3-25-15 - Calvary Baptist Church

Calvary Baptist Church
6100 Perrine Road ● Midland, Michigan 48640 ● 989-832-2991
Fax: 989-832-7443 ● cbc@cbcmidland.org ● www.cbcmidland.org
Weekly Prayer List
Wednesday, March 25, 2015
Missionary Update: Marcus & Elisabeth Curtis & Family
We arrived back in the US just over a month ago. We are adjusting to the temperatures-arriving in Ohio during a record-breaking cold February. We have been preparing for
deputation, and spending time at my mother's home in Lowellville, OH, near
Our home church has a missionary home that will be ready for us in late spring. Our
family is looking forward to living in Midland, MI again, and being a part of our
church and local community.
Our children have enjoyed being back in the US, and LOVE being able to understand
every game, song, verse and story in English at Bible Baptist Temple's Master's Club
on Wednesday nights. They are excited about spending time with their friends, and that they can understand each other so
Prayer Requests:
We are praying for a good vehicle for deputation travel.
We are praying for on-going ministry partners. A large portion of our support for our short-term trip was made up of onetime gifts, or only for the duration of our time in Brazil.
We are praying for a full travel schedule, visiting churches to share our burden to return to the ministry at Beit Chayei
How is the ministry there now?
Camp Ministry: The six area churches' young people had a great week of camp February. There were a number of decision
made that week, and two people were saved. Two of the young men from our church indicated that they have surrendered
their lives to the Lord, and are open to full-time ministry. Please pray with us for Cassio (age 13), Felipe (age 15) and Ruben
(age 22). Ruben has shown so much leadership in various aspects of our church ministry, and has spent lots of time with
Felipe, teaching him to play the guitar, singing together, taking him when he goes on house to house evangelism
visits. Cassio has jumped right in helping around the property as a way to pay his camp off ahead of time--finding helpful
things to do more than was asked! He also helped us run Vacation Bible School. It is encouraging to see our young people
take steps of obedience.
1. Barb Green is home recovering with in-home nursing under
Dr. Shepich’s care. There is concern over the tumors that were
removed and further DNA testing is required on them. She is
expected to return to New York for a follow up and discuss
options in early May. Thank you for lifting up the family in
your prayers and please do not stop as they continue to travel
down this long, sometimes lonely road. (3/14)
2. Pray for Cathy Morrison’s mom as she was rushed to the
hospital this morning with a high fever and was incoherent.
3. Please pray for Carrie Elledge as she has pneumonia and
another bedsore. This is the Tillotson’s daughter. (3/22)
4. Pray for Becky Tillotson’s brother, Harlos. He had quadruple
heart bypass surgery. Pray for recovery. He is saved. (3/22)
5. Pray for Becky Tillotson’s brother, Lynn. He had a stroke
and cannot swallow. It also affected his balance and speech.
Lynn is saved but his daughter Tera is not saved. (3/22)
6. Emma Sageman’s sister, Ruth, lives in Chicago and care for
her husband with Alzheimers. Ruth is 84. She fell and fractured
her shoulder. She is in hospital. Pray for her recovery and
decision about care for her husband. (3/22)
7. LouAnn Smith will be having a cardiac cath on April 8th.
She is also having A-fib problems with her heart.
8. Thailor Conley,daughter of Annette Smith needs corrective
facial/sinus surgery but cannot find a doctor who will do it.
Please pray for help and wisdom in this situation. She has a lot
of pain from the problems.
9. Greg Monroe is home now recovering from a second hospital
stay do to an abscess. (3/18)
10. Tonya Bayne is asking prayer for healing for her sister in
law Wendy Bartys with heart problems. Also for a friend
George Bubnes who has visited CBC and has a brain tumor.
11. Gloria asks prayer for her doctor, Dr. Dear’s cousin,
Jeniffer Blankenmeyer who lost a son in a car accident last
week. He was 20 years old. (3/17)
12. Sandra Windt’s father, Larry Banaszak, is not doing well
and is growing weaker all the time. Pray for strength and
comfort during this time. (2/11)
13. Marilyn Bronsink is home now recovering from surgery for
a broken femur bone. (2/23)
14. Ed Childs has meta disease and stage 4 bladder cancer. The
good news is it has not spread to the organs at this time. “We
continue to keep our eyes on the Lord for his strength and
direction. God is good and we are thankful for our salvation
through Jesus Christ our Lord.” (1/27)
15. Please keep praying for Tom Wheeler and tumors
to stay gone and no new ones to come. Your prayers are
working. (1/2)
16. Teresa Warren is home now recovering from surgery. (3/18)
17. April Wilhelm is home recovering from pneumonia and
other issues. (3/11)
18. Coach V is recovering from having his thyroid removed.
Results came back and there is no cancer. Praise the Lord!
19. Terri Killey is home recovering from blood clots. (3/1)
20. Bonnie LaPointe is home recovering from two mini strokes
and an upper respiratory infection. (3/20)
21. Lloyd Nevins is doing a little better. (3/25)
22. Jason Green is recovering from shoulder surgery. Praise that
surgery went better than expected. He will have 6-8 week
recovery instead of 6-8 months now. (2/11)
23. Wayne Heminghous’ is preparing for a stem cell transplant
from his sister. (3/11)
With Sympathy:
Gary Campbell’s mother, Dorothy Campbell, passed away on
March 20. The funeral is at Calvary on Thursday, March 26 at
1:30 with visitation from 11:30 until 1:30 before the service.
Those with special needs and shut-ins:
Betty Brown (home), Bill Jacobs (Brittany Manor),
Lloyd Nevins (Brittany Manor), Alice Olsen (King’s
Daughters), Donna Suitor (Brittany Manor), Mary Louise
Sinclair (Alma Mason Assisted Living Home [visits requested])
Josh Campbell, Wes Scholtz, David Fifelski, Alek Seams,
Berndt Spittka, Brandon Norrick (Marines Special Ops); Ben
Dittenbir; Mike Engelsgjerd; Kyle McCurley, Kevin McCurley,
Luke & Evon Pretulak, Grant Burch, Joe Bates, Jr.
Gloria Everson and her mom, Grace Ortega thank you for
praying. Her home in Saginaw sold. Please pray for her to find
a home in Midland now.
Other Prayer Requests: