September 10-12, 2015 Fall Festival – September 10-12, 2015 Wine & Brew Fest – 2nd Saturday of November Winter Fest - December 1 COLUMBIA BASIN JUNIOR LIVESTOCK SHOW Welcome to the 2015 CBJLS Show, We are looking forward to the 21st year at the Columbia Basin Junior Livestock Show. This year’s theme is “Country Scenes & Children’s Dreams”. Let’s make it a great year! Please remember to thank your parents, the buyers and all the sponsors who make this show a great success. Thank you, Burl L. Booker CBJLS President OFFICERS President Burl Booker (Connell) 509-989-0360 / 509-488-5948 Vice President Larry Hoffman, Jr. (Connell) 509-528-0287 / 509-234-5816 Secretary Lori Mercer (Connell) 509-521-8454 Treasurer Tara Tuttle (Eltopia) 509-528-2510 / 509-266-4019 Member Jeff Schmidt (Othello) 509-750-8671 / 509-488-2158 PO Box 147 Eltopia, WA 99330 2 OBJECTIVE The purpose of this organization shall be the positive development of youth through the improvement of their life skills, i.e. accepting responsibility, cultivating citizenship, developing leadership, social, and communication skills; provide the opportunity to have their animals appraised by the most competent judges and to experience victory or defeat; providing an educational experience in which they learn about the economic value of desirable market traits and how to recognize those traits; improve their skills in animal care, animal products and how they are produced; present them with the challenge of helping to educate the general public of what livestock production is and what it involves; providing the opportunity to meet and become acquainted with business leaders and those who buy their animals and help support the show. MISSION STATEMENT To provide opportunities for the positive development of youth through Improvement of their life skills Education about livestock production and marketing Challenges to help educate others from their awareness Exposure to business leaders, market supporters, and show volunteers HISTORY Early in 1995, groups of business people, livestock producers, and parents began actively preparing the foundation for an exhibition venue to promote the development of local youth in agriculture. Interim efforts reflect the acquisition of a quality show location, ground developments, and basic expansion of organizational support. The sole source of revenue to operate and maintain the growth of this project has relied on private funding through donations and sponsorships from businesses and individuals in the Columbia Basin Community. SUPPORT Sponsorships: Sponsorships are the specific source of premium funding for our program. This reward system directly affects 250 to 300 4-H and FFA participants from Franklin, Adams, Benton, and Walla Walla Counties, consistently, with distributed earnings to exhibitors between $20 and $50 based on premium points earned by their animal project placing and/or by their personal performance in Fitting and Showing Classes. Each sponsor is listed in the Show Book, Market Stock Sale Catalog, and on each exhibitor’s settlement sheet with special recognition observed at the Appreciation Barbecue following the Saturday Market Stock Sale. Contributions: These donations, $250 to $1000, provide the unique extras to Columbia Basin Junior Livestock Show participants – breakfast each morning, evening entertainment and the Appreciation Barbecue for exhibitors, parents, and buyers on Saturday. Purchase an Animal Project: Purchase a complete animal project at the Livestock Market Stock Sale for personal use or “turn” and pay the support price difference. Growth Fund donations are used to make capital improvements to enhance the CBJLS program. VISIT OUR SHOW-observe youth compete and exhibit their animals, meet new people. ETIQUETTE We strive for courtesy and good etiquette within our exhibitors. We ask that every exhibitor thank our sponsors/donors for their efforts that make our show a reality. We ask that all exhibitors write a thank you note to the buyer for every animal that is sold at the show. The same will hold true for any awards. We strive to make our show the best we can. We love and respect our youth. ANIMAL WELFARE POLICY The CBJLS supports the humane treatment of all animals. We are committed to: 1. Upholding the welfare of animals as a primary consideration in all activities. 2. Requiring that animals be treated with kindness, respect, and compassion. 3. Ensuring that owners, trainers, and exhibitors use responsible care in handling, transporting, and exhibiting their animals. Animals should never be left unattended in or on a trimming stand. 4. Providing for the continuous well-being of animals through proper watering, feeding, disease prevention, sanitation, and attention to their safety. 5. Supporting scientific research to improve the health, safety, and well-being of livestock. 3 SUPERINTENDENTS Swine Barn Chuck Muhlbeier 509-266-4667 Assistant Rose Courneya 509-521-9231 Assistant Kathy Klaustermeyer 509-546-1009 Beef Barn Mark Wieseler 509-539-6432 Assistant Lori Mercer 509-521-8454 Lamb Barn Jennifer Yochum 509-547-8051 Assistant Carol Blauert 509-282-3383 Assistant Kara Booker 509-989-2020 4-H & FFA Livestock Judging Heidi Shattuck 509-521-7343 Camping Mary Mathis 509-528-0652 Shawn Clary 509-366-9900 Herdsmanship Lyle Holt 509-234-5684 Records Books Justin Palmer 509-760-7339 Ribbons Brenda Meads 509-521-3500 Round Robin Jennifer Yochum 509-547-8051 SHOW COMMITTEES Grounds: Joe Escalera, Larry Hoffman Auctioneers: Booker Auction Company Bylaws: Lori Mercer Certified Public Accountant: Ronald J. Perkins Security: Joe Escalera & Adams County Sheriff Posse Livestock Agent: Don Llewellyn Veterinarian: Double Arrow Vet Clinic (509-547-0655) Legal Counsel: Bill Davis of Leavy, Schultz, Davis, & Fearing PS Photographer: Diana Crowther Shirts/Hats: Amy Gray Parade: Rob Davis Breakfasts: Wilbur-Ellis Computer: Lauren Booker Decorations: Kelli Zaro & Randi Davis Camping: Mary Mathis & Shawn Clary Website: Mary Mathis Premium Book: Mary Mathis Memorial Garden: Orvalla Hafer Scrapbook & Photos: Orvalla Hafer Buyer’s Appreciation BBQ: Sandra Hanses, Jen Garrison & Dave Manterola 4 Columbia Basin Junior Livestock Show Schedule of Events Wednesday, September 2 Office Hours Sunday, September 6 12:00 p.m. Official 4-H & FFA Record Books for judging purposes are required to be turned in at the Benton Franklin County Extension office or to Justin Palmer at Connell High School Camp trailers may arrive on CBJLS grounds. Club displays can go up now thru Wednesday ALL DISPLAYS MUST BE COMPLETED BY WEDNESDAY AT 1:00 PM PRIOR TO ANIMALS BEING WEIGHEDIN, NO EXCEPTIONS. Wednesday, September 9 1:00-7:00 p.m. 5:00-7:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. Thursday, September 10 6:00-8:00 a.m. 8:00 a.m. 8:00-8:30 a.m. 8:30 a.m. 9:00 a.m. 7:00 p.m. Friday, September 11 6:00-8:00 a.m. 8:00 a.m. 8:30-9:00 a.m. 9:00 a.m. 5:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. Saturday, September 12 6:00-8:00 a.m. 8:00 a.m. 8:00-9:30 a.m. 11:00 a.m. 12:30 p.m. After Sale Sunday, September 13 6:00 a.m. – noon Noon RECORD BOOKS ARE NO LONGER REQUIRED, IT HAS BEEN REPLACED WITH A MARKET ANIMAL COST SHEET (SEE PAGE 27). ALL EXHIBITORS MUST BRING THEIR FILLED-OUT MARKET ANIMAL COST SHEET TO WEIGH-IN. CARD STOCK COPIES ARE AVAILABLE AT WEIGH-IN. Swine Weigh-in MUST have completed Health Record Lamb Weigh-in MUST have Scrapies Identification and completed Health Record Steer Weigh-in MUST have completed Health Record, Animal Care & Management Disclosure Statement, transfer slip from breeder to exhibitor & transfer slip from exhibitor to CBJLS Poster Contest entries due at show office Breakfast (Thanks Wilbur Ellis!) Herdsmanship Begins Exhibitors, parents, and staff meeting in livestock pavilion ATTENDANCE MANDATORY Lamb Fitting & Showing Preview Steer, Swine, and Lamb Market Classes begin – CHAMPIONSHIPS FOLLOW Herdsmanship Ends Entertainment Breakfast (Thanks Wilbur Ellis!) Herdsmanship Begins Beef and Swine Fitting & Showing Preview Steer, Swine, & Lamb Fitting and Showing Classes begin – CHAMPIONSHIPS FOLLOW Round Robin Herdsmanship Ends Entertainment Breakfast (Thanks Wilbur Ellis!) Herdsmanship Begins Livestock Judging North Franklin Fall Festival Parade – Come ride the CBJLS float! Market Stock Sale (ORDER: Swine, Sheep, Beef) Buyers Appreciation BBQ and awards presentation ALL EXHIBITORS MUST PICK UP GARBAGE/TRASH PRIOR TO ENTERTAINMENT Entertainment Tear down the show displays, remove overnight campers/trailers and clean grounds Show Officially Ends ********ALL SCHEDULED TIMES ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE******** 5 Columbia Basin Junior Livestock Show New Rules/Changes This Year WE HAVE UPGRADED OUR EXHIBITOR ENTRY PROCESS! WE NO LONGER ACCEPT MAILED-IN EXHIBITOR ENTRY OR CAMPING FORMS. ALL EXHIBITOR ENTRIES AND CAMPING PAYMENTS MUST BE COMPLETED AND PAID ONLINE AT WWW.CBJLS.ORG. PAYMENT WILL BE COLLECTED VIA DEBIT OR CREDIT CARDS ONLY. EACH EXHIBITOR WILL NEED TO CREATE A USER ID AND PASSWORD ON THE SECURE SITE TO BEGIN THE REGISTRATION PROCESS. PLEASE LOOK FOR THE LINK ON OUR WEBSITE AS EARLY AS May 15th. IF YOU WISH TO ORDER LOGO CLOTHING ITEMS, THE ORDER FORM IS LOCATED ONLINE AND IN THE BACK OF THIS PREMIUM BOOKLET. THIS IS THE ONLY FORM THAT WE WILL ACCEPT VIA THE MAIL. NO PAYMENTS OF ANY KIND WILL BE ACCEPTED ON TAG DAY. AT THE TIME OF SHOW, STEERS WEIGHING LESS THAN 1075 POUNDS SCALE WEIGHT WILL NOT BE ALLOWED TO COMPETE, THE PREVIOUS YEAR WAS 1050 POUNDS. STEERS WILL BE SHRUNK 3% AS THEY ARE WEIGHED OFF THE TRUCK. NO OVERNIGHT TRAILERS, CAMPERS, MOTOR HOMES, ETC. ARE ALLOWED TO BE REMOVED UNTIL SUNDAY MORNING AT 6:00 A.M. AND MUST BE REMOVED NO LATER THAN MONDAY AT 12:00 P.M. FOLLOWING THE SHOW. NO SKATEBOARDS, SCOOTERS, BIKES ETC. ARE ALLOWED ON THE GROUNDS. NO DOGS ARE ALLOWED ON THE GROUNDS OR THE CAMPING AREAS! NO EXCEPTIONS! THE OVERNIGHT CAMPING FEE HAS INCREASED TO $20 PER SPACE FOR THE LENGTH OF THE LIVESTOCK SHOW. BEEF EXHIBITORS MUST ALSO TURN IN A “4-H ANIMAL CARE & MANAGEMENT DISCLOSURE STATEMENT” WHEN THEY TH ARRIVE ON SHOW GROUNDS AT WEIGH-IN ON SEPTEMBER 9 . THIS DOCUMENT IS LOCATED ON OUR WEBSITE AT WWW.CBJLS.ORG UNDER THE “FORMS” TAB. AS ALWAYS, NO ALCOHOL IS ALLOWED ON SHOW GROUNDS OR IN THE CAMPING AREAS, WE ARE ON SCHOOL PROPERTY. THIS IS A SHOW FOR KIDS AND NOT A SOCIAL FUNCTION FOR ADULTS. WHEN CLEANING YOUR SWINE PENS ON SUNDAY, PLEASE TIP UP THE PEN AND CLEAN UNDER IT TO GET ANY REMAINING DEBRIS OR SAWDUST FREE FROM THE FLOOR. LAMBS MUST BE SHEARED; 30 DAY WOOL GROWTH REQUIRED; NO SLICK SHORN. IF YOU PURCHASE AN OUT-OF-STATE HOG, YOU MUST POSSESS A VETERINARY INSPECTION STATING YOUR SWINE DOES NOT HAVE, NOR HAS IT BEEN EXPOSED TO THE PED VIRUS. YOUR HEALTH RECORDS MUST INCLUDE THE BREEDER’S INFORMATION AS WELL AS BREEDER’S SIGNATURE . IF YOU PURCHASED AN OUT-OF-STATE STEER OR LAMB, YOU MUST POSSESS A VETERINARY INSPECTION REPORT. IT IS THE EXHIBITOR’S RESPONSIBILITY TO HAVE SOMEONE ON THE SHOW GROUNDS WILLING TO TAKE CARE OF YOUR ANIMAL IF YOU LEAVE THE GROUNDS. IF WE HAVE A PROBLEM WITH YOUR ANIMAL, YOU WILL BE NOTIFIED. YOU WILL BE REQUIRED TO RETURN TO THE SHOW GROUNDS TO TAKE CARE OF THE PROBLEM OR HAVE A DESIGNATED PERSON ON THE GROUNDS TAKE CARE OF IT FOR YOU. THE EXHIBITOR WILL PROVIDE AN EMERGENCY NAME AND PHONE NUMBER ON THE MARKET ANIMAL COST SHEET HUNG ABOVE THEIR PEN. BACK-UP LAMBS ARE NO LONGER ACCEPTED. WE ARE ALWAYS IN NEED OF 3-4 LAMBS FOR THE BBQ ON SATURDAY. IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO TAKE THE OPPORTUNITY TO HELP CONTRIBUTE TO THE SUCCESS OF CBJLS BY DONATING YOUR BACKST UP LAMB FOR THE BBQ, PLEASE TALK TO KARA BOOKER BY SEPTEMBER 1 . A 5% COMMISSION CHARGE WILL BE ASSESSED FOR ANY ADD-ONS OF LIVESTOCK SOLD. 6 Columbia Basin Junior Livestock Show Record Books 1. 4-H or FFA exhibitors have the option of turning in an Official 4-H or FFA County Record book for judging purposes only. 2. No record books will be accepted without required signatures. 3. Exhibitors are responsible to get their own county record books. You can pick up a county record book at the extension offices or from your FFA/4-H advisor. 4. There is only one acceptable 4-H County Record Book for judging: Official 4-H County Record Book 5. Only completed Official County 4-H Record books and FFA Record books will be judged for awards. Awards will be given to the grand and reserve champion record books in the junior, intermediate, senior and FFA divisions. 6. Record books will be accepted during office hours on Wednesday, September 2nd at the Benton or Franklin County Extension Office or to Justin Palmer at Connell High School. OFFICIAL COUNTY 4-H RECORD BOOK 1) Judges overall evaluation a) Record book needs to be in a three ring binder or green 4-H cover b) Neat and legible c) Record book is complete, all information is included d) Required signatures 2) Goals and Plans a) Includes a goal for things to do/learned this year, should be complete, realistic, and in proportion to years in project and age. b) Signatures needed. 3) Calendar a) Record of all club and project activities – if there weren’t any, write NONE b) Events attended underlined (or box marked) 4) Monthly Expenses/Income a) If there were no expenses/income write NONE and $0.00 b) If there was no project activity during the month, there will not be any expenses. c) This is where you will list your cost of feed, animal, and anything else you purchased for your project. 5) Project Activity for Each Month a) This will be notes showing involvement with your project b) If there was no activity write NONE 6) Project Photos a) Two photos required – needs to have a caption and date 7) Yearly Inventory a) List all items you have for your project (including your animals) b) DO NOT list feed here 8) Total Yearly Expenses/Income a) Totals for the month of September should be in pencil b) The total (at the bottom of the page) for expenses and income should be in pencil c) If there are months with no expenses or income write $0.00 d) For profit/loss total (at the bottom of the page) write TBD in pencil (to be determined) e) Make sure that you have completed the meeting attendance record at the bottom of the page. 9) Large Animal Project a) This is an add sheet b) One picture of your project is required (captioned and dated) 10) Health Record (Copy only) – available at a) This is an add sheet b) Make sure it is complete 7 c) Signatures are required Show Record 4-H Presentation, Judging, & Contests Project Highlights Educational Events Leadership Responsibilities Community Service Projects Other Events Non 4-H Activities 4-H Story a) Introduction of member b) Project story c) 4-H Participation d) Influence 4-H has had on member 20) One last statement for the year a) Include your most significant accomplishments for the year b) All signatures required 11) 12) 13) 14) 15) 16) 17) 18) 19) RECORD BOOKS WITHOUT SIGNATURES WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED OFFICIAL FFA RECORD BOOK 1) Judges Overall Evaluation a) Record book to be in a folder b) Neat and Legible (typed or handwritten) c) Record book is complete, all information is included 2) Required Pages a) Cover Page b) Agreement for SAE Project c) Two pictures d) Beginning and Ending Inventory e) Beginning and Ending Net Worth Statement f) Expense and Income g) Work Experience (optional) h) Activities RECORD BOOKS WITHOUT SIGNATURES WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED 2014 Official County 4-H and FFA Record Book Contest Winners FFA Grand Champion – Jaylan Funk, Prosser Sponsor - Greg & Julie Hart 4-H Int. Grand Champion – Kirsten Ramer, Kennewick Sponsor – Circle B Farms 4-H Int. Reserve Champion - John Engelke, Benton City Sponsor – Klaustermeyer Farms 4-H Sr. Reserve Champion – Mackenzie Shattuck, Pasco Sponsor – Greg & Julie Hart 4-H Jr. Grand Champion – Delaney Shattuck, Pasco Sponsor – Ken & Gayle Smith 8 Columbia Basin Junior Livestock Show Rules and Regulations RULE 1: All Livestock Entries, Camping Registrations, Logo Clothing/Hat orders and fees are DUE on July 15th. Exhibitor Entries and Camping th Registrations WILL ONLY BE ACCEPTED ONLINE. To enter, visit, the link will be available on or near May 15 . The only mailed form we will allow for payment and ordering purposes is the Logo Clothing/Hat form, it is located online and in this premium book. Please mail to: CBJLS, PO Box 147 Eltopia, WA 99330 on or before midnight of that date or bear postmark of the date at point of mailing. No monies will be collected on any tag days. A $30.00 non-refundable registration exhibitor fee is assessed per exhibitor and will be collected online with the Exhibitor Entry. This fee covers provided bedding for pens (straw for steers, wood shavings for sheep & swine), evening entertainments, riding the CBJLS float in the parade Saturday morning, Saturday evenings BBQ dinner, the “Exhibitor’s Dance” and payment of Pork, Beef & Lamb Checkoff Dollars. We are a non-profit group with no state or county funding. RULE 2: Entries properly filled out listing each individual animal to be placed on exhibition must be certified by the agricultural extension agent in the county from which the entry comes, by 4-H leader in charge of the club or group for which entries are being sent, or by the high school agricultural instructor with whom the student is enrolled. RULE 3: All entries are accepted with understanding that neither the Columbia Basin Junior Livestock Show organization, nor the sponsors, nor their officers, shall be held responsible for any damages or loss that may arise. If any animal is condemned by the packer, the loss will be borne by the exhibitor. All veterinary expenses incurred are the responsibility of the exhibitor. RULE 4: The livestock committee and management reserves the right to reject or remove any entry for reason deemed sufficient. Animal must be healthy and free of illness. Animals must be bathed and reasonably clean upon arrival at the show. Show officials also have the right to perform random drug testing of the livestock. Any monetary penalties assessed by the packer for failed drug testing will be passed on to the exhibitor. RULE 5: Entries are open to any regularly enrolled FFA or 4-H Club member in good standing, i.e. academic requirements, participation requirements, prior discipline problems, etc… Members of the FFA must be regularly enrolled in livestock project work with the State Supervisor of Agricultural Education and livestock must be owned by established ownership dates. Members of 4-H Clubs must be regularly enrolled in livestock project work with the Agricultural Extension Service of their State Agricultural University and livestock must be owned by established ownership dates. RULE 6: All 4-H/FFA exhibitors may turn in a record book for judging purposes only. Books must be bound together. Record books for judging must be submitted by the designated due dates. A signed statement from the high school instructor, county extension agent, or club leader to the effect that the project and record books have been approved will be required on the due dates in order to be judged. RULE 7: To be eligible to compete in the Columbia Basin Junior Livestock Show you must be currently enrolled in 4-H or FFA in the participating counties and shall terminate upon graduation of the same year. Those exhibiting as an FFA member must have completed an approved agricultural education course and are members of a chartered FFA chapter under the supervision of an FFA advisor. RULE 8: The participating counties for the show are Franklin, Benton, Adams, and Walla Walla. RULE 9: Only one animal per exhibitor will be eligible to show and sell. The exhibitor is required to show his or her own animal. Extenuating circumstances must be approved by their respective barn superintendent. RULE 10: Any animal, which has been exhibited in any show and purchased from said show, shall be ineligible to compete in the Columbia Basin Junior Livestock Show. Responsibilities of Exhibitors RULE 11: All exhibitors attending the Show must be under the direction of a high school agricultural instructor or 4-H Club Leader. Those exhibitors that are participants in the Show must be under the immediate supervision of a responsible adult. Curfew is at 11:00 p.m. RULE 12: Each exhibitor must take care of and exhibit his own animal unless excused by the management for reasons that are deemed sufficient. The exhibitor will be responsible for the care and cleanliness of the pens, stalls & tack area, feeding and watering of his/her animal in a timely manner or he/she will not be allowed in the sale. All animals must be clean on arrival. He/she must also prepare his animal for use in the livestock judging contest on request of the contest superintendent, or forfeit his/her entries and all rights and privileges of the show. The exhibitor must obtain a stall card from the show office at time of registration and the card must be properly filled out and tacked up by the stall or pen, showing name, address and breeder of animal, if possible. Sheep and swine exhibitors will furnish their own kick boards. Kickboards and pen sizes are 5' x 5' for lambs, 5’ x 4’ x 4’ high for swine with a kickboard length of 44”. Every club or chapter exhibit must be identified with a banner or sign. All tack 9 areas must have a club or chapter name visibly posted. All stalls, education materials, bedding, etc., must be removed, or all premium money will be withheld. LEAVE IT BETTER THAN YOU FOUND IT. RULE 13: Superintendents shall have authority over all matters within their respective departments, subject to management approval. Any protest must be made in writing and presented to the Executive Board and Department of Superintendents of the show within twelve (12) hours after the occurrence of the incident. The management rulings shall in all cases be final. RULE 14: Any exhibitor, parent or supervising adult found using or having in his/her possession any intoxicating liquor or narcotic drug will be barred from participating or exhibiting. THERE WILL BE NO ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES ON THE GROUNDS. Columbia Basin Junior Livestock Show is on North Franklin School District Property, which prohibits use of alcoholic beverages or tobacco. RULE 15: Any FFA or 4-H member, parent or supervising adult guilty of misconduct, i.e., destruction of property, boisterous conduct, profane language, etc..., may have his/her stock withdrawn from the show and both sent home. Members of the judging teams and other members of the FFA or 4-H clubs visiting the show, upon misconduct, may disqualify their team from any winnings or placing which they may receive; also, such members will be sent home. RULE 16: State Health Requirements: (1) Washington livestock require no vaccinations or tests for entry; (2) Individual Veterinarian health certificates are not required for entry with the exception of swine purchased out of state. Please see Swine Division for more information. (3) The Show Veterinarian will inspect all livestock for symptoms of infections, contagious and communicable disease and will reject unhealthy animals from entry; (4) Any animal may be removed from the Show at any given time by Show Veterinarian or Superintendent at the expense of the exhibitor; (5) No animals from any quarantined area or premises will be permitted to enter the show. A veterinarian will be at the show in accordance with state regulations. th RULE 17: Facilities at the show will be open to receive stock at 1:00 pm September 9 for swine and sheep, and 5:00 pm for steers. All exhibits th must be on the grounds no later than 7:00 p.m. Wednesday, September 9 . THERE WILL BE NO RE-WEIGHS OF ANY SPECIES OF ANIMALS. ANIMALS WILL BE WEIGHED OFF THE TRUCK. RULE 18: A 5% charge will be made on the gross sales and any additional add-ons of all livestock sold to help defray the expenses of the Show. RULE 19: Straw or shavings will be furnished for all livestock shown. Use what is needed, but do not waste it. RULE 20: No skateboards, scooters, bikes etc. are allowed on grounds. RULE 21: Selection of Grand Champion and Reserve Grand Champion will take place in the show arena. The sale order will be Swine, Sheep and Beef. In the following years, the order will alternate with the first going to last and the second becoming the first in order. RULE 22: Classifications of market lambs, swine, and steers will be done by weight. RULE 23: All exhibitors will automatically be entered in the Fitting and Showing contest. Non-participants will constitute loss of all awards and sale privileges. Superintendents will make allowance. Request to be excused must be made in writing to Superintendent. Exhibitors must Fit & Show their own animal. RULE 24: Exhibitors will be allowed to tag two (2) animals of the same species, but show and sell only one (1) animal total. One animal must be registered in an individual exhibitor’s name. A second animal can be registered in an individual’s name or as a family animal, listing it on each entry form of each family member. There will be no substitutions, only animals tagged for Columbia Basin Junior Livestock show will be eligible. RULE 25: Once an animal has been sold and turned, the animal will be shipped to the packer. Any deductions or premiums received from the packers will be passed along to the exhibitor. RULE 26: Money from the sale of any animal, resold as a memorial or benefit, shall revert to the Livestock Show Fund. RULE 27: An appropriate dress code will be followed throughout the Show. Acceptable attire must be worn into the ring while showing your animal. 4-H: Clean clothes, face washed, hair combed, no open toed shoes, no tank tops or shorts. FFA: Official dress including black pants, white collared shirt with scarf or tie, FFA jacket and appropriate shoes. RULE 28: All payments will be made only to names listed on final entry form. 10 Steer Division – Ownership of animal is March 28th RULE 29: STEERS A. Exhibitors will be allowed to tag two (2) steers at the designated Spring Weigh In/Tag Day. Suggested maximum weight at the Spring Weigh In/Tag Day is 950 lbs. B. At time of show, steers weighing less than 1,075 pounds scale weight will not be allowed to compete. Exhibitors will be only allowed to show one steer. No heifers, stags or bulls will be allowed. No horn growth over 2” will be allowed. C. Each steer must be accompanied by two (2) brand slips if purchased and one (1) if raised by the exhibitor. D. Each steer must be accompanied with an Animal Care & Managament Disclsosure Statement, the form is found on-line on our website. E. No steer will be allowed in the show that did not attend the designated weigh-in day and was not tagged that day. We will accept steers with a Benton-Franklin tag in it. F. Each steer must be tied with a neck rope in addition to a halter. Display structures must be provided by exhibitor. G. Market classes will be determined by weight and numbers, not by height. Order will be posted by the Superintendent. H. Steers will be shrunk 3% as they are weighed off the truck. I. Any steer that is unloaded prior to weigh-in time will be shrunk 5%. J. Each exhibitor will be required to pay a branding fee of $5.00 K. No displays or tack areas are allowed to be removed until Sunday morning at 6:00 a.m. L. Grooming stations need to be identified. M. If you purchased an out of state steer you must possess a Veterinarian Inspection Report Swine Division – Ownership of animal is June 13th RULE 30: SWINE A. Before entering, refer to the Columbia Basin Junior Livestock Rules and Regulations in this Premium Book. B. Hogs do not need to be hauled in for tagging, but you must come to Tag Day to pick up tags and fill out our form. We will accept Benton Franklin tag numbers, but all exhibitors (or someone representing them) must attend the mandatory tag day. Please bring the Benton Franklin tag numbers with you to tag day. C. Tags need to be put in the pigs ear ASAP. Random ear tag verification farm visits will go into effect following tag day. D. Exhibitors may tag two (2) pigs per exhibitor, but they are limited to show only one (1) swine. Exhibitors are required to show one of the hogs they tagged. No swapping of hogs will be allowed. If you lose a tag, please contact one of us in the Swine Department RIGHT AWAY! E. Pen sizes are 5’ deep x 4’ wide x 4’ high and 44” wide for kick boards. Display structures must be provided by exhibitor. All displays must be completed by Wednesday at 1:00 p.m. – before weighing in your hog. F. Swine will be weighed once off the truck. The scale weight will be the sale weight. There will be no pencil shrink on swine. G. Swine must weigh at least 235 pounds with a maximum of 295 pounds. H. All swine exhibitors must be Pork Quality Assurance certified. I. At weigh-in, exhibitor must have a completed Health Record for their hog and a completed Market Animal Cost Sheet. If you purchased your hog from out of state, you will be required to submit your health record complete with breeder information including the breeder’s signature. You will also need a certificate of veterinary inspection stating that your swine does not have, nor has it been exposed to the PED virus. J. Hogs may only have the ears and tails clipped. If hogs are found to be body-sheared, clipped or oiled upon arrival of the show, they will be sent home immediately. Hair must be a minimum of ¾” hair long. No electrical cords in the barn. K. At the discretion of the Management, any hog will be disqualified from the show if it shows evidence of pigginess, scars, hernia, foul sheath, sores or bruises, and any blemish that seriously impairs the carcass. No boars will be permitted in the show L. Market classes will be by weight and posted by the Superintendent. M. No displays or tack areas are allowed to be removed until Sunday morning at 6:00 a.m. Lamb Division – Ownership of animal is June 13th RULE 31: LAMBS A. Lambs to be exhibited must have been born after January 1 of this year to be eligible to compete. Rams will be disqualified. No short scrotum lambs will be allowed to show. B. Exhibitors are limited to show and sell one (1) market lamb. C. Lambs must weigh at least 115 pounds with a maximum of 160 pounds. D. Lambs must be sheared; 30 day wool growth required; NO SLICK SHORN. Animals will be refused or demoted in Market, and Fitting & Showing classes as deemed appropriate. E. Lambs must be weighed and tagged on designated tag day. NO EXCEPTIONS. Exhibitors may weigh and tag two (2) lambs. Lambs will be weighed off the trucks and tagged. There will be no pencil shrink at the time of show weigh-in. 11 F. G. Lambs are not to be washed at the show. Only spot washing of manure stains will be allowed. Lamb breeder’s name, address and signature are required on the submitted Health Record. It is the responsibility of the exhibitor to provide this information at the time of weigh-in. H. ALL LAMBS must have a scrapies ear tag or tattoo. All breeders’ information must include a USDA Scrapies Flock number I. We recommend two (2) vertebras on the lamb’s tail length to help prevent prolapse. Animal health is of the utmost importance and the packer has the right to refuse the animal, if this happens, the exhibitor will get sale proceeds minus the floor price. J. Display structures must be provided by exhibitor. Pen sizes are 5’ x 5’ and exhibitor must supply kick boards. K. The intent is to have a Lamb Carcass Contest unless circumstances change it. Only lambs “turned” to the packer are entered in the carcass contest. L. No displays or tack areas are allowed to be removed until Sunday morning at 6:00 a.m. M. Grooming stations need to be identified. N. If you purchased an out of state lamb you must possess a Veterinarian Inspection Report 4-H & FFA Market Stock Sale Information RULE 32: All exhibits entered in competition must be consigned for sale to the Columbia Basin Junior Livestock Show. All qualified exhibits must be sold in the auction ring. Each exhibitor must lead or drive his/her livestock through the Sale Ring unless specifically excused in writing by the Superintendent. Any exhibitor’s animal not in the sale line-up at time will be sold at floor price and awards will be withheld. No exhibits may be advertised for sale. RULE 33: Only those beef, swine, and lambs making classification shall be qualified to be listed and sold in the Sale. All animals listed in the Sale must comply with weight requirements. No white ribbon market animals will be eligible for the sale. RULE 34: TERMS OF THE SALE SHALL BE CASH. Purchasers shall make arrangements for payment with the Show office before leaving. All purchasers will be asked for identification upon obtaining a buyer’s card. The purchaser will be responsible for paying for those animals he/she buys. Add-ons accepted for only 5 days after the sale. Please contact Lauren Booker via phone (509)989-9788 or email RULE 35: Any animals disqualified from showing will also be disqualified from the sale. RULE 36: Every effort will be made to list livestock on the sale sheet and sell in order to their respective placing in the Market Show Ring . RULE 37: Steers will be given a shrink of 3%. Swine and Sheep will not be shrunk. Time of weighing and order classes are listed in the official program. RULE 38: Checks in payment for animals sold should be cashed within 60 days of the issue date. RULE 39: Premium awards will be made to exhibitors based on points earned in each ribbon group. A monetary value, dependent on funds available, will be given for each point. That value times the total points earned will be the amount of premium money awarded; Blue 50, Red 40, White 30. Any other monies received will be distributed as an add-on. RULE 40: All steers sold at the Market Stock Sale must go to Tyson or McCary Meats slaughterhouse for carcass evaluation and grading. RULE 41: Any unspecified fees will be withheld from premium/sale check for administrative fees; for example: brand inspection fees, NSF checks and/or bank fees. The NSF fee will be $45.00 per check. RULE 42: The Market Animal Cost Sheet (page 27) must be printed on heavy cardstock (provided by CBJLS on weigh day), completely filled out, legible and posted above the pen of the market animal. The copy and sample in this book are for your use as a rough draft version. RULE 43: There will be no special announcements for advertising during the show; i.e. non-profit organizations, orphanges, etc. RULE 44: It is the exhibitor’s responsibility to have someone on the show grounds willing to take care of your animal if you leave the grounds. If we have a problem with your animal, you will be notified. You will be required to return to the show grounds to take care of the problem or have your designated person on the grounds take care of it for you. The exhibitor will provide an emergency name and phone number on the Market Animal Cost Sheet hung above their pen. REQUIREMENTS: Educational Display: Educational displays are required for each individual in a club or chapter in each livestock area. Exhibits shall be educational or informational in nature and feature some aspect of the livestock industry. Exhibits must be set up by 1:00 pm on Wednesday and are to be removed at the end of the show. Columbia Basin Junior Livestock Show Fitting and Showing: All exhibitors are required to compete in fitting and showing. All training and preparation of the animals, both prior and during the show, is to be done by the exhibitor. Each exhibitor must show his/her own animal. 12 Columbia Basin Junior Livestock Show Poster Contest In order to help the public better understand agriculture, exhibitors can create a poster centered on agriculture. 1. Exhibits must be agriculture related. 2. The exhibitor’s name, division, and club/chapter must be printed clearly on the back of the entry – please, NO NAMES on the front of the poster. 3. The member must prepare his or her own exhibit. 4. All entries are exhibited at exhibitor’s risk. 5. All entries must be received by 7 pm, Wednesday night. 6. One entry per exhibitor. 7. Exhibitor MUST also be an active exhibitor of a steer, lamb or swine at the show. 8. Entries must remain in place until after 8:30 pm on Saturday. Entries left on grounds will be disposed of. 9. Poster Qualifications a. A poster is like a billboard: very few words with a strong visual message. b. It is highly recommended lettering be clear, dark print of at least one inch in height. c. Posters must be readable from 15 feet. d. Posters should be “consumer orientated.” The message should be something that consumers (in this case, the average fairgoer) would be interested in knowing and/or learning. e. Posters will be judged on overall: i. Consumer orientation ii. Effectiveness iii. Simplicity & Clarity iv. Originality 2014 Poster Contest Winners Most Educational – Kindra Klaustermeyer, Othello Best of Show – Jennah Salinas, Eltopia 13 Columbia Basin Junior Livestock Show “Steer of Merit” Contest The Washington “Steer of Merit” criteria are used to evaluate the carcasses. Criteria for “Steer of Merit” are as follows: 1. Hot carcass weight: 600 pounds minimum and 900 pounds maximum. 2. Minimum rib-eye area requirement: Using the sliding scale method, it is calculated (hot carcass weight x .012) + 3.8. 3. Yield Grade: 2.9 or lower (Low Choice – 2.9 or lower, Ave. to High Choice – 3.4 or lower, Prime - 3.9 or lower) 4. Quality Grade: Low Choice or better 5. Carcasses must be determined acceptable and free from defects, which may significantly reduce carcass value. 6. Average Daily Gain: 2.60 lbs average daily gain or better. Must be fed 100 days minimum. Carcasses that meet all the “Steer of Merit” criteria are indexed utilizing a formula that places 70 percent emphasis on carcass yield grade (cut ability), and quality grade, and 30 percents emphasis on average daily gain. 2014 Winners 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Bailey Greene, Prosser Justin Maljaars, Prosser Marlo Lovejoy, Eltopia Rebeccah Bergman, Kennewick Madison Smith, Connell James Danz, Mesa 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Jake Davis, Connell Koey Guilbeau, Mesa Logan VanBuren, Pasco Lauren Curtis, Connell Austin Howell, Kennewick Sponsors: Franklin County Cattlemans Association Columbia Basin Junior Livestock Show “Lamb of Merit” Contest Requirements for the Washington Lamb of Merit 1. Hot carcass weight : 55 – 85 pounds th 2. Adjusted 12 Rib Fat Thickness: 0.15 – 0.25 3. Muscling: Leg Conformation Grade of High Choice or Better 4. Yield Grade: 2.9 or lower 5. Quality Grade: Low Choice through High Prime 6. Average Daily Gain Minimum of 0.60 pounds per day. 2014 Winners No Lamb of Merit Contest due to Superior Meats error 14 Columbia Basin Junior Livestock Show Herdsmanship Contest All individuals, clubs, and chapters are required to participate in herdsmanship. All aisles in all divisions (beef, sheep, and swine) are to remain bare and kept clean. There will be no sawdust or straw allowed in any aisle. Scoring will be on: 1. Neatness and cleanliness of stalls and surrounding areas. 2. Stall cards, banners, educational displays, and club identification. 3. Evidence of regular care of animals. 4. Decorations and flowers are encouraged. Club or Chapter Name _____________________________________________________________________________ Complete Exhibit (Judged one time ONLY) Appropriateness for a livestock exhibit Neatness and Readability Club Identification Grooming of Animals Educational Exhibit Content and originality Interesting, Readable, Understandable Display 5 5 5 10 TOTAL: 15 10 50 TOTAL: 10 10 20 25 10 15 10 100 Daily Upkeep (Judged 2 times daily) Stall cards & Ribbons displayed to clearly identify Maintenance and Cleanliness of total display Clean animals Clean, neat walkways Proper amount of clean bedding Tack and supplies stored properly Equipment stored appropriately Deduct for: Inappropriate treatment of animals Clippings and hair not cleaned up Water and feed not used appropriately Manure not hauled away Unsafe conditions Blocking chutes and stands not clean and in appropriate place Neckties and halters not in use (beef) Add Points for: Cleaning area of barn open to general public Cleaning area of show ground Helping to setup and rearrange alleys and show pens 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 Points deducted and added at the discretion of barn superintendent or herdsmanship judge. Tack and fitting stands or chutes must be identified by exhibitor or group 2014 Columbia Basin Jr. Livestock Show Barn Herdsmanship Champions 4-H Sheep FFA Sheep Grand Champion: Creative Kids Grand Champion: Finley FFA Reserve Grand Champion: Thompson Family Res. Grand Champion: Columbia Burbank FFA 4-H Swine FFA Swine Grand Champion: Rockin Arrow Grand Champion: Kennewick FFA Reserve Grand Champion: Blue Jeans & Boots Reserve Grand Champion: Kiona Benton FFA 4-H Beef FFA Beef Grand Champion: Okie Dokie Grand Champion: Connell FFA Reserve Grand Champion: Town & Country Reserve Grand Champion: Finley FFA Reserve Banners Donated by Cochrane Sons Farms 15 Columbia Basin Junior Livestock Show Judging Contest FFA Livestock Judging 1. The contest will be held at 8:00 am Saturday morning. 2. Any FFA Chapter may enter one team of five (5) members and other members may judge as individuals. You do not have to be an exhibitor to participate in the judging contest. 3. Classes of livestock will be beef, sheep, and swine. 4-H Livestock Judging 1. The contest will be held concurrent with that of the FFA contest and the same animals will be judged. 2. Enrolled 4-H livestock members are eligible. You do not have to be an exhibitor to participate in the judging contest. 3. Judging will be on an individual basis. There will be three age divisions: Senior, Intermediate, and Junior Member. 2014 Winners 4-H Senior Grand Champion – Kara Shibley, West Richland 4-H Senior Reserve Champion –Kaitlin Smasne, Prosser 4-H Int. Grand Champion – Haiden Holst, Basin City 4-H Int. Reserve Champion – Jennah Salinas, Eltopia 4-H Jr. Grand Champion – Ryan Plumb, Kennewick 4-H Jr. Reserve Champion – Nathan Hayles, Pasco 4-H Jr. Grand Champion – Delaney Shattuck, Pasco FFA High Point Champion – Kaedyn Corrales, Othelllo st FFA Teams: 1 –Connell #1 nd 2 – Connell #2 rd 3 – Kennewick Bleyhl Farm Service 1126 W Ainsworth Pasco, WA 99301 (509) 547-5577 A Few Products We Carry Purina Quality Feeds Cenex Lube Oil Orchard & Vineyard Supplies Livestock Fencing & Supplies Lawn & Pasture Seed Lawn & Garden Supplies Animal Health Supplies “33 years of supporting 4-H and FFA” 16 2014 Columbia Basin Jr. Livestock Show Beef Grand Champions, Reserve Grand Champions, and Sponsors 4-H Grand Champion Market Steer – Jake Davis, Connell Sponsor: Allen & Cheryl Olberding 4-H Reserve Champion Market Steer – Connor Haverkamp, Pasco Sponsor: Winnifred Savitch FFA Grand Champion Market Steer – Bailey Greene, Prosser Sponsor: Allen & Cheryl Olberding FFA Reserve Champion Market Steer – Jaymee Tuttle, Eltopia Sponsor: Ken & Gayle Smith 4-H Sr. Grand Champion Beef Fitting and Showing – Marlo Lovejoy, Eltopia Sponsor: Ken & Gayle Smith 4-H Sr. Reserve Champion Beef Fitti0ng and Showing – Thea Gilbeau, Mesa Sponsor: Erin & Erin Plumb 4-H Int. Grand Champion Beef Fitting and Showing – McKenna Lovejoy, Eltopia Sponsor: Hafer Farms 4-H Int. Reserve Champion Beef Fitting and Showing – McCall Lovejoy, Eltopia Sponsor: Saddle Mountain Farm Supply Inc. 4-H Jr. Grand Champion Beef Fitting and Showing – Lauren Curtis, Connell Sponsor: Hafer Enterprises 4-H Jr. Reserve Champion Beef Fitting and Showing – Ruben Holt, Connell Sponsor: Circle B Farms FFA Grand Champion Beef Fitting and Showing – Justin Maljaars, Prosser Sponsor: Ken & Gayle Smith FFA Reserve Champion Beef Fitting and Showing – Rebeccah Bergman, Kennewick Sponsor: Allen & Cheryl Olberding 17 2014 Columbia Basin Jr. Livestock Show Sheep Grand Champions, Reserve Grand Champions, and Sponsors 4-H Grand Champion Market Sheep – Joy Thompson, Pasco Sponsor: Circle B Farms 4-H Reserve Champion Market Sheep – Mackenzie Shattuck, Pasco Sponsor: Kayla Neithercutt FFA Grand Champion Market Sheep – Haylee Tuttle, Prosser Sponsor: Ken & Gayle Smith FFA Reserve Champion Market Sheep – Madison Hays, Pasco Sponsor: Greg & Julie Hart 4-H Sr. Grand Champion Sheep Fitting and Showing – Trevor Shibley, West Richland Sponsor: Erin & Erin Plumb 4-H Sr. Reserve Champion Sheep Fitting and Showing – Kara Shibley, West Richland Sponsor: Hafer Girls 4-H Int. Grand Champion Sheep Fitting and Showing –Maci Meads, Kennewick Sponsor: Saddle Mountain Farm Supply Inc 4-H Int. Reserve Champion Sheep Fitting and Showing – Kirsten Ramer, Kennewick Sponsor: Greg & Julie Hart 4-H Jr. Grand Champion Sheep Fitting and Showing – Amelia Mathews, Pasco Sponsor: Circle B Farms 4-H Jr. Reserve Champion Sheep Fitting and Showing – Delaney Shattuck, Pasco Sponsor: Hafer Girls FFA Grand Champion Sheep Fitting and Showing – Taylor Peterson, Connell Sponsor: Erin & Erin Plumb FFA Reserve Champion Sheep Fitting and Showing – Jaylan Funk, Prosser Sponsor: Saddle Mountain Farm Supply Inc. 18 2014 Columbia Basin Jr. Livestock Show Swine Grand Champions, Reserve Grand Champions, and Sponsors 4-H Grand Champion Market Swine – Delaney Pink, Pasco Sponsor: Hafer Showstock 4-H Reserve Champion Market Swine – Connor Hafer, Pasco Sponsor: Hafer Showstock FFA Grand Champion Market Swine – Emily Greene, Prosser Sponsor: Hafer Showstock FFA Reserve Champion Market Swine – Tanner Morrow, Prosser Sponsor: Saddle Mountain Farm Supply Inc 4-H Sr. Grand Champion Swine Fitting and Showing – Kaitlin Smasne, Prosser Sponsor: Klaustermeyer Farms 4-H Sr. Reserve Champion Swine Fitting and Showing – Kindra Klaustermeyer, Othello Sponsor: Greg & Julie Hart 4-H Int. Grand Champion Swine Fitting and Showing – Cassidy Crider, Kennewick Sponsor: Toni Drouhard 4-H Int. Reserve Champion Swine Fitting and Showing – Carson Klaustermeyer, Othello Sponsor: Winnifred Savitch 4-H Jr. Grand Champion Swine Fitting and Showing – Delaney Pink, Pasco Sponsor: Klaustermeyer Farms 4-H Jr. Reserve Champion Swine Fitting and Showing –Kianna Holst, Basin City Sponsor: Toni Drouhard FFA Grand Champion Swine Fitting and Showing – Tyrelle Holst, Basin City Sponsor: Toni Drouhard FFA Reserve Champion Swine Fitting and Showing – Taylor Gemmell, Benton City Sponsor: Ken & Gayle Smith 19 2014 Columbia Basin Jr. Livestock Show All-Around Showman Champions and Sponsors 4-H Senior All-Around Grand Champion Showman – Marlo Lovejoy – Eltopia Sponsor - Orvalla Hafer 4-H Intermediate All-Around Grand Champion Showman – McKenna Lovejoy - Eltopia Sponsor - Greg & Julie Hart 4-H Junior All-Around Grand Champion Showman – Amelia Mathews - Pasco Sponsor – Saddle Mountain Farm Supply Inc. FFA All-Around Grand Champion Showman – Justin Maljaars - Prosser Sponsor - Orvalla Hafer 2014 Columbia Basin Jr. Livestock Show Big Bend Electric Co-op Bond Winners for Fitting & Showing 4-H Sheep Trevor Shibley - West Richland FFA Sheep Taylor Peterson - Connell 4-H Swine Kaitlin Smasne - Prosser FFA Swine Tyrelle Holst – Basin City 4-H Beef Marlo Lovejoy - Eltopia FFA Beef Justin Maljaars - Prosser 20 Columbia Basin Junior Livestock Show Donators 2014 Columbia Basin Junior Livestock Show Miscellaneous Donators (BBQ, Ribbons, Buckles, Banners, Memorial Fund, etc.) Big Bend Electric Co-op ABCO Ag Monsanto Wilbur-Ellis ADS Window Tint Cochrane Sons Farms Eddy & Dayna Ochoa Jim & Amy Jacobs Lawrence Oil Michael & Amy Gray Jim, Karin & Kirsten Ramer Mark & Kathy Smith 509 Design & Decor Ted, Meri & Dylan Tschirky Booker Family JTT Farms Klaustermeyer Farms Mike & Brenda Meads Muhlbeier Farm Todd VanHollebeke David Drouhard Community First Bank 2014 Columbia Basin Junior Livestock Show Premium Sponsors Western Reclamation AmericanWest Bank CBHA NW Farm Credit Services Connell Sand & Gravel Hanses Farms RDO Equipment Co Washington Producers, Inc. Simplot Grower Solutions Six D Cattle/Bare Bones Livestock Crop Production Services Connell Monarch Machine Bleyhls Farm Service - Pasco Exhibitor Reminder: Please send your gratitude and thanks to our Premium Sponsors with a written “Thank You”! 21 Columbia Basin Junior Livestock Show Donators 2014 Columbia Basin Junior Livestock Show Award Sponsors Hafer Enterprises, Inc. Winnifred Savitch Andy & Desiree Hall Hafer Farms Toni Drouhard Circle B Farms Klaustermeyer Farms Saddle Mt Farm Supply Kayla Neithercutt Ken & Gayle Smith Erin & Erin Plumb Orvalla Hafer Hafer Showstock Greg & Julie Hart Hafer Girls Allen & Cheryl Olberding Phyllis Burton Mark & Kathy Smith 2014 Columbia Basin Junior Livestock Show Growth Fund Sponsors Booker Auction Co Wieseler Farms Connell Sand & Gravel Manterola Hay Flying W Hayes Farms John Flatau Corrales Ag Klaustermeyer Farms Easterday Farms Valmont NW McCary Meats Stahl Farms RHD Inc Ted Tshirky JTT Farms Inc Mullen Farms Ed Poe Agency Curtis Custom Stacking CM Consulting Trevor Shibley Nathan Shibley Dwight & Pula Johnson Double Arrow Vet Clinic Mike Person CBHA RDO Equipment Co J Petty Farms Community First Bank Fred Theroff Noble Farms McGregor Co Irrigation Specialists - Othello Hafer Farms Joe Schmick O’Neal Land JTE Farms Clarence & Norma Kummer Barbara Olberding Rodney Norstedt Allen & Cheryl Olberding Amelia Mathews Elyse Mathews 22 Columbia Basin Junior Livestock Show 2014 Sale Buyers Agri-Beef Co. Advanced Labor LLC Apple Gate Orchards B & R Crop Care Bar W Farms Bare Bones Livestock Inc. Basin Agro Services Jay Bennett Best Hay Co. Brian Berglin Larry Brown Booker Auction Co. Judy Booker Broadmoor RV Peggy Brown CCD Custom Chavez Concrete LLC Christianson King PC CHS Bruce CHS Connell Grain Circle H Farms, Inc. George Clary Tricia Clary Richard & Lana Cline Cloud 9 Farms Tricia Coffman Wayne Coffman Columbia Basin Health Assoc. Community First Bank Connell Auto Parts Connell Grange Supply Connell Oil Connell Sand & Gravel Cooper Farms Inc. Corrales Ag, Inc. Crop Production Services Connell Curtis Custom Stacking Butch & Carol Curtis Danz Farms Tom Denchel Ford - Prosser Desert Dental DH Farming Diamond Back Farms Double Arrow Vet Clinic Peggy Douglas Easterday Farms Echo Ag Ed Poe Agency Egbert Farms Dan Egbert Farm & Home Hardware Flite Level Zero Flying Colors Flying W Garrison Farms Bill Gordon Andy & Desiree Hall Hummel Hay Stacking Harvest Fresh Produce Hayes Farms Scott Herron Irrigation Specialist Jim & Amy Jacobs JD’s Truck Repair Dwight & Pula Johnson JR Simplot JTT Farms Inc. Klaustermeyer Farms Cullen Klindworth Knight Farms Rick & Josie Koelzer Clarence & Norma Kummer LaBamba Mex Checkout LAD Irrigation Lamb Weston Lambsquarter Ranch Scott & Renee LaParco Richard Lathim Lazy O Kurt & Cindy Lewis Manterola Hay Marshall & Kary Mathews Farms McCary Meats McCurley Dealerships McEachen Electric The McGregor Co. McPeake Cattle Mesa Grocery Dianna & Jim Michel Middleton Six Son Farms LLC Rick Miller Mullen Farms R Munn Farms Noble Farms Rodney Norstedt Northwest Farm Credit Spo NW Farm Supply Billie & Michael Ohler Barbara Olberding Olberding Farms Olberding Seed O’Neal Land Michelle Pleake Mike Person J Petty Farms Andy & Melissa Pickel Martin & Kim Pierret Pierret Inc. R&B Designs Will & Amy Ratcliff RDO Equipment Co. Mike & Mary Reeves RHD Inc. Rite Bite Farms LLC RJ Koelzer Saddle Mt. Fert. Supply Mark Schoesler Schafer Livestock Co. Dane Schouviller Schreiner/Tuttle Farms William R Schultz Scott Seed Simplot Grower Solutions Slam Dunk Athletics Inc. SS Equipment Stacy Gilmore Farms Stahl Farms Suterra Taylor Farms Terra Gold Farms Tessenderlo Kerley Tri State Seed Oscar Tschirky Ted Tschirky Tumbleweed Motel Two River Terminal, LLC Tyson Fresh Meats Underwood Farms Terry & Jamie Utecht Valmont NW VanHollebeke Livestock Wieseler Farms Wilbur Ellis Co. - Pasco 23 Columbia Basin Junior Livestock Show Sponsorship Form Please identify the type of sponsorship you or your company would like to sponsor. With the exception of the Premium Sponsorships, all donation amounts are suggestions only. Please feel free to donate any amount desired. We appreciate ALL donations! PREMIUM SPONSORSHIP $1,000.00 minimum SHOW SPONSORSHIP OPEN (any amount less than $1,000) CBJLS GROWTH FUND OPEN We Appreciate Your Support Please mark the sponsorship of your choice and mail this form with your check made payable to Columbia Basin Junior Livestock Show P.O. Box 147 Eltopia, WA 99330. Thank you for your generous support of the Columbia Basin Junior Livestock Show. Type of Sponsorship: Sponsoring Firm: Address: Contact Person: Phone: A check is enclosed in the amount of $ In addition or as an alternative to the above sponsoring pledge: 24 Columbia Basin Junior Livestock Show Camping Rules and Guidelines 1. Overnight camping is available for $20, this fee MUST be paid on-line at When completing the camping registration you must list all names of the camping exhibitors, their club name(s) and species showing. 2. There are no hookups of any kind. 3. Camp spaces are reserved for exhibitors, superintendents, concessionaires and show personnel ONLY. One space per family, NO exceptions. 4. All campers, trailers, and tents MUST have adult supervision every night while on CBJLS grounds. All camps will be subject to inspection by camp supervisors or security. 5. NO DOGS are allowed on the show grounds or camp grounds! 6. Please keep your area clean and please use the garbage dumpsters. 7. No generators allowed after 11:00 p.m. This includes the gravel area too! 8. Curfew for all people staying on the grounds is 11:00 p.m. A night watchman will be on duty. 9. Absolutely NO vehicles are allowed to be parked adjacent to your designated camping spot unless it fits within your pre-marked area. Lanes of 10 feet between parked RVs must remain open at all times for emergency access and fire protection vehicles. There are vehicle parking lots nearby the camping areas, please use them to alleviate congestion of roadways. 10. Columbia Basin Junior Livestock Show assumes no responsibility for damage, injuries, or loss to campers, vehicles, or personal property. 11. No campers, trailers, motor homes, etc. on the show grounds prior to Sunday, September 6th at 12:00 p.m. 12. There will be space assignments assigned prior to your arrival. 13. No 4-wheelers (ATVs) or motorcycles will be allowed on the show grounds. 14. All horse/livestock trailers with or without living quarters must be parked east of the beef barn in the gravel. 15. All campers, trailers, motor homes, etc., should be in place by noon on Wednesday. This will alleviate any unneeded traffic on the show grounds. If this is not possible, please arrange with the camping coordinator before the deadline. 16. Removal of all campers, trailers, motor homes, etc. from the grounds may begin at 6:00 a.m. on Sunday, September 13th, and must be removed no later than Monday, September 14th, at 12:00 p.m. Camping Coordinators Mary Mathis Shawn Clary (509) 528-0652 (509) 366-9900 25 Columbia Basin Junior Livestock Show T-Shirt, Sweatshirt, & Hat Order Form T-Shirt will have logo from cover of this book and will be charcoal gray in color. Quantity Size Youth Medium Youth Large Adult Small Adult Medium Adult Large Adult X-Large Adult XX-Large Cost $12.00 $12.00 $12.00 $12.00 $12.00 $12.00 $13.00 Total Cost Hooded sweatshirt will have logo from the cover of this book and will be charcoal gray in color. Quantity Size Youth Medium Youth Large Adult Small Adult Medium Adult Large Adult X-Large Adult XX-Large Cost $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 $27.00 Total Cost Hat will have CBJLS star logo and will be charcoal gray in color. Quantity Cost $14.00 Total Cost Orders must be received by July 15th and all monies MUST accompany this form. Make checks payable to CBJLS and mail to: CBJLS PO Box 147 Eltopia, WA 99330 Name:________________________________________________________________________ Address:_______________________________________________________________________ City:__________________________________________ State:__________ Zip:_____________ Phone:________________________________________________________________________ 26 27 Columbia Basin Junior Livestock Show Market Animal Cost Sheet Name of Exhibitor Club or Chapter Animal Species Date of Purchase Ear Tag# Purchase Weight/Tag Day weight (for swine) (for sheep & beef) Present Weight Total Gain Number of days on feed (since purchase/Tag Day) Pounds gained per day Pounds of Grain Fed Cost of Grain Fed Pounds of Hay Fed Cost of Hay Fed Cost of other feed Total Feed Costs Purchase price of animal (or value) Misc Cost (vet, supplies, etc.) Total Costs Emergency Contact Name and Phone number 28 Columbia Basin Junior Livestock Show Market Animal Cost Sheet Name of Exhibitor John Doe Club or Chapter Barnyard Buddies 4-H Club Animal Species Sheep Date of Purchase 5/21/2015 Purchase Weight/Tag Day weight (for swine) Ear Tag #369 96 lbs (for sheep & beef) Present Weight 153 lbs Total Gain 57 lbs Number of days on feed (since purchase/Tag Day) 94 days Pounds gained per day .61 lbs./day Pounds of Grain Fed 329 Cost of Grain Fed Pounds of Hay Fed $80.00 282 Cost of Hay Fed Cost of other feed Total Feed Costs Purchase price of animal (or value) Misc Cost (vet, supplies, etc.) Total Costs $31.00 $0.00 $111.00 $95.00 $5.00 $211.00 Emergency Contact Name and Phone number John Doe 509-555-1111 or Jane Doe 509-555-2222 29
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