ACCA Timetable 2015 P a r t T i m e – G l a sg ow Tim etable inform ation last updated 15/01/15 Glasgow Centre Information Telephone: 0141 333 1101 Email: Fax: 0141 332 4881 Website: Address: 2nd Floor 112 West George Street Glasgow G2 1PS Centre Manager: Sarah Cordwell Open Days: Wednesday 21st January 2015 10am - 6pm Saturday 24th January 2015 10am - 2pm Thursday 12th February 2015 10am - 6pm Saturday 14th February 2015 10am - 2pm Full Time - Knowledge Glasgow Feb March April Full Time Tue Thu Tue Thu Sun Tue Thu Tue Thu Mon Thu June 2015 24 26 3 5 8 10 12 17 19 23 26 Tue Wed Thu 31 8 Fri Tue Wed Thu Tue Wed Thu 16 17 21 22 23 28 29 30 T T T T T T T T Knowledge Module F1 Accountant in Business F2 Management Accounting F3 Financial Accounting T T T Glasgow T T T May T T T June T T Key: Full Time Fri Tue Thu Fri Tue Wed Tue Wed Tue Wed Tuition June 2015 8 12 14 22 26 Computer Based Exam 27 2 3 9 10 Exam entry deadlines (early & standard) Knowledge Module F1 Accountant in Business F2 Management Accounting F3 Financial Accounting T T T T T T T T T T Course times: Weekday 9:30am - 4:30pm Your experienced Kaplan tutors: For more information please visit: F1 Linda Webb F2 Geoff Cordwell F3 Graeme Brown CBE 8 Full Time - Short Term Glasgow February March April Tuition Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Mon Tue Wed Thu Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri June 2015 23 24 25 26 27 02 03 04 05 06 8 09 10 11 12 13 16 17 18 19 20 23 24 25 26 27 30 31 01 02 06 07 8 09 10 13 14 15 16 17 20 21 22 23 24 T T T T T T T FA Skills Module F4 Corporate and Business Law (Eng) F5 Performance Management F6 Taxation (UK) F7 Financial Reporting (Int) F8 Audit and Assurance (Int) F9 Financial Management T T T T T CBE T T T T T T T T IA T T T FA T T T IA T T T T IA T T T IA T T T T IA T FA T FA T T FA Essentials Module P1 Governance, Risk and Ethics P2 Corporate Reporting (Int/UK) P3 Business Analysis T T T T T IA T T T T T T IA IA T T T T FA T T T T T FA Options Module P5 Advanced Performance Management P6 Advanced Taxation (UK) P7 Advanced Audit and Assurance (Int/UK) T T T T Glasgow T IA T T April T T T June Tue Wed Thu Fri Tue Wed Thu Fri Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Mon Tue Wed Thu Tue Wed Thu Fri Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Mon Tue June 2015 27 28 29 30 01 05 06 07 08 11 12 13 14 15 18 19 20 21 26 27 28 29 1 2 3 4 5 8 9 R R R R Skills Module F6 Taxation (UK) F7 Financial Reporting (Int) F8 Audit and Assurance (Int) F9 Financial Management EX M R R R EX M R R R R R R R R R R M Governance, Risk and Ethics P2 Corporate Reporting (Int/UK) P3 Business Analysis R R R R R EX M R R R EX M R IA Final Assessment submission deadline* FA Revision Mock submission deadline* M Exam entry deadlines (early, standard and late) 8 R CBE * This is the date by which you are required to submit your script to your local Kaplan centre. M R T Interim Assessment submission deadline* EX M Essentials Module P1 Tuition Recommended Computer Based Exam date EX M R T **Fees include tuition and revision and are subject to T&C EX M R FA T Key: Mon Performance Management T FA Revision F5 T IA May T FA T IA You do not need to attend college on these submission date. We recommend that you email your script to Options Module P5 Advanced Performance Management P6 Advanced Taxation (UK) P7 Advanced Audit and Assurance (Int/UK) For more information please visit: R R R R R R R R Course times: EX M 9:30am - 4:30pm EX R R M R R R M EX Your experienced Kaplan tutors: F4 Geraldine Watson P1 John Cannon F5 Geoff Cordwell P2 Tony Sweetman F6 John Cannon P3 Gerry Gallagher F7 John Cannon P5 Geoff Cordwell F8 Adrian Davies P6 Adrian Davies F9 Gerry Gallagher P7 Adrian Davies Kaplan Masterclasses To give you the best possible chance of passing your professional exams we provide free Masterclass sessions for all. Details of events held at your local Kaplan centre are below. For more information or to book your place, please contact your local Kaplan centre. Date Time Lecturer 7th April 2015 5.30 - 7pm Geoff Cordwell 15th April 2015 5.30 - 7pm Tony Sweetman 22nd April 2015 5.30 - 7pm Tony Sweetman Memory Techniques Do you struggle to remember things? If so, this is the course for you. It provides simple and practical guidance on how to recall large amounts of information, an essential skill for any exam success. Tony's Technical Top Up (1) Basic Consolidation techniques suitable for ACCA F7 and P2 Tony's Technical Top Up (2) Advanced consolidation techniques suitable for ACCA P2 MyKaplan - Your Personalised Online Study Space MyKaplan, your personalised online study space, has many features to help you manage your courses and learning better, such as: course calendars, task reminders, 'email my tutor' button and access to your online forums. You will also have all your subject-specific study resources, via the Learning and Testing tab, which are released at strategic points throughout the course. These will be allocated into folders, to help you identify where each resource is designed to fit into your overall programme of study. The folders are Prepare, Practise and Perform. Your resources may include: Pass & Go Course - Study Resources Pass & Go Course - Revision Resources • Course Programmes A daily schedule for your studies, including classroom and homework questions, plus details of chapters for you to review at home. • i-paper Exam Kit Your exam kit in an i-paper format, so you can practice questions anytime. • Online Text Same as your text book, with added links allowing you to easily jump between chapters and topics. • i-paper Pocket Notes Easy to use revision aid. • Online Tuition Recordings Recap and refresh topics by watching a video of a live online class. • Online mock Practice an online mock exam at the end of your course, similar to the real CBE. • Knowledge Check Tests These are set by your tutors throughout your course and are designed to help you assess which topics you need to concentrate your studies on. You can compare your results, confidentially, to your peers' results. • Articles All the latest technical articles from Student Accountant magazine in one convenient place. • Assessments Questions and later answers, for the interim and final assessments. ... Your personalised online study space Once enrolled, please access all your online study resources at: FREE Study Support Resources In addition to all the materials you receive on your course and via MyKaplan, we offer free study support on a range of platforms to suit your preferred learning and life style. Kaplan Exam Tips Kaplan ACCA Exam Tips App Masterclasses Kaplan Financial Knowledge Bank [A KFKB style image highlighting the breadth of topics on there and minimal text, like those below] Find heaps of ACCA exam and topic based tips, videos, puzzles and more to support your revision. Plus, Kaplan Exam Tips will help you stay focused with all our ACCA materials organised by each exam paper! Get your FREE access to: Masterclass videos Exam Review videos Exam evaluations Exam Tips Key Examinable areas Forums for your exam paper Use our Facebook app and keep up to date with the latest ACCA news and materials to support your studies. Our Facebook app is crammed with tips and information including alerts and tasters of new materials from the following resources: Kaplan Exam Tips website Kaplan Financial Knowledge Bank Upcoming events e.g. Masterclasses ACCA Global Our Masterclasses are FREE hour-long sessions which focus on tricky syllabus areas or general exam techniques. These may be delivered through our Classrooms or Live Online and are designed to help you get the most out of your studies. Whether you're learning a topic from scratch, or need a quick reminder, our Knowledge Bank will provide you with the answers for FREE, with articles on topic essentials, sample calculations, processes and more! The Knowledge Bank holds over 300 accountancy topics, from “accounting for overheads” to “zero based costing”, giving you the option to browse whole areas of accountancy or drill down into specific concepts.
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