Fabio Giske and Family By: Jody & Rich Grossman Clara Kurtzman Charlotte Cohen Lajosne Wiesner Seema Fischel By: Etta B. Zivian By: Molly Benton By: Agnes & Thomas Lugosi By: Barbara & Milton Stern Harry (Hillel) Lengel Shirley Morros Ester & Moscu User Anne Frank Alan Sachs By: Victor Morros By: Isac User By: Barbara Stryk Bertha Weisner Gregory Drigant Josef Sperber By: Ilene & Henry Rubin By: Boris Drigant By: Bill Sperber Ela Dzodin Boris Rozenfeld Alvin D. Topper By: Judy & Noel Lawson By: Anna Glik By: Goldie Topper Neil M. Kalef Meyer Sawitz Abraham Nusbaum By: Nancy & Manny Kalef By: Lillian Korobkin By: Frances Fetter By: Freda Lengel Arlow Helena Sara Lebovic By: Batia Z. Lebovic Yefim Glik By: Anna Glik Abe Berkowitz By: Debra Darvick Lawrence David Newman Samuel David Klein Ester User Harry Goldberg By: David Newman By: Edward I. Klein Moscu User By: Nancy & Ira Goldberg Cheryl & Alex Goldis By: Manuela & Strul User Carol Maisels Eva & Abraham Beem Bernardo Luchtan By: Anita & Dennis Blender By: Adele Silver David Blau Feivel Malowany Howard Dinnerstein Fanny Yarzig By: Raye Dinnerstein By: Lisa Dresner Wais Seliag (Alex) Davidson Fishel Salomon By: Estelle Davidson Feiga Salomon By: Esther & Leon Salomon Ann Barth Abraham Schwartz By: Vivian Friedman Harry Nedelman Rebecca Morros Shimon Goldis By: Adele Silver Larry Nedelman Bertha Feldman Harold A. Rieger Martin Feldman By: Lori Farber By: Rose Lyons Herman Greenberger Avrum Moscovici By: Angie Zeltzer By: Manuela User Pearl Zeltzer Aaron Gertsman By: Irv Zeltzer By: Victor Morros Zelda Kinzer By: Robert Kinzer Herman Spiegel By: Ruth Spiegel William Kozin Louis Browarny By: Goldie Topper By: Anna Nedelman Sala Spiegel Mose Topper By: Goldie Topper By: Anna Nedelman By: Victor Morros By: Alex Goldis Albert Luchtan By: Hilda Neuman By: Nancy Kalef By: Maxine Berman Kalman Lustig By: Tom Barth By: Goldie Topper Violet Kreekun Sophie Berman By: Joanne & Michael Bellet By: Esther Salomon Seymour Gross Yochevet Salomon Nety & Carl User By: Jeffrey Maisels By: Frank Kozin Joe Metzger Morris Kurland Pauline & Morris Schwartz By: Merle Leserman Rabbi Aaron Kinitzer Beverly Bluth By: Raye Dinnerstein Rachel Kinitzer Mary Davidson Irene Bluth Jay Jonap Rose Kinitzer By: Estelle Davidson By: Nancy & Larry Bluth By: Charlotte Jonap By: Sylvia & Wally Kinzer 15 Tributes Robert Shapiro Selma Pearl By: Helen & Harvey Shapiro By: Sanford Pearl Visa Iancovici Yizkor Fund By: Carl & Nety User In Memory of: Lajos Wiesner Warren Harrison By: Agnes & Thomas Lugosi Mina Schwartz By: Margo Woll The Ruth Mermelstein Kitchen Fund Nathan Fink In Memory of: By: Margot Efros Alyce Diamond By: Morrie & Karen Davidson, Bertha Rosenbaum Tweedle Bug and Simon the Invincible By: Ira Rosenbaum Zita & Don Kirsch Gerald Title Fay Kahn By: Diane Auster By: Zita & Don Kirsch Bess Manson Goldberg Harold Patrick By: Judy Cohen By: Morrie, Karen, and Joel Davidson, Tweedle Bug and Simon the Invincible Benjamin Kawer By: Larry Kawer Esther Tolkovsky By: Sara & Maxwell Nadis Arthur Aal By: Dr. Marvin Aal Nori Braude Thelma Schulist Alfred Schulist By: Shelley & Harvey Schulist By: Abby B. Segal Fannie Luchtan Morey Patrick Minnie Winer By: Rosalyn Winer Mildred Baron By: Les Baron Dr. Jerry Lynn By: Noreen & Kenneth Buckfire Faye Palman 16 By: Nancie Eizen Minimum suggested tribute amount is $18. If received after 3/23/15 tributes will appear in the Summer 2015 Bulletin. The Ruth Mermelstein Kitchen Fund helps with ongoing expenses such as cleaning and appliance maintenance for the Ruth Mermelstein Kitchen. Shabbat Lunch Dr. Alice B. Segal Esther Patrick Please remember to fill out yahrzeit and tribute forms completely. Thank you! The minimum suggested contribution is $10. Call Beverly Fradis at 248-661-8395 if you would like to make a contribution. By: Anita & Harvey Zalesin By: Adele Silver Tributes are a great way to mark a special occasion, honor the memory of a loved one, or send good wishes to a friend. Beth Ahm has many tribute funds which support various congregational programs and provide scholarship assistance to members in need. Submit your tributes online at: Grace Naftaly March 25, 1913 – March 3, 2015 Thank you to the Rabbi, office staff, and congregation for your condolences and words of comfort. Jerry Naftaly Help us make it a regular part of Beth Ahm’s Shabbat culture. Volunteers are needed during the week and on Shabbat morning to assist with lunch preparations. Tasks include making kugel, cutting fruit, preparing salads, plating deserts and Shabbat set-up and clean-up. Contact Elayne Moss at to volunteer. Financial assistance is also needed to make lunch possible. Honor the memory of a loved one or celebrate a simcha by becoming a sponsor or co-sponsor of an upcoming lunch. Contact David Goodman at 248-851-6880 or for more information. Yahrzeits–In Loving Memory Sponsored by the Beth Abraham Cemetery Association, serving our congregation since 1912. *Denotes a plaque in the Kahan Memorial room April 2015 - Nisan/Iyar 5775 4/1/2015 (12 Nisan) Rose Kales*, Simon Lichtenstein*, Frieda Smith*, Nellie Steingold*, Clara Zabel* 4/2/2015 (13 Nisan) Gertrude Garaway*, Zolton Glantz*, Pauline B. Kaplan*, Abraham Leach*, Ben Shpiece*, Goldie Soble, Freida Storch* 4/3/2015 (14 Nisan) Yetta Halprin*, Morris Jacob*, Amy Klein Shapiro*, Harry Silverman 4/4/2015 (15 Nisan) Adela Bank*, Esther Kaufman*, Reese Lakits*, Genia Lilov, Henry Lonnerstater* 4/5/2015 (16 Nisan) Mildred Baron, Mollie Ben, Albert Chait, Max Futernick*, Alfred Hower*, Pearl Kalt*, Martha Katz*, Harry Woll 4/6/2015 (17 Nisan) Faye Dubrinsky*, Leo Feber*, Morritz Schmidt*, Philip Schneider* 4/7/2015 (18 Nisan) Sam Fields*, Albert A. Goodman, Lilo Klayman*, Mania Lewinger, Sophie Rohlik*, Rubin Shaye*, Rose Shoskes, Samuel Stasofsky*, Alex Winer* 4/8/2015 (19 Nisan) Loly Adler*, Evelyn June Weinstein, Sabina Wildstrom*, Samuel Wildstrom* 4/9/2015 (20 Nisan) Leonard Lyons, Anne Rosenow*, Michael Stacey 4/10/2015 (21 Nisan) Ernesto Singman 4/11/2015 (22 Nisan) Michelle Markey* 4/12/2015 (23 Nisan) Louis Adler, Moisey Gertsberg, Eric Rosenow* 4/13/2015 (24 Nisan) Benita Bornstein, Joseph Dubrinsky*, Joseph Newman*, Irwin Posner* 4/14/2015 (25 Nisan) Brian Aaron Fetter*, Menasche Haar*, Hermann Heim*, Jacob Lichtblau*, Mitchell Schecter*, Lena Schnipper* 4/15/2015 (26 Nisan) Morris Bakst* 4/16/2015 (27 Nisan) Helen Shindler, Sabina Singer*, Fanny Sperber 4/17/2015 (28 Nisan) William Abramson*, Rose Rader 4/18/2015 (29 Nisan) Manfred Dreifus, Kurt Ehrlich*, Abram Gertsberg, Lyudmila Lebedinskaya*, Norman Linder, Yetta Rosenweig*, Hyman Weiner, Dinah Wenokur 4/19/2015 (30 Nisan) Mollie Cohen*, Faye Krohner, Henry Leserman*, Jacob Wecker* 4/20/2015 (1 Iyar) Aaron Kinitzer*, Sarah Millman*, Paul Shulman*, Rose Zimmerman 4/21/2015 (2 Iyar) Irving Kleinstein, Isadore Ring*, Harold Soble* 4/22/2015 (3 Iyar) Herman Kass, Harry Kief, Sadie Lahr* 4/23/2015 (4 Iyar) Shimon Motlovich Bichuch, Leo Helman*, Shoshana Stern 4/24/2015 (5 Iyar) Irving Biel, Fannie Borak*, Emma Schreier 4/25/2015 (6 Iyar) Joseph Kwaselow, Esther Rose* 4/26/2015 (7 Iyar) Mollie Esther Birnbaum*, Bella Mainster 4/27/2015 (8 Iyar) Gertrude Burstein, George Davis*, Edward Goldberg, Larry Harwood*, Mildred (Mickey) Schneider*, Donald Stern 4/28/2015 (9 Iyar) Israel Burstein, Harry Kirsch, Gloria Steinberg, Sadie Farber Weinstock*, Solomon Zucker* 4/29/2015 (10 Iyar) Stuart J. Bricker*, Ida Goldfarb*, Jacob Schreier 4/30/2015 (11 Iyar) Heinz Ducks, Mair Kahan, Mildred Winer, Harry Zeltzer* 17 Yahrzeits–In Loving Memory Sponsored by the Beth Abraham Cemetery Association, serving our congregation since 1912. *Denotes a plaque in the Kahan Memorial room May 2015 - Iyar/Sivan 5775 5/1/2015 (12 Iyar) Valentina Chopenko, Betty Robins, Jay Rosen*, Rose Sasson, Philip Schechter*, Gertrude Wapner* 5/2/2015 (13 Iyar) Jacob Liwazer, Marion Parish, Morris Posner 5/3/2015 (14 Iyar) Emil Kahan*, Mary Rafales 5/4/2015 (15 Iyar) Reva Carp, Ruth Gottlieb*, Rhoda Sills 5/5/2015 (16 Iyar) Maier Brenner, Nathan Feingold, Shirley Shiovitz*, Anna Terris*, Mary Jo Zwickl 5/6/2015 (17 Iyar) Borbala Lugosi, Julius Parker, Henrietta Seligman* 5/7/2015 (18 Iyar) Bernardine Berman, Sylvia Isaacs, Samuel Kobaker, Daniel Zalesin* 5/8/2015 (19 Iyar) Ann Dembs*, Jeannette Feldman, Arthur Lyons* 5/9/2015 (20 Iyar) Pauline Schwartz*, Bella Shiovitz*, Herman Tartof 5/10/2015 (21 Iyar) Sheldon Kaplan*, Goldie Waxman 5/11/2015 (22 Iyar) Morris Beneson*, Hermina Friedman* 5/12/2015 (23 Iyar) Chava Feldman, Herbert Goldberg, Samantha Erin Rosen*, Maureen Simon 5/13/2015 (24 Iyar) Dorothy Blau, Cecille Levy* 5/14/2015 (25 Iyar) Mirel Mitteldorf*, Harold Plotnick, Michael Weinstein 5/15/2015 (26 Iyar) Lorraine Kales*, Joseph Nitzkin*, Nathan Wolf 5/16/2015 (27 Iyar) Blume Glass, Shirley Marion Goldin*, Helen Horensztajn*, Sima Witt 5/17/2015 (28 Iyar) Werner Fink*, Al Halprin*, Bessie Landgarten*, Laura Nusbaum*, Myra Rubin, Anne Weinman 5/18/2015 (29 Iyar) Nash Allen Adelman*, Samuel Farber*, Meta Fink*, Nechama Jedwab*, Joseph Schlaff, Anna Selber, Annette Silverman, Moritz Wildstrom 5/19/2015 (1 Sivan) Eleanor Blender, David Davidson*, Donald Norbert Siegel, Myron Spalter* 5/20/2015 (2 Sivan) Moritz Gabel*, Rebecca Kief, Jacob Lichtmann 5/21/2015 (3 Sivan) Molly Lyons, Muriel Maisels, Esther Shapiro, Mira Vorobyev*, Jack Wildstrom* 5/22/2015 (4 Sivan) Jack Fishman*, Yefim Goldis, Ben Kinzer*, Arnold Margolis*, Willie Fred Opperer*, Isadore Silverman* 5/23/2015 (5 Sivan) Minnie Weinbaum* 5/24/2015 (6 Sivan) Lillian Jennie Beneson*, Belle Diller*, Abraham Guralnik, Zivia Guralnik, Sol Moss, Chaya Shapiro, Rachmiel Shapiro 5/25/2015 (7 Sivan) Allen Cohen, Phillip Dembs*, Samuel Roby, Marianne Wildstrom 5/27/2015 (9 Sivan) Joseph Kertes, Oscar Korobkin*, Levi Shapiro*, Morris Shindler 5/28/2015 (10 Sivan) Jacques Benguigui, Jean-Claude Benguigui, Richard Benguigui, Hyman Blackman*, Sally Kaufer*, Alan Kohn, Gertrude Neshkes, Heinz Rosenow*, Margot Rosenow, Pauline Seiferheld* 5/29/2015 (11 Sivan) Anne Belle Kramer*, Morton Moltz*, Aaron Morros*, Frank Sachs*, Bella Server* 5/30/2015 (12 Sivan) Ruth Aal*, Irene Berman*, David Binder, Naomi Deutsch, Barry Foster, Bernard Friedgood*, Chaya Sara Kahan*, Hersh Leib Kahan*, Moshe Chaim Kahan*, Reizel Toba Kahan*, Harry Newman*, Abe Schulman* 5/31/2015 (12 Sivan) Janice Charach*, May Kozin* May their memories endure for a blessing Honor the memory of your loved ones by purchasing a memorial plaque in the Kahan Memorial Room. The purchase of a plaque will ensure that your loved one’s name will be read during the week of their yahrzeit. It is a lasting tribute of your love that links the generations of your family. Plaques are currently $500 each. We hope that you will take advantage of this opportunity to assure your loved ones will be forever remembered at Congregation Beth Ahm. Contact David Goodman at 248-851-6880. 18 Yahrzeits–In Loving Memory Sponsored by the Beth Abraham Cemetery Association, serving our congregation since 1912. *Denotes a plaque in the Kahan Memorial room June 2015 - Sivan/Tammuz 5775 6/1/2015 (14 Sivan) Irene Belsky*, Julius Halprin*, George Yellin* 6/2/2015 (15 Sivan) Dorothy Davis*, Ida Kief 6/3/2015 (16 Sivan) Dora Adler*, Audrey Mogill*, Raymond Norber*, Albert Rothenberg*, Pearl Applebaum Warn 6/4/2015 (17 Sivan) Benjamin S. Kott, Elka Reiter 6/5/2015 (18 Sivan) Ethel Blackman*, Ralph E. Levy*, Samuel P. Newman* 6/6/2015 (19 Sivan) Elsie Block, Louis Elkin, Mayer Lebovic*, Helen Lee Levine Litwin 6/8/2015 (21 Sivan) Ethel Nolish, Berek Selber, Jack Smith* 6/9/2015 (22 Sivan) Ivans Berman*, Norman Cohen, Anna Lengel*, Pauline Lenhard* 6/11/2015 (24 Sivan) Annette Bechek, Emanuel Citron*, Clara Fradis*, Benjamin Siegal*, Sadie Wolberg* 6/12/2015 (25 Sivan) Martin Herman*, Estelle Smith*, Morris M. Sperber* 6/13/2015 (26 Sivan) Harold Bloch*, Rae Grund*, Mollie Lustig, Josef Tolkovsky, Ruth Traison 6/14/2015 (27 Sivan) Patricia Milner Sachs*, Isadore Schon 6/15/2015 (28 Sivan) Esther Indianer*, Hy Kinzer*, Jack Palman* 6/16/2015 (29 Sivan) Harry Berg, Morris Korman, Samuel A. Morros*, Yetta Rosenfeld*, Minna Stryk* 6/17/2015 (30 Sivan) Leah Baum, Rubye Schreiber* 6/18/2015 (1 Tammuz) Bertha Brotman*, Zoltan Lugosi, Lottie Wolf*, Solomon “Solly” Yaffe* 6/19/2015 (2 Tammuz) Rose Adler, Minnie Eder*, Jerry Pollack, Henry Wildstrom 6/20/2015 (3 Tammuz) Helen Gettleson*, Alva Lavine, Irving N. Rubin, Joseph Stilman*, Hilda Tennenhouse 6/21/2015 (4 Tammuz) Nathan Apsel, Stuart David Bassin*, Chana Gomolinski, Cyril Silver, Evelyn Starler*, Daniel Weisswasser* 6/22/2015 (5 Tammuz) Florence Blau*, Harold Diamond*, Hyla Offen* 6/23/2015 (6 Tammuz) Richard M. Gerber*, Efraim Kahan, Robin Mainster, Ehud Reiter, Sarah Sawitz*, Mary Silver 6/24/2015 (7 Tammuz) Cecilie Rosenow*, Sarah Rubin*, Boruch Simcha Salomon 6/25/2015 (8 Tammuz) Aaron Byron Cohen*, Hilda Roth Frank, Ann Jacobson*, Dora Schulman* 6/26/2015 (9 Tammuz) Norman Blake, Marika Katzender, Meyer Levin*, Philip Yaker* 6/27/2015 (10 Tammuz) Rose Davidson, Ira Gitlin, Marilyn Goldberg 6/28/2015 (11 Tammuz) Meyer Metzger, Masha Neshkes, Morris Schwartz* 6/29/2015 (12 Tammuz) Julius E. Allen, Esther Kawer*, Esther Ida Kawer, Maurice Martin Silverman*, Celia Terebelo*, General William J. Weinstein 6/30/2015 (13 Tammuz) Louis Grossman* 19 Congregation Beth Ahm—Spring 2015 Rabbi Steven Rubenstein David Goodman Executive Director 2014-2015 Officers Jeff Silver President Congregation Beth Ahm Congregation Beth Ahm (USPS 052-040) is published quarterly by: Congregation Beth Ahm 5075 West Maple Rd. West Bloomfield, MI 48322 5075 West Maple Rd. West Bloomfield, MI 48322 Periodical postage paid at Royal Oak, MI Steven Ribiat First Vice President Subscription rate 50 cents (included with dues) Beth Nadis Second Vice President POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: Congregation Beth Ahm 5075 West Maple Rd. West Bloomfield, MI 48322 Sandi Tamaroff Third Vice President Al Sasson Treasurer Elayne Moss Recording Secretary Immediate Past President Risha B. Ring 2014-2015 Trustees Maxine Berman Jeff Blackman Al Bricker* Amy Brode Aaron Ellenbogen Staci Giske Sandy Glazier Jody Grossman Belle Hornung Jeffrey Kahan Manny Kalef Chuck Kessler* Debi King Lois Langberg Jeremy Moss Robert Nusbaum Harvey Schulist Dahlia Schwartz Marc Soble David Stryk Jeff Weiss Margo Woll* * Past Presidents Professional Staff Elissa Berg Alison Blau Lisa Gates Nancy Kaplan Professor Howard Lupovitch Linda Wright Rabbi Emeritus A. Irving Schnipper Mission Statement Congregation Beth Ahm is a conservative synagogue with a belief in a common Jewish heritage, serving the Metropolitan Detroit area with a philosophy of equality of men and women fully participating in religious, cultural, educational, and social activities of the synagogue. BETH ABRAHAM CEMETERY In Ferndale on Woodward Avenue Pre-planning for future needs makes good sense. Burial plots and perpetual care are available. For more information, please contact Risha Ring 248-763-7929 Emphasis is placed on a close family–like relationship between members working together to provide a community of caring. Office Information phone 248-851-6880 • fax 248-851-6488 Hours Monday-Thursday 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. • Friday 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. Staff David Goodman-Executive Director • Elissa Berg Education and Programming Alison Blau Office Coordinator Linda Wright Accounting
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