THE BUOYS May 2015 Issue No. 5-15 Cape Coral Sail & Power Squadron THE BUOYS: NEWSLETTER OF THE CAPE CORAL SAIL & POWER SQUADRON, INC. A Unit of the United States Power Squadron, Inc. – District 22 CCSAPS Headquarters, Phone (239) 549-9754, Fax (239) 549-9754, Hours Mon. – Sat. 0900-1200 Issue No. 5-15 Executive & Administrative Department Committees May 2015 Bridge Officers: Executive Department: Administrative Department: Commander: Cdr Steve Gustafson, P Phone: (239) 980-0132 Email: Executive Officer: Lt/C John Hurtt, S Phone: (239) 540-9452 Email: Squadron Education Officer: Lt/C Marguerite Maciag, N Phone: (239) 471-0101 Email: Administrative Officer: Vacant Secretary: Lt/C William Lottes, S Phone: (317) 796-4161 Email: Treasurer: Lt/C Deborah Clements, P Phone: (239)257-1061 Email: XO Assistant: vacant Co-Op Charting Lt Preston M. Banning, AP Email: Events Coordinator: P/C John Hodgkinson, SN Email: CERT Coordinator: Lt. Robert Meier, P Email: Public Relations: Website Arbiter Lt Harold E. Garrels II, P Email: Community Relations: Media Arbiter Barry Wood Email: Media Relations Ted Blomquist Radio Tech: Lt David J. Lawrence, S Email: Ship Store: Lt Philip Buhner, AP Email: Sea Scout Liaison: Lt Neil Kempf, P Vessel Safety: Lt Thomas Callanan, P Email: Lt Peter J. Perry, S Email: Liaison TBD Legislation P/C Peter Brandt, SN Email: Cruise & Rendezvous: Lt Delores A. Buhner, S Email: Entertainment: P/C Sudy Soltysiak, P Email: Pat Tuller Email: Goodwill: Lt Edi Pollaert, P Email: Leadership Development: P/C Laura B. Woodward, SN Email: Member Involvement: Vacant Week End Boaters Doug Skoczek & 1st Lt John Farmer Email: Email: Fishing Group: Bob Palmer Email: Kayaking Group: Delores M. Wilzoch Email: Scuba Diving Vacant Sailing Group: Vacant Membership: Lt. Gerald Whisler Email: Pantry Inventory Mgr: Lt Loretta F. Instace Email: Port Captain: Lt. Ken Partsch Email: Assistant Bridge Officers Assistant Admin Officer: 1st/Lt. Merle Grey, S 1st/Lt. John Farmer, P 1st/Lt. Barry Wood 1st/Lt. Gerry Whisler 1st/Lt. Marshall Ferguson Assistant SEO: P/C Raymond A. Wlodyka, SN Email: Assistant Secretary: 1st/Lt. Ann Parsons Email: Assistant Treasurer: P/Lt/C Yoseph Tedros Commander’s Department Special Projects: TBD Chaplain: P/C Al Rubio Email: Flag Lt: 1st/Lt Paul Moses Email: Building & Rental Manager: 1st/Lt Rick Clements Phone: (239) 257-1061 Email: Rental Chair & Housing Maintenance: 1st/Lt Rick Clements Phone: (239) 257-1061 Email: Secretary’s Department: BUOYS Advertising Mgr: Lt. Marshall Ferguson Email: BUOYS Editor: Lt Chris Carroll, AP Email: BUOYS Production & Circulation Mgr.: Lt Art Coll Email: Tech/Dbase/Squadron Directory: Lt. Gerald Whisler Email: Webmaster/Arbiter: Lt. Harold Garrels II, P Email: Cape Coral Cape Mates: President: Helen Gustafson Phone: (239) 940-2425 Email: Commander THE BUOYS THE BUOYS has been our main way to get information to our members for many years. It still is today, but instead of mailing copies, we are asking our members to read them electronically on our website @ To make it even easier, we have started using “Sail Angle” for letting you know when the Buoys are available each month, so please read the subject matter before deleting these e-mails. There is a link in the e-mail, just click on it and THE BUOYS will pop-up. We realize that some of our members do not have access to computers, so paper copies are available at Squadron headquarters to those members that have asked for paper copies. If a members cannot make it to the Squadron to pick up a copy, we will still mail them a copy. Notice of this impending change was inserted in the September thru December issues of THE BUOYS, and only a handful of members indicated a need to receive a paper copy. Many other squadrons have already gone to only sending electronic copies of their newsletters. When you consider the time, effort and money it took to mail out THE BUOYS for 10 months, it was time to make the change. It cost the Squadron over $4000 to print and mail out THE BUOYS. On top of the dollar amount, a very small group of volunteers would meet on a weekday morning to fold, seal, and address the paper copies. Then Art Coil would have to drive to the Ft Myers Post Office to mail all the copies. When our new website design was completed, it was the perfect time to implement the change. Our new website is amazing! On the front page is a rolling list of coming events along with pictures from past events. This allows us to keep you informed in case a change is made to an event. There is also information on class schedules. The current BUOYS is always available along with past issues and they are available in COLOR. You can print out the pages you want to keep. This also keeps our snowbirds informed on what is happening in the Squadron while they are away. Thanks for your understanding of this change. COME FOR THE BOATING EDUCATION… STAY FOR THE FRIENDS Cdr Steven Gustafson, P Need a Burgee for your Vessel? License Plates? Caps? You get the picture! See Philip Buhner for your CCSAPS Logo items THE BUOYS THE BUOYS is published ten times a year, monthly, except for July and August, by the Cape Coral Sail & Power Squadron, Inc. The Cape Coral Sail & Power Squadron is a unit of District 22 of the United States Power Squadrons, Inc. Opinions expressed by individual authors do not necessarily reflect USPS or Cape Coral Sail & Power Squadron policy or endorsement. Material for publication must be received by the editor no later than the 10th of the month prior to publication. The editor reserves the right to modify materials submitted for publication. We appreciate your articles and inputs. Please make sure the information submitted to THE BUOYS is correct. All articles will be edited to assure conformity with USPS® regulations and guidelines. The Editor THE BUOYS Executive Officer I find nautical terminology fascinating. Here are the origins of some words and phrases. Between the Devil and the Deep In wooden ships, the "devil" was the longest seam of the ship. It ran from the bow to the stern. When at sea and the "devil" had to be caulked, the sailor sat in a bo'sun's chair to do so. He was suspended between the "devil" and the sea -- the "deep" -- a very precarious position, especially when the ship was underway Ahoy! This old traditional greeting for hailing other vessels was originally a Viking battle cry. Crow's Nest The raven, or crow, was an essential part of the Vikings' navigation equipment. These land-lubbing birds were carried on aboard to help the ship's navigator determine where the closest land lay when weather prevented sighting the shore. In cases of poor visibility, a crow was released and the navigator plotted a course corresponding to the bird's flight path because the crow invariably headed towards land. The Norsemen carried the birds in a cage secured to the top of the mast. Later on, as ships grew and the lookout stood his watch in a tub located high on the main mast, the name "crow's nest" was given to this tub. Log Book In the early days of sailing ships, the ship's records were written on shingles cut from logs. These shingles were hinged and opened like a book. The record was called the "log book." Later on, when paper was readily available and bound into books, the record maintained it name. S.O.S. Contrary to popular notion, the letters S.O.S. do not stand for "Save Our Ship" or "Save Our Souls". They were selected to indicate a distress because, in Morse code, these letters and their combination create an unmistakable sound pattern ( ● ● ● ─ ─ ─ ● ● ● ) Lt/C John Hurtt, S Squadron Education Officer Congratulations to Warren Maciag for reaching the grade of Senior Navigator (SN) and to all the instructors who helped him to make this achievement!! Congratulations to the follow ing members for receiving the Educational Proficiency Award last month at the District 22 Conference: Randy Headrick, Marge Maciag, Warren Maciag Congratulations to the follow ing students for completing Seamanship, taught by Randy Headrick: Robert Anderson, Steven Anderson, Gary Bales, Donna Blouin, Joseph Blouin, Langston Chatman, Leonard Chatman, Anne Hutchinson, Richard Luke, Jim Osborn, Paul Richards, Mark Spaulding, Henry St. Pierre, Gerry Whisler, Janine Whisler, Tore Wiksveen, Ken Williams Congratulations to the follow ing students for completing Engine Maintenance, taught by Ray Wlodyka: Gary Brooks, Wil Lottes, Marge Maciag, Bob Meier, William Naedele, Alan Weckerling. Our next Seamanship class meets on Monday and Wednesday evenings from 11 May through 3 June. Stop by the office to sign up, or contact Randy Headrick @ 301-997-8832 for more information. Randy also schedules “On the Water Training” for members who have taken Seamanship. Join us during the month of May as we offer 2 seminars. Both w ill take place on Saturdays from 1000 to 1200. The Using GPS seminar w ill take place on 16 M ay and explains the principles of w aypoint navigation which you will use to relate the GPS to your charts. The Hurricanes and Boats seminar takes place on 30 May and covers how to select a location and prepare your boat for a hurricane. Please stop by the office to sign up or contact me with any questions at We’re also looking for people interested in taking Junior Navigation (JN) in early summer or fall. Please contact Ray Wlodyka for more information: Our Education Team would like to celebrate the achievements of members who have completed an advanced or elective course in 2014-15. These members will be invited to a “Graduation Party” to be held at the Squadron. LT/C Marge Maciag, N THE BUOYS SCUBA GROUP The SCUBA Group will meet upstairs at Squadron Headquarters on Tuesday, 5 May at 1900. We are working with the Volunteer Scientific Research Team to collect data to manage and preserve our marine life. For more information on their group, please visit their website @ HAVE YOU CHANGED YOUR E-MAIL OR PHONE #? IF SO, SEND YOUR UPDATED INFORMATION TO: GERRY WHISLER E-MAIL PHONE # 717-574-1101 NEW FEATURE CLASSIFIED ADS NOW AVAILABLE The Cape Mates will help you sell your items, promote your services or send special occasion greetings to your friends. We will publish your want ads for $10 per issue. Just send your information to Shirley Wood at 708 SE 43rd Terrace. Cape Coral, Fl. 33904. Don’t forget to include your payment. THE BUOYS Administrative Officer First, I would like to introduce the speaker for the May General Meeting. He is our own Bridge Officer, Secretary Wil Lottes. He is a 30 year army nurse. He served in Vietnam and up to and including Desert Shield/Desert Storm in Saudi Arabia. He is a certified teacher from the State of Indiana. He has taught both math and Nursing. He is a certified American Heart Association CPR and first aid instructor. The subject of his talk is: Basic first aid needs and hands only CPR. How to save yourself and others. He will put together a handout of basic on-the-water equipment for a good first aid kit. Marge Maciag, Squadron Education Officer, and Wil have thought about offering CPR/first aid about 3-4 times annually at the squadron. He could give other classes if the need arises . Wil is a great resource for the Squadron, and we thank him for his service to our country and the Squadron. Be sure to come out to the meeting and get this great information. We always hope we don’t need to use it, but things happen fast sometimes. Like the Boy Scouts say, BE PREPARED! Next, I would like to talk about the reasons we join CCSAPS. Fun and friends are the reason I chose to be involved. I have met a lot of nice people in my short time in the squadron. I met these folks by becoming involved in Squadron activities. What's in it for you? A BIG reason to join is the discounts available to members. One of the best benefits is the discount offered on boat insurance. Click the links below for information on over 50 great discount programs, including Sea Tow, BoatUS, hotels, Office Depot, Hearing Aids, Prescription Savings Card, and employee pricing on Ford vehicles. HEY! WADDADEAL! A great variety of courses to choose from: As a USPS member, you and your family can enroll in a great variety of advanced grades and elective courses which are available to USPS members at a discount from the general public. These courses include Seamanship, Piloting, Celestial Navigation, Weather, Sail, Engine Maintenance, Marine Electronics and Cruise Planning. In addition, USPS offers more than two dozen self study courses on such subjects as the Water Sports, Boat Insurance, Oceanography, Introduction to Sailing, Preparation for Coast Guard Licensing, and much more. See the website and THE BUOYS for upcoming class dates. Meeting with other boaters in your area: As a member of a local squadron (and there are approximately 450 squadrons throughout the USA, including Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, and the US Virgin Islands) you will join with other knowledgeable boaters in your area who are familiar with the local waters, the best anchorages, and marinas and boat repair shops. If you did not know, Cape Coral is the largest Squadron in the U.S.! Participation in a variety of on water activities: As a USPS member you're automatically invited to join in the squadron and district cruises, cruise and rendezvous, weekenders, raftings, kayaking, fishing, and other on-water activities. Just logon to, and check out all the activities. We provide lots of chances to have fun and meet great people with similar interests. When you join in these group activities, you will also learn our ‘interesting’ local waterways, which is better than doing it on your own until you are familiar with where there is enough water to actually boat! We are involved in civic activities, and I’ll just quickly mention one important one. Our Vessel Safety Examiners conduct free Vessel Safety Inspections. Rules change, equipment goes out of date. Let us do a confidential safety inspection on your boat. Keep yourself and your passengers safe, and possibly avoid a ticket from the Coast Guard. Please renew your membership dues, and become involved in one of our great activities. We always need some help.. Contact me at 717-574-1101 or if you would like to volunteer to help your Squadron. We are looking forward to seeing you. Lt. Gerry Whisler THE BUOYS Cape Mates Auxiliary This past month some of us got together for a fun time, no work to be done. We gathered together to learn how to make wire wound necklaces at Karma and Coconuts. This was open to members and non members as well. A good time was had by all. We hope to continue our relationship with Karma and Coconuts for another fun get together in October. We may see many of her vendors at our Quarter Auction in December too. We are working on plans for our Western Barbecue on 29 May. We have contracted Daniel Jackson to provide entertainment . Come and see. I think you all will enjoy it. And a note for the guys, there is no line dancing involved. Just bring your knowledge of trivia. We need you. Look for the registration form in THE BUOYS to sign up. DATES TO REMEMBER 14 May Cape Mates Executive board and General Meeting 29 May Western Barbecue 9 June Lunch Bunch at Rum Runners Helen Gustafson President 1 Maureen Blake 2 Nancy Kuyoth 3 Denny Knezevich 4 Burnell Kindred Rich Zeidman 5 Joan Church William Stewart Leigh Fisher Richard Ramsden Paul Sullivan Sandy Caldwell 6 Dorothy Kersey-Berger 7 Kenneth Jedrzejewski Arlene Mure Donna Guimont 8 Steven Roberts Robert Lammie Timothy Art 9 Terry Wilson Lori Wisniewski 10 Henry St.Pierre Linda Ice 25 Robert Davies Paul Moses Joseph Cervoni Jim Price Jeff Maddy 14 James Mader Denise Lemkau Barry Trotta 26 Gary Brooks 15 Jim Wiginton 28 George Smith Colle Davis Sharon McIver Joseph Blouin Carrie-Anne Novack 16 Manuel Ariza 18 Paul Richards 19 Earle Boothe Donna Overstreet 22 Johanne Garmon 23 Kim Kralowski 24 Gail Hughes 27 Jack Marandino 29 Louis Calandri Kenneth Knoll Jayne Whitaker 30 Joseph Marshall June Clarke 31 Jerald Heidgerken Debra Golab THE BUOYS Our Advertisers support our Squadron with their ads…. Please return the favor and support our advertisers... CCSAPS Lift Exchange Program Do you have a boat lift you aren’t using? How about renting it to another Squadron Member? Would you like to rent a lift for your boat? If you’re in either of these groups, Contact your MI Committee at WEEKEND BOATERS (The Weekenders) The ‘Weekenders’ are members of the CCSAPS who take lunch trips by boat to various on-the-water restaurants on Saturdays (for those who can’t go during the week). Our ‘follow me’ trips are a great way to learn the local waters and practice safe boating. The planning meetings on the Monday evening before the Saturday trips offer additional boating instruction and great conversation. Come join us. Let’s talk! Please look for our meeting dates on 'The Buoys' calendar. John Farmer and Connie, 239-549-5229 Doug Skoczek and Kim, 239-314-6900 Life Jacket Loaner Program This program is a valuable public service. Please pass the word among your boating friends that lifejackets are available to borrow at the Squadron, at no cost, for visiting children or grandchildren. To Reserve a Room at the Squadron Notice: Rick Clements is our Rental Chairman. Send your notices to Rick to reserve the various rooms at the Squadron. He will coordinate and determine if there are any conflicts. Rick maintains the Rental Book in the Squadron Office and can be reached via email: THE BUOYS Come and play Trivia 239-542-2909. THE BUOYS Need Squadron Logo Shirts, Hats, etc? Either shop online at Or go to the store two blocks away from the Squadron Proamar America Corp 1113 SE 47th Terrace, Unit 2 786-406-9857 Lite Bites WE WILL NOT BE HAVING LITE BITES BEFORE THE MAY 2015 GENERAL MEETING. WE ARE LOOKING FOR MEMBERS TO HOST THESE EVENTS AND WERE UNABLE TO GET A VOLUNTEER FOR MAY. IF INTERESTED, PLEASE CONTACT HELEN GUSTAFSON @239-940-2425 OR E-MAIL @ THE BUOYS Cruise and Rendezvous Our planned activities for the coming months C & R OVERNIGHT are as follows: 4-18 May, P artsch Trip 5 May, C&R Mtg 1030 22 May, Lunch @ Pinchers (Edison Ford Marina) 2 June, C&R Mtg 1030 5 June, Marina Town 15-17 June, Naples Bay Resort Destination: ____________________ Dates: _________________________ Name:__________________________________ 3-5 July, M oss M arina 7 July, C&R Mtg 1030 17 Juy, Lunch @ Dock on the Bay 1130 Telephone: (cell)_________________________ 4 August, C& R M tg 1030 TBA August, Lunch & Overnight Number attending:_______________________ Email: _________________________________ Credit Card #____________________________ 1 September, C& R M tg 1030 8-10 September, ‘Tween Waters 18 September, Bayfront Bistro Expiration Date:_________________________ 6 October, C& R M tg 1030 14-16 October, Palm Island Boat Length:___________Beam:____________ Boat name: ___________Draft:_____________ Make & Model:___________________________ 3 November, C& R M tg 1030 4-6 November, South Seas, District C&R 20 November, Shrimp Boil 8-10 December, ‘Tween Waters Power: 30 or 50 AMP:_____________________ Mail Reservations to: Delores Buhner 1343 SE 20th Avenue Cape Coral, FL 33990 Please use the appropriate coupons in THE BUOYS for sign up and payment instructions. Also, please write separate checks for each activity. Lt Delores Ann Buhner C & R LUNCHEON Please check Destinations planning to attend: _____ Pinchers Date: 22 May Number attending: ______ By Boat __ Car __ _____ Marina Town Date: 5 June Number attending: ______ By Boat __ Car __ _____ Dock on the Bay Date: 17 July Number attending: ______ By Boat __ Car __ _____ Bayfront Bistro Date: 18 September Number attending: ______ By Boat __ Car __ Name:__________________________________ Email: _________________________________ Telephone: (cell)_________________________ Room for Guests Mail Reservations to: Delores Buhner 1343 SE 20th Avenue Cape Coral, FL 33990 Yes No THE BUOYS Kayak Group Our kayak adventure in March to Prairie Creek was a "WOW". Prairie Creek flows through the middle of a 1600 acre preserve. The fresh water creek provides open water foraging for wading birds and osprey. With every bend in the creek we saw a fresh new pristine view. There was only a gentle breeze and very little current on this, so the paddling was easy. We had several novice kayakers with us, and they all did great. Many of the boaters describe the trip as their favorite. We travelled 4.46 miles total and averaged 3.3 MPH. We were moving 1:35 and stopped 1:26, so you can see we were having a leisurely time. Our April trip is to Lovers' Key to kayak with the manatees. OUR MAY TRIP WILL BE TO BABCOCK WILDERNESS PRESERVE, ON 19 MAY. For more information, call Dee Wilzoch at 239-292-1374. If you want to add your name to the Kayak Group e-mail list, contact Gary Brooks at THE BUOYS THE BUOYS The City of Cape Coral Parks & Recreation Division has a lot to offer not only to its boating community, but all types of recreational activities. Please enjoy reading informative excerpts from their website in part 5 of an 8-part series. Map of boat ramp or park locations can be found at Wildlife Viewing The subtropical climate of Southwest Florida allows for an incredible variety of wildlife such as exotic birds, alligators, manatees, and dolphins to name a few. Pick up a copy of "The Nature of Cape Coral" Wildlife Viewing Map and/or see below for a list of Cape Coral locations where wildlife can be viewed in their natural environments: Four Mile Cove Ecological Preserve: SE 23rd Terrace As the largest nature preserve in Cape Coral, Four Mile Cove Ecological Preserve encompasses 365 acres of wildness that serve as home to a variety of flora, fauna, and wildlife. * Resident Wildlife: Wading birds, migrant songbirds, waterfowl, gopher tortoises, dolphin, various reptiles and amphibians. Rotary Park Environmental Center: 5505 Rose Garden Blvd, (239) 549-4606 This park, which is set on 97 acres of natural beauty, is considered the “Great Florida Birding Site." As part of the Florida Birding Trail, birdwatching is an extremely popular activity at Rotary Park. * Resident Wildlife: Wading birds, raptors, migrant songbirds, butterflies, foxes and other mammals. Saratoga Lake Park: 170 SE 4th Terrace * Resident Wildlife: Burrowing Owls Sirenia Vista Park: Ceitus Parkway & Old Burnt Store Road *Resident Wildlife: Manatees abundant November – February, occasionally rest of the year. Strausser BMX Sports Complex: 1410 SW 6th Place * Resident Wildlife: Active Bald Eagle nest Veterans Park: 4140 Coronado P arkw ay * Resident Wildlife: Burrowing Owls Please be advised that there is proper etiquette to follow when viewing wildlife: Observe posted rules for safe distances while viewing wildlife. Getting close enough to an animal to make it react is too close, and you should back away immediately. You may approach as close as 20 ft to an owl’s nest, but must remain 150 ft from the eagle’s nest. Please DO NOT feed the wildlife! There are stiff penalties for wildlife harassment, especially for threatened species. Wildlife is best enjoyed when one is quietly observing their natural behavior. If you are interested in helping with wildlife conservation, the Cape Coral Friends of Wildlife volunteer group is great place to get involved. Please visit their website: for more information, or for more details about wildlife viewing in Cape Coral, please contact the Environmental Recreation staff at Rotary Park - (239) 549-4606. For general information about Cape Coral Parks & Recreation, call (239) 573-3128. Information for this article provided by Bob Bales, P THE BUOYS The USPS Mission: To promote recreational boating safety Through education and civic activities While providing fellowship for our members CCSAPS is proud to announce that we have gift certificates for our Boat Smart Class available. Get them in the office at Squadron Harbor! THE BUOYS THE BUOYS 2015 CALENDAR ET = Entertainment Committee CM = Cape Mates C&R = Cruise & Rendezvous MI = Member Involvement Committee May Mon Tue Tue Thu Sat Mon Tue Wed Thu Thu Thu Sat Tue Fri Sat Mon Tue Thu Fri September 2015 4 To Mon 18 C & R Cruise to East Coast 5 C & R Meeting 5 Scuba 7 CCSAPS Exec. Meeting 9 Last day for Farmers Mkt. 11Weekenders Mtg. 12 Fishing Group Meeting 13 Co-op Charting Meeting 14 CCSAPS Gen. Meeting 14 Cape Mates Exec. Mtg 14 Cape Mates Mem. Mtg. 16 Weekenders Outing 19 Kayak Outing 22 C & R Outing Pinchers 23 OFFICE CLOSED 25 MEMORIAL DAY 26 To Thu 28 C & R to Palm Island 28 To Sun 31 C & R Schneider Trip 29 CM Western BBQ June 1030 1900 1900 1900 1900 1000 1930 1800 1930 2015 C & R Meeting 1030 Tue Wed Thu Fri Mon Mon Tue Wed Thu Thu Thu Thu Sat Mon Tue Wed Fri Scuba Entertainment Gp.. Meeting CCSAPS Exec. Meeting C & R Outing Marina Town Weekenders Mtg. ABC Class Start Fishing Group Meeting Co-op Charting Meeting Lite Bites CCSAPS Gen. Meeting Cape Mates Mem. Mtg. Cape Mates Exec. Mtg Weekenders Outing C & R Naples Bay Kayak Outing ABC Class Grad. ET Trivia Game Party 1900 1000 1900 1130 1900 1830 1900 1000 1830 1930 1930 1800 July Wed Thu Fri Fri Sat Tue Wed Mon Tue Fri Sat Tue August Tue Wed Mon Tue Wed Thu Sat Tue Fri 1900 1800 2015 1 2 3 To Sun 5 3 4 7 8 13 14 17 18 21 4 5 10 11 12 13 15 18 21 Entertainment Gp.. Meeting 1000 CCSAPS Exec. Meeting 1900 C & R Outing Moss Marina OFFICE CLOSED INDEPENDENCE DAY C & R Meeting 1030 Co-op Charting Meeting 1000 Weekenders Mtg. 1900 Fishing Group Meeting 1900 C & R Lunch Dock on the Bay Weekenders Outing Kayak Outing 2015 C & R Meeting Entertainment Gp.. Meeting Weekenders Mtg. Fishing Group Meeting Co-op Charting Meeting CCSAPS Exec. Meeting Weekenders Outing Kayak Outing Entertainment Gp. Steak Fry 1 2 3 5 7 To Wed 30 7 8 9 10 10 10 10 14 15 25 30 October 1800 Tue 2 2 3 4 5 8 8 To Wed 24 9 10 11 11 11 11 13 15 To Wed 17 16 24 26 Tue Wed Thu Sat Mon Mon Tue Wed Thu Thu Thu Thu Mon Tue Fri Wed Thu Tue Wed Thu Thu Thu Thu Mon Mon Tue Wed Sat Tue Fri Mon Sat 1 6 7 8 8 8 8 12 12 To Wed 28 13 14 17 20 23 26 31 November 1600 C & R Meeting Entertainment Gp.. Meeting CCSAPS Exec. Meeting OFFICE CLOSED ABC Class Start LABOR DAY Fishing Group Meeting Co-op Charting Meeting CCSAPS Gen. Meeting Cape Mates Mem. Mtg. Lite Bites Cape Mates Exec. Mtg Weekenders Mtg. Kayak Outing Cape Mates Family Feud ABC Class Grad. 1030 1000 1900 1830 0 1900 1000 1930 1930 1830 1800 1900 1800 1900 2015 CCSAPS Exec. Meeting C & R Meeting Entertainment Gp.. Meeting CCSAPS Gen. Meeting Lite Bites Cape Mates Exec. Mtg Cape Mates Mem. Mtg. Weekenders Mtg. ABC Class Start Fishing Group Meeting Co-op Charting Meeting First day fall Farmers Mkt. Kayak Outing Entertainment Gp.Pork BBQ ABC Class Grad. HALLOWEEN 1900 1030 1000 1930 1830 1800 1930 1900 1830 1900 1000 1800 1900 2015 Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Fri Mon Tue Wed Wed Thu Thu Thu Thu Tue Wed Fri Thu Fri 2 To Wed 18 3 4 5 6 To Sun 8 6 To Sun 8 9 10 11 11 12 12 12 12 17 18 20 26 27-Sat 28 ABC Class Start C & R Meeting Entertainment Gp.. Meeting CCSAPS Exec. Meeting D22 Outing South Seas C & R to South Seas Weekenders Mtg. Fishing Group Meeting Co-op Charting Meeting VETERANS DAY CCSAPS Gen. Meeting Lite Bites Cape Mates Exec. Mtg Cape Mates Mem. Mtg. Kayak Outing ABC Class Grad. C & R Shrimp Boil THANKSGIVING OFFICE CLOSED 1830 1030 1000 1900 Tue Wed Wed Thu Sun Tue Tue Thu Thu Thu Thu Mon Tue Thu Fri Sat Thu 1 2 2 3 6 8 8 To Thu 10 10 10 10 10 14 15 24 25 26 31 C & R Meeting CCSAPS Exec. Meeting Entertainment Gp.. Meeting ET Holiday Party CM Quarter Auction Fishing Group Meeting C & R Tween Waters Cape Mates Mem. Mtg. Lite Bites CCSAPS Gen. Meeting Cape Mates Exec. Mtg Weekenders Mtg. Kayak Outing CHRISTMAS EVE CHRISTMAS OFFICE CLOSED NEW YEAR'S EVE 1030 1900 1000 1800 1800 1900 December 1030 1000 1900 1900 1000 1900 2015 1900 1900 1000 1930 1830 1800 1930 1900 1700 2015 1930 1830 1930 1800 1900 0 0 THE BUOYS M AY 2 0 1 5 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri ET- Entertainment Committee C&R- Cruise & Rendezvous MI- Member Involvement CM – Cape Mates 3 4 5 6 1030 C&R Mtg 1900 Scuba Mtg 7 1900 Exec Mtg Sat 1 2 8 9 C & R Cruise to East Coast 10 11 1900 Weekenders 12 1900 Fishing Group Mtg 13 1000 Co-Op Charting 14 1800 CM Exec 1930 CM Gen 1930 CCSAPS General Meeting 15 16 Weekenders Outing C & R Cruise to East Coast 17 18 19 20 21 26 27 28 Kayak Outing 22 23 29 30 C&R Outing Pinchers C & R Cruise to East Coast 24 25 C & R Palm Island 31 1800 CM Western BBQ C & R Schneider Trip
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