MINHAJ-UL-QUR’AN Educational and Cultural Center of America Inc. 36 Vreeland Avenue, Hackensack NJ 07601 Phone: (201) 641-2200 / Fax: (201) 621-5466 / Website: www.minhajusa.com / Email: info@minhajusa.com Dec 2014 / Jan 2015 Day Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Dec/Jan 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Rabi I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Dec/Jan 23-25 26-1 2-8 9-15 16-21 Rabi I 1-3 4-10 11-17 18-24 25-30 Fajr 6:15 6:15 6:15 6:15 6:15 Fajr 5:56 5:57 5:57 5:57 5:58 5:58 5:58 5:59 5:59 5:59 5:59 5:59 5:59 5:59 5:59 5:59 5:59 5:59 5:59 5:59 5:59 5:59 5:59 5:58 5:58 5:58 5:57 5:57 5:56 5:56 Rabi-ul-Awwal 1436 Sunrise Dhuhr 7:18 11:56 7:18 11:56 7:19 11:57 7:19 11:57 7:19 11:58 7:20 11:58 7:20 11:59 7:20 11:59 7:20 11:59 7:20 12:00 7:20 12:01 7:20 12:01 7:20 12:02 7:20 12:02 7:20 12:02 7:20 12:03 7:20 12:03 7:20 12:04 7:20 12:04 7:20 12:05 7:19 12:05 7:19 12:05 7:19 12:05 7:19 12:06 7:18 12:06 7:17 12:07 7:17 12:07 7:16 12:07 7:16 12:08 7:15 12:08 Asr 2:52 2:53 2:53 2:54 2:55 2:55 2:56 2:57 2:57 2:58 2:59 3:00 3:01 3:02 3:03 3:04 3:05 3:06 3:07 3:08 3:09 3:10 3:10 3:11 3:14 3:15 3:16 3:17 3:18 3:20 Maghrib 4:33 4:34 4:34 4:35 4:35 4:36 4:37 4:38 4:38 4:38 4:40 4:41 4:42 4:43 4:44 4:45 4:46 4:47 4:48 4:49 4:50 4:51 4:51 4:52 4:54 4:56 4:57 4:58 4:59 5:00 Iqamah Timings Dhuhr 1:15 1:15 1:15 1:15 1:15 Asr 3:30 3:30 3:30 3:30 3:30 Maghrib Sunset Sunset Sunset Sunset Sunset Isha 8:30 8:30 8:30 8:30 8:30 Isha 5:55 5:56 5:57 5:57 5:58 5:59 5:59 6:00 6:00 6:01 6:02 6:03 6:04 6:05 6:06 6:06 6:07 6:08 6:09 6:10 6:11 6:12 6:12 6:13 6:15 6:16 6:17 6:18 6:19 6:20 Masjid Program Information 1: Friday Prayer (Juma) Starts: 1PM / Khutba: 1:30PM 2: Nazirah Quran & Hifz Classes 5PM-7PM (Mon-Fri) 3: Sunday School 10AM – 1:30PM 4: Darse Hadith Daily after Fajr 5: Darse Irfanul Quran Sundays after Fajr 6: Quranic Tafseer for Brothers Mon-Fri after Isha 7: Translation of Quran Class for Sisters Saturdays 11am-12:30pm 8: Halaqa-e-Durood Program Friday Jan 9 after Isha For More Information Call 201-641-2200 / 201-218-7776 Or Visit: www.minhajusa.com Special Announcements Milad-un-Nabi Program on Jan 3 @ 6PM in Saddle Brook Marriott (Holy Quran 3:164) Indeed, Allah conferred a great favour on the believers that He raised amongst them (the most eminent) Messenger (blessings and peace be upon him) from amongst themselves, who recites to them His Revelations, purifies them, and educates them on the Book and Wisdom though, before that, they were in manifest error. (Holy Quran 21:107) And, (O Esteemed Messenger,) We have not sent you but as a mercy for all the worlds. (Holy Quran 33:56) Surely, Allah and (all) His angels send blessings and greetings on the Holy Prophet (blessings and peace be upon him). O believers! Invoke blessings on him and salute him with a worthy salutation of peace abundantly (and fervently). (Holy Quran 93:11) And proclaim (well) the bounties of your Lord. All Islamic dates are subject to change based on moon sighting
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