5th Grade by: June 19r 2015 June 2q 2015 or order at www.shopttkits.com by: Complete and return Fechas de plazo para pedir por papel o internet' ln classrooms 0n the first day of school Kit pick-up date: Fecha de entrega Gharles Barrett Elementary School Tsacher Tailored. $upPl1t Kits The easy way to prepare children for a $uccessful suhnol year. Estuches de ftiles escolares disenados por los maestros La manera {iicii de preparar a los ninos para un aflo escolar exitoso t, * ,i nOt inchded with the kit' See nside for detai s 0n your Teacher Tail0red sch00l supply kit. ilems may be Depending 0n the total v/eight anci volume 0f your school supply list items, these 'Actual kit contents wil vary. Backpack and 0ther exlras are . deilvered nourlargetucktopstylearchivalbgxwtthsidehlngedhandholesl0reasycarrying. . 10 "Money FREEA,iili:,i:?ili*' gratis! 1 Ar"tfculos adici6nales, From Home" EnveloPes 10 - sobre$ para enviar dinero de la casa a la escuela . 40 Personalized Student lD Labels 40 - etiquetas con el nombre del estudiante Your personalized Teacher Tailored' supply kit will include the items listed below. You could win an iPad@ or an iPad@ Mini... Please save this list to check the contents of your kit once you receive it. Look for the Golden Ticket inside your Por favor, mantenga esta lista para verl{icar ei contenido de su cala despuds cie recibirla Charles Barrett Elementary School Air school supply kit Grade: 5th Grade and winl Type: ALL qcqgi#pdH fotal Kit Price: Kit Includes ll!**,il_**r!5 $78.41 Product Description Brand Name .-Valld to U S Resrde nts Cniy. A Teacher Tailored klt mL.rst be purchased in ordei't0 be eiigible. 0fe ctrand prize vlnner for 3 PK 'Post-It' Notes, 3" x 3", Yellow, 100 Sht/pd 3lvl 5 Dz Pencils, #2, Ticonderoga, Sharpened, Dz. Dixon an iPad"rAtr and 5 runner,Lrp vrrinners for an ipacJn l\4ini. 1 Maped Visit TTKITS.C0M/G0LD for fuil detaiis. ad Sharpener, Pencil & Crayon, Dbl Barrel, Canister 1 Ea BULK Binder,3-ring, ) PK Filler Paper, Wide Rule, 10.5" x 8", 120/pk Staples _t Ea Pencil Case, Fabric, 3-Hole w/Grommets, 10,,x 6',, Asst. SchoolKidz 4 Ea Composition Book, Marble Cover, WR, 100 Sheets, Black Staples 1 PK Folders, 2 Pocket, 5Pk, Be/Rd/Gn/yvpu SchoolKidz 1 Ea Ruler, 12", Plastic, Inch & Cm, Center Holes, Asst. CLI 1 )t Pencils, Colored, 7", Sharpened, 12iset Prang 1 Pr Scissors, 5", Pointed Tip, Latex Free, Asst. Westcott 2 Ea Glue Stick, Staples Brand, Washable, White, .26 oz. Staples I Ea Highlighter, Chisel Tip, Yellow, w/pkt Clip Staples 1 Ea Highlighter, Chisel Tip, Green Liqui-Mark/CLI 1 PK Index Cards, 3" x 5", Ruled, 100/pk, White Esselte/Bazic 2 BX Facial 1 )L Markers, Washable, Classic Colors, Wide Tip, B/Set Crayola 1 St Markers, Sharpie, Fine Point, 4/Set - Bk/Be/Rd/Gn Sanford 1 PK Markers, Dry Erase, Chisel, Low Odor, Asst 4/pk Expo 2 1 Ea Bonus Items Bonus Items Zip,3" w/Exp file,handle & strap,asst. llssue, 'Scotties', Hypo-Allergenic, 200 Ct. Case-It Scotties When you buy a bundle deal get the ffi:ffi:,FHEE- Impoftant Parent Notes: Notas importantes Para Padres Contact Anna Jaeger with questions (703-568-1203 or ajaeger@axcedesolutions.com) Airbac CURVE Bundle Deal # 16333 . . Backpack Green, Grey, Black #44698 Brita@ Water Bottle, Blue #35558 o Thermos@Food r Jat Blue #412943 Thermos@ Lunch Bag, Navy #82'1 008 Airbac CURVE Bundle Deal # 16rt44 . Backpack Pink, White, Black#44325 r Brita@ Water Bottle, Neolime . . Thermos@ Food Jar, Pink #41 2936 #35599 Thermos@ Lunch Bag, Pink #821 006 Granite Gear CHAMP Bundle Deal # 5361 r . . . 1 Backpack Basalt Blue, Blue, Neolime #b50 j Brita@ Water Bottle, Blue #35558 Thermos@Food Jar, Blue 1 #412943 Thermos@Lunch Bag, Teal #821004 Granite Gear CHAMP Bundle Deat # 59622 r Backpack Pink, Skribble, Neolime #52007 . Brita@ Water Bottle, Neolime #35599 . . Please note: There may be warnings listed on the packaging 0f s0me of the above items, Please go to www,schoolkidz.com/productinformatr0n Thermos@Food Jar, Pink *Must for more informatjon #412936 Thermos@ Lunch Bag, Pink #821 006 select a bundle item 0n back page to earn free lunch bag. No Substitutions. Backpacks E !:,ifildJ,, N Backpack Features All backpacks come with a manufacturer limited lifetime wananty. ffi;;;#,, Fl iiii',',,',',1,,.r,-,., -C ffi HJX''';;T' E 3;[:;.'1,,, S ;ffii'J;, GRANITE ffiNF GEAR ./\tR=nc RING CURVE Size:16'x12"x7.25" Size:19'x13 x7 Capacity: 1750 cubic inches Capacity: 2600 cubic inches Capacity: 1775 cubic inches BOUNDARY CHAMP EAGLE Size: 19" x 12.25" x 7.5" x 12" x 7.75" Size: 18.5" Capacit$ 1825 cubic inches I I Siz€r 19.75" x 12.75" x 8" Capacity: 1850 cubic inches ffiN8 Item #: 88901 P nk P!rple Pla d, Black Item #:66003 Purple, Pink, Blue Item #: 5501 1 Basalt Biue, Blue Neollme Item #:44698 Item #: 52007 Item #:70002 Green. Grey. Black Pink Skibble, Neolime Grey, Neolime .{ llem #: 44221 Item #:88723 Item #:66002 Item #: 54101 Pink, Grey Whlte Back Grey. B ack Grey B ue Dipped Neo ime Water Bsttles fl 35558 - Blue Capacity - BPAfree \\ 35664 20 oz, \\ - Green 35599 - Neolime Size: 2,75" x2.75" x9.75" Dishwasher safe (hp rack) \\ Reduces chlorine ':,"...: tit r:,:l: 6HAMP #5361'1,, Item #:76004 Geo Space Blre, Pink Paper Ordering Deadline: June 19,2015 Online Ordering Deadline: June 26,2015 0rder Form Fecha de plazo No orders Grade: Gharles Barett will be accepted after this date. t_ ALL #: Kit #: 968420sA11 96842 Phone numbers and email addresses are for SchoolKidz use only. Ws will not sell or share this information wlfi any fiird party. tltt Student's Last Name: Home phone tt numli!: ( lrl Gost per kit: i.:'::r Step Quantity: $78.41 ,rr ;:, rt^ r:.iiril i:,;'irt. Please print legibly, we can only print what fits in the boxes. NoTE: Backpacks, water bottles, lunch bags, food jars, and bundle deals are sold separately, They are N0T part 0f the school supply NoIA: l\40chrlas. botellas de agua. ftascos de c0mida, y l0ncheras se venden por separado. N0 son parte del estuche 2 }rderYour cunvt F Step I af LJ 44s25 kit program. calculate your tolals, multiply the cost per item by the quantity. To RING EAGLE $ 59.99 $ 34.99 CHAMP Pink-Purple Plaid, Black 0ty:- Oty:_ lr:::r' mn:fillo"vs"k Qty:- Qt1':- f-l U Ir::i11,,. Qty:- ffitl,lruey,wh*e,B,ack Qty:_ e" - crey. Btue 0tY:- Basali Blue, Blue. Neolime OtY:- Gt;;ru.bb,e,Neo,ime QtY:- t.'l 66002 . T-.154rol !DippedNeolime step 2,o}f,| BRITA' tr- S g.se THERMOS' I'lot 0ffered WATER BOTTLES s -"'-" !g -"'""' creen trLJ L---.J Neotrme Oty:- Oty: - ffi t n::lamo, sraci, rrinr Qty:_ r;ooo',,, Qty:tr:3o,,ce,B,ue,Pink $ THERMOS' $ 15.99 FOOD JARS LUNCH BAGS "fl ffil f QtY:- I i Sten 3 0rder Your Accessories $ 49.9e l-155011 St3ffr"-''" Qty:frf$t::::7c"" Qty:_ BOUNDARY $ 39.99 T---l 88901 ! Pink, whrte, Black I Total: $ Iltli: Backpacks $ 3e.99 I Type: Acct Elementary School N0 se aceptaran iredrdOs despues de esta fecha I 5th Grade ft,'*' fr Hl" t rHg' trg' H**' I step 3.}3l L Step 4 0rder Your Bundle Deals I H'*' S t BUNDLE DEALS $ 65.97 WfiIT&f,T uruH rBH*l Qty:_ .Must ! Step 5 Complete Payment rc | | 0ty:_ select bundle in order to earn free lunch bag. Please relerence pages 2 and 3 lor Bundle Deal numbers and descriptions. Order online at www.shopttkits.com - use account number: g6842 0rdene en linea: 0R make check payable to: Charles Barrett PTA Haqa el cheque a nombre de: OtY:Step 4 total Total 0ty:_ $ Complete order total Cobro total de su orden
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