1st Grade Complete and return by: June 19, 2015 or order at www.shopttkits.com by: Iune 2q z0ts Fechas de plazo para pedir por papel o internet. ln classrooms on the first day of school Kit pick-up date: Fecha de entreqa Gharles Barett Elementary School Teacher Tailored. Supply Kits The easy way to prepare children for a successful school year, Estuches de Lltiles escolares disenados pOr los maestros La maneraf6cil de preparar a los ninos para un ano escolar exitoso . Actual kit contenls wil vary. Backpack and other extras are not inciuded $/lth the klt See rnside for details 0n your Teacher Tail0red scho0l supp y kit. -Deperding0nthetota weghtandvolume0fyourscho0lsupplylstltems,theseitemsmaybe delivered in olrr large tuck top style archival bOx \ffith side hinged hand holes tor easy carrying. . 10 "Money From Home" Envelopes 10 - sobres para enviar dinero de la casa a la escuela @ --- ''{oreJl$s{os' "::: "hdd17" -;* FREEfl,?i}i:J:?ilf,',' i Articulos adicionales, gratisl o 40 Personalized Student lD Labels 40 - etiquetas con el nombre del estudiante Your personalized Teacher Tailored' supply kit will include the items listed below. You could win an iPad@ or an iPad@ Mini... Please save this list to check the contents of your kit once you receive it. Look for the Golden Ticket inside your Por favor, mantenga esta lista para venficar el contenido de su caJa despu6s de recibirla. Charles Barrett Elementary School Total Kit Price: Kit Includes 1Ea 2Ea 1Ea 1Bx 4Dz 1Pr 5Ea 2Bx 1St 1Bx 1Ea 1Pk 4Ea 1Ea and winl Type: ALL **t***** $44.67 Brand Name Pen, Stick, Medium Point, Blue Staples Pen, Stick, Medium Point, Black Staples Pen, Stick, Medium Point, Red Staples Storage Bags, Zipper, Gal 20 Ct or Sandwich 50 Ct Glad Pencils, #2, Ticonderoga, Sharpened, Dz. Scissors, 5", Blunt llp, Latex Free, Asst. Comp Book, I12", Pmry Jrnl, Stybk, Marble, Blk, 100 Sht Facial school supply kit Grade: 1st Grade Product Description llssue, 'Scotties', Hypo-Allergenic, 200 Ct. Air .-Valid to U.S, Residents Only. A Teacher Tailored kit must be purchased in order to be e1lgible, 0ne grand prize winner for an iPad@ Air and 5 runner-up winners for an iPado Mini. Visit TTKITS.C0M/G0LD for full details. Dixon Westcott Sarqent Aft Scotties Markers, Washable, Classic Colors, Wide Tip, 8/Set Crayola Crayons, Large Size, Tuck Box, B/Box Crayola Pencil Box, Plastic, 8.25" x 5.25" x 2", Asst. Staples 'Post-It' Notes, 3" x 3", Yellow, 100 Sht/Pd 3M Marker, Dry Erase, Chisel Tip, Low Odor, Black Expo 2 Bonus Items Bonus Items Impoftant Parent Notes: Notas importantes Para Padres Contact Anna Jaeger with questions (703-568-1203 or ajaeger@axcedesolutions.com) When you buy a bundle deal get the ffi:ill:,FREEAirbac GURVE Bundle Deal f 16333 r Backpack Green, Grey, Black #44698 r Brita@ Water Bottle, Blue #35558 r Thermos@Food Jar, Blue . Thermos@ Lunch Bag, NaW #821 008 Aiftac . CURVE Bundle #412943 Deal# 16444 Backpack Pink, White, Black #44325 o Brita@ Water Bottle, Neolime #35599 o Thermos@ Food Jar, Pink #41 2936 r Thermos@Lunch Bag, Pink#821006 Granite Gear CHAMP Eundle Deal # 53611 r Backpack Basalt Blue, Blue, Neolime #5501'l . Britao Water Bottle, Blue #35558 . . Thermos@Food Jar, Blue #412943 Thermos@ Lunch Bag, Teal #821 004 Granite Gear CHAMP Bundle Deal # 53622 . Backpack Pink, Skribble, Neolime #52007 r Brita@ Water Bottle, Neolime #35599 o Thermos@ Food Jar, Pink #41 2936 . Thermos@ Lunch Bag, Pink #821 006 Please note: There may be warnings ljsted on the packaging 0f some of the above items. Please g0 to www,schoolkjdz,com/productinformation for more information .Must select a bundle item on back page t0 earn free lunch bag. No Substitutions. Backpacks Backpack Features All backpacks come with a manufacturer limited lifetime warranty Patented Arr Adjustable Ultra Water Suppon System Compression Straps Repellent -* ./\rFe€f\tr CURVE Capacity: 1 750 cubic inches IffiNE EAGLE 19' x 13' x 7" I Size: I Capacily: 2600 cubic inches Size: 19" x12.25" CHAMP x7.5" Corroadmenr BOUNDARY Sire:18.5"x12"x7.75" I Slze 19.75" x 12.75" x 8" I Capacity: 1825 cubic inches I Gapacityr'1850 cubic inches I Capacity, 1775 cubic inches I N KF3&X Iml ffiNE3S@ imNE3&x I I I I I - ' -l I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Item #:66003 I Purple. Plnk, Blue Grey, Black Arcllc Camo, I I I t I I I I I I Item #: 5501 I Blue 1 I Easalt Blre, BIue, Neolime I Item #:44698 Greef vVarertsnn'e fW', GEAR RING Slzet16" x12 x7.25' ffi Conputer f]Q CoTpartne'i L.' - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Item #: 52007 I I Pink, Skribble Neol me I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ffi Item #:7000/ Arctic Camo, Black, Flint ffi Item #:70002 Grey, Neollme I P llem #i 44221 fk GreV Wh te, Black Item #: 66002 I I I I I I t I I Item #: 541 I Grey B ue **BK[Td water Botttes Lunch Bags ,# 'Ti:Xfli'in,,, ,'{1ii ,:::r :.. 35558 - Blue Capacity - BPA free 35664 20 oz, \\ - :::t: t,:. Green 35599 - Neolime Size:2 75" x2.75" x9.75" \\ Dishwasher sale (top rack) \\ Reduces chlorin€ 821006 - Pink 821004 - Teal Size: 7.5" x 5" x 9.5" 1 Item #:76004 I D pped Neol me I @ I 0 Geo I Yffi* ffiffiffi$ Space B ue, Pink Funiaine;;Fil;$H fr tffiffi 821008-tiavy Front zippered pocket \\ Side mesh pocket \\ Duat compariment 41 2943 - Blue Capacity - 412936 10 oz. \\ - Pink 4t 2899 - purpje Size: 3.S' x 3.5'' x 4.S" {Jnbreal€ble stainless steel \\ Keeps hot for b hours \\ Keeps cotd for 7 hours Dlshwasher safe (handwashing recommended) OHAI,IP #5361'1, order Form :::":"j:::;::::::: T:'::,'::i Plazo Grade: Fecha de No orders N;;r;;'d,; p;;uiori.-.piriiiJrtu r"nu N;;r;;'d;;p,;ilri..pG##;;#,""' II t ElementafV SChool Hementary SChOr \* Gl-- n^-^^*^r:-^ ^..J rr--.I--- lr^ -,-, .rrl Step {1 Personalize and Order Y0ur Kit iI Student'sFirstName: iri,ririt: lit:lrlitf iijl i,li.rfjl:rlitiri I I I I I I r*.'*,,,,oirfr I I i,1;;11;1;1s ;rLr I ALL #: Kit #: 9584201A11 I Student's Last Name: I rilitil,.lf llti i,r:iIrlllf Iirl Home phone number: fiL:r:tll t llir:iLlr:r:.r. t-llll (ll lrlll Gost per kit: lnlil nll ilslLti:h*: $4t.02 :,,,i Pieasee print legibly, print,whal cann onll only print wlrhat fits iinl the tboxes. (packs, water NOTE:: Backpacks, jars, an( ?r bottle bottles, lunc r bags, f( food od jar anddI bundle (deals leals are NorA: r [rochilas. rteilas de: €ag as. boteili boteilas agua, lrascos d( comida, y lonche loncherasisev se venden por separ separado. ,ua, tz ;i:1?'. I 96847 Phone numbers and email addresses are for SchoolKidz use only. We wiil not sell or share ihis information with any third party, .r$iri:r'ir I Type: Acct Gharles Barrett will be accepted after this rr'rs date. uqre' 1st Grade I I Parent's Email: l.,itt it'i) !l'litl ir.)friui) Step Quantity: 1 Total: l;nriiiirrl IUt{|, $ 0 separately. They are NoT part of the school supply kit program i:'l son parte del estuche el calculate your totals, multiply lhe cost per item by the quantity. To t2l0r )p2 Fsiten 0rde lerfY0)ur urBBiack ackpi 0ac ;kl'c: I CURVE RVE 39.99 $ 39.9r ffinl,xl';',,,,.,* Qty:_ fr Qty:- 0ty:_ EAGLE 5e.99 $ 59. $ 34.99 tnrurp,eP,ajd,B,ack 0ty:T*l ! ffit:l:lln*"n'* ffi.llnrey,white,B,ack RING S CHAMP $ 3e.e9 f--l t3,T3:,,-,,,. ! 0ty:_ 5501 1 Basatt Blue, Blle, Neolime OtY:- Black ffit::r7c"o'ar" QtY:- OtY:- - Oty:- l:' r{ T166002 It:313", Oty:_ fftfruribbre,Neorime Grey, Blue : n U a n::7camo, srack, QtY:- Qty:_ Not Offered #Wtl3i1"*" Qty:- 5tr::;ce'B'|ue'Pink Oty:_ Qty:_ $ THERMOS' $ 9.9e WATER BOTTLFS s 15.9e FOOD JARS n35664 ,g f_1 355ss "g LJBlue "Y& L Ureen Ofir' Qty:iI T-- 35599 L---1 Neotime Qty:_ '*"' frr"Hil'*'f 3il1'rur,y3il**' tol?l Step 3 il'*' $ I >sr ep 4 Order Your Bundle Deals I $ 65.97 BUNDLE DEALS @ 3r, @ ${ EruTlffiH*l Oty:- -Must | !I riint Dipped t'Jeotime E!,^" Sten 3 0rder Your Accessories fr ffi 54101 Step 2 trl,?l BRITA' $ 49.e9 88146 t i BOUNDARY Qty:- select bundle in order l0 earn free lunch bag, Please reference pages 2 and 3 for Bundle Deal numbers and descriptions. Step 5 Complete Payment ffi Order online at www.shopttkits.com - use account number: 96g42 ordene en linea: 0R make check payable to: Charles Barrett pTA Haga el cheque a nombre de: QtY:Step 4 total Total Oty:- $ Complete order total Oobro total de su orden
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