Central Church of Christ 515 N. Tibbs Rd. Dalton, GA 30720 April 19, 2015 2015 Theme: “Homecoming” However, Jesus did not permit him, but said to him, “Go home to your friends, and tell them what great things the Lord has done for you, and how He has had compassion on you.” Mark 5:19 Visit Our WEBSITE: ccocdalton.org 2015 - Deacons & Ministry Leaders Code: Elder, Deacon, Ministry Leader, Minister and Others. BENEVOLENCE – CENTRAL – Tony Coley BENEVOLENCE – HELPING HANDS – Gary Duke, Tony Coley, Ron Gowan, BENEVOLENCE – COMMUNITY – Chris Smith BIBLE CORRESPONDENCE – John Hayes, Lynn Warnack BUILDING & GROUNDS – Roger Hughes, Also: Security – Matthew Locke, Steve Barton, Justin Shepherd CHRIST’S HAPPY CHILDHAVEN – Philippine Children’s Home – Danny Jones, Terry Shepherd EDUCATION / ADULT – Danny Jones, Steve Griggs EVANGELISM – Ray Moss, Bryan Collins, Ross Jordan FINANCE – Operational, Strategic & Statistics – Bob Lee, Tom Pendley, Terry Shepherd, Maurice Hogan, Joshua Holloway HEALTH SERVICES – Mel Sane FELLOWSHIP ROOM – Ladies’ Ministry INVOLVEMENT – Bill Russell, Dean Baker, Ross Jordan Also: New Christians, M.E.P., C.A.R.E. Group LADS TO LEADERS/LEADERETTES – Gary Duke, Andrew Fulks MEN’S MINISTRY – Bill Russell, Mike Stanton, Ross Jordan PUBLIC RELATIONS – Church Staff, Bob Miller, Keith Yarbrough RESOURCE ROOM – Ladies Ministry WOMEN’S MINISTRY – Bill Russell, Canitha Jordan, Linda Russell, Eliska Lee WORSHIP – Bob Lee, Gene Threet, Eddie Sane, John Cox, Albert Coley, Jim Cook, Bryan Collins YOUTH and FAMILY – Also: Children’s Ministry, Nursery, Pre-School, Elementary, Student Ministry, Teens – 6th grade through 12th grade – Andrew Fulks, George Brock, Daryl Edwards, Keith Rollins YOUNG AT HEART/SHUT-IN – Joe Tate SUNDAY’S DEACONS & MINISTRY LEADERS APPRECIATION DAY 9 a.m. - Worship Assembly - (Service & Leadership) 10:10 a.m. – ALL Classes (except Nursery/Pre-School) in the Auditorium for Celebration & Presentations 11 a.m. – Lunch in Fellowship Hall Fried & Baked Chicken will be provided. Bring side items to go with it...including salads, breads, desserts & drinks. Deacons/Ministry Leader Families do not have to bring anything, BUT ALL OTHERS BRING PLENTY!!! REJOICE! Wednesday night, following Bible Classes, Kade Perry was baptized into Christ by Joshua Holloway. It was great to see the number of people staying to witness her new birth! Kade is one of Charles and Deborah Doler’s granddaughters. She has a strong desire to live the Christian life. Pray for Kade and encourage her as she starts this journey. BRIDAL SHOWER There will be a Miscellaneous Bridal Shower honoring Lacy Shook and Weston Hughes on Saturday, April 18, at 11:00 a.m. in the Fellowship Hall. Gift selections are registered at The Pine Needle and Bed, Bath & Beyond. All ladies are invited. MUGS & MUFFINS All ladies are invited to “Mugs & Muffins” on Saturday, April 25, from 10 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. in the Fellowship Hall. Bring your favorite mug and join other ladies for this a special time of fellowship. There will be prizes for different kinds of mugs and other fun stuff! All ladies, all ages are invited! CONGRATULATIONS Congratulations to Jan McTee on the birth of another grandson, Holt Elias McTee. He was born yesterday (April 15) to Eli and Betsy in Nashville. He weighs 9 lb. 7 oz. He joins big brother, Lennox. Continue to pray for this sweet family. MORNING WORSHIP ASSEMBLY 9:00 A.M. TOGETHER WITH THEIR FAMILIES “The Need for Deacons” Lacy Shook Acts 6:1-7 Welcome Song #989 – You Are My All in All (v. 1,3, then chorus) – Ross Jordan Song #984 – We Bow Down (v. 1,2) – Ross Jordan Prayer – Kevin Stanley Song #7 – Abide with Me (v. 1) – Gene Threet Song #287 – I Love The Lord (v. 1,3) – Gene Threet Song #12 – Alas! And Did My Savior Bleed (v. 1,2) – Gene Threet Communion & Contribution Prayers – Kelly Cherry Communion Leaders Lester Province Clint Russell Albert Shultz Porter Marcus Don Kittle Lamar Quinn Larry Vandergriff Ray Shepherd Seth Coley Jim Cook Song #244 – Hold To God’s Unchanging Hand (v. 1,2,4) – Gene Threet (Children dismissed to Wee Worship) Scripture Reading – Tom Pendley Sermon – Bryan Collins Invitation Song #760 – Who Will Follow Jesus? (v. 1,3,4) – Gene Threet Shepherds’ Moment & Closing Prayer – Bob Lee Count on Sundays in April (All Services) Chris Smith & Bruce Holloway Nursery Attendants 9 a.m. – Joan Chastain & Chondi Chastain NEW ADDRESS! Frank & Mary Lillian Thomason 4170 Lakeside BV, Monroe, GA 30655-7906 Email: frankt78@comcast.net Home Phone: 678-635-5829 Cell Phones: 706-270-1708 (FT) & 706-271-8119 (MLT) SYMPATHY We extend our deepest sympathy to Debbie Hall in the death of her sister, Marcella Stevenson. She passed away Tuesday in West Virginia. The funeral will be there. Continue to pray for Debbie, Richard, Nancy, Lester and all the family. YOUTH NEWS... Attention Lads to Leaders Participants... Sunday, April 26th, we will be recognizing the Lads to Leaders participants. Good Samaritan awards, as well as certificates to all other participants will be presented. Please bring your awards, trophies, and artwork by Wednesday, April 22, to be displayed that Sunday. Attention Parents of Youth Group Kids... Sunday, April 26th, there will be a parent meeting to discuss the upcoming summer events on the Calendar. This meeting will be in the Auditorium following the 2nd Service! Please come so Andrew can make sure to let you know all about the upcoming summer. AND Weston Hughes WOULD LOVE FOR YOU TO JOIN THEM AS THEY CELEBRATE THEIR WEDDING May 16, 2015 AT SIX O’CLOCK IN THE EVENING WALNUT HILL FARM 800 LEE BRYANT ROAD, NE, DALTON, GA 30721 Reception to follow. Please reply by April 18th, if attending... Andy Hughes’ cell: 706-271-5480 Direction Cards (to Walnut Hill Farm) are on the table in the Lobby! TIMES & ATTENDANCE Week of April 12, 2015 Sunday 9:00 a.m. Worship………………....................…...................….….252 Sunday 10:10 a.m. Bible Classes …………................................................. 228 Sunday 11:10 a.m. 2nd Worship Assembly ….............................................. 126 Wednesday 6:30 p.m. Bible Study ............................................................... 160 Hispanic Congregation Sunday Worship ………....…..........................................................................37 Sunday Adult Bible Class …...........................................................................20 Wednesday Adult Class ................................................................................. 12 Budget ………..…………….................................................….….. $ 9,200.00 Contribution .................................................................................... $ 9,579.92 REMEMBER IN PRAYER HOSPITAL: Leslie Pangle Andrews – Emory...Carmen Carillo – Ridgewood...William Gibson – Redmond...Joanne Lyons – Hospice of Chattanooga... RECOVERING/HOME/SHUT-IN/ON-GOING ILLNESS: Yvonne Abernathy, Rickey Allmon, Minnie Anderson, Sherry Bales, Julie Barton, Jaxon Beavers, Wayne Bell, Charles & Peggy Bennett, Briseida Betterton, Dylan Bigelow, Doug & Shay Bingham, James & Larry Blassingame, Jason Blaylock, Ruby Bramlett, Garland Brock, Jack Brown, Sandi Brown, Valor Burnett, Jeff Chadwick, Charlotte Chaney, Edith Cherry, Jane Cherry, Ellen Claiborne, Judy Clayton, Rick Cleland, Barbara Cloer, Bill & Rebecca Cofer, Tom Cole, Yvonne Coley, Gabbi Cook, Bill Cornutt, Jim Dalzell, Allie Daniel, Helen Dardin, Charles Doler, Marie Dollar, Gary Earnhart, Don & Sue Evans, Turner Fordham, Joan Foshee, Mark & Anna Foshee, Glenda Gardner, Judson & Sarah Gay, Nancy Gowan, Katherine Green, Karen Griffus, Jon Griggs, Kandis Guice, Brenda Hall, Richard Hall, Thelma Hall, Amy Harrison, Melinda Harrub, Debra Hickey, Tommy & Judy Hoffpauir, Ben Holloway, Bruce Holloway, Lyndon Holloway, Ann Houston, Joann Howell, Seaver Hudson, Barbara Jackson, Dennis Jackson, Brad Jones, Lanie Jones, Barbara Judd, Diane Kinsey, Susan Kouassi, Debbie Lanning, Carly Lewis, Hannah Locke, Gloria Magnussen, Judy Malone, Jewel Mashburn, Renee Mathis, Betty Melson, Bob Miller, Esme Miller, Gayle Miller, Trina Miller, Doug & Sue Mitchell, Teresa Moore, Azalee Morgan, Lynn Moss, Josh Mullins, Barry & Juanita Newman, Edra Nix, Sandra Parker, Tina Parker, Justin Perkins, Kathryn Pressnell, Brodie Quinn, Debbie Quinn, Jasper & Gladys Rogers, Layfield Rous, Eddie Sane, Daisy Sessions, Alwilda Shepherd, Brenda & Harold Shepherd, Connie Shepherd, Hazel Shepherd, Martha Shepherd, Mike Shepherd, Annastyn & Adrianna Shireman, Charlotte Silvers, Brandi & Greg Smith, Jerry Smith, Laura Smith, Debbie Steele, Jan Stone, Penny Stone, Tommy & Jimmie Stroud, Jim Stuman, Malorie Suddeth, Craig Swilling, Jack & Eva Taylor, Cayden Tennant, Bill Threet, Martin, Reatha & Jeff Tilley, Rosalia Torres, Sam Vandergriff, Teresa Williams, Steve & Barbara Wilson, Cathy Woods, Claudell Woods Please notify Lanie when someone needs to be added or taken off the prayer list!
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