College of Graduate Studies Annual Report 2011-2012 COLLEGE OF GRADUATE STUDIES ANNUAL REPORT July 1, 2011 – June 30, 2012 TABLE OF CONTENTS Dean’s Executive Summary 1 College Budget 6 Training Grants 7 NRSA Awards 10 Organizational Structure Of The College 14 Graduate Council Membership 15 College Committees Admissions Committee 16 Credentials Committee 21 Curriculum Committee 22 Distinguished Graduate Of The Year Committee 25 First Year Curriculum Steering Committee 26 First Year Progress Committee 28 Office of Postdoctoral Affairs 29 Student Research Day 31 Graduate Student Association 33 Multicultural Graduate Student Association 35 Master Of Science In Clinical Research 45 Medical Scientist Training Program 54 Dental Medicine Scientist Training Program 99 Molecular & Cellular Biology & Pathobiology Program 105 Summer Health Professionals Research Program 121 Summer Undergraduate Research Program 128 Governor’s School for Science & Math 133 Department Programs Department Of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 135 Department Of Bioengineering 141 Department Of Biostatistics And Epidemiology 147 Department Of Cell And Molecular Pharmacology And Experimental Therapeutics 158 Department Of Drug Discovery and Biomedical Sciences 161 Department Of Microbiology And Immunology 168 Department Of Neurosciences 173 Nursing Doctoral Program 188 Department Of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine 199 Post Graduation Positions Of Our Graduates 204 Dissertation Titles Of Graduates 207 First Year Students 212 College Of Graduate Studies Faculty 218 Executive Summary Dear faculty, pre-doctoral and postdoctoral trainees and MS degree students; As I write this executive summary, I would like to take a moment to reflect on the enormous accomplishments and metamorphosis that the college has undergone since July 2000. The accomplishments can be measured in several ways. The number of applicants to our PhD program has doubled over that time frame and the number of applicants to our MSTP has increased 4 fold. The quality of our trainees has increased significantly. They are very competitive for NIH NRSA fellowships, with a success rate at least twice that of the national average. We have many T32 training grants that did not exist in 2000 and those that have undergone a competing renewal scored extraordinarily well. We have been able to offer a first year core curriculum that embraces the most important aspects of the biomedical sciences and prepares our trainees on a path to be independent scientists and achieve their career goals. We have been able to reward outstanding teachers in our first year core curriculum with the “Outstanding Teacher of the Year Award”. We also recognize our distinguished graduate each year with the “Distinguished Graduate of the Year Award”. In the early days of the transformation of the college three individuals played key leadership roles. They were Ed Krug, George Lindenmayer and Adam Smolka. As you know Ed and Adam continue to play key leadership roles in the college’s programs. George retired and moved to Seattle where he is working part time. Joann Sullivan has played a key role in the college’s extraordinary success rate in obtaining T32 and other extramural competitive training grants. Cynthia Wright has been the PI on several of the college’s training grants and in particular has been very effective in enhancing the diversity activities of the college and starting a new certificate program for the college. Of particular note is her success in improving the retention rate for underrepresented minorities. The college has two new endowments; one to support the annual campus wide research day and the other to support college enrichment activities; one in particular, a Dean’s seminar series. There is also a fund established to provide the financial reward for the outstanding teacher of the year. These are just a few of the many positive changes that have taken place in the college over the past 12 years. I hope that you will share with me the pride of accomplishment that has taken place over this period of time. For in the final analysis, it is our faculty and trainees that enrich the college and enhance its ever-growing positive reputation. • • In September, the College moved into a new suite of offices in the Bioengineering Building. This is an outstanding suite that not only provides offices for Assistant and Associate Deans but also offices for all the staff. There is also a conference room that has video conferencing and is available for use by anyone who is associated with the College. The move to a respectable suite of offices was long overdue. We thank Dr. John Raymond, former Provost and Vice-President for Academic Affairs for arranging for the College to move to the new space. A committee was charged by the Dean to determine the cost of educating a graduate student. The committee has delivered its report to the Dean who in turn has delivered it to the Provost. The Provost discussed it with the Graduate Council on August 8, 2012. 1 • • • • Reestablished the Dean’s seminar series, which provides $2,000 annually for each graduate program to invite a speaker who will spend most of the day interacting with predoctoral and postdoctoral trainees. The Graduate Council established a new policy concerning MS degree seeking students. All MS students will register full time, which is 9 hours. This was instituted in part because of the new budget model. A new certificate program in the biomedical sciences was established by Dr. Cynthia Wright and Dr. Laura Kasman. This certificate program, which is targeted to applicants to the medical school that did not get accepted, is very well thought out and will provide the students with an excellent set of experiences that will prepare them well for their re-application to medical school. In addition, it will be a significant source of revenue for the College. This year, 8 students were admitted. The plan is to admit 20 students in the next and coming years. A memorandum of understanding was signed with Ningbo University to develop an exchange program for trainees and faculty in the neuroscience program. In addition, two of their faculty will take the MSCR course with a plan toward eventually using that training to establish collaborative clinical trials in addiction between MUSC and Ningbo. Dr. Peter Kalivas was instrumental in facilitating the MOU. This has been another challenging year for the College. In spite of major budgetary cuts, significantly greater than last year, we were able to accomplish much and believe that we have a very strong incoming class of PhD and MD/PhD students. The College by all measures continues on an upward trajectory. However, we continue to face serious challenges to our mission. The reduction in our budget over the last 4 years has significantly curtailed some of the programs and activities that the College has funded. The new budget system to be implemented in 2012 will provide additional challenges to the College. The need for teachers for our didactic offerings continues to be an ongoing challenge for our College. Accomplishments Of The Faculty, Students, Fellows And Staff • • • • • • • Dr. Cynthia Wright continues to be very active, in particular devoting a significant amount of time to recruitment activities and outreach programs. She also submitted two training grants for competing renewal and both grants were site visited. Dr. Ed Krug, Assistant Dean for Postdoctoral Affairs, has continued to be very active, both locally and nationally. He was elected chair–elect of the AAMC GREAT Group Postdoctoral Leadership section. He also facilitated MUSC being selected for the National Postdoctoral Association Annual Conference in March 2013. Dr. Joann Sullivan, Assistant Dean for Extramural Program Development, continues to be extraordinarily helpful, providing significant assistance and guidance for the submission of major training grants. Dr. Thomas Hulsey, Assistant Dean for Global Education Programs, continues to develop our MSCR degree program for global distribution. There are 3 physicians from the Drum Tower Hospital, Nanjing, China currently participating. Ms. Eileen McFadden was hired as administrative coordinator to work in the Office of Postdoctoral Affairs and work with Dr. Ed Krug. The eleventh annual “Outstanding Teacher Of The Year “ award was won by Dr. Yiannis Koutalos. The ten nominees for the outstanding teacher were; Carl Atkinson, Craig Beeson, Scott Eblen, Robert Gemmill, Debra Hazen-Martin, YeTi Hsu, Yiannis Koutalos, Rick Schnellmann and Julie Woolworth. The Multicultural Graduate Student Association was again awarded the MUSC Gives Back Award. 2 • • • • Our graduate students continued their very successful community outreach program titled “Graduate Students Reaching Out With Science” (GROWS). Seventeen students have visited seven middle and high schools and have been very enthusiastically received. Collectively, they have spent 182 hours of volunteer teaching in these outreach education activities. During the past year, the College was home to 201 postdoctoral fellows, 130 PhD, 61 MSTP, 6 DMD/PhD, 2 PharmD/PhD, 53 CON/PhD, 18 MS, 17 MSCR and 107 global MSCR students. The College graduated 21 PhD, 9 MD/PhD, 8 Nursing PhD, 4 MS and 18 MSCR students. Our students have an impressive list of accomplishments as demonstrated by the numerous national honors, awards, and individual fellowships that they have received and their publications. These are well documented in the individual department and program reports. Recruitment and Admissions • • • • • Distributed a recruitment letter for the College’s programs to approximately 3,000 undergraduate students taking the GRE, 200 McNair scholars and students attending science and recruitment fairs. Distributed a recruitment letter for the MSTP to approximately 2,000 undergraduate students scoring 32 or better on the MCAT. The College received 222 applications (a new all time high) for the PhD program, 77 applicants were interviewed, 54 offers were made and 24 will matriculate. The GRE average percentile score of the incoming students is 71.8 for verbal and 68 for quantitative and the average GPA is 3.47. The College received 176 applications (largest number yet) for the MSTP. The average GPA for those interviewed was 3.75 and MCAT was 33.8. Fifty-two applicants were interviewed. We made 20 offers of acceptance and we had 4 matriculants. The average GPA of the matriculants is 3.76 and the average MCAT is 34.3. Matriculated 24 PhD, 4 MS, 25 MSCR and 17 Nursing PhD students. Training Grants and Fellowships New training grant submissions- funded • Summer Undergraduate Research Program in Substance Use Disorders. PI, Antonieta Lavin New training grant submissions- not funded • Molecular and Cellular Basis of Inflammation and Immunity. PI, Steve Tomlinson Training Grants Submitted for Competing Renewal • • MUSC Minority Student Development Program. PI, Cynthia Wright MUSC-Claflin Cooperative for Postdoctoral Academic Career Development. PI, Cynthia Wright Current Training Grants • Eleven T32 training grants, one R25 pre-doctoral extramural training grant, and two DOE GAANN grants supported 63 pre-doctoral PhD positions. 3 • • One T35 and two R25 training grants support 54 short-term summer training positions. Fifteen extramural postdoctoral training grants (T32) support 47 postdoctoral positions. Individual Fellowships and Scholarships • • The national success rate for students applying for a Ruth L. Kirschstein NIH Research Service Award (F30, F31) is about 30%, while for our students, it is approximately 75%, an extraordinary accomplishment. This last year there were 23 students who were funded by either an F30 or F31 fellowship, 4 were funded by American Heart Association fellowships and 2 were funded by the Department of Defense. We also have 7 postdoctoral fellows supported by individual F32 training grants. Additional Accomplishments • • • • • • • • • Successfully completed the first year core curriculum for the eleventh year. Held the tenth annual “Parent’s Luncheon and Awards Ceremony” for our graduates. Awarded the twelfth and thirteenth “Distinguished Graduate of the Year Award” – Russell Jenkins, MD, PhD, Mentor, Yusuf Hannun, MD Khaled Moussawi, MD, PhD, Mentor, Peter Kalivas, PhD The summer undergraduate research program (SURP) hosted 65 students. Thirtythree were underrepresented minorities and there were a total of 381applications for the positions. To date the College’s faculty have trained a total of 1107 SURP students. Approximately 213 of these students have enrolled in one of MUSC’s 6 Colleges. The Summer Health Professions program hosted 46 students. Seventeen students were underrepresented minorities. The Summer Research Program for the Governor’s School for Science and Mathematics hosted 12 students. The College hosted 12 Porter-Gaud female students for a semester didactic and laboratory biomedical sciences experience. Established a formal high school research program for rising seniors (Summer) and seniors (Fall/Spring) who want more experiences in the STEM disciplines. Co-organized the E.E. Just Symposium with 369 undergraduates and 23 faculty advisors were registered. We have set a series of goals for the College for the coming year, many of which are commensurate with the strategic plan and some of which have arisen to meet some immediate needs. Goals for 2010-2011 • • Hire a new Dean for the College. Raise the PhD stipends by $1,000 and develop a graduated stipend increase program for students once they have entered into candidacy. Recruitment • • • Continue to distribute the recruitment letters for the PhD and MD/PhD programs to students taking the GRE or MCAT, respectively. Continue to develop additional recruitment tools and strategies. Increase number of applicants for the PhD programs by 5%. 4 • • • • Increase quality of applicants and matriculants as measured by GRE scores, GPA and undergraduate research experience. Develop a more competitive recruitment package for applicants. Increase the diversity of the student body of the College. Develop liaisons with undergraduate institutions that have a large number of underrepresented minorities that matriculate into PhD programs or MSTP’s in the biological sciences. Establish one new recruitment scholarship for PhD students. Other • • • Submit at least one new pre-doctoral training grant. Continue to work with the Development Office to: 1. Raise money for scholarships. 2. Endow the Dean’s Chair. 3. Increase the size of the endowment for the Perry V. Halushka Student Research Day. Work with the Provost to implement the new budget system to the advantage of the College. 5 College Budget Major Expense Categories Personnel $729,950 Stipends – PhD, MSTP $706,588 Health Insurance $57,047 Travel (Student, recruitment, seminar speakers, faculty, consultants) $92,148 Entertainment/Student Life (includes recruitment, seminars) $59,555 Summer research (stipends/supplies/housing/travel) $61,056 Dean’s student fellowship incentive awards $22,500 Student Research Day Awards $14,300 Equipment (computer, monitor, conference room table) $6,695 Postdoctoral (ISOP, ethics retreats, workshops, Postdoc Association) $6,353 6 TRAINING GRANTS ADMINISTERED BY THE COLLEGE’S OFFICE AND STAFF AND/OR SUPPORTING SUMMER RESEARCH PROGRAMS Title/Source/PI Summer Health Professional Training Grants Short Term Training in Health Professional Schools NIH/NIDDK 5 T35 DK07431-28 PI - Dr. Leonard Egede --funds 24 summer stipends for medical/dental/pharmacy students for 8-12 weeks Summer Research Program for Minority Medical Students NIH/NHLBI 1 R25 HL096316-03 PI - Dr. Donald Menick --funds 10 summer stipends for 10-12 weeks Post-Transcriptional Regulation of Periodontal Diseases NIH/NIDCR 2 T32 DE017551-06 PI - Dr. Keith Kirkwood --funds 6 summer stipends+ other costs for dental students for 8-12 weeks Summer Undergraduate Research Program Training Grants MUSC Short Term Research Education Program to Increase Diversity NIH/NHLBI 5R25 HL092611-05 PI - Dr. Cynthia Wright --funds 16 undergraduate summer salaries for 10 weeks Palmetto Academy 2012: Site at MUSC College of Charleston PI - Dr. William Scott Argraves --funds 3 undergraduate summer stipends + other costs for 10 weeks SC Collaborative Undergraduate HBCU Student Summer Training Program DOD - W81XWH-12-1-0043 PI – Dr. Marvella Ford --funds 4 undergraduate summer stipends + other costs for 10 weeks 7 Budget Period Total $ 5/1/12-4/30/13 Year 28 of 30 $182,943 4/1/12 – 3/31/13 Year 3 of 4 $107,398 7/1/11-6/30/16 Year 6 of 10 $530,113 5/1/12-4/30/13 Year 5 of 5 $110,592 5/1/11-4/30/12 Year 3 of 3 $30,000 3/1/12-2/28/13 Year 1 of 1 $64,810 Southeastern Virtual Institute for Health Equity and Wellness (SEVIEW) DOD, Dept of the Army USAMRAA W81XWH-10-2-0057 PI Dr. Marvella Ford --funds 2 undergraduate summer stipends + other costs for 10 weeks SC Cancer Disparities Research Center PI – Dr. Marvella Ford --funds 2 undergraduate summer stipends + other costs South Carolina Clinical and Translational Research Institute (SCTR) Institutional Funds PI - Dr. Kathleen Brady/Co-PI – Dr. Perry Halushka --funds 5 undergraduate summer stipends + other costs for 10 weeks Neurobiology of Addiction Research Center Pilot Core C NIH/NIDA 5 P50 DA015369-10 PI – Dr. Jacqueline McGinty -funds 4 or more undergraduate summer salaries + other costs for 10 weeks Summer Undergraduate Research Program in Substance Use Disorders 1R25DA033680-01 PI – Antonieta Lavin -funds multiple undergraduate salaries + other costs for ten weeks PhD Training Grants Graduate Education at the Interface of Human Biology and New Technologies US Department of Education PI - Dr. Perry Halushka --funds 5-7 PhD stipends MUSC MBRS IMSD Program NIH/NIGMS 5R25 GM072643-08 PI – Dr. Cynthia Wright --funds 5 PhD students and includes faculty salaries for teaching support 8 7/1/10-6/30/13 Year 1 of 1 $885,068 9/26/11-8/31/12 $188,782 4/1/12-3/31/13 $26,000 5/1/12-4/30/13 $116,656 7/1/12-6/30/13 $96,374 8/15/11-8/14/12 Year 3 of 3 $219,875 5/1/12 – 4/30/13 Year 8 of 8 $319,797 MD/PhD Training Grant Medical Scientist Training Program NIH/NIGMS 2 T32 GM008716-13 PI - Dr. Perry V. Halushka --funds 8 MSTP stipends 7/1/12-6/30/13 Year 14 of 15 $321,232 Postdoctoral Related Grants MUSC-Claflin Cooperative for Postdoctoral Academic Career Development NIH/NIGMS 5 K12 GM081265-05 PI - Dr. Cynthia Wright/Co-PI – Dr. Ed Krug --funds 3 postdoc scholars and program related costs Miscellaneous Grants 2012 Ernest E. Just Symposium SC Research Authority Task Order 0065 PI - Dr. Titus Reaves 9 8/1/11-7/31/12 Year 5 of 5 $377,537 1/1/12-4/30/12 $10,000 Students with NRSA or NSF Awards Emily Allen NSF 9/1/11-8/31/16, $30,000 per year A Comparative Analysis of Oxidative Stress-Response in PSW iPSCs and Mouse ESCs Deanna Baker 5F31AR057307-03 7/1/11-6/30/12, $36,289 per year The Role of Sphingosine Kinase 1 in a Mouse Model of Chronic Inflammation Tiffany Baker 5F30DC010522-03 9/28/09-9/27/15, $35,099 per year Heat Shock Protein-Induced Protection Against Cisplatin-Induced Hair Cell Death Jacob Beckley 1F31DA030891-02 7/1/12-6/30/14, $42,232 per year Neuroplasticity Associated with Acute Toluene Inhalation Jennifer Blakely (New) 1F30DK091107-01 9/1/11-8/31/14, $36,703 per year Stimulation of Mitochondrial Biogenesis with 5-HT Receptor Agonists Sarah Brice (New) 1F30DK092125-01A1 9/1/11-8/31/14, $36,703 per year Metabolic Determinants of Cardiac Bioactive Sphingolipids in Lipid Overload Amanda Buff (New) 5F30DE021612-01A1 7/1/11-6/30/14, $42,045 per year pGlcNAc Stimulates Wound Healing and Defensin Expression via AKT1 Michael DeFee 5F30DE020203-03 12/1/10-11/30/13, $48,032 per year The Role of Cell Surface Heat Shock Protein 90 in KSHV Pathogenesis Christopher Gault (Final Year) 5F30HL093991-03 2/1/09-1/31/12, $39,007 per year The Role of Sphingosine Kinase 1 in Ras-Initiated Lung Carcinogenesis 10 Linda Heffernan-Stroud 5F30ES017379-03 (Final Year) 12/1/09-11/30/12, $39,877 per year Role of Sphingosine Kinase 1 in the p53-dependent DNA Damage Response Keely Morris 5F30DK089696-03 6/1/10-5/31/14, $40,855 per year The Role of Complement un Hepatic Ischemia Reperfusion Injury and Regeneration Thomas Mullen 5F30ES016975-04 7/15/08-7/14/12, $37,010 per year Ceramide Synthases CERS5 and CERS6 Regulate Pathways of Programmed Cell Death Natasha New (New) 1F31AA020445-01A1 9/15/11-9/14/14, $36,703 per year Adolescent Alcohol, Epigenetics, and Alterations in the Adult Prefrontal Cortex Joseph Palatinus 5F30HL095320-04 2/1/09-1/31/14, $36,637 per year Connexin 43 Gap Function Dynamics in the Diabetic Heart Anthony Parker (New) 1F31DE022246-01 8/1/11-7/31/12, $42,600 per year Estimation of Periodontal Disease Progression in the Presence of Diagnostic Error Aram Parsegian 1F31DA029431-02 1/1/12-12/31/12, $41,242 per year Impact of Meth Self-Administration on Glutamate and Dopamine in the Corticoaccumbens Pathway Sahar Saddoughi 5F30ES019464-02 8/1/10-7/31/15, $39,445 per year Suppression of Lung Cancer Growth by Ceramide 11 Justin Schwartz (New) 1F32DK092070-01A1 9/1/11-8/30/12 -01 $67,212 per year Mechanism-Based Discovery of Protectants against Iron-Dependant Oxidative Injury R. David Sentelle 5F30DE021295-01 9/1/11-8/31/15, $47,600 per year Role of Ceramide in Inducing Lethal Autophagy in Head and Neck Cancer Natalie Straight (New) 1F31AA021618-01, $52,892 per year 4/1/12-3/31/15 Homer2 and Ethanol-Associated Neuroadaptations Kyle Strickland 5F30DK083215-03 5/5/10-5/4/13, $46,800 per year Regulation of DNA Methylation by a Major Folate Enzyme Joseph Taylor (New) 1F30DA033748-01 3/22/12-3/21/15, $36,532 per year Role of the Supraspinal Opioidergic Circuit in Prefrontal Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation-Induced Analgesia Ryan Whitaker (New) 1 F30 DK096964-01 7/1/12-6/30/16, $52,892 per year Stimulation of Mitochondrial Biogenesis with PDE3 Inhibitors Parker Wilson (New) 1F30DK083208-01A2 8/15/11-8/14/14, $42,605 per year Mechanisms of Diabetic Renal Damage: Role of the Kinin Receptors Xiaoyi Zhang (New) 1F30CA165518-01A1 7/1/12-6/30/13, $43,972 per year The Role of Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinase Phosphatase-1 in Tumor Progression 12 Students with Department of Defense or American Heart Association Awards Obaidullah Aseem American Heart Assoc. 7/1/10-6/30/12, $23,000 per year The Role of Cubilin in High Density Liporotein Homeostasis Thomas Beckham DoD - W81XWH-11-1-0334 4/11/11-11/10/13, $38,136 per year Evaluation of Acid Ceramidase Over Expression Induced Activation of the Oncogenic Akt Pathway in Prostate Cancer Laura Briggs American Heart Assoc. 7/1/11-6/30/13, $23,000 per year The Role of BMP4 In the Development of the Dorsal Mesenchymal Protrusion George Daniel Grass (Final Year) DoD - W91ZSQ9277N682 2/1/10-2/28/13, $42,040 per year Functional Interactions of Hyaluronan, CD44, and Emmprin in Breast Cancer Progression Erin Pardue American Heart Assoc. 7/1/10-6/30/12, $23,000 per year The Influence of Fibulin-1 on Hematopoietically Derived Cell Populations in Heart Valves Brent Wilkerson American Heart Assoc. 7/1/10-6/30/12, $23,000 per year HDL-Associated S1P in Endothelial Barrier Function and Atherosclerosis 13 14 Admissions CommiAee 1st Year Progress CommiAee Assistant Dean for Global Educa;on Programs Adminstra;ve Staff Business Manager Administra;ve Coordinator Administra;ve Coordinator/Assistant Director MSTP Student Services Program Coordinators II (2) Student Services Program Coordinator Creden;als CommiAee Graduate Council Curriculum CommiAee Assistant Dean for Extramural Programs 1st Year Curriculum Steering CommiAee Associate Dean for Admissions & Career Development Associate Dean Dean Provost Organizational Structure College of Graduate Studies Postdoctoral Associa;on Assistant Dean for Postodoctoral Affairs GRADUATE COUNCIL MEMBERSHIP (’11-‘12) Deans (non-voting members) Perry V. Halushka, Ph.D., M.D., Dean, Chair Jacqueline McGinty, Ph.D., Associate Dean, Department of Neurosciences Ed Krug, Ph.D., Assistant Dean, Postdoctoral Affairs Joann Sullivan, Ph.D., Assistant Dean, Extramural Program Development Cynthia Wright, Ph.D., Associate Dean for Admissions Program Directors (voting members) * indicates co-directors with 1 vote per program rather than per person *Lauren Ball, Ph.D., Co-director, Cell & Molecular Pharmacology Craig Beeson, Ph.D., Pharmaceutical Sciences & 1st Year Progress Committee Maurizio Del Poeta, M.D., Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Victoria Findlay, Ph.D., Pathology and Laboratory Medicine *Jennifer Isaacs, Ph.D., Co-director, Cell & Molecular Pharmacology Laura Kasman, Ph.D., Microbiology and Immunology *Michael Kern, PhD, Co-director, DMD/PhD Program *Keith Kirkwood, DDS, PhD, Co-director, DMD/PhD Program Eric Lacy, PhD, Marine Biomedicine Marilyn Laken, RN, PhD, College of Nursing Antonieta Lavin, PhD, Neurosciences Donald R. Menick, Ph.D., Director, MCBP Viswanathan Ramakrishnan, PhD, Biostatistics and Epidemiology Arno Wessels, Ph.D., Cell Biology and Anatomy Committee Representatives (non-voting members) Joseph Cheng, MSTP representative Angela Alexander, Multicultural Graduate Student Assoc. Zack Cope, Graduate Student Association Jaspreet Singh, PhD, Postdoctoral Association Adam Smolka, Ph.D., Chairman, First Year Curriculum Committee Richard Swaja, PhD, Clemson/MUSC Bioengineering 15 Graduate Admissions Committee Members of the Committee Name Cynthia Wright, Ph.D., Chair Julie Woolworth, Ph.D Hal May, Ph.D. Ashley Cowart, Ph.D. Viswanathan Ramakrishnan, Ph.D. Samar Hammad, Ph.D. Mike Janech, Ph.D. *Laura Kasman, Ph.D. Joe Blumer, Ph.D. Representing College of Graduate Studies Pathology and Laboratory Medicine Marine Biomedicine Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Biostatistics and Epidemiology Regenerative Medicine and Cell Biology MCBP program Microbiology and Immunology Cell and Molecular Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics Neuroscience Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Sciences Bioengineering Program Craniofacial Biology Student Representative Student Representative Kumar Sambamurti, Ph.D. Anna-Liisa Nieminen, Ph.D. Hai Yao, Ph.D. Caroline Westwater, Ph.D. Brent Wilkerson Anthony Parker *co-chair Admissions Data for 2011-2012 (as of June 22, 2012) The College of Graduate Studies received 222 Ph.D., 38 Ph.D. Nursing, 176 M.D./Ph.D., 9 D.M.D./Ph.D., 40 M.S applications, and 7 MSCR or SPTCR applications. For the first time we received over 200 PhD applications by our January 15 priority deadline. The Figure below shows the number of PhD applications received by year since 2000. 250 PhD applicants PhD Applicants 200 150 100 50 0 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Year 16 Seventy-seven PhD candidates were interviewed, 54 offers were made and 24 offers were accepted (acceptance rate 47%). For their highest degree 8 of the incoming students have master’s degrees, 14 have bachelor’s degrees, and two have terminal degrees. GPA and GRE data for the applicant pool this year are displayed in the table below. The GRE changed its scoring system in August 2011 to a different scale than had been used previously and applicant GRE scores were received from both the old and new scale formats. Therefore, cumulative GRE scores are reported in percentiles. Average GPA Average Verbal GRE (percentile) Average Quantitative GRE (percentile) Average Anal. Writing GRE Total Applicants 3.40 63.4 Offered Acceptance 3.56 74.0 Matriculated 3.47 71.8 Declined offer 3.64 76.2 66.5 70.0 68.0 70.8 3.8 4.1 4.0 4.2 Table 2 below displays average GPA data from 2000-2012 comparing the applicant pools, applicants offered acceptance, matriculating students and students who declined the offer of acceptance. For all years matriculating students had higher average GPAs than the general applicant pool. Total Applicants Matriculated Offered Acceptance Rejected Offer 3.8 3.7 Average GPA 3.6 3.5 3.4 3.3 3.2 3.1 Year Incoming PhD students are being supported by a variety of mechanisms. At least 5 will be supported by training grants held by graduate studies faculty, and individual departments or principal investigators will support 2 or more of the accepted students. The decisions for two additional PhD applicants are still pending. 17 Efforts were made to determine where accepted PhD students matriculated if not at MUSC. Students who declined our offer elected to attend the University of Alabama (3), Emory University, Vanderbilt University (2), the University of Florida, the University of Virginia, the University of California at Davis, Washington University, the University of Maryland Baltimore County (2), the University of Washington, the University of Wisconsin-Madison, the University of Oklahoma, the University of Pittsburgh, the University of Illinois-Chicago, the Sanford-Burnham Medical Research Institute, the University of Texas-Austin, Drexel University, the Max Planck Florida Institute, the Health Science Center at San Antonio, Texas and UNC-Chapel Hill. Offers have been made to 11 M.S. applicants. To date 4 M.S. students have confirmed matriculation for this fall. Four offers are still pending and three offers have been declined. To date 17 Ph.D. Nursing students will enter that program this fall. Six large (10-12 students) PhD interview weekends were held. Thursday night a dinner at either the dean’s home or Dr. Wright’s home was held to welcome the applicants, allow them time to get to know each other, and meet current students. Dean Halushka welcomed the applicants Friday morning over breakfast and presented information about the College of Graduate Studies and the First Year Curriculum. Dr. Wright then discussed each of the departments or programs and research areas available on campus. After breakfast, the applicants were interviewed individually by three members of the Graduate Admissions Committee and other faculty in their areas of interest. Applicants also had the opportunity to tour the MUSC campus and had lunch with graduate students. A dinner downtown with current students concluded the day, allowing applicants to return home on Saturday, if necessary. On Saturday, applicants toured Charleston at the College’s expense and/or returned home. Applicants were housed at local hotels. Sixty-seven applicants were interviewed in person and participated in the interview weekends. Ten applicants, not currently residing in the US, were interviewed by telephone or Skype. Two of the students interviewed by distance have accepted our offer and will matriculate this fall. All applications were received online. Program Directors were also provided with updates on the admissions process during the height of the admissions cycle. They were encouraged to contact applicants who were invited to interview or were accepted. Application materials were distributed electronically on a secured web site called WebNow and also posted on a protected server. Interviewers and other evaluators were able to submit their reviews of the applicants via an online form. The figure on the next page shows the geographic demographics for the incoming PhD class. The dots on the map indicate where students entering our class this year received their highest degree before matriculating at MUSC. The data demonstrates that most of our students pursued their college education in the Eastern states. Not shown are three students who received their highest degrees in China, France, or Italy. 18 Recruitment Many recruitment trips were made by College of Graduate Studies faculty. Dr. Wright hosted a recruitment table at the annual NIH grad fair in July 2011. In addition, informational/recruitment trips were made to the University of Maryland Baltimore Campus and the College of Charleston MUSC night. Dr. Wright and students in the Multicultural Graduate Student Association (MGSA) made additional trips to Claflin University and to Charleston Southern University’s MUSC night. Faculty and students from MUSC also attended the Annual Biomedical Research Conference for Minority Students (ABRCMS) in St. Louis, MO and the annual Society for Advancement of Chicanos and Native Americans in Science (SACNAS) in San Jose, California, hosting recruitment tables at both venues. Dr. Halushka met with student advisors who attended the E.E. Just Symposium to inform them about our program and to answer questions. Dr. Wright and current graduate students met with students who attended the symposium to talk about how to apply to graduate school and to answer questions about graduate student life. At all of these venues we provided flyers, CDs, and other recruitment materials appropriate for disseminating information to potential summer students, graduate students and postdoctoral fellows. In addition, the College of Graduate Studies office mailed over 200 packets of recruitment information to the RISE, MARC U*STAR, and McNair program Directors, to 460 McNair Scholars (science majors), and to approximately 4,500 19 individuals who took the GRE last year. The office also coordinated large mailouts of recruitment materials nationwide to students taking the MCAT exam to advertise our MD/PhD program. Web Site The College’s website has continued to be improved and developed. This year the defense announcements for students were made available on the front page of the website along with abstract information for each project. The format for the website will continue to be updated in accordance with MUSC’s web standards Career Development The summer pre-matriculation course remains a strong component of our graduate program. Last year 13 out of 29 matriculating students took the summer course. The course takes place in mid-summer for four weeks and all matriculating graduate students are welcome to enroll. PhD students’ stipends are started at this time. There are two hours of morning lecture followed by afternoons either doing a lab rotation of the student’s choice or participating in our laboratory techniques course. The IMSD training program in collaboration with the MGSA sponsored Dr. Tom Smith of the MUSC Center for Academic Excellence who gave a workshop on November 21, 2011 with tips and advice for how to prepare a CV. The workshop was open to all students, faculty, postdocs, and residents. The College of Graduate Studies also hosted Dr. Linda Harris from St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital who came and discussed postdoctoral research opportunities at St. Jude on December 8, 2011. Goals 1. Continue to evaluate and improve the criteria by which applicants are admitted to the College of Graduate Studies. 2. Continue to recruit the highest quality Ph.D. students using recruitment scholarships and improved advertising. 3. Continue to update the website of the College of Graduate Studies. 4. Increase the number of domestic Ph.D. applicants by 15%. 5. Continue to improve the environment of the College by hosting career development opportunities. 20 Credentials Committee Members of the Committee Dennis K. Watson, Ph.D., Chair Pathology & Laboratory Medicine Yiannis Koutalos, Ph.D. Ophthalmology Elaine Amella, BSN, Ph.D. Nursing John Woodard, Ph.D. Neurosciences Accomplishments during the past year Over the 2011-2012 academic year, the Credentials Committee reviewed 65 applications and made recommendations for the appointment of 17 (40%) individuals for Full Membership and 48 (60%) individuals for Associate Membership. The number of applications reviewed increased from that of 2010-2011 when 51 applications were reviewed. In addition, 44 applications were reviewed for reappointment for Full Membership and 24 applications for Associate Membership and 1 application for reclassification. Goals for the coming year Continue to review applications in a timely manner to provide the opportunity for all interested individuals to become a member of the Graduate Faculty. Maintain uniform standards for approval of faculty as Associate or Full membership. 21 Curriculum Committee The Curriculum Committee is responsible for the evaluation and approval of all didactic courses offered to students in all graduate departments and programs. This includes constituent courses of the First Year Curriculum and advanced courses in subsequent years. The Committee reports all new and revised courses to the Graduate Council. Membership The Committee membership consists of faculty representatives of graduate departments and programs. Each graduate program is represented by one member and an alternate who are chosen by their respective chairs. Only the member has a vote; however if the member is absent then the alternate may vote. Each member serves a term of two years. The director of the first year curriculum is also a member of the Committee and has one vote. There is also one student representative chosen by the Graduate Student Association who serves for a term of one year. The members of the Committee elect the chairperson and vice-chairperson. The latter presides over the meetings in the absence of the chairperson. Adam Smolka, Ph.D., Chair Medicine Jillian Johnson Graduate Student Representative Carl Atkinson, Ph.D. Microbiology & Immunology Jennifer Isaacs, Ph.D. Cell & Molecular Pharmacology Howard C. Becker, Ph.D. Psychiatry R. Amanda C. LaRue, Ph.D. Pathology and Laboratory Medicine Thomas A. Dix, Ph.D. Drug Discovery and Biomedical Sciences Robin Muise-Helmericks, Ph.D. Regenerative Medicine & Cell Biology Valerie Durkalski, Ph.D. Biostatistics, Bioinformatics & Epidemiology Cheryl Woodley, Ph.D. MCBP, Marine Biomedicine Mirko Hennig, Ph.D. Biochemistry & Molecular Biology Keisha Vaughn Administrative Liaison Meeting Schedule Three meetings per year: last week of January (for summer semester courses), last week of April (for Fall semester courses), and last week of August (for Spring semester courses). Guidelines for course design and committee procedures for course evaluation are detailed in the College of Graduate Studies Curriculum Committee web-page ( To expedite the approval process, 22 some links and templates that course directors may find helpful are included. This information will serve to standardize the course review process and convey the Committee's minimum requirements for approval. To expedite the course approval process, the web-page includes templates and links that course directors may find helpful. This information will serve to standardize the course review process and convey the Committee's minimum requirements for approval. New Courses Approved for 2011-2012 Course # Course Title College of Graduate Studies BSC 700 Histology Course Director Semester Hours Robert Ogilvie Roger Sawyer Summer 4 BSC 702 Anatomy Theirry Bacro Fall 4 BSC 704 MCAT Prep Jenny Ariail Summer 3 BSC 706 Professional Development Jenny Ariail Wanda Taylor Cynthia Wright Summer 1 BSC 708 Grand Rounds Laura Kasman Cynthia Wright FA/SP/SU 1 BSC 710 Clinical Exposure Perry Halushka FA/SP/SU 1 BSC 712 Comprehensive Biochemistry Lee Chao Fall 3 BSC 714 Oral Immunobiology Caroline Westwater Spring 4 BSC 716 Medical Microbiology Mike Schmidt Spring 4 CGS 729 Biomedical Commercialization Mark Kindy FA/SP 3 Andrea Summer Fall 2.5 L.W. Preston Church Terry C. Dixon Spring 2.5 MCBP MCBP 748 Lipids in Pathobiology Samar Hammad Spring 3 MCBP 749 Marine Organismal Health Karen Burnett FA/SP 1 Global Health GH 700 Topic in Global Health GH 702 Tropical Infectious Diseases 23 MCBP 780 Vision and Ocular Diseases Shahid Husain FA/SP 1 MCBP 782 Cardiovascular Biology Journal Club Don Menick FA/SP 1 Dan Lackland Fall 1 Charlene Pope Fall 3 Pathology PATH 781 Topics in Cancer Dennis Watson FA/SP 1 Course Changes Approved: College of Graduate Studies CGS 720 Laboratory Rotation Jakie McGinty Fall 2 MCBP MCBP 724 MCBP Seminar Don Menick FA/SP 1 Masters in Clinical Research MCR 700 Clinical Epidemiology Tom Hulsey Fall 3 MCR 736 Clinical Epidemiology Tom Hulsey Fall 3 MCR 744 Molecular Approaches to Experimental Medicine Tom Hulsey Spring 4 Laura Kasman Cynthia Wright Fall 3 MBIM 617G Infection Laura Kasman Cynthia Wright Spring 4 MBIM 614 Immunity Laura Kasman Fall 3 MBIM 735 Molecular & Cellular Basis of Inflammation and Immunity Carl Atkinson FA/SP 3 MBIM 856 Critical Literature Review in Inflammation and Immunity Natalie Sutkowski FA/SP 1 Masters in Clinical Research MCR 750 Ethical Issues in Clinical Research I Nursing NRPHD Advanced Research Study Design and Methods Microbiology & Immunology MBIM 616G Infection 24 Distinguished Graduate Of The Year Commitee Perry V. Halushka, PhD, MD, Chairman Joe Blumer, PhD Department of Pharmacology Thomas Dix, PhD Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences Sergey Krupenko, PhD Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Daniel Lackland, DPh Department of Biostatistics, Bioinformatics and Epidemiology Antonieta Lavin, PhD Department of Neurosciences Donald Menick, PhD Department of Medicine Steven Rosenzweig, PhD Department of Pharmacology Cynthia Wright, PhD College of Graduate Studies Accomplishments for 2011-2012 The committee reviewed 8 outstanding applications. For the first time, the committee unanimously agreed to award co-recipients of the Distinguished Graduate of the Year based on the tremendous number of accomplishments made by both Russell Jenkins, MD, PhD and Khaled Moussawi, MD, PhD. Their mentors were Yusuf Hannun, MD and Peter Kalivas, PhD, respectively. Russell’s and Khaled’s names will appear along with all the previous distinguished graduates on a plaque outside of the College’s office suite. They each received a plaque with their name on it at the College’s annual awards luncheon and will return in the Fall to present the annual Liz Chesterman Memorial Lecture to the incoming graduate students. They will each receive an honorarium of $500 at that time. Two other graduates were deemed as outstanding and were chosen as finalists. They received a plaque and a check for $250. The finalists were: Matthew Pava, PhD Mentor: John Woodward, PhD Thomas Mullen, MD, PhD Mentor: Lina Obeid, PhD Goals for 2012-2013 Our goal as in previous years, is to have a higher percentage of the graduates nominated for the award. Endow the Liz Chesterman Lecture. 25 First Year Curriculum Steering Committee Adam J. Smolka, PhD, Chair Members of the Committee Craig Beeson, PhD Ashley Cowart, PhD Maurizio Del Poeta, MD Scott Eblen, PhD Pharmaceutical & Biomedical Sciences Biochemistry & Molecular Biology Biochemistry & Molecular Biology Cell and Molecular Pharmacology & Experimental Therapeutics Pathology & Laboratory Medicine Dean, College of Graduate Studies Microbiology & Immunology Regenerative Medicine & Cell Biology Marine Bioscience Neurosciences Medicine/Cardiology Pharmaceutical & Biomedical Sciences Cell and Molecular Pharmacology & Experimental Therapeutics Microbiology & Immunology Biochemistry & Molecular Biology Student Principal Student Alternate Debra Hazen-Martin, MD Perry Halushka, PhD, MD Laura Kasman, PhD Ed Krug, PhD Eric Lacy, PhD Jacqueline McGinty, PhD Don Menick, PhD Kennerly Patrick, PhD Steve Rosenzweig, PhD Cindy Wright, PhD W. Jim Zheng, PhD Sarah Barrett Theresa Cantu Committee Accomplishments for 2011-2012 The Steering Committee oversaw the eleventh implementation of the First Year Curriculum since 2001. Twenty-eight graduate students were instructed by thirty-seven faculty lecturing in eight Units of two Foundations of Biomedical Sciences courses (CGS 701 and 702), and by comparable number of faculty teaching or otherwise participating in five other elements of the First Year Curriculum (Essentials of Scientific Practice, Laboratory Rotations, Spring Selectives, Important Unanswered Questions, and Program Exposures). A First Year Curriculum Retreat held June 29th, 2011, attended by a majority of FYC faculty, yielded a series of proposed changes to the curriculum which were subsequently approved by the Steering Committee meeting July 28th, 2011. Curriculum adjustments included revision of CGS 701/702 in-Unit assignment grading (25% of Unit grade), three Laboratory Rotations, of which two are required to be in different labs, debut of a "First Year Research Rotation Day", at which all FYC students are required to present their Lab Rotation projects, student completion of E*Value evaluations before posting of Unit grades, re-structuring of the Systems Biology Unit, improved coordination of Nucleic Acids and Gene Expression Units, and implementation of 9:00 am start time for Unit lectures. 26 Committee Goals for 2012-2013 In keeping with the Committee's charter, goals for the coming year are continued evaluation, revision, and evolution of the curriculum. The committee will consider a transition from a strictly lecture-based didactic format in CGS 701/702 in favor of discussion-based tutorials. As in previous years, emphasis will be placed on recruitment of new faculty to ensure the highest quality of teaching and to keep curriculum content abreast of advances in biomedical sciences. 27 First Year Progress Committee Craig C. Beeson, PhD Pharmaceutical Sciences Antonieta Lavin, PhD Physiology and Neuroscience Christina Voelkel-Johnson, PhD Microbiology and Immunology Robin C. Muise-Helmericks, PhD Cell Biology and Anatomy Arno Wessels, PhD Cell Biology and Anatomy Joyce Nicholas, PhD Biometry and Epidemiology Cynthia F. Wright, PhD (ad hoc) Pathology and Laboratory Medicine Besim Ogretmen, PhD Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Accomplishments for 2011-2012 The First Year students performed well in the Fall curricula with an average GPA of 3.5 with a S.D. of 0.3 and only one student with a GPA below 3.0 for CGS 701. The First Year students also performed reasonably well in the Spring curricula with an average GPA of 3.5 with a S.D. of 0.4. In this case there were two students with a GPA below 3.0 for CGS 702. However, both had cumulative GPA grades of 3.1 and, thus, completed the semester satisfactorily. All students performed well in the seven week selectives. Last year, one student completed the year with an overall GPA of 2.8. The student, a member of the Neurosciences program, had appealed the required dismissal from the PhD program and the Progress Committee offered to have him repeat CGS 701. However, he was not successful in bringing his GPA to ≥ 3.0 and the committee ruled that he not be allowed to continue in the program. As per his rights, he appealed the decision and with support from the Neurosciences program, he has been give another year to be in compliance with the minimal GPA requirement – overall, his academic performance and research has been otherwise exemplary. Goals for 2012-2013 The first half of the curricula in CGS 701 and the Important Unanswered Questions is evolving to encourage more active learning and the FYC Progress Committee hopes to facilitate the evolution via advising of the students. The Progress Committee is also developing a program for the orientation of the incoming students to advise them about the process of mentor selection and this program will be incorporated into the second day of classes. 28 Office Of Postdoctoral Affairs Edward Krug, PhD Assistant Dean for Postdoctoral Affairs Demographics of the MUSC Postdoctoral Community: • • • • There are currently 201 scholars (48% US/52% international) at MUSC across 4 colleges. The international postdocs represent 29 different countries (28% from China; 35% from India). 41% of the US/permanent resident postdocs are supported by either individual fellowships or training grants. The staff scientist classification continues to be a viable next step for postdoctoral trainees. There are currently 32 researchers across the 3-tiered, scientist classification. Involvement of the Office of Postdoctoral Affairs in University Activities: • • • • • Assisted in restructuring of the International Support Office to facilitate global outreach efforts by MUSC faculty. Represented the College of Graduate Studies on the MUSC Biochemistry Chair Search Committee. Appointed Chair, MUSC Research Integrity Committee. Appointed to the MUSC Conflict of Interest Steering Committee. Invited speaker at the College of Medicine Mentor Training Program, May 2012. Presentation entitled, “Mentoring Basic Science Trainees”. Involvement of the Office of Postdoctoral Affairs in Local and National Activities: • • • • • Chair-elect of the AAMC Graduate Research, Education, and Training (GREAT) Group for Postdoctorate Leadership Section. Facilitated MUSC being selected as host for the National Postdoctoral Association Annual Conference in March 2013. Invited speaker at the “What Can You Be with a PhD?” conference at New York University Langone Medicine Center, November 2011. Panel moderator, “What the Future Holds: Careers in Teaching and Education”. Panel participant, “Getting the Most from Your Mentor”. Invited speaker at the Charleston Chamber of Commerce on International Research Collaborations, January 2012. Presentation entitled, “Internationals in the US Biomedical Workforce”. Invited speaker at the National Postdoctoral Association Annual Conference in San Francisco, CA, March 2012. Presentation entitled, “Partnerships Between NIH IRACDA Postdoctoral Fellows and Minority Serving Institutions”. 29 • Poster presentation at the National Association of Foreign Student Advisors Annual Conference in St. Louis, MO, May 2012. Goals for 2011-2012 • • • • Completion of the CGS Postdoctoral Policy Manual Establish a 5 year limit for postdoctoral appointments Establish a Postdoctoral Training Advisory Committee Revision of the Office of Postdoctoral Affairs website 30 Perry V. Halushka MUSC 2011 Student Research Day Steven Kubalak, Ph.D., Chair Regenerative Medicine and Cell Biology Members of the Committee Names Christopher Davies, Ph.D. Thomas Dix, Ph.D. Teri Lynn Herbert Paul Jacques, D.H.Sc Teresa Kelechi, M.S.N., Ph.D. Maralynne Mitcham, Ph.D. Susan Reed, Ph.D. Michael Schmidt, Ph.D. Debbie Shoemaker Zachary Cope Elizabeth Little Vondina Brown Representing Biochemistry & Molecular Biology Pharmaceutical Sciences Education Center & Library College of Health Professions College of Nursing College of Health Professions College of Dental Medicine Microbiology and Immunology College of Graduate Studies Student Representative Student Representative Student Representative Committee Accomplishments for 2011-2012 The 46th annual Perry V Halushka-MUSC Student Research Day was held on Friday, November 4th 2011. There were 254 presentations (88 podium and 166 poster) were delivered in a total of 20 scientific sessions. The total number of abstracts presented was a new record number for SRD. Presenters represented all six colleges of MUSC and were drawn from: 1. Undergraduate and High School students who had participated in the MUSC summer research programs including the Summer Undergraduate Program and the South Carolina Governor’s School for Science and Mathematics Program 2. Health Professional and Masters students including medical and dental student participants in the MUSC Summer Health Professions Research Program, Master’s program students including College of Health Professions and College of Graduate Studies students and students from the Colleges of Pharmacy 3. Ph.D. students representing all six colleges and virtually every basic science and clinical department at MUSC 4. Clinical Residents and Fellows 5. Postdoctoral research fellows Poster sessions were held in the Harper Student Center Gym from 8:30 am to noon and oral sessions were held in the College of Health Professions building from 11:00 am until 3:30 pm. Concurrent with the poster sessions in the Gym there was a commercial Vendor Show attended by 17 scientific research equipment and supplies exhibitors. Student Research Day is highlighted by the keynote lecture, this year delivered by Dr Mark Sussman. Dr Sussman is a Distinguished Professor of Biology and Chief Research Scientist at the San Diego State University Heart institute in San Diego, CA. 31 He is also Chair of the Basic Science Council on Cardiovascular Research of the American Heart Association. He is world renowned for his significant contributions to pediatric and adult cardiovascular research and is currently also making significant contributions to stem cell research. The title of the SRD 2011 Keynote Lecture was “From Sarcomeres to Signaling to Stem Cells” and was extremely well-received by all who attended. This was followed by a catered reception at 5:00 pm in the Lobby of the Drug Discovery Building to commemorate the entire day. Teams of faculty and selected postdoctoral fellows judged presentations. A total of 89 MUSC faculty and 4 select postdoctoral fellows participated as judges – organized into teams of three. SRD 2011 culminated with the awards ceremony at which 20 first place prizes of $500 and 20 second place prizes of $200 were awarded. The Graduate Alumni Association presented the Kinard-Gadsden Award for outstanding poster presentation in the senior Ph.D. category and Sigma Xi presented awards for the best oral and best poster presentations from a Sigma Xi member. Multiple awards were also presented to winners in the categories of Health Disparities, Interprofessional Collaboration, Charleston Chapter Research Award, and Ralph H. Johnson VA Medical Center Award. SRD 2011 marked the fifth year in which the Eric R. James Award was given for the 1st place PhD VII oral presentation – in honor of Dr James’ 20 years of service as the chair of MUSC Student Research Day. Another prestigious award is the Willard & Betty Peterson Award given for the 1st place PhD VIII oral presentation. Sponsorship for SRD 2011 was provided by contributions from the Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost, the Deans of the Colleges of Dental Medicine, Graduate Studies, Health Professions, Medicine and Pharmacy as well as the Graduate Alumni Association and the 17 corporate participants. Committee Goals for 2012-2013 • • • • • • • Enhance the MUSC Research Day website to be more interactive for participants, faculty, judges and vendors, and include information and links for the Postdoctoral Association. Keep the Keynote Lecture and reception in the new Drug Discovery Building. Move the highest PhD Oral Presentation session, which bestows the Willard and Betty Peterson Award to the overall best PhD oral presentation, to the new Bioengineering Building classroom (BE112). Begin using the new name for the day: Perry V Halushka MUSC Research Day to better reflect the diversity of participants across them MUSC campus (Student was dropped from the title). Further improve the efficiency of the day with the aim of creating the best Research Day ever. Better streamline the organization of the vendor show including the establishment of a web-based registration option for vendors. Recruit a prominent woman scientist for the 2012 MUSC Research Day Keynote Speaker and coordinate a portion of the Day’s activities with the MUSC Woman Scholars Initiative. 32 Graduate Student Association Members of the Executive Committee Zackary Cope President Emily Allen Vice President Kayla Hill Secretary Jake Alsarraf Treasurer Accomplishments for 2011-2012 Social: • • • • • • • • Summer Happy Hour: ~45 attendees New Student Social: ~130 attendees Fall Happy Hour: PhD Movie Screening: 89 RSVPs, 95 attendees Ugly Christmas Sweater Party: ~60 attendees Cocktail Party: ~150 attendees Spring Happy Hour: 40 attendees Spring Picnic: 170 attendees Service: 366 total community service hours logged by GSA members at: Charleston Campus Hope Lodge Martin Luther King Day of Service Health Fair AMSA Sugar Free Fall Festival Charleston Area Senior Center $1209 in total charitable contributions to: Fields to Families Charleston Area Children's Garden Project Relay for Life Four (4) $500 Travel Awards to CGS Students Outreach: Graduate students Reaching Out With Science (GROWS) 25 student participants 182 hours of volunteer teaching at: • Military Magnet Academy • West Ashley Middle School • Montessori 33 Fundraising: Performed 18 board movings totaling $25,330.52 in revenue for GSA Net expenses: $29,131.04 Remaining Balance: $2,234 Committee Goals for 2012-2013 Social: • • • Grow faculty/staff attendance at social events Maintain high student attendance and participation at these events Add more variety to the social event calendar (i.e. breakfast socials, outdoor activities) • • • Increase the number of participants in service activities Add additional service activities for the calendar year 2011-2012 Raise awareness among students of service activities outside of GSA (i.e. Fields to Families) Expand the GROWS Program to training middle school students at MUSC’s Urban Farm Service: • Outreach: • • Continue to expand the GROWS program to at least 20 participants and 100 hours contributed Expand GSA to include a committee geared toward graduate student recruitment and retention Fundraising: • Continue our high volume of board moving service • Grow GSA member participation in this service 34 Multicultural Graduate Student Association (MGSA) Mission This year, the Multicultural Graduate Student Association continued in our mission to improve the well-being of ALL graduate students within the College of Graduate Studies with special attention given to students from diverse backgrounds. We achieved and exceeded our goals this year through our project R.E.A.C.H. initiative. The aims of Project R.E.A.C.H. are to: recruit minorities to the College of Graduate Studies Master's and Ph.D programs, enrich the members of MGSA, MUSC, and Charleston community socially, culturally, and professionally, advocate communication with other students and faculty within the college, cultivate an interest in the biomedical sciences amongst minority students in Charleston area schools, and help underrepresented and underserved Charleston communities through outreach projects. Accomplishments MGSA has been very successful in the 2011-2012 academic year. We have exceeded what we set out to accomplish. A summary of our accomplishments is listed below: Won MGSA Gives Back Award for the College of Graduate Studies! Accumulated over 500 hours of community service! Hosted our first annual school-wide World Aids Day program Continued on-going volunteer effort at the Carolina Youth Development Center Established REACH for the STARS college mentoring program Started tutoring program in collaboration with Mt. Moriah Church Attended the National Black Graduate Student Association Conference Hosted dynamic monthly career development workshops All of the accomplishments and activities of MGSA over the past year are described in detail in the following sections, divided according to the project R.E.A.C.H. aim that each activity fulfills. Mentoring Programs MGSA Summer Undergraduate Research (SURP) Forum One of the primary purposes of MGSA is to enhance the interest of undergraduate students in the biomedical sciences and research, with a special emphasis on underrepresented minorities. By hosting events like the Annual MGSA SURP forum, we are able to expose undergraduate students to the opportunities that await them upon the completion of their bachelor’s degrees. This past July, the panelist for the forum consisted of speakers from the six colleges here at MUSC. Members of the panel discussed the admissions process and academic requirements at MUSC. Students from the College of Medicine discussed the competitiveness and importance of good academic and MCAT scores, while students from the College of Graduate Studies stressed the importance of previous research experience. 35 Students and their faculty mentors commented about the encouragement and insight that students gained from panelist and leaders of MGSA. Prior to the forum, students mentioned that they were unclear about the differences and admissions requirements between graduate school and the medical school. Panelists were able to clearly explain the differences between all of the different programs offered at MUSC. Moreover, undergraduate minority (URM) students gained courage and confidence to apply to graduate programs because they were able to meet graduate students who were minorities and who could relate to them on a cultural basis. Through this forum, we were able to affect change within the scientific community. We not only influenced URM and other undergraduate students to make decisions about seeking higher education in the biomedical sciences; but, we were also able to provide hope to students that may have lacked confidence in their abilities to succeed at the graduate level. Through sharing our experiences and successes, we were able to impart “life” to the dreams and hopes of others. Ernest E. Just Symposium MGSA members continue to participate in the E.E. Just Symposium. This symposium is hosted by MUSC annually to encourage underrepresented students to pursue careers in the sciences and health professions. MGSA members participated in a lunch panel discussion where we spoke to undergraduate students about pursuing graduate degrees in the sciences. During this panel discussion we talked about the benefits of pursing graduate degrees in the sciences and dispelled any misconceptions the students had about pursing graduate degrees. We also gave lab tours to the students following the panel discussion. R.E.A.C.H for the S.T.A.R.S This year MGSA wanted to focus on developing the “C”, cultivate, and “H”, Help, initiatives under our Project “R.E.A.C.H” mission. We used our mentoring program to cultivate an interest in the biomedical sciences amongst undergraduate institutions, and to help youth attending an after school care program achieve better grades and broaden their outlook for their future. The acronym for the undergraduate mentoring program “R.E.A.C.H for the S.T.A.R.S: Recruit, enrich, advocate, cultivate, and help minority students to start training as researchers in sciences encompasses the overall goal of the program. We attended 3 undergraduate institutions this year: Claflin (September 5, 2011), Charleston Southern University (February 15, 2012), and the College of Charleston (March 27, 2012). At each visit, we presented a workshop about the pursuit of higher education, the different “colors” of science, how to find graduate/professional schools that are right for you, and reasons why pursuing higher education broadens the outlook of your future. We also held a panel composed of MGSA members that took questions from the students regarding graduate school life, admittance, and how to prepare. Lastly, we gave out information on how to contact us and invited students to MUSC where they could participate in a shadowing opportunity in the life of a graduate student. As a result of, our efforts one student did apply to the Graduate School at MUSC. 36 Career Development Workshops Our professional and career development events were used as tools to enrich our members and provide an opportunity for members to interact with faculty. They were primarily held during our monthly general body meetings. How to Give a Scientific Presentation Deanna Baker a MD/PhD student and member of MGSA conducted this workshop. She spoke to the members about the proper way to present a scientific presentation, powerpoint or poster. Preparing for Student Research Day: Practice Makes Perfect In order to perfect the tips gained in our first workshop of the year, presented by Deanna Baker, a follow up workshop allowed members to practice their presentations for the Annual Perry Halushka Research Day. Three members practiced either oral (powerpoint) or poster presentations for the following reviewers: Grace Wallenborn, PhD, Santhosh Mani, PhD and Adam Smolka, PhD. Each presenter was reviewed based on the same guidelines that govern the judging of research day and in-dept feedback and recommendations were provided. As a result, two attending members won 1st place in their respective categories. CV Writing: Tips from the Pros This workshop was organized by Dr. Cynthia Wright based on the feedback that she received from several graduate students in the CGS. Tom Smith, PhD from The Writing Center (Center for Academic Excellence) provided very clear detailed instructions and examples concerning the proper formatting for a curriculum vitae. This workshop was open to the entire campus and approximately 25 students attended. Networking at Conferences Dr. Edward Krug provided insight on the ins and outs of the proper way of networking at scientific conferences. He provided us with appropriate advice concerning the major points of networking. Potential Career Choices: Industry versus Academia Drs. Craig Beeson and Robert Gourdie spoke to the organization about their experiences in both academics and industry. Members were extremely interested in understanding their reasons for pursuing their chosen paths in life. Questions were also asked concerning the benefits associated with industry and academia. The information provided stimulated much conversation and reflection among the members. Preparing for Qualifying Exams/ Journey to Defending This workshop was conducted as a panel discussion; the panelists included several current MGSA members (Vondina Moseley, Denise Kimbrough, Joy Jones Buie) and one research assistant professor (Sundar Balasubramanian). The panelists were chosen based on their positions in their course of study (passed qualifying exam and preparing dissertation) and their association with the generation of the questions that compose one program’s (MCBP) written qualifying exam. Members asked questions 37 associated with preparations, how to successfully answer the written exam questions, what to expect during orals and what steps should be taken to compose the chapters of a thesis. From School to Work The last career development workshop of the year was presented by an alumnae of MUSC, Shantae Jenkins, MD, PhD. In this workshop Dr. Jenkins gave the MGSA members advice on what should be taken into consideration when deciding what career path they should take following completion of their degrees. She presented traditional and nontraditional career pathways that many doctoral students decide to purse. The members were very interested and conversation was stimulated, but one of the main points Dr. Jenkins stressed was that we should all remain true to our ‘authentic self’. Social Events MGSA planned social events with the intent of fostering more interest in our organization and promoting the development of relationships amongst members within the organization. Bowling Night MGSA invited new members of CGS and summer students out for a night of food, fellowship, and fun at a bowling alley. MGSA members had the opportunity to meet and greet new graduate students and answer questions about the upcoming school year. Ice Skating Members of MGSA and their families wanted to do something different than the normal bowling and dinner. So to get exercise and some fun we decided to try ice-skating at Carolina Ice Palace. For two hours we fell, laughed and fellowshipped with each other while becoming closer colleagues. The total attendance at this event was 10 members and friends. Super Bowl Party The purpose of the super bowl party was to serve as a social event for the organization. During this event, MGSA purchased chicken wings and pizza and members donated all other side items. The event was held in Gazes auditorium. It was designed as a time for members to unwind and get to know each other as well as family members of members of the organization. Ice Cream Social To welcome in the new students of the CGS, MGSA also sponsored an ice cream social in the healing Gardens located in the Hollings Cancer Institute at the beginning of the year. This event was designed to introduce those students who were not here during the summer to MGSA and benefits of joining the group. They got a chance to meet MGSA members whom could possibly help them during the pursuit of their degrees. 38 Outreach Activities One of MGSA’s goals is to help the community in any way that we can. This year we continued some of our old programs and also began new ones that we plan to continue in the future. In addition to other outreach programs, our goal this year was to start new outreach initiatives with a health-related focus. Carolina Youth Development Center (CYDC) MGSA continued our on-going community outreach project for our second year volunteering at the North Charleston campus of the Carolina Youth Develop Center (CYDC). The CYDC North Charleston Campus serves youth ages 10‐21 and provides shelter for children that have been neglected or abused. Each month, MGSA members travel to the CYDC and cook hearty nutritious meals for the children. We also provide games, help with homework, and mentor the children. We also hosted our second annual end-of-year cookout celebration at the CYDC this year. We hosted this event to celebrate the achievements of the children and wish them a great summer. We thoroughly enjoy volunteering at the CYDC and plan to continue our projects with them. Sugar Free Fall Festival (SFFF) MGSA continues to participate in the SFFF hosted by MUSC Gives Back. This year, we provided a bean bag toss, coin-sliding game, and plenty of prizes for the children who participated. Christmas Basket Delivery MGSA continued to participate in a Christmas basket delivery in collaboration with St. Matthews Lutheran Church during this past holiday season. Members of the church assembled the baskets, which included items such as robes, blankets and toiletries. MGSA members delivered these baskets to homes of elderly citizens of downtown Charleston. We enjoyed showing our appreciation to the elderly by bringing them a little holiday cheer. MLK Day Health Fair Similar to last year, MGSA collaborated with the graduate student association (GSA) in creating a booth for the health fair. Our booth included heart and brain health. MGSA was responsible for heart health info and GSA created the brain health info. We showed a human heart and brain to the attendees, who had an opportunity to actually touch the organs (wearing gloves, of course). We also showed tissue slides on a microscope of heart and brain samples. MGSA enjoyed participating in the event and collaborating with GSA. It was exciting to present information at a health fair from the non-clinical perspective that the graduate students have. The health fair participants seemed to really enjoy participating in hands-on science. World Aids Day In an attempt to address the ever-growing concerns of the transmission of HIV/AIDS, MGSA in collaboration with the MUSC Center for Infectious Disease HIV/AIDS Clinic, Global & Tropical Medicine Interest Group (GTMIG) and MUSC Gives Back hosted two days of events focused on educating the public and members of the student body. The 39 first event, a panel discussion entitled, “Living with HIV”, was composed of three HIV positive individuals. These individuals spoke candidly and honestly concerning various aspects of living with HIV, ranging from diagnosis, treatment to dating. That evening Dr. Christopher Moore from University of Virginia School of Medicine gave a presentation about the global impact of AIDS entitled: “AIDS in Sub-Saharan Africa: Past, Present, and Future”. Immediately following Dr. Moore’s lecture, a reception was held offering light snacks and safe-sex themed drinks. Also, on that evening, members of MGSA attended the Annual Community Vigil at the College of Charleston Cistern. On December 2, 2011, HIV testing was provided by Lowcountry AIDS Services (LAS). Testing was conducted in a very private setting and all information was confidential and kept private. This was done to stress the importance that all individuals should know their status. Free condoms were also provided at all events, in an effort to encourage safe sex. Ribbons were sold at all events and the proceeds were given to LAS, to help with their efforts to educate and protect. Party for A Purpose In order to continue to raise funds for MGSA’s work with the CYDC, a new source of fundraising was explored. In collaboration with Mad River Bar and Grille located in downtown Charleston, we hosted “Happy Hour for a Cause”. This event was advertised campus wide. Free food and drinks were offered as incentives for student support. All proceeds (cover charged) supported our efforts at the CYDC. Go Red for Women Cardiovascular disease is the leading causes of death among women in the U.S. Every year, the number of women suffering from heart attacks and cardiovascular disease increases. This year, MGSA wanted to raise awareness of this issue by going RED for women’s heart health. In honor of Women’s Heart Health Month, we asked that students join us on Friday, February 3rd in support of American Heart Association National Wear Red Day. We also distributed healthy heart shaped cookies along with information about heart health around campus. Chick-Fil-A Spirit Night MGSA hosted a Spirit Night at Chick-fil-A to raise funds for the CYDC. Our Spirit Night was held at Chick-fil-A located at 1656 Savannah Highway. Ten percent of all profit received by Chick-fil-A was given to MGSA in support of our efforts at the CYDC. We raffled off two gift baskets to those who supported the event. Meeting Attendance MGSA had a total of 5 officers this past year and 13 members of the general assembly. Figure 1 shows our monthly general assembly attendance records. Our members included (in alphabetical order): Angela Alexander*, Jake Alsarraf, Fahmin Basher, Danielle Brandon, Robert Bryant, Joy Buie, Christy Cassarly, Danielle Clark, Nortorious Coleman, Melanie Davis, Kayla Hill, Denise Kimbrough*, Vondina Moseley, Sybil 40 Nelson*, Dorea Pleasant*, Jessica Ross*, Christopher Smith, Raquela Thomas and Dr. Cynthia Wright*. *Indicates Officer or Advisor Figure 1 General Assembly Meeting Attendance Revenue MGSA had a starting budget of $1500 this year through CGS, an increase of $500 from last year’s budget. Of this funding, $1000 was allotted to community service and $500 was allotted to our operational budget. We also received $2,150 for conference travel for the National Black Graduate Student Association Conference. We exhausted all of the funding we received. We were also able to rasie additional funding through fundraisers and membership dues ($20), which were kept in our First Federal account. Figure 2 reflects our withdrawals and deposits on a month-by-month basis, while figure 3 shows the resulting balance for each month. Figure 2 Withdrawals and Deposits Figure 3 Monthly Balance MGSA Spending for the 2011‐2012 Fiscal Year 2011‐2012 Month‐to‐Month Account Balance $1,000 $900 $1,000 $800 $900 $800 Monthy Deposits Monthly Withdrawls $500 $400 $700 US Dollars $600 $600 $500 $400 $300 $300 $200 $200 $100 $100 41 ay M ril ch Ap ar y ar M br u ar y Month Month Fe be r m ce De Ja nu r r be m No ve r be Oc to be em Se pt Ju ly Au Ap ril gu st $0 $0 Ju ly Au gu st Se pt em be r Oc to be r No ve m be r De ce m be r Ja nu ar y Fe br ua ry M ar ch Dollars (US) $700 Community Service And Participation MGSA has been very active in our community service efforts. MGSA won the 2012 MGSA Gives Back Award for the College of Graduate Studies. This year, MGSA contributed 500 hours of community service through 29 service opportunities. Eight of our members have at least 20 hours of service, and six of our members have over 40 hours of service! Table 1 displays community service hours for students that have participated in MGSA service events. 2 2 2 2 2 3 6 2.5 3 3 6 2.5 3 3 3 6 2.5 3 3/19/2012 3/27/2012 3/28/2012 4/16/2012 5/26/2012 Tutoring dinner at CYDC CYDC Cookout 2/15/2012 CSU Career Day 3 CSU Visitation 2/3/2012 2 2/29/2012 1/25/2012 Go Red for Women 2 Tutoring 1/23/2012 Bake Sale 2 dessert at CYDC 1/18/2012 dessert at CYDC 2 E.E. Just Symposium2/24/2012 12/19/2011 Tutoring 6 2/20/2012 12/10/2011 dinner at CYDC 2 dinner at CYDC 12/1/2011 X-mas Basket 2 Party for a Purpose 2/23/2012 11/30/2011 Tutoring World Aids Day 4 MLK Day of Service 2/18/2012 11/9/2011 10/27/2011 SFFF 2 11/14/2011 10/19/2011 Tutoring 2 dessert at CYDC 10/10/2011 dinner at CYDC 4 Spirit Night 9/6/2011 8/25/2011 Donut Fundraiser Name 2 9/28/2011 8/22/2011 SURP Forum TOTAL POSSIBLE HRS Tutoring 7/13/2011 Event Claflin Visit Date Donut Fundraiser Table 1 MGSA Community Service Log 2 2 2.5 5 TOTAL 2 2 78 2 2 2.5 5 70 3 2 2 2 2 2.5 5 77 2 2 2 2 2.5 5 74 2.5 2.5 5 2 2 2 60 28 Email ( Angela Alexander alexanaa 2 2 2 4 2 2 2 2 4 2 2 6 2 2 2 2 3 1 Denise Kimbrough kimbroug 2 2 2 4 2 2 2 2 4 2 2 6 2 2 2 2 3 1 2 2 4 2 2 2 2 4 2 2 6 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 4 4 2 2 2 2 1 4 2 2 2 4 2 2 2 2 2 1 3 2 2 2 4 2 2 2 6 2 2 2 1 2 2 4 2 2 2 Dorea Pleasant pleasand Jessica Ross Sybil Nelson rossj princene Nortorious Colemancolemann Robert Bryant bryantr Fahmin Basher basherf Joy Buie jonejn Vondina Moseley browv Christy Cassarly cassarly 2 2 Melanie Davis davml Danielle Clark clarkdw Jake Alsarraf alsarraf Christopher Smith smitcr Danielle Brandon brandond Theresa Cantu Kayla Hill cantut hillkr 2 2 4 3 3 6 2.5 3 3 6 2.5 2.5 3 3 6 3 3 2 2 2.5 5 41.5 2.5 5 43.5 0 2 2 4 2 3 2 2 2.5 2 2.5 22 3 5 2 4 2 4 4 3 1 2 3 2 1 16 0 2 2 1 5 2.5 5 3 1 7.5 3 7 6 Philip Sobolesky sobolesk 6 6 Daniel Weinberg weinber 6 6 David DeHart dehart Isaiah Davis davisi 2 2 Daniel Odongo odongo 2 2 Kristin Green grekg 2 2 Jessica Silva trombet 2 2 2 2 2.5 5 13.5 2 TOTAL HRS 501 42 Individual Accomplishments And Awards Angela Alexander (MGSA President) • MSAB VP Elect for 2012-2013 • MUSC Leadership Society nominee • Attended Compact for Faculty Diversity's Institute on Teaching and Mentoring (October 2011) • Oral Presentation: Angela Alexander, Xuejun Wen. "Antimicrobial AllylamineGrafted Fibers for Treatment of Bacterial Wound Infections." 2012 World Biomaterials Congress, Chengdu, China, June 2012. • Poster Presentation: Angela Alexander, Xuejun Wen. "Antimicrobial AllylamineGrafted Fibers for Treatment of Wound Infections." MUSC Student Research Day, Charleston, SC, November 2011. Dorea Pleasant (MGSA Secretary, Elect, MGSA Career Devleopment Program Chair) • MGSA Vice President Elect for 2012-2013 • Poster Presentation: mTORC2-mediated Prosurvival Signaling Requires PKCε in Adult Feline Cardiomyoctes, Department of Medicine Research Day • T32 Cardiovascular Training Grant Recipient Sybil Nelson (Historian) • Poster Presentation: “Health Disparities in the Development of Lymphedema in Breast Cancer Survivors.” Student Research Day, Charleston, SC 2011 – 1st place winner Health Disparities • Poster Presentation: “Health Disparities in the Development of Lymphedema in Breast Cancer Survivors.” Hollings Cancer Research Day • Poster Presentation: “Preliminary Steps for Developing a Lymphedema Risk Assessment Tool.” Chalsty Cancer Research Retreat • T32 Biostatistics Training Grant Recipient Ludivine Renaud (Member At Large) • Oral Presentation: Ludivine Renaud, Harinath Kasiganesan, Erhe Gao, Santhosh Mani, Jeffrey Jones, Robert Stroud, Donald Menick. "Does Acetylation Regulate miRNA Expression in Myocardial Infarction?" Student Research Day, Charleston, SC, 2011. 1st place winner PhD V oral presentation category • Poster Presentation: Ludivine Renaud, Harinath Kasiganesan, Erhe Gao, Santhosh Mani, Jeffrey Jones, Robert Stroud, Donald Menick. "Does Acetylation Regulate miRNA Expression in Myocardial Infarction?" Department of Medicine Research Day, Charleston, SC, January 2012 Nortorious Coleman (Member-At-Large) • MGSA President elect 43 Danielle Clark (Member At Large) • MGSA Secretary elect • Retreat at Riverland HOA Treasurer 2011, President 2012 Denise Kimbrough (Vice President) • Reciepient of the 2012 AHA BCVS Cardiovascular Outreach Award • MSAB Secretary elect Goals And Challenges For 2012-2013 Goals: 400 hours of community service Provide career development workshops Increase support from the school 2 campus wide events including world aids awareness day Establish at least 1 high school outreach event Participate in MLK Service day and Sugar Free Fall Festival Increase MGSA's record and name on campus Continue outreach at CYDC and develop a homework help center with them Challenges: Increasing participation of active members Gaining the support of departments in the grad school program Fundraising 44 Master of Science Clinical Research (MSCR) Thomas C. Hulsey, MSPH, ScD Student’s Name Robert K. McCall Owen Thornton Reeves Barto Tara Guille, Constance Houston, Laura Allen, Melissa Athreya, Madhura Barrett, Brandon Baskaran, Amrutha Bradshaw, Marques Chakravarthi, Anusha Chunduri, Anusha Gadiko, Aditya reddy Goodwin, Andrew Hawk, Angela Ikwuezunma, Gini Jaiyeoba, Oluwatosin McHugh, Kimberly Morabito, Brianna Nelluri, Vardhan Rao Peng, Chunyan Pisoni, Roberto Rajab, Hussein Singh, Abha Soong, Bo Tadimeti, Madhava Tanner, Nichole Williams, Daniel Wu, Chang Long Yu, Decai Matriculation Date August 2008 August 2009 August 2010 August 2010 August 2010 August 2011 August 2011 August 2011 August 2011 August 2011 August 2011 August 2011 August 2011 August 2011 August 2011 August 2011 August 2011 August 2011 August 2011 August 2011 August 2011 August 2011 August 2011 August 2011 August 2011 August 2011 August 2011 August 2011 August 2011 August 2011 Mentor Richard M. Silver Ken Patrick Patrick Flume Thomas Uhde Scott Sullivan Kevin Delaney Daniel Lackland Daniel Lackland Dianne Kamen Leonie Gordon Matthew Carpenter Dianne Kamen Matthew Carpenter Gerard Silvestri Christopher Robinson Eric Rovner D.E. Soper A. Atz Daniel Lackland Daniel Lackland Joseph Romagnoulo Phillip Darwin Bell Louis Luttrell Dianne Kamen Daniel Lackland Daniel Lackland Gerard Silvestri William Basco William Basco Prabhakar Baliga Degree Sought M. S. C. R. M. S. C. R. M. S. C. R. M. S. C. R. M. S. C. R. M. S. C. R. M. S. C. R. M. S. C. R. M. S. C. R. M. S. C. R. M. S. C. R. M. S. C. R. M. S. C. R. M. S. C. R. M. S. C. R. M. S. C. R. M. S. C. R. M. S. C. R. M. S. C. R. M. S. C. R. M. S. C. R. M. S. C. R. M. S. C. R. M. S. C. R. M. S. C. R. M. S. C. R. M. S. C. R. M. S. C. R. M. S. C. R. M. S. C. R. Students’ Publications, Journals, Abstracts, Presentations, Honors And Awards Allen, Melissa Honors 2010-2011 Provost Scholarship, 2010-2011 45 Bradshaw, Marques Presentations ML Bradshaw. “Basic PET/CT anatomy and pathology.” Presentation at the 2012 SNM Midwinter Conference, Orlando Fl 26-30 January, 2012. Goodwin, Andrew Presentations Clinical Trials in the ICU: Riding the Roller Coaster. Department of Medicine Grand Rounds. Medical University of South Carolina. March, 2012. Goodwin A, Zheng L, Lin L, Morse D. Small proline rich repeat protein 1a protects against epithelial apoptosis and is a downstream target of Wnt proteins. Poster presented at the American Thoracic Society International conference, Denver, CO, USA, May 18, 2011. Fernandez IE, Shi Y, Patel A, Goodwin A, Shi Y, Cernadas M, Morse D, Rosas IO. Syndecan-2 ectopic expression promotes resistance to TGF-β induced apoptosis and enhances malignant features in A549 cells. Poster presented at the American Thoracic Society International conference, Denver, CO, USA, May 17, 2011. Shi Y, Fernandez IE, Goodwin A, Patel A, Shi Y, Tang X, Yu G, Pacheco-Rodriguez G, D’Armiento J, Morse D, Rosas IO. Alveolar macrophage Syndecan-2 transgenic mice are protected from bleomycin induced lung fibrosis. Poster presented at the American Thoracic Society International conference, Denver, CO, USA, May 18, 2011. Journals Goodwin A, et al. Sprr1a is a downstream target of the Wnt/β-catenin pathway and protects against epithelial damage and mortality in a murine model of fibrosis (in preparation). Book Goodwin A, Bajwa E, Malhotra, A. Minimally Invasive Hemodynamic Monitoring. Irwin and Rippe’s Intensive Care Medicine (7th ed), Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2012. Published Goodwin, A.; Bajwa, E.; Malhotra, A. Minimally Invasive Hemodynamic Monitoring. Procedures, Techniques, and Minimally Invasive Monitoring in Intensive Care Medicine (5th Ed.). Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins, 2012. Published Guille, Constance Presentations Guille, C., Rohrbaugh, R., Malison, B., Bunny S. Integrated, Mentored, Patient-Oriented Research Training (IMPORT) in Psychiatric Residency Education: A Model for Meeting a National Need. Austin, TX (March, 2011) 46 Poster Grant, F., Guille, C., & Sen, S. Influence of major life stress on the relationship between depression and subjective well-being. The Sixth World Conference on the Promotion of Mental Health and Prevention of Mental and Behavioral Disorders. Washington, DC. (2010). Speller, H., Guille, C., Rubinstein, E., Rohrbaugh, R. Perspectives on Intern WellBeing: The Importance of Education, Support and Professional Satisfaction. International Conference on Physician Health. Chicago, IL (Oct., 2010) Guille, C., Grant F, Speller, H and Sen S. Depression in Medical Interns: Prevalence, Predictors and Prevention. International Conference on Physician Health. Chicago, IL (Oct., 2010) Award American Psychiatric Association, Research Colloquium for Junior Investigators, Travel Award, 2010 Publications Guille C, Clark S, Amstader A, Hawk A, Cartmell A, Sen S. Sex differences in depression under conditions of chronic stress. Journal of Women's Health 2012; In press. Guille C & Sen S. Prescription Drug Use and Self-prescription Among Training Physicians. Archives of Internal Medicine 2012; 172 (4): 371-372. Sen S, Kranzler HK, Chan G, Speller H, Krystal JK, Gelernter J, Guille C. In Reply to Kenneth S. Kendler, MD ‘The Stress of Internship and Interactions with Stress’. Archives of General Psychiatry 2010; 67: 568-569 Sen S, Kranzler HK, Chan G, Speller H, Krystal JK, Gelernter J, Guille C. A Prospective Cohort Study Investigating Factors Associated with Depression during Medical Internship. Archives of General Psychiatry 2010; 67(6): 557-65. PMID: 20368500 Book Chapter Guille C, Cortese B, Uhde T. Sleep in Anxiety Disorders, In: Therapy in Sleep Medicine, Barkoukis TJ, Matheson JK, Ferber R, Doghramji K. (eds.), Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier, Inc., 2012. Resnick H, Guille C, McCauley J, Kilpatrick D. Rape and Other Sexual Assault, In: Textbook on Resilience and Mental Health: Challenges Across the Lifespan, Southwick SM, Litz BT, Charney D, Friedman (eds.), Cambridge University Press, New York, 2011. 47 Hawk, Angela Publications Hawk AF, Saller DN. Screening for fetal aneuploidy: is maternal age relevant? Clin Obstet Gynecol 2012. 55 (1): 217-25. Hawk AF, Pastore L, Saller DN. Genetic screening in a university clinic: impact of primary language. Prenat Diagn 2011. doi: 10.1002/pd.2785. Houston, Laura Publications Houston LE, Allsworth J, Macones GA, Ultrasound is safe…right?: resident and Maternal-fetal medicine fellow knowledge regarding obstetric ultrasound safety. Journal of Ultrasound in Medicine, 30 (1):21-7 (2011). Selected as CME test article and online journal discussion. Houston L, Tuuli M, Macones G, “Marfan syndrome and aortic dissection in pregnancy”, Obstetrics and Gynecology, 117 (4): 956-60 (2011). Houston L, Newman R, “Fetal ultrasound: how to put safety first”, Contemporary Ob/Gyn, 56 (7): 36-42 (2011). Houston L, Sullivan S. Marfan syndrome and vascular dissections during pregnancy. Accepted to Minerva Ginecologica, 6/2012. Houston L, Newman R. Management of labor and delivery: multiple gestations. Accepted for publication in 2nd edition of Management of Labor and Delivery. Presentations Are serial ultrasound measurements following cerclage predictive. January 2011 of preterm birth?” Oral presentation, AAP section on Perinatal Pediatrics 35th Southeastern conference on Perinatal Research Placental expression of serotonin and norepinephrine transporters across gestation” Poster presentation, 58th annual SGI conference , March 2011 Cesarean section: methods and evidence. Getting in” Medical University of South Carolina, Ob Gyn Grand Rounds Sept 2011 Small incremental costs add up: are sterile gloves on labor and delivery justified?” Poster presentation, 32nd annual SMFM conference, Feb 2012 Surgery for CIN and pregnancy outcome” Medical University of South Carolina, Fellows conference. March 2012 Are serial ultrasound measurements following cerclage predictive of preterm birth?” Poster presentation, 59th annual SGI conference. March 2012 48 Honors 2012 2011 2011 Teacher of the month nomination, January ABOG board certification Teacher of the month nomination, September Ikwuezunma, Gini Presentations Gini Ikwuezunma BS, Andrew Colhoun BS, Robin Bhavsar MD, Samuel Deem DO and Thomas Keane MD, Perineal prostatectomy remains a good option for obese and overweight, Nov 2011, 1st Place Presentation at South Carolina Medical Association Early outcomes of urethral transection for dorsal or circumferential urethral diverticulumInvited to give Podium Presentation for CTSA National Predoctoral Conference- Mayo Clinic –May 5, 2012 Honors 2012 Banov Humanitarian Award Publications Use of replication restricted recombinant vesicular stomatitis virus vectors for detection of antigen-specific T cells. Journal. of Immuno Methods. 2012 Jan 31 Jaiyeoba, Oluwatosin Publications Jaiyeoba O, Amaya MI, Soper DE and Kilby JM. Preventing neonatal transmission of herpes simplex virus. Clin Obstet Gynecol.2012 Jun; 55(2):510-520 Presentations Jaiyeoba O, Kennedy E, Soper DE and Kilby JM. Epidemiology of women seeking HIV care at Medical University of South Carolina. Poster presentation accepted for the 39TH Annual Scientific Meeting of the Infectious Diseases Society for Obstetrics and Gynecology 2012 Jaiyeoba O, Kohno S, Williams K and Soper DE. Epidemiology and clinical significance of Mycoplasma genitalium in our gynecologic population: Preliminary Review. Poster presentation accepted for the 39TH Annual Scientific Meeting of the Infectious Diseases Society for Obstetrics and Gynecology 2012 Jaiyeoba O, Korte J, Villers M and Soper DE. Health Care Worker and Influenza Vaccine. Poster presentation accepted for the 39TH Annual Scientific Meeting of the Infectious Diseases Society for Obstetrics and Gynecology 2012 Jaiyeoba, O. Career in medicine for medical students. Obstetrics and Gynecology as a career 2012 49 Jaiyeoba, O. Career in medicine for medical students. Obstetrics and Gynecology as a career 2011 Honors Panel member: South Carolina AHEC 2012 Medical University of South Carolina- Medical Education Innovation Committee 2011 Mentor: College of Graduate Studies- Summer health professional program 2011 McHugh, Kimberly E Publications Ledoux MR, Applegate SE, McHugh KE, Haizlip JA. Incidence of Intraventricular Hemorrhage in Children with Coarctation of the Aorta. Supplement to the Critical Care Medicine Journal. Volume 37, Issue 12. (doi: 10.1097/01.ccm.0000365439.11849.a2) Gutgesell HP, Hillman DG, McHugh KE, Dean PN, Matherne GP. Use of an Administrative Database to Determine Clinical Management and Outcomes in Congenital Heart Surgery. World Journal for Pediatric and Congenital Heart Surgery. Volume 2 Issue 4 October 2011 pp. 593 - 596. Dean PN, Hillman DG, McHugh KE, Gutgesell HP. Inpatient Costs and Charges for Surgical Treatment of Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome. Pediatrics. 2011; 128:5 e1181e1186 (doi: 10.1542/peds.2010-3742). Honors 2011 2011 2011 2011 Invited Instructor, Medical University of SC College of Medicine ECG Simulation Laboratory Invited Speaker, Annual Horace G. Smithy Lectureship, MUSC Dept of Cardiothoracic Surgery MUSC Children’s Hospital Appreciative Inquiry Planning Committee, Fellow Representative Chief Fellow, Pediatric Cardiology, Medical University of South Carolina Morabito, Brianna Honors 2012 Student Leadership Society Nominee Tripician Tanner, Nichole Publications Wang-Memoli J, El-Bayoumi E, Pastis NJ, Tanner NT, Huggins JT, et al. Using endobronchial ultrasound features to predict lymph node metastasis in patients with lung cancer. Chest. 2011; 140(6):1550-6. 50 Tanner NT, Watson P, Boylan A, Wang-Memoli J, Pastis N, Taylor K, Garrett-Mayer E, Silvestri GA. Utilizing Endobronchial Ultrasound With Fine Needle Aspiration to Obtain Tissue for Molecular Analysis: A Single Center Experience. J Bronchol Intervent Pulmonol 2011;18:317–321 Tanner NT, Pastis NJ, Sherman C, Lewin D, Simon GS, Silvestri GA. The Role of Molecular Analyses in the Era of Personalized Therapy for Advanced NSCLC. Lung Cancer. 2011 Dec 14. [Epub ahead of print] Tanner NT, Gomez M, Rainwater C, Neitert PJ, Simon GR, Green MR, Silvestri GA. Physician Preferences for Management of Patients with Stage IIIA NSCLC: impact of Bulk of Nodal Disease on Therapy Selection. J Thorac Oncol. 2012 Feb;7(2):365-9. Tanner NT, Mehta H, Silvestri G. New Testing for Lung Cancer Screening. Oncology 2012. Feb 26(2). Tanner NT, Pastis NJ, Silvestri GA. Training for Endobronchial Ultrasound among US Pulmonary/Critical Care fellowships: A survey of fellowship directors. Accepted for publication Chest 2012 Tanner NT, Sherman CA, and Silvestri GA. Biomarkers in the selection of maintenance therapy in Non-small cell lung cancer. Accepted for publication Translational Lung Cancer Research 2012. Honors 2011 2011 Teacher of the month nomination Chest Foundation Electronic Case of the Day- ACCP National Meeting Pisoni, Roberto Presentations Nephrotoxic Drugs. 6th Annual Symposium on Management of Chronic Kidney Diseases, Charleston, SC, March 5, 2011 Managing resistant hypertension and hypertension in chronic kidney disease. 7th Annual Symposium on Management of Chronic Kidney Disease. Charleston, SC March 5, 2012. Publications Acelajado MC, Pisoni R, Dudenbostel T, Dell’italia LJ, Carmill F, Zhang B, Cofield SS, Oparil S, Calhoun DA. Refractory hypertension: definition, prevalence, and patient characteristics. J Clin Hypertens 14(1):7-12;12 Pisoni R, Acelajado MC, Cartmill fr, Dudenbostel T, Dell’italia LJ, Cofiel SS, Oparil S, Calhoun DA. Long –term effects of aldosterone blockage in resistant hypertension associated with chronic kidney disease. J Hum Hypertens Jun 16. doi:10.1038/jhh.2011.60, 2011 [Epub ahead of print] 51 Acelajado MD, Pisoni R, Dudenbostel T, Oparil S, Calhoun DA, Glasser SP. Both morning and evening dose of nebivolol reduces rough mean blood pressure surge in hypertensive patients. J Am Soc Hypertens 2011 Oct22 [Epub ahead of print] Rajab, Hussein Presentations Rajab H ., Transient Diabetes Insipidus in Guillian Barre Syndrome. American Association of Clinical Endicrinologist Meeting (2012) Rajab H .,Spontaneous regression of pituitary macroadenoma after pituitary apoplexy. American Association of Clinical Endrocrinologist Annual Meeting. (2011) Wu, Chang Presentations Wu CL, Andrews AL, Teufel II, RJ, Basco Jr, WT. “Predictors of Leukotriene Monotherapy Among Persistent Asthmatics.” Oral Presentation at 2012 Southern Regional Meeting; 2012 February 9-11; New Orleans, LA. Wu CL, Andrews AL, Teufel II, RJ, Basco Jr, WT. “Persistent Asthmatics at Risk to Receive Leukotriene Modifier Monotherapy.” Poster Presentation at 2012 Pediatric Hospital Medicine Conference; 2012 July 19-22; Northern Kentucky Williams, Daniel Presentations Predictors of Admission and Prolonged Length of Stay in Pediatric Skull Fractures.” Dan Williams MD, Anbesaw Selassie DRPH, Scott Russell MD, William Basco MD MS; Department of Pediatrics, Medical University of South Carolina. Southern Regional Research Meeting 2012, New Orleans, LA The Next Frontier in High-Fidelity Simulation: Long-Term Retention of Cognitive Knowledge and Procedural Proficiency.” Dan Williams MD, Chang Wu MD, David Mills MD, Joseph Dobson, MD; Department of Pediatrics, Medical University of South Carolina. Pediatric Hospital Medicine Meeting 2011, Kansas City, MO Honors 2012 Teacher of the month nomination Program Accomplishments for 2011-2012 • • • • MSCR Website update in progress. All MSCR Courses are now online. Continued effort to align the MSCR Curriculum with the CTSA Core Competencies Working with Industry Course (MCR 789-07), Community Engaged Research (MCR 789-04) added to curriculum. 52 • • • • • • • • • • • • Leadership (MCR 789-32) and Informatics/Data Management revised to address competencies with the CTSA. As part of the revised Leadership Course – the Invited Speaker Series included– Larry Olanoff, MD. PhD, Honorable Joseph P. Riley, Charleston City Mayor, Dr. Ray Greenberg, MUSC President and John Palms, PhD President Emeritus USC Jordan Magarik, 2011 MSCR Graduate received the 2011 Student Scholarship in Cerebrovascular Disease & Stroke- American Heart Association Stroke Council Diane Kamen, MD, MSCR graduate- received the Developing Scholar Award at the Faculty Convocation- August 2011 Constance Guille, MD and 2012 MSCR graduate successfully submitted a BIRCWH application Three Nanjing Drum Tower University students, Nanjing, China will complete the program by end of summer 2012. Seven MSCR/ICRI began the one-year program on the main campus and will complete the degree by end of summer 2012. Final two Predoctoral (deferred) MSCR students from CoP will complete the program end of summer 2012. Two CoM Predoctoral students are set to complete the MSCR by end of summer 2012. Post doctoral students entering second-year program (2011-2013). MSCR students and trainees poster presentations at the National Predoctoral Meeting at the Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN. May 6-8, 2012. Victor Fresco and Gini Ikwuezunma selected to represent MUSC in oral presentation. MSCR Graduate Accomplishment - Ziad Nahas, MD - from Adjunct Professor – Dept. of Psychiatry to Professor and Chair of the American University of Beirut/Dept of Psychiatry MSCR Graduate Accomplishment - Frank Kozel- Director, Mood and Anxiety Disorders Program and Associate Professor- Dept of Psychiatry and Neurosciences University of South Florida (Tampa) Health Program Goals for 2012-2013 • • • • • • • Continue to align curriculum to meet the CTSA Core Competencies MCR 789-04 Community Engaged Research developed for Summer 2012 MCR 789-07 Working with Industry developed for Summer 2012 Implement the CRAI Pre/Post survey for MSCR students to determine knowledge and Faculty retreat to discuss course evaluations and course compliance with CTSA core competencies Plans to offer the PhD Degree in Clinical Research Increase enrollment at ICRI sites- 29 students have applied for the 2012-2013 term so far. 53 College of Graduate Studies College of Medicine MEDICAL SCIENTIST TRAINING PROGRAM COMMITTEE Steering Committee 2011-2012 Dr. Perry V. Halushka, Director Professor of Pharmacology & Medicine Dean, College of Graduate Studies Dr. Robin Muise-Helmericks, Associate Director Assistant Professor of Regenerative Medicine and Cell Biology Ms. Amy Connolly Assistant Director, MSTP Dr. John M. Arthur Associate Professor of Medicine/Nephrology Dr. Maria G. Buse Professor of Medicine/Endocrinology Dr. Michael Kern Professor of Regenerative Medicine and Cell Biology Dr. Jim Oates Associate Professor of Medicine Dr. Shikhar Mehrotra Assistant Professor of Surgery Dr. Baerbel Rohrer Professor of Neurosciences Dr. Cyntha Schandl Associate Professor of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine Dr. Rick Schnellmann Professor & Chair of Pharmaceutical Sciences Dr. Joann Sullivan Assistant Dean for Extramural Program Development Dr. James A. Cook Professor of Neurosciences Dr. Deborah Deas Senior Associate Dean for Medical Education, College of Medicine Professor, Psychiatry & Behavioral Medicine Dr. Maurizio Del Poeta Professor of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology Dr. Scott Eblen Assistant Professor of Cell & Molecular Pharmacology Dr. Stephen Tomlinson Professor of Microbiology & Immunology 54 College of Graduate Studies College of Medicine MEDICAL SCIENTIST TRAINING PROGRAM COMMITTEES 2011-2012 Progress Committee Dr. Perry Halushka Dr. Robin Muise-Helmericks Scholarship Committee Dr. Perry Halushka Dr. Robin Muise-Helmericks Recruitment Committee Dr. Perry Halushka Dr. Maria Buse Dr. James Cook Dr. Scott Eblen Dr. Victoria Findlay Dr. Elizabeth Garrett-Mayer Dr. Michael Janech Dr. Michael Kern Dr. Yiannis Koutalos Dr. Amanda LaRue Dr. Shikrha Mehrotra Dr. Robin Muise-Helmericks Dr. Carola Neumann Dr. Jim Oates Dr. Baerbel Rohrer Dr. Cynthia Schandl Dr. Ron See Mr. Brandon Bentzley Mr. Benjamin Newcomb Mr. Lee Wheless Mr. Ryan Whitaker Dr. Cynthia Wright – Ex-officio Dr. Deborah Deas – Ex-officio Ms. Joan Graesch – Ex-officio Seminar Committee Mr. Joseph Cheng Mr. Mohamad Dahrouj Representative to Graduate Council Mr. Anthony Leonard 55 College of Graduate Studies College of Medicine MEDICAL SCIENTIST TRAINING PROGRAM STUDENTS MSTP Matriculation Students Date Advisor Mohamad Adada 06/11 Dr. R. Young Adnan Al-Ayoubi 8/05 Dr. S. Eblen Joseph Alge 06/10 Dr. J. Arthur Obaidallah Aseem 6/06 Dr. S. Argraves DeAnna Baker 8/04 Dr. G. Gilkeson Tiffany Baker Fahmin Basher Thomas Beckham Brandon Bentzley Jennifer Blakely Jacob Bowers Sarah Brice Laura Briggs Robert Cameron Joseph Cheng Danielle Clark Mohammad Dahrouj Anna-Maria De Costa Andre Eaddy Christopher Gault George Russell Glenn George Daniel Grass David Hartmann Linda Heffernan Daniel Herr Russell Jenkins Christopher B Johnson 6/09 6/08 6/07 6/09 6/07 6/11 6/10 7/08 05/11 6/05 6/09 6/10 6/06 7/04 7/03 8/10 7/08 7/12 8/04 6/11 7/04 6/09 Craig Kutz Anthony Leonard Sarah Tucker Marrison Ahmad Mashmoushi Jamie Mills Keely Morris Khaled Moussawi Thomas Mullen Daniel Neitzke Benjamin Newcomb Ken Noguchi Casey O’Dell Armina Omole 6/10 1/07 6/08 7/07 6/11 6/06 8/05 6/03 6/10 6/09 5/12 6/10 7/05 Joseph Palatinus 6/05 Undergraduate School American University of Beirut American University of Beirut Wofford University/MUSC Morehouse College University of Maryland-Baltimore County Dr. L. Cunningham College of Charleston/MUSC Dr. T. Nowling University of South Carolina Dr. J. Norris Clemson University Dr. G. Aston-Jones College of New Jersey-Trenton Dr. C. Beeson Erskine College Dr. T. Nowling University of Utah Dr. A. Cowart Clemson University/MUSC Dr. A. Wessels University of Florida Dr. C. Beeson Davidson College Dr. J. Norris Dartmouth College Drs. I. Singh/D. Jenkins Marshall University Dr. C. Crosson American University of Beirut Dr. M. R. Young Wofford University Dr. R. Schnellmann Morehouse College Dr. L. Obeid University of California-Santa Barbara Dr. A. Tabesh Wofford University Dr. B. Toole Charleston Southern University Dr. L. J. Chandler New College of Florida Dr. L. Obeid George Washington University Dr. L. Obeid University of Scranton Dr. Y. Hannun University of Virginia Dr. D. Cole University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill Dr. S. Kubalak Minnesota State University Moorhead Dr. B. Rohrer Emory & Henry Dr. J. Norris Yale University Dr. J. Oates American University of Beirut Dr. V. Findlay California State University-Chico Dr. S. Tomlinson Cal Tech Dr. P. Kalivas American University of Beirut Dr. L. Obeid Clemson University Dr. M. George University of Virginia Dr. Y. Hannun Seattle University Dr. P. Howe Kenyon College Dr. N. Banik Erskine University Dr. P. Kalivas University of Maryland Baltimore County Dr. R. Gourdie Davidson College 56 David Perry Saleh Rachidi Ryan Rhome Douglas Roberts-Wolfe Sahar Saddoughi Jennifer Scott Achraf Shamseddine Amena Smith Joshua Smith Adrian Sproul Kyle Strickland Erik Strungs 6/06 6/10 7/04 6/11 6/07 8/09 6/11 6/05 6/08 7/03 6/05 6/09 Alton Sutter Peter Tang Joseph Taylor Abigail Washispack Rebecca Weber Lee Wheless Ryan Whitaker Katelyn Williams 6/07 6/06 6/07 6/12 6/08 6/05 6/08 6/12 Dr. Y. Hannun Dr. Z. Li Dr. M. Del Poeta Dr. G. Aston-Jones Dr. B. Ogretmen Dr. G. Gilkeson Dr. C. Voelkel-Johnson Dr. N. Banik Dr. N. Banik Dr. P. D. Bell Dr. S. Krupenko Drs. R. Gourdie/ L. Luttrell Dr. K. Chavin Dr. R. Crouch Dr. M. George Dr. J. Jones Dr. M. Wargovich Dr. A. Alberg Dr. R. Schnellmann Dr. B. Ogretmen Parker C. Wilson Xiaoyi Zhang 6/05 6/08 Drs. L. Luttrell Dr. K. Kirkwood 57 Clemson University American University of Beirut University of Georgia Hampshire College Barnard College University of Central Florida American University of Beirut Lee College Wofford College Oberlin College College of Charleston University of Minnesota-Twin Cities College of Charleston University of Pennsylvania Davidson College University of Arkansas Ft. Smith Denison University Davidson College University of Iowa University of Maryland Baltimore County Johns Hopkins University University of South Carolina MSTP Graduates (1982-2011) MSTP Graduate Date Residency Samuel E. Gandy, III, MD, PhD 1982 Cornell University Geoffrey E. Renk, MD, PhD Robert P. Aftring, MD, PhD 1986 UCLA 1987 Beth Israel Charles F. Burant, MD, PhD 1987 University of California San Francisco Kevin D. Ballard, MD, PhD* 1989 Baylor College of Medicine Richard L. Griffith, MD, PhD Stanley A. Katz, MD, PhD 1989 Margaret O. Sowell, MD, PhD 1990 Richard H. Peters, MD, PhD N. Carolyn Schanen, MD, PhD 1991 University of Virginia Hospital Vanderbilt University Brigham and Women's Hospital Massachusetts General Hospital Stanford University Keith A. Coffee, MD, PhD 1992 Vanderbilt University Stephen R. Murray, MD, PhD 1992 Jeffery L. Twiss, MD, PhD 1992 University of California San Francisco Stanford University William Oehlenschlager, MD, PhD 1993 1989 1991 Case Western Reserve University 58 Current Position Mt. Sinai Professor Alzheimer’s Research, Professor of Neurology & Psychiatry. Mt. Sinai Medical School Emergency Medicine, Mt. Pleasant, SC Group Director, Clinical Cardiovascular and Metabolic Medicine Development Center, Glaxo-Smith Kline and French Professor of Medicine, Professor of Molecular Integrative Physiology, Robert C. & Veronica Atkins Professor of Metabolism, University of Michigan Director of Research and Development, National Medical Services Labs, Willow Grove PA Practice in Internal Medicine/Immunology, Marietta, GA unknown Global Clinical Safety and Pharmacovigilance, GlaxoSmithKline Vice President, Head of Global Medical Affairs, Sanofi Oncology Adjunct Associate Professor, Biological Sciences, University of Delaware/Head, Human Genetics Research, A.I. duPont Hospital for Children Senior Medical Director, Global Therapeutic Development, Pharmaceutical Product Development, Inc. Senior Medical Officer, TB Alliance, New York, NY Professor & Department Head, Department of Biology, Drexel University WRH Health System, Wadsworth OH C. Richard Ross, MD, PhD 1993 Kendrick A. Shunk, MD, PhD 1993 Charles J. Beischel, MD, PhD 1994 J. Bryan Hill, MD, PhD 1995 Charles T. Ivester, MD, PhD 1996 University of Utah Timothy C. Ball, MD, PhD 1997 Bowman Gray Bradley S. Miller, MD, PhD 1997 Mayo Clinic Kimberly V. Barnes, MD, PhD Gloria J. Bullock Morris, MD, PhD 1998 1998 University of Chicago Thomas Jefferson University Charles E. Hill, MD, PhD 1998 Emory University Ana Maria Ibrado, MD, PhD 1998 Johns Hopkins University John H. Cleator, MD, PhD 1999 Cleveland Clinic Michel A. Makhlouf, MD, PhD 1999 Cynthia A. Schandl, MD, PhD Keith T. Borg, MD, PhD 1999 University of Pittsburgh Magee Women's Hospital Medical Univ. of South Carolina University of Cincinnati 2000 Johns Hopkins University University of Chicago Medical University of South Carolina Baylor University 59 Practice in Emergency Medicine, Modesto, CA Associate Professor of Medicine, Director Cardiac Catheter Lab, UCSF Clinical Assistant Professor of Ophthalmology, MUSC Private Practice, Anderson SC Practice in Internal Medicine, Pulmonary Medicine, Salt Lake City, UT Assistant Professor, Internal Medicine, Virginia Tech Carilion School of Medicine/Interventional Cardiologist, Carilion Clinic, Roanoke, VA Associate Professor of Pediatrics, Division of Pediatric Endocrinology, University of Minnesota Private Practice, Chicago IL Assistant Professor of Medicine, Department of Oncology, Mt. Sinai School of Medicine, Tisch Cancer Institute Assistant Professor of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine, Director Molecular Diagnosis, Emory University Practice in Emergency Medicine Providence Hospital, Washington, DC Assistant Professor of Medicine, Cardiology Division Director of the Experimental Angiographic Laboratory, Vanderbilt University Assistant Professor, OB/GYN, University of Texas, Galveston Associate Professor, Department of Pathology, MUSC Associate Professor, Emergency Medicine/Division Chief, Pediatric Emergency, MUSC Justin P. Favaro, MD, PhD 2000 Kim M. Huffman, MD, PhD 2000 Antoine A. Makhlouf, MD, PhD Donald C. Shields, MD, PhD 2000 Kristie B. Blade, MD, PhD 2001 Mark (Horney) Jameson, MD, PhD 2001 Chad E. Hudson, MD, PhD 2001 Deanne L. King, MD, PhD 2002 2000 Richard A. Walgren, MD, 2002 PhD Joseph R. Kelley, MD, PhD 2003 Stewart M. Knoepp, MD, PhD 2003 Bryce A. Nelson, MD, PhD 2003 Christopher D. Willey, MD, PhD 2003 Scott P. Commins, MD, PhD 2004 Christopher A. Wells, MD, PhD Ralph J. Barker, MD, PhD 2004 Kevin Becker, MD, PhD 2005 2005 University of Texas, Dallas Southwestern Medical Center Duke University University of Virginia UCLA University of Washington University of Virginia University of Maryland University of Arkansas Washington University Medical College of Virginia Massachusetts General Hospital/Harvard Vanderbilt University Vanderbilt University Assistant Consulting Professor, Department of Medicine, Duke University/Private Practice Hematology Oncology Assistant Professor of Medicine, Division of Rheumatology, Duke University Medical Center Staff Physician, Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, Durham VA Medical Center Private Practice, Urology, Sugar Land, TX Assistant Professor of Neurosurgery, George Washington University Medical Center Virginia Mason Medical Center (last known position) Assistant Professor of Otolaryngology, University of Virginia Private Practice OB/GYN, Hagerstown, MD Resident in Otolaryngology, University of Arkansas Senior Medical Advisor for Oncology, Eli Lilly, Indianapolis, IN Private Practice in Radiation Oncology, Wichita, Kansas Assistant Professor of Pathology, University of Michigan Pediatric Endocrinology, Greenville, SC Assistant Professor of Radiation Oncology, Univ. of Alabama, Birmingham University of Assistant Professor of Medicine, Virginia Asthma & Allergic Diseases Center, University of Virginia Vanderbilt Research Instructor, Cardiovascular University Medicine, Vanderbilt University MUSC 2005 MUSC/Surgery SurgicalResident Critical Care Fellowship, MUSC Yale Assistant Professor, Neurology, Division of Medical Neuro-oncology, Yale University 60 Michael L. Bernard, MD, 2005 PhD Christopher V. Crosby, MD, 2005 PhD Lena Heung, MD, PhD 2007 Shantae Jenkins, MD, PhD 2007 Vanderbilt Fellow, Electrophysiology University 2005 Vanderbilt Cardiology, University/Internal MUSC Medicine Resident Emory University Clinical Assistant Professor, Dermatology, University of California San Diego Emory University Clinical Assistant Professor, Ophthalmology, University of California San Diego Cleveland Clinic Assistant Professor, Dermatology, Emory University University of Asheville Radiology, Asheville, NC Virginia Washington Private Practice, Radiology, University, St. Yorktown, VA Louis Duke University Cardiology, St. Francis Medical Group, Indianapolis, IN Emory University Assistant Professor, Preventive Medicine, University of AlabamaBirmingham University of Infolded Fellowship in Chicago Cerebrovascular and Skull Base Surgery, University of Chicago Johns Hopkins Fellow, Endoscopic Sinus & Skull Base Surgery, Stanford University MD Anderson Assistant Professor, Radiation Oncology, University of Texas Southwestern UCSD Maternal/Fetal Medicine Fellow, University of Utah Health Sciences Baystate/Tufts Fellow, Infectious Diseases, Affiliate University of Washington MUSC Hospitalist, Colleton Medical Center Eric Sribnick, MD, PhD 2007 Emory University Tarek Taha, MD, PhD 2007 David Arrington, MD, PhD 2008 Mary Lee Gregory, MD, PhD 2008 Indiana University Georgetown University/MUSC Baystate/Tufts Affiliate Gregor Krings, MD, PhD 2008 John Shea, MD, PhD 2008 Michelle B. Crosby, MD, PhD 2005 Ron J. Feldman, MD, PhD 2005 Joshua M. Hubbard, MD, PhD Benjamin J. Pettus, MD, PhD 2005 Vijay U. Rao, MD, PhD 2005 Nicole Redmond, MD, PhD 2005 Stephen F. Shafizadeh, MD, PhD 2005 Justin Turner, MD, PhD 2006 John Yordy, MD, PhD 2006 2005 Zachary Bowman MD, PhD 2007 Mass. General Hospital/UCSF Allegheny General 61 Resident, Neurosurgery, Emory University Fellow, Orthopedic Trauma Surgery, Scottsdale, Arizona Fellow, Body Imaging, University of Alabama Birmingham Resident, Pediatric Neurology and Neurodevelopmental Medicine, Johns Hopkins Kennedy-Krieger Institute Research Fellow, Pathology, UCSF Resident, Emergency Medicine, Allegheny General Laura Spruill, MD, PhD 2008 MUSC Fellow, Surgical Pathology, MUSC Brice Williams, MD, PhD 2008 Saeed ElOjeimy, MD, PhD 2009 Amanda Galloway, MD, PhD 2009 Resident Ophthalmology, University of Utah Resident, Diagnostic Radiology, University of Washington Resident, Pediatrics, University of Texas-Southwestern Jason Guichard, MD, PhD 2009 University of Utah University of Washington University of Texas SouthwesternDallas University of AlabamaBirmingham Mark Hallman, MD, PhD 2009 Youssef Zeidan, MD, PhD 2009 Rany Abdallah, MD, PhD 2010 Jamie Fraser, MD, PhD 2010 Mona Taleb, MD, PhD 2010 Juan Varela, MD, PhD 2010 Jonathan Butler, MD, PhD 2011 MUSC/Fox Chase Cancer Center Stanford University MUSC/ Lenox Hill/Rush National Institutes of Health Mt. Sinai Medical Center-Miami/ Wayne State Johns Hopkins University Vanderbilt Justin Ellett, MD, PhD 2011 MUSC Loretta Jophlin, MD, PhD 2011 Mt. Sinai Jason Lockrow, MD, PhD 2011 University of Washington University of Cincinnati MUSC/VCU Phillip Moschella, MD, PhD 2011 Michael O’Quinn, MD, PhD 2011 Brian Snarr, MD, PhD 2011 Jarrett Walsh, MD, PhD 2011 Adnan Al-Ayoubi, MD, PhD 2012 University of TexasSouthwestern University of Iowa MUSC DeAnna Baker, MD, PhD Duke 2012 Resident, American Board of Internal Medicine Research Pathway, University of Alabama Birmingham Resident, Radiation Oncology, Fox Chase Cancer Center Resident, Radiation Oncology, Stanford Resident, Anesthesiology, Rush University Medical Center Resident, Pediatric Genetics Resident, Surgery, Wayne State Resident, Internal Medicine, Johns Hopkins University Resident, Adult Neurology, Vanderbilt Resident, Surgery/Urology, MUSC Resident, Internal Medicine, Mt. Sinai Resident, Pediatric Neurology, University of Washington Resident, Emergency Medicine, University of Cincinnati Resident, Internal Medicine, Virginia Commonwealth University Resident, Pediatrics, University of Texas-Southwestern Resident, Otolaryngology, University of Iowa Intern, General Surgery, MUSC Resident, Internal Medicine, Duke University 62 Christopher Gault, MD, PhD Linda Heffernan-Stroud, MD, PhD 2012 Russell Jenkins, MD, PhD 2012 Mass General Khaled Moussawi, MD, PhD Thomas Mullen, MD, PhD 2012 Mass General 2012 Tufts/University of Washington Ryan Rhome, MD, PhD 2012 MUSC/Mt. Sinai Adrian Sproul, MD, PhD 2012 MUSC/UNC Chapel Hill 2012 University of Pennsylvania Eastern Virginia Medical Center *Deceased 63 Resident, Pathology, University of Pennsylvania Intern, Internal Medicine Greenville Memorial/Resident, Dermatology, Eastern Virginia Medical Center Intern, Internal Medicine, Massachusetts General Hospital Intern, Internal Medicine/Resident, Neurology, Brigham & Women’s Intern, Lemuel Shattuck Hospital/Resident, Radiation Oncology, University of Washington Intern, Internal Medicine, MUSC/Resident, Radiation Oncology, Mt. Sinai Hospital Intern, Transitional Surgery, MUSC/ Resident, Anesthesia, UNC Chapel Hill HIGHLIGHTS (2011-2012) The national prominence of the program continues to increase significantly. This year, we had 174 applications, the highest number in the history of the program. Last year we had 164 applications. The quality of the applicant pool remains very high. We interviewed a total of 55 applicants. The average GPA and MCAT scores of the interviewees were 3.75 and 33.84, respectively. We had a total of 4 new students matriculate. Their GPA and MCAT scores were 3.76 and 34.25, respectively. Of particular note, is the extensive undergraduate research experiences that the applicants had. It was clear during the recruitment process that we continue to compete with the best programs in the country. David Hartmann and Abigail Washispack, incoming first year students, were both awarded the annual MUSC Physicians/MSTP scholarship. David Hartmann was also awarded the Lane scholarship and the Suzann Pershing Award. Anna-Maria De Costa was awarded an SCE&G scholarship. From the Hollings Cancer Center, Daniel Neitzke and Katelyn Williams received the Abney scholarship. The seven students who were awarded NIH predoctoral fellowships from the training grant are Robert Cameron, Joseph Cheng, G. Daniel Grass, Daniel Herr, Jamie Mills, Ken Noguchi and Lee Wheless. Congratulations to Sarah Brice Russo and Joe Taylor who received Ruth Kirschstein NSRA fellowships. Our success rate for obtaining these NRSA fellowships is approximately twice the national average, which is 30%. Our new students and their undergraduate institutions are listed below. David Hartmann New College of Florida Ken Noguchi Kenyon College Abigail Washispack University of Arkansas Fort Smith Katelyn Williams University of Maryland Baltimore County This year we graduated nine students. Institution Adnan Al-Ayoubi MUSC DeAnna Baker Duke University Chris Gault University of Pennsylvania Linda Heffernan-Stroud Greenville Memorial Eastern Virginia Medical Ctr Russ Jenkins Massachusetts General Khaled Moussawi Massachusetts General Brigham & Women’s Tom Mullen Lemuel Shattuck Hospital University of Washington Ryan Rhome MUSC Mt. Sinai Adrian Sproul MUSC 64 Field of Study General Surgery Internal Medicine Pathology Internal Medicine Dermatology Internal Medicine Internal Medicine Neurology Transitional Year Radiation Oncology Internal Medicine Radiation Oncology Transitional Surgery UNC-Chapel Hill Anesthesia Russell Jenkins and Khaled Moussawi were named as co-recipients of the Distinguished Graduate of the Year Award. This was unprecedented as the Award Committee deemed both students’ accomplishments outstanding and could not distinguish between them. They will both return in August to present the Liz Chesterman Memorial lecture to the incoming graduate students. The monthly student seminar series, which are organized by the students, continues to be very successful. It is scheduled for the fourth Monday of each month at 5:00 p.m. Faculty from our institution presented informal research seminars at each of the meetings. These interactions have resulted in several students choosing the presenters as mentors for research projects. This year, three students who were ready to defend their dissertation presented their research. This provided an excellent venue for them to practice their presentation. It also allowed the other students in the program to learn about their colleague’s research. 10/10/11 Kyle Strickland 2/27/12 Sahar Saddoughi 5/21/12 G. Daniel Grass Our Translational Medicine Seminar series has been a great success. Each one of our senior students paired with one of our faculty to present a clinical case. This was followed by a research discussion by the faculty member focused on the disease that was presented. The topics and speakers are listed below: 7/11/11 DeAnna Baker with Gary Gilkeson, MD Advances in the Systemic Lupus Erythematosus 8/8/11 Russell Jenkins with John Lazarchick, MD and Keisuke Shirai, MD Hemophagocytic Lymphohistiocytosis: A Rare, but Often Fatal NonMalignant Systemic Inflammatory Condition - Case Review, Diagnosis, Treatment, and Current Investigations 9/26/11 Chris Gault with Milos Budisavljevic, MD TTP And Plasma Exchange; From Clinic To Bench And Back To Clinic 1/9/12 Adrian Sproul with Francis McGowan, MD Single Ventricle Physiology In Adults Following Staged Repair Of Congenital Heart Disease 2/13/12 Linda Heffernan-Stroud with Keith Borg, MD, PhD Traumatic Brain Injury - Challenges in Translation 3/12/12 Khaled Moussawi with Leonardo Bonilha, MD, PhD The Quest for Understanding Epilepsy Through Neuroimaging 4/9/12 Ryan Rhome with Ernest Camp, MD, MSCR Targeting EMT to Enhance Therapy of Colon Cancer The Translational Sciences Clinics have proven to be a very rewarding and successful experience for our students. Both the students and faculty have provided very positive evaluations. 65 During this past year eleven students; Joseph Cheng, Anna-Maria De Costa, Andre Eaddy, G. Daniel Grass, Joseph Palatinus, David Perry, Sahar Saddoughi, Amena Smith, Kyle Strickland, Lee Wheless and Parker Wilson successfully defended their Ph.D. dissertations. Our 22nd Annual MSTP Student Research Day was held on March 24, 2012 in the Bioengineering Building. There were 10 oral, 27 poster presentations as well as 4 Clinical and Translational Research Center presentations. All of the presentations reflected the high quality science that our students are conducting. One of our alumni, Scott Commins, M.D., Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Medicine and Pediatrics at the University of Virginia, was the keynote speaker. The title of his talk was “Delayed Anaphylaxis to Mammalian Meat: How Oncologists Helped Discover a Novel Food Allergy.” This has also been an exciting year for many of our students. Jennifer Blakeley became engaged to Joey Harmon, Danielle Clark became engaged to Charlie Lowe and Alton Sutter became engaged to Alina Ovechkina, Anthony Leonard and Emily Bowen were married in October, Erik Strungs and Amanda Zimmerman were married in November, Andre Eaddy and Nicole Rogers were married in May and Sarah Brice and Adam Russo were also married in May. Joey and Mikah Alge had a baby girl, Eleanor, on March 2 and Anna-Maria and Brian De Costa had a baby boy, Benjamin, on June 8. Sarah Brice & Adam Russo (and Ben) Andre Eaddy & Nicole Rogers (Deontae, Myles and Madison) 66 Casey O’Dell & Joshua Holmes Anthony Leonard & Emily Bowen Erik Strungs & Amanda Zimmerman Eleanor Lynn Alge Benjamin Augustus De Costa 67 Our students continue to garner many honors and awards that you will see listed after their names. Including the incoming class, we currently have 53 students in the program. GOALS FOR 2012-2013 • • • • • We will continue to try to identify philanthropic support for the program We will re-evaluate our recruitment and admissions process Increase the size and quality of our applicant pool Formally evaluate the program via the instrument developed at the time of the submission of the grant Replace the program director 68 AWARDS AND HONORS (2011-2012) Listed below are the many honors and awards our students have garnered during the past year. Student’s Name (Year of Matriculation) Joseph Alge (2010) American Society of Nephrology 2011 Kidney Week Travel Award 2011 Tiffany Baker (2009) Ruth L. Kirchstein National Research Service Award F30 2011 Fahmin Basher (2008) Travel Award American College of Rheumatology Research Workshop 2012 Thomas Beckham (2007) MUSC College of Medicine’s Most Outstanding Student Volunteer 2012 Brandon Bentzley (2009) NIH/MSTP Predoctoral Fellowship Training Grant, GM08716 American Society for Clinical Pathology Award for Academic Excellence and Achievement 2011-2012 Jennifer Blakely (2007) Ruth L. Kirchstein National Research Service Award F30 DK091107 2011-2012 Jacob Bowers (2011) Desiree Roy Research Scholarship NIH/MSTP Predoctoral Fellowship Training Grant, GM08716 2012 2011-2012 Laura Briggs (2008) Travel Award to 2012 Weinstein Conference Robert Cameron (2011) Lane Family Scholarship University Medical Associates/MSTP Scholar Mohammad Dahrouj (2010) Travel Award ARVO Foundation/Retina Research Foundation/Joseph M. and Eula C. Lawrence Danielle Desjardins (2011) SCTR TL1 Trainee 2011-2012 2012 2011 2011-2012 2012 2011-2012 69 Chris Gault (2003) Ruth L. Kirchstein National Research Service Award F30 HL093991-01A1 2011-2012 George Russell Glenn (2010) NIH/MSTP Predoctoral Fellowship Training Grant, GM08716 2011-2012 George Daniel Grass (2008) Travel Award for ASCI (American Society for Clinical Investigation), AAP (Association of American Physicians) Joint Meeting 2012 Regulation of Invadopodia Formation and Activity by CD147. J Cell Science; 125(Part3): 777-788, 2012. Paper was reviewed by a member of the faculty of 100 which places the work in a library of the top 2% of published articles in biology and medicine 2012 1st Place, PhD Poster III Category, The Perry V. Halushka MUSC Student Research Day 2011 DOD Breast Cancer Research Program Predoctoral Traineeship W81XWH-10-1-0083 2011-2012 Presidential Scholar 2011-2012 Linda Heffernan-Stroud (2004) Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award, F30ES017379 2011-2012 Daniel Herr (2011) University Medical Associates/MSTP Scholar 2011-2012 Casey O’Dell Holmes (2010) NIH/MSTP Predoctoral Fellowship Training Grant, GM08716 2011-2012 Russell Jenkins (2004) South Carolina Electric & Gas Scholarship 2011-2012 MUSC College of Graduate Studies Distinguished Graduate Student Award 2012 Christopher Bryce Johnson (2009) MUSC Hollings Cancer Center Abney Foundation Scholarship 2011-2012 Anthony Leonard (2008) Travel Award, 26th Annual National MD/PhD Student Conference 2011 Jamie Mills (2010) Lane Family Scholarship 2011 Keely Morris (2006) Ruth L. Kirchstein National Research Service Award F30 DK089696-01 70 2011-2012 Khaled Moussawi (2005) Alpha Omega Alpha Medical Society MUSC College of Graduate Studies Distinguished Graduate Student Award 2011 2012 Thomas Mullen (2003) Ruth L. Kirchstein National Research Service Award F30 2011-2012 Alpha Omega Alpha Medical Society 2011 MUSC College of Graduate Studies Distinguished Graduate Student Finalist 2012 Daniel Neitzke (2010) NIH/MSTP Predoctoral Fellowship Training Grant, GM08716 2011-2012 Benjamin Newcomb (2009) MUSC Hollings Cancer Center Abney Foundation Scholarship 2011-2012 Joseph Palatinus (2005) Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award, 1F30HL095320-01 2011-2012 Saleh Rachidi (2010) Award from South Carolina Clinical and Translational Research Institute (SCTR) for inflammatory genes in cancer 2012 Ryan Rhome (2004) MUSC Student Leadership Award 2012 Douglas Roberts-Wolfe (2011) Suzann Pershing Scholarship NIH/MSTP Predoctoral Fellowship Training Grant, GM08716 2011-2012 2011-2012 Sarah Brice Russo (2010) Ralph H. Johnson VAMC Student Research Honorable Mention Certificate, PhD Oral VI Category, The Perry V. Halushka MUSC Student Research Day 2011 Ruth L. Kirchstein National Research Service Award F30 DK09125 2011-2012 Presidential Scholar 2011-2012 Sahar Saddoughi (2006) Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award, F30 2011-2012 Amena Smith (2005) Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research service Award F31EY019457-01 2011-2012 Joshua Smith (2008) 2nd Place, PhD Oral VI Category, The Perry V. Halushka MUSC Student Research Day 71 2011 Kyle Strickland (2005) Sigma Xi Award, MUSC Student Research Day 2011 2nd Place, Ph.D. Oral VII Category, The Perry V. Halushka MUSC Student Research Day 2011 Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award 1F30DK08321501A2 2011-2012 Erik Strungs (2009) SCTR TL1 Trainee 2011-2012 Peter Tang (2006) 1st place, Clinical-Professional-Masters Oral VI Category, The Perry V. Halushka MUSC Student Research Day NIH/MSTP Predoctoral Fellowship Training Grant, GM08716 2011 2011-2012 Joseph Taylor (2007) Student Research Honorable Mention, Ralph H. Johnson VAMC Women’s Club Scholarship, Medical University of South Carolina Howard Hughes Medical Institute Teacher Training Fellowship, College of Charleston MUSC, College of Graduate Studies Most Outstanding Student Volunteer Selected for NINDS/AUPN Combining Clinical/Research Careers in Neuroscience Symposium 1st Place Poster Presentation, 13th Annual Frontiers in Neuroscience Research Day NIDA NRSA F30 Fellowship Award, National Institutes of Health, NIDA 1F30DA033748-01 Penn Fellowship in Neuroscience & Society, University of Pennsylvania American Neuropsychiatric Association (ANPA) Young Investigator Award 2011 2011 2011 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 Lee Wheless (2005) Society for Investigative Dermatology PhD Retreat Invited Attendee 2012 Xiaoyi Tina Zhang (2008) 2nd place, PhD IV Oral Category, The Perry V. Halushka MUSC Student Research Day American Medical Association Foundation Seed Grant Recipient 2011 2012 72 PUBLICATIONS Our students have also been very productive in their research endeavors, as witnessed by their publication records. In 2011-2012 they authored or co-authored 60 manuscripts that have been published or are in press and an additional 15 manuscripts have been submitted. Three book chapters have been published and 2 in preparation (compared to 1 last year) and they submitted 110 abstracts for presentation compared to 102 last year. MSTP Publications 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Submitted Published/ In Press 2004- 2005- 2006- 2007- 2008- 2009- 2010- 201105 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 Adnan Al-Ayoubi (2005) Abstracts: Al-Ayoubi AM, Zheng H, Liu Y, Bai T, Eblen ST. ERK2 Phosphorylation of Splicing Factor 45 (SPF45) Regulates SPF45 Alternative Splicing Site Utilization and Downstream Gene Expression. The Perry V. Halushka MUSC Student Research Day. Charleston, SC. November 2011 Liu Y, Al-Ayoubi A, Zheng H, Bethard J, Eblen ST. The SR Protein Kinase Clk1 Phosphorylates SPF45 and Regulates Its Degradation and Splice-Site Selectivity. The Perry V. Halushka MUSC Student Research Day. Charleston, SC. November 2011 73 Joseph Alge (2010) Abstracts: Alge J, Chawla LS, Tumlin JA, Arthur JM. The Ratio of alpha-1-Acid Glycoprotein to alpha-1B Glycoprotein in Urine Is an Early and Accurate Predictor of Acute Kidney Injury [Abstract]. J Am Soc Nephrol 22, 2011: 358A. Alge JL, Janech MG, Shaw AD, Chawla LS, Tumlin JA, Arthur JM. The Ratio of Alpha1B-Glycoprotein to Zinc Alpha-2 Glycoprotein in Urine Is an Early and Accurate Predictor of Acute Kidney Injury. The Perry V. Halushka MUSC Student Research Day. Charleston, SC. November 2011 Alge JL Janech MG, Shaw AD, Chawla LS, Tumlin JA, Arthur JM. Urinary Angiotensinogen Predicts Acute Kidney Injury After Cardiac Surgery. MUSC MSTP Research Day, Charleston, SC, March 24, 2012 Obaidullah Aseem (2006) Abstracts: Aseem O, Smith BT, Cooley MA, Argraves WS. Cubilin is Essential for Maintaining Blood HDL Levels, The Perry V. Halushka MUSC Student Research Day. Charleston, SC. November 2011 Aseem O, Smith BT, Cooley MA, Argraves WS. The Epigenetic Regulation of MultiLigand Receptor Cubilin. MUSC MSTP Research Day, Charleston, SC, March 24, 2012 DeAnna Baker (2004) Manuscripts: Baker, DA, Obeid LM, Gilkeson GS. Impact of sphingosine kinase on inflammatory pathways in fibroblast-like synoviocytes. Inflamm Allergy Drug Targets. 2011 Dec 1;10(6):464-71 Abstracts: Hunter DA, Baker DA, Gray J, Gonsalves W. Point of Care Testing for Diabetic Patients in the Student Run Free Clinic: Advantages for the Patients, Students, and Your Bottom Line. Society for Student Run Free Clinics Annual Meeting, Houston, TX January 2011 Tiffany Baker (2009) Manuscripts: Bullard SA, Baker T, de Buron I. New species of Cardicola (Digenea: Aporocotylidae) from heart of Atlantic Croaker, Micropogonias undulatus (Perciformes: Sciaenidae), of the South Atlantic Bight. Journal of Parasitology 98(2):328-332 Fahmin Basher (2008) Abstract: Basher F, Amani A, Bunni M, Nowling T. Effects of Fli1 on T Cell Function in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus. MUSC MSTP Research Day, Charleston, SC, March 24, 2012 74 Thomas Beckham (2007) Manuscripts: Turner LS, Cheng JC, Beckham TH, Keane TE, Norris JS, Liu X. Autophagy is increased in prostate cancer cells overexpressing acid ceramidase and enhances resistance to C6 ceramide. Prostate Cancer and Prostatic Diseases. 2011; 14, 30-37 Beckham TH, Lu P, Cheng JC, Zhao D, Turner LS, Zhang X, Hoffman S, Armeson KE, Liu A, Marrison T, Hannun YA, and Liu X. Acid ceramidase-mediated production of sphingosine 1-phosphate promotes prostate cancer invasion through up-regulation of cathepsin B. Int J Cancer. 2012 PMID: 22322590 Beckham TH, Cheng JC, Marrison ST, Norris JS, Liu X. Interdiction of sphingolipid metabolism to improve standard cancer therapies. Advances In Cancer Research. In Press. 2012 Abstract: Beckham TH, Cheng JC, Marrison ST, Liu X, Norris JS. Sphingosine 1-phosphate and acid ceramidase modulate the subcellular localization of the PTEN tumor suppressor. The Perry V. Halushka MUSC Student Research Day, Charleston, SC, November 2011 Marrison ST, Cheng JC, Beckham TH, Lu P, Liu A, Casey S, Liu X, Norris JS. Acid Ceramidase Over Expression in Response to Cigarette Smoke Exposure, The Perry V. Halushka MUSC Student Research Day, Charleston, SC, November 2011 Marrison ST, Cheng JC, Beckham TH, Lu P, Liu A, Casey S, Liu X, Norris JS. Acid Ceramidase Over Expression in Response to Cigarette Smoke Exposure. Hollings Cancer Center Retreat Fall 2011 Cheng JC, Marrison ST, Beckham TH, Keane TE, Marshall DT, Liu X, Norris JS. The Role Of Acid Ceramidase In The Failure Of Radiation Therapy For Prostate Cancer. The Perry V. Halushka MUSC Student Research Day, Charleston, SC, November 2011 Beckham TH, Cheng JC, Marrison ST, Liu X, Norris JS. Sphingosine 1-phosphate and acid ceramidase modulate the subcellular localization of the PTEN tumor suppressor. MUSC MSTP Research Day, Charleston, SC, March 24, 2012 Cheng JC, Liu X, Beckham TH, Keane TE, Hannun YA, Norris JS. Sphingolipid Metabolism In The Radiation Resistance And Relapse Of Prostate Cancer. MUSC MSTP Student Research Day, Charleston, SC, March 24, 2012 Marrison ST, Cheng JC, Beckham TH, Lu P, Liu X, Norris JS. Sphingosine 1phosphate receptor signaling in mesenchymal stem cells. MUSC MSTP Research Day, Charleston, SC, March 24, 2012 75 Cheng JC, Liu X, Beckham TH, Keane TE, Hannun YA, Norris JS. Sphingolipid metabolism in the radiation resistance and relapse of prostate cancer. Keystone Symposium for Inflammation and Carcinogenesis. Dublin, Ireland, May 2012. Beckham TH, Cheng JC, Marrison ST, Liu X, Norris JS.: Sphingosine 1-phosphate and acid ceramidase modulate the subcellular localization of the PTEN tumor suppressor. MUSC Lipid Signaling In Cancer Program Retreat, Charleston, SC, 2012 Beckham TH, Cheng JC, Marrison ST, Liu X, Norris JS.: Sphingosine 1-phosphate and acid ceramidase modulate the subcellular localization of the PTEN tumor suppressor. Gordon Research Conference on Glycolipid and Sphingolipid Biology, Lucca, Italy, 2012 Brandon Bentzley (2009) Manuscript: Bentzley B, Fender K, Aston-Jones G. Behavioral economics for the neuroscientist: A review and new analytical approach. Psychopharmacology. Under Review, 2012 Abstract: Bentzley B Aston-Jones G. Microinjection Of Muscimol Into The Subthalamic Nucleus Attenuates Cocaine Consumption At High Price. MUSC MSTP Research Day, Charleston, SC, March 24, 2012 Bentzley B, Fender K, Aston-Jones G. Behavioral economics for the neuroscientist: Demand curve analysis of the within-session threshold procedure. 13th Annual Frontiers in Neuroscience Research Day, Seabrook Island, SC, 2012 Jennifer Blakely (2007) Manuscript: Eaddy A, Kale V, Blakely J, Kolisetty N, Mock J, Cummings B, Megyesi J, Schnellmann R. Genetic Ablation of Ca2+–Independent Phospholipase A2γ Induces Lipid Peroxidation, Oxidative DNA Damage, and Loss of Phospholipid Homeostasis in Mouse Kidney. Kidney International, Submitted, May 2012 Abstract: Blakely JL, Garrett SM, Beeson CC, Schnellmann RG. 5-Hydroxytryptamine-Class 2 Receptor-Mediated Mitochondrial Biogenesis as a Potential Therapeutic Strategy for Treatment of Acute Kidney Injury. American Society of Nephrology Kidney Week Philadelpha, PA; November 9-12, 2011 Blakely JL, Garrett SM, Beeson CC, Schnellmann RG. Class 2 5-Hydroxytryptamine Receptor-Mediated Mitochondrial Biogenesis as a Potential Therapeutic Strategy for Treatment of Acute Kidney Injury. MUSC MSTP Research Day, Charleston, SC, March 24, 2012 76 Manuscripts: Briggs LE, Kakarla J, Wessels A. The pathogenesis of atrial and atrioventricular septal defects with special emphasis on the role of the dorsal mesenchymal protrusion. Differentiation 2012 May 11. PMID: 22709652 Wessels A, van den Hoff MJ, Adamo RF, Phelps AL, Lockhart MM, Sauls K, Briggs LE, Norris RA, van Wijk B, Perez-Pomares JM, Dettman RW, Burch JB. Epicardially derived fibroblasts preferentially contribute to the parietal leaflets of the atrioventricular valves in the murine heart. Dev Biol 2012 Apr 24. PMID: 22546693 Abstracts: Briggs LE, Kakarla J, Phelps A, Wessels A The Role of Bone Morphogenetic Protein 4 in the Developing Inflow and Outflow Regions of the Heart. The Perry V. Halushka MUSC Student Research Day, Charleston, SC, November 2011 Briggs L, Kakarla J, Phelps A, Wessels A. The Role of Bone Morphogenetic Protein 4 in the Developing Inflow and Outflow Regions of the Heart. MUSC MSTP Research Day, Charleston, SC, March 24, 2012 Briggs LE, Phelps A, Kakarla J, van den Hoff M, Wessels A. BMP Signaling and Atrioventricular Septation. Weinstein Cardiovascular Development Conference, Chicago, IL, May 2-4, 2012 Wessels A, van den Hoff MJ, Adamo RF, Phelps AL, Lockhart MM, Sauls K, Briggs LE, Norris RA, van Wijk B, Perez-Pomares JM, Dettman RW, Burch JB Epicardially derived fibroblasts preferentially contribute to the parietal leaflets of the atrioventricular valves in the murine heart. Weinstein Cardiovascular Development Conference, Chicago, IL, May 2-4, 2012 Robert Cameron (2011) Abstracts: Cameron RB, Lindsey C, Wills LP, Trager RT, Beeson CC, Schnellmann RG, Peterson YK. Rational Development of Novel Biogenic Beta-Adrenergic Selective Agonists. The Perry V. Halushka MUSC Student Research Day, Charleston, SC, November 2011 Cameron RB, Lindsey C, Wills LW, Trager, RT, Beeson, C, Schnellmann RG, Peterson YK. Rational Development of Novel Biogenic Beta-Adrenergic Selective Agonists. MUSC MSTP Research Day, Charleston, SC, March 24, 2012 Joseph Cheng (2005) Manuscripts: Turner LS, Cheng JC, Beckham TH, Keane TE, Norris JS, Liu X. Autophagy is increased in prostate cancer cells overexpressing acid ceramidase and enhances resistance to C6 ceramide. Prostate Cancer and Prostatic Diseases. 2011; 14, 30-37 77 Beckham TH, Lu P, Cheng JC, Zhao D, Turner LS, Zhang X, Hoffman S, Armeson KE, Liu A, Marrison T, Hannun YA, Liu X. Acid ceramidase-mediated production of sphingosine 1-phosphate promotes prostate cancer invasion through upregulation of cathepsin B. International Journal of Cancer. 2012 Feb 9. doi: 10.1002/ijc.27480. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 22322590. Abstracts: Marrison ST, Cheng JC, Beckham TH, Lu P, Liu A, Casey S, Liu X, Norris JS. Acid Ceramidase Over Expression in Response to Cigarette Smoke Exposure, The Perry V. Halushka MUSC Student Research Day, Charleston, SC, November 2011 Beckham TH, Cheng JC, Marrison ST, Liu X, Norris JS. Sphingosine 1-phosphate and acid ceramidase modulate the subcellular localization of the PTEN tumor suppressor. The Perry V. Halushka MUSC Student Research Day, Charleston, SC, November 2011 Cheng JC, Marrison ST, Beckham TH, Keane TE, Marshall DT, Liu X, Norris JS. The Role Of Acid Ceramidase In The Failure Of Radiation Therapy For Prostate Cancer. The Perry V. Halushka MUSC Student Research Day, Charleston, SC, November 2011 Cheng JC, Liu X, Beckham TH, Keane TE, Hannun YA, Norris JS. Sphingolipid Metabolism In The Radiation Resistance And Relapse Of Prostate Cancer. MUSC MSTP Student Research Day, Charleston, SC, March 24, 2012 Marrison ST, Cheng JC, Beckham TH, Lu P, Liu X, Norris JS. Sphingosine 1phosphate receptor signaling in mesenchymal stem cells. MUSC MSTP Research Day, Charleston, SC, March 24, 2012 Cheng JC, Liu X, Beckham TH, Keane TE, Hannun YA, Norris JS. Sphingolipid metabolism in the radiation resistance and relapse of prostate cancer. Keystone Symposium for Inflammation and Carcinogenesis. Dublin, Ireland, May 2012. Danielle Clark (2009) Abstracts: Clark D, Perkel J, Fraser J, Rollins LG, Nie X, Singh I, Jenkins D. NAC and Vitamin D Treatment Improving Hypoxic Ischemic Injury in the Neonatal Rat Model. The Perry V. Halushka MUSC Student Research Day, Charleston, SC, November 2011 Clark D, Perkel J, Fraser J, Rollins LG, Nie X, Singh I, Jenkins D. NAC and Vitamin D Treatment Improving Hypoxic Ischemic Injury in the Neonatal Rat Model. MUSC MSTP Student Research Day, Charleston, SC, March 24, 2012 Clark D, Perkel J, Fraser J, Rollins LG, Nie X, Singh I, Jenkins D. NAC and Vitamin D Treatment Improving Hypoxic Ischemic Injury in the Neonatal Rat Model. DCRI Anniversary Conference and Retreat, Charleston, SC, March 29, 2012 78 Mohammad Dahrouj (2010) Manuscripts: Ablonczy Z, Dahrouj M, Tang PH, Liu Y, Sambamurti K, Marmorstein A D, Crosson CE. Human Retinal Pigment Epithelium Cells as Functional Models for the RPE In Vivo. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, 52(12), 8614-20. doi:10.1167/iovs.118021, 2011 Abstract: Dahrouj M, Ablonczy Z Crosson CE. Natriuretic Peptides Protect the RPE From Advanced Glycation End Products-Induced Barrier Breakdown. The Perry V. Halushka MUSC Student Research Day, Charleston, SC, November 2011 Dahrouj M, McMillin JC, Crosson CE, Ablonczy Z. Using SD-OCT to Study the Effect of VEGF on Fluid Transport Across the RPE in vivo. MUSC MSTP Student Research Day, Charleston, SC, March 24, 2012 Dahrouj M, McMillin JC, Crosson CE, Ablonczy Z. Using SD-OCT to Study the Effect of VEGF on Fluid Transport across the RPE In Vivo. Association for Research in Vision & Ophthalmology (ARVO) Annual Meeting, Ft. Lauderdale, FL, May, 2012. Vivar LJ, Liu Y, Goletz P, Dahrouj M, Tang PH, Ablonczy Z. Human Retinal Pigment Epithelium Cells As Functional Models for Retinoid Metabolism. Association for Research in Vision & Ophthalmology (ARVO) Annual Meeting, Ft. Lauderdale, FL, May, 2012. Ablonczy A, Crosson CE, McMillin JC, Dahrouj M. SD-OCT To Link VEGF-induced RPE Dysfunction with The Development of Wet-AMD. ARVO/ISIE Imaging Conference: May 2012 Anna-Maria De Costa (2006) Manuscripts: De Costa AM, Young MR. Immunotherapy for head and neck cancer: advances and deficiencies. Anticancer Drugs. 2011 Aug;22(7):674-81 De Costa AM, Schuyler CA, Walker DD, Young MR. Characterization of the evolution of immune phenotype during the development and progression of squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck. Cancer Immunol Immunother. 2011 Nov 25 [Epub ahead of print] Walker DD, Reeves TD, De Costa AM, Schuyler CA, Young MR. The effects of 1,25dihydroxyvitamin D3 on tumor-associated immunosuppression in squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck. Cytokine. 2012 March 24 [Epub ahead of print] 79 De Costa AM, Justis D, Schuyler CA, Young MR. Administration of a vaccine composed of dendritic cells pulsed with premalignant oral lesion lysate to mice bearing carcinogen-induced premalignant oral lesions stimulates a protective immune response. International Immunopharmacology. 2012 [Epub ahead of print] Abstracts: De Costa AM, Justis D, Schuyler C, Young R. Characterization of the evolution of immune phenotype during the development and progression of squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck. 11th Annual Hollings Cancer Center Research Retreat, Charleston, SC, November 18, 2011 De Costa AM, Justis D, Schuyler C, Young R. Characterization of the Evolution of Immune Phenotype During the Development and Progression of Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Head and Neck. The Perry V. Halushka MUSC Student Research Day, Charleston, SC, November 2011 Justis DN, De Costa AM, Schuyler C, Young R. The Role of Th17 and Treg Cells During HNSCC Carcinogenesis. The Perry V. Halushka MUSC Student Research Day, Charleston, SC, November 2011 De Costa AM, Justis D, Schuyler C, Young R. Administration Of A Vaccine Composed Of Dendritic Cells Pulsed With Premalignant Oral Lesion Lysate To Mice Bearing Carcinogen-Induced Premalignant Oral Lesions Stimulates A Protective Immune Response. MUSC MSTP Student Research Day, Charleston, SC, March 24, 2012 Danielle Desjardins (2011) Manuscripts: Ewen EP, Snyder CM, Wilson M, Desjardins D, Naya FJ. The Mef2A transcription factor coordinately regulates a costamere gene program in cardiac muscle. J Biol Chem. 2011 Aug 26;286(34):29644-53. Epub 2011 Jul 1. Fast EM, Toomey ME, Panaram K, Desjardins D, Kolaczyk ED, Frydman HM. Wolbachia enhance Drosophila stem cell proliferation and target the germline stem cell niche. Science. 2011 Nov 18;334(6058):990-2. Epub 2011 Oct 20. Layre E, Sweet L, Hong S, Madigan CA, Desjardins D, Young DC, Cheng TY, Annand JW, Kim K, Shamputa IC, McConnell MJ, Debono CA, Behar SM, Minnaard AJ, Murray M, Barry CE 3rd, Matsunaga I, Moody DB. A comparative lipidomics platform for chemotaxonomic analysis of Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Chem Biol. 2011 Dec 23;18(12):1537-49. Abstracts: Desjardins DM, Beeson CC. Mitochondrial Dysfunction in Degenerative Pathologies. The Perry V. Halushka MUSC Student Research Day, Charleston, SC, November 2011 80 Andre Eaddy (2004) Manuscript: Eaddy A, Cummings B, McHowat J, Schnellmann R. The Role of Endoplasmic Reticulum Ca2+-Independent Phospholipase A2γ in Oxidant-induced Lipid Peroxidation, Ca2+ Release, and Renal Cell Death. Toxicol Sci. 2012 May 15. [Epub ahead of print] Eaddy A, Kale V, Blakely J, Kolisetty N, Mock J, Cummings B, Megyesi J, Schnellmann R. Genetic Ablation of Ca2+–Independent Phospholipase A2γ Induces Lipid Peroxidation, Oxidative DNA Damage, and Loss of Phospholipid Homeostasis in Mouse Kidney. Kidney International, Submitted May 2012 Abstract: Eaddy A, Walker C, Caton C. “Crack” the Case: Report of Cocaine/Levamisole-induced Cutaneous Vasculitis. Presented at the Regional and National Society of General Internal Medicine Meetings, February and May 2012 Christopher Gault (2003) Manuscripts: Gault CR. Obeid LM. Still benched on its way to the bedside: sphingosine kinase 1 as an emerging target in cancer chemotherapy. [Review] Critical Reviews in Biochemistry & Molecular Biology. 46(4):342-51, 2011 Aug. Mullen TD, Clarke CJ, Gault CR, Snider AJ, Wu BX, Heffernan-Stroud LA, Hannun YA, and Obeid LM. Complex regulation of sphingoid base metabolism by multiple sphingolipid enzymes. Journal of Lipid Research. Submitted 2012 Abstract: Selvam SP, Peterson YK, Gault CR, Obeid LM, Isaacs JS, Spiegel S, Smith CD, Ogretmen B. Regulation of Telomerase By Sphingosine Kinase 2/Sphingosine-1Phosphate Signaling in Lung Cancer. The Perry V. Halushka MUSC Student Research Day. Charleston, SC. November 2011 Mullen TD, Clarke CJ, Gault CR, Snider AJ, Wu BX, Heffernan LA, Hannun YA, Obeid LM. Complex Regulation Of Sphingoid Base Metabolism By Multiple Sphingolipid Enzymes. MUSC MSTP Research Day, Charleston, SC, March 24, 2012 George Russell Glenn (2010) Abstract: Glenn R, Tabesh A. Retrospective Noise Correction in Diffusional Kurtosis Imaging. MUSC MSTP Student Research Day, Charleston, SC, March 24, 2012 George Daniel Grass (2008) Manuscripts: Grass GD, Bratoeva M, Toole BP. Regulation of Invadopodia Formation and Activity by CD147. J Cell Science; 125(Part3): 777-788, 2012. 81 Dai L, Slomiany MG, Guinea MC, Bratoeva MP, Grass GD, Tolliver LB, Maria BL, Toole BP. CD147-dependent heterogeneity in malignant and chemoresistant properties of cancer cells. American Journal of Pathology. Submitted, May 2012 Wilkerson BA, Grass GD, Wing SB, Argraves WS, Argraves KM. S1P carrierdependent regulation of endothelial barrier: HDL-S1P prolongs endothelial barrier enhancement as compared to albumin-S1P via effects on levels, trafficking and signaling of S1P1. Journal of Biological Chemistry. Submitted, May 2012 Abstract: Grass GD, Bratoeva M, Toole BP. EMMPRIN (CD147) is a Novel Regulator of Invadopodia Formation and Activity. The Perry V. Halushka MUSC Student Research Day. Charleston, SC. November 2011 Wilkerson BA, Grass GD, Wing SB, Argraves WS, Argraves KM. S1P carrierdependent regulation of endothelial barrier: HDL-S1P prolongs endothelial barrier enhancement as compared to albumin-S1P via effects on levels, trafficking and signaling of S1P1. The Perry V. Halushka MUSC Student Research Day. Charleston, SC. November 2011 Grass GD, Bratoeva M, Toole BP. EMMPRIN (CD147) is a Novel Regulator of Invadopodia Formation and Activity. MUSC MSTP Research Day, Charleston, SC, March 24, 2012 Grass GD, Bratoeva M, Toole BP. Emmprin (CD147) is a Novel Regulator of Invadopodia Formation and Activity. 8th Annual APSA Conference. Chicago, IL: April 2729, 2012 Linda Heffernan-Stroud (2004) Manuscripts: Heffernan-Stroud LA, Harper JL. Cutaneous Candida infection following radiation therapy for breast cancer. Journal of Dermatological Case Reports, Submitted 2012 Heffernan-Stroud LA, Obeid LM. Sphingosine kinase 1 and cancer. Advances in Cancer Research, Submitted 2012 Mullen TD, Clarke CJ, Gault CR, Snider AJ, Wu BX, Heffernan-Stroud LA, Hannun YA, Obeid LM. Complex regulation of sphingoid base metabolism by multiple sphingolipid enzymes. Journal of Lipid Research. Submitted 2012 Abstract: Carroll BL, Heffernan-Stroud LA, Obeid LM. Regulation of Sphingosine Kinase 1 By P53-Dependent Proteolysis. The Perry V. Halushka MUSC Student Research Day. Charleston, SC. November 2011 82 Casey O’Dell Holmes (2010) Manuscript: O'Dell CM, Das A, Wallace G 4th, Ray SK, Banik NL. Understanding the basic mechanisms underlying seizures in mesial temporal lobe epilepsy and possible therapeutic targets: a review. J Neurosci Res. 2012 May;90(5):913-24. doi: 10.1002/jnr.22829. Epub 2012 Feb 8. Russell Jenkins (2004) Manuscripts: Jenkins RW, Cannick L, Harper J. Use of MammoSite balloon brachytherapy for early stage breast cancer. Community Oncology 2011;8: 37-40. Hernandez-Corbacho MJ, Jenkins RW, Clarke CJ, Hannun YA, Obeid LM, Snider AJ, Siskind LJ. Accumulation of long-chain glycosphingolipids during aging is prevented by caloric restriction. PLoS One. 2011;6(6):e20411 Truman JP, AI Gadban MM, Smith KJ, Jenkins RW, Mayroo N, Virella G, Lopes-Virella MF, Bielawska A, Hannun YA, Hammad SM. Differential regulation of acid sphingomyelinase in macrophages stimulated with oxidized LDL and oxidized LDL immune complexes: role in phagocytosis and cytokine release. Immunology, In press. 2012 Jenkins RW, McDonald K, Greenberg CS. Numb Chin Syndrome in Acute Myeloid Leukemia. American Journal of Medical Science. Accepted 2012 Salegio EA, Samaranch L, Jenkins RW, Clarke CJ, Lamarre C, Beyer J, Kells AP, Bringas J, San Sebastian W, Richardson RM, Rosenbluth KH, Hannun YA, Bankiewicz KS, Forsayeth J. Safety study of AAV2-mediated human acid sphingomyelinase expression in the non-human primate brain. Human Gene Therapy. Submitted 2012. Jenkins RW, Clarke CJ, Lucas J, Shabbir M, Wu B, Simbari F, Mueller J, Hannun YA, Lazarchick J, Shirai K. Evaluation of the Role of Secretory Sphingomyelinase and Bioactive Sphingolipids as Biomarkers in Hemophagocytic Lymphohistiocytosis. Blood. Submitted 2012 Book Chapters Mullen TD, Jenkins RW, Obeid LM, Hannun YA. Ceramide and Lipid Mediators in Apoptosis In: Apoptosis: Physiology and Pathology. Eds. Reed JC, Green DR. Cambridge University Press. pg. 88-105, 2011. Christopher Bryce Johnson (2009) Manuscripts: Rubinstein MP, Cloud CA, Garrett TE, Moore CJ, Schwartz KM, Johnson CB, Craig DH, Salem ML, Paulos CM, Cole DJ. Ex vivo interleukin-12-priming during CD8(+) T cell activation dramatically improves adoptive T cell transfer antitumor efficacy in a lymphodepleted host. J Am Coll Surg 214(4): 700-8, 2012 83 Johnson CB, Tikunov AP, Lee H, Wolak JE, Pediaditakis P, Romney DA, Holmuhamedov E, Gamcsik MP, Macdonald JM. 13 C magnetic resonance spectroscopy detection of changes in serine isotopomers reflects changes in mitochondrial redox status. Magn Reson Med doi: 10.1002/mrm.23296, 2011 Abstracts: Katikaneni L, Mulvihill DM, Johnson CB, Perkel J, Lambert D, Morgan P, Brown T, Chang E, Caplan M & Jenkins D. Brain biomarkers for the development of motor injury in term newborns exposed to chorioamnionitis; International Society for Developmental Neuroscience Annual Meeting, Mumbai, India, January 2012 Johnson CB, Cloud CA, Rubinstein MP, Cole DJ. Total body irradiation enhances the anti-tumor efficacy of adoptively transferred CD8+ T cells stimulated ex vivo with IL-12; Hollings Cancer Center Research Retreat, Charleston, SC, March 2012 Johnson CB, Cloud CA, Rubinstein MP, Cole DJ. Total body irradiation enhances the anti-tumor efficacy of adoptively transferred CD8+ T cells stimulated ex vivo with IL-12; American Association of Immunologists, Boston, MA, May 2012 Abstract: Johnson CB, Cloud CA, Rubinstein MP, Cole DJ.. Total body irradiation enhances the anti-tumor efficacy of adoptively transferred CD8+ T cells stimulated ex vivo with IL-12. MUSC MSTP Research Day, Charleston, SC, March 24, 2012 Rebecca Weber Knackstedt (2008) Manuscript: Knackstedt R, Moseley D, Wargovich MJ. Epigenetic Mechanisms Underlying DietSourced Compounds in the Prevention and Treatment of Gastrointestinal Cancer. Anticancer Agents Med Chem. In Press, 2012 Book Chapter: Weber R, Taylor B, Engelman D. Laser Tissue Reactions and Dermatology. IN: Basics in Dermatological Laser Applications (First edition). S. Karger AG, ed. Medical and Scientific Publishers. 2011 Abstracts: Knackstedt R. MCAT Success Strategies. SNMA 2011 Regional Conference, Charleston, SC, October 2011. Knackstedt R, Moseley D, Morris J, Wargovich MJ. The Vitamin D receptor and RXR expression related to DNMT levels in a murine model of colitis. AACR Frontiers in Cancer Prevention Research. Boston, MA, October 2011. 84 Knackstedt R, Moseley D, Morris J, Wargovich MJ. The Vitamin D receptor and RXR expression related to DNMT levels in a murine model of colitis. The Perry V. Halushka MUSC Student Research Day. Charleston, SC. November 2011 Knackstedt R. Student Panel on MCAT Success. 2012 Ernest E. Just Symposium, Charleston, SC, February 2012. Knackstedt R, Moseley D, Morris J, Wargovich MJ. VDR and RXRα Expression in Murine Models of Colitis. MUSC MSTP Research Day, Charleston, SC, March 24, 2012 Craig Kutz (2010) Manuscript: Provost JJ, Rastedt D, Canine J, Ngyuen T, Haak A, Kutz C, Berthelsen N, Slusser A, Anderson K, Dorsam G, Wallert MA. Urokinase plasminogen activator receptor induced non-small cell lung cancer invasion and metastasis requires NHE1 transporter expression and transport activity. Cell Onc. 2012 Jan 31. 35,2 - 95-110. Abstracts: Kutz C, Atkison J, Bernanke J, Kubalak S. Noncanonical, Rapid Downstream Crosstalk Between TGFβ and Retinoic Acid Signaling Pathways As Revealed By the Proximity Ligation Assay. The Perry V. Halushka MUSC Student Research Day. Charleston, SC. November 2011 Kutz C, Atkison J, Bernanke J, Kubalak S. Noncanonical, Rapid Downstream Crosstalk Between TGFβ and Retinoic Acid Signaling Pathways As Revealed By the Proximity Ligation Assay. MUSC MSTP Research Day, Charleston, SC, March 24, 2012 Anthony Leonard (2007) Manuscript: Leonard A, Appleton KM, Luttrell LM, Peterson YK. A High-content, Live-cell, and Realtime Approach to the Quantitation of Ligand Induced β-arrestin2 and Class A /Class B GPCR Mobilization. Microscopy and Microanalysis, Submitted May 2012 Abstracts: Leonard AP, Perron N, Nasarre C, Beeson C, Rohrer B. Inhibition of Mitochondrial Fission is Associated with Neuroprotection in Retinitis Pigmentosa. National MD/PhD Student Conference, Keystone, CO, July 2011 Leonard AP, Perron N, Nasarre C, Beeson C, Rohrer B.Mitochondrial Fusion is Linked to Bioenergetic Capacity and Cell Survival in a Cell-based Model of PDE6B-dependent Retinitis Pigmentosa. The Perry V. Halushka MUSC Student Research Day. Charleston, SC. November 2011 Leonard AP, Peterson YK, Perron NR, Beeson CC, Rohrer BM. High Content Imagingbased Automated Classification of Mitochondrial Morphology. MUSC MSTP Research Day, Charleston, SC, March 24, 2012 85 Leonard AP, Peterson YK, Perron NR, Beeson CC, Rohrer BM. High Content Imaging Analysis of Mitochondrial Morphology in Retinal Degeneration. Frontiers in Neuroscience Conference, Seabrook Island, SC, March 2012 Leonard AP, Peterson YK, Perron NR, Beeson CC, Rohrer BM. High Content Imaging Reveals Mitochondrial Morphological Insights into the Mechanism of Neuroprotective Drug Candidates in Retinitis Pigmentosa. National Clinical and Translational Sciences Predoctoral Meeting, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN, May 2012 Sarah Tucker Marrison (2008) Manuscript: Beckham TH, Lu P, Cheng JC, Zhao D, Turner LS, Zhang X, Hoffman S, Armeson KE, Liu A, Marrison T, Hannun YA, Liu X. Acid ceramidase-mediated production of sphingosine 1-phosphate promotes prostate cancer invasion through upregulation of cathepsin B. International Journal of Cancer. 2012 Feb 9. doi: 10.1002/ijc.27480. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 22322590. Beckham TH, Cheng JC, Marrison ST, Norris JS, Liu X. Interdiction of sphingolipid metabolism to improve standard cancer therapies. Advances In Cancer Research. In Press. 2012 Abstract: Marrison ST, Cheng JC, Beckham TH, Lu P, Liu A, Casey S, Liu X, Norris JS. Acid Ceramidase Over Expression in Response to Cigarette Smoke Exposure. Hollings Cancer Center Retreat Fall 2011 Marrison ST, Cheng JC, Beckham TH, Lu P, Liu A, Casey S, Liu X, Norris JS. Acid Ceramidase Over Expression in Response to Cigarette Smoke Exposure. The Perry V. Halushka MUSC Student Research Day, Charleston, SC, November 2011 Beckham TH, Cheng JC, Marrison ST, Liu X, Norris JS. Sphingosine 1-phosphate and acid ceramidase modulate the subcellular localization of the PTEN tumor suppressor. The Perry V. Halushka MUSC Student Research Day, Charleston, SC, November 2011 Cheng JC, Marrison ST, Beckham TH, Keane TE, Marshall DT, Liu X, Norris JS. The Role Of Acid Ceramidase In The Failure Of Radiation Therapy For Prostate Cancer. The Perry V. Halushka MUSC Student Research Day, Charleston, SC, November 2011 Marrison ST, Cheng JC, Beckham TH, Lu P, Liu X, Norris JS. Sphingosine 1phosphate receptor signaling in mesenchymal stem cells. MUSC MSTP Research Day, Charleston, SC, March 24, 2012 Beckham TH, Cheng JC, Marrison ST, Liu X, Norris JS. Sphingosine 1-phosphate and acid ceramidase modulate the subcellular localization of the PTEN tumor suppressor. MUSC MSTP Research Day, Charleston, SC, March 24, 2012 86 Beckham TH, Cheng JC, Marrison ST, Liu X, Norris JS.: Sphingosine 1-phosphate and acid ceramidase modulate the subcellular localization of the PTEN tumor suppressor. MUSC Lipid Signaling In Cancer Program Retreat, Charleston, SC, 2012 Beckham TH, Cheng JC, Marrison ST, Liu X, Norris JS.: Sphingosine 1-phosphate and acid ceramidase modulate the subcellular localization of the PTEN tumor suppressor. Gordon Research Conference on Glycolipid and Sphingolipid Biology, Lucca, Italy, 2012 Ahmad Mashmoushi (2007) Abstracts: Mashmoushi A, Hofbauer A, Donohue J, Ruiz P, Gilkeson G, Perl A, Oates J. Role Of Endothelial Nitric Oxide Synthase (eNOS) in Lupus Nephritis. MUSC MSTP Research Day, Charleston, SC, March 24, 2012 Jamie Mills (2011) Abstracts: Mills JN, Bandurraga SG, Kramer R, Rumboldt T, Neumann C, Turner DP, Findlay VJ. MicroRNA 510 as a Predictive Marker for Response to Platinum-Based Chemotherapy in Triple Negative and HER2+ Breast Cancer Patients. MUSC MSTP Research Day, Charleston, SC, March 24, 2012 Mills JN, Bandurraga SG, Kramer R, Rumboldt T, Neumann C, Turner DP, Findlay VJ. MicroRNA 510 as a Predictive Marker for Response to Platinum-Based Chemotherapy in Triple Negative and HER2+ Breast Cancer Patients. 1st Annual RNA Pathobiology in Cancer Symposium, Charleston, SC, June 2012 Keely Morris (2006) Abstracts: Morris KL, Qiao F, He S, Atkinson C, Kulik L, Holers MV, Tomlinson S. Pathogenic Natural Igm Antibodies Initiate The Inflammatory Response Important For Both HepaticIschemia/Reperfusion Injury And Liver Regeneration After Partial Hepatectomy, The Perry V. Halushka MUSC Student Research Day. Charleston, SC. November 2011 Morris KL, Qiao F, He S, Atkinson C, Kulik L, Holers MV, Tomlinson S. For Both Hepatic Ischemia/Reperfusion Injury And Liver Regeneration After Partial Hepatectomy. MUSC MSTP Research Day, Charleston, SC, March 24, 2012 Khaled Moussawi (2005) Manuscripts: Shen H, Moussawi K, Zhou W, Toda S, Kalivas PW. Heroin relapse requires LTP-like plasticity mediated by NR2B-containing receptors. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 2011, Nov 29;108(48):19407-12 87 Kupchik YM, Moussawi K, Tang XC, Wang X, Kolokithas RA, Ogburn KB, Kalivas PW. The effect of N-acetylcysteine on neurotransmission in the accumbens and relapse to cocaine. Biological Psychiatry. Dec 1 [Epub ahead of print], 2011 Moussawi K, Riegel AC, Nair S, Kalivas PW. Extracellular glutamate: functional compartments operate in different concentration ranges. Front Syst Neurosci. 5:94. Epub 2011 Nov 24, 2011 Wang X, Moussawi K, Shen H, Kalivas PW. Role of mGlur5 neurotransmission in reinstated cocaine-seeking. Addiction Biology. Accepted 2012 Stefanik MT, Moussawi K, Kupchik YM, Smith KC, Miller RL, Huff ML, Deisseroth K, Kalivas PW, LaLumiere RT. Optogenetic inhibition of cocaine seeking in rats. Addiction Biology. Submitted 2012 Thomas Mullen (2003) Manuscripts: Mullen TD, Obeid LM. Ceramide and Apoptosis: Exploring the Enigmatic Connections Between Sphingolipid Metabolism and Programmed Cell Death. Anticancer Agents Med Chem. 2011 Jun 27. [Epub ahead of print]. PMID: 21707511. Mullen TD, Hannun YA, Obeid LM. Ceramide synthases at the centre of sphingolipid metabolism and biology. Biochem J. 2012 Feb 1;441(3):789-802. PMID: 22248339. Mullen TD, Sharma AK, Varma AK. Cervical osteomyelitis after placement of a selfexpanding plastic stent for palliation of dysphagia associated with chemoradiationinduced esophageal strictures. Head Neck. 2012 Feb 24 [Epub ahead of print]PMID: 22367919. Mullen TD, Clarke CJ, Gault CR, Snider AJ, Wu BX, Heffernan-Stroud LA, Hannun YA, Obeid LM. Complex regulation of sphingoid base metabolism by multiple sphingolipid enzymes. Journal of Lipid Research. Submitted 2012 Book Chapters Mullen TD, Jenkins RW, Obeid LM, Hannun YA. Ceramide and Lipid Mediators in Apoptosis In: Apoptosis: Physiology and Pathology. Eds. Reed JC, Green DR. Cambridge University Press. pg. 88-105, 2011. Abstract: Mullen TD, Clarke CJ, Gault CR, Snider AJ, Wu BX, Heffernan LA, Hannun YA, Obeid LM. Complex Regulation Of Sphingoid Base Metabolism By Multiple Sphingolipid Enzymes. MUSC MSTP Research Day, Charleston, SC, March 24, 2012 88 Daniel Neitzke (2010) Abstract: Neitzke D, Taylor J, Khouri G, Borckardt J, George M. Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation of the Left Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex Promotes Resilience, Prevents Learned Helplessness. MUSC MSTP Research Day, Charleston, SC, March 24, 2012 Benjamin Newcomb (2009) Manuscript: Montefusco DJ, Newcomb B, Gandy JL, Brice SE, Matmati N, Cowart LA, Hannun YA. Sphingoid bases and the serine catabolic enzyme CHA1 define a novel Feedforward/Feedback mechanism in the response to serine availability. Journal of Biological Chemistry. 2012, 287(12):9280-9. Abstract: Perry DM, Newcomb B, Wu B, Kitatani K, Hannun YA. Differential Regulation of IL-6 Production by Sphingolipid Catabolism: Role of Acid Sphingomyelinase in p38 Activation. MUSC MSTP Research Day, Charleston, SC, March 24, 2012 Armina Wiggins Omole Manuscript: Wiggins AT, Smith RJ, Shen HW, Kalivas PW. Integrins Modulate Relapse to CocaineSeeking. Journal of Neuroscience 2011, 31(45):16177-16184;doi:10.1523/ JNEUROSCI.3816-11.2011 Abstract: Smith AW, Wiggins AT, Kalivas PW. Matrix Metalloproteinases in Reinstated Cocaine Seeking, The Perry V. Halushka MUSC Student Research Day. Charleston, SC, November 2011 Joseph Palatinus (2005) Manuscripts: Palatinus JA, Rhett JM, Gourdie RG.The connexin43 carboxyl terminus and cardiac gap junction organization. Biochim Biophys Acta. 2012 Aug;1818(8):1831-43. Epub 2011 Aug 9. Abstract: Palatinus JA, Gourdie RG. A Connexin 43 C-terminal peptide increases PKC-epsilon mediated phosphorylation of Connexin 43. International Gap Junction Conference, Ghent, Belgium, July 2011 Palatinus JA, Gourdie RG.Phosphoregulation of the Cx43 Carboxy-terminus in Cardiac Injury. The Perry V. Halushka MUSC Student Research Day. Charleston, SC. November 2011 89 David Perry (2006) Manuscripts: Perry DM, Kitatani K, Roddy P, El-Osta M, Hannun YA. Identification and Characterization of PP2C Activation by Ceramide. J Lipid Res. Accepted 2012 Abstract: Perry DM, Kitatani K, Roddy P, El-Osta M, Hannun Y. Identification and Characterization of PP2C Activation By Ceramide. The Perry V. Halushka MUSC Student Research Day. Charleston, SC. November 2011 Perry DM, Newcomb B, Wu B, Kitatani K, Hannun YA. Differential Regulation of IL-6 Production by Sphingolipid Catabolism: Role of Acid Sphingomyelinase in p38 Activation. MUSC MSTP Research Day, Charleston, SC, March 24, 2012 Saleh Rachidi (2010) Abstract: Rachidi S, Qin T, Zheng J, Li Z. Identifying Cancer-Associated Inflammatory Genes: A Data-Mining Approach. The Perry V. Halushka MUSC Student Research Day. Charleston, SC. November 2011 Rachidi S, Qin T, Zheng J, Li Z. Human Multi-Cancer Gene Expression Analysis Defines an Inflammatory Cancer-Associated Molecular Pattern (iCAMP) with Prognostic Significance. MUSC MSTP Research Day, Charleston, SC, March 24, 2012 Ryan Rhome (2004) Manuscript: Rhome R, Singh A, Kechichian T, Drago M, Morace G, Luberto C, Del Poeta M. Surface localization of glucosylceramide in Cryptococcus neoformans allows targeting as a potential anti-fungal. PLoS One. 2011 Jan 21;6(1):e15572. Qureshi A, Wray D, Rhome R, Barry W, Del Poeta M. Detection of antibody against fungal glucosylceramide in immunocompromised patients. Mycopathologia. 2012 Jun;173(5-6):419-25. Epub 2011 Oct 5. Russo JK, Armeson KE, Rhome R, Spanos M, Harper J. Dose to level I and II axillary lymph nodes and lung by tangential field radiation in patients undergoing postmastectomy radiation with tissue expander reconstruction. Radiation Oncology, 2011 Dec 28;6:179. Abstracts: Rhome R, Wahlquist A, Garrett-Mayer E, Harper JL. Investigation of Epidemiological Factors As Barriers To Indicated Radiation Therapy in Post-Mastectomy Breast Cancer Patients in South Carolina. San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium, San Antonio, TX, 2011 90 Douglas Roberts-Wolfe (2011) Manuscript: Roberts-Wolfe D, Sacchet M, Hastings E, Roth H and Britton W. Mindfulness training alters emotional memory recall compared to active controls: support for an emotional information processing model of mindfulness. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 6:15. doi:10.3389/fnhum.2012.00015, 2012 Sarah Brice Russo (2010) Manuscripts: Montefusco DJ, Newcomb B, Gandy JL, Brice SE, Matmati N, Cowart LA, Hannun YA. Sphingoid bases and the serine catabolic enzyme CHA1 define a novel Feedforward/Feedback mechanism in the response to serine availability. Journal of Biological Chemistry. 2012, 287(12):9280-9. Book Chapter: Brice SE, Ross JS, Cowart LA. Sphingolipids in obesity, type 2 diabetes, and metabolic disease. IN: Sphingolipids in Health and Disease. Erich Gulbins, ed. In press, 2012 Abstracts: Brice SE, Van Laer A, Baicu CF, Geng T, Kasiganesan H, Zile M, Cowart LA. Bioactive Sphingolipids Regulate Cardiac Hypertrophy and Autophagy in Lipid Overload: A Role for Myristate and Its Derivatives. The Perry V. Halushka MUSC Student Research Day, Charleston, SC, November 2011 Brice SE. A High-Myristate Diet Induces Sphingolipid-Dependent Cardiac Hypertrophy, Dysfunction, and Autophagy: A Requirement for (Dihydro)Ceramide Synthase 5 in Sphingolipid-Dependent Cardiac Autophagy. Southeastern Regional Lipid Conference – Cashiers, NC, November, 2011 Brice SE, Baicu CF, Van Laer A, Geng T, Kasiganesan H, Zile MR, Cowart LA. The Role of Sphingolipids and (Dihydro) Ceramide Synthase 5 in Diabetic Cardiomyopathy in Mice. MUSC MSTP Research Day, Charleston, SC, March 24, 2012 Brice SE. The Role of Sphingolipids and (Dihydro)Ceramide Synthase 5 in Diabetic Cardiomyopathy. Biochemistry Research and Methods Seminar, Medical University of South Carolina, Charleston, SC, March, 2012 Brice SE. The Role of Sphingolipids and (Dihydro)Ceramide Synthase 5 in Diabetic Cardiomyopathy. Society for Heart and Vascular Metabolism Annual Meeting, Oxford, United Kingdom, June, 2012 Sahar Saddoughi (2006) Manuscript: Saddoughi SA, Garrett-Mayer E, Chaudhary U, O'Brien PE, Afrin LB, Day TA, Gillespie MB, Sharma AK, Wilhoit CS, Bostick R, Senkal CE, Hannun YA, Bielawski J, Simon GR, Shirai K, Ogretmen B. Results of a phase II trial of gemcitabine plus doxorubicin in 91 patients with recurrent head and neck cancers: serum C₁₈-ceramide as a novel biomarker for monitoring response. Clin Cancer Res. 2011 Sep 15;17(18):6097-105. Epub 2011 Jul 26. Senkal CE, Ponnusamy S, Manevich Y, Meyers-Needham M, Saddoughi SA, Mukhopadyay A, Dent P, Bielawski J, Ogretmen B. Alteration of ceramide synthase 6/C16-ceramide induces activating transcription factor 6-mediated endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress and apoptosis via perturbation of cellular Ca2+ and ER/Golgi membrane network. J Biol Chem. 2011 Dec 9;286(49):42446-58. Epub 2011 Oct 19. Abstracts: Creel JS, Saddoughi S, Ogretmen B. The Effect of Fingolimod (FTY720) on Small Cell Lung Cancer and Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer. The Perry V. Halushka MUSC Student Research Day. Charleston, SC. November 2011 Jennifer Scott (2009) Manuscript: Cunningham MA, Naga OS, Eudaly JG, Scott JL, Gilkeson GS. Estrogen receptor alpha modulates toll-like receptor signaling in murine lupus. Clinical immunology. 2012, 144(1):1-12. Abstracts: Scott JL, Cunningham M, Naga OS, Gilkeson G. Absence of Estrogen Receptor Alpha Reduces Plasmacytoid Dendritic Cells and Type I Interferon Production in Lupus Prone Mice. The Perry V. Halushka MUSC Student Research Day. Charleston, SC. November 2011 Scott JL, Cunningham M, Naga OS, Gilkeson G. Absence of Estrogen Receptor Alpha Reduces the Number and Function of Plasmacytoid Dendritic Cells in Lupus Prone Mice. MUSC MSTP Research Day, Charleston, SC, March 24, 2012 Amena Smith Manuscript: Smith AW, Rohrer B, Wheless L, Samantaray S, Ray S, Inoue J, Azuma M, Banik N. The effect of calpain inhibition on visual pathway function during the course of chronicprogressive optic neuritis. J Neurosci. Submitted 2012 Abstract: Smith AW, Wiggins AT, Kalivas PW. Matrix Metalloproteinases in Reinstated Cocaine Seeking, The Perry V. Halushka MUSC Student Research Day. Charleston, SC, November 2011 92 Joshua Smith (2008) Manuscripts: McDowell ML, Das A, Smith JA, Varma AK, Ray SK, Banik NL. Neuroprotective effects of genistein in VSC4.1 motoneurons exposed to activated microglial cytokines. Neurochem Int. 2011;59(2):175-84. PMCID: 3153433. Smith JA, Das A, Ray SK, Banik NL. Role of pro-inflammatory cytokines released from microglia in neurodegenerative diseases. Brain Res Bull. 2012;87(1):10-20. Haar CP, Hebbar P, Wallace GCt, Das A, Vandergrift WA, 3rd, Smith JA, et al. Drug resistance in glioblastoma: a mini review. Neurochem Res. 2012;37(6):1192-200. Park S, Nozaki K, Guyton MK, Smith JA, Ray SK, Banik NL. Calpain Inhibition Attenuated Morphological and Molecular Changes in Skeletal Muscle of Experimental Allergic Encephalomyelitis Rats. J Neurosci Res. In press, 2012 Abstracts: Smith JA, Das A, Wallace GC, Ray SK, Banik NL. Estrogen Receptor Agonists Protect Against Glutamate Excitotoxicity In Spinal Cord Slice Cultures. The Perry V. Halushka MUSC Student Research Day. Charleston, SC. November 2011 Smith JA, Das A, Wallace GC IV, Ray SK, Banik NL. Estrogen receptor agonists protect against glutamate excitotoxicity in rat spinal cord slices. American Society for Neurochemistry 2012 Meeting, Baltimore, MD. Smith JA, Park S, Das A, Nozaki K, Krause JS, Banik NL. Identifying Telomerase as a Target for Estrogen Neuroprotection Following Spinal Cord Injury. MUSC MSTP Research Day, Charleston, SC, March 24, 2012 Kyle Strickland (2005) Abstract: Strickland KC, Krupenko SA. Regulation of Mitochondrial Protein Biosynthesis By Formylation and Deformylation of MethionyltRNA. The Perry V. Halushka MUSC Student Research Day. Charleston, SC, November 2011 Alton Sutter (2007) Manuscript: Evans ZP, Palanisamy AP, Sutter AG, Ellett JD, Ramshesh VK, Attaway H, Schmidt MG, Schnellmann RG, Chavin KD. Mitochondrial uncoupling protein-2 deficiency protects steatotic mouse hepatocytes from hypoxia/reoxygenation. Am J Physiol Gastrointest Liver Physiol. 2012 Feb 1;302(3):G336-42. Epub 2011 Nov 17. Abstracts: Sutter A, Ellett J, Chavin K. Interleukin-10 And Kupffer Cells Protect The Fatty Liver From Ischemia And Reperfusion Injury. The Perry V. Halushka MUSC Student Research Day. Charleston, SC. November 2011 93 Sutter AG, Chavin KD. TLR4 Knockout Protects Obese Mice from Steatosis Associated Liver Inflammation and Injury. MUSC MSTP Research Day, Charleston, SC, March 24, 2012 Peter Tang (2006) Manuscripts: Boyer NP, Tang PH, Higbee D, Ablonczy Z, Crouch RK, Koutalos Y. Lipofuscin and A2E accumulate with age in the retinal pigment epithelium of Nrl-/- mice. Photochem Photobiol 2012, 10.1111/j.1751-1097.2012.01127.x. Tang PH, Buhusi M, Ma JX, Crouch RK. RPE65 is present in human green/red cones and promotes photopigment regeneration in an in vitro cone cell model. J Neurosci 2011, 31(50):18618-18626 Ablonczy Z, Dahrouj M, Tang PH, Liu Y, Sambamurti K, Marmorstein AD, Crosson C. Human retinal pigment epithelium cells as functional models for the RPE in vivo. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 2011, 52(12):8614-8620 Tang PH, Kono M, Koutalos Y, Ablonczy Z, Crouch RK. New insights into the retinoid metabolism and cycle of the retina. Prog Retin Eye Res. In Press 2012 Tang PH, Vivar LJ, Dahrouj M, Liu Y, Oatis Jr. J, Ablonczy Z. Retinoid metabolism and chromophore synthesis in cultured fetal human retinal pigment epithelium cells. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. Submitted 2012 Book Chapter: Tang PH, Crouch RK. The essential role of retinoids as ligands for visual pigment formation and survival of cone photoreceptors. IN: CRC Handbook of Photochemistry & Photobiology. In Press 2012 Abstract: Tang PH, Buhusi M, Crouch RK. RPE65 Protein is Present Within Human Cones to Enhance Photopigment Regeneration for Vision. The Perry V. Halushka MUSC Student Research Day. Charleston, SC. November 2011 Tang PH, Wheless L, Ma JX, Crouch RK. RPE65 Is Present Within Human Cone Photoreceptors And Is Required For Efficient Cone Visual Pigment Regeneration. The Perry V. Halushka MUSC Student Research Day. Charleston, SC. November 2011 Vivar LJ, Liu Y, Goletz P, Dahrouj M, Tang PH, Ablonczy Z. Human Retinal Pigment Epithelium Cells As Functional Models for Retinoid Metabolism. Association for Research in Vision & Ophthalmology (ARVO) Annual Meeting, Ft. Lauderdale, FL, May, 2012. 94 Joseph Taylor (2008) Manuscript: Taylor JJ, Borckardt JJ, George MS (2012) Endogenous Opioids Mediate Left Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex rTMS-Induced Analgesia. Pain 153, 1219-1225. Book Chapter: George MS, Taylor JJ, Short B: Treating the Depressions with Superficial Brain Stimulation Methods (ECT, TES, TMS, rTMS, tDCS, epidural and subdural stimulation). IN: Handbook of Brain Stimulation, Lozano and Hallett (eds.); Handbook of Clinical Neurology, 3rd Series, Elsevier Press, 2012. Abstract: Taylor JJ, Borckardt JJ, George MS. Endogenous Opioids Mediate Left Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex RTMS-Induced Analgesia. The Perry V. Halushka MUSC Student Research Day. Charleston, SC. November 2011 Neitzke D, Taylor J, Khouri G, Borckardt J, George M. Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation of the Left Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex Promotes Resilience, Prevents Learned Helplessness. MUSC MSTP Research Day, Charleston, SC, March 24, 2012 Taylor JJ, Borckard JJ, George MS. Endogenous opioids mediate left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex rTMS-induced analgesia. 23rd Annual Meeting of the American Neuropsychiatric Association, 2012. Salatino A, Li X, Taylor JJ, Mu Q, Bohning D, George MS, Ricci. Imaging the neural correlates of rightward neglect-like bias in healthy volunteers: an interleaved TMS/fMRI study. 8th Federation of European Neuroscience Societies (FENS) Forum of Neuroscience, 2012. Hanlon CA, Canterberry M, Taylor JJ, DeVries W, Li X, Brown TS, George MS. Differentiating neural networks with interleaved TMS-BOLD imaging. Society for Brain Mapping and Therapeutics. Annual Meeting, Toronto, CA. June 2012. Lee Wheless (2005) Manuscripts: Barnado A, Wheless L, Meyer AK, Gilkeson GS, Kamen DL. Quality of Life in Patients with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) Compared to Related Controls within a Unique African American Cohort. Lupus 2012; 21:563-9. Wheless L, Kistner-Griffin E, Jorgensen TJ, Ruczinski I, Berthier-Schaad Y, Kessing B, Hoffman-Bolton J, Francis L, Shugart YY, Strickland PT, Kao WHL, Alani RM, Smith MW, Alberg AJ. A community-based study of nucleotide excision repair polymorphisms in relation to risk of non-melanoma skin cancer. J Invest Dermatol 2012; 132:1354-62. 95 Ruczinski I*, Jorgensen TJ* (co-first authors), Shugart YY, Berthier-Schaad Y, Kessing B, Hoffman-Bolton J, Helzlsouer KJ, Kao WHL, Wheless L, Francis L, Alani RM, Strickland PT, Smith MW, Alberg AJ. Nonmelanoma skin cancer as a marker of a cancer-prone phenotype: Potential role of DNA repair gene variants. Carcinogenesis. In press 2012 Jorgensen TJ, Ruczinski I, Wheless L, Shugart YY, Berthier-Schaad Y, Kessing B, Hoffman-Bolton J, Helzlsouer KJ, Kao WHL, Francis L, Alani RM, Strickland PT, Smith MW, Alberg AJ. Variants in Hedgehog genes and the risk of cancer. Cancer Epidemiol. In press 2012 Alberg AJ, Jorgensen TJ, Ruczinski I, Wheless L, Shugart YY, Berthier-Schaud Y, Kessing B, Hoffman-Bolton J, Helzlsouer KJ, Kao WHL, Francis L, Alani R, Smith MW, Strickland PT. “DNA repair gene variants in relation to overall cancer risk: A populationbased study. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev. Submitted 2012 Smith AW, Rohrer B, Wheless L, Samantaray S, Ray S, Inoue J, Azuma M, Banik N. The effect of calpain inhibition on visual pathway function during the course of chronicprogressive optic neuritis. J Neurosci. Submitted 2012 Jorgensen TJ, Ruczinski I, Wheless L, Shugart YY, Berthier-Schaad Y, Kessing B, Hoffman-Bolton J, Helzlsouer KJ, Kao WHL, Francis L, Alani RM, Strickland PT, Smith MW, Alberg AJ. Fibroblast growth factor 2 receptor polymorphisms associated with increased risk of basal cell carcinoma. J Invest Dermatol. Submitted 2012 Wheless L, Kistner-Griffin E, Shugart YY, Kao WHL, Jorgensen TJ, Berthier-Schaad Y, Kessing B, Hoffman-Bolton J, Ellerbe C, Francis L, Strickland PT, Alani RM, Smith MW, Alberg AJ, Ruczinski I. Practical consideration in exploring gene-gene interactions: An example using nucleotide excision repair pathway genes in relation to nonmelanoma skin cancer. In preparation 2012 Wheless L*, Lam TK* (co-first authors), Jorgensen TJ, Ruczinski I, Berthier-Schaad Y, Kessing B, Hoffman-Bolton J, Woodward L, Yao Y, Strickland PT, Smith MW, Alberg AJ. XPD variant Lys751Gln is associated with increased risk of lung cancer independent of smoking. In preparation 2012 Barnado A, Wheless L, Meyer AK, Gilkeson GS, Kamen DL. Pregnancy Outcomes among African American Patients with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) Compared to Controls. In preparation 2012 Abstracts: Tang PH, Wheless L, Ma JX, Crouch RK. RPE65 Is Present Within Human Cone Photoreceptors And Is Required For Efficient Cone Visual Pigment Regeneration. The Perry V. Halushka MUSC Student Research Day. Charleston, SC. November 2011 96 Wheless L, Kistner-Griffin E, Jorgensen TJ, Ruczinski I, Berthier-Schaad Y, Kessing B, Hoffman-Bolton J, Woodward L, Yao Y, Strickland PT, Kao WHL, Alani RM, Smith MW, Alberg AJ. A Community-Based Study Of Nucleotide Excision Repair Polymorphisms In Relation To Risk Of Non-Melanoma Skin Cancer. MUSC MSTP Research Day, Charleston, SC, March 24, 2012 Wheless L, Kistner-Griffin E, Jorgensen TJ, Ruczinski I, Berthier-Schaad Y, Kessing B, Hoffman-Bolton J, Francis L, Shugart YY, Strickland PT, Kao WHL, Alani RM, Smith MW, Alberg AJ. A community-based study of nucleotide excision repair polymorphisms in relation to risk of non-melanoma skin cancer. AACR annual meeting, Chicago, IL, March 2012 Wheless L, Kistner-Griffin E, Shugart YY, Kao WHL, Jorgensen TJ, Berthier-Schaad Y, Kessing B, Hoffman-Bolton J, Francis L, Strickland PT, Alani RM, Smith MW, Alberg AJ, Ruczinski I. Practical consideration in exploring gene-gene interactions: An example using nucleotide excision repair pathway genes in relation to nonmelanoma skin cancer. Society for Investigative Dermatology annual meeting, Raleigh, NC, May 2012 Ryan Whitaker (2008) Manuscript: Smith MA, McInnes C, Whitaker RM, Lindsey CC, Comer RF, Beeson CC, Schnellmann RG. Calpain 10 Homology Modeling with CYGAK and Increased Lipophilicity Leads to Greater Potency and Efficacy in Cells. ACS Chem Biol. [Epub ahead of print]. 2012 Abstract: Whitaker RM, Covington MD, Schnellmann RG. (2011). Calpain 10 Loss Mediates Increased Susceptibility to Nephrotoxicity. American Society of Nephrology Kidney Week, Philadelphia, PA. November 2011 Whitaker RM, Smith MA, Covington, MD, Schnellmann, RG (2012). Depletion of Renal Calpain 10 Mediates Early Renal Mitochondrial Dysfunction in Streptozotocin-Induced Diabetic Rats. Keystone Symposium - Mitochondrial Dynamics and Function, Banff, Alberta, Canada. March 2012 Whitaker R, Wills L, Schnellmann R. Stimulation of Mitochondrial Biogenesis with PDE3 Inhibitors. MUSC MSTP Research Day, Charleston, SC, March 24, 2012 Parker Wilson (2005) Manuscript: El-Shewy HM, Sohn M, Wilson P, Lee MH, Hammad SM, Luttrell LM, Jaffa AA. Lowdensity lipoprotein induced expression of connective tissue growth factor via transactivation of sphingosine 1-phosphate receptors in mesangial cells. Mol Endocrinol. 2012 May;26(5):833-45. Epub 2012 Mar 15. 97 Xiaoyi Zhang (2008) Abstracts: Zhang X, Yu H, Kirkwood KL. MKP-1 deficiency enhances epithelial neoplasia in a murine oral cancer model. The Perry V. Halushka MUSC Student Research Day. Charleston, SC. November 2011 Zhang X, Yu H, D’Silva N, Kirkwood KL. MKP-1 Deficiency Enhances Murine Oral Neoplasia. MUSC MSTP Research Day, Charleston, SC, March 24, 2012 Zhang X, Yu H, D’Silva N, Kirkwood KL. MKP-1 deficiency enhances murine oral neoplasia at the MUSC 10th Annual Head and Neck Multidisciplinary Research Workshop, Charleston, SC, April 2012; 1st place Zhang X, Yu H, D’Silva N, Kirkwood KL. MKP-1 deficiency enhances murine oral neoplasia at the Keystone Symposia: The Role of Inflammation in Carcinogenesis, Dublin, Ireland, May 2012 98 College of Graduate Studies College of Dental Medicine DENTAL SCIENTIST TRAINING PROGRAM STUDENTS DSTP Students Michael DeFee Alfred Griffin David Sentelle Matriculation Date 6/06 6/07 6/07 Haley Buff Lindner 6/07 Jessica Trombetta-eSilva 6/08 Bethany Herbert 6/10 Advisor Dr. C. Parsons Dr. K. Kirkwood Dr. B. Ogretmen Undergraduate School Clemson University University of Virginia Clemson University/ Drexel University (MS) Dr. R. Muise-Helmericks College of Charleston Dr. A. Bradshaw College of Charleston Dr. K. Kirkwood College of Charleston DSTP Graduates (2008-2012) NAME Undergraduate Year Institution DSTP Graduated Millie College of 2010 Embree Charleston (BS) Gabrielle Furman Ferguson- University (BS) Cannick 2009 Jonathan Mitchell College of Charleston (BS) 2008 Megan Kibbey Amal Rastogi Wheaton College (BS) Oklahoma State University (BS & MS) 2008 2008 Last known or Current Position Notes Postdoc/Asst. Professor Columbia University Dental School Private Practice with Father in Charleston area and raising family Pediatric Residency Program University of Washington Dental School Assistant Professor Tufts University Private Practice Periodontics Virginia Awarded NIH NRSA F30 while at MUSC Fundable Score K99/R00 Awarded NIH NRSA F30 while at MUSC Awarded NIH NRSA F30 while at MUSC Awarded NIH NRSA F30 while at MUSC Awarded NIH NRSA F30 while at MUSC HIGHLIGHTS (2011-2012) In the past year, Drs. Keith Kirkwood and Michael Kern have maintained the program as viable and healthy through their leadership with the T32 trainees and the MUSC administration. This past year was the first year of a five-year renewal period for the T32 NIDCR award. It was one of stable and incremental strengthening of the programmatic changes designed and implemented over the past four years to ensure an excellent research and training environment for DMD PhD students. For example the dynamic changes over last four years included a new director of the program (Dr. Keith 99 Kirkwood), a new PhD Graduate Program approved by the MUSC Board of Trustees (Craniofacial Biology), and new faculty recruitments to this Program. Most important to the program is that our students are active researchers, publishing their data and presenting it at national/international meetings. 1. More DSTP trainees transition to F awards: One assessment of the active nature of the research our students are performing is their ability to obtain funding for their research training. This past year saw a continuation of the trend that our DSTP trainees have a high percentage of obtaining NIH-NRSA F30 awards; both Haley Buff-Lindner and Jessica Trombetta-eSilva received an F30 award. To date, ten of our eleven eligible DSTP trainees have been awarded an NIH-NRSA award, which is far ahead of the national average. As they “graduate” from the T32, this will allow us to recruit new students and thus expand the training program. In this context a new DSTP student was added, Emilie Rosset, who matriculated in June of 2012. Also new students have joined the PhD tract of CranioFacial Biology thus increasing the core of Oral Health research trainees at MUSC. 2. T32 Training program rebranded: The previous iteration of the T32 called the training program the MUSC Dental Research Training Program. With the MUSC Board of Trustees approving designation for the Center of Oral Health as a University Center of Research Excellence, trying to integrate the COBRE along with the T32, as well as expanding the program to include Ph.D. predoctoral trainees, a new nomenclature was devised. The Training portion of the Center for Oral Health Research is now designated as T-COHR. The Laboratory/Research Core portion is now designated L-COHR. Finally the Clinical Core is designated as C-COHR. This rebranding does not change anything for the DSTP trainees rather it incorporates a slight reorganization to facilitate efficiency as well as ease of identification of people and their roles. 3. Second Annual CDM Scholar’s Day: One of the year’s major highlights was the Second Annual College of Dental Medicine (CDM) Scholar’s Day held February 23rd 2012 at the new Bioengineering and Drug Discovery complex. This event included an ASDA sponsored vendor fair, judged poster presentations, lunch and a keynote speaker. Posters were presented by three different groups associated with the Oral Health Research on campus: (i) every third year CDM student is required to present their table clinic work, (ii) PhD and DMD/PhD students, and finally the (iii) postdocs. Each of the three groups mentioned above had cash awards for the first ($500), second ($250) and third ($100) places. A total of 58 posters were presented that day. The keynote speaker was Christopher H. Fox DMD, MSc, DMSc, who presented a talk entitled “Advocating for Dental and Craniofacial Research”. He is the Executive Director of the International Association of Dental Research. 4. Training environment and DSTP applicant pool enhanced by a new R25 award: Dr. Kirkwood was recently awarded an R25 (1R25DE022677-01; activation date 6/01/12) to support 8 undergraduates for the summer period to perform oral health research in CDM labs. For the next five years of this award, these positions allow us to expose the best and brightest undergraduates to oral health research and the research environment at MUSC. Thus, not only is this 100 award recognition of an excellent training environment focusing on oral health, but this will strengthen our DSTP since it will be an advantage in recruitment. It should be noted that our two most recent T32 supported DSTP students (Bethany Herbert and Emilie Rosset) participated in the SURP at MUSC and are a testament to its ability to enhance recruitment. 5. Expected renewal of Dental P20 COBRE award will positively impact DSTP training environment: The ten years of funding from NCRR via the COBRE mechanism has dramatically enhanced the research environment of the College of Dental Medicine; from recruiting new faculty, to initiating and enhancing research cores with advanced technology (e.g. Laser capture microscopy, qRTPCR and MicroCT), it has helped to focus attention on research by ALL members of the college. This positive impact continues with COBRE supported Junior Faculty now receiving an R01, a few R03’s and an R21 in this current year. More importantly for the next year is that the priority score for the COBRE 5 year renewal was competitive and likely to get funded, starting July 1st, 2012. AWARDS, HONORS AND MILESTONES 2011-2012 Student’s Name (Year of Matriculation) David Sentelle (2007) First Place: Ceramide Mediates LC3B Dependent Mitophagy and Tumor Suppression, MUSC Scholars Day, Charleston SC, March 2012 National Research Service Award, Department of Health and Humans Services, National Institutes of Health, National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research; F30DE021295-01 First place in the MUSC CDM Scholars Day (PhD/DSTP category) Feb 2012 Ph.D. Dissertation Defense completed June 20, 2012 Alfred Griffin (2007) Invited speaker at the Japanese Bone Research Symposium Feb 2012 Second place in the MUSC CDM Scholars Day (PhD/DSTP category) Feb 2012 Hatton Award Finalist AADR meeting Tampa March 2012 Michael DeFee (2006) Ph.D. Dissertation Defense completed August 2011 Haley Buff Lindner (2007) First Place Oral Presentation for Veterans Affairs (MUSC Student Research Day 2011) First Place Oral Presentation PhD VII (MUSC Student Research Day 2011) Third Place in the MUSC CDM Scholars Day (PhD/DSTP category) Feb 2012 Selected as Young Investigators Award Winner (Wound Healing Society, Atlanta 2012) National Research Service Award, Department of Health and Humans Services, National Institutes of Health, National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research 101 Jessica Trombetta-eSilva (2008) National Research Service Award, Department of Health and Humans Services, National Institutes of Health, National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research PUBLICATIONS 2011-2012 Michael DeFee (2006) Manuscripts: Dai L, Qin Z, DeFee M, Toole B, Kirkwood KL, Parsons C. Kaposi sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (KSHV) induces a functional tumor-associated phenotype for oral fibroblasts. Cancer Lett 2012;318(2): 214-20 David Sentelle (2007) Manuscripts: Meyers-Needham M, Lewis JA, Gencer S, Sentelle RD, Saddoughi SA, Clarke CJ, Hannun YA, Norell H, da Palma TM, Nishimura M, Kraveka JM, Khavandgar Z, Murshed M, Cevik MO, Ogretmen B. Off-Target Function of the Sonic Hedgehog Inhibitor Cyclopamine in Mediating Apoptosis via Nitric Oxide-Dependent Neutral Sphingomyelinase 2/Ceramide Induction. Mol Cancer Ther. 2012 May;11(5):1092-102. Epub 2012 Mar 27. Abstracts R. David Sentelle, Suriyan Ponnusamy, Can Senkal and Besim Ogretmen Role of Ceramide in Inducing Lethal Autophagy in Head and Neck Cancer MUSC CDM Scholar’s Day Feb 2012 Poster Presentation R. David Sentelle, Suriyan Ponnusamy, Can Senkal and Besim Ogretmen Ceramide suffocates cancer cells to death: Regulation of mitophagy by ceramide signaling. American Association of Cancer Research-102nd Annual Meeting, Orlando FL April 2012 Alfred Griffin (2007) Manuscripts: Griffin III, A.C., Kern, M., Kirkwood, K.L. MKP-1 is Essential for Canonical Vitamin Dinduced RANKL Expression and Function. J. Mol. Endocrinology (provisionally accepted) Abstracts A.C. Griffin, III and K.L. Kirkwood MKP-1 is Required for Canonical 1,25(OH)2D3signaling and Osteoclastogenesis Tampa 2012 American Association for Dental Research Annual Meeting, March 24th, 2012 Hatton Competition finalist 102 Haley Buff Lindner (2007) Manuscripts Beeson CC, Beeson GC, Buff H, Eldridge J, Zhang A, Seth A, Demcheva M, Vournakis JN, Muise-Helmericks RC. Integrin-dependent Akt1 activation regulates PGC-1 expression and fatty acid oxidation. J Vasc Res. 2012;49(2):89-100. Vournakis, J.N., Fischer, T., Lindner, H.B., Demcheva, M., Seth, A. and MuiseHelmericks, R.C. Poly-N-acetyl Glucosamine Nanofibers Derived from a Marine Diatom: Applications in Diabetic Wound Healing and Tissue Regeneration. (2011) Nanotechnology and Nanomedicine in Diabetes, in press. Abstracts Haley Buff Lindner, Aiguo Zhang, Juanita Eldridge, Marina Demcheva, Arun Seth, Philip Tsichlis, Rick Visconti, Amy Bradshaw, John Vournakis and Robin C. MuiseHelmericks pGlcNAc nanofibers from a marine diatom stimulate a scarless wound healing program Poster presentation at Student Research Day, Medical University of South Carolina. (Nov., 2011), MUSC CDM Scholars Day (Feb. 2012), and the Wound Healing Society Atlanta Georgia (April 2012) (This poster was selected to compete in the Young Investigator Award Competition). Jessica Trombetta-eSilva (2008) Manuscript: Jessica Trombetta-eSilva and Amy D Bradshaw. Review: The Function of SPARC as a Mediator of Fibrosis. Open Rheumatology Journal March 2012. Abstracts: Jessica Trombetta-eSilva, Keith L. Kirkwood, and Amy D. Bradshaw SPARC is Critical To Maintain Periodontal Ligament Integrity Collagen Gordon Conference: July 2011, Poster Presentation Jessica Trombetta-eSilva and Amy D. Bradshaw SPARC and the Collagenous Extracellular Matrix of the Periodontal Ligament MUSC Student Research Day 11/04/2011, Oral Presentation Jessica Trombetta-eSilva and Amy D. Bradshaw SPARC has a Two-Fold Mechanism to Maintain Periodontal Ligament Integrity Department of Medicine Student Research Day: 01/19/2012, Poster Jessica Trombetta-eSilva and Amy D. Bradshaw Mechanisms of SPARC in Periodontal Ligament Collagen Deposition:Transglutaminase Inhibition and Enhanced Procollagen Processing Craniofacial Biology 2nd Annual Scholars Day: 02/24/2012, Poster Presentation 103 Jessica Trombetta-eSilva and Amy D. Bradshaw Mechanisms of SPARC in Periodontal Ligament Collagen Deposition:Transglutaminase Inhibition and Enhanced Procollagen Processing American Association of Dental Research Conference: March 2012, Poster Bethany Herbert (2010) Publications Sustained MAPK Activation with Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans Causes Inflammatory Bone Loss. Joni Dunmyer, Bethany Herbert, Qiyan Li, Robert Zinna, Kylie Martin, Hong Yu, and Keith L. Kirkwood. (revised manuscript under review). Abstracts: B.A. Herbert, S. Talwar, Y. Padwad, V. Palanisamy. DNA Damage Activates MK2mediated Cell Cycle Control by Post-Transcriptional Regulation of Cyclin. Perry V. Halushka MUSC Student Research Day, November 4th, 2011. B.A. Herbert, S. Talwar, Y. Padwad, K. Kirkwood, V.Palanisamy. MK2 Mediates Cell Cycle Control by Post-transcriptional Regulation of Cyclin B1. MUSC Dental Scholars Day, February 23rd, 2012 B.A. Herbert, M. Gray, Q. Li, H. Yu, and K.L. Kirkwood. Tristetraprolin is Essential to Maintain Alveolar Bone Homeostasis. American Association for Dental Research Annual Meeting, March 24th, 2012 GOALS for 2012-2013 Re-evaluate our recruitment and admissions process Increase the size and quality of our applicant pool 104 Molecular & Cellular Biology & Pathobiology Program Donald R. Menick, Ph.D., Director Division Directors Dennis K. Watson, Ph.D. Cancer Biology Donald R. Menick, Ph.D. Cardiovascular Biology Joseph Schoepf, M.D. Michael Rosol, Ph.D. Cardiovascular Imaging Steven A. Rosenzweig, Ph.D. Cell Regulation Keith L. Kirkwood, DDS, Ph.D. Caroline Westwater, Ph.D. Craniofacial Biology Andy Wessels, Ph.D. Genetics and Development Eric R. Lacy, Ph.D. Marine Biomedicine and Environmental Science Progress Committee Dr. Craig Beeson Dr. Edward L. Krug Dr. Steven W. Kubalak Dr. Donald R. Menick Students Student’s Name Al Sarraf, Oday Alge, Joseph Allen, Emily Matriculation Date 2010 2010 2010 Aseem, Obaidullah Bertin, Matthew Briggs, Laura Brunelle, Stephanie 2006 2008 2008 2005 Cantu, Theresa Corum, Daniel 2011 2009 Cribben, Kathryn Czajka, Caitlin 2009 2009 Mentor Degree Sought Dr. Craig Crosson Dr. John Arthur Dr. Demetri Spyropoulos Dr. John Baatz Dr. Scott Argraves Dr. Peter Moeller Dr. Andy Wessels Dr. Francis Van Dolah Ph.D. M.D./Ph.D. Ph.D. Undecided Dr. Robin MuiseHelmericks Dr. Paul McDermott Dr. Chris Drake 105 M.D./Ph.D. Ph.D. M.D./Ph.D. Ph.D. Graduated 5/12/12 Ph.D. Ph.D. Ph.D. Ph.D. Dahrouj, Mohammad III Doheny, Brenna e Silva, Jessica Flanary, Jocelyn Gandy Orr, Kathryn Alexa 2010 2010 2008 2004 2006 Dr. Craig Crosson Dr. Louis Guillette, Jr. Dr. Amy Bradshaw Dr. Paul Becker Dr. Lina Obeid Gault, Christopher 2003 Dr. Lina Obeid Gentile, Carmine Goodson, Abby Grass, G. Daniel 2008 2011 2008 Dr. Christopher Drake Dr. Louis Guillette, Jr. Dr. Bryan Toole Grayson, Robyn Griffin, Alfred III Harikrishnan, Keerthi Heffernan-Stroud, Linda 2007 2008 2004 Dr. John Baatz Dr. Keith Kirkwood Dr. W. Scott Argraves Dr. Lina Obeid Herbert, Bethany Hung, Hsun-I Jiang, Wenhui Kimbrough, Denise Knackstedt, Rebecca Leighfield, Tod Lindner, Amanda (Haley Buff) Lockhart, Marie Lynch-Johnson, Jillian Lyon, Barbara 2010 2008 2010 2009 2008 2005 2007 Dr. Keith Kirkwood Dr. Anna-Lisa Nieminen Dr. Besim Ogretmen Dr. Donald R. Menick Dr. Michael Wargovich Dr. John Ramsdell Dr. Muise-Helmericks 2007 2007 2005 Dr. Arno Wessels Dr. Francis Van Dolah Dr. Giacomo Ditullio McCoy, Jessica Moseley, Vondina Mullen, Thomas 2010 2007 2003 Dr. Louis Guillette Dr. Michael Wargovich Dr. Lina Obeid Palatinus, Joseph Pleasant, Dorea Pruett, Nathanael 2005 2010 2004 Renaud, Ludivine Robichaux, Jacqulyne Ross, Jessica Samuel, Glady 2010 2010 2006 2005 Dr. Robert Gourdie Dr. Dhan Kuppuswamy Dr. Alexander Awgulewitsch Dr. Donald Menick Dr. Ann Ramsdell Dr. Ashley Cowart Dr. Maria Trojanowska Tirodkar, Tejas 2006 Strungs, Erik 2009 Dr. Christina VoelkelJohnson Dr. Robert Gourdie 106 M.D./Ph.D. Ph.D. D.M.D, Ph.D. Ph.D. Ph.D. Graduated 5/12/12 M.D./Ph.D. Graduated 5/12/12 Ph.D. Ph.D. M.D./Ph.D. Defended 5/24/2012 Ph.D. D.M.D./Ph.D. Ph.D. M.D./Ph.D. Graduated 5/12/12 D.M.D./Ph.D. Ph.D. Ph.D. Ph.D. M.D., Ph.D. Ph.D. Ph.D. Ph.D. Ph.D. Ph.D. Graduated 5/12/12 Ph.D. Ph.D. M.D./Ph.D. Graduated 5/12/12 M.D./Ph.D. Ph.D. Ph.D. Graduated 5/12/12 Ph.D. Ph.D. Ph.D. Ph.D. Graduated 5/12/12 Ph.D. Graduated 5/12/12 M.D./Ph.D. Wheeler, Jason Wilkerson, Brent Wilson, Parker Zhang, Xiaoyi 2009 2007 2005 2008 Dr. Jeffrey Jones Dr. Kelley Argraves Dr. Louis Luttrell Dr. Keith Kirkwood Ph.D. Ph.D. M.D./Ph.D. M.D./Ph.D. STUDENTS’ PUBLICATIONS Journals Briggs LE, Kakarla J, Wessels A. The pathogenesis of atrial and atrioventricular septal defects with special emphasis on the role of the dorsal mesenchymal protrusion. Differentiation, 2012 May 11. Wessels A, van den Hoff MJ, Adamo RF, Phelps AL, Lockhart MM, Sauls K, Briggs LE, Norris RA, van Wijk B, Perez-Pomares JM, Dettman RW, Burch JB. Epicardially derived fibroblasts preferentially contribute to the parietal leaflets of the atrioventricular valves in the murine heart. Dev Biol. 2012 Apr 24. Brunelle SA, Van Dolah FM. Post-transcriptional regulation of S-phase genes in the dinoflagellate, Karenia brevis. J Eukaryot Microbiol 58(4):373-382, 2011. Ablonczy Z, Dahrouj M, Tang PH, Liu Y, Sambamurti K, Marmorstein AD, Crosson CE. (2011). Human Retinal Pigment Epithelium Cells as Functional Models for the RPE In Vivo. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, 52(12), 8614-20., doi:10.1167/iovs.11-8021. Salas, Ponnusamy S, Senkal CE, Meyers-Needham M, Selvam SP, Saddoughi SA, Apohan E, Sentelle RD, Smith C, Gault CR, Obeid LM, El-Shewy HM, Oaks J, Santhanam R, Mrcucci G, Baran Y, Mahajan S, Fernandes D, Stuart R, Perrotti D, Ogretman B. Sphingosine kinase-1 and sphingosine 1-phosphate receptor 2 mediate Bcr Abl1 stability and drug resistance by modulation of protein phosphatase 2A. Blood 117(22): 5941-5952, 2011. Gault CR, Obeid LM. Still benched on its way to the bedside: sphingosine kinase 1 as an emerging target in cancer chemotherapy. Crit Rev Biochem Mol Biol 46(4): 342-351, 2011. Grass, GD Bratoeva M, Toole BP. Regulation of Invadopodia Formation and Activity by CD147. J Cell Science; 125(Part3): 777-788, 2012. Dai L, Slomiany MG, Guinea MC, Bratoeva MP, Grass GD, Tolliver LB, Maria BL, Toole BP. CD147-dependent heterogeneity in malignant and chemoresistant properties of cancer cells. (submitted-under revision). 107 Heffernan-Stroud LA, Helke KL, Jenkins RW, De Costa AM, Hannun YA, Obeid LM. Defining a role for sphingosine kinase 1 in p53-dependent tumors. Oncogene 31(9): 1166-1175, 2012. Hung H-I, Lemasters JJ, Nieminen A-L.(2012) Mitochondrial Iron Uptake Through Mitoferrin2 Sensitizes Human Head and Neck Squamous Carcinoma Cells to Photodynamic Therapy (In process of submitting). Shalini S, Hung HI, Quiogue G, Lemasters JJ, Nieminen AL.(2012) Lysosomal signaling enhances mitochondria-mediated photodynamic therapy in a431 cancer cells: role of iron, Photochemistry and Photobiology. 2012 Mar; 88 (2):461-8. Hung H-I, Quiogue G, Lemasters JJ, Nieminen A-L, "Signaling from lysosomes to mitochondria sensitizes cancer cells to photodynamic treatment" Proc. SPIE 7886, 78860C, 2011. Meyers-Needham M, Ponnusamy S, Gencer S, Jiang W, Thomas RJ, Senkal CE, Ogretmen B. Concerted functions of HDAC1 and microRNA-574-5p represss alternatively spliced ceramide synthase 1 expression in human cancer cells. EMBO Mol Med 4(2): 78-92, 2012. Johnson JG, Morey JS, Neely MG, Ryan JC, Van Dolah FM. Transcriptome remodeling associated with chronological aging in the dinoflagellate, Karenia brevis. Mar Genomics 5: 15-25, 2012. Knackstedt RW, Moseley VR, Wargovich MJ. (2012) Epigenetic Mechanisms Underlying Diet-Sourced Compounds in the Prevention and Treatment of Gastrointestinal Cancer. Anti-Cancer Agents in Medicinal Chemistry (in press). Beeson CC, Beeson GC, Buff H, Eldridge J, Zhang A, Seth A, Demcheva M, Vournakis JN, Muise-Helmericks RC. Integrin-dependent Akt1 activation regulates PGC-1 expression and fatty acid oxidation . J Vasc Res. 49(2):89-100, 2012. Vournakis, J.N., Fischer, T., Lindner, H.B., Demcheva, M., Seth, A. and MuiseHelmericks, R.C. Poly-N-acetyl Glucosamine Nanofibers Derived from a Marine Diatom: Applications in Diabetic Wound Healing and Tissue Regeneration. (2011), in Nanotechnology and Nanomedicine in Diabetes, in press. Wessels A, van den Hoff MJ, Adamo RF, Lockhart M, Sauls K, Briggs LE, Phelps A, van Wijk B; Perez-Pomares JM, Dettman RW, Burch JB. Epicardially-derived Fibroblasts and their Contribution to the Ventricular Myocardium and the Atrioventricular Valves. Dev Biol. June 15; 366(2): 111-24. 2012. Lockhart M, Wirrig E, Phelps A, Wessels A. Extracellular Matrix and Heart Development. Birth Defects Res A Clin Mol Teratol. June; 91(6): 535-50, 2011. 108 Lyon BR, Lee PA, Bennett JM, DiTullio GR, Janech MG. proteomic analysis of a sea-ice diatom: salinity acclimation provides new insight into the dimethylsulfoniopropionate production pathway. Plant Physiol 157(4): 1926-1941, 2011. Mullen TD, Hannun YA, Obeid LM. Ceramide synthases at the centre of spingolipid metabolism and biology. Biochem J 441(3):789-802, 2012. Mullen TD, Obeid LM. Ceramide and apoptosis: exploring the enigmatic connections between sphingolipid metabolism and programmed cell death. Anticancer Agents med Chem 12(4): 340-363, 2012. Palatinus JA, Rhett JM, Gourdie RG. The connexin43 carboxyl terminus and cardiac gap junction organization. Biochim Biophys Acta 1818(8): 1831-1843, 2012. Palatinus JA, Rhett JM, Gourdie RG. Enhanced PKCε mediated phosphorylation of connexin43 at serine 368 by a carboxyl-terminal mimetic peptide is dependent on injury. Channels (Austin) 5(3): 236-240, 2011. Baicu CF, Zhang Y, Van Laer AO, Renaud L, Zile MR, Bradshaw AD. “Effects of the Absence of Procollagen C-Endopeptidase Enhancer-2 (PCOLCE-2) On Myocardial Collagen Accumulation in Chronic Pressure-Overload”. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol. 2012 May 18. [Epub ahead of print]. Menick DR, Li MS, Chernysh O, Renaud L, Kimbrough D, Kasiganesan H, Mani SK. “Transcriptional Pathways and Potential Therapeutic Targets in the Regulation of Ncx1 Expression in Cardiac Hypertrophy and Failure”. Accepted by New York Academy of Science Journal, 2012. Kendall RT, Strungs EG, Rachidi SM, Lee MH, El-Shewy HM, Luttrell DK, Janech MG, Luttrell LM. The beta-arrestin pathway-selective type 1A angiotensin receptor (AT1A) agonist [Sar1, IIe4, II38]angiotensin II regulates a robust G protein-independent signaling network. J Biol Chem 286(22):19880-19891, 2011. Trombetta-eSilva J, Bradshaw AD. The Function of SPARC as a Mediator of Fibrosis. Review submitted to Open Rheumatology Journal March 2012. Wilkerson BA, G. Grass GD, Wing SB, Argraves WS, Argraves KM. S1P carrierdependent regulation of endothelial barrier: HDL-S1P prolongs endothelial barrier enhancement as compared to albumin-S1P via effects on levels, trafficking and signaling of S1P1. (submitted-under revision) 109 Presentations Oral Allen, E. Environment & Security Conference Symposium, Hollings Marine Laboratory (Fort Johnson), Charleston, SC, February 24th, 2012. Al Sarraf O., Yates PW, Crosson CR. Valproic Acid Reduces Retinal Ganglion Cell Degeneration in Ocular Hypertensive Rats. 46TH Annual Perry V. Halushka MUSC Student Research Day, November 4, 2011. Aseem O, Smith BT, Cooley MA, Argraves WS. Cubilin is Essential for Maintaining Blood HDL Levels. 46TH Annual Perry V. Halushka MUSC Student Research Day, November 4, 2011. Al Sarraf O., Yates PW, Fan J, Crosson CE. Protein Acetylation as a Predictor of Retinal Injury. Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, Ft. Lauderdale, FL, May 2012. Bertin MJ, Zimba PV, Beauchesne KR, Huncik KM, Moeller P. The Contribution of Fatty Acid Amides to Prymnesium Parvum Toxicity. 46TH Annual Perry V. Halushka MUSC Student Research Day, November 4, 2011. Dahrouj M, McMillin JC, Effect of VEGF on Fluid Univ of South Carolina, Carolina, Charleston, SC. Crosson CE, Zsolt Ablonczy. Using SD-OCT to Study the Transport across the RPE In Vivo. Ophthalmology, Medical Charleston, SC; School of Medicine, University of South ARVO 2012. Dahrouj M, Ablonczy Z, Crosson C. Natriuretic Peptides Protect the RPE from Advanced Glycation End Products-Induced Barrier Breakdown. MUSC Student’s Research Day. Dahrouj M, McMillin JC, Crosson CE, Ablonczy Z. Using SD-OCT to Study the Effect of VEGF on Fluid Transport across the RPE In Vivo. MSTP Retreat. Gentile C., Muise-Helmericks, RC, Drake CJ. Cardiovascular Developmental Biology Center (CDBC) Symposium 2012, Charleston, SC (2012). “VEGF-mediated Phosphorylation of eNOS Regulates Angioblast and Endothelial Cell Proliferation.” Griffin AC, Kirkwood KK. MKP-1 is Required for Canonical 1,25(OH)2D3-signaling and Osteoclastogenesis. MUSC Perry V. Halushka Student Research Day, November 2011. Harikrishnan K, Cooley MA, Twal WO, Fresco VM, Kern CB, Argraves WS. Fibulin-1 Regulation of HB-EGF/ErbB1 Signaling in Cardiac Valvulogenesis. MUSC Perry V. Halushka Student Research Day, November 2011. 110 Hung H-I. ASP (The 36th Meeting of American Society for Photobiology) Montreal, Canada, June 23-28, 2012. Hung H-I. SPIE (The International Society for Optics and Photonics) San Francisco CA, 2011. Hung H-I. SCCP (South Carolina College of Pharmacy) Charleston SC, Oct 2011. Johnson JG, Van Dolah FM. An Integrated Bioinformatic and Biochemical Approach to Identifying Caspase Activity During the Aging Process of Karenia Brevis MUSC Perry V. Halushka Student Research Day, Charleston, SC, November 2011. Knackstedt R. VDR and RXR? Expression in Murine Models of Colitis. 2012 MUSC MSTP Research Day. Charleston, SC, March 2012. Knackstedt R. Student Panel on MCAT Success. Charleston, SC, February 2012. 2012 Ernest Just Symposium. Lindner HB, Zhang A, Eldridge J, Demcheva M, Seth A, Tsichlis P, Visconti R, Bradshaw A, Vournakis J, Muise-Helmericks RC. pGlcNAc nanofibers from a marine diatom stimulate a scarless wound healing program. 46TH Annual Perry V. Halushka MUSC Student Research Day, November 4, 2011. Lindner HB, Zhang A, Eldridge J, Demcheva M, Seth A, Tsichlis P, Visconti R, Bradshaw A, Vournakis J, Muise-Helmericks RC. pGlcNAc nanofibers stimulate a scarless wound healing program. Wound Healing Society, Atlanta Georgia (April 19-22, 2012) (Abstract selected to compete in the Young Investigator Award Competition- Oral presentation). Lockhart M. Differential Contribution of Epicardially-Derived Cells to the Parietal Leaflets of the AV Valves in the Murine Heart. Weinstein Cardiovascular Development Conference (Chicago), May 2012. Lockhart M. Contribution of Epicardially-Derived Cells to the AV Valvuloseptal Complex. MUSC Cardiovascular Developmental Biology Center Symposium (Charleston, SC), March 2012. Lockhart M. Transcriptional Regulation of Cartilage Link Protein 1 in the Developing Heart. 46TH Annual Perry V. Halushka MUSC Student Research Day, November 4, 2011. Palatinus JA, Gourdie RG. Phosphoregulation of the Cx43 Carboxy-terminus in Cardiac Injury. 46TH Annual Perry V. Halushka MUSC Student Research Day, November 4, 2011. 111 Renaud L. Does Acetylation Regulate microRNA Expression in Myocardial Infarction? 46TH Annual Perry V. Halushka MUSC Student Research Day, November 4, 2011. Robichaux, J. Mammary Gland Laterality in Normal and Neoplastic Development. MUSC Hollings Cancer Retreat, September 2011. Robichaux, J. Mammary Gland Laterality in Normal and Neoplastic Development. MUSC Hollings Cancer Retreat, February 2012. Tirodkar TS, Voelkel-Johnson C. Elevation of CerS6 Expression Triggers Compensation Via the Ceramidase Pathway in Colon Cancer Cells. 46TH Annual Perry V. Halushka MUSC Student Research Day, November 4, 2011. Trombetta-eSilva J, Bradshaw AD. SPARC and the Collagenous Extracellular Matrix of the Periodontal Ligament. 46TH Annual Perry V. Halushka MUSC Student Research Day, November 4, 2011. Wheeler JB, Watson DK, Garrett-Mayer E, Reed CE. Differential Inflammatory Response Could Contribute To The Disparity Of Barrett's Esophagus and Esophageal Adenocarcinoma In European Versus African Americans, MUSC Perry V. Halushka Student Research Day, Charleston, SC, November 2011. Zhang X, Yu H, Kirkwood KL. MKP-1 deficiency enhances epithelial neoplasia in a murine oral cancer model at the 46TH Annual Perry V. Halushka MUSC Student Research Day, November 4, 2011. Zhang X, Yu H, D'Silva NJ, Kirkwood KL. MKP-1 deficiency enhances murine oral neoplasia at the MUSC 10th Annual Head and Neck Multidisciplinary Research Workshop, Charleston, SC, April 2012. Poster Allen EM, Baatz JE, Newton D, Mancia A, Spyropoulos DD. Comparative analysis of differentiative capacity in Pygmy Sperm Whale and terrestrial mammal inducedpluripotent stem cells (iPSCs). Presented at: Gordon Research Conference: Oceans & Human Health, June 2-8, University of New England, Biddeford, ME. Allen EM, Baatz JE, Spyropoulos DD. Development of a Next-Generation Lung Tissue Biorepository the Study Health and Disease. Presented at: 11th Annual HCC Research Retreat, November 18, 2011, Daniel Island Club, Charleston, SC. Allen EM, Spyropoulos DD, and Baatz JE. A Comparison of the Differentiative Capacities of Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell (iPSC)-Derived Fibroblasts and Other Primary Fibroblasts in Hypoxia. Presented at: 46TH Annual Perry V. Halushka MUSC Student Research Day, November 4, 2011. 112 Allen EM, Baatz JE, Mancia A, McFee WE, Newton DA, Spyropoulos DD. A comparative analysis of oxidative stress-response in induced pluripotent stem (iPS) and embryonic stem cells from terrestrial vs aquatic mammals. Poster presented at: MBES Student Research Open House (SROH) July 22nd, 2011, Fort Johnson, SC. Briggs LE, Phelps A, Kakarla J, van den Hoff M, Wessels A. BMP Signaling and Atrioventricular Septation. 2012 Weinstein Cardiovascular Development Conference. Wessels A, van den Hoff MJ, Adamo RF, Phelps AL, Lockhart MM, Sauls K, Briggs LE, Norris RA, van Wijk B, Perez-Pomares JM, Dettman RW, Burch JB. Epicardially derived fibroblasts preferentially contribute to the parietal leaflets of the atrioventricular valves in the murine heart. 2012 Weinstein Cardiovascular Development Conference. Briggs LE, Kakarla J, Phelps A, Wessels A. The Role of Bone Morphogenetic Protein 4 in the Developing Inflow and Outflow Regions of the Heart. 2011 Perry V. Halushka Student Research Day. Corum DG, Muise-Helmericks RC. AKT3 Promotes Nuclear Retention Of PGC-1 And ER Alpha By Regulation Of The Major Nuclear Export Protein, CRM-1. 46TH Annual Perry V. Halushka MUSC Student Research Day, November 4, 2011. Cribben K and McDermott P. The Role of Estrogen-Related Receptors in Cardiomyocyte Metabolic Adaptation to Oxidative Stress. Medical University of South Carolina Department of Medicine Research Day, Charleston, South Carolina, January 2012 Cribben K and McDermott P. The Role of Estrogen-Related Receptors in Cardiomyocyte Metabolic Adaptation to Oxidative Stress. 46TH Annual Perry V. Halushka MUSC Student Research Day, November 4, 2011. Cribben K and McDermott P. The Role of Estrogen-Related Receptors in Cardiomyocyte Metabolic Adaptation to Oxidative Stress. Molecular and Cellular Biology Doctoral Candidate Oral Qualifying Examination, Medical University of South Carolina, Charleston, South Carolina, October 2011. Ablonczy Z, Crosson J, McMillin JC, Dahrouj M. SD-OCT To Link VEGF-induced RPE Dysfunction with The Development of Wet-AMD. ARVO/ISIE Imaging Conference: May 2012. Lucero J. Vivar, Yueying Liu, Patrice Goletz, Mohammad Dahrouj, Peter H. Tang, Zsolt Ablonczy. Human Retinal Pigment Epithelium Cells As Functional Models for Retinoid Metabolism . Ophthalmology, Neurosciences - Ophthalmology, Medical University of South Carolina, Charleston, SC. ARVO 2012 113 Gentile C., Muise-Helmericks RC, Drake CJ. “VEGF-Mediated Phosphorylation of eNOS Regulates Angioblast and Endothelial Cell Proliferation.” Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis and Vascular Biology (ATVB) Scientific Sessions 2012, Chicago, IL (2012). Grass D, Bratoeva M, Toole BP. Regulation of Invadopodia Formation and Activity By Emmprin (CD147). 46TH Annual Perry V. Halushka MUSC Student Research Day; November 4, 2011. Grass GD, Bratoeva M, Toole BP. “EMMPRIN (CD147) is a Novel Regulator of Invadopodia Formation and Activity.” 8th Annual APSA Conference. Chicago, IL: April 27-29, 2012. Grass GD, Bratoeva M, Toole BP. “EMMPRIN (CD147) is a Novel Regulator of Invadopodia Formation and Activity.” 22nd Annual MUSC MSTP Research Day; March 24, 2012. Cooper SL, Grass GD, Armeson K, Garrett-Mayer E, Sharma AK. “Cervical Esophageal Cancer: A Population-based Study.” American Society of Radiation Oncology 54th Annual Meeting 2012 (submitted). Herbert BA, Talwar S, Padwad Y, Palanisamy V. DNA Damage Activates MK2mediated Cell Cycle Control By Transcriptional Regulation of Cyclin. 46TH Annual Perry V. Halushka MUSC Student Research Day, November 4, 2011. Hung H-I. AACR (American Association for Cancer Research) Chicago IL, April 2012 -HCC Retreat (MUSC Hollings Cancer Center Retreat) Charleston SC, Nov 2011 Kimbrough D. Inhibition Of Histone Deacetylase Activity Represses Matrix Metalloproteinase-9 Induction by Regulating of Macrophage Secretion of MMPs to Preserving Extracellular Matrix Post Myocardial Infarction. MUSC Department of Medicine Research Day Kimbrough D. Inhibition Of Histone Deacetylase Activity Represses Matrix Metalloproteinase-9 (MMP-9) Induction Through Regulation of Macrophage Polarization to Control Secretion of MMP-9. AHA BCVS 2012, New Orleans, LA. Knackstedt R. MCAT Success Strategies. Charleston, SC, October 2011. SNMA 2011 Regional Conference. Knackstedt R. The Vitamin D receptor and RXR expression related to DNMT levels in a murine model of colitis. AACR Frontiers in Cancer Prevention Research. Boston, MA, October 2011. Knackstedt, R. The Vitamin D receptor and RXR expression related to DNMT levels in a murine model of colitis. 46TH Annual Perry V. Halushka MUSC Student Research Day, November 4, 2011. 114 Knackstedt R, Moseley D, Wargovich MJ. Epigenetic Mechanisms Underlying DietSourced Compounds in the Prevention and Treatment of Gastrointestinal Cancer. Anticancer Agents Med Chem, 2012 in press. Lindner HB, Zhang A, Eldridge J, Demcheva M, Seth A, Tsichlis P, Visconti R, Bradshaw A, Vournakis J, Muise-Helmericks RC. pGlcNAc nanofibers stimulate a scarless wound healing program. CDM Scholars Day, February 2012. Lindner HB, Zhang A, Eldridge J, Demcheva M, Seth A, Tsichlis P, Visconti R, Bradshaw A, Vournakis J, Muise-Helmericks RC. pGlcNAc nanofibers stimulate a scarless wound healing program. MUSC MSTP Student Research Retreat, March 24, 2012. Lockhart M. Transcriptional Regulation of Cartilage Link Protein 1 in the Developing Heart. Poster Presentation, Weinstein Cardiovascular Development Conference (Chicago, IL), May 2012. Moseley V. "Epigenetic Modification of Human Colon Cancer by EGCG" - 10th Annual AACR Frontiers in Cancer Prevention Research, Boston, MA - October 22-25, 2011. Moseley V. "Epigenetic Modification of Human Colon Cancer by EGCG" - 5th Annual National Conference on Health Disparities, Charleston, SC - November 30-Dec 3, 2011. Trombetta-eSilva J, Kirkwood KL, Bradshaw AD. SPARC is Critical To Maintain Periodontal Ligament Integrity. Collagen Gordon Conference: July 2011. Trombetta-eSilva J, Bradshaw AD. SPARC has a Two-Fold Mechanism to Maintain Periodontal Ligament Integrity. Department of Medicine Student Research Day: 01/19/2012. Trombetta-eSilva J, Bradshaw AD. Mechanisms of SPARC in Periodontal Ligament Collagen Deposition: Transglutaminase Inhibition and Enhanced Procollagen Processing. Craniofacial Biology 2nd Annual Scholars Day: 02/24/2012. Trombetta-eSilva J, Bradshaw AD. Mechanisms of SPARC in Periodontal Ligament Collagen Deposition: Transglutaminase Inhibition and Enhanced Procollagen Processing. American Association of Dental Research Conference: March 2012. Moschella P, McKillop J, Pleasant D, Balasubramanian S, Kuppuswamy D. mTORC2mediated prosurvival Signaling Requires PKCε in Adult Feline Cardiomyoctes. MUSC Department of Medicine Research Day, Charleston, SC , January 2012 Renaud L. Does Acetylation Regulate microRNA Expression in Myocardial Infarction? Department of Medicine Research Day, January 2012, MUSC. 115 Menick DR, Li MS, Renaud L, Chernysh O, Mani SK. “HDAC1/2 and HDAC5 have Distinct Roles in the Deacetylation of Nkx2.5 and the Upregulation of Sodium Calcium Exchanger Expression in Cardiac Hypertrophy”. International Society for Heart Research, North American Section, Banff, Canada 2012, to be published in Journal of Molecular and Cellular Cardiology. Renaud L, Kasiganesan H, Gao E, Mani SK, Jones JA, Stroud RE, J, Menick DR. “Regulation of miR-21 Expression by Acetylation in Myocardial Infarction”. Sent to AHA-BCVS 2012 Scientific Sessions 2012 to be published in special issue of Circulation Research. Robichaux, J. Mammary Gland Laterality in Normal and Neoplastic Development. 46TH Annual Perry V. Halushka MUSC Student Research Day, November 4, 2011. Wilkerson BA, Grass GD, Wing SB, Argraves WS, Argraves KM. S1P carrier-dependent regulation of endothelial barrier: HDL-S1P prolongs endothelial barrier enhancement as compared to albumin-S1P via effects on levels, trafficking and signaling of S1P1. 46TH Annual Perry V. Halushka MUSC Student Research Day; November 4, 2011. Zhang X, Yu H, D'Silva NJ, Kirkwood KL. MKP-1 deficiency enhances murine oral neoplasia at the Keystone Symposia: The Role of Inflammation in Carcinogenesis, Dublin, Ireland, May 2012 STUDENTS’ HONORS AND AWARDS Allen, Emily SGA Representative of the Year 2011-2012 Al Sarraf, Oday Presidential Scholar Inductee Student Leadership Society Award and Inductee MUSC Chess Society Founding Member Treasurer, Graduate Student Association MUSC Student Research Day Improvement Committee, Nov 2011 Winner of 2012 “Mr. MUSC” Interprofessional Talent Competition South Carolina Representative for World Glaucoma Week MUSC Ethics Committee Active Member MUSC Ethics Consults Services Active Member 116 Charles H. Banov Humanitarian Award Nominee Briggs, Laura Travel Award to 2012 Weinstein Conference Corum, Daniel NHLBI Training Grant (T32) “Training to Improve Cardiovascular Therapies” Recipient, Pre-Doctoral Fellow, August 2012-July 2013. Czajka, Caitlin NHLBI Training Grant (T32) “Training to Improve Cardiovascular Therapies” Recipient, Pre-Doctoral Fellow, August 2012-July 2013. Cribben, Kathryn Mid-Atlantic Affiliate Winter 2012 Predoctoral Fellowship American Heart Association. Second Place, Ph.D. II Poster Presentation, Perry V. Halushka Student Research Day, MUSC, November 2012 Honorable Mention, Awarded by Ralph H. Johnson VA Medical Center, Perry V. Halushka Student Research Day, MUSC, 2012 NHLBI Training Grant (T32) “Training to Improve Cardiovascular Therapies” Recipient, Pre-Doctoral Fellow, August 2011-July 2012. Dahrouj, Mohammad Travel Grant Award for ARVO 2012, Foundation/Joseph M. and Eula C. Lawrence ARVO Foundation/Retina Research Gentile, Carmine AHA predoctoral grant 07/01/11-06/30/13 11PRE7530048 (Gentile). VEGF/Aktmediated Endothelial Nitric Oxide Synthase Phosphorylation as a Regulator of Endothelial Cell Division Grass, Daniel ASCI (American Society for Clinical Investigation), AAP (Association of American Physicians) Joint Meeting Travel Award. Chicago, IL. For abstract “EMMPRIN (CD147) is a Novel Regulator of Invadopodia Formation and Activity.” 1st Place Recipient, PhD III Poster Category: Perry V. Halushka Student Research Day 2011 MUSC Kimbrough, Denise Cardiovascular Outreach Award, at the Basic Cardiovascular Sciences 2012 Scientific Sessions. 117 Lindner, Haley (Amanda) First Place Oral Presentation for Veterans Affairs (Student Research Day 2011) First Place Oral Presentation PhD VII (Student Research Day 2011) (Willard & Betty Peterson Award) Third Place Poster presentation CDM Scholars Day (February 2012) Selected as Young Investigators Award Winner (Wound Healing Society, Atlanta 2012) Received F30 (began in July 2011) Lockhart, Marie American Heart Association Pre-Doctoral Grant ($46,000). *Funding starts July 2012* Moseley, Vondina 2011 AACR Minority Scholar in Cancer Research AACR High School Program Mentor Pleasant, Dorea NHLBI Training Grant (T32) “Training to Improve Cardiovascular Therapies” Recipient, Pre-Doctoral Fellow, September 2011-Present. Renaud, Ludivine 1st Place Winner for MUSC Student Research Day 2011 for Oral Presentation PhD V. Trombetta-eSilva, Jessica Impact/Priority Score of 17 on F30 Individual Fellowship Application, F30 Individual Fellowship Awarded Wheeler, Jason 1st Place Winner for MUSC Student Research Day 2011, Clinical-ProfessionalMasters Oral V 2nd Place Winner for MUSC Student Research Day 2011, Health Disparities Oral Presentation. Zhang, Xiaoyi American Medical Association Foundation 2012 Seed Grant Recipient. The role of mitogen-activated protein kinase phosphatase-1 in tumor progression. MKP-1 deficiency enhances murine oral neoplasia at the MUSC 10th Annual Head and Neck Multidisciplinary Research Workshop, Charleston, SC, April 2012; 1st place 118 MKP-1 deficiency enhances epithelial neoplasia in a murine oral cancer model at the MUSC Perry V. Halushka Student Research Day, Charleston, SC, November 2011; 2nd place in the PhD IV Oral Presentation category. Program Accomplishments for 2011-2012 This has been another outstanding year for the students in the MCBP Program. This year our students published/submitted 29 manuscripts, many in high-impact journals, including The Journal of Biological Chemistry, Oncogene, and The EMBO Journal. In addition to the manuscripts, our students have presented 73 abstracts at local, national, and international meetings. Our student’s work has been honored with an impressive number of highly competitive local, national, and international local awards and fellowships. Carmine Gentile, Marie Lockhart and Kathryn Cribben have received predoctoral fellowships from the American Heart Association (AHA). Jessica TrombettaeSilva was awarded an individual NIH Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Fellowship. Four of our students, Kathryn Cribben, Caitlin Czajka, Dorea Pleasant, and Denise Kimbrough received NIH T-32 Training Fellowships, “NIH Training to Improve Cardiovascular Therapies”. Daniel Grass, Haley (Amanda) Lindner, Ludivine Renaud and Jason Wheeler received 1st place awards for their presentations in the MUSC “Perry V. Halushka 2011 Student Research Day”. Kathryn Cribben, Jason Wheeler and Yiaoyi “Tina” Zhang all received 2nd place awards in the MUSC 2011 “Perry V. Halushka Student Research Day”. Haley (Amanda) Lindner was also honored with a 1st place award for her presentation from the Ralph H. Johnson VA Medical Center. Many of our students have been honored by Travel Awards to both national and international meetings, and have been recognized with awards for their poster and/or oral presentations at some of those meetings. Lastly, 9 of our students graduated from MUSC on May 18, 2012; 6 received a Ph.D. degree, and 3 received both the MD & Ph.D degrees (Medical Scientist Training Program) (MSTP). Thomas Mullen (MSTP) was honored as a “Distinguished Graduate Student Award finalist, and received his degrees with honors. These graduates are moving on to post-doctoral training positions and internships in some of the best laboratories and institutions in the country. All of the students in the MCBP Program have done well and we are very proud of their accomplishments. Program Goals for 2012-2013 The MCBP Graduate Program provides a rich and diverse training environment for students, allowing for multi-disciplinary projects that can easily span the traditional areas of molecular biology, cell biology, pharmacology and physiology. One of the greatest challenges we continue to have in this time of increased difficulty in getting and maintaining extramural support for our research efforts is preventing the erosion of the quality of teaching and academic excellence. We are undergoing a concerted effort to maintain and even increase the number of advanced courses that are being offered to our students. Our commitment is to making the MCBP Program the best possible training environment for our students. To this end our goals for the next year are to 119 ensure that the many MCBP advanced graduate courses including new courses are offered on a regular basis. This year the MCBP progress committee is also reexamining the MCBP written Qualifying Exam to insure that it serves to prepare our student to succeed and compete for the best post-doctorial fellowships and academic positions. We will work to insure that the journal clubs which have been established in many of the divisions are continued and new journal clubs established in those that do not have them, be more informative to students inquiring about the program as well as our own students who are currently in the program, and to re-double our efforts to giving our students the best training and preparation possible for a fulfilling career in biomedical research. 120 SUMMER HEALTH PROFESSIONALS RESEARCH PROGRAM 2011-2012 The objectives of the program are: (1) to attract highly motivated and qualified students into careers in biomedical research; (2) to provide an increased awareness of research methods and results to practicing health professionals; and (3) to further stimulate the interaction between the clinical services and the research programs at this university. Students In The Program In The Summer Of 2011: Student’s Name Matriculation Mentor Date Abro, Joseph A 10/FA Uwe O.P. Joseph Schoepf, MD Ambrose, Andrew* 10/FA Walter G. Renne, DMD Arana, Ashley B.* 10/FA Francis G. Spinale, MD, PhD Ashley, Bryan E. 10/FA Leonard Egede, MD, MS Baldwin, Chelsey K. 10/FA Aquilla S. Turk, DO Biggs, Caitlin M. 10/FA Michael J. Kern, PhD Bloomquist, Geoffrey 10/FA Caroline Westwater, PhD Bomar, Paul A. 10/FA Christopher Parsons, MD Bouges, Shenikqua* 10/FA Leonard Egede, MD, MS Brown, Satara* 10/FA Terrence X. O’Brien, MD, MS Bryant, Robert C.* 10/FA Daniel Lackland, PhD Davis, Tabatha B. 10/FA Maria Buse, MD Desai, Shivam 10/FA Qian Kang, MD Desjardins, Danielle 10/FA Craig C. Beeson, PhD DeWeerth, Jacob C. 10/FA Leonard Egede, MD, MS Doshi, Tejas M. 10/FA Lauren E. Ball, PhD Ezenekwe, Chisom* 10/FA Leonard Egede, MD, MS Fox, Adam H. 10/FA Leonard Egede, MD, MS Hanna, Evan L. 10/FA Uwe O.P. Joseph Schoepf, MD Iyer, Arun M. 10/FA Phillip Darwin Bell, PhD Johnson, Benton L. 10/FA Steven W. Kubalak, PhD Joyner, Alisha* 10/FA Sonya D. Coaxum, PhD LeBel, David P. 10/FA Titus A. Reaves, PhD Lovelace, Tiffany L. 10/FA Terrence A. Day, MD Lumpkin, Jeanne B. 10/FA Leonard Egede, MD, MS McConnell, Amy E. 10/FA Susan G. Reed, DDS, DrPH McMillin, Jake C. 10/FA Craig E. Crosson, PhD McNeill, Stephanie* 10/FA Leonard Egede, MD, MS Miller, Thomas E.* 10/FA Daniel Lackland, PhD Moore, Charles L. 10/FA Michael J. Kern, PhD Obi, Okwuchukwu* 10/FA Narendra L. Banik Paige, Jennifer N.* 10/FA Melissa Howard Henshaw, MD Reid, Jamaeka N.* 10/FA Leonard Egede, MD, MS Romero, Katalina* 10/FA Maria F. Lopes-Virella, MD, PhD 121 Degree Sought MD DMD MD MD MD DMD DMD MD MD MD MD MD MD MD MD MD MD MD MD MD MD MD MD DMD MD DMD MD MD MD DMD MD MD MD MD Seabrook, Nelson E. Simmons, Flora M. * Smith, Christopher * Smith, Sara C. Stokes, William A. Teuber, Julie M. Tholanikunnel, Tracy Topiwala, Pritesh Villar, Juan Jose* Williams, Karla E.* Winchester, Rhonda Yazdy, Golsa M. *URM Participants 10/FA 10/FA 10/FA 10/FA 10/FA 10/FA 10/FA 10/FA 10/FA 10/FA 10/FA 10/FA Pal Suranyi, MD, PhD George Cooper, IV, MD Donald R. Menick, PhD Kenneth Chavin, MD, PhD Yan Huang, MD, PhD Leonard Egede, MD, MS Eleanor K. Spicer, PhD Zoran Rumboldt, MD Kenneth Chavin, MD, PhD Oluwatosin Jaiyeoba, MD Leonard Egede, MD, MS Leonard Egede, MD, MS MD MD MD MD MD MD MD MD MD MD MD MD Publications: Arnoldi E, Ramos-Duran I, Abro JA, Zwerner PL, Nikolaou K, Reiser MF, Costello P, Schoepf UJ. [Coronary CT angiography using prospective ECG triggering: high diagnostic accuracy with low radiation dose]. Radiologe. 2010 Jun;50(6):500-6. German. PubMed PMID: 20390243 Bastarrika G, Ramos-Duran L, Schoepf UJ, Rosenblum MA, Abro JA, Brothers RL, Zubieta JL, Chiaramida SA, Kang DK. Adenosine-stress dynamic myocardial volume perfusion imaging with second generation dual-source computed tomography: Concepts and first experiences. J Cardiovasc Comput Tomogr. 2010 Mar-Apr;4(2):127-35. Epub 2010 Jan 28. PubMed PMID: 20430344 Bastarrika G, Kang DK, Abro JA, Schoepf UJ. [Comprehensive assessment of coronary disease using perfusion CT with pharmacologically induced stress]. Radiologia. 2010 Sep-Oct;52(5):469-72. Epub 2010 May 18. Spanish. PubMed PMID: 20483440 Kang DK, Ramos-Duran L, Schoepf UJ, Armstrong AM, Abro JA, Ravenel JG, Thilo C. Reproducibility of CT signs of right ventricular dysfunction in acute pulmonary embolism. AJR Am J Roentgenol. 2010 Jun;194(6):1500-6. PubMed PMID:20489089 Kang DK, Schoepf UJ, Bastarrika G, Nance JW Jr, Abro JA, Ruzsics B. Dual-energy computed tomography for integrative imaging of coronary artery disease: principles and clinical applications. Semin Ultrasound CT MR. 2010 Aug;31(4):276-91. Review. PubMed PMID: 20691928 Henzler T, Barraza JM Jr, Nance JW Jr, Costello P, Krissak R, Fink C, Schoepf UJ. CT imaging of acute pulmonary embolism. J Cardiovasc Comput Tomogr. 2011 JanFeb;5(1):3-11. Epub 2010 Oct 29. Review. PubMed PMID: 21051309 122 Weininger M, Renker M, Rowe GW, Abro JA, Costello P, Schoepf UJ. Integrative computed tomographic imaging of coronary artery disease. Expert Rev Cardiovasc Ther. 2011 Jan;9(1):27-43. Review. PubMed PMID: 21166527 Weininger M, Schoepf UJ, Ramachandra A, Fink C, Rowe GW, Costello P, Henzler T. Adenosine-stress dynamic real-time myocardial perfusion CT and adenosine-stress first-pass dual-energy myocardial perfusion CT for the assessment of acute chest pain: Initial results. Eur J Radiol. 2010 Dec 29. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 21194865 Nance JW Jr, Bastarrika G, Kang DK, Ruzsics B, Vogt S, Schmidt B, Raupach R, Flohr TG, Schoepf UJ. High-temporal resolution dual-energy computed tomography of the heart using a novel hybrid image reconstruction algorithm: initial experience. J Comput Assist Tomogr. 2011 Jan-Feb;35(1):119-25. PubMed PMID: 21245697 Blackmon KN, Florin C, Bogoni L, McCain JW, Koonce JD, Lee H, Bastarrika G, Thilo C, Costello P, Salganicoff M, Schoepf UJ. Computer-aided detection of pulmonary embolism at CT pulmonary angiography: can it improve performance of inexperienced readers? Eur Radiol. 2011 Jun;21(6):1214-23. Epub 2011 Jan 13. PubMed PMID: 21225269 Huda W, Schoepf UJ, Abro JA, Mah E, Costello P. Radiation-related cancer risks in a clinical patient population undergoing cardiac CT. AJR Am J Roentgenol. 2011 Feb;196(2):W159-65. PubMed PMID: 21257857 Meyer M, Nance JW Jr, Schoepf UJ, Moscariello A, Weininger M, Rowe GW, Ruzsics B, Kang DK, Chiaramida SA, Schoenberg SO, Fink C, Henzler T. Cost-effectiveness of substituting dual-energy CT for SPECT in the assessment of myocardial perfusion for the workup of coronary artery disease. Eur J Radiol. 2011 Jan 27. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 21277132 Weininger M, Barraza JM, Kemper CA, Kalafut JF, Costello P, Schoepf UJ. Cardiothoracic CT angiography: current contrast medium delivery strategies. AJR Am J Roentgenol. 2011 Mar;196(3):W260-72. Review. PubMed PMID: 21343473 Fink C, Krissak R, Henzler T, Lechel U, Brix G, Takx RA, Nance JW, Abro JA, Schoenberg SO, Schoepf UJ. Radiation dose at coronary CT angiography: secondgeneration dual-source CT versus single-source 64-MDCT and first-generation dualsource CT. AJR Am J Roentgenol. 2011 May;196(5):W550-7. PubMed PMID: 21512044 Nance JW Jr, Kratz JM, Ikonomidis JS, Toole JM, Barraza JM, McMaster WG, Schoepf UJ. Apicoaortic Conduits, an innovative solution to difficult aortic stenosis: the MUSC Experience. J S C Med Assoc. 2011 Aug;107(4):160-3. PubMed PMID: 22057751 123 Student Presentations Poster Treatment of Cerebral Aneurysms: Does Size Matter? Chelsey K Baldwin1, Aquilla Turk2; 1College of Medicine, MUSC, 2Neuro-interventional/Radiology, MUSC. 2011 Perry V. Halushka MUSC Student Research Day, Winner – 1st Place (session 4) Examination of the Role of HuR in the Post-Transcriptional Regulation of Nucleolin Expression in Breast Cancer Cells, Tracy Tholanikunnel1, Sudeep Bose2, Eleanor Spicer3; 1Medicine, MUSC, 2Regenerative Medicine and Cell Biology, MUSC, 3Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, MUSC. 2011 Perry V. Halushka MUSC Student Research Day, Winner – 2nd Place (session 5) Management of Hypertension At a Free Clinic and Emergency Department, Thomas E Miller III, Daniel Lackland; Neurosciences, MUSC. 2011 Perry V. Halushka MUSC Student Research Day Effect of Locus of Control on Clinical Outcomes for Diabetes, Bryan E Ashley, Melba A Hernandez-Tejada, Joni L Strom, Leonard E Egede; Medicine, MUSC. 2011 Perry V. Halushka MUSC Student Research Day Glycemic Control In VA Clinical Sites Compared To Non VA Sites Among Adults With Type 2 Diabetes, Jeanne B Lumpkin, Clara E Dismuke, Joni L Strom, Leonard E Egede; Medicine, MUSC. 2011 Perry V. Halushka MUSC Student Research Day Ethnic Differences in Control of Multiple Diabetes Risk Outcomes, Jamaeka N Reid, Cheryl P Lynch, Joni L Strom, Leonard E Egede; Medicine, MUSC . 2011 Perry V. Halushka MUSC Student Research Day Gender Differences in Composite Control of Cardiovascular Risk Factors, Rhonda Winchester, Cheryl P Lynch, Joni L Strom, Leonard E Egede; Medicine, MUSC. 2011 Perry V. Halushka MUSC Student Research Day Effect of Spirituality on Multiple Diabetes Outcomes, Chisom Ezenekwe, Melba A Hernandez-Tejada, Joni L Strom, Leonard E Egede; Medicine, MUSC. 2011 Perry V. Halushka MUSC Student Research Day Free Clinic Vs Emergency Department Population Management of Diabetes Mellitus Types II: A Retrospective Study, Robert Bryant1, Daniel Lackland2, Michael Saef3; 1Medicine, MUSC, 2Epidemiology, MUSC, 3Emergency, MUSC. 2011 Perry V. Halushka MUSC Student Research Day Perifocal Diffusion Values in Assessing Prognosis of Brain Gliomas, Pritesh Topiwala1, Vittoria M Spampinato2, Zoran Rumboldt2; 1Radiology, MUSC, 2Neuroradiology, MUSC. 2011 Perry V. Halushka MUSC Student Research Day 124 Prevalence and Predictors of Sleep Disorders in an Adult Sample with Type 2 Diabetes. Golsa Yazdy, Sujeev S Bains, Joni L Strom, L E Egede; Medicine, MUSC. 2011 Perry V. Halushka MUSC Student Research Day Effect Of Trust In Health Care Providers On Multiple Diabetes Outcomes, S Bouges, C P Lynch, J L Strom, L E Egede; Health Disparities Research, MUSC. 2011 Perry V. Halushka MUSC Student Research Day The Role of the Tongue in Secondary Palate Elevation of Prrx1 Deficient Mice, Caitlin M Biggs1,Michael J Kern2; 1Dental Medicine, MUSC, 2Regenerative Medicine and Cell Biology, MUSC. 2011 Perry V. Halushka MUSC Student Research Day Effects of TGF-Beta on NIH-3T3 Cell Proliferation, Migration, and Apoptosis, Benton L Johnson1, Steven W Kubalak2, Jayne Bernanke2; 1Medicine, MUSC, 2Regenerative Medicine and Cell Biology, MUSC. 2011 Perry V. Halushka MUSC Student Research Day The Varied Effect of NAC and Cocoa on LPS Stimulated IL-6 Release By Both Mononuclear Cells and Human Gingiva Fibroblasts, William A Stokes1, Yan Huang2; 1 Medicine, MUSC, 2Endocrinology, MUSC. 2011 Perry V. Halushka MUSC Student Research Day The Prevalence and Clinical Significance of Mycoplasma Genitalium in Our Gynecologic Patients: A Preliminary Review, Karla E Williams, Oluwatosin Jaiyeoba, David E Soper; Obstetrics and Gynecology, MUSC. 2011 Perry V. Halushka MUSC Student Research Day Connexin 40 Remodeling in Purkinje Cardiomyocytes Post-Myocardial Infarction, Satara A Brown1, Mary S Rackley2, Brett S Harris3, Terrence X O'Brien2; 1Medicine, MUSC, 2Cardiology, MUSC; Medicine, VAMC, 3Regenerative Medicine and Cell Biology, MUSC. 2011 Perry V. Halushka MUSC Student Research Day Unanticipated Effects of Adenosine on Microtubule Density, Flora M Simmons, Grace Wallenborn, George Cooper; Medicine, MUSC. 2011 Perry V. Halushka MUSC Student Research Day The Pitfalls of Automated Functional Analysis in Cardiac CT, Nelson E Seabrook, Pal Suranyi; Radiology, MUSC. 2011 Perry V. Halushka MUSC Student Research Day Generation of a Novel Bacteriostatic and Anti-collagenolytic Dental Adhesive Through the Incorporation of Polyacrylic Acid Modified Copper Nanoparticles Into Adhesive Resins, Andrew W Ambrose1, Walter Renne1, Michael Schmidt2; 1Restorative Dentistry, MUSC, 2Microbiology, MUSC. 2011 Perry V. Halushka MUSC Student Research Day 125 Oral Presentations Prevalence of Vitamin D Deficiency in Obese Children and Adolescents, Jennifer N Paige, Janet Carter, Melissa Henshaw; Medicine, MUSC. 2011 Perry V. Halushka MUSC Student Research Day. Winner – 1st place (session 16) Interstitial Trafficking of MicroRNAs Within the Human Myocardium Following IschemiaReperfusion, Ashley B Arana, Robert E Stroud, Risha Patel, Jeffery Jones, Francis G Spinale; Cardiothoracic Surgery, MUSC2011 Perry V. Halushka MUSC Student Research Day. Winner – 2nd place (session 16) Predictors of Adequate Health Literacy In a Diverse Primary Care Sample with Type 2 Diabetes, Julie Teuber, Sujeev S Bains, Joni L Strom, L E Egede; Medicine, MUSC. 2011 Perry V. Halushka MUSC Student Research Day Multiple Cardiovascular Risk Factor Control (MCRFC) Across Sites of Care in Type 2 Diabetes, Jacob C DeWeerth, Clara E Dismuke, Joni L Strom, Leonard E Egede; Medicine, MUSC. 2011 Perry V. Halushka MUSC Student Research Day Effect Of Delayed Discounting On Multiple Diabetes Outcomes In Adults With Diabetes, Adam H Fox, Clara E Dismuke, Joni L Strom, Leonard E Egede; Medicine, MUSC. 2011 Perry V. Halushka MUSC Student Research Day Is Cirrhosis a Contraindication to Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy? Juan José E VillarBenavides, McGillicuddy, Sapna Bazaz, David J Taber, Nicole A Weimert, Prabhakar Baliga, Kenneth D Chavin; Transplant Surgery, MUSC. 2011 Perry V. Halushka MUSC Student Research Day The Role of Complement Peptides, C3a, in Host Defense Against Candida, a Human Fungal Pathogen, Geoff Bloomquist1, Caroline Westwater2; 1College of Dental Medicine, MUSC, 2Craniofacial Biology, MUSC. 2011 Perry V. Halushka MUSC Student Research Day Melatonin Attenuates Oligodendrocyte Cell Death and Myelin Loss, Okwuchukwu G Obi1, Arabinda Das2, Narendra L Banik2; 1Medicine, MUSC, 2Neuroscience, MUSC. 2011 Perry V. Halushka MUSC Student Research Day The Role of the Prrx-1 Gene in Cell Proliferation During Secondary Palate Development, Charles Moore1, Michael Kern2, Christine Kern2; 1Dental Medicine, MUSC, 2Regenerative Medicine and Cell Biology, MUSC. 2011 Perry V. Halushka MUSC Student Research Day Expression of Nucleobindin-2/Nesfatin-1 in Bone Tissue, Tejas Doshi1, Lauren Ball1, Alexis Nagel2; 1Pharmacology, MUSC, 2Pharmacology, MUSC. 2011 Perry V. Halushka MUSC Student Research Day 126 Mitochondrial Dysfunction in Degenerative Pathologies, Danielle M Desjardins1, Craig Cano Beeson2; 1College of Graduate Studies, MUSC, 2College of Pharmacy / Pharmaceutical & Biomedical Sciences, MUSC. 2011 Perry V. Halushka MUSC Student Research Day The Effect of IRS-1 Modification By N-acetyl Glucosamine (O-GlcNAc) on the Insulin Response, Tabatha B Davis1, Katherine Robinson1, Maria G Buse1, Lauren Ball2; 1 Endocrinology, MUSC, 2Pharmacology, MUSC. 2011 Perry V. Halushka MUSC Student Research Day Computed Tomography, Shane Oberoi, U Joseph Schoepf, John Nance; Radiology, MUSC. 2011 Perry V. Halushka MUSC Student Research Day Radiation Dose and Image Quality At High-Speed CT Angiography of the Aorta: IntraIndividual and Inter-Individual Comparison with Conventional CT Angiography, E Lexworth Hanna1, Paul Apfaltrer1, J. Reid Spears1, Garrett W Rowe1, Daniel Harris1, Stefan O Schoenberg2, Rozemarijn Vliegenthart1, U Joseph Schoepf1; 1Radiology, MUSC, 2Clinical Radiology and Nuclear Medicine, University Medical Center Mannheim. . 2011 Perry V. Halushka MUSC Student Research Day Stimulation of Human Aortic Endothelial Cells (HAEC) with OxLDL-IC Stimulates Fc Gamma Receptor Expression and Endothelial Dysfunction, Katalina Romero1, Yanchun F Li2, Gabriel Virella3, Maria Lopes-Virella2; 1Medicine, MUSC, 2Endocrinology, Diabetes & Medical Genetics, MUSC, 3Microbiology & Immunology, MUSC. 2011 Perry V. Halushka MUSC Student Research Day Kaposi’s Sarcoma-Associated Herpesvirus Induced Expression Of Emmprin On The Cell Surface Following De Novo Infection Of Endothelial Cells, Paul A Bomar, Christopher Parsons; Infectious Disease, MUSC. 2011 Perry V. Halushka MUSC Student Research Day 127 Summer Undergraduate Research Program The objectives of the program are to introduce students to biomedical research, to acquaint them with opportunities here at the Medical University of South Carolina and, hopefully, to induce them to apply for admission. In addition to laboratory research experiences, the students participate in a weekly seminar series to expose them to the wide range of research being addressed by the Medical University of South Carolina faculty. Students presented the results of their research projects in final sessions in August. The students and participating faculty are requested to evaluate and criticize the strengths and weaknesses of the summer internship. Since its inception more than 1107 students have participated in the program. Of these, 988 have received course credit for the program and 213 have gone on to enroll in our University. Again this year, over 4,000 information packets were mailed to colleges and universities throughout the U.S. E-mails were sent to health sciences advisors throughout the U.S. E-mails were also sent to program advisors around the country for the MARC, Meyerhoff, McNair and RISE programs. For the Summer 2011 program, we received 381 applications, and 65 students participated in the program. Of the sixty-five students who participated, 33 were underrepresented minority students. Funding for the program was provided through training grants from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) which supported 16 minority students, the DOD which supported 6 minority students, Liberty Life Insurance which supported 2 minority students, the Clinical and Translational Science Award which supported 5 students, Palmetto Academy which supported 3 students, Morris College which supported 2 students, the College of Dental Medicine which supported 1 student, MUSC Faculty, Departments and the College of Graduate Studies supported 30 students. Home College/University Academic Magnet HS (1) Baylor University (1) Claflin University (4) Clemson University (14) College of Charleston (12) Cornell College (1) Duke University (1) Eastman School of Music (1) Erskine College (1) Florida International University (1) Furman University (1) Georgia Institute of Technology (1) Hampton University (1) Inter-American Univ of P.R. (1) King’s College (1) Morris College (2) Presbyterian College (1) Providence College (1) Queens Univ. of Charlotte (1) South Carolina State Univ. (4) Spelman College (2) The Ohio State Univ. (1) University of Florida (1) Univ. of Maryland, Baltimore County (1) University of the South (1) Voorhees College (2) Washington & Lee University (1) Washington Univ. in St. Louis (1) Winthrop University (1) Wofford College (2) 128 Research Interests Selected Biochemistry (4) Bioengineering (1) Bioinformatics/Epidemiology (3) Cancer Biology (8) Cardiovascular Biology (7) Cell & Molecular Biology (1) Craniofacial Biology (1) Developmental Biology (1) Genetics & Development (1) Translational Research (3) Health Disparities (6) Marine Biomedicine (1) Microbiology & Immunology (5) Neurosciences (9) Pathology & Laboratory Medicine (1) Pharmaceutical Sciences (3) Proteomics (1) Space-Related Life Sciences/NASA (4) Regenerative Medicine (2) Honors, Awards & Publications: Cartmell, Kathleen B.; Miner, Christine; Carpenter, Matthew J.; Vrroc, Camelia S.; Biggers; Onicescu, Georgiana; Hill, Elizabeth; Nickerson, Brenda C.; Alberg, Anthony. Secondhand Smoke Exposure in Young People and Parental Rules Against Smoking at Home and in the Car. Public Health Reports, Volume 126, July-August 2011 McDonald W, Durkalski V, Ball E et al "Improving the antidepressant efficacy of transcranial magnetic stimulation: Maximizing the number of stimulations and treatment location in treatment resistant depression." Depress Anxiety. 2011 Sep 2. (PMID: 21898711) L. Dupuis, D. R. McCulloch, J.D. McGarity, A. Bahn, A. Wessels, D. Weber, A. Megan Diminich, C.M. Nelson, S. S. Apte, C.B. Kern. Altered versican cleavage in ADAMTS5 deficient mice: A novel etiology of myxomatous valve disease. Developmental Biology Dev Biol. 2011 Sep 1;357(1):152-64. Dunmyer J, Hudson C, West L, Carpenter B, Leite RS. Hollywood Smiles – A CBPR Approach to Evaluate and Address the Oral Health Needs of the Gullah Population Living in Hollywood, SC. MUSC 2011 Black History Month Lecture Series “Dialogue on Health Care Disparities Featuring the Research of MUSCs Black Student Scholars.” Charleston, SC. February, 2011. Hudson C, West L, Carpenter E, Leite RS. Hollywood Smiles Handbook. 46th Annual Perry V. Halushka MUSC 2011 Student Research Day. Charleston, SC. November 4th, 2011. Westerkam D. (2010 undergraduate) – published September 2011. Westerkam, D., Saunders, L.L., & Krause, J.S. (2011). Association of spasticity and life satisfaction after spinal cord injury. Spinal Cord, 49, 990-994. 129 Poster Presentations: The Effects of Beta-arrestin 1 and 2 Overexpression on TLR-induced Inflammatory Cytokine Expression in RAW 264.7, Rocky C Wong1, Hongkuan Fan2, Perry Halushka2, James Cook2, Sarah Ashton2,, Peifeng Li2; 1CofC, 2Neuroscience, MUSC. 2011 Perry V. Halushka MUSC Student Research Day. Retinyl Ester Accumulation in the Absence of Light, Colleen K Sheridan1, Yiannis Koutalos2; 1Biology, CofC, 2Ophthalmology, MUSC. 2011 Perry V. Halushka MUSC Student Research Day. 2nd Place Award Determining the Variability in Developing Post-Stroke Pneumonia, Gabriela R Keeton, Daniel T Lackland; Neurosciences, MUSC. 2011 Perry V. Halushka MUSC Student Research Day. Generation of Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide Phosphate (NADPH) in Vertebrate Photoreceptors, Leopold Adler IV1, Yiannis Koutalos2, Chunhe Chen2; 1Physics and Astronomy, CofC, 2Ophthalmology, MUSC. 2011 Perry V. Halushka MUSC Student Research Day. Modafinil Reverses Methamphetamine-Induced Memory Deficits On An Object-In-Place Task In Rats: Role Of Glutamate Receptor Expression, Meghin J Gilstrap1, Carmela M Reichel2, Lauren A Ramsey3, Jackie F McGinty2, Ron E See2; 1Psychology/Neuroscience, CofC, 2Neurosciences, MUSC, 3Biology, CofC. 2011 Perry V. Halushka MUSC Student Research Day. 1st Place Award Novel Targets of Nkx2.5 Regulation in the Second Heart Field, Anthony J Horton, KyuHo Lee; Regenerative Medicine and Cell Biology, MUSC. 2011 Perry V. Halushka MUSC Student Research Day. In the ADAMTS5 Mouse Model of Myxomatous Valve Disease Increased Proteoglycans Contribute to Disease Progression, Kelsha M. Washington1, Loren E. Dupuis2, Marion A. Cooley2, W. Scott Argraves2, Christine B. Kern2; 1Claflin University, 2Regenerative Medicine and Cell Biology. 2011 Perry V. Halushka MUSC Student Research Day. Effects of a Connexin43 Mimetic Peptide on Myocyte-Fibroblast Adhesion in a 3D Model of Cardiac Injury, Hina Siddiqui1, Emily L Ongstad2, Robert G Gourdie2; 1Biology, College of Charleston, 2Regenerative Medicine and Cell Biology, MUSC. 2011 Perry V. Halushka MUSC Student Research Day. Space Flight Causes Transcriptomic Changes in the Small Intestine Affecting Nutrition and Digestion, Max N Hughes1, Scott W Argraves2, Jeremy L Barth2; 1Clemson University, 2Regenerative Medicine and Cell Biology, MUSC. 2011 Perry V. Halushka MUSC Student Research Day. 130 The Effect of Fingolimod (FTY720) on Small Cell Lung Cancer and Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer, Jessica S Creel1, Sahar Saddoughi2, Besim Ogretmen2; 1Chemistry, Winthrop University, 2Biochemistry & Molecular Biology, MUSC. 2011 Perry V. Halushka MUSC Student Research Day. 2nd Place Award Association of Willingness to Participate in Research Studies with Payment, Risk, and Time Among Individuals with Type 2 Diabetes, Kimberly T Arnold1, Leonard Egede2, Clara L Dismuke3, Joni Strom2; 1CofC, 2Health Disparities, MUSC, 3VAMC. 2011 Perry V. Halushka MUSC Student Research Day. 1st Place Award Velcade and Organ Transplant Desensitization, Emma M Bradley, Omar Moussa, Yuan Shao; Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, MUSC. 2011 Perry V. Halushka MUSC Student Research Day. Attitudes and Knowledge of Atrial Fibrillation Treatment and Stroke Prevention, Andrew B Gundran1, Daniel T Lackland2; 1Psychology, Clemson, 2Neuroscience, MUSC. 2011 Perry V. Halushka MUSC Student Research Day. Oral Presentations Nkx2.5 Regulates Hoxb4, MiR-10a, and Jarid2 Expression in the Developing Heart, Aaron M Blackshaw1, Kyu-Ho Lee2; 1CofC, 2MUSC Pediatric Cardiology. 2011 Perry V. Halushka MUSC Student Research Day. 1st Place Oral Award Comparative Transcriptome Analysis to Identify Genes Regulating Elastogenesis, Sharon L Guffy1, Erin L Pardue1, Jeremy L Barth1, Kathleen R Braun 2, Thomas N Wight2, W Scott Argraves1; 1Regenerative Medicine and Cell Biology, MUSC, 2Benaroya Research Institute. 2011 Perry V. Halushka MUSC Student Research Day. 2nd Place Oral Award The Effect of Cytokines on T Cell Antioxidant Capacity, Jazzmine Clemons1, Shikhar Mehrotra2; 1Claflin University (SURP), 2MUSC2011 Perry V. Halushka MUSC Student Research Day. MBD4 DNA Repair in Prostate Cancer, Sierra S. Brooks1, David Turner2; 1Voorhees College, 2MUSC. 2011 Perry V. Halushka MUSC Student Research Day. Thioredoxin 1 As a Therapeutic Target in Advanced Prostate Cancer, DeAngelo Dinkins1, Christina Voelkel-Johnson2; 1SC State University, 2MUSC. 2011 Perry V. Halushka MUSC Student Research Day. Anxiogenic Effects of Cocaine Withdrawal in Rats, Kyle T Brown, Parrish R Waters, Ronald E See; Psychology, CofC. 2011 Perry V. Halushka MUSC Student Research Day. 131 Structure-function Relationships in the Brain Using Imaging Across Multiple Spatial Scales, Grace Margaret A Dion, Zhongyang Lu, Manuel Levy, Prakash Kara; Neuroscience, MUSC. 2011 Perry V. Halushka MUSC Student Research Day. Evaluating an Intervention to Increase Cancer Knowledge in Racially Diverse Communities in South Carolina, CoDanielle Green1, Marvella E. Ford2; 1SC State University, 2MUSC. 2011 Perry V. Halushka MUSC Student Research Day. Using a Community-Based Participatory Research Approach to Create and Test a Culturally Sensitive Oral Health Educational Handbook-Hollywood Smiles Handbook, Christine M Hudson1, Lynn J West1, Elizabeth Carpenter2, Renata Leite1; 1Center for Oral Health Research, MUSC, 2Hollywood, SC, Mayor's Office. 2011 Perry V. Halushka MUSC Student Research Day. 132 Governor’s School for Science & Mathematics Summer Program for Research Interns (SPRI) The Summer Program for Research Interns (SPRI) is a program coordinated through the South Carolina Governor’s School for Science and Mathematics (GSSM) for rising high school seniors in public and private schools in South Carolina. The goal of SPRI is to motivate bright, academically talented students to pursue careers in science, mathematics, or technology. In Summer 2011, 12 students through the GSSM in Hartsville, SC, worked in the research labs of MUSC faculty as student interns for six weeks, culminating in the submission of a formal abstract of their work along with a brief PowerPoint presentation on the last day of their internship. The abstracts are also published in the GSSM Research Abstract Book and can be submitted to the South Carolina Junior Academy of Science for competition. Student Interns were also invited to compete in the MUSC Student Research Day. Governor’s School Participants and Mentors Student Mentor John C. Elmore, III Dr. Hai Yao Clemson-MUSC Bioengineering Program Kemper Fagan Dr. John Lemasters Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences Chante Glass-Walley Dr. Gary Aston-Jones Department of Neurosciences Luke Havens Dr. Hainan Lang Department of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine Li (Angela) Fan Dr. Sakamuri Reddy Department of Pediatrics Maya Mason Dr. Azizul Haque Department of Microbiology & Immunology Barbara (Alison) Moore Dr. Zhi Zhong Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences Emily Jean Moore Dr. Hiroko Hama Department of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology Andrew Motts Dr. Catalin Buhusi Department of Neurosciences Sahil Patel Dr. Xuejun Wen Clemson-MUSC Bioengineering Program Terral Patel Dr. Alexander Awgulewitsch Dept of Medicine, Division of Rheumatology & Immunology Erik Schatzer Dr. Kenneth Chavin Department of Surgery Beginning in the Summer of 2010, the College of Graduate Studies started to coordinate the senior thesis experiences for students attending the Academic Magnet High School students in Charleston, SC. This was less formal than the GSSM program. Four students began working on their projects over the months of July and August of 2011. 133 Academic Magnet High School Participants and Mentors Student Mentor Scott Becker Dr. Mark Kindy Department of Neurosciences Emma Bradley Dr. Omar Moussa Department of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine Nicholas Hoffman Dr. Stanley Hoffman Dept of Medicine, Division of Rheumatology Joseph Pate Dr. Jim Norris Department of Microbiology & Immunology The program expanded once again in the Summer of 2011, adding students from Porter Gaud High School to the high school research program. Six students began working on their projects over the months of July and August 2011. Porter Gaud Participants and Mentors Student Mentor Apsley Allen Dr. Samar Hammad Department of Regenerative Medicine & Cell Biology Mallory Banks Dr. Naren Banik Department of Neurology John Everett Craver Dr. Chris Davies Department of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology Riley Daen Dr. Tamara Nowling Dept of Medicine, Division of Rheumatology & Immunology Frances Grimball Dr. Yuri Peterson Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences Allison Pinosky Dr. Yuri Peterson Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences 134 Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Christopher Davies, PhD, Program Director Student’s Name Matriculation Date Mentor Degree Sought *Andrijauskaite, Kristina Atkison, James Brice, Sarah *Broadwater, Margaret Burns, Tara Carroll, Brittany Casu, Fabio DePalma, Ryan 2009 2011 2010 2005 2007 2010 2008 2011 Daniel Fernandes, PhD Mirko Hennig, PhD Ashley Cowart, PhD John Schwacke, PhD Chiara Luberto, PhD Lina Obeid, MD Mirko Hennig, PhD Besim Ogretmen, PhD MS PhD MD/PhD PhD PhD PhD PhD PhD Gruber, Jordon *Hoeferlin, Alexis Liu, Mengling Mather, Andrew Nida, Adrian Panneer Selvam, Shanmugam *Perry, David Qin, Tingting Rajagopalan, Vinodh *Robertson, Rosanna *Saddoughi, Sahar Sentelle, David Snider, Justin Spainhour, John *Strickland, Kyle Thomas, Raquela 2010 2006 2010 2011 2006 2009 Yong-Mei Zhang, PhD Sergey Krupenko, PhD Yusuf Hannun, MD Leah Siskind, PhD Jihad Obeid, MD Besim Ogretmen, PhD PhD PhD PhD MS PhD PhD 2006 2007 2008 2006 2007 2008 2009 2008 2007 2010 Yusuf Hannun, MD Jim Zheng, PhD Yusuf Hannun, MD Christopher Davies, PhD Besim Ogretmen, PhD Besim Ogretmen, PhD Jacek Bielawski, PhD John Schwacke, PhD Sergey Krupenko, PhD Besim Ogretmen, PhD MD/PhD PhD PhD PhD MD/PhD DMD/PhD PhD PhD MD/PhD PhD * degrees awarded this year STUDENTS’ PUBLICATIONS Journals Hu W, Ross J, Geng T, Brice SE, Cowart LA. Differential regulation of dihydroceramide desaturase by palmitate versus monounsaturated fatty acids: implications for insulin resistance. Journal of Biological Chemistry 286(19):16596-605, 2011. Montefusco DJ, Newcomb B, Gandy JL, Brice SE, Matmati N, Cowart LA, Hannun YA. Sphingoid bases and the serine catabolic enzyme CHA1 define a novel feedforward/feedback mechanism in the response to serine availability. Journal of Biological Chemistry 287(12):9280-9, 2012. 135 Brice SE, Ross JS, Cowart LA. Sphingolipids in obesity, type 2 diabetes, and metabolic disease. In Sphingolipids in Health and Disease. Erich Gulbins, ed. In press, 2012. Broadwater MH, Seaborn GT and Schwacke JH. Forensic identification of seal oils using lipid profiles and statistical models. Journal of Forensic Sciences, in press 2012. Geng T, Hu W, Snider J, Broadwater MH, Brice SE, Bielawski J, Schwacke J and Cowart LA. A new diet-induced obesity model reveals dietary fat profile regulates hepatic ER stress and insulin resistance. In revision, accepted for publication, Diabetes, 2012. Broadwater MH and Schwacke JH. An integrated framework for the analysis of natural mixtures of triacylglycerols using RP-HPLC/APCI-MS—preprocessing, statistical analysis and automated structure determination. Submitted to the Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry, 2012. Burns TA, Luberto C. Sphingolipid metabolism and leukemia: a potential for novel therapeutic approaches. Review. Anticancer Agents Med Chem (9):863-81, 2011. Rella A, Yang MW, Gruber JD, Montagna MT, Luberto C, Zhang Y-M, Del Poeta M. Pseudomonas aeruginosa inhibits the growth of Cryptococcus species. Mycopathologia 173:451-461, 2011. (Featured in Global Medical Discovery: Pseudomonas aeruginosa Inhibits the Growth of Cryptococcus Species, February 20th, 2012). Mather AR and Siskind LJ. Glycosphingolipids and kidney disease. In Sphingolipids and Metabolic Disease, L. Ashley Cowart ed, Landes Biosciences. In press. ISBN 9781-4614-0649-5, 2012. Suriyan Ponnusamy, Shanmugam Panneer Selvam, Shikhar Mehrotra, Toshihiko Kawamori, Ashley J Snider, Lina M Obeid, Yuan Shao, Roger Sabbadini, Besim Ogretmen. Communication between host organism and cancer cells is transduced by systemic Sphingosine kinase/sphingosine-1-phosphate signaling to regulate tumor metastasis. EMBO Mol Med, in press 2012. Perry DM, Kitatani K, Roddy P, El-Osta M, Hannun YA. Identification and characterization of PP2C activation by ceramide. J Lipid Res May 2012 (epub ahead of print). Rajagopalan V and Hannun YA. Sphingolipid metabolism and signaling as a target of cancer therapy. In Cell Death Signaling in Cancer Biology and Treatment, Springer, in press 2012. Saddoughi SA, Garrett-Mayer E, Chaudhary U, O'Brien PE, Afrin LB, Day TA, Gillespie MB, Sharma AK, Wilhoit CS, Bostick R, Senkal CE, Hannun YA, Bielawski J, Simon GR, Shirai K, Ogretmen B. Results of a phase II trial of gemcitabine plus doxorubicin in patients with recurrent head and neck cancers: serum C₁₈-ceramide as a novel 136 biomarker for monitoring response. Clin Cancer Res 17(18):6097-105, 2011. Epub 2011 Jul 26. Senkal CE, Ponnusamy S, Manevich Y, Meyers-Needham M, Saddoughi SA, Mukhopadyay A, Dent P, Bielawski J, Ogretmen B. Alteration of ceramide synthase 6/C16-ceramide induces activating transcription factor 6-mediated endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress and apoptosis via perturbation of cellular Ca2+ and ER/Golgi membrane network. J Biol Chem 286(49):42446-58, 2011. Epub 2011 Oct 19. Meyers-Needham M, Lewis JA, Gencer S, Sentelle RD, Saddoughi SA, Clarke CJ, Hannun YA, Norell H, da Palma TM, Nishimura M, Kraveka JM, Khavandgar Z, Murshed M, Cevik MO, Ogretmen B. Off-target function of the sonic hedgehog inhibitor cyclopamine in mediating apoptosis via nitric oxide-dependent neutral sphingomyelinase 2/ceramide induction. Mol Cancer Ther 11(5):1092-102, 2012. Epub 2012 Mar 27. Salas A, Ponnusamy S, Senkal CE, Meyers-Needham M, Selvam SP, Saddoughi SA, Apohan E, Sentelle RD, Smith C, Gault CR, Obeid LM, El-Shewy HM, Oaks J, Santhanam R, Marcucci G, Baran Y, Mahajan S, Fernandes D, Stuart R, Perrotti D, Ogretmen B. Sphingosine kinase-1 and sphingosine 1-phosphate receptor 2 mediate Bcr-Abl1 stability and drug resistance by modulation of protein phosphatase 2A. Blood 117(22):5941-52, 2011. Epub 2011 Apr 28. Meyers-Needham M, Ponnusamy S, Gencer S, Jiang W, Thomas RJ, Senkal CE and Ogretmen B. Concerted functions of HDAC1 and microRNA-574-5p repress alternatively spliced ceramide synthase 1 expression in human cancer cells. EMBO Molecular Medicine 4(2):78-92, 2011. Abstracts/Presentations Kristina Andrijauskaite April 2012 – Thesis seminar: "Biochemical links between hormonal mediators of psychological stress and the expression on MUC1 in prostate cancer cells." Sarah Brice June 2012 – Society for Heart and Vascular Metabolism Annual Meeting, Oxford, United Kingdom. Poster presentation: “The role of sphingolipids and (dihydro)ceramide synthase 5 in diabetic cardiomyopathy.” March 2012 – Perry V. Halushka MSTP Student Research Day, Medical University of South Carolina, Charleston, SC. Oral presentation: “The role of sphingolipids and (dihydro)ceramide synthase 5 in diabetic cardiomyopathy in mice.” March 2012 – Biochemistry Department Research and Methods Seminar, Medical University of South Carolina, Charleston, SC. “The role of sphingolipids and (dihydro)ceramide synthase 5 in diabetic cardiomyopathy.” 137 November 2011 – Southeastern Regional Lipid Conference, Cashiers, NC. Oral presentation: “A high-myristate diet induces sphingolipid-dependent cardiac hypertrophy, dysfunction, and autophagy: A requirement for (dihydro)ceramide synthase 5 in sphingolipid-dependent cardiac autophagy.” Jordon Gruber November 2011 - ASM Cell-2-Cell Communication Conference, Miami, FL. “Pseudomonas aeruginosa strains PAO1 and PA14 show unique swarming patterns and ability to stimulate biofilm growth.” May 2012 - SC ASM Spring Meeting, Aiken, SC. “Pseudomonas aeruginosa strains PAO1 and PA14 show unique swarming patterns and ability to stimulate biofilm growth.” Alexis Hoeferlin August 2011 – Dissertation seminar: “Regulation of cell death pathways by folate metabolism.” Andrew Mather January 2012 - Department of Medicine Student Research Day, Charleston, SC. Poster presentation: "Accumulation of glucosylceramide and lactosylceramide in lupus nephritis: biomarker or mediator of disease?" November 2011 - Southeastern Regional Lipid Conference, Cashiers, NC. Oral presentation: "Accumulation of glucosylceramide and lactosylceramide in lupus nephritis: biomarker or mediator of disease?" David Perry May 2012 – Dissertation seminar: "Activation of protein phosphatase 2C ceramide and essential role of acid sphingomyelinase in IL-6 synthesis." Rosanna Robertson November 2011 – dissertation seminar: "Developing new drug targets in Neisseria gonorrhoeae: functional and structural studies of AmiC, an N-acetylmuramyl-L-alanine amidase required for bacterial cell separation." Sahar Saddoughi March 2012 – dissertation seminar: "FTY720 Mimics Ceramide to Target I2PP2A/SET Oncoprotein for PP2A Activation Leading to Lung Tumor Suppression" David Sentelle March 2011 - International Charleston Ceramide Conference Villars Switzerland, oral presentation: “Ceramide's role in lethal mitophagy of head and neck cancer.” March 2012 - MUSC Scholars Day, Charleston SC, poster presentation: “Ceramide mediates LC3B dependent mitophagy and tumor suppression.” 138 June 2012 – dissertation seminar: "Ceramide Mediates LC3B Dependent Mitophagy and Tumor Suppression." April 2011 American Association of Cancer Research - 102nd Annual Meeting, Orlando FL poster presentation: “Ceramide suffocates cancer cells to death: Regulation of mitophagy by ceramide signaling.” Kyle Strickland November 2011 – dissertation seminar: "The cytosolic and mitochondrial pathways of 10-formyltetrahydrofolate metabolism." Raquela Thomas 2011 Hollings Cancer Center Annual Research Retreat and 2012 Hollings Cancer Center Lipid Signaling in Cancer Program Retreat. Poster presentations: “Regulation of human dihydroceramide synthase 1 (dhCerS1/LASS1) gene in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma.” STUDENTS’ HONORS AND AWARDS Kristina Andrijauskaite First place poster presentation, MUSC Student Research Day 2011. “Effects of cortisol and norepinephrine on the expression of the tumor antigen MUC1 in DU-145 prostate cancer cells.” Sarah Brice NIH Predoctoral Individual Fellowship, Ruth L. Kirschstein Award, National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (activated September 2011). Jordon Gruber Honorable mention oral presentation, MUSC Student Research Day 2011, “Bioactive sphingolipids regulate cardiac hypertrophy and autophagy in lipid overload: A role for myristate and its derivatives.” Travel award to American Society for Microbiology Cell to Cell Communication Conference in Miami, FL, November 2011. Second place graduate student poster presentation: “Co-strain biofilm and their influence on group behaviors and total virulence.” South Carolina ASM, May 2012. Predoctoral grant from the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. “The influence of dihydroxyquinoline (DHQ) on quorum-sensing and virulence factor production in Pseudomonas aeruginosa.” December 2011. Andrew Mather Second place poster presentation, MUSC Student Research Day 2011: “Accumulation of glucosylceramide and lactosylceramide in lupus nephritis: biomarker or mediator of disease?” 139 Shanmugam Panneer Selvam First prize oral presentation, 2011 Edith Peng Award for Research Excellence, Annual Hollings Cancer Center Symposium: “Regulation of telomerase by sphingosine kinase-2 / sphingosine-1-phosphate signaling in lung cancer.” David Sentelle Travel award, 6th International Charleston Ceramide Conference, Villars Switzerland, March 2011. First place poster presentation: “Ceramide mediates LC3B dependent mitophagy and tumor suppression.” MUSC Scholars Day, Charleston SC, March 2012 F30 NRSA Individual Fellowship, National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research, 2011-2012. Goals for 2012-2013 Amidst a period of change within the Department of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology, our graduate program is being reviewed and revised with the overarching goal of attracting the brightest students to the department and furnishing them with requisite skills and knowledge in a challenging and stimulating environment, in readiness for outstanding careers in science. At present, existing courses are being updated and new ones are also being developed. New courses include one themed on RNA biology, another that will teach advanced topics in Biochemistry and a new Spring Selective on diabetes. Journal clubs and seminar programs are also being overhauled. Overall, the realignment of courses will reflect the evolving composition of the Department and further changes can be anticipated upon appointment of a new Chair. In tandem, we plan to monitor the progress of students more closely to ensure that the mentor and department continue to provide the optimal environment for training, including opportunities for development that will increase their competiveness in an increasingly tough scientific environment. 140 Clemson-MUSC Bioengineering Program Richard Swaja, PhD (Director) Martine LaBerge, PhD (Chair – Clemson Bioengineering Department) Student’s Name Angela Alexander Vincent Beachley Sarah Cisewski Wenjun He Eleni Katsanevakis Jonathan Kuo Xiaowei Li Xiaoyan Liu Rebekkah Merrell Emily Ongstad Erin Pardue Suzanne Parks Changcheng Shi Yu Tan Van Tran Michael Vaughn Benjamin Whatley Gregory Wright Yongren Wu Matriculation Date 2008 2006 2010 2007 2007 2006 2006 2006 2010 2007 2006 2009 2008 2011 2008 2009 2007 2009 2008 Mentor Dr. Ning Zhang Dr. Xuejun Wen Dr. Hai Yao Dr. HaiYao Dr. Ning Zhang Dr. Hai Yao Dr. Xuejun Wen Dr. Xuejun Wen Dr. Qian Kang Dr. Rob Gourdie Dr. Scott Argraves Dr. Rick Visconti Dr. Hai Yao Dr. Xuejun Wen Dr. Xuejun Wen Dr. Xuejun Wen Dr. Xuejun Wen Dr. Hai Yao Dr. Hai Yao Degree Sought PhD PhD/Graduated 2012 PhD PhD PhD PhD PhD PhD MS PhD PhD PhD PhD PhD PhD PhD PhD PhD PhD STUDENTS’ PUBLICATIONS Journals 1. Jonathan Kuo, Changcheng Shi, Sarah Cisewski, Li Zhang, Michael Kern, and Hai Yao, “Regional Cell Density Distribution and Oxygen Consumption Rates in Porcine TMJ Discs: An Explant Study”, Osteoarthritis and Cartilage, 19, No. 7, 911-918 (July 2011) 2. Jonathan Kuo, Gregory Wright, David Bach, Elizabeth Slate, and Hai Yao, “Effect of Mechanical loading on Electrical Conductivity in Porcine TMJ Discs”, Journal of Dental Research,90, No. 10, 1216-1220 (October 2011) 3. Emily Ongstad, Michael Yost, Richard Goodwin, Harold Friedman, Su Fann, Ghatam Ghatnekar, and Rob Gourdie, “Regenerative Pharmacology of Implanted Materials and Tissue Engineered Constructs”, Regenerative Pharmacology, Cambridge University Press (October 2011) 141 4. Emily Ongstad, Michael O’Quinn, Ghatam Ghatnekar, Michael Yost, and Rob Gourdie, “A Connexin-43 Mimetic Peptide Promotes Regenerative Healing and Improves Mechanical Properties in Skin and Heart”, Wound Healing Society Yearbook,3 (November 2011) 5. Kelvin Brockbank, Edward Rahn, Gregory Wright, Zhu Chen, and Hai Yao, “Impact of Hypothermia on Chondrocyte Viability and Cartilage Matrix Permeability After One Month of Refrigerated Storage”, Transfusion Medicine and Hemotherapy, 38, No. 6, 387-392 (December 2011) 6. Rob Gourdie, James Rhett, Emily Ongstad, Joseph Palatinus, and Michael O’Quinn, “Translating Basic Research on CX-43 Gap Junctions into Therapies for Reducing Scarring and Cardiac Arrhythmia”, Connexin Cell Communication Channels: Roles in the Immune System and Immunopathjology, CRC Press (December 2011) 7. Ule Mendes, Eric Brown, Emily Ongstad, James Slis, and Joseph Goldman, “Functional Recovery of Fluid Drainage Precedes Lymphangiogenesis in Acute Murine Foreleg Lymphedema”, American Journal of Heart Circulation Physiology, 32, No. 16, 112-116 (March 2012) 8. Emily Ongstad and Rob Gourdie, “Myocyte-Fibroblast Electrical Coupling: The Basis of a Stable Relationship?”, Cardiovascular Research, 93, 215-217 ((March 2012) 9. Gregory Wright, Jonathan Kuo, Thierry Bacro, Elizabeth Slate, and Hai Yao, “Effect of Mechanical Loading on Electrical Conductivity in Human TMJ Discs is Sex Dependent”, Journal of Dental Research, 90, No. 12, 946-950 (June 2012) 10. James Rhett, Emily Ongstad, Joseph Jourdan, and Rob Gourdie, “Characterization of the CX-43 Gap Junction Perinexus by High-Sensitivity Labeling”, Journal of Membrane Biology, 25, No. 2, 433-438 (June 2012) Abstracts 1. Emily Ongstad, Micahel O’Quinn, James Rhett, Steven Bowers, Thomas Baudino, Thomas Borg, and Rob Gourdie, “Effects of the Connexin-43 CT on Myocyte-Fibroblast Adhesion Following Cardiac Injury”, Proceedings of International Gap Junction Conference, Ghent, Belgium (August 2011) 2. Emily Ongstad, Michael O’Quinn, James Rhett, and Rob Gourdie, “Effects of Connexin-43 CT Mimetic Peptide on Cell Interactions in a Novel In-Vitro 3D Model of the Infarct Border Zone”, Proceedings of the North Carolina Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine Conference, Winston-Salem, North Carolina (November 2011) 142 3. Gregory Wright, Jonathan Kuo, Thierry Bacro, and Hai Yao, “Mechanical Strain Affects Conductivity in Human TMJ Discs”, Proceedings Second Annual Scholar’s Day, MUSC Department of Dental Medicine, Charleston, South Carolina (February 2012) 4. Ule Mendez, Eric Brown, Emily Ongstad, James Slis, and Joseph Goldman, “Functional Recovery of Fluid Drainage Precedes Lymphangiogenesis in Acute Murine Foreleg Lymphedema”, Proceedings of Gordon Research Conference, Ventura, California (February 2012) 5. Jonathan Kuo, Gregory Wright, Michael Kern, and Hai Yao, “Glucose and Lactate Diffusion in Porcine TMJ Disc”, Proceedings of 41st Annual Meeting of the American Association for Dental Research, Tampa, Florida (March 2012) 6. Sarah Cisewski, Yongren Wu, and Hai Yao, “Nutrition Metabolic Rates of Normal Human Intervertebral Disc Cells”, Proceedings of 58th Annual Orthopaedic Research Society Meeting, San Francisco, California (April 2012) 7. Yongren Wu, Sarah Cisewski, and Hai Yao, “Effect of Cartilage Endplates on Nutrition Distribution Inside Human Intervertebral Discs: A Finite Element Analysis”, Proceedings of the 58th Annual Orthopaedic Research Society Meeting, San Francisco, California (April 2012) 8. Sarah Cisewski, “Intervertebral Disc Regeneration”, Proceedings of the International Spine Care Conference, Kiawah Island, South Carolina (May 2012) Presentations 1. Emily Ongstad, Michael O’Quinn, James Rhett, Steven Bowers, Thomas Baudino, Thomas Borg, and Rob Gourdie, “Effects of the Connexin-43 CT on Myocyte-Fibroblast Adhesion Following Cardiac Injury”, International Gap Junction Conference, Ghent, Belgium (August 2011) 2. Sarah Cisewski, “Intervertebral Disc Form and Function”, MUSC Lecture to Orthopaedic Residents (October 2011) 3. Emily Ongstad, Michael O’Quinn, James Rhett, and Rob Gourdie, “Effects of Connexin-43 CT Mimetic Peptide on Cell Interactions in a Novel In-Vitro 3D Model of the Infarct Border Zone”, North Carolina Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine Conference, Winston-Salem, North Carolina (November 2011) 4. Gregory Wright, Jonathan Kuo, Thierry Bacro, and Hai Yao, “Mechanical Strain Affects Conductivity in Human TMJ Discs”, Second Annual Scholar’s Day, MUSC Department of Dental Medicine, Charleston, South Carolina (February 2012) 143 5. Ule Mendez, Eric Brown, Emily Ongstad, James Slis, and Joseph Goldman, “Functional Recovery of Fluid Drainage Precedes Lymphangiogenesis in Acute Murine Foreleg Lymphedema”, Gordon Research Conference, Ventura, California (February 2012) 6. Emily Ongstad and Rob Gourdie, “Role of the Connexin-43 CT on MyocyteFibroblast Interactions in a 3D Model of the Infarct Border Zone”, Cardiovascular Developmental Biology Symposium, Charleston, South Carolina (March 2012) 7. Gregory Wright, Alaa Ahmad, Richard Gross, and Hai Yao, “Management of Kyphotic Deformity Associated with Early Onset Scoliosis: A Biomechanical Comparison of Different Methods”, Siegling Society Research Day, Charleston, South Carolina (April 2012) 8. Jonathan Kuo, Gregory Wright, Michael Kern, and Hai Yao, “Glucose and Lactate Diffusion in Porcine TMJ Disc”, 41st Annual Meeting of the American Association for Dental Research, Tampa, Florida (March 2012) 9. Sarah Cisewski, Yongren Wu, and Hai Yao, “Nutrition Metabolic Rates of Normal Human Intervertebral Disc Cells”, 58th Annual Orthopaedic Research Society Meeting, San Francisco, California (April 2012) 10. Yongren Wu, Sarah Cisewski, and Hai Yao, “Effect of Cartilage Endplates on Nutrition Distribution Inside Human Intervertebral Discs: A Finite Element Analysis”, 58th Annual Orthopaedic Research Society Meeting, San Francisco, California (April 2012) 11. Sarah Cisewski, “Intervertebral Disc Regeneration”, International Spine Care Conference, Kiawah Island, South Carolina (May 2012) STUDENTS’ HONORS AND AWARDS Vincent Beachley received the PhD Degree in Bioengineering in May 2011 and accepted a post doctoral position at Johns Hopkins University. Rebekkah Merrell received the MS Degree in December 2011 and accepted a position in industry. Sarah Cisewski received the 2012 Austin T. Moore Leadership Award at Clemson University. Jonathan Kuo received the 2012 Clemson University Outstanding Graduate Student Research Award. 144 Angela Alexander was selected to attend a Future Faculty Leadership Workshop at MIT in July 2011. Sarah Cisewski received a National Science Foundation Graduate Career Research Award. Emily Ongstad received a NIH Ruth Kirschstein National Research Service Award F31 Pre-Doctoral Fellowship. Sarah Cisewski and Suzanne Parks mentored high school and junior high school students as part of the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) Program in Charleston. Angela Alexander was elected President of the MUSC Multicultural Graduate Student Association (MGSA).. Angela Alexander served as Community Service Chair of the MUSC Multicultural Graduate Student Association. Jonathan Kuo was selected to chair the opening session of the 2012 Annual Society for Dental Research Conference in Tampa, Florida. Angela Alexander served as MGSA Representative to MUSC Minority Student Advisory Board. Gregory Wright mentored students and delivered lectures related to biomechanics and bioengineering research for the 2011 state-wide LEGO Science Competition. Suzanne Parks and Wenjun He served as MUSC Presidential Scholars for the 2011-12 academic year. Suzanne Parks, Sarah Cisewski, and Gregory Wright coordinated a “Bioengineering Day” at MUSC for students from Fort Dorchester High School as part of the STEM Program. Glenn Hepfer mentored a Charleston Academic Magnet high school student for his senior thesis in regenerative medicine. Program Accomplishments for 2011-2012 The joint Clemson-MUSC Bioengineering Program completed its eighth year in May 2012. During the 2011-2012 year, the highlight was moving to the Bioengineering Building on the NIH campus which was dedicated in October 2011. This marked a milestone for the program in that it provides dedicated space for the Clemson-MUSC faculty and students and proximity to scientific and administrative collaborators. Enrollment continued strong with a total of 25 graduate students and post-docs, and 145 graduate students continued to enjoy a high degree of success obtaining research and education support grants from NSF, NIH, and foundations. Students also maintained a high level of scientific productivity with regard to journal publications, presentations, and abstract submittals. Clemson Bioengineering students continued to integrate into MUSC activities and programs through leadership in student government and social organizations, participation in university outreach and student research opportunities, mentoring high school and junior high school teachers and students in local and statewide science education programs, and mentoring high school and undergraduate students during summer research experiences. Clemson Bioengineering student accomplishments and contributions to MUSC activities were recognized by several awards throughout the year. Two special awards included the Clemson University Graduate Student Leadership and Outstanding Research Awards which both went to Clemson-MUSC graduate students (Jonathan Kuo and Sarah Cisewski). Six graduate students also participated as coordinators and program facilitators for a major national conference conducted in December in Charleston - the SmartState “Conference on Realizing a Knowledge-Based Economy: Bridging Academia, Government, and Industry”. One student (Vincent Beachley) received his PhD degree and one student (Rebekkah Merrell) received her MS degree during the year, and both received excellent positions after graduation - testimonials to the quality education and high regard of the program. The joint Clemson-MUSC Bioengineering Program continued to develop and meet its primary mandate of bridging the life and physical sciences to enable collaborations among faculty and students at the participating universities. Program Goals for 2012-2013 The 2012-2013 term is the continuation of a transition period for the Clemson-MUSC Bioengineering Program – one that reflects maturation and true integration of the program between the universities. The beginning of the next phase was marked by the dedication and occupancy of the new Bioengineering Building at MUSC. Activities are currently focused on developing a new inter-university agreement to formally define the program and dealing with losses of faculty by the end of the summer of 2012. Major goals during the 2012-2013 year include (l) preparation and approval of the ClemsonMUSC agreement for the next five years of the program, and (2) hiring new faculty to replace three who recently left Clemson and additional staff to augment current scientific expertise. Other goals are to increase support of student research and education through agency and foundation grants, to expand collaborations among the colleges and departments at MUSC, to maintain a high level of participation in university activities and outreach efforts, and to increase the number of Clemson graduate students mentored by MUSC faculty. The program continues to be a credit to both universities and is a model for collaborative efforts aimed at bridging disciplines and organizations. 146 Division of Biostatistics & Epidemiology Viswanathan Ramakrishnan, PhD, Director Student’s Name Boan, Andrea Cassarly, Christy Chiuzan, Codruta Cornelius, Monica Dasgupta, Purbasha Davis, Melanie Ellerbe, Caitlyn Fan, Liqiong Logan, Sarah Rachel Moss Nicholas, Katherine Onicescu, Georgiana Parker, Anthony Payne, Elizabeth Matriculation Date 2005 2011 2009 2007 2010 2011 2009 2011 2006 2011 2010 2010 2007 2011 Mentor Daniel Lackland (Renee’ Martin)* Elizabeth Garrett-Mayer Elizabeth Pickelsimer Andrew Lawson (Renee’ Martin)* Valerie Durkalski (Renee’ Martin)* Joyce Nicholas (Elizabeth Garrett-Mayer)* (Valerie Durkalski)* Andrew Lawson Elizabeth Slate (Viswanathan Ramakrishnan)* Prince Nelson, Sybil 2010 (Bethany Wolf)* Robinson, Kyra 2010 Valerie Durkalski Rotejanapresert, Chawarat 2011 (Andrew Lawson)* Santos, Claritza 2009 (Kelly Hunt)* Small, James 2011 (Anbesaw Selassie)* Teklehaimanot, Abeba 2011 (Jordan Elm)* Voronca, Delia 2011 (Mulugeta Gebregziabher)* Weng, Yanqiu 2008 Yuko Palesch Wheless, Lee 2005 Anthony Alberg *Names in parentheses are Program of Study Advisors Degree Sought PhD PhD PhD PhD MS PhD PhD PhD PhD PhD PhD PhD PhD PhD PhD PhD PhD MS PhD MS PhD PhD PhD STUDENTS’ PUBLICATIONS Journals Hudspeth M.P., Heath T. S., Chiuzan C., Garrett-Mayer E., Folinic Acid Administration after Methotrexate Graft-Versus-Host Disease Prophylaxis in Pediatric Allogeneic Stem Cell Transplantation, Bone Marrow Transplantation, May 2012, 1-4 Prisciandaro J., DeSantis S., Chiuzan C., Brown D., Brady K.T., Tolliver B., Impact of Depressive Symptoms on Future Alcohol Use in Patients with Co-occurring Bipolar Disorder and Alcohol Dependence: A Prospective Analysis in an 8-Week Randomized 147 Controlled Trial of Acamprosate, Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, March 2012, Vol. 36, No. 3, 490-496 Korte J.E., Magruder K.M., Chiuzan C., Logan S., Killeen T., Bandyopadhyay D., Brady K.T., Assessing drug use during follow-up: direct comparison of candidate outcome definitions in pooled analyses of addiction treatment studies, Am J Drug Alcohol Abuse, Sep 2011, 37(5):358-66 Ellerbe CN, Gebregziabher M, Korte JE, Mauldin J, Hunt, KJ. Quantifying the impact of GDM, maternal weight and race on birthweight via quantile regression. (submitted:AJE) Wilson DK, Lawson AB, Ellerbe C, Kugler KA, Meyers DC, Coulon SM, Lawman HG. Spatial Context and Social Environmental Predictors of Walking in an Underserved Community: The PATH Trial. (submitted: SSTE) Fowler EB, Woolworth JA, Quigley DI, Ellerbe C, Wolff DJ. Validation and Clinical Utility Assessment of an Automated Capture/Analysis System for FISH to Detech Urothelial Carcinoma. (submitted) Fowler EB, Woolworth JA, Ellerbe C, Sobolesky PM, Shao Y, Keane T, Watson DK, Wolff D, Moussa O. Analysis of Apoptosis Regulators, Inhibitors of Apoptosis genes, BBFAR, and Stannin as Diagnostic Markers for Bladder Cancer (submitted) Hunt KJ, Marlow NM, Gebregziabher M, Ellerbe CN, Mauldin J, Mayorga ME, Korte JE (2012) Impact of maternal diabetes on birthweight is greater in non-Hispanic blacks than in non-Hispanic whites. Diabetologia 55(4): 971-980. Lawson AB, Onicescu G, Ellerbe C. (2011) Foot and mouth disease revisited: Reanalysis using Bayesian spatial susceptible-infectious-removed models. Spatial and Spatio-temporal Epidemiology 2(3): 185-194. Korte J, Magruder K, Chiuzan C, Logan S, Killeen T, Bandyopadhyay D, Brady K. Assessing drug use during follow-up: direct comparison of candidate outcome definitions in pooled analyses of addiction treatment studies. Am J Drug Alcohol Abuse, 2011; 37(5): 358-366 Ricci R, Salatino A, Logan S, Funk, AP. et al. Imaging the Neural Mechanisms of VisioSpatial Perception with Interleaved TMS/fMRI Technique: Preliminary Evidence. Experimental Brain Research (Submitted). Logan S, Nicholas J, Carpenter L, King L, Garret-Mayer E, Charles J. High Prescription Drug Utilization and Associated Costs Among Medicaid-Eligible Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders Identified by a Population-based Surveillance Network. Annals of Epidemiology, 2012. 22; 1:1-8. 148 Nicholas J, Carpenter L, King L, Jenner W, Wahlquist A, Logan S, Charles J. Completeness of case ascertainment for surveillance of autism spectrum disorders using the autism developmental disabilities monitoring network methodology. Disability and Health Journal. 2012. In Press. Andrew B. Lawson, Georgiana Onicescu, Caitlyn Ellerbe (2012). Foot and mouth disease revisited: re-analysis using Bayesian spatial Susceptible-Infective-Removed models. Spat Spattemporal Epidemiol.,Sep 2011;2(3) 185-194. Carter CL, Onicescu G, Cartmell KB, Sterba KR, Tomsic J, Alberg AJ. The comparative effectiveness of a team-based versus group-based physical activity intervention for cancer survivors. Support Care Cancer.Sep.2011:137163 Kasman L, Onicescu G., Voelkel-Johnson C (2012). Histone deacetylase inhibitors restore cell surface expression of the coxsackie adenovirus receptor and enhance CMV promoter activity in castration-resistant prostate cancer cells. Prostate Cancer, Jan 2012, 137163. Kathleen B. Cartmell, Matthew J. Carpenter, Sharon R. Biggers, Georgiana Onicescu, Elizabeth G. Hill, Secondhand smoke exposure in youths in relation to the strength and adherence of parental rules against smoking at home and in the car, Public Health Reports,2011 Jul-Aug;126(4):575-82. Samantha Solito, Erika Falisi, Claudia Marcela Diaz-Montero, Andrea Doni, Laura Pinton, Antonio Rosato, Samuela Francescato, Giuseppe Basso, Paola Zanovello, Georgiana Onicescu, Elizabeth Garrett-Mayer, Alberto J. Montero, Vincenzo Bronte, Susanna Mandruzzato. A human promyelocytic-like population is responsible for the immune suppression mediated by myeloid-derived supressor cells. Blood. Aug 2011;118(8):2254-65. Parker A, Yuen H; Slate E. Dental Care Utilization Among Dentate Adults with Asthma: Findings from the 2008 Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System. Journal of Public Health Dentistry. Zhao W, Weng Y. Block urn design - a new randomization algorithm for sequential trials with two or more treatments and balanced or unbalanced allocation. Contemporary Clinical Trials. 2011, 32(6): 953-961. Weng Y, Korte JE. Racial disparities in being recommended to surgery for oral and oropharyngeal cancer in the United States. Community Dentistry and Oral Epidemiology. 2012, 40(1): 80-88. Weng Y, Zhao W, Palesch YY. Impact of safety monitoring on error probabilities of binary efficacy outcome analyses in large Phase III group sequential trials. Pharmaceutical Statistics. 2012, DOI: 10.1002/pst.1520. 149 Barnado A, Wheless L, Meyer AK, Gilkeson GS, Kamen DL. “Quality of Life in Patients with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) Compared to Related Controls within a Unique African American Cohort.” Lupus 2012; 21:563-9. Wheless L, Kistner-Griffin E, Jorgensen TJ, Ruczinski I, Berthier-Schaad Y, Kessing B, Hoffman-Bolton J, Francis L, Shugart YY, Strickland PT, Kao WHL, Alani RM, Smith MW, Alberg AJ. “A community-based study of nucleotide excision repair polymorphisms in relation to risk of non-melanoma skin cancer.” J Invest Dermatol 2012; 132:1354-62. Ruczinski I*, Jorgensen TJ* (co-first authors), Shugart YY, Berthier-Schaad Y, Kessing B, Hoffman-Bolton J, Helzlsouer KJ, Kao WHL, Wheless L, Francis L, Alani RM, Strickland PT, Smith MW, Alberg AJ. “Nonmelanoma skin cancer as a marker of a cancer-prone phenotype: Potential role of DNA repair gene variants.” (in press, Carcinogenesis) Jorgensen TJ, Ruczinski I, Wheless L, Shugart YY, Berthier-Schaad Y, Kessing B, Hoffman-Bolton J, Helzlsouer KJ, Kao WHL, Francis L, Alani RM, Strickland PT, Smith MW, Alberg AJ. “Variants in Hedgehog genes and the risk of cancer.” (in press, Cancer Epidemiol) Alberg AJ, Jorgensen TJ, Ruczinski I, Wheless L, Shugart YY, Berthier-Schaud Y, Kessing B, Hoffman-Bolton J, Helzlsouer KJ, Kao WHL, Francis L, Alani R, Smith MW, Strickland PT. “DNA repair gene variants in relation to overall cancer risk: A populationbased study.” (submitted, Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev) Smith AW, Rohrer B, Wheless L, Samantaray S, Ray S, Inoue J, Azuma M, Banik N. “The effect of calpain inhibition on visual pathway function during the course of chronicprogressive optic neuritis.” (submitted, J Neurosci) Jorgensen TJ, Ruczinski I, Wheless L, Shugart YY, Berthier-Schaad Y, Kessing B, Hoffman-Bolton J, Helzlsouer KJ, Kao WHL, Francis L, Alani RM, Strickland PT, Smith MW, Alberg AJ. “Fibroblast growth factor 2 receptor polymorphisms associated with increased risk of basal cell carcinoma.” (submitted, J Invest Dermatol) Wheless L, Kistner-Griffin E, Shugart YY, Kao WHL, Jorgensen TJ, Berthier-Schaad Y, Kessing B, Hoffman-Bolton J, Ellerbe C, Francis L, Strickland PT, Alani RM, Smith MW, Alberg AJ, Ruczinski I. “Practical consideration in exploring gene-gene interactions: An example using nucleotide excision repair pathway genes in relation to nonmelanoma skin cancer.” (in preparation) Wheless L*, Lam TK* (co-first authors), Jorgensen TJ, Ruczinski I, Berthier-Schaad Y, Kessing B, Hoffman-Bolton J, Woodward L, Yao Y, Strickland PT, Smith MW, Alberg AJ. “XPD variant Lys751Gln is associated with increased risk of lung cancer independent of smoking” (in preparation) 150 Barnado A, Wheless L, Meyer AK, Gilkeson GS, Kamen DL. “Pregnancy Outcomes among African American Patients with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) Compared to Controls.” (in preparation) Abstracts Boan, Andrea D., Bachman, David L., Adams, Robert J., Feng, Wuwei, Egan, Brent M., Nicholas, Joyce S., et al; Racial disparities in repeat admissions for ischemic stroke patients <65years of age [abstract]. Journal of Clinical Hypertension 2012;14 Suppl 1: 2. Malek, Angela M., Adams, Robert, Boan, Andrea D., Feng, Wayne, Lackland, Daniel; Blood pressure and acute ischemic stroke [abstract]. Journal of Clinical Hypertension 2012;14 Suppl 1: 80. Hudspeth M.P., Heath T. S., Chiuzan C., Garett-Mayer E., Nista E., Clonal Evolution Is a Stronger Predictor Than Disease Status of Disease-Free Survival After Pediatric Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation, Biology of Blood and Marrow Transplantation Vol. 17, 2011, Issue 2, Supplement, pages S266-S267 Logan S, Nicholas J, King L, Charles J, Jenner W, Carpenter L. Assessing Medication Adherence in Autism Spectrum Disorders. International Meeting for Autism Research, Toronto, ON, May 2012. Carpenter L, Logan S, King L, Charles J, Devane L, Singh I, Jenner W, Cheely C, Nicholas J. Omega-3 Fatty Acid Supplementation in Children with Autism. International Meeting for Autism Research, Toronto, ON, May 2012. Georgiana Onicescu, Andrew B. Lawson, Suzanne McDermott, C. Marjorie Aelion, Bo Cai. Cumulative spatial and temporal exposure modeling of soil metals and developmental disabilities in children. GEOMED Oct 2011, Victoria, BC, Canada Georgiana Onicescu, Andrew B. Lawson, Suzanne McDermott, C. Marjorie Aelion, Bo Cai. Cumulative spatial and temporal exposure modeling of soil metals and developmental disabilities in children. Student research day, Nov 2011, Charleston, SC Wheless L, Kistner-Griffin E, Jorgensen TJ, Ruczinski I, Berthier-Schaad Y, Kessing B, Hoffman-Bolton J, Francis L, Shugart YY, Strickland PT, Kao WHL, Alani RM, Smith MW, Alberg AJ. “A community-based study of nucleotide excision repair polymorphisms in relation to risk of non-melanoma skin cancer.” Abstract for poster presentation, AACR annual meeting, Chicago, IL, 3/31-4-3/12 Wheless L, Kistner-Griffin E, Shugart YY, Kao WHL, Jorgensen TJ, Berthier-Schaad Y, Kessing B, Hoffman-Bolton J, Francis L, Strickland PT, Alani RM, Smith MW, Alberg AJ, Ruczinski I. “Practical consideration in exploring gene-gene interactions: An example using nucleotide excision repair pathway genes in relation to nonmelanoma skin 151 cancer.” Abstract for poster presentation, Society for Investigative Dermatology annual meeting, Raleigh, NC, 5/8-5/12/12 Presentations Boan, Andrea D., Bachman, David L., Adams, Robert J., Feng, Wuwei, Egan, Brent M., Nicholas, Joyce S., et al; Racial disparities in repeat admissions for ischemic stroke patients <65years of age. American Society of Hypertension 2012 Annual Scientific Meeting & Exposition, New York, NY, May 19, 2012. Boan AD, Bachman DL, Adams RJ, Feng W, Egan BM, Nicholas JS, Lawson AB, Lackland DT. Racial Disparities in Repeat Admissions for Ischemic Stroke Patients Less than 65 years of Age. Posted presented November 4, 2011 at The Perry V. Halushka Medical University of South Carolina Student Research Day, Charleston, SC. Boan AD, Bachman DL, Adams RJ, Lackland DT. Associated Risk Factors and Outcomes Among Stroke Patients. Poster presented September 15, 2011 at the 17th Annual Diabetes Fall Symposium for Primary Health Care Professionals, N. Charleston, SC. Chiuzan C, Southern Regional Council on Statistics (SRCOS) - Poster Presentation, Dose Finding Design for Modeling Immunotherapy Outcomes: A Practical Approach in a Metastatic Melanoma Phase I Trial, June 2012 Chiuzan C, Eastern North American Region (ENAR) - Poster Presentation, Dose Finding Design for Modeling Immunotherapy Outcomes: A Practical Approach in a Metastatic Melanoma Phase I Trial, April 2012 Chiuzan C, Hollings Cancer Center Retreat, MUSC - Poster Presentation, Dose Finding Design for Modeling Immunotherapy Outcomes: A Practical Approach in a Metastatic Melanoma Phase I Trial, November 2011 Cornelius M, Division of Biostatistics and Epidemiology, Medical University of South Carolina. Tea Time for Science.October 10, 2011. “Assessing Prevalence of Traumatic Brain Injury in South Carolina Prisons”. Ellerbe C, Lawson AB, Wilson DK, Kugler K, Coulon S, St. George S, Van Horm ML. “Bayesian hierarchical modeling approach for understanding factors related to walking (The PATH Trial).” (2012) Active Living Research Conference. San Diego, CA. (poster presentation) Ellerbe CN, Elm J, Ramakrishnan V, Durkalski V. "Seamless Phase II/III Adaptive Dose Finding Design for Longitudinal Data in Safety/Efficacy Clinical Trials." (2012) MUSC Department of Medicine Research Day. Medical University of South Carolina, Charleston, SC. (poster presentation) 152 Ellerbe CN, Elm J, Ramakrishnan V, Durkalski V. "Seamless Phase II/III Adaptive Dose Finding Design for Longitudinal Data in Safety/Efficacy Clinical Trials." (2011) MUSC Department Perry Halushka Student Research Day. Medical University of South Carolina, Charleston, SC. (poster presentation) Logan S. Introduction to Skull Anatomy. Invited lecture at MUSC, June 2011. Logan S. Introduction to the Oral Cavity Anatomy. Invited lecture at MUSC, July 2011. Logan S. The History of Epidemiology. Invited lecture at MUSC, September 2011. Logan S. Methods of data summarization & presentation. Invited lecture, MUSC, October 2011. King L, Logan S. ASD in SC- Unique Data Linkages and What They Tell Us. Presented at the Autism Spectrum Disorders Scientific Meeting. Charleston, SC. November 2011. Carpenter L, Logan S, King L, Charles J, Devane L, Singh I, Jenner W, Cheely C, Nicholas J. Omega-3 Fatty Acid Supplementation in Children with Autism. Presented at the International Meeting for Autism Research, Toronto, ON, May 2012. Logan S. An update on the Community Advisory Committee. Presented at the International Society for Autism Research Annual Business Meeting, for the International Meeting for Autism Research, Toronto, Ontario. May 2012. Logan S, Charles, J. About Autism Awareness, Invited guest speaker on the 105.5 The Bridge with Mike Allen radio show. April 2012. Logan S, De LaRosa, A. Invited speaker at Mason Preparatory School for Autism Awareness Month, April 2012. Logan S, Carpenter L. Invited speaker at Mason Preparatory School for Autism Awareness, May 2012. Nicholas, K., Zhao, W., and Durkalski, V.; “The impact of covariate adjustment at randomization and analysis: Understanding differences in superiority and non-inferiority designs”; Southern Regional Council on Statistics Summer Research Conference, Jekyll Island, GA. (June 2012). Anthony Parker, Slate E.H., Bandyopadhyay D. “New Statistical Methods for the Analysis of Periodontal Data”. Norfolk State University. April 2012. Anthony Parker, Bandyopadhyay D., Slate E.H. “A Spatial Beta Regression Model for informatively-present Periodontal Data”. Southern Regional Council on Statistics. June 2011. 153 Robinson K, Invited Junior Speaker to SC Chapter of the American Statistical Association’s Palmetto Symposium, April 2012 (Not formally published, though): Robinson K. The Analysis of Acute Stroke Clinical Trials with Responder Analysis Outcomes. Oral presentation given at the SC Chapter of the American Statistical Association’s Palmetto Symposium. April 2012, Columbia, SC. Weng Y, Quantification of Impact of Safety Monitoring on Type I Error and Power of Efficacy Analysis in Phase III Group Sequential Clinical Trial. Joint Statistical Meetings (JSM), Miami Beach, FL, 2011. Weng Y, A General Approach for Power Estimation in Large Group Sequential Trials with Binary Efficacy and Safety Endpoints. ENAR 2012, Washington, DC, 2012. STUDENTS’ HONORS AND AWARDS Andrea Boan American Society of Hypertension 2012 Annual Scientific Meeting & Exposition Young Investigator-In-Training Abstract Competition – Third place recipient. Consortium for Southeastern Hypertension Control Post-doctoral Fellowship Award Cody Chiuzan Southern Regional Council on Statistics (SRCOS)-National Science Foundation Travel Grant, June 2012 MUSC Women's Club Scholarship, September 2011 Student Leadership Society Nominee, MUSC, 2012 Caitlyn Ellerbe 2012 MUSC Department of Medicine Research Day. Medical University of South Carolina, Charleston, SC. 1st Place Award - Graduate Studies Division Sarah Logan Member- International Society for Autism Research (INSAR) Member- Community Advisory Committee, of the International Society for Autism Research Member- Society for Clinical Trials Member- Student Inter-Professional Society (SIPS) Member- International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research (ISPOR) 154 Teaching Assistant for Foundations of Epidemiology, Fall 2011. Completed training and serving as a Clinical Reviewer with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) Autism and Developmental Disabilities Monitoring (ADDM) Network, July 2011. Nominated as Secretary for the International Society for Autism Research’s Community Advisory Committee, August 2011. Invited to serve on the National Advisory Board for the South Carolina Children’s Educational Surveillance Study, January 2012. Autism Speak’s Autism Awareness Month and Light it up Blue Campaign, Charleston area contact and organizer, April 2012. Invited to serve on the Planning and Content Committee for the Lowcountry Autism Consortium, Charleston, SC. April 2012. Tutor for Gross and Neuroanatomy, Summer 2012. Travel Award for the global initiative Project Okurase in Ghana, West Africa, from the Division of Education and Student Life, July 2012. Anthony Parker F31 NIH/NIDCR Fellowship for application entitled “Estimation of Periodontal Disease Progression in the Presence of Diagnostic Error” Dean Scholarship Sybil Prince Nelson First place - 2012 Student Research Day Poster in Health Disparities Katherine Nicholas Boyd Harshbarger Travel Award James Small Awarded the GAANN fellowship Lee Wheless Society for Investigative Dermatology PhD Retreat attendee 155 Department Accomplishments for 2011-2012 The 2011-2012 academic year was very productive for students in the graduate program in Biostatistics and Epidemiology as we met most of the goals set last year. We increased our average GRE scores. We had 37 applicants from which we interviewed 15 students and offered admission to 10 students. Six of the 10 students matriculated. One goal that was not met was to increase the number of students in the epidemiology program. We continue to spend our efforts toward this, which we believe could be better achieved when the Biostatistics and Epidemiology programs become part of the new Department of Public Health Sciences. This year our students published 31 manuscripts, many in high impact journals, and presented 36 abstracts/posters at local, national, and international meetings. Several of our students had their work recognized with competitive national and local awards, travel awards, and fellowships. Our students also held trainee positions in our NIHsupported training program (BTBBR). Students participated on committees at the university, college, department and community level, served as teaching assistants beyond the requirement, tutored students in other areas, and also served as guest lecturers in classes. Most importantly, one of our students received her PhD degree during the year. Another one of our students completed the PhD portion of the MD/PhD program at MUSC. Department Goals for 2012-2013 The 2011-2012 academic year continued to offer both challenges and opportunities for the graduate training program. The division revised and restructured the curriculum for the explicit purpose of enhancing teaching efficiency, according opportunities to teach so that faculty tenure portfolios are complete and generating revenue to support the academic program of the division. We added one advanced inference course and an introductory biology course. The opportunities of the new alignment come from extensive research and collaborative activities that the Department of Medicine offers by virtue of its size and the numerous funded activities that could potentially support PhD candidates. Student Recruitment • • • • • To maintain the number of applications to our program. To maintain GRE score of applicants to our program. To identify and increase applicants in epidemiology. To reduce the number of accepted applicants who decline the offer. To implement student recruitment data system including prospective student pools and tracking system. 156 Current Students • • • • • • To assign a mentor to students within the first year (100%). To increase the percent of students completing the program within 5 years. To maintain the number of student presentations at national meetings. To increase student collaborative publications by at least 1 per year. To increase the percent of students who have 3 first authored papers accepted for publication before completion of their PhD. To increase percent of graduates with academic faculty positions. Graduate Training • • • To create a unified training program in biostatistics and epidemiology. To revamp the epidemiology training program with emphasis on quantitative methods and comparative clinical outcome research. To engage trainees in a capstone program that fosters the application of biostatistics and epidemiology across the various colleges and departments within MUSC. 157 Department Of Cell And Molecular Pharmacology Lauren Ball, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Graduate Coordinator Jennifer Isaacs, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Graduate Coordinator Student’s Name Mentor Degree Sought Adnan Al-Ayoubi Matriculation Date Fall 2005 Scott Eblen, Ph.D. Amber Bradley Fall 2009 Scott Eblen, Ph.D. M.D., Ph.D. (Dissertation defended 01/2011) Ph.D. Krystal Dole Fall 2010 Jennifer Isaacs, Ph.D. Ph.D. Thomas Powers Fall 2011 Richard Drake, Ph.D. Ph.D. William Robichaux, III Fall 2010 Joe Blumer, Ph.D. Ph.D. Stephen Roper Richard Drake, Ph.D. Ph.D. Fall 2010 STUDENTS’ PUBLICATIONS: Manuscripts: Wu S, Dole K, Hong F, Noman AS, Isaacs JS, Liu B, Li Z. gp96-independent inhibition of endotoxin response by chaperone –based peptide inhibitors. J Biol. Chem. 2012, In Press Cooper, S.J., Tun, H.W., Roper, S.M., Kim, Y., Kilinger, T., Drake, R.R., and Copland, J.A. Current Status of Biomarker Discovery in Human clear Cell Renal Cell Carcinoma. J. Mol Biomark Diagn. 2012, S:2. Abstracts Bradley AT, Zheng H, Ziebarth A, Sakati W, Eier S, Lopez-Berestein G, Sood AK, Landen CN Jr, Eblen ST. The E3 ubiquitin ligase EDD regulates platinum resistance and is a novel therapeutic target for epithelial ovarian cancer. Hollings Cancer Center Annual Research Retreat, Daniel Island, SC, November 18, 2011. Bradley AT, Zheng H, Ziebarth A, Sakati W, Eier S, Lopez-Berestein G, Sood AK, Landen CN Jr, Eblen ST. The E3 ubiquitin ligase EDD regulates platinum resistance 158 and is a novel therapeutic target for epithelial ovarian cancer. MUSC Annual Perry V. Halushka Student Research Day, Charleston, SC, November 4, 2011. Dole, K, Hance, M, Isaacs J. Extracellular Heat Shock Protein 90 (eHsp90) utilizes the Polycomb epigenetic pathway to elicit EMT events in prostate cancer. MUSC Annual Perry V. Halushka Student Research Day, Charleston, SC, November 4, 2011. Roper, S.M., Lance, R.S., Kim, W.K., and Drake, R.R. Flow Cytometric Detection of Macrophages from Expressed Prostatic Secretions. Hollings Cancer Center Retreat, Charleston, SC, November 18, 2011. Drake, R.R., Roper, S.M., Jones, E.E., Kraft, A.S., and Zemskova, M. Isolation of Secreted Glycoproteins using Sugar-Azide Labeling and Alkyne-Bead Capture. Jones, E.E., Roper, S.M., Nyalwidhe, J., Lance, R.S., Semmes, O.J., and Drake, R.R. Exosomal Proteins from Benign and Prostate Cancer Proximal Fluids as Potential Biomarkers. American Society for Mass Spectrometry, Vancouver, BC, May 21-25, 2012. STUDENTS’ HONORS AND AWARDS Dole K First Prize: MUSC Annual Perry V. Halushka Student Research Day, Charleston, SC, November 2011. Department Accomplishments for 2011-2012 • During the fall, the Graduate coordinators hosted a celebration in honor of the students. This event was well attended by faculty, postdoctoral fellows, students and staff in the pharmacology department. We plan to host this event on an annual basis. • The Principles of Pharmacology course PCOL 721 was offered this fall under the direction of Lauren Ball, Joe Blumer and Jennifer Isaacs. Modest alterations were made to the course based on student feedback from the previous year. Six students took the course and all gave very positive reviews and confirmed that they would recommend the class to future students. • The eight week elective, Drug Discovery and Molecular Pharmacology PCOL 724, was taught this spring in conjunction with Pharmaceutical Sciences. • The format of the written qualifying examinations was changed from closed to open book. Department Goals for 2012-2013 • • The courses being offered next year include: Principles of Pharmacology; Medical and Dental Physiology; Dental Pharmacology. Provide pharmacology graduate students with a human physiology course in the fall as an alternative to taking the physiology component of the first year medical 159 • • • • curriculum. Development of a short course on Mass Spectrometry and Proteomics. The Pharmacology faculty will continue to contribute to the First Year Graduate Curriculum units “Proteins” and “Receptors and Signaling” directed by Scott Eblen and Steve Rosenzweig, respectively. The Departmental website and recruitment brochures are currently being updated. Find new ways to recruit bright students into our program. 160 Department of Drug Discovery and Biomedical Sciences Patrick M. Woster, Ph.D., Graduate Coordinator Student’s Name Appleton, Kathryn Bigham, Kevin Matriculation Date 2011 2008 Mentor Degree Sought Ph.D. Ph.D. Blakely, Jennifer Eaddy, Andre 2007 2004 Yuri Peterson/Louis Lutrell Yuri Peterson/Charles Smith Craig Beeson Rick Schnellmann Funk, Jason 2007 Rick Schnellmann Gao, Peng 2007 Charles Smith Garrett, Sara Harris, Corbin Hu, Jiangting Hung, Hsin-I (Cindy) Jesinky, Sean 2009 2009 2011 2008 2009 Rick Schnellmann Patrick M. Woster John Lemasters Anna-Lisa Niemenen Rick Schnellmann/ Craig Beeson James Chou/ Xuejun Wen Craig Beeson Chuck Smith Patrick M. Woster Josey, Benjamin Leonard, Anthony Lewis, Clay Li, Youxuan 2009 2007 2009 Wayne State 2008 MUSC 2011 Saunders, Janet 2008 Schwartz, Justin Smith, Matt 2008 2007 Sokolosky, Melissa Trager, Nicole 2011 2008 Trager, Richard 2009 Whitaker, Ryan 2008 Craig Beeson/ Rick Schnellmann John Lemasters Rick Schnellmann Patrick M. Woster Craig Beeson Naren Banik Rick Schnellmann Yuri Peterson Rick Schnellmann 161 M.D./Ph.D. M.D./Ph.D. (completed 2012) Ph.D. (completed 2012) Ph.D. (completed 2011) Ph.D. Pharm.D./Ph.D. Ph.D. Ph.D. Pharm.D./Ph.D. Ph.D. Ph.D. Ph.D. Ph.D. Ph.D. Ph.D. Ph.D. (completed 2012) Ph.D. Ph.D. Ph.D. M.D./Ph.D. STUDENTS’ PUBLICATIONS Journals Appleton, K.M.; Cushman, I.; Peterson, Y.K.: Isoprenylcysteine carboxymethyltransferase. Encyclopedia of Signaling Molecules, 2012, in press. Appleton, K.M.; Lee, M.H.; Alele, C.; Luttrell, D.K.; Peterson, Y.K., Morinelli, T.A.; Luttrell, L.M.: Biasing the parathyroid receptor: Relating in vitro ligand efficacy to in vivo biological activity. Methods in Enzymology, 2012, in press. Eaddy A.C., Cummings B, McHowat J, Schnellmann R.G.: The role of endoplasmic reticulum Ca2+-independent phospholipase A2γ in oxidant-induced lipid peroxidation, Ca2+ release, and renal cell death. Toxicol. Sci. 2012, epub ahead of print. Eaddy, A.C., Schnellmann, R.G.: Visualization and quantification of endoplasmic reticulum Ca2+ in renal cells using confocal microscopy and Fluo5F. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Comm. 2011, 404, 424-427. Funk, J.A.; Schnellmann, R.G.: Persistent disruption of mitochondrial homeostasis after acute kidney injury. Am. J. Physiol. Renal Physiol. 2012, 302, F853-F864. Gao, P.: Smith, C.D.: Ablation of sphingosine kinase 2 inhibits tumor cell proliferation and migration. Mol. Cancer Res. 2011, 9, 1509-1519. Saggu, S.; Hung, H-I.; Quiogue, G.; Lemasters, J.J., Niemenen, A-L.: Lysosomal signaling enhances mitochondria-mediated photodynamic therapy in A431 cancer cells: role of iron. Photochem. Biol. 2012, 88, 461-468. Inks, E.S.; Josey, B.J.; Jesinky, S.R., Chou, C.J.: A novel class of small molecule inhibitors of HDAC6. ACS Che. Biol. 2012, 7, 331-339. Shi, Y.J.; Rehman, H.; Ramshesh, V.K.; Schwartz, J.; Liu, Q.; Krishnasamy, Y.; Zhang, X.; Lemasters, J.J.: Sphingosine kinas 2 inhibition improved mitochondrial function and survival after hepatic ischemia-reperfusion. Hepatology, 2012, 56, 137-145. Smith, M.A.; McInnes, C.; Whitaker, R.M.; Lindsey, C.C.; Comer, R.F.; Beeson, C.C.; Schnellmann, R.G.: Calpain 10 homology modeling with CYGAK and increased lipophilicity leads to greater potency and efficacy in cells. ACS Chem. Biol. 2012, epub ahead of print. Smith M.A.; Schnellmann, R.G.: Calpains, mitochondria and apoptosis. Cardiovascular Res. 2012, epub ahead of print. 162 Smith, M.A.; Covington, M.D.; Schnellmann, R.G.: Loss of calpain 10 causes mitochondrial dysfunction during chronic hyperglycemia. Arch. Biochem. Biophys. 2012, 523, 161-168. Smith M.A.; Schnellmann, R.G.: Mitochondrial calpain 10 degraded by Lon protease after oxidant injury. Arch. Biochem. Biophys. 2012, 517, 144-152. Sokolosky, M.L.; Stadelman, K.M.; Chappell, W.H.; Abrams, S.L.; Martelli, A.M.; Stivala, F.; Libra, M.: Involvement of Akt-1 and mTOR in sensitivity of breast cancer to targeted therapy. Oncotarget. 2011, 2, 538-550. Sokolosky, M.L.; Wargovich, M.J.: Homeostatic inbalance and colon cancer: the dynamic epigenetic interplay of imflammation, environmental toxins and chemopreventative plant compounds. Front. Oncol. 2012, in press. Wills, L.P.; Trager, R.E.; Beeson, G.C.; Lindsey, C.C.; Peterson, Y.K.; Beeson C.C.; Schnellmann R.G.: The β2-adrenoceptor agonist formoterol stimulates mitochondrial biogenesis. J. Pharm. Exp. Ther. 2012, 342, 106-118. Abstracts Kevin Bigham, Ellen Maher, Starr Hazard, Joe Blumer and Yuri Peterson Selective small molecule inhibitors of heterotrimeric G-protein signaling for the treatment of ovarian cancer. April 9-13, 2011 Experimental Biology, Walter E. Washington Convention Center, Washington D.C. Kevin Bigham, Ellen Maher, Starr Hazard, Joe Blumer and Yuri Peterson: Selective small molecule inhibitors of heterotrimeric G-protein signaling for the treatment of ovarian cancer. April 13-14, 2011, RGS & AGS Proteins in Physiology & Disease Colloquium, Washington, D.C. Kevin Bigham, Starr Hazard, Jonel Lirjoni, Ellen Maher, Joe Blumer and Yuri K. Peterson: Selective small molecule inhibitors of heterotrimeric G-protein signaling for the treatment of ovarian cancer. November 5, 2011, 46th Annual Perry V. Halushka MUSC Student Research Day, Charleston, S.C. Kevin Bigham, Starr Hazard, Jonel Lirjoni, Ellen Maher, Joe Blumer and Yuri K. Peterson: Development of selective small molecule inhibitors of heterotrimeric G-protein signaling for the treatment of ovarian cancer. November 18, 2011 Hollings Cancer Center 11th Annual Scientific Research Retreat, Charleston, SC. Blakely, J.L.; Garrett, S.M.; Beeson, C.C.; Schnellmann, R.G.: %-Hydroxytryptamine class 2 receptor-mediated mitochondrial biogenesis as a potential therapeutic strategy for treatment of acute kidney injury. American Society of Nephrology Kidney Week, 2012. 163 Josey, B.J.; Wen, X.; Chou, C.J.: Structure-activity relationship study of the neuroprotective effects of vitamin K derivatives yields potent neuroprotective compounds. American Chemical Society National Meeting, San Diego, CA, March 25, 2012. Leonard, A.P., Perron, N., Nasarre, C., Beeson, C., Rohrer, B. May 2011. Mitochondrial fusion is linked to bioenergetic capacity and cell survival in a cell-based model of PDE6b-dependent RP, Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO)– poster presentation, Fort Lauderdale, FL Leonard, A.P., Perron, N., Nasarre, C., Beeson, C., Rohrer, B. July 2011. Inhibition of Mitochondrial Fission is Associated with Neuroprotection in Retinitis Pigmentosa, National MD/PhD Student Conference-poster presentation, Keystone, CO Leonard, A.P., Peterson YK, Perron NR, Beeson CC, Rohrer BM. March 2012. High Content Imaging-based Automated Classification of Mitochondrial Morphology. Abstract for oral presentation, Medical University of South Carolina 22nd Annual MSTP Research Day. Charleston, SC. Leonard, A.P., Peterson YK, Perron NR, Beeson CC, Rohrer BM. March 2012. High Content Imaging Analysis of Mitochondrial Morphology in Retinal Degeneration. Frontiers in Neuroscience Conference-poster presentation, Seabrook Island, SC Leonard, A.P., Peterson YK, Perron NR, Beeson CC, Rohrer BM. May 2012. High Content Imaging Reveals Mitochondrial Morphological Insights into the Mechanism of Neuroprotective Drug Candidates in Retinitis Pigmentosa. National Clinical and Translational Sciences Predoctoral Meeting, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN. Saunders, J.E.; Beesom, C.C.; Schnellmann, R.G.: Disruption of mitochondrial homeostasis and subpopulations in aged mice. Keystone Mitochondrial Dynamics and Function Symposium, 2012. Schwartz, J.; Zhang, X.; Lovelace, G.L.; Lemasters, J.J.: Minocycline and doxycycline cytoprotect by inhibition of the mitochondrial calcium uniporter and not by other mechanisms. 51st Annual Society of Toxicology Meeting, 2012. Presentations Kevin Bigham, Ellen Maher, Starr Hazard, Joe Blumer, and Yuri Peterson: Development of selective small molecule inhibitors of heterotrimeric G-protein signaling for the treatment of ovarian cancer. September 23, 2011 2nd Annual Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Sciences Graduate Student Retreat, Medical University of South Carolina, Charleston, SC. 164 Blakely, J.L.: Exploring 5HT2c-mediatedmitochondrial biogenesis as a potential therapeutic for the treatment of acute kidney injury. MSTP Research Day, March 24, 2012, MUSC. Josey, B.J.: Novel HDAC6/Hsp90 complex inhibitors for the treatment of acute myeloid leukemia. Hollings Cancer Center Retreat, November 18, 2011. Leonard, A.P.: Inhibition of mitochondrial fission is associated with neuroprotection in retinitis pigmentosa. SCCP Graduate Student Retreat, May 20, 2011. Li, Y.: Design, synthesis and bioevaluation of novel polyamine-based histone deacetyalse inhibitors. South Carolina College of Pharmacy Graduate Retreat, September 23, 2011 STUDENTS’ HONORS AND AWARDS Kevin Bigham: Finalist: Best Abstract Award − American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics (ASPET), Molecular Pharmacology Division. Kevin Bigham: Graduate Student Travel Award − American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics (ASPET). Sara Garrett: Awarded a research assistantship from the T32 Research Training Program on Bioenergetics, Oxidative Stress and Metabolic Syndromes. Sean Jesinky: Awarded NHLBI Training Fellowship “#HL007260 - Training to Improve Cardiovascular Therapies.” Benjamin Josey: Student Travel Award, Division of Medicinal Chemistry, American Chemical Society National Meeting, San Diego, CA, March 25, 2012. Benjamin Josey: Awarded NHLBI Training Fellowship “#HL007260 - Training to Improve Cardiovascular Therapies.” Anthony Leonard: Received a Diversity Travel Award for the National MD/PhD Student Meeting, Keystone, CO 2011. Clayton Lewis: Department of Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Sciences Graduate Student Retreat, First Place in Oral Presentations. Justin Schwartz: Presidential Scholar award, Medical University of South Carolina, 2011. 165 Successful completion of dissertation defense: Dr. Peng Gao (Smith), Dr. Andre Eaddy (Schnellmann), Dr. Jason Funk (Schnellmann) and Dr. Matt Smith (Schnellmann). Department Accomplishments for 2011-2012 Patrick M. Woster, Ph.D., assumes role as Graduate Coordinator for Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Sciences July 1, 2011. Strategic plan for department approved by the faculty August 16, 2011. Department approves name change to Drug Discovery and Biomedical Sciences; approved by MUSC Board of Trustees April 13, 2012. Department awarded South Carolina COBRE Grant in Oxidants, Redox and Stress Signalling ($7,484,062 total direct costs) March, 2012. Two tuition scholarships provided by the SCCP MUSC Campus Dean were created and awarded to Megan Dupperreault and Meredith Kaywood. The departmental graduate requirements document has been edited to comply with COGS requirements and posted: (; the requirements for department grad students on the USC campus were also edited and posted ( The MUSC document features links to the COGS web site and to the first year curriculum. Web pages for department faculty on both the MUSC and USC campuses are being updated to reflect research interests, and to facilitate recruitment. PBS recruited 2 students from the 2011-2012 1st year class: Melissa Sokolosky (Woster) and Jiangting Hu (Lemasters), one transfer student, Youxuan Li (Woster) one PharmD./Ph.D. student, Corbin Harris (Woster) and a verbal commitment from one M.D./Ph.D. student, Craig Kutz (Woster). Steven Holshouser also joined the department as a 1st year grad student (Woster). PBS produced 4 Ph.D. graduates during 2011-2012 (Peng Gao, Matt Smith, Andre Eaddy, Jason Funk). Department/Program Goals for 2012-2013 As graduate coordinator, I will work with students to ensure that graduate progression follows the prescribed timeline, and that milestones in the Ph.D. program are reported to the COGS in a timely fashion. All students will be brought up to date with regard to their requirements. 166 We will continue to integrate graduate courses offered by our combined department (MUSC and USC) through the South Carolina College of Pharmacy, and will work to increase interaction among graduate students on the two campuses. We will work to enhance the Pharm.D./Ph.D. Program with additional tuition and/or stipend support for the didactic Pharm.D. period, with additional courses, and with program-specific oversight and mentoring. In conjunction with the COGS, we will use the internet and other means of communication to enhance our recruitment efforts, with the goal of increasing the number of students in our Ph.D. and Pharm.D./Ph.D. programs. Using similar methods, we will attempt to increase the number of students taking courses offered by the Department of Drug Discovery and Biomedical Sciences. We will work to increase the number of students presenting their research at regional and national scientific meetings, and will seek travel grant funding whenever possible. All students will be encouraged to publish their results, and thus we will increase the number of peer-reviewed manuscripts authored by students and postdoctoral associates. All students will be encouraged to present their results, and thus we will increase the number of posters and oral presentations given by students. 167 Microbiology and Immunology Dr. Laura M. Kasman, Graduate Coordinator Student’s Name Akerman, Adam Almadani, Abdul Basher, Fahmin Beckham, Thomas Bergman, Charles Brandon, Danielle Buie, Joy Jones Casey, Sarah Cheng, Joseph Clark, Danielle Coughlin, Beth DeCosta, Anna-Maria DePalma, Telma M Deepe, Raymond Coughlin, Beth Elvington, Andrew Hathaway, Jessica Johnson, C. Bryce Justis, Danielle Karam, Eva Little, Elizabeth Marrison, S. Tucker Marshall, Christopher Mashmoushi, Ahmad Midgett, Kristin Morales, Crystal Morris, Keely Rachidi, Saleh Rodriguez, Kristoffer Scheffel, Matthew Scott, Jennifer L. Sutter, Alton Trager, Nicole Matriculation Date 2010 2011 2008 2009 2011 2011 2009 2010 2005 2009 2011 2006 2008 2009 2011 2007 2011 2009 2011 2011 2006 2008 2006 2007 2009 2010 2006 2010 2011 2010 2009 2007 2008 Mentor Dr. Jeffrey Jones Dr. Azizul Haque Dr. Tamara Nowling Dr. James Norris Dr. Kenneth Chavin Dr. John Zhang Dr. James Oates Dr. Carl Atkinson Dr. Jim Norris Drs. I. Singh & Doe Jenkins Dr. Barb Rohrer Dr. M. Rita Young Dr. Mike Nishimura Dr. Pandey Dr. Barb Rohrer Dr. Steve Tomlinson Dr. Azizul Haque Dr. David Cole Dr. Rita Young Dr. John Zhang Dr. David Cole Dr. James Norris Dr. Hal May Dr. Gary Gilkeson Dr. Diane Kamen Dr. Zihai Li Dr. Steve Tomlinson Dr. Zihai Li Dr. Carl Atkinson Dr. Christina Voelkel-Johnson Dr. Gary Gilkeson Dr. Kenneth Chavin Dr. Naren Banik & Dr. Craig Beeson 168 Degree Sought Masters Masters M.D./Ph.D. M.D./Ph.D. Masters Masters Ph.D. Ph.D. M.D./Ph.D. M.D./Ph.D. Masters M.D./Ph.D. Ph.D. Masters Masters Ph.D. Ph.D. M.D./Ph.D. Masters Masters Ph.D. M.D./Ph.D. Ph.D. M.D./Ph.D. Ph.D. Visiting Ph.D. M.D./Ph.D. M.D./Ph.D. Masters Masters M.D./Ph.D. M.D./Ph.D. Ph.D. STUDENTS’ PUBLICATIONS Journals Beckham TH, Lu P, Cheng JC, Zhao D, Turner LS, Zhang X, Hoffman S, Armeson KE, Liu A, Marrison T, Hannun YA, Liu X. Acid ceramidase-mediated production of sphingosine 1-phosphate promotes prostate cancer invasion through upregulation of cathepsin B. Int J Cancer Feb 9, 2012. (doi: 10.1002/ijc.27480) [Epub ahead of print] Cheng JC, Bai A, Beckham TH, Marrison ST, Yount CL, Lyons K, Jones EE, Wu BX, Keane BJ, Armeson KE, Marshall DT, Keane TE, Smith MT, Drake RR, Bielawska A, Norris JS, Liu X. Radiation-induced acid ceramidase upregulation confers resistance and tumor relapse. In submission, 2012. Rohrer B, Coughlin B, Bandyopadhyay M, Holers VM. Systemic human CR2-targeted complement alternative pathway inhibitor ameliorates mouse laser-induced choroidal neovascularization. Journal of Ocular Pharmacology and Therapeutics, Feb 6, 2012. Deepe RN, Kistner-Griffin E, Martin JN, Deeks SG, Pandey JP. Epistatic interactions between Fc (GM) and FcγR genes and the host control of human immunodeficiency virus replication. Hum Immunol. 2012 Mar;73(3):263-6. Epub 2011 Dec 11. PMID: 22213007 Elvington A, Atkinson C, Kulik L, Zhu H, Yu J, Kindy MS, Holers VM, Tomlinson S. Pathogenic natural antibodies propagate cerebral injury following ischemic stroke in mice. J Immunol 188(3):1460-8, 2012. PMID: 22198950 (selected as an "in this issue" manuscript (top 10% in J Immunol). De Costa AM, Schuyler CA, Walker DD, Young MR. Characterization of the evolution of immune phenotype during the development and progression of squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck. Cancer Immunol Immunother. 2012 Jun;61(6):927-39. Epub 2011 Nov 25. PMID: 22116344 De Costa AM, Justis DN, Schuyler CA, Young MR. Administration of a vaccine composed of dendritic cells pulsed with premalignant oral lesion lysate to mice bearing carcinogen-induced premalignant oral lesions stimulates a protective immune response. Int Immunopharmacol. 2012 May 15. [Epub ahead of print] PMID: 22609090 Walker DD, Reeves TD, de Costa AM, Schuyler C, Young MR. Immunological modulation by 1α,25-dihydroxyvitamin D(3) in patients with squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck. Cytokine. 2012 Jun;58(3):448-54. Epub 2012 Mar 24. PMID: 22450225 Schepp-Berglind J, Atkinson C, Elvington M, Qiao F, Mannon P, Tomlinson S. Complement-Dependent Injury and Protection in a Murine Model of Acute Dextran 169 Sulfate Sodium-Induced Colitis. J Immunol. 2012 May 7. [Epub ahead of print] Elvington M, Huang Y, Morgan BP, Qiao F, van Rooijen N, Atkinson C, Tomlinson S. A targeted complement-dependent strategy to improve the outcome of mAb therapy, and characterization in a murine model of metastatic cancer. Blood. 2012 Mar 22. [Epub ahead of print] Elvington A, Atkinson C, Kulik L, Zhu H, Yu J, Kindy MS, Holers VM, Tomlinson S. Pathogenic natural antibodies propagate cerebral injury following ischemic stroke in mice. J Immunol. 2012 Feb 1;188(3):1460-8. Epub 2011 Dec 23.PMID: 22198950 Ayers CM, Schlosser RJ, O'Connell BP, Atkinson C, Mulligan RM, Casey SE, Bleier BS, Wang EW, Sansoni ER, Kuhlen JL, Mulligan JK. Increased presence of dendritic cells and dendritic cell chemokines in the sinus mucosa of chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps and allergic fungal rhinosinusitis. Int Forum Allergy Rhinol. 2011 JulAug;1(4):296-302. doi: 10.1002/alr.20046. PMID: 22287435 Rubinstein MP, Cloud CA, Garrett TE, Moore CJ, Schwartz KM, Johnson CB, Craig DH, Salem ML, Paulos CM, Cole DJ. Ex vivo interleukin-12-priming during CD8(+) T cell activation dramatically improves adoptive T cell transfer antitumor efficacy in a lymphodepleted host. J Am Coll Surg 214(4):700-8, 2012. Johnson CB, Tikunov AP, Lee H, Wolak JE, Pediaditakis P, Romney DA, Holmuhamedov E, Gamcsik MP, Macdonald JM. 13 C magnetic resonance spectroscopy detection of changes in serine isotopomers reflects changes in mitochondrial redox status. Magn Reson Med 2011 (doi: 10.1002/mrm.23296). Evans ZP, Palanisamy AP, Sutter AG, Ellett JD, Ramshesh VK, Attaway H, Schmidt MG, Schnellmann RG, Chavin KD. Mitochondrial uncoupling protein-2 deficiency protects steatotic mouse hepatocytes from hypoxia/reoxygenation. Am J Physiol Gastrointest Liver Physiol 302(3):G336-42, 2012. (Epub Nov 17, 2011) Meyers-Needham M, Lewis JA, Gencer S, Sentelle RD, Saddoughi SA, Clarke CJ, Hannun YA, Norell H, da Palma TM, Nishimura M, Kraveka JM, Khavandgar Z, Murshed M, Cevik MO, Ogretmen B. Off-Target Function of the Sonic Hedgehog Inhibitor Cyclopamine in Mediating Apoptosis via Nitric Oxide-Dependent Neutral Sphingomyelinase 2/Ceramide Induction. Mol Cancer Ther. 2012 May;11(5):1092-102. Epub 2012 Mar 27. Little EC, Wang C, Watson PM, Watson DK, Cole DJ, Camp ER. Novel Immunocompetent Murine Models Representing Advanced Local and Metastatic Pancreatic Cancer. J Surg Res. 2011 Nov 10. [Epub ahead of print] PMID: 22221605 Kaur N, Naga OS, Norell H, Al-Khami AA, Scheffel MJ, Chakraborty NG, VoelkelJohnson C, Mukherji B, Mehrotra S. T cells expanded in presence of IL-15 exhibit 170 increased antioxidant capacity and innate effector molecules. Cytokine. 2011 Aug;55(2):307-17. Epub 2011 May 23. PMID: 21602054 Abstracts Johnson CB, Cloud CA, Rubinstein MP, Cole DJ. “Total body irradiation enhances the anti-tumor efficacy of adoptively transferred CD8+ T cells stimulated ex vivo with IL-12,” American Association of Immunologists, Boston, MA, May 2012. Johnson CB, Cloud CA, Rubinstein MP, Cole DJ. “Total body irradiation enhances the anti-tumor efficacy of adoptively transferred CD8+ T cells stimulated ex vivo with IL-12,” Hollings Cancer Center Research Retreat, Charleston, SC, March 2012. Katikaneni L, Mulvihill DM, Johnson CB, Perkel J, Lambert D, Morgan P, Brown T, Chang E, Caplan M & Jenkins D. “Brain biomarkers for the development of motor injury in term newborns exposed to chorioamnionitis,” International Society for Developmental Neuroscience Annual Meeting, Mumbai, India, January 2012. S Tucker Marrison, Joseph C Cheng, Thomas H Beckham, Ping Lu, Xiang Liu, James S Norris. “Sphingosine 1-phosphate receptor signaling in mesenchymal stem cells,” MSTP Student Research Day Spring 2012. Sarah T Marrison, Joseph C Cheng, Thomas H Beckham, Ping Lu , Angen Liu, Sarah Casey, Xiang Liu, James S Norris. “Acid ceramidase over expression in response to cigarette smoke exposure,” MUSC Student Research Day Fall 2011. Marrison Sarah T, Cheng Joseph C, Beckham Thomas H, Lu Ping, Casey Sarah, Liu Angen, Liu Xiang, Norris James S. “Acid ceramidase over expression in response to cigarette smoke exposure,” Hollings Cancer Center Retreat Fall 2011. Matthew Scheffel (Abstract and Poster Presentation). “Activation-induced cell-death of adoptively transferred T-cells for the immunotherapy of melanoma,” Student Research Day, November 4, 2011. Matthew Scheffel (Abstract and Poster Presentation). “Activation-induced cell-death of adoptively transferred T-cells for the immunotherapy of melanoma,” Hollings Cancer Center Retreat, November 18, 2011. Presentations Kristin Midgett, “Effects of perfluorooctanesulfonic acid (PFOS) and perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) on IL-2 production in the human jurkat T-cell line,” 51st Society of Toxicology Conference in San Francisco, CA, 2012. 171 STUDENTS’ HONORS AND AWARDS Bryce Johnson, MUSC Hollings Cancer Center Abney Foundation Scholarship, 2011. Kristin Midgett, 2011-2012 Presidential Scholar. Kristin Midgett, 2011-2012 SCTR TL1 Trainee. Eva Karam, 2nd place poster, 2011 Perry Halushka Student Research Day, Clinical- Professional Masters Poster Division III Danielle N. Justis 2nd place poster, 2011 Perry Halushka Student Research Day, PhD Poster Division I Department Accomplishments for 2011-2012 • • • • • • Degrees conferred: The Microbiology and Immunology Program conferred 5 Ph.D.s (Anna-Maria De Costa, Michael Defee, Telma M. DePalma, Joseph C. Cheng, Michelle Rapisardo (Elvington)) and 1 Masters degree (Raymond Deepe) in the year ending June 30, 2012. A T32 Training Grant application entitled “Molecular and Cellular Basis of Inflammation and Immunity.” Was submitted. Stephen Tomlinson, PI. A Certificate of Biomedical Sciences Program was developed by M&I faculty and enrolled its first 8 students in May 2012 A distance learning component was implemented as part of the Certificate Program. Of the 8 students that have entered our Masters program and graduated in the past three years (Casey, Doonan, Dunmyer, Hathaway, Johnson, Norton, ReyesCortes, and Deepe) 3 have been accepted to PhD programs, 3 to medical schools of their choice, and 2 are currently employed in research. One other masters student was accepted to the PhD program without finishing his masters degree. A refereed journal club for credit was approved by the CGS curriculum committee and made mandatory for all PhD candidates in the department. Department Goals for 2012-2013 • • • • To continue to update and improve our webpage. To continue working on a collection of key core knowledge facts in microbiology and immunology that would be required knowledge of all M&I graduates from memory Increase the rigor of our student and faculty seminar course. To expand the Certificate in Biomedical Sciences Program to 20 students in the 2013-2014 school year. 172 Department of Neurosciences Antonieta Lavin, PhD, Graduate Coordinator Student’s Name Joshua Swearingen Joseph Taylor Aram Parsegian Bok Sun Go Matriculation Date 2006/FA 2007/FA 2007/FA 2008/FA Natasha New 2009/FA Zachary Cope 2008/FA Jacob Beckley Brandon Bentzley 2008 /FA 2009/FA Michael Stefanik Noam Keren 2009/FA 2010/FA Kathryn Spencer 2010/FA Brittney Marie Cox 2010/FA Benjamin Hughes Joshua Smith William Buchta Sarah Barry 2010/FA 2010/FA 2011/FA 2011/FA Ellen McGlinchey 2011/FA Sarah Corrin Barrett 2011/FA April Cox Alexander W Smith Samuel Centanni 2011/FA 2011/FA 2011/FA Mentor Dr. Jane Joseph Dr. Mark George Dr. Ron See Dr. Jacqueline McGinty Dr. L. Judson Chandler Dr. Gary AstonJones Dr. John Woodward Dr. Gary AstonJones Dr. Peter Kalivas Dr. Gary AstonJones Dr. L. Judson Chandler Dr. Ron See/ Dr. Gary AstonJones Dr. John Woodward Dr. Naren Banik Dr. Arthur Riegel Dr. Jacqueline McGinty Dr. Gary AstonJones Dr. Heather Trantham-Davidson/ Dr. L. Judson Chandler Dr. Naren Banik Dr. Peter Kalivas Dr. Heather Trantham-Davidson/ Dr. L. Judson Chandler 173 Degree Sought PhD MD/PhD PhD PhD PhD PhD PhD MD/PhD PhD PhD PhD PhD PhD MD/PhD PhD PhD PhD PhD PhD PhD PhD STUDENTS PUBLICATIONS Journals Beckley JT, Woodward JJ (2011). The abused inhalant toluene differentially modulates excitatory and inhibitory synaptic transmission in deep-layer neurons of the medial prefrontal cortex. Neuropsychopharmacology, 36(7):1531-42: Bentzley, B., Fender, K., Aston-Jones, G. (2012). Behavioral economics for the neuroscientist: A review and new analytical approach. Psychopharmacology. [In Review]. Cox ,B, Mrudang M. Shah, Matthew P. Galloway, David M. Thomas, and Shane A. Perrine. (2012) MDMA induces aversive and anxiety-like behavior and increases amygdalar serotonin of adolescent rats. Submitted Mahler,SV, Feltenstein, MW, Moorman, DE, Cox,BM, Ogburn, K, Bachar M, McGonigal, J,. See., RS (2012) “Self-Report” Measure of Methamphetamine Craving? Rat Ultrasonic Vocalizations in Self-Administration, Extinction, and Reinstatement.Submitted Cox,BM, Alsawah F, McNeill P, GallowayMP, Perrine, SA. (2011). Neurochemical, hormonal, and behavioral effects of chronic unpredictable stress in the rat. Behav Brain Res, 220(1), 106-111 Diaz, M.R., Wadleigh, A., Hughes, B.A., Woodward, J.J., & Valenzuela, C.F. (2011). Bestrophin1 channels are insensitive to ethanol and do not mediate tonic GABAergic currents in cerebellar granule cells. Frontiers in Neuropharmacology 5: 148. Kuchinsky, S.E., Vaden, K.I., Keren, N.I., Harris, K.C., Ahlstrom, J.B., Dubno, J.R., & Eckert, M.A. (2011). Word intelligibility and age predict visual cortex activity during word listening. Cerebral Cortex Vaden, K.I., Kuchinsky, S.E., Keren, N.I., Harris, K.C., Ahlstrom, J.B., Dubno, J.R., & Eckert, M.A. (2011). Inferior frontal sensitivity to common speech sounds is amplified by increasing word intelligibility. Neuropsychologia, 49 (13), 3563-72. Eckert, M.A., Keren, N.I., Roberts, D.R., Calhoun, V.D., & Harris, K.C. (2010). Agerelated changes in processing speed: unique contributions of cerebellar and prefrontal cortex. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 4, 1-10 Kroener S, Mulholland P, New N, Gass T, Becker H, Chandler LJ .(2012) Chronic alcohol exposure alters behavioral and synaptic plasticity of the rodent prefrontal cortex. PLoS ONE. Accepted 174 Parsegian A., Glen WB., Lavin A., See RE., (2011) Methamphetamine selfadministration produces attentional set-shifting deficits and alters prefrontal cortical neurophysiology in rats. Biol Psych 69(3):253-259 Stefanik, M.T., Moussawi, K., Kupchik, Y.M., Smith, K.C., Miller, R.L., Huff, M.L., Deisseroth, K., Kalivas, P.W., LaLumiere, R.T. Optogenetic inhibition of cocaine seeking in rats. Addiction Biology. (submitted) Park S, Nozaki K, Guyton MK, Smith JA, Ray SK, Banik NL. (2012) Calpain Inhibition Attenuated Morphological and Molecular Changes in Skeletal Muscle of Experimental Allergic Encephalomyelitis Rats. J Neurosci Res. In press Haar CP, Hebbar P, Wallace GCt, Das A, Vandergrift WA, 3rd, Smith JA, et al. (2012) Drug resistance in glioblastoma: a mini review. Neurochem Res. 37(6):1192-200. Smith JA, Das A, Ray SK, Banik NL. (2012) Role of pro-inflammatory cytokines released from microglia in neurodegenerative diseases. Brain Res Bull. 87(1):10-20. McDowell ML, Das A, Smith JA, Varma AK, Ray SK, Banik NL. (2011) Neuroprotective effects of genistein in VSC4.1 motoneurons exposed to activated microglial cytokines. Neurochem Int. 59(2):175-84. PMCID: 3153433. Samantaray S, Smith JA, Das A, Matzelle DD, Varma AK, Ray SK, et al.(2011) Low dose estrogen prevents neuronal degeneration and microglial reactivity in an acute model of spinal cord injury: effect of dosing, route of administration, and therapy delay. Neurochem Res. 36(10):1809-16. PMCID: 3162090. Ray SK, Samantaray S, Smith JA, Matzelle DD, Das A, Banik NL. (2011) Inhibition of cysteine proteases in acute and chronic spinal cord injury. Neurotherapeutics. 8(2):1806. PMCID: 3101838. Das A, McDowell M, O'Dell CM, Busch ME, Smith JA, Ray SK, et al. (2010) Posttreatment with voltage-gated Na(+) channel blocker attenuates kainic acid-induced apoptosis in rat primary hippocampal neurons. Neurochem Res. 35(12):2175-83. Smith JA, Das A, Butler JT, Ray SK, Banik NL.(2011) Estrogen or estrogen receptor agonist inhibits lipopolysaccharide induced microglial activation and death. Neurochem Res. 36(9):1587-93. Das A, Smith JA, Gibson C, Varma AK, Ray SK, Banik NL(2011). Estrogen receptor agonists and estrogen attenuate TNF-alpha-induced apoptosis in VSC4.1 motoneurons. J Endocrinol. 208(2):171-82. Sribnick EA, Samantaray S, Das A, Smith J, Matzelle DD, Ray SK, et al. (2010) Postinjury estrogen treatment of chronic spinal cord injury improves locomotor function in rats. J Neurosci Res. 88(8):1738-50. PMCID: 3127445. 175 Das A, McDowell M, Pava MJ, Smith JA, Reiter RJ, Woodward JJ, et al. (2010) The inhibition of apoptosis by melatonin in VSC4.1 motoneurons exposed to oxidative stress, glutamate excitotoxicity, or TNF-alpha toxicity involves membrane melatonin receptors. J Pineal Res. 48(2):157-69. PMCID: 2862889. Smith JA, Zhang R, Varma AK, Das A, Ray SK, Banik NL. (2009) Estrogen partially down-regulates PTEN to prevent apoptosis in VSC4.1 motoneurons following exposure to IFN-gamma. Brain Res.1301:163-70. PMCID: 2784273. Joseph JE, Swearingen J, Corbly CR, Curry Jr TE., Kelly TH (2012) Influence of estradiol on functional brain organization for working memory, Neuroimage Joseph JE, Clark JD, Swearingen J,. Bhatt RS, Benca CE, Collins HR, Corbly CR, and Gathers AD, (2012) The changing landscape of functional brain networks for face processing in typical development Submitted Buhusi CV, Aziz D, Winslow D, Carter RE, Swearingen J and Buhusi MC (2009) , Interval timing accuracy and scalar timing in C57BL/6 mice. Behavioral Neuroscience, 5: 123 Swearingen, J.E. and Buhusi C.V. (2010) The Pattern of Responding in the PeakInterval Procedure: a Single Trials Analysis. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behavior Processes Taylor JJ, Borckardt JJ, George MS (2012) Endogenous Opioids Mediate Left Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex rTMS-Induced Analgesia. Pain 153, 1219-1225. Abstracts Barrett, SC, Chandler J, Trantham-Davidson, H (2012) Developmental progression of pyramidal neuron excitability and dopamine modulation in PFC. New Orleans SfN (poster) Beckley JT, Evins CE, Fedarovich G, Woodward JJ (2012). The medial prefrontal cortex regulates toluene-induced enhancement of excitatory synaptic transmission in mesoaccumbens core dopamine neurons. Society for Neuroscience Abstr. New Orleans, LA. Buchta W, Quattelbaum A, Harlan B, and Riegel A (2011) Plasticity of Prefrontal Cortex Pyramidal Neurons after Multiple Cocaine Paradigms Neuropalooza, Charleston, SC Buchta W, Harlan B, Kalivas P, and Riegel A (2012) Restoration of Neuronal Inhibition in the Anterior PFC During Reinstatement to Cocaine Seeking by Targeting Inhibitory KCNQ Ion Channels, SfN, New Orleans 176 Hughes H, Buchta W, Harlan B, Wang R, Quattelbaum A, Shippenberg T, and Riegel A (2012) Chronic Pain Stimulates the dmPFC: Biomarkers to study the Affective Component of Neuropathic Pain. Frontiers in Neuroscience Seabrook SC, 2012 Centanni, S, Chandler, LJ, Trantham-Davidson H (2011) Adolescent Ethanol Exposure Alters Dopamine Modulation of Cortical Function in Adulthood NADIA Consortium SemiAnnual Meeting, Chapel Hill, NC Centanni, S, Chandler, LJ, Trantham-Davidson H (2011) Chronic Intermittent Ethanol Exposure Disrupts D2-receptor Modulation of Prefrontal Cortical Neurons Society for Neuroscience, Washington, DC Chandler, JL, Centanni, S, Trantham-Davidson, H ( 2012) Chronic Alcohol Disrupts Cognitive Function and D2/D4 Receptor Modulation of Neuronal Firing in the Prefrontal Cortex of the Rat American College of Neuropharmacology, Waikoloa Beach, HI Centanni, S, Trantam-Davidson, H and Chandler JL (2012) Adolescent Ethanol Exposure Reduces Adulthood COMT Levels in the Medial Prefrontal Cortex Research Society on Alcoholism, San Francisco, CA Centanni, S, Chandler, JL and Trantham-Davidson H ( 2012) Chronic Alcohol Exposure Disrupts Cognitive Function and D2/D4 Receptor Modulation of Neuronal Firing in the Rat Prefrontal Cortex Research Society on Alcoholism, San Francisco, CA Cope, ZA, Vazey, E, Moorman, DE, Floresco, SB, Aston-Jones, GS. (2010) Optogenetic modulation of locus coeruleus noradrenergic neurons: effects on setshifting. SfN Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA Cope, ZA, Vazey, E, Moorman, DE, Floresco, SB, Aston-Jones, GS. (2011) Optogenetic and pharmacologic modulation of locus coeruleus noradrenergic neurons: effects on behavioral flexibility. Submitted, SfN Annual Meeting, Washington D.C Cope, ZA, Vazey, E, Moorman, DE, Floresco, SB, Aston-Jones, GS(2012). Optogenetically Mediated Tonic Stimulation of Locus Coeruleus Improves Maintenance of Novel Strategies On Extradimensional Shifts. Submitted, Elsevier Opto- and Pharmacogenetics SfN Pre-conference, New Orleans. Cope, ZA, Vazey, E, Moorman, DE, Floresco, SB, Aston-Jones, GS. (2012) Optogenetically Mediated Tonic Stimulation of Locus Coeruleus Improves Maintenance of Novel Strategies On Extradimensional Shifts. Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting, New Orleans 177 Cox, BM, Cope ZA, Parsegian A, Moorman DE, Floresco SB, G. Aston-Jones G, See RE. (2011) Automated attention set-shift task following methamphetamine selfadministration. Washington DC: Society for Neuroscience (poster). Cox, BM Cope ZA, Parsegian A, Moorman DE, Floresco SB, Aston-Jones G, See RE (2011) Assessing cognitive flexibility following methamphetamine self-administration Medical University of South Carolina student research day, Charleston, SC (poster) Cox,BM, Chan C, Ghee SM, See RE, Reichel CM (2012) . Oxytocin decreases methamphetamine self-administration in female rats. College on Problems of Drug Dependence,. California (poster) Cox, BM, Chan C, Ghee SM, See RE, Reichel CM (2012) . Oxytocin decreases methamphetamine seeking in male and female rats. Frontiers in Neuroscience, Seabrock, SC (poster) Hughes, B.A. & Woodward, J.J. (2011). Dephosphorylation of C-terminal tyrosine residues does not contribute to ethanol inhibition of recombinant NMDA receptors. Poster session presented at the Perry V. Halushka Student Research Day, Charleston, SC. Smith AW, Wiggins AT, Kalivas PW (2012) Differential roles of matrix metalloproteinases-2 and -9 in reinstatement of cocaine seeking. Frontiers in Neuroscience, Seabrook, SC (poster). Smith AW, Wiggins AT, Kalivas PW ( 2011) Role of matrix metalloproteinases in reinstatement of cocaine seeking. Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting. San Diego, CA (poster) Smith AW, Wiggins AT, Kalivas PW (2011) Inhibition of matrix Metalloproteinases attenuates reinstatement of cocaine seeking. Student Research Day, MUSC. Charleston, SC (poster) New NN, Mulholland PJ, Chandler LJ (2011) . Epigenetics in the prefrontal cortex following binge-like adolescence alcohol exposure. Research Society on Alcoholism Atlanta, GA (poster) New NN, Glen GW, Gass JT, Mulholland PJ, Chandler LJ. (2011) Adolescent intermittent ethanol exposure alters dendritic spine morphology in the adult mPFC. Society for Neuroscience, Washington, DC (poster). Straight NM, New NN, Gass JT, Mulholland PJ, Chandler LJ (2011) Homer2 deletion prevents chronic ethanol-induced spine enlargement in the nucleus accumbens . Society for Neuroscience, Washington, DC (poster). 178 Bentzley, B., Fender, K., & Aston-Jones, G. (2012). Behavioral economics for the neuroscientist: Demand curve analysis of the within-session threshold procedure.13th Annual Frontiers in Neuroscience Research Day, Seabrook Island, SC (poster) Bentzley, B. & Aston-Jones, G. (2012). Microinjection of muscimol into the subthalamic nucleus attenuates cocaine consumption at high price. Medical Scientist Training Program Research Day, Charleston, SC.(poster) Bentzley, B. & See, R.E. (2010). Orexin-1 receptor antagonism blocks acquisition of cocaine self-administration. Medical Scientist Training Program Research Day, Folly Beach, SC.(poster) Ricci R, Salatino A, Li X, Taylor JJ, Bohning D, George MS. (2011) Neural Correlates of TMS induced neglect in healthy participants: a concurrent TMS/fMRI study. Fourteenth European Congress on Clinical Neurophysiology and 4th International Conference on Transcranial Magnetic and Direct Current Stimulation (poster) Taylor JJ, Borckard JJ, George MS. (2012) Endogenous opioids mediate left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex rTMS-induced analgesia. 23rd Annual Meeting of the American Neuropsychiatric Association. (poster) Salatino A, Li X, Taylor JJ, Mu Q, Bohning D, George MS, Ricc (2012) Imaging the neural correlates of rightward neglect-like bias in healthy volunteers: an interleaved TMS/fMRI study. 8th Federation of European Neuroscience Societies (FENS) Forum of Neuroscience . (poster) Hanlon CA, Canterberry M, Taylor JJ, DeVries W, Li X, Brown TS, George MS (2012). Differentiating neural networks with interleaved TMS-BOLD imaging. Society for Brain Mapping and Therapeutics. Annual Meeting, Toronto, CA. (poster) Hanlon CA, Canterberry M, Taylor JJ, DeVries W, George MS.(2012) Differentiating neural networks with interleaved TMS-BOLD imaging: insight into addiction. Society for Neuroscience New Orleans, LA (poster) Keren, N.I., Vazey, E.M., Taheri, S., Eckert, M.A., Aston-Jones, G. (2012). Tonic and phasic optogenetic stimulation of the rat locus coeruleus during fMRI implicates distinct cortical and subcortical BOLD activation patterns. Society for Neuroscience, NewOrleans, LO (poster). Keren, N.I., Vazey, E.M., Taheri, S., Eckert, M.A., Aston-Jones, G. (2012). Tonic and phasic optogenetic stimulation of the rat locus coeruleus during fMRI implicates distinct cortical and subcortical BOLD activation patterns 7th Brain Research Conference on Optogenetics and Pharmacogenetics in Neuronal Function and Dysfunction, New Orleans, LO (poster). 179 Vazey, E.M., Cope, Z.A., Keren, N.I., Moorman, D.E., Eckert, M.A., Aston-Jones, G. (2012,). Roles of locus coeruleus noradrenergic neurons in cortical network activity and behavioural functions: Optogenetic and pharmacogenetic studies. 7th Brain Research Conference on Optogenetics and Pharmacogenetics in Neuronal Function and Dysfunction, New Orleans, LO (poster). Keren, N.I., Gregory, N.C., Taheri, S., Vazey, E.M., Vaden, K.I., Morgan, P.S., Welsh, C.A., Granholm, A.C., Aston-Jones, G., Eckert, M.A. (2012). The human locus coeruleus in neurodegenerative disease: Post-mortem histology and magnetic resonance microscopy at 7T. 13th annual Frontiers in Neuroscience Research Day, Seabrock, SC (poster). Keren, N.I., Gregory, N.C., Vaden, K.I., Vazey, E.M., Morgan, P.S., Hinson, V.A., Taheri, S., Granholm, A.C., Aston-Jones, G., Eckert, M.A. (2011). The human locus coeruleus in healthy individuals and neurodegenerative disease: Post-mortem magnetic resonance imaging and histology. Society for Neuroscience, Washington, DC (poster). Keren, N.I., Morgan, P.S., Gregory, N.C., Granholm, A.C., Hinson, V.A., Aston-Jones, G., & Eckert, M.A. (2011). Ex-vivo investigation of the human locus coeruleus. 17th Annual Meeting of the Organization on Human Brain Mapping, Quebec City, Canada (poster). Cope, Z.A., Vazey, E.M., Moorman, D.E., Keren, N.I., Lavin, A., Hinson, V.K., Eckert, M.A., Floresco, S.B., Granholm, A.C., & Aston-Jones, G. (2011). Optogenetic stimulation of locus Coeruleus norepinephrine neurons in rats performing set-shifting tasks: modulation of cognitive flexibility. 11th International Neural Transplantation and Repair conference, Clearwater Beach, FL (poster). Vazey, E.M., Cope, Z.A., Keren, N.I., Lavin, A., Hinson, V.K., Eckert, M.A., Granholm A.C., & Aston-Jones, G. (2011). Novel methods for modulating locus coeruleus noradrenergic function in-vivo. 11th International Neural Transplantation and Repair conference, Clearwater Beach, FL (poster). Kuchinsky, S.E., Vaden, K., Keren, N.I., Harris, K.C., Ahlstrom, J.B., Dubno, J.R., & Eckert, M.A. (2010). Word intelligibility and age predict visual cortex activity during word listening. Society for Neuroscience, San-Diego, CA (poster). Vaden, K., Keren, N.I., Harris, K.C., Ahlstrom, J.B., Dubno, J.R., & Eckert, M.A. (2010). Sublexical processing in left inferior frontal gyrus depends on word intelligibility. the Society for Neuroscience, San-Diego, CA (poster). Eckert, M.A., Kuchinsky, S., Keren, N.I., Conner, C., Vaden, K., Ahlstrom, J., & Dubno, J. (2010, June). Sustained inferior frontal activation predicts age-related changes in word recognition. 16th annual meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, Barcelona, Spain (poster). 180 B. Go, Boger HA, McGinty JF. (2009) Oxidative stress mrna changes in the substantia nigra of 3 month old methamphetamine-treated gdnf heterozygous versus wildtype mice. Society for Neuroscience, Chicago, IL (poster) B. Go, Boger HA, McGinty JF MPTP (2010) neurotoxicity in nigrostriatal dopamine neurons is exacerbated in gdnf heterozygous mice. Society for Neuroscience, San Diego, CA, (poster) B. Go, McGinty JF. (2012) Contribution of BDNF/TrkB signaling in rat striatum in response to acute amphetamine administration. 13th Annual Frontiers in Neuroscience Research Day, Seabrook Island, SC, (poster) B. Go, McGinty, JF. (2012) TrkB agonist, 7,8-Dihydroxyflavone-induced GluN2containing NMDA receptor expression in the prefrontal cortex of rats. Society for Neuroscience, New Orleans, LA, Parsegian A, Lavin A, See RE. (2008) Cognitive performance and prefrontal activity following chronic methamphetamine self-administration. Society for Neuroscience 455.1 Parsegian A, Lavin A, See RE. (2009) Chronic methamphetamine self-administration alters neuronal activity in prelimbic cortex of rats showing selective impairment in the Attention Set Shift Task. Society for Neuroscience 650.14 Parsegian A, Lavin A, See RE (2010) Extracellular glutamate release in the dorsal medial prefrontal cortex during reinstatement of methamphetamine-seeking rats. Translational Research in Methamphetamine Addiction conference. Parsegian A, Novak A., See RE (2011) Changes in extracellular glutamate and monoamines in the dorsomedial prefrontal cortex during reinstatement of methamphetamine-seeking in rats. Society for Neuroscience 689.18 Parsegian A, Novak A., See RE (2011) Altered Extracellular Glutamate and Catecholamines in the dorsomedial prefrontal cortex during reinstatement of methamphetamine-seeking in rats. Catecholamines Gordon Research Conference Kozel FA, Johnson KA, Laken SJ, Grenesko EL, Smith JA, et al. (2009) Can simultaneously acquired electrodermal activity improve accuracy of fMRI detection of deception? Soc Neurosci.;4(6):510-17. Chicago Il. Smith JA, Das A, Wallace GC IV, Ray SK, Banik NL.(2012) Estrogen receptor agonists protect against glutamate excitotoxicity in rat spinal cord slices. American Society for Neurochemistry Meeting, Baltimore, MD. 181 Smith JA, Das A, Gibson C, Varma AK, Ray SK, and Banik NL.(2011) Estrogen Receptor Agonists Attenuate TNF-α-Induced Cell Damage and Apoptosis in VSC4.1 Motoneurons. American Society for Neurochemistry Meeting, St. Louis, MO. Smith JA, Das A, Butler JT, Ray SK, and Banik NL.(2009) Estrogen or Estrogen Receptor Agonist Inhibits Lipopolysaccharide Induced Microglial Activation and Death. American Society for Neurochemistry Meeting, Charleston, SC Spencer K and Chandler JL (2012) Chronic ethanol exposure decreases Kv4.2 channel and KChIP3 expression in the hippocampus. Research Society on Alcoholism Annual Meeting Stefanik, M.T., Kupchik, Y.M., Moussawi, K. , Deisseroth, K., LaLumiere, R.T., Kalivas, Inhibition of Relapse Neurocircuitry. Optogenetics and P.W (2012) . Optogenetic Pharmacogenetics in Neural Function and Dysfunction. New Orleans, LA: 7th Brain Research Conference Stefanik, M.T., Kalivas, P.W. (2012) Optical inhibition of nucleus accumbens projections differentially contribute to the relapse to cocaine seeking. . New Orleans, LA. Molecular and Cellular Cognition Society Annual Meeting. Stefanik, M.T., Kalivas, P.W. (2012) Optical inhibition of nucleus accumbens projections differentially contribute to the relapse to cocaine seeking. SFN. New Orleans, LA: Society for Neuroscience Stefanik, M.T., Kalivas, P.W. (2012) Optogenetic interrogation of relapse neurocircuitry. Seabrock, SC Medical University of South Carolina Frontiers in Neuroscience Research Da., Stefanik, M.T., Deisseroth, K., Kalivas, P.W. (2011) Lights on, relapse off: Examining optogenetic inhibition of relapse neurocircuitry. Washington, DC: Society for Neuroscience Stefanik, M.T., Kupchik, Y., Deisseroth, K., Kalivas, P.W.(2011) Lights on, relapse off: Examining optogenetic inhibition of relapse neurocircuitry. Washington, DC: Molecular and Cellular Cognition Society . Stefanik, M.T., Kupchik, Y., Deisseroth, K., Kalivas, P.W. (2011) Lights on, relapse off: Examining optogenetic inhibition of relapse neurocircuitry. Charleston, SC: Medical University of South Carolina Student Research Day. Stefanik, M.T., Kupchik, Y., Deisseroth, K., Kalivas, P.W. (2011) Lights on, relapse off: Examining optogenetic inhibition of relapse neurocircuitry. Charleston, SC: Medical University of South Carolina Neuropalooza . 182 Patel, D.D., Stefanik, M.T., Kalivas, P.W.(2011) Optogenetics and relapse neurocircuitry: Using halorhodopsin to alter nucleus accumbens function in drug seeking. Charleston, SC: College of Charleston Honors College Student Research Day. Stefanik, M.T. and Kalivas, P.W. (2011) Optical silencing of the nucleus accumbens core attenuates drug- seeking behavior. Charleston, SC: Medical University of South Carolina Frontiers in Neuroscience Research Day, Stefanik, M.T., Moussawi, K., Deisseroth, K., Kalivas, P.W., LaLumiere, R.T.(2010) Shining the light on relapse neurocircuitry: Modulating the reinstatement of drugseeking behavior using an optogenetic approach.. San Diego, CA: Society for Neuroscience. Stefanik, M.T., Moussawi, K., Deisseroth, K., Kalivas, P.W., LaLumiere, R.T.(2010) Shining the light on relapse neurocircuitry: Modulating the reinstatement of drugseeking behavior using an optogenetic approach. Charleston, SC: Medical University of South Carolina Student Research Day. Swearing J and Joseph J (2012) Brain Networks in Autism Spectrum Disorder: a graph theoretic approach to functional connectivity SFN, New Orleans McGlinchey E, Mahler SV,Vazey EM, Roth BL, and Aston-Jones G (2012) . DREADDMediated Inhibition of Rostral vs. Caudal Ventral Pallidum Neurons in Cue-Induced Reinstatement of Cocaine Seeking in Rats. Frontiers in Neuroscience, Seabrook, SC McGlinchey E, Mahler SV, Aston-Jones G (2012). Medial prefrontal cortex afferents to the nucleus accumbens core, but not to the ventral tegmental area, are activated during cue-induced reinstatement of cocaine seeking. Society for Neuroscience, New Orleans Oral Presentations: Beckley JT, (2011). Acute toluene exposure induces persistent alterations in synaptic transmission in key regions of the addiction neurocircuitry. International Drug Abuse Research Society. Istanbul, Turkey Keren (2012) “See me now? Investigating LC structural and functional biomarkers with high-field MR microscopy and ofMRI”. Cognitive Neuroscience Center, Department of Neurosciences, Medical University of South Carolina (oral presentation). Keren (2012) “Preclinical neuroimaging investigation of the locus coeruleus in the rat, and establishing an MRI biomarker”. Preclinical Imaging Group, Center for Biomedical Imaging, Medical University of South Carolina. (oral presentation) 183 Keren (2011) “Overview of LC Imaging Studies”. Inaugural Medical University of South Carolina – University of South Carolina Imaging Retreat. Center for Biomedical Imaging, Medical University of South Carolina. (oral presentation) Spencer, K and Chandler, JL (2012) Chronic ethanol-induced plasticity involves bidirectional modulation of NMDA receptors and Kv4.2 channels by KChIP3- talk Society for Neuroscience, New Orleans Taylor JJ. (2012) Endogenous Opioids Mediate Left Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex rTMS-Induced Analgesia. 23rd Annual Meeting of the American Neuropsychiatric Association (oral presentation) STUDENTS HONORS/AWARDS Barrett 2011-2012 GAANN Fellowship MUSC Barry: 2011-2012 GAANN Fellowship MUSC Beckley: 2011-2013 NIH - NIDA F31 Individual National Research “Neuroplasticity Associated with Acute Toluene Inhalation” Service Award: 2013 Howard Hughes Medical Institute Teacher Training Fellowship, College of Charleston Buchta: 2011-2012 GAANN Fellowship MUSC Cox 2012 NIDA Women & Sex/Gender Junior Investigator Travel Award for the meeting of the College on Problems of Drug Dependence (CPDD) 2011 T32 – NIDA Institutional National Research Service Award 2011 Sigma Xi award- best poster presentation MUSC student research day Smith 2012 NIDA Early Career Investigator Travel Award for APA Conference New 2012 Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Awards for Individual Predoctoral Fellows (F31)Title: Adolescent Alcohol, Epigenetics, and Alterations in the Adult Prefrontal Cortex 184 Cope 2010-2011 GSA Vice President 2011-2012 GSA President 2011 Provost's Scholar Graduate Studies Fall Bentzley 2012 American Society for Clinical Pathology Award for Academic Excellence and Achievement, Medical University of South Carolina Presented to the second year medical student who best fulfills the ASCP award criteria – general academic excellence and promise. 2010-2012 Medical Scientist Training Program Grant Support, Medical University of South Carolina I was chosen to be included as a trainee on MUSC’s MSTP grant (T32) for the past two years. 2010 McGraw Hill Lange Medical Student Award Medical University of South Carolina This award is given to a medical student who has demonstrated excellence in their academic achievements by being at the top of their class at the end of their first year of training. 2009 UMA/MSTP Scholar Medical University of South Carolina This scholarship covered my academic expenses and stipend during my first year at MUSC. It is award by the University Medical Associates to an incoming MD/PhD student who displays particularly high potential for a career as a physician scientist. Taylor 2012 College of Graduate Studies Most Outstanding Student Volunteer, MUSC 2012 Selected for NINDS/AUPN Neuroscience Symposium Combining Clinical/Research Careers in 2012 1st Place Poster Presentation, 13th Annual Frontiers in Neuroscience Research Day, MUSC 2012 NIDA NRSA F30 Fellowship Award, National Institutes of Health 2012 Penn Fellowship in Neuroscience & Society, University of Pennsylvania 2012 American Neuropsychiatric Association (ANPA) Young Investigator Award 2011 Student Research Honorable Mention, Ralph H. Johnson VAMC 2011 Women’s Club Scholarship, Medical University of South Carolina 185 2011 Howard Hughes Medical Institute Teacher Training Fellowship, College of Charleston Keren 2012 Neuroscience Institute International Trainee Award (pre-doctoral Fellowship), Department of Neurosciences, Medical University of South Carolina 2011 Neuropalooza Poster Award, Medical University of South Carolina and College of Charleston. Stefanick: 2012 NIDA Predoctoral Institutional National Research Service Award: Drug Abuse Training Program (T32 DA7288), PI: Jacqueline McGinty, Ph.D 2009-2010 G.A.A.N.N (Graduate Assistantship in an Area of National Need) Fellowship in Teaching and Instruction Medical University of South Carolina – Charleston, SC 2009 MUSC Coconut Cake Scholarship Recruitment Award Medical University of South Carolina – Charleston, SC Parsegian 2009-2011 T32 – NIDA Institutional National Research Service Award 2011 Student Representative of the Society for Neuroscience South Carolina Chapter 2011- 2012 Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award, NIDA 2011 NIDA/NIAAA/APA Early Career Investigators Travel Award, 2011 MUSC Student Research Day, 1st place winner, PhD Oral Presentation category 2012 MUSC Graduate Studies Travel Award, December 2012 Anticipated Graduations Beckley - December 2013 Go - Summer 2013 Parsegian - December 2012 Swearingen - 2013 Taylor - Fall 2012 (graduate school)/Spring 2015 (medical school) 186 Accomplishments 2011-2012 • • • • • Five incoming PhD students chose to enter the NS training program Two MD/PhD students chose to enter the NS training program Five students successfully completed their written qualifying exams Five students completed their dissertation proposal Created new electives Goals for 2012-2013 • • • • Increase faculty involvement in teaching and mentoring Restructure the administrative structure of the NS graduate program Continue to encourage students to apply for NRSA awards Initiate formal annual review procedures to access progress of each graduate student 187 Nursing PhD Program Gail Gilden, RN, ScD, Director Students Student Allen, Diane Anderson, Tonya Aselage, Melissa (Graduate) Atassi, Katherine (Graduate) Atz, Teresa Auxier, Nicole Bentley, Angela Year Started 2008 2010 2008 2007 2010 2010 2010 Budak, Amanda (Candidate) Campanella, Hollie (Candidate) Caraviello, Kelly (Withdrew) Carnevale, Teresa (Candidate) Craven, Heather Crook, Edith 2007 2008 2010 2008 2007 2011 DeGuzman, April (Candidate) Ferdinandi, Melissa T (Candidate) Fink, Lilo Flavin, Susan Freeman, Rebecca (Candidate) French, Kim (Candidate) Fruda, Charlene (LOA) Gaynor, Jessica (LOA) Gilbert, Sarah Goers, Jama Grahn, Elizabeth Hudson, Shannon Marie (Candidate) Kennedy R.N., Margaret B (Candidate) Lawson, Theresa G. (Graduate) Lutz, Fairuz 2005 2009 2010 2011 2008 2007 2011 2011 2008 2010 2010 2009 Loftin, Collette (Graduate) Mathieu, Kristen (Withdrew) Matutina, Robin (Graduate) McCulloh Nair, Julie 2008 2011 2007 2011 Mentor Dr. Charlene Pope Dr. Carolyn Jenkins Dr. Elaine Amella Dr. Barbara Edlund Dr. Teresa Kelechi Dr. Marilyn Laken Dr. Jeannette Andrews Dr. Lynne Nemeth Dr. Gail Gilden Dr. Gail Stuart Dr. Gail Stuart Dr. Gail Gilden Dr. Gayenell Magwood Dr. Teresa Kelechi Dr. Charlene Pope Dr. Lynne Nemeth Dr. Ida Spruill Dr. Marilyn Laken Dr. Charlene Pope Dr. Berry Anderson Degree Sought PhD PhD PhD PhD PhD PhD PhD PhD PhD PhD PhD PhD PhD Dr. Barb Edlund Dr. Teresa Kelechi Dr. Teresa Kelechi Dr. Marilyn Laken PhD PhD PhD PhD PhD PhD PhD PhD PhD PhD PhD PhD 2009 Dr. Gail Gilden PhD 2006 2011 Dr. Teresa Kelechi Dr. Jeannette Andrews Dr. Susan Newman Dr. Gail Gilden Dr. Teresa Kelechi Dr. Marilyn Laken PhD PhD 188 PhD PhD PhD PhD Mikhail, Judy N (Candidate) Mollica, Michelle Monfre, Jill M. (Graduate) Naccarato, Mary O’Brien, Tara Painter, Amy (Withdrew) Paguntalan, John Pellitier, James (Candidate) Pendergrass, Michelle (Candidate) Primrose, Janet W. (Graduate) Raynor, Phyllis Sell, Kimberly (Candidate) Smith, Georgette M (Candidate) 2009 2011 2009 2008 2010 2010 2011 2005 2007 2006 2011 2009 2009 Smith, Julia Watkins (Candidate) Smith, Lenora Smith, Lynette (Graduate) Spriggle, Melinda (Withdrew) 2004 2010 2009 2011 Sutton, Suzanne Szajna, Amy Thul, Genevieve (Graduate) VanRavenstein, Kathryn A. 2010 2011 2007 2009 Vick, Lori Walker, Rebecca White, Kathy Giarla (LOA) Winburn, Erin Blythe (Candidate) Wyatt, Theresa 2010 2010 2011 2009 2011 Dr. Charlene Pope Dr. Barb Edlund Dr. Teresa Kelechi Dr. Teresa Kelechi Dr. Carolyn Jenkins Dr. Gail Stuart Dr. Berry Anderson Dr. Charlene Pope Dr. Carolyn Jenkins Dr. Carolyn Jenkins Dr. Charlene Pope Dr. Elaine Amella Dr. Jeannette Andrews Dr. Gail Stuart Dr. Elaine Amella Dr. Gail Stuart Dr. Jeannette Andrews Dr. Gail Gilden Dr. Susan Neman Dr. Gail Gilden Dr. Jeannette Andrews Dr. Gail Stuart Dr. Lynne Nemeth Dr. Sheila Smith Dr. Charlene Pope Dr. Gail Gilden PhD PhD PhD PhD PhD PhD PhD PhD PhD PhD PhD PhD PhD PhD PhD PhD PhD PhD PhD PhD PhD PhD PhD PhD PhD STUDENT PUBLICATIONS Journals: Budak, A.R. (March, 2012) A Framework of Food Cravings and Weight Loss after Bariatric Surgery: Application of the Cognitive Processing Model. Bariatric Nursing and Surgical Patient Care. 7(1): 25-29. doi:10.1089/bar.2012.9994. Loftin, C., Newman, S.D., Dumas, B.P, Gilden, G., and Bond, M.L. (2012). Perceived Barriers to Success for Minority Nursing Students: An Integrative Review. ISRN (in press). 189 Loza, M.J., Brodmerkel, C., duBois, R.M., Judson, M.A., Costabel, U., Drent, M., Kavuru, M., Flavin, S., Lo, K.H., Barnathan, E.S., Baughman, R.P. Inflammatory profile and response to anti-TNF therapy in patients with chronic pulmonary sarcoidosis. Clinical and Vaccine Immunology 2011 Jun;18(6):931-9. Matutina, R. (2012). The still, quiet voice. Journal of Christian Nursing, 29(2), 121. Matutina, R., Hamner, S., Battaglia, R. (2012). Redefining and categorizing the perceived value of the RN in ambulatory care, AAACN Viewpoint, 34(1), 1, 8-10. Matutina, R., Mueller, M., & Kelechi, T. (2011). Racial differences in pain reports between Black and White participants with chronic venous disorders treated with cryotherapy compared to usual care. Ethnicity & Disease, 21, 451-457. Newburger, J.W., Sleeper, L.A., Bellinger, D.C., Goldberg, C.S., Tabbutt, S., lu, M.,Mussatto, K.A., Williams, I.A., Gustafson, K.E., Mital, S., Pike, N., Sood, E., Mahle, W.T., Cooper, D.S., Dunbar-Masterson, C., Krawszeski, C.D., Lewis, A., Menon, S.D., Pemberton, V.L., Ravishankar, C., Atz, T.W., Ohye, R.G., Gaynor, J.W. (2012). Early developmental outcome in children with hypoplastic left heart syndrome and related anomalies. Circulation, 125, 2081-2091. Ravishankar, C., Zak, V., Bellinger, D., Cook, A., Gyanor, J.W., Ghanayem, N., Krawezeski, C., Licht, D.J., Mahoney, L., Newburger, J., Pemberton, V., Atz., T., Khainkin, S., Sananes, R., Williams, I.A., Williams, R.V., Hsu, D. (2011). Linear growth failure is associated with worse neurodevelopmental outcome in infants with single ventricle physiology. Journal of American College of Cardiology, 57 (14), E420 Richards, T. J., Kaminski, N., Baribaud, F., Flavin, S., Brodmerkel, C., Horowitz, D., Gibson, K. F. (2012). Peripheral Blood Proteins Predict Mortality in Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine 185(1), 67-76. Smith G & Wagner JL. (2012). Commentary on “Care delivery and self-management strategies for children with epilepsy.” Evidence-Based Child Health: A Cochrane Review Journal, DOI: 10.1002/ebch.1818. Thul, G.M. (2012). Reliability of Vital Sign Measurement in Nursing Students (doctoral dissertation). Medical University of South Carolina, Charleston, SC. Virzi, L, Atz, T, Barnard, T, Dunbar-Masterson, C, Ghanayem, G, Jacobs, J, Lambert, L, Lewis, A, Pearson, G, Pemberton, V, Pike, N, Pizarro, C, Radojewski, E, Tabbutt, S, Teitel, D, Xu, M, Ohye, R. Reporting Adverse Events in a Surgical Trial for Complex Congenital Heart Disease: The Pediatric Heart Network Experience. Journal of Thoracic and Carciovascular Surgery, 142(3), 531-537. 190 Wagner JL, Smith, G & Ferguson, PL. (accepted 02/12). The relationship of coping behaviors to depressive symptoms in youth with epilepsy: An examination of caregiver and youth proxy report. Epilepsy & Behavior. Wagner JL, Smith, G & Ferguson, PL. (accepted 02/12). Self-efficacy for seizure management and youth depressive symptoms: Caregiver and youth perspectives. Seizure: European Journal of Epilepsy. Wagner, J.L., Smith, G., Ferguson, P., van Bakergem, K., and Hrisko, S. (2011). Feasbility of a pediatric cognitive-behavioral self-management intervention: Coping Openly and Personally with Epilepsy (COPE). Seizure, doi: 10.1016/j.seizure.2011.02.010. Book Chapters Ferguson, PL, Wannamaker, BW, Smith, G, Wagner, JL, and Selassie, AW. (2012). Epidemiology, Impact, and Comorbid Conditions, chapter in Handbook of Epilepsy: Diagnosis and Management (2nd Ed.), MUSC University Press. Smith, G, Edwards, JC, Ferguson, PL, Wagner, JL, and Wannamaker, BW. (2012). Moving Forward with Comprehensive Epilepsy Care, chapter in Handbook of Epilepsy: Diagnosis and Management (2nd Ed.), MUSC University Press. Thul, G.M. (2012). Contributor. Lippincott’s Nursing Procedures and Skills (4th ed.). Philadelphia: Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins. Presentations Campanella, H. June 15, 2012 Knowledge is power: Preventing Elder Abuse. (Featured Presenter: 60 minute oral presentation) at Certified Nurse Assistant (CNA) Leadership Conference. Colorado Health Care Association. Summit Event Center, Denver, Colorado. Campanella, H. January 2012 & August 2012 Understanding Elder Abuse. Featured presenter at the Long Term Care Leadership Development Workshops. Colorado Center for Nursing Excellence, Multiple locations, Colorado. Campanella, H. January 2012. Building Public Will to Achieve Access to Health Project. 100 Nurse Community Speakers. Colorado Center for Nursing Excellence in collaboration with the Colorado Trust. Multiple locations, Colorado. Campanella, H. 2012. Elder Abuse (EA) Screening by RNs in Primary Care: Prevalence & Exploration of Adverse Effects poster presented at Medical University of South Carolina (MUSC) College of Nursing (CON) Annual Student Research Day. 191 Guifoyle, S., Wagner, J., Smith, G., and Modi, A. (2011). Early screening and identification of psychological co-morbidities in children with epilepsy is necessary. Poster presented to December 2011, 5th North American Regional Epilepsy Congress, Baltimore, MD. Matutina, R., Hamner, S., Battaglia, R. (2012, June). Redefining and Categorizing the Perceived Value of the RN in Ambulatory Care. Poster session presented at the 5th Nursing Economic$ Summit, Washington, DC. Matutina, R., Hamner, S., Battaglia, R. (2012, May). Redefining and Categorizing the Perceived Value of the RN in Ambulatory Care. Poster session presented at the MUSC Nurses Week Poster Fair, Charleston, South Carolina. Matutina, R., Kelechi, T., & Mueller, M., Jenkins, C., Johnson, J. (2012, May). Educational interventions for middle school students to improve the perception of nursing as a future career choice. Poster session presented at the MUSC Nurses Week Poster Fair, Charleston, South Carolina. Matutina, R., Hamner, S., Battaglia, R. (2012, April). Redefining and Categorizing the Perceived Value of the RN in Ambulatory Care. Poster session presented at the 2012 Roper St. Francis Healthcare Nursing Research Conference, Charleston, South Carolina. Matutina, R., Kelechi, T., & Mueller, M., Jenkins, C., Johnson, J. (2012, April). Educational interventions for middle school students to improve the perception of nursing as a future career choice. Poster session presented at the 2012 Roper St. Francis Healthcare Nursing Research Conference, Charleston, South Carolina. Matutina, R., Kelechi, T., & Mueller, M., Jenkins, C., Johnson, J. (2012, February). Educational interventions for middle school students to improve the perception of nursing as a future career choice. Poster session presented at the 26th annual Southern Nursing Research Society conference, New Orleans, Louisiana. Matutina, R., Kelechi, T., & Mueller, M. (2011, November). Middle school student’s perception of nursing as a career. Poster session presented at the Perry V Halushka Medical University of South Carolina Student Research Day, Charleston, South Carolina. Matutina, R., Kelechi, T., & Mueller, M. (2011, September). Middle school student’s perception of nursing as a career. Poster session presented at the 1st Medical University of South Carolina College of Nursing Student Research Day 2011, Charleston, South Carolina. Awarded 1st place. Mollica, M. Online peer mentoring program for nursing students: An integrative review and project proposal. Poster session presented at the New York State Nurses Association, District 1 Research Day. 192 Monfre, Jill. (2012,June). Assessing the impact of chronic wound pain on health related quality of life. Poster session presented at the Wound Ostomy Continence Nurses Society, Charlotte, North Carolina. O’Brien, Tara. (February, 2012). Family Influence, Stress, and Health Behaviors among older Appalachian women. Poster session presented at Southern Nursing Research Society in New Orleans, LA. Invited: Smith, G. Identifying and Addressing the Comorbidities of Epilepsy. MUSC Epilepsy Boot Camp for Professionals in Charleston, SC. April, 20, 2012. Invited: Smith, G. Coping with epilepsy: Family & self-management. Presented with Janelle Wagner, PhD. Managing Well Epilepsy Network via teleconference on April 5, 2012. Invited: Smith, G. New Evidence in Psychosocial Interventions for Managing Epilepsy: Introduction and Conclusion. American Epilepsy Society’s 65th Annual Conference: Professionals in Epilepsy Symposium in Baltimore, MD. December 4, 2011. Smith, L. (2012). Nutrition decisions in the dying. Poster presentation at Southern Nursing Research Society Annual Conference, New Orleans, LA. Funded Research Macias, M. and Smith, G. August 2011-August 2015 Maternal Child Health Role: Co-Principal Investigators Project Title: South Carolina Leadership Education in Neurodevelopmental and Related Disabilities Goal(s): South Carolina Leadership Education in Neurodevelopmental and Related Disabilities (SC LEND) is a state-wide interdisciplinary training program established to improve the health of infants, children, and adolescents with autism spectrum disorders(ASD) and neurodevelopmental disorders (ND). SC LEND trainees are prepared as leaders in their field in the interdisciplinary care of and advocacy for individuals with ASDs and NDs. The SC LEND training program is housed at three sites: the Medical University of South Carolina, Greenville Hospital System University Medical Center, and the University of South Carolina School of Medicine. Each trainee will have a home site but have the opportunity to participate in training activities with all trainees across the three sites. Principal Investigator: Selassie, A. October 2011-October 2015 Award Amount: $3 million Project Title: Health Outcomes in Persons with Epilepsy in South Carolina 193 Role: Gigi Smith, Co-Investigator, 20% Goal(s): Epidemiologic Research in Epilepsy to obtain new knowledge of the prevalence and/or incidence of epilepsy among various U.S. populations or subpopulations; risk factors or other determinants that affect epilepsy incidence or outcomes; healthcare needs in epilepsy populations; and/or early predictors of healthcare needs among incident cases of epilepsy. STUDENT HONORS Melissa B. Aselage, Melissa (PhD 2011) 2012-2014 John A. Hartford Foundation Claire M. Fagin Fellow Atz, Teresa Blue Cross Blue Shield Nurse Scholar Award Kehinde, Julius (PhD 2011) National Institute on Aging, Summer Institute on Aging Research Matutina, Robin Medical University of South Carolina College of Nursing Student Research Day Poster Presentation (1st place) Mollica, Michelle Faculty of the Year Award for D'Youville College O’Brien, Tara Directors Award for Best Teaching Practices Medical University of South Carolina Research Day poster presentation, 2nd Place Award Smith, Gigi South Carolina Deans and Directors of Nursing Faculty Scholarship Sigma Theta Tau New Investigator Award for Caregiving in Pediatric Epilepsy (dissertation research) Research and Education in Epilepsy Fund Predoctoral Award for Caregiving in Pediatric Epilepsy (dissertation research) Vick, Lori Advisor of the Year awarded by the Black Awareness Organization National Institute of Nursing Research (NINR) Summer Genetics Institute (SGI) at the National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD June 4-29 194 PROFESSIONAL ORGANIZATIONS Caldieraro-Bentley, Angela Sigma Theta Tau, Nu Pi Chapter, Springfield, IL Midwest Nursing Research Society Southern Nursing Research Society American Association of Critical Care Nurses Preventive Cardiovascular Nurses Association Society for Vascular Nursing American Heart Association, Scientific Council - Nursing American College of Cardiology American Nurses Credentialing Center Cardiac Vascular Certification Exam Seminar, peer reviewer American Nurses Credentialing Center Cardiac Vascular Review Manual, peer reviewer Campanella, Hollie American Nurses Association (ANA) Colorado Nurses Association (CNA) National League for Nursing (NLN) National Committee for the Prevention of Elder Abuse (NCPEA), Education Committee Member Emergency Nurses Association (ENA) Sigma Theta Tau – International Honor Society for Nurses Research Committee. Medical University of South Carolina (MUSC) College of Nursing (CON) Reviewer: F.A. Davis and Annals of Internal Medicine Fink, Lilo Sigma Theta Tau- Fort Myers Florida Souther Nurses Research Society National League of Nurses American Nurses Pain Association Flavin, Susan Sigma Theta Tau Matutina, Robin Association of Pediatric Hematology/Oncology Nurses Sigma Theta Tau, Phi Gamma, member Sigma Theta Tau, Gamma Omicron, Leadership Succession Committee, member American Academy of Ambulatory Care Nursing, member Southern Nursing Research Society, member 195 Mollica, Michelle Sigma Theta Tau Oncology Nursing Society NLN O’Brien, Tara Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing, Lambda Omega and Gamma Iota Chapters North Carolina Nurses Association American Nurses Association Southern Nurses Research Society Rural Nurses Organization Gerontological Society of America Paguntalan, John Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society for Nursing Society of Critical Care Medicine American Association of Critical Care Nurses Thul, Genevieve Simulation sub-committee, Nursing Education Section, Midwestern Nursing Research Society Multicultural Task Force Committee, College of Nursing, MUSC Smith, Gigi Association of Faculties of Pediatric Nurse Associates and Practitioners National Association of Pediatric Nurse Practitioners South Carolina Association of Pediatric Nurse Practitioners National Organization of Nurse Practitioner Faculties American Epilepsy Society Epilepsy Foundation American Nurses Association (local and national) American Epilepsy Society Nursing Research Special Interest Group, Co-Chair American Epilepsy Society, Vice-Chair Smith, Lenora Hospice and Palliative Nurses Association, National - Board Development and Leadership Committee Member Gerontological Society of America, Abstract Reviewer Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing, Abstract Reviewer Gamma Iota Chapter Member VanRavenstein, Kathy Southern Nurses Research Society National League of Nurses 196 CERTIFICATIONS Caldieraro-Bentley, Angela American Nurses Credentialing Center Cardiac Vascular Certification Fink, Lilo Post Masters Certificate as a Family Nurse Practitioner Matutina, Robin Certified Pediatric Nurse (CPN™) Certified Pediatric Oncology Nurse (CPON®) Ambulatory Care Nurse Certification (RN-BC) Mollica, Michelle OCN certification O’Brien, Tara Certified Nurse Educator (CNE) Paguntalan, John Adult Nurse Practitioner, Board Certified, American National Credentialing Center Certified Critical Care Nurse (Alumni) Program Accomplishments for 2011-2012 Meetings: PhD Committee meetings were held on the dates of. Meeting minutes are posted in the CON Intranet. Membership of PhD Committee: Gail Gilden, Carolyn Jenkins, Teresa Kelechi, Susan Newman (Chair), Ida Spruill, Sally Stroud (Ex-Officio), Jeannette Andrews (Ex-Officio) and Carolyn Page. Two student representatives joined the committee meetings: Rebecca Freeman, and Theresa Wyatt. Students: As of July 2012, 58 students were actively enrolled in the program. Progression for the year was as follows: 4 students withdrew from the PhD Program: Melinda Spriggle (financial reasons), Amy Painter (personal reasons), and Kelly Caraviello (health reasons). Kristin Mathieu (financial reasons). 3 students took a one year LOA, hoping for better financing (Jessica Gaynor, Charlene Fruda, Kathleen Giarla White) 9 students successfully defended and graduated: Melissa Aselage, Kathy Atassi, Teresa Lawson, Collette Loftin, Robin Matutina, Janice Primrose, Genevieve Thul, Jill Monfre, and Lynette Smith. 16 students are in candidacy status: Amanda Budak, Hollie Campanella, Teresa Carnavale, April DeGuzman, Melissa Ferdinandi, Rebecca Freeman , Kim 197 • French, Margaret Kennedy, Shannon Hudson, Judy Mikhail, Jim Pelletier, Michelle Pendergrass, Kimbery Sell, Gigi Smith, Julia Smith Watkins and Erin Blythe Winburn 26 continuing students are enrolled in course work in good academic standing: Diane Allen, Tonya Anderson, Teresa Atz, Nicole Auxier, Angela Bentley, Heather Craven, Edith Crook, Lilo Fink, Susan Flavin, Sarah Gilbert, Jama Goers, Elizabeth Grahn, Fairuz Lutz, Mary Naccarato, Julie Nair McCulloh, Michelle Mollica, Tara O-Brien, John Paguntalan, Lenora Smith, Suzanne Sutton, Amy Szajna, Phyllis Raynor, Kathryn Van Ravenstein, Lori Vick, Rebecca Walker, and Theresa Wyatt. Matriculated Students for 2012: 18 online students are matriculated for Fall 2012, maintaining continued growth of program numbers and the new target goal of at least 50 students enrolled in the program. The incoming students have impressive credentials and are geographically spread throughout the continental U.S. Program Strategies: • 2012 Residency The 7th annual campus residency is scheduled for July 9-12, 2012. • Quality Improvement Two half-day PhD Faculty Retreats were held in October 2011 and in March 2012 to review the curriculum. Strategies for revision were formulated with assigned responsibility for implementation and evaluation. • Website revision PhD program website was redesigned for ease of navigation and improved appeal to diverse applicants and end users. • Policy Policies regarding the published manuscript dissertation were refined and included in the electronic student handbook. • Evaluation An electronic program satisfaction survey was distributed to students for tracking satisfaction. Goals for 2012-2013 1. Maintain the quality of student applicants through marketing of program outcomes, examination of admission criteria, and scholarship opportunities. 2. Continue to achieve high numbers and rigor of student presentations, publications, and submitted grants. 3. Integrate interdisciplinary learning experiences into the PhD Program. 4. Implement a PhD Program evaluation plan. 5. Develop faculty advisement abilities to mentor students in an online environment. 6. Promote the standards of excellence in the program of online courses. 198 Pathology & Laboratory Medicine Victoria Findlay, PhD, Director Student’s Name Elizabeth Fowler Kayla Hill Claire Hinsch Lindsay McDonald Melissa Scheiber Philip Sobolesky Tiffany Baker Joshua Kellner Dion Foster Matriculation Date Fall 2009 Fall 2010 Fall 2007 Fall 2009 Fall 2007 Fall 2009 Fall 2007 Fall 2007 Fall 2011 Mentor Dr Moussa Dr Sha Dr Dammai/Schulte Dr LaRue Dr Watson Dr Moussa Dr Cunningham Dr Zhou/LaRue Dr Turner Degree Sought PhD PhD PhD PhD PhD PhD MD/PhD PhD MS STUDENTS’ PUBLICATIONS Journals Bannan BA, Van Etten J, Kohler JA, Tsoi Y, Hansen NM, Sigmon S, Fowler E, Buff H, Williams TS, Ault JG, Glaser RL, Korey CA. The Drosophila protein palmitoylome: characterizing palmitoyl-thioesterases and DHHC palmitoyl-transferases. Fly (Austin). 2008 Jul-Aug;2(4):198-214. PMID: 18719403 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] Fowler E, Woolworth J, Quigley DI, Wolff DJ. Assessment and Validation of an Automated Capture/Analysis System for FISH to Detect Urothelial Carcinoma. Submitted, under review 2012 Fowler EB, Woolworth JA, Ellerbe C, Sobolesky PM, Shao Y, Keane T, Wolff D, Watson DK, Moussa O. Analysis of Apoptosis Regulators, including Inhibitors of Apoptosis and BFAR and Stannin, as Diagnostic Markers for Bladder Cancer. Submitted, Under Review, 2012. Chen F-Q, Hill K, Guan Y-J, Schacht J, Sha S-H. Activation of apoptotic pathways in the absence of cell death in an inner-ear immortomouse cell line. Hearing Research 284:33-41, 2011. doi: 10.1016/j.heares.2011.12.007 Sui M, Jiang D, Hinsch C and Fan W (2009). Fulvestrant (ICI 182,780) Sensitizes Breast Cancer Cells Expressing Estrogen Receptor alpha to Vinblastine and Vinorelbine. Breast Cancer Research and Treatment. PMID: 19626437 Scheiber MN, Watson PM, Rumboldt T, Findlay VJ, and Watson DK. Loss of FLI1 Expression Promotes Breast Cancer Progression by Modulating Cellular Growth, Migration, and Invasion. Submitted. Under Review, 2012. 199 Abstracts Kayla Hill Kayla Hill, Fu-Quan Chen, Ya-Jun Guan, Jochen Schacht, Su-Hua Sha. Activation of apoptotic pathways without cell death in an inner-ear OC-1 cell line. 2011 Pathology Student Research Day, Sep 2 2011 *Poster also presented at the 2011 Perry V. Halushka MUSC Student Research Day, Nov 4, 2011 *Poster also presented at the 2012 Association for Research in Otolaryngology Midwinter Meeting, San Diego, CA February 25-29, 2012 Claire Hinsch Papanna R, Hinsch CL, Dammai VR, Mann LK, Byrd R, Popek E, Tseng CG. Moise Jr. KJ. Distribution Of Fibroblast Growth Factor Receptors In Fetal Membranes - Insight Into The Molecular Basis For The Non-Healing Nature Of Amnion/Chorion. Society for Gynecological Investigation, 58th annual meeting, Miami, FL 2011 Lindsay McDonald 1st Annual Hollings Cancer Center Invasion and Metastasis Retreat, March 2011, poster presentation AACR Conference Orlando, Florida, April 2011, poster presentation Cancer Genes and Molecular Regulation Retreat, December 2011, poster presentation 11th Annual Hollings Cancer Center Retreat, November 2011, poster presentation Melissa Scheiber Scheiber MN, Watson PM, Rumboldt T, Findlay VJ, and Watson DK. Reduced FLI1 Expression Promotes Breast Cancer Progression by Modulating Cellular Growth, Migration, and Invasion. MUSC Hollings Cancer Center Breast Retreat, Charleston, South Carolina, 2011. Philip Sobolesky Philip Sobolesky, Elizabeth Fowler, Yuan Shao, Julie Ann Woolworth, Michael T. Smith, Mohamed Desouki, Dennis Watson, and Omar Moussa. FOXO3a Transcription Factor Regulation by Thromboxane Receptor-β Signaling: Novel Mechanism for Malignant Transformation. 2011 Pathology Student Research Day, Medical University of South Carolina, Charleston, SC September 2, 2011. Poster also presented at the 2011 Perry V. Halushka MUSC Student Research Day, Medical University of South Carolina, Charleston, SC November 4, 2011 200 Presentations Elizabeth Fowler AACR – Poster Presentation Characterization of Current and Novel Biomarkers of Bladder Cancer Kayla Hill Noise trauma blocks Akt prosurvival signaling via intracellular energy depletion in outer hair cells. 2012 Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine Seminar Series, April 2, 2012 * Also presented at the 2012 Hearing Science Research Group Seminar Series, March 7, 2012 Claire Hinsch Characterization of a Novel Cytoplasmic Vesicle Control Mechanism for FGFR1 Signaling Regulation. Pathology and Laboratory Medicine Seminar Series, Medical university of South Carolina, 2012 Claire Hinsch. A Novel Function of Bves Revealed by Bimolecular Interaction Studies. Pathology and Laboratory Medicine Seminar Series, Medical university of South Carolina, 2011 Claire Hinsch and Vincent Dammai. A Novel Function of Bves Revealed by Bimolecular Interaction Studies. Student Research Day, Medical University of South Carolina 2011 Jagadish Kummetha Venkata, Claire Leist Hinsch, Demetri D Spyropoulos, Erika T Brown, Simon C Watkins, Vincent Dammai. RAT Pathway Synchronizes FGFR1 Signaling By Intracellular Sequestration and Controlled PM Delivery of the Receptor. Student Research Day, Medical University of South Carolina 2011 Papanna R, Hinsch CL, Mann LK, Dammai VR, Byrd R, Popek E, Tseng SCG, Moise Jr KJ. Distribution of fibroblast growth factor receptors in fetal membranes- An insight into the molecular basis for the non-healing nature of amnion/chorion. Society for Gynecological Investigation 58th Annual Meeting March 16-19; Miami, FL. 2011. Lindsay McDonald Pathology and Laboratory Medicine Seminar Series, April 2011, presentation Pathology and Laboratory Medicine Seminar Series April 2012, presentation Melissa Scheiber Scheiber MN, Watson PM, Rumboldt T, Findlay VJ, and Watson DK. Defining the Role of FLI1 in Breast Cancer. Pathology Research Day. Medical University of South Carolina, Charleston, South Carolina, 2011. 201 Scheiber MN, Watson PM, Rumboldt T, Findlay VJ, and Watson DK. Defining the Role of FLI1 in Breast Cancer. MUSC Annual Perry V. Halushka Student Research Day, Charleston, South Carolina 2011. Scheiber MN, Watson PM, Rumboldt T, Findlay VJ, and Watson DK. Reduced FLI1 Expression Promotes Breast Cancer Progression by Modulating Cellular Growth, Migration, and Invasion. MUSC Hollings Cancer Center Breast Retreat, Medical University of South Carolina, Charleston, South Carolina, 2012. Philip Sobolesky FOXO3a Transcription Factor Regulation by Thromboxane Receptor-β Signaling: Novel Mechanism for Malignant Transformation. Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine Seminar Series Presented March 14, 2011, Medical University of South Carolina, Charleston, SC. Also presented for Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine Proposal defense. November 21, 2011, Medical University of South Carolina STUDENTS’ HONORS AND AWARDS Elizabeth Fowler passed written and oral qualifiers Kayla Hill - Association for Research in Otolaryngology 2012 Midwinter Meeting Graduate Student/Postdoctoral Fellow Travel Award - First Place Winner of Ph.D. II category Poster Presentation, 2011 Perry V. Halushka MUSC Student Research Day Claire Hinsch won Pathology and Laboratory Medicine Seminar Series, First Place. 2011 Lindsay McDonald - 1st Place Prize for poster presentation at the Veterans Affairs Student Research Day 2011 - 1st Place Prize (Kinard Award) for poster presentation at Perry Halushka Research Day 2011 - 1st Place Prize for oral presentation in the Pathology and Laboratory Medicine Seminar Series April 2012 Melissa Scheiber - 2nd Place Pathology Seminar Series 2011-2012 Philip Sobolesky received Graduate Student Association 2012 outstanding service member award 202 Department/Accomplishments for 2011-2012 • • • • • • • • • • Lindsay McDonald completed/passed written qualifying exam October, 2011 Lindsay McDonald completed/passed oral qualifying exam April, 2012 Philip Sobolesky successfully passed written qualifying exam August 2011 and proposal defense on November 21, 2011. Tiffany Baker successfully defended her PhD thesis and graduated 2011 Joshua Kellner successfully defended his PhD thesis and graduated 2012 Elizabeth Fowler successfully defended her PhD thesis and graduated 2012 New faculty members Kala Puligilla and Steve Ethier joined the department Pathology Research Day was held September 2nd 2011 with Dr Carlo Croce from Ohio State University giving the keynote address Dion Foster joined the department in Dr Turner’s lab as a masters student Dayvia Laws was accepted into the masters program for Fall 2012 Department Goals for 2012-2013 • Melissa Scheiber To defend late December 2012/early January 2013 • Claire Hinsch to defend 2013 • Kayla Hill to pass written and oral qualifiers in 2012-2013 • Pathology Research Day and Program Exposure will be held August 24th 2012 with Dr Lee from Harvard University to give the keynote address 203 Post Graduate Positions of 2012 Graduates Name Degree Sought Program Al-Ayoubi, Adnan M.D./Ph.D. Pharmacology MUSC - General Surgery Baker, DeAnna M.D./Ph.D. Microbiology & Immunology Duke University - Internal Medicine Gault, Christopher M.D./Ph.D. MCBP University of Pennsylvania Pathology Heffernan-Stroud, Linda M.D./Ph.D. MCBP Greenville Memorial - Internal Medicine/Eastern Virginia Medical Center – Dermatology Jenkins, Russell M.D./Ph.D. Biochemistry & Molecular Biology Massachusetts General Internal Medicine Moussawi, Khaled M.D./Ph.D. Neurosciences Massachusetts General Internal Medicine/Brigham & Women’s – Neurology Mullen, Thomas M.D./Ph.D. MCBP Lemuel Shattuck Hospital, Boston - Transitional Year/University of Washington Radiation Oncology Rhome, Ryan M.D./Ph.D. Biochemistry & Molecular Biology MUSC - Internal Medicine/Mt. Sinai - Radiation Oncology Sproul, Adrian M.D./Ph.D. Neurosciences MUSC Transitional Surgery, NC/UNC - Chapel Hill – Anesthesia Andrijauskaite, Kristina M.S. Biochemistry & Molecular Biology Obtaining a PhD’ continue working in cancer research Deepe, Raymond M.S. Microbiology & Immunology Unknown at the moment Snider, Justin M.S. Biochemistry & Molecular Biology Transferring to Stony Brook to complete PhD Soderstrom, Lea M.S. Division of Biostatistics & Epidemiology Completion of PhD at another university 204 Post Graduation Plans Bell, Guinevere Ph.D. Pharmaceutical Sciences Master Educator Training Program, Ross University Broadwater, Margaret Ph.D. Biochemistry & Molecular Biology Research Chemist NOAA Brunelle, Stephanie Ph.D. MCBP Postdoctoral position at the University of Washington, Seattle - Genomics Training Grant Awarded Cornelius, Monica Ph.D. Division of Biostatistics & Epidemiology Employment Fortress, Ashley Ph.D. Neurosciences Postdoctoral Fellowship at University of Wisconsin at Milwaukee Fowler, Elizabeth Ph.D. Pathology Undecided Freeman, Linnea Ph.D. Pharmacology Postdoctoral position at Pennington Biomedical Research Center Postdoctoral Fellowship, Stony Brook University (3-6months); University of South Carolina Gandy, Kathryn Alexa Ph.D. Orr MCBP Gao, Peng Ph.D. Pharmaceutical Sciences Unknown Hoeferlin, L. Alexis Ph.D. Biochemistry & Molecular Biology Postdoc at Virginia Commonwealth University Kellner, Joshua Ph.D. Pathology Postdoc with Dr. Zihai Li, Medical University of South Carolina Lyon, Barbara Ph.D. MCBP NSF-IRFP to work in T. Mock Lab at UEA, Norwich UK Martins da Palma, Telma Ph.D. Microbiology & Immunology Postdoc in Lisbon, Portugal Pava, Matthew Ph.D. Neurosciences IRTA Fellowship in David Lovinger’s Lab of NIAAA 205 Pruett, Nathanael Ph.D. MCBP Position at the National Institute of Health, Bethesda MD, NIAMS - Lab of Molecular Immunogenetics Rapisardo, Michelle Ph.D. Microbiology & Immunology Postdoc in Steve Tomlinson’s lab Robertson, Rosanna Ph.D. Biochemistry & Molecular Biology Postdoctoral fellowship at St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital in the Department of Structural Biology Samuel, Glady Ph.D. MCBP Pursuing Postdoc position Sartor, Gregory C. Ph.D. Neurosciences Postdoc at University of Miami Miller School of Medicine Smith, Matthew Ph.D. Pharmaceutical Sciences Law School, Patent Law Tirodkar, Tejas Ph.D. MCBP Applying for Postdoctoral research 206 2011 – 2012 Dissertation and Thesis Adnan Al-Ayoubi, Ph.D., Cell and Molecular Pharmacology Advisor: Dr. Scott E. Eblen ERK/MAP Kinase Phosphorylates SPF45 and Regulates its Splicing Activity: Insights onto Phosphorylation-dependent and -independent Effects in Ovarian Cancer Cells Kristina Andrijaskaite, M.S. Biomedical Sciences Advisor: Dr. Daniel Fernandes Biochemical Links between Hormonal Mediators of Psychological Stress and the Expression on MUC1 in Prostate Cancer Cells Guillermo Alberto De Angulo, M.S. in Clinical Research Advisor: Dr. Robert Adams Hematological, Physiologic and Anthropometric Variables Associated with Transcranial Doppler (TCD) Ultrasound Velocity and Blood Pressure Analysis among Sickle Cell Children and Adolescents with Abnormal TCD Velocity Melissa Batchelor Aselage, Ph.D., Nursing Advisor: Dr. Elaine J. Amella Feasibility of Implementing a Web-based Dementia Feeding Skills Training Module for Nursing Home Staff Katherine Atassi, Ph.D., Nursing Advisor: Dr. Lynne Nemeth Adapting the PPRNet TRIP QI Model to Increase Colorectal Cancer Screening in Primary Care: A Feasibility Study DeAnna Andrea Baker, Ph.D., Microbiology and Immunology Advisor: Dr. Gary Gilkeson The Determination of Sphingosine kinase 1 in a Murine Model of Inflammatory Arthritis Guinevere Hannah Bell, Ph.D., Pharmaceutical Sciences Advisor: Dr. Kennerly Patrick Transdermal and Oral dl-methylphenidate-ethanol interactions in C57BL/6J Mice Margaret Holbrook Broadwater, Ph.D., Biochemistry & Molecular Biology Advisor: Dr. John Schwacke Computational Methods for the Differential Profiling of Triacyglycerols using RPHPLV/APCI-MS Stephanie Alexandra Brunelle, Ph.D., Molecular & Cellular Biology & Pathobiology Advisor: Dr. Fran Van Dolah Cell Cycle Regulation in the Florida Red Tide Dinoflagellate, Karenia brevis 207 Monica Elise Cornelius, Ph.D., Biostatistics & Epidemiology Advisors: Dr. Elisabeth Pickelsimer and Dr. Jeff Korte PTSD and Substance Use Disorders Among Offenders: Examining the Effects of TBI, Gender and Interpersonal Violence Victimization Raymond Deepe, M.S. Biomedical Sciences Advisor: Dr. Janardan Pandey Immunoglobulin and Fcy Receptor Genes Influence the Control of HIV Replication and the Progression of HIV Infection Ashley Megan Fortress, Ph.D., Neuroscience Advisor: Dr. Lotta Granholm-Bentley Mechanisms for Cholinergic Degeneration and Cognitive Impairment in Aging and Down Syndrome Elizabeth Babb Fowler. Ph.D., Pathology Advisors: Dr. Omar Moussa and Dr. Brad Schulte Characterization of Current and Novel Biomarkers of Bladder Cancer Linnea Ruth Freeman, Ph.D., Pharmacology Advisor: Dr. Ann-Charlotte Granholm Damaging Effects of a High Fat Diet to Hippocampal Morphology and Function Kathryn Alexa Orr Gandy, Ph.D., Molecular & Cellular Biology & Pathobiology Advisor: Dr. Lina Obeid Role of the Sphingosine Kinase/Sphingosine 1-Phosphate Pathway in Growth Factor/Cytokine Mechanisms of Cellular Regulation Peng Gao, Ph.D., Pharmaceutical Sciences Advisor: Dr. Charles Smith Comparison of the Differential Roles for Sphingosine Kinase (SK) Isoenzymes in Tumor Cells and Characterization of SK-isoenzyme Selective Inhibitors Christopher Ryan Gault, Ph.D., Molecular and Cellular Biology and Pathobiology Advisor: Dr. Lina Obeid Sphingosine Kinase 1 is an Essential Enzyme for Ras Oncogenesis Linda Augusta Heffernan-Stroud, Ph.D., Molecular and Cellular Biology and Pathobiology Advisor: Dr. Lina Obeid Regulation of Sphingosine Kinase 1 is a Crucial Component of the p53 Tumor Suppressor Pathway 208 Lauren Alexis Hoeferlin, Ph.D., Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Advisor: Dr. Sergey Krupenko Regulation of Cell Death Pathways by Folate Metabolism Russell William Jenkins, Ph.D., Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Advisor: Dr. Yusuf Hannun Roles and Regulation of Secretory and Lysosomal Acid Sphingomyelinase Joshua Nathan Kellner, Ph.D., Pathology and Laboratory Medicine Advisor: Dr. Bradley Schulte Induction of Hematopoietic Stem Cell Self-renewal and Maintenance Ex Vivo Through Small Molecule Compounds Theresa Gunter Lawson, Ph.D., Nursing Advisor: Dr. Teresa Kelechi The Role of Chlamydia trachomatis and Neisseria gonorrhea in Pharyngitis Collette R. Loftin, Ph.D., Nursing Advisor: Dr. Susan Newman Diversity in Texas Nursing Programs: A Correlational Study of Supportive Characteristics and Graduation of Underrepresented Minority Nursing Students Barbara R. Lyon, Ph.D., Molecular & Cellular Biology & Pathobiology Advisor: Dr. Giacomo DiTullio A Proteomics Approach to Investigate the Physiology of Dimethylsulfoniopropionate Production in the Sea-Ice Diatom, Fragilariopsis cylindrus Telma Raquel Martins da Palma, Ph.D., Microbiology and Immunology Advisor: Michael Nishimura Tyrosinase Reactive T Cells Reject or Edit Established Human Melanomas in vivo Jordan Asher Magarik, M.S. in Clinical Research Advisor: Dr. Daniel Lackland The reliability of applying the Alberta Stroke Program Early Computed-Tomography Score (ASPECTS) to computed-tomography (CT) and computed-tomography-perfusion images in acute ischemic stroke Robin Dianna Evans Matutina, Ph.D., Nursing Advisor: Dr. Teresa Kelechi Educational Interventions for Middle School Students to Improve the Perception of Nursing as a Future Career Choice Robert Kane McCall, M.S. in Clinical Research Advisor: Dr. Richard Silver Relationship of Main Pulmonary Artery Diameter to Pulmonary Arterial Pressure in Scleroderma Patients with and without Mild to Moderate Interstitial Fibrosis 209 Jill Marie Monfre, Ph.D., Nursing Advisor: Dr. Teresa J. Kelechi Symptom Intrusiveness, Chronic Conditions and Health-Related Quality of Life: Development of Conceptual and Measurement Models Khaled Moussawi, M.D./Ph.D., Neuroscience Advisor: Dr. Peter Kalivas Rewiring Cocaine Addiction: Reversing Cocaine-Induced Plasticity Inhibits Relapse to Drug-Seeking Thomas Drakeford Mullen, M.D./Ph.D., Molecular and Cellular Biology and Pathobiology Advisor: Dr. Lina Obeid Ceramide Synthases: Roles in Sphingolipid Metabolism and Programmed Cell Death Matthew Pava, Ph.D., Neuroscience Advisor: Dr. John Woodward Behavioral and Physiological Neuroadaptations of the Endocannabinoid System Following Chronic Treatment with Ethanol Janet Widaman Primrose, Ph.D., Nursing Advisor: Dr. Carolyn Jenkins Survey of School Nurses on School Violence Nathanael David Pruett Ph.D., Molecular and Cellular Biology and Pathobiology Advisor: Dr. Alexander Awgulewitsch Topographic Hox Expression in Adult Vasculture Michelle Rapisardo Ph.D., Microbiology and Immunology Advisor: Dr. Stephen Tomlinson Modulating Complement Activation on Tumor Cells Ryan Matthew Rhome, M.D./Ph.D., Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Advisor: Dr. Maurizio Del Poeta Localization of Glucosylceramide During Cryptococcus neoformans Infection Optimizes Use as a Novel Anti-Fungal Target Rosanna Morgan Robertson, Ph.D., Biochemistry & Molecular Biology Advisor: Dr. Christopher Davies Developing New Drug Targets in Neisseria Gonorrhoeae: Functional and Structural Studies of AmiC, an N-acetylmuramyl-L-alanine amidase Required for Bacterial Cell Separation 210 Glady Hazitha Samuel, Ph.D., Microbiology and Immunology Advisor: Dr. Maria Trojanowska Novel Mediators of TGFB Signaling Contribute to Scleroderma Fibrosis: Role of Protein Phosphatase 2A and Acid Spingomyelinase Gregory Charles Sartor, Ph.D., Microbiology and Immunology Advisor: Dr. Gary Aston-Jones Roles of Lateral Septum and Bed Nucleus of Stria Terminalis Circuits in Cocaine Preference Matthew Allen Smith, Ph.D., Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Sciences Advisor: Dr. Rick Schnellmann Calpain 10: Degradation and Role in Mitochondrial Dysfunction Justin Michael Snider, M.S. Biomedical Sciences Dr. Jacek Bielawski Simultaneous Quantitative Analysis of Glucosylceramide and Galactosylceramide Species by Supercritical Fluid Chromatography Tandem Mass Spectrometry Adrian David Sproul, M.D./Ph.D., Neurosciences Advisor: Dr. P. Darwin Bell N-Methyl-D-Asportate Receptor Subunit NR3a Expression and Function in Principal Cells of the Collecting Duct Genevieve Marie Thul, Ph.D., Nursing Advisor: Dr. Gail Gilden Reliability of Vital Sign Evaluation Methods in Nursing Education Tejas Shirish Tirodkar, Ph.D., Molecular and Cellular Biology and Pathobiology Advisor: Dr. Christina Voelkel-Johnson Role of Ceramide Synthase 6 in Sphingolipid Metabolism and TRAIL Sensitivity of Colorectal Cancer Cells Patricia L. Watkins, M.S. in Clinical Research Advisor: Dr. Joseph Jenrette The impact of pre-treatment PET on disease control and treatment decisions in locoregionally advanced esophageal cancer patients treated with chemoradiotherapy 211 First Year Students Name Mohamad Adada Jacob Bowers Robert Cameron Danielle Desjardins Joseph Guy Daniel Herr Jamie Mills Douglas Roberts-Wolfe Achraf Shamseddine Abdulmenem Almadani Charles Bergman Danielle Brandon Beth Coughlin Dion Foster Danielle Justis Eva Karam Andrew Mather Alexander Matthews Kristoffer Rodriguez Abeba Teklehaimanot James Atkison Sarah Barrett Sarah Barry William Buchta Theresa Cantu Christy Cassarly April Cox Melanie Davis David De Hart Ryan De Palma Liqiong Fan Abby Goodson Jessica Hathaway Jiangting Hu Sara Johnson Youxuan Li Ellen McGlinchey Rachel Moss Aarti Narang Elizabeth Payne Jose Pena-Bravo Thomas Powers degree sought M.D./Ph.D. M.D./Ph.D. M.D./Ph.D. M.D./Ph.D. M.D./Ph.D. M.D./Ph.D. M.D./Ph.D. M.D./Ph.D. M.D./Ph.D. M.S. M.S. M.S. M.S. M.S. M.S. M.S. M.S. M.S. M.S. M.S. Ph.D. Ph.D. Ph.D. Ph.D. Ph.D. Ph.D. Ph.D. Ph.D. Ph.D. Ph.D. Ph.D. Ph.D. Ph.D. Ph.D. Ph.D. Ph.D. Ph.D. Ph.D. Ph.D. Ph.D. Ph.D. Ph.D. Undergraduate Institution Degree American University, Beirut University of Utah Davidson College Boston University University of Minnesota University of Scranton California State University Hampshire College American University, Beirut King Saud University Winthrop University College of Charleston Tufts University College of Charleston Charleston Southern Elon University Sewanee University at Buffalo/SUNY College of Charleston Addis Ababa University University of Miami University of South Carolina Furman University SUNY at Binghamton University of Texas, San Antonio Virginia Polytech Institute University of South Florida Penn State University Anderson University Kings College Shanghai Second Med University College of Charleston University of St. Francis Nanjing Medical University Wofford College Southeast University Connecticut College Charleston Southern University Guru Nanak Dev University Wheaton College University of Puerto Rico Furman University BS BA BS BA BA BS BS BA BS MT BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BA BS BS BS BS MS BS BS BS MCR MS BS MS BS BH BA BS MS BS BS BS/BA 212 Stephen Roper Chawarat Rotejanaprasert Kimberly Sauls Matthew Scheffel James Small Justin Snider Melissa Sokolosky Delia Voronca Jason Wheeler Ph.D. Texas Technical University MS Ph.D. Ph.D. Ph.D. Ph.D. Ph.D. Ph.D. Ph.D. University of California Santa Cruz Winthrop University North Greenville College GA Institute Medical University of SC East Carolina University College of Charleston Medical University of South Carolina MS BS BS BS MS MS MS Ph.D. 213 MD/MSCR First Year Master of Clinical Research Students Name Melissa Allen Undergraduate/Graduate/Institution Furman University/ MUSC Degree BS Meghana Ammapuram Osmania University B.Sc. Sonia Ashrafi University of Dhaka MBBS Madhura Athreya Osmania University B.Sc. Aby Augustine Kursk State Medical University Diploma of Specialist (Medicine) Brandon Barrett University of SC/ MUSC BS Amrutha Baskaran Tbiilisi State Medical University Diploma of Specialist (Medicine) Nidhi Behl Punjab Technical University B.Pharm. Gajula Bhoomeshwar Kakatiya University B.Pharm. Madhavi Bollineni Sri Venkateswara Institute of Medical Sciences B.Sc. (Nursing) Marques Bradshaw Duke University MD Anusha Chakravarthl Osmania University BS Veronica Chikkala NTR University of Health Science BDS Anusha Chunduri Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University B.Pharm. Lv Krishna Dasyam Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University B.Sc. Shanini Dimri Hemwati Nandan Bahuguna Garhwal University B.Sc. Prabhavathi Duraisami Tamil Nadu Dr. M.G.R. Medical University B.Sc. Merlyn George Shri Ramachandra University BDS Masoud Ghazvinian Islamic Azad University MD Andrew Goodwin Suny Health Sciences Center PMD Sreedhar Gujja Kakatiya University B.Pharm. Rama Hariharan Anna University B.Tech (Biotechnology) 214 Angela Hawk Medical College of Georgia MD Gini Ikwuezunma University of Georgia/MUSC BS Oluwatosin Jaiyeoba Amadu Bello University MBBS Mohammad Kamdar SRM University B.Tech (Biotechnology) Meet Karia Osmania University B.Pharm. Narinder Kaur National University of Singapore B.Sc. Rupnit Kaur Baba Farid University of Health Science BDS Gurinder Kaur Punjab University B.Sc. Charmaine Khoo National University of Singapore B.Sc. Raghuvamsi Kona Acharya Nagarjuna University B.Pharm. Vimala Koritala Sri Venkateswara Institute of Medical Sciences B.Sc. (Nursing) Nirmala Kotharu Andhra University B.Sc. Sandeep Kumar Punjab University B.Sc. Kanthimathi Kumaraswamy Osmania University MBBS Balakrishna Kurva Osmania University B.Sc. Durga Mandali NTR University of Health Science B.Sc. Shelly Matthews Mahatma Gandhi University B.Sc. Kimberly McHugh Medical University of South Carolina MD Shikha Mehta Baba Fand University of Health Science BAMS Tejonmayi Middela Sri Krishnadevaraya University B.Sc. Nitin Miglani Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Science B.Pharm. Nidhi Mittal Gujarat University B.Sc. Upamanyu Modak West Bengal University of Health Sciences B.Pharm. Brianna Morabito Medical University of South Carolina Pharm D Program Shivendra Na Punjab University B.Sc. V. vardhan Nelluri Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Science B.Pharm. Abhishek Pandey Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Science B.Pharm. 215 Supriya Paripally Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University B.Pharm. Kandarp Patel Tver State Medical Academy Diploma of Specialist (Medicine) Chunyan Peng Fudan University MD Vinod Petati NTR University of Health Science B.Sc. (Nursing) Roberto Pisoni University of Pavia PMD Nitin Pundir Chaudhary Charan Singh University B.Sc. Hussein Rajab King Saud University PMD Rayla Rajkumar Visveswariah Technological University B.E. Padmavathi Ramakrishnan Anna University B.Tech (Biotechnology) Lakshmi Rao Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Science B.Pharm. Hirok Roy Osmania University B.Sc. Syed Saleem Sri Venkateswara University B.Sc. Girish Sane St. Petersburg State Pediatric Medical Academy Diploma of Specialist (Medicine) Shekhar Sarkar Kakatiya University B.Sc. Vaibhav Shah Semey State Medical University Diploma of Specialist (Medicine) Richa Sharma Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Science BDS Prem Sharma Chaudhary Charan Singh University B.Sc. Karimunnisa Sheik Sri Krishnadevaraya University B.Sc. Abha Singh Bangalore Medical College MBBS Amit Singh Kurukshetra University B.Sc. Bo Soong Management Center Inssbruck Austria MS Karthikeyan Srinivasan Pondicherry University B.Pharm. Hiteshkumar Suhagiya Tver State Medical Academy Diploma of Specialist (Medicine) Vinod Sunkara Acharya Nagarjuna University B.Sc. 216 Anusha Suresh Anna University B.Tech (Biotechnology) Madhuva Tadimeti Osmania University B.Sc. Nichole Tanner University of Miami MD Murari Uthayakumar Anna University B.Tech (Biotechnology) Chandralekha Vaishnaw Bangalore University B.Sc. Shikha Varyah Punjab University B.Sc. Haripriya Vayalpati NTR University of Health Science B.Sc. (Nursing) Meenakshi Venkatapuram Osmania University B.Sc. Karthik Vipparthi NTR University of Health Science B.Sc. (Nursing) Thomas Wilfred Osmania University B.Sc. Daniel Williams East TN State MD Chang Long Wu Emory University MD De-cai Yu Nanjing University MD 217 College of Graduate Studies Faculty Name Title Department Assistant Professor Professor Assistant Professor Associate Professor Ophthalmology Neurosciences Department of Neurosciences Biostatistics, Bioinformatics & Epidemiology College of Nursing College of Nursing FULL MEMBERS Zsolt Ablonczy, Ph.D. Robert J. Adams, MD DeAnna Adkins, Ph.D. Anthony J. Alberg, Ph.D. Elaine J. Amella, BSN, PhD Associate Professor Jeannette Andrews, Ph.D., Associate Professor APRN, BC Raymond F. Anton, MD Distinguished University Professor Kelly M. Argraves, Ph.D. Research Assistant Professor W. Scott Argraves, PhD Professor John Arthur, M.D., Ph.D. Associate Professor Gary Aston-Jones, Ph.D. Professor Carl Atkinson, Ph.D. Research Assistant Professor Alexander Awgulewitsch, Associate Professor PhD John Baatz, PhD Associate Professor David L. Bachman, MD Professor Lisa J. Bain, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Prabhakar Baliga, MD Professor, Director of Transplant Surgery Narendra Banik, PhD Professor Jan Basile, MD Professor Deepak Bastia, Ph.D. Donnelly Professor of Biomedical Sciences Daniel Bearden, PhD Assistant Professor Howard Becker, PhD Professor Paul R. Becker, PhD Program Leader Craig Beeson, PhD Associate Professor Phillip Darwin Bell, Ph.D. Professor 218 Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences Cell Biology & Anatomy Cell Biology & Anatomy MCBP (nephrology) Neurosciences Microbiology & Immunology Medicine - Gastroenterology Pediatrics Neurosciences MCBP-Marine Biomedicine Surgery Neurosciences Medicine Biochemistry & Molecular Biology MCBP-Marine Biomedicine Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences MCBP-Marine Biomedicine Pharmaceutical Sciences Medicine Narayan Bhat, PhD Joe B. Blumer, Ph.D. Robert Boackle, PhD Galina S. Bogatkevich, M.D., Ph.D. Heather Shaw Bonilha, Ph.D. CCCC-SLP John Bosso, PharmD Mark Bowden, Ph.D., PT Erika T. Brown, Ph.D. Truman R. Brown, Ph.D. Professor Research Assistant Professor Professor Professor Neurosciences Pharmacology Assistant Professor College of Health Professions Professor Pharmaceutical Sciences College of Health Prof. Pathology & Laboratory Medicine Radiology and Radiological Sciences Neurosciences Biochemistry & Molecular Biology Assistant Professor Professor Catalin V. Buhusi, Ph.D. Associate Professor Erika-Elisabeth Bullesbach, Associate Professor PhD Karen G. Burnett, Ph.D. Research Associate Professor Louis E. Burnett, Ph.D. Professor Maria Gordon Buse, MD Distinguished University Professor Matthew J. Carpenter, Associate Professor Ph.D. Donald Castell, MD Professor Julie Chao, PhD Professor Lee Chao, PhD Professor Robert W. Chapman, PhD Assistant Professor Jane M. Charles, Ph.D. Associate Professor Kenneth Chavin, MD, PhD Professor Marc Chimowitz, MD Professor Steven Christopher, Ph.D. Research Chemist Harry S. Clarke, Jr., MD, Professor Ph.D. David J. Cole, MD Professor James Cook, PhD Professor George Cooper, MD Distinguished University Professor Luciano Costa, M.D., Ph.D. Assistant Professor 219 Stomatology Division of Rheumatology & Immunology MCBP-Marine Biomedicine MCBP-Marine Biomedicine Medicine - Endocrinology Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences Medicine Biochemistry & Molecular Biology Biochemistry & Molecular Biology MCBP-Marine Biomedicine Pediatrics Surgery Neurosciences MCBP-Marine Biomedicine Department of Urology Surgery Neurosciences Medicine, Cardiology - VAH Hematology/Oncology Division L. Ashley Cowart, Ph.D. Kim E. Creek, Ph.D. Craig Crosson, PhD Research Assistant Professor Professor Professor & Vice Chairman For Research Biochemistry & Molecular Biology Pharmaceutical Sciences Ophthalmology Rosalie Kelsey Crouch, Professor PhD Joan E. Cunningham, Ph.D. Research Assistant Professor Vincent R. Dammai, PhD Research Assistant Professor Christopher Davies, PhD Associate Professor Warren Davis, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Maurizio Del Poeta, MD Associate Professor Mark H. DeLegge, MD Professor Thomas A. Dix, PhD Associate Professor Jennifer L. Donovan, Ph.D. Research Assistant Professor Gregory J. Doucette, PhD Assistant Professor Harry Drabkin, MD Professor Christopher Drake, PhD Associate Professor Richard R. Drake, Ph.D. Professor MCBP Robert Draughn, D.Sc. Dental Medicine, Biophysical Dentistry Otolaryngology Biostatistics, Bioinformatics & Epidemiology Pharmacology College of Nursing Pharmacology Medicine Pathology & Laboratory Medicine Biochemistry & Molecular Biology Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine Professor Judy Dubno, PhD Valerie L. Durkalski, Ph.D. Professor Research Assistant Professor Scott T. Eblen, Ph.D Assistant Professor Barbara Edlund, BSN, PhD Associate Professor Brent Egan, MD Professor Leonard Egede, PhD Assistant Professor Weimin Fan, MD Professor Daniel Fernandes, PhD Professor Patrick Flume, M.D. Professor 220 Biostatistics, Bioinformatics & Epidemiology Pathology & Laboratory Medicine Biochemistry & Molecular Biology Pharmacology Biochemistry & Molecular Biology Medicine/SPTCR Pharmaceutical Sciences Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences MCBP-Marine Biomedicine Medicine Cell Biology & Anatomy Department of Cell and Molecular Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics Marvella E. Ford, PhD Associate Professor Department of Biostatistics, Bioinformatics and Epidemiology Associate Director of Cancer Disparities, Hollings Cancer Bruce M. Frankel, Ph.D. Elizabeth Garrett-Mayer, Ph.D. Sebastiano Gattoni-Celli, MD Mulugeta Gebregziabher, Ph.D. Andrew K. Gelasco, Ph.D. Robert M. Gemmill, Ph.D. Mark George, MD Gary Gilkeson, MD Gail Barbosa Gliden, ScD, RN Robert G. Gourdie, Ph.D. Eric Matthew Graham, M.D. Lotta Granholm-Bentley, Ph.D Raymond S. Greenberg, MD, PhD Chris Gregory, Ph.D. Associate Professor Associate Professor Neurosurgery Biostatistics, Bioinformatics & Epidemiology Radiation Oncology William Griffin, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Janet Grossman, DNSc Louis J. Guillette, Ph.D. Associate Professor Distinguished Professor Professor of the Howard Hughes Medical Institute Dean, College of Graduate Studies Professor, Department of Pharmacology Assistant Professor Perry Halushka, PhD, MD Hiroko Hama, PhD Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Professor Professor Professor Associate Professor Biostatistics, Bioinformatics & Epidemiology Medicine Medicine Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences Medicine College of Nursing Associate Professor Associate Professor Professor, Director, Center on Aging President, Professor Cell Biology & Anatomy Department of Pediatrics Neurosciences Assistant Professor Doctoral Program in Health and Rehabilitation Science Center for Drug and Alcohol Programs Institute of Psychiatry College of Nursing MCBP-Marine Biomedicine 221 President Pharmacology Biochemistry & Molecular Biology Samar Hammad, Ph.D. Stanley Hoffman, PhD Research Assistant Professor Professor and Chair Assistant Professor Professor Professor Assistant Professor Distinguished University Professor Professor Philip H. Howe, Ph.D. Yan Huang, MD, PhD Walter Huda, Ph.D. Thomas C. Hulsey, Sc.D. Kelly J. Hunt, Ph.D. Professor Associate Professor Professor Professor Assistant Professor Shahid Husain, Ph.D. Taisen Iguchi, Ph.D. John Ikonomidis, MD, PhD Jennifer Isaacs, Ph.D. Ayad Jaffa, PhD Eric James, PhD Edward C. Jauch, MD, MS, FACEP FAHA Lankupalle D. Jayanthi, Ph.D. Carolyn Jenkins, MSN, PhD Dorothea Jenkins, MD Jens H. Jensen, Ph.D. Jeffrey A. Jones, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Biochemistry & Molecular Biology Microbiology & Immunology Pathology & Laboratory Medicine Radiology & Radiological Sciences Biochemistry & Molecular Biology Biostatistics, Bioinformatics & Epidemiology Medicine, Division of Rheumatology & Immunology Biochemistry & Molecular Biology Medicine Radiology Pediatrics Biostatistics, Bioinformatics & Epidemiology Ophthalmology MCBP-Marine Biomedicine Surgery Pharmacology Medicine - Endocrinology Ophthalmology Division of Emergency Medicine Assistant Professor Neurosciences Professor Associate Professor Professor Research Assistant Professor Professor Professor Professor and Chair Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor College of Nursing Pediatrics Department of Neurosciences MCBP Department of Surgery College of Health Prof. Neurosciences Neurosciences Medicine-Rheumatology Division of Hematology/Oncology Neurosciences Yusuf A. Hannun, MD Azizul Haque, Ph.D. Debra Hazen-Martin, PhD Joseph A. Helpern, Ph.D. Mirko Hennig, Ph.D. David G. Hoel, PhD Walter Jones, PhD Jane Joseph, Ph.D. Peter W. Kalivas, PhD Diane L. Kamen, M.D. Yubin Kang, M.D. Prakash Kara, Ph.D. 222 Medicine Teresa Kelechi, PhD Christine B. Kern, Ph.D. Associate Professor Assistant Professor Michael J. Kern, PhD Janice D. Key, Ph.D. Lyndon Key, MD J. Michael Kilby, M.D. Mark Kindy, PhD Keith L. Kirkwood, D.D.S., Ph.D. Richard Klein, PhD Daniel Knapp, PhD Associate Professor Professor Professor Professor Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Distinguished University Professor Director, MUSC Proteomics Center Medicine Pharmacology Rebecca Knapp, PhD Professor Jeffrey E. Korte, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Yiannis Koutalos, PhD Andrew S. Kraft, M.D. James S. Krause, PhD Stephen Kresovich, PhD Associate Professor Professor Professor Professor Sergey Krupenko, PhD Steven Kubalak, PhD John Kucklick, PhD Dhandapani Kuppuswamy, PhD David Kurtz, PhD Martine LaBerge, Ph.D. Daniel Lackland, PhD Professor Associate Professor Research Biologist Associate Professor Biostatistics, Bioinformatics & Epidemiology Biostatistics, Bioinformatics & Epidemiology Ophthalmology Medicine College of Health Professions Vice President for Research and Graduate Education Biochemistry & Molecular Biology Cell Biology & Anatomy MCBP-Marine Biomedicine Medicine, Cardiology Eric R. Lacy, PhD Professor Janice M. Lage, MD Marilyn Laken, MSN, PhD Stephen M. Lanier, Ph.D. Amanda C. LaRue, Ph.D. Professor and Chair Professor Professor Assistant Professor Professor Professor Professor 223 College of Nursing Regenerative Medicine and Cell Biology Cell Biology & Anatomy Pediatrics Pediatrics Microbiology & Immunology Neurosciences College of Dental Medicine Pharmacology Clemson Bioengineering Biostatistics, Bioinformatics & Epidemiology Marine Biomedicine and Environmental Science Center Pathology & Laboratory Medicine College of Nursing Pharmacology Medicine Antonieta Lavin, PhD Andrew B. Lawson, Ph.D. Associate Professor Professor John J. Lemasters, M.D., Ph.D. Zihai Li, M.D., Ph.D. Professor Maria Lopes-Virella, MD, PhD Chiara Luberto, Ph.D. Chair and Associate Professor Professor Neurosciences Biostatistics, Bioinformatics & Epidemiology Pharmaceutical Sciences Biochemistry & Molecular Biology Immunology & Cancer Immunology Medicine Research Assistant Professor Professor Biochemistry & Molecular Biology Associate Professor Director, Health Services Professor Professor Assoc. Dean for Continuing Medical Education Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences Cell Biology & Anatomy Otolaryngology Bioinformatics & Epidemiology Patrick Mauldin, Ph.D. Professor Associate Professor Research Assistant Professor Associate Professor Harold D. May, PhD Paul J. McDermott, PhD Jacqueline F. McGinty, PhD Donald R. Menick, PhD Peter M. Miller, Ph.D. Jacobo Mintzer, M.D. Maralynne Mitcham, PhD Corey H. Mjaatvedt, PhD Peter Moeller, PhD Martin Morad, Ph.D. William P. Moran, MD Associate Professor Professor Professor Professor Professor Professor Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Professor Professor Louis M. Luttrell, M.D., Ph.D. Kathryn Magruder, PhD Arch Mainous, III, PhD Robert Malcolm, MD Roger R. Markwald, PhD Bonnie Martin-Harris, PhD Renee’ H. Martin, Ph.D. 224 Medicine Family Medicine Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences Biostatistics, Bioinformatics & Epidemiology Microbiology & Immunology Medicine, Cardiology Neurosciences Medicine - Cardiology Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences College of Health Professions Cell Biology & Anatomy MCBP-Marine Biomedicine Regenerative Medicine Division of General Internal Medicine Thomas A. Morinelli, Ph.D. Steve Morton, Ph.D. Andrew S. Mount, Ph.D. Omar Moussa, Ph.D. Robin Muise-Helmericks, PhD Patrick Mulholland, Ph.D. Hugh Myrick, MD Gavin Naylor, Ph.D. Lynne S. Nemeth, Ph.D. Carola Neumann, M.D. Roger B. Newman, MD Susan D. Newman, PhD, RN, CRRN Joyce S. Nicholas, PhD Assistant Professor Research Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Associate Professor Professor Research Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Anna-Liisa Nieminen, Ph.D. Associate Professor Paul Nietert, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Michael Nishimura, Ph.D. Associate Professor Robert Sean Norman, Ph.D. James S. Norris, PhD Tamara Nowling, Ph.D. Terrence X. O’Brien, PhD Patrick O’Neil, Ph.D. James Oates, MD Jihad Obeid, M.D. Professor Assistant Professor Associate Professor Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Lina M. Obeid, MD Makio Ogawa, MD, PhD Besim Ogretmen, PhD Steven M. Ornstein, MD Yuko Y. Palesch, PhD Professor Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Professor Janardan P. Pandey, PhD Sunil J. Patel, M.D. Professor Professor 225 Medicine MCBP MCBP-Marine Biomedicine Pathology & Laboratory Medicine Cell Biology & Anatomy Neurosciences Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences MCBP-Marine Biomedicine College of Nursing Pharmacology Master Science in Clinical Research College of Nursing Biostatistics, Bioinformatics & Epidemiology Pharmaceutical Sciences Medicine Microbiology & Immunology MCBP-Marine Biomedicine Microbiology & Immunology College of Medicine Medicine - Cardiology Institute of Psychiatry Medicine/Rheumatology Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences Medicine Medicine - VAH Biochemistry & Molecular Biology Family Medicine Biostatistics, Bioinformatics & Epidemiology Microbiology & Immunology Neurosciences Kennerly S. Patrick, PhD Georgi V. Petkov, Ph.D. E. Elisabeth Pickelsimer, Ph.D. Etta Pisano, M.D. Professor Associate Professor Research Assistant Professor Professor David W. Ploth, MD Charlene Pope, Ph.D. Chandrakala Puligilla, Ph.D. Sammanda Ramamoorthy, PhD Ann Ramsdell, PhD Patrick K. Randall, Ph.D. Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Associate Professor Swapan K. Ray, Ph.D. John R. Raymond, MD Sakamuri V. Reddy, Ph.D. Carolyn Reed, M.D. Heidi Resnick, Ph.D. J.G. Reves, MD Assistant Professor Research Assistant Professor Adjunct Professor Professor Professor Professor Professor Professor Pharmaceutical Sciences Pharmaceutical Sciences Biostatistics, Bioinformatics & Epidemiology Vice President for Medical Affairs Dean, College of Medicine Medicine - Nephrology College of Nursing Pathology & Laboratory Medicine Neurosciences Cell Biology & Anatomy Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences Neurosciences Medicine Medicine Surgery Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences Anesthesia & Perioperative Medicine Neurosciences Hematology/Oncology Neurosciences Pharmacology Arthur Riegel, Ph.D. Joelle Roche, Ph.D Baerbel Rohrer, PhD Steven A. Rosenzweig, PhD Eric S. Rovner, M.D. Mark P. Rubinstein, Ph.D. Michael E. Saladin, Ph.D Paul A. Sandifer, PhD J. Phillip Saul, M.D. Michael G. Schmidt, PhD Richard A. Schmiedt, PhD Richard G. Schnellmann, PhD Assistant Professor Professor Associate Professor Professor Professor Assistant Professor Professor Professor Professor Professor Professor Professor and Chair, Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences Department of Urology Department of Surgery Health Sciences and Research MCBP-Marine Biomedicine Cell Biology & Anatomy Microbiology & Immunology Neurosciences Pharmaceutical Sciences U. Joseph Schoepf, M.D. Associate Professor Department of Radiology & Radiological Science 226 Bradley A. Schulte, PhD John H. Schwacke, Jr., Ph.D. Lori Schwacke, Ph.D. Geoffrey L. Scott, PhD Professor Assistant Professor Ronald E. See, PhD Anbesaw Selassie, PhD Professor Associate Professor Suhua Sha, M.D. Kelly G. Shaver, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Chair and Professor Richard M. Silver, MD Gerard Silvestri, M.D. Kit N. Simpson, DrPH Professor Professor Professor; Chair, Department of Health Administration and Policy Inderjit Singh, PhD Leah Siskind, Ph.D. Professor Research Assistant Professor Associate Professor Elizabeth H. Slate, PhD Charles D. Smith, Ph.D. Garriet Smith, PhD Sheila Smith, Ph.D, RN, LCCE, FACCE Theresa Joanne Smith, Ph.D. Adam J. Smolka, PhD David E. Soper, MD Mark Sothmann, Ph.D. Eleanor K. Spicer, PhD Francis G. Spinale, MD, PhD Demetri D. Spyropoulos, PhD Charlton Strange, MD Pathology & Laboratory Medicine Biostatistics, Bioinformatics & Epidemiology Research Associate Biometry & Epidemiology Associate Professor, MCBP-Marine Biomedicine Center Director NOAA/NOS Neurosciences Biostatistics, Bioinformatics & Epidemiology Pathology & Laboratory Medicine Department of Management and Entrepreneurship School of Business Medicine Medicine College of Pharmacy Pediatrics College of Medicine Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Biostatistics, Bioinformatics & Epidemiology Pharmaceutical Sciences MCBP-Marine Biomedicine College of Nursing Associate Professor Pharmaceutical Sciences Professor Professor Professor Associate Professor Professor Medicine - Gastroenterology Medicine - OB/GYN College of Health Prof. Biochemistry & Molecular Biology Surgery Associate Professor Pathology & Laboratory Medicine Associate Professor Medicine 227 Gail W. Stuart, PhD Robert K. Stuart, M.D. Natalie Sutkowski, PhD Richard E. Swaja, Ph.D. Michael Swindle, DVM Kenneth D. Tew, Ph.D. Bruce H. Thiers, MD Robert P. Thompson, PhD Stephen Tomlinson, PhD Bryan P. Toole, Ph.D. Frank Treiber, Ph.D. Frances M. Van Dolah, PhD Chenthamarakshan Vasu, Ph.D. Isabel Virella-Lowell, M.D. Gabriel Virella, MD, PhD Christina Voelkel-Johnson, Ph.D. Naren Vyavahare, Ph.D. Carol Wagner, M.D. Michael J. Wargovich, Ph.D. Dennis K. Watson, PhD C. Kenneth Webb, Ph.D. Andy Wessels, PhD Caroline Westwater, PhD Roger L. White, PharmD M. Edward Wilson, M.D. Dean, College of Nursing; Professor Professor Assistant Professor Professor Professor Chair, Department of Cell & Molecular Pharmacology & Experimental Therapeutics; Professor Professor Professor Professor Professor Professor Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences Assistant Professor Associate Professor MCBP-Marine Biomedicine Microbiology & Immunology Assistant Professor Professor Assistant Professor Microbiology & Immunology Microbiology & Immunology Microbiology & Immunology Associate Professor Associate Professor Professor Clemson Bioengineering MCBP-Marine Biomedicine Pharmacology Professor Assistant Professor Associate Professor Visiting Assistant Professor Professor Professor of Ophthalmology Pathology & Laboratory Medicine Clemson Bioengineering Cell Biology & Anatomy Microbiology & Immunology 228 Medicine Microbiology & Immunology Cell Biology & Anatomy Comparative Medicine & Surgery Pharmacology Dermatology Cell Biology & Anatomy Microbiology & Immunology MCBP College of Health Prof. Health Sciences South Carolina Center of Economic Excellence Endowed Chair Professor of Nursing & Medicine Pharmaceutical Sciences Medicine, Division of Ophthalmology Richard N. Winn, Ph.D. Cheryl M. Woodley, PhD John Woodward, PhD Robert Woolson, PhD Associate Professor Assistant Professor Professor Professor Patrick M. Woster, Ph.D. Cynthia F. Wright, PhD Sharon Dziuba Yeatts, Ph.D. M. Rita Young, Ph.D. Marian F. Young, Ph.D. Jane Zapka, Sc.D. Xian “John” Zhang, DVM, PH.D. Yong-Mei Zhang, Ph.D. Wenle Zhao, Ph.D. Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Zhi Zhong, M.D., Ph.D Michael R. Zile, MD ASSOCIATE MEMBERS Ronald Acierno, Ph.D. Lawrence B. Afrin, MD Berry Stephen Anderson, Ph.D., RN Andrew M. Atz, M.D. Joan K. Austin, Ph.D., RN, FAAN Thierry Bacro, PhD Sundaravadivel Balasubramanian, Ph.D. William S. Baldwin, Ph.D. Lauren Ball, Ph.D. Dipankar Bandyopadhyay, Ph.D Professor Professor Professor Assistant Professor MCBP-Marine Biomedicine MCBP-Marine Biomedicine Neurosciences Biostatistics, Bioinformatics & Epidemiology Pharmaceutical Sciences Pathology & Laboratory Medicine Division of Biostatistics & Epidemiology Otolaryngology MCBP Biometry & Epidemiology Rheumatology & Immunology Assistant Professor Research Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Professor Biochemistry & Molecular Biology Biostatistics, Bioinformatics & Epidemiology Pharmaceutical Sciences Medicine - Cardiology Professor Associate Professor Director of Information Technology, HCC Assistant Professor College of Nursing Medicine Professor Distinguished Professor Emerita Associate Professor Pediatrics College of Nursing Research Assistant Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor 229 College of Nursing Regenerative Medicine and Cell Biology College of Medicine, Cardiology MCBP-Marine Biomedicine Cell and Molecular Pharmacology Biostatistics, Bioinformatics & Epidemiology Jeremy L. Barth, Ph.D. Research Assistant Professor William T. Basco, Jr., M.D. Associate Professor Sondra Berger, Ph.D. Associate Professor Alicja Bielawska, PhD Associate Professor Amy V. Blue, Ph.D. Professor Heather Anne Boger, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Marcy Bolster, MD Associate Professor Sharon Bond, PhD., CNM Associate Professor Jeffrey J. Borckardt, Ph.D. Instructor Keith Thomas Borg, MD, Assistant Professor PhD., FACEP Deborah A. Bowlby, M.D., Assistant Professor MSc Alice Boylan, MD Associate Professor Amy Bradshaw, Ph.D. Mona C. Buhusi, M.D., Ph.D. Christine A. Byrum, Ph.D. E. Ramsay Camp, M.D. Laura Arnstein Carpenter, Ph.D., BCBA Sherine Chan, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Assistant Professor C. James Chou, Ph.D. Brian T Connor, Ph.D., RN Brandon J. Cuthbertson, PhD Kimberly Davis, M.D. Terry A. Day, M.D. Kevin O. Delaney, M.D. Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Marie DeLorenzo, PhD Stacia DeSantis, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Vanessa A. Diaz, M.D. Bonnie P. Dumas, Ph.D. Mark Eckert, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor 230 Cell Biology & Anatomy Pediatrics Pharmaceutical Sciences Biochemistry & Molecular Biology Medicine Department of Neurosciences Medicine College of Nursing Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences Division of Emergency Medicine Department of Medicine Pediatric Endocrinology Medicine - Pulmonary and Critical Care MCBP Neurosciences MCBP-Marine Biomedicine Department of Surgery Division of Developmental Pediatrics Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Sciences Pharmaceutical Sciences College of Nursing MCBP-Marine Biomedicine General Internal Medicine Otolaryngology Division of Plastic Surgery Department of Surgery MCBP-Marine Biostatistics, Bioinformatics & Epidemiology Medicine College of Nursing Otolaryngology/Head & Neck Surg Charles Ellis, Ph.D. Nestor Felix Esnaola, M.D., M.P.H., M.B.A. Hongkuan Fan, Ph.D. Victoria Findlay, Ph.D. Wayne Fitzgibbon, PhD Dee Walker Ford, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Associate Professor College of Health Professions Department of Surgery Assistant Professor Research Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Neurosciences Pathology & Laboratory Medicine Medicine Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care College of Health Professions Esther Forti, RN, PhD Associate Professor Director, SC Geriatric Education Center Maria N. Garnovskaya, Ph.D. Marion Boyd Gillespie, M.D. Laura Goetzl, MD Monika Gooz, MD, PhD Associate Professor Neurology Associate Professor Assistant Professor Instructor David Graber, Ph.D. Kevin M. Gray, M.D. Dianne I. Greenfield, Ph.D. Nigel H. Greig, Ph.D. Tatyana Gudz, Ph.D. Beichu Guo, Ph.D. Dieter Haemmerich, Ph.D. Phillip Hall, PhD Kevin R Harris, Ph.D. Courtney J. Haycraft, Ph.D. Starr Hazard, PhD Tilman Heise, Ph.D. Frederick Heldrich, PhD Associate Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Senior Investigator Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Professor Kristi Helke, DVM, PhD Assistant Professor Melissa Howard Henshaw, M.D. Kristin Highland, M.D. Elizabeth G. Hill, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Otolaryngology/Head & Neck Surg Medicine MCBP Pharmacology College of Health Professions Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences MCBP Neurosciences Neurosciences Microbiology & Immunology Pediatrics Pharmaceutical Sciences College of Nursing Cell Biology & Anatomy/MCBP Library Science Biochemistry & Molecular Biology Dept of Chemistry, Univ of Chas Biochemistry Laboratory Animal Resources Comparative Medicine Pediatrics Assistant Professor Assistant Professor 231 Medicine Biostatistics, Bioinformatics & Epidemiology Julie Hilsenbeck, RN, DNS, CNRN Anthony Hlavacek, MD, FAAP Lorne J. Hofseth, Ph.D. Ann Hollerbach, PhD Christine Holmstedt, D.O. Yi-Te Hsu, PhD Francis “Monty” Hughes, Ph.D. Peter van den Hurk, Ph.D. Andrew Jakymiw, Ph.D. Michael Janech, Ph.D. Tariq Javed, DMD Joseph M. Jenrette, M.D. Thomas Jhou, Ph.D. Donna Johnson, MD Jordan V. Johnson, EdD, SPHR Qian Kay Kang, MD College of Nursing Assistant Professor Pediatric Cardiology Associate Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Staff Scientist II Pharmaceutical Sciences College of Nursing Division of Neurology Biochemistry & Molecular Biology Department of Urology Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Environmental Toxicology Craniofacial Biology and Cancer Biology Medicine Dental Medicine, Stomatology Radiation Oncology Neurosciences Medicine College of Nursing Assistant Professor Professor Professor/Chairman Assistant Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor CU-MUSC Bioengineering Program Laura Kasman, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Microbiology & Immunology Abby Kazley, Ph.D. Assistant Professor College of Health Prof. Lydia King, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Pediatrics Rachael King, Ph.D. Program Coordinator, MCBP-Marine Biomedicine Taxonomic Center Emily Kistner-Griffin, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Biostatistics, Bioinformatics & Epidemiology Satomi Kohno, Ph.D. Assistant Professor MCBP-Marine Biomedicine Masahiro Kono, PhD Assistant Professor Ophthalmology Michelle Elaine Koski, M.D. Assistant Professor Department of Urology Mary C. Kral, Ph.D. Associate Professor Pediatrics Edward Krug, PhD Associate Professor Cell Biology and Anatomy Hainan Lang, MD, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Pathology & Laboratory Medicine Angela LaRosa, Ph.D. Associate Professor Pediatrics Kyu-Ho Lee, MD, PhD Assistant Professor Cell Biology & Anatomy Peter Alan Lee, Ph.D. Research Associate MCBP-Marine Biomedicine Professor 232 John W. Leffler, Ph.D. Renata Serricchio Leite, D.D.S. Elizabeth J. Letourneau, Ph.D. Xiang Liu, M.D., Ph.D. Pamela Susan Lovelace, Ph.D. Dierdre K. Luttrell, Ph.D. James E. Madory, D.O. Gayenell S. Magwood, Ph.D. AnnaLaura Mancia, Ph.D. Cungui Mao, Ph.D. Margaret Markiewicz, Ph.D. Gabriel U. Martz, M.D. Meenal Mehrotra, Ph.D. Shikhar Mehrotra, Ph.D. Ted A. Meyer, M.D., Ph.D. Michael Mitas, Ph.D. Bidyut K. Mohanty, Ph.D. Lawrence C. Mohr, MD Janet G. Moore, Ph.D. David Morrisette, Ph.D. Steve Morton, PhD Martina Mueller, Ph.D. Rupak Mukherjee, PhD Thomas Naselaris, Ph.D. Brad W. Neville, D.D.S. Shaun Nguyen, M.D., M.A. Kenkichi Nozaki, M.D., Ph.D. John E. Oatis, Jr., Ph.D. Lawrence S. Olanoff, M.D., Ph.D. Assistant Professor Assistant Professor SCDNR MRRI Stomatology Associate Professor Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences Assistant Professor Adjunct Assistant Professor Research Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Microbiology & Immunology MCBP-Marine Biomedicine Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Research Assistant Professor Professor Medicine, Division of Nephrology Pathology & Laboratory Medicine/MSCR College of Nursing MCBP-Marine Biomedicine Medicine Rheumatology & Immunology Dept. of Neurosciences Pathology & Laboratory Medicine Surgery Otolaryngology/Head & Neck Surg Surgery Biochemistry & Molecular Biology Associate Professor Project Leader Assistant Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Medicine MCBP-Marine Biomedicine College of Health Prof. MCBP-Marine Biomedicine College of Nursing Surgery Neurosciences Dental Medicine Otolaryngology Division of Neurology Assistant Professor Pharmacology 233 Viswanathan Assistant Professor Palanisamy, Ph.D. Christopher H. Parsons, MD Assistant Professor Dental Medicine Yuri Karl Peterson, Ph.D. Pharmaceutical Sciences Michelle Phillips Hudspeth, M.D. Craig J. Plante, PhD Research Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Medicine Pediatrics Professor, Director of MCBP-Marine Biomedicine Marine Biology at College of Charleston J. Todd Purves, M.D., Ph.D. Assistant Professor Viswanathan Professor Ramakrishnan, Ph.D. Paula Ramos, Ph.D Assistant Professor Department of Urology Biostatistics and Epidemiology Anil G. Rao, M.D. James G. Ravenel, MD Michele Carter Ravenel, DMD Titus A. Reaves, Ph.D. Deanna Reising, Ph.D, RN, ACNS-BC, ANEF Adrian Reuben, MBBS, FRCP, FACG Donna Roberts, M.D. Assistant Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Radiology & Radiological Sciences Radiology Stomatology Associate Professor Cell Biology & Anatomy College of Nursing Professor Christopher J. Robinson, M.D., M.S.C.R. Joseph Romagnuolo, M.D., M.Sc Zoran Rumboldt, M.D. Steven H. Saef, MD Lisa Saladin, Ph.D., PT Assistant Professor Division of Gastroenterology & Hepatology Radiology and Radiological Sciences Obstetrics and Gynecology Dennis Kenneth Schimpf, M.D. Rodney Schlosser, MD Alison J. Scott, Ph.D. Andrew Shedlock, Ph.D. Associate Program Director Associate Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor 234 Division of Rheumatology and Immunology Department of Medicine College of Medicine Gastroenterology and Hepatology Radiology Medicine/Emergency Medicine College of Health Prof. - Physical Therapy Program Division of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Otolaryngology/Head & Neck Surg College of Nursing Department of Biology Girish S. Shirali, MD Associate Professor Owen S Shoemaker, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Tuulikki Sokka, MD, PhD Research Assistant Professor Erik Sotka, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Jeremy Soule, MD Assistant Professor Eva Spratt, M.D. Associate Professor Ida Spruill, Ph.D., RN Assistant Professor Antine E. Stenbit, MD, PhD Assistant Professor Katherine Regan Sterba, Assistant Professor Ph.D., MPH Allan Strand, Ph.D. Associate Professor Sally Dawley Stroud, Ed.D., Associate Professor APRN, BC Rachel L. Sturdivant, M.D., Assistant Professor FNKF Yukiko Sugi, Ph.D. Associate Professor Joann F. Sullivan, PhD Pal Suranyi, M.D., Ph.D. Associate Professor Assistant Professor Cynthia Cupit Swenson, PhD Steven Edward Swift, M.D. Associate Professor David Taber, Ph.D. Ali Tabesh, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Saeid Taheri, Ph.D. Christine Tanner, PHD, RN, FAAN Irene Tessaro, DrPH, MSN Baby Tholanikunnel, PhD Assistant Professor Distinguished Professor Research Professor Assistant Professor Suzanne Thomas, Ph.D. Elena Tourkina, Ph.D. Associate Professor Research Assistant Professor Research Assistant Professor Danyelle M. Townsend, Ph.D. Professor 235 Pediatrics Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences Biostatistics, Bioinformatics & Epidemiology MCBP-Marine Biomedicine Medicine Pediatrics College of Nursing Medicine Biostatistics, Bioinformatics & Epidemiology MCBP-Marine Biomedicine College of Nursing Division of Nephrology Regenerative Medicine & Cell Biology Library Department of Radiology and Radiological Science Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology College of Pharmacy Radiology and Radiological Science Department of Radiology College of Nursing College of Nursing Biostatistics, Bioinformatics & Epidemiology College of Nursing MCBP Pharmaceutical Sciences Heather TranthamDavidson, Ph.D. Rupal H. Trivedi, MD Research Assistant Professor Research Assistant Professor Tanya N. Turan, M.D. Assistant Professor David Turner, Ph.D. Research Assistant Professor Abhay K. Varma, M.B.B.S. Assistant Professor Diana J. Vincent, PhD Associate Professor Richard P. Visconti, Ph.D. Assistant Professor John Vournakis, Ph.D. Professor David T. Vroman, MD Associate Professor Hongjun Wang Ph.D. Associate Professor Patricia Watson, PhD Assistant Professor C. Wayne Weart, Pharm.D. Professor Xuejun Wen, Ph.D., M.D. Assistant Professor Maria Kathleen Wiley, M.D. Associate Professor Pamela Holtzclaw Williams, Assistant Professor JD, PHD, RN Daynna J. Wolff, PhD Associate Professor Julie Ann Woolworth, Ph.D. Michael D. Wyatt, Ph.D. Associate Professor W. Jim Zheng, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Jun Zhu, Ph.D. Yusheng Zhu, PhD Anastasia Maria Zimmerman, Ph.D. James Zoller, Ph.D., MHA Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Associate Professor 236 Neurosciences Ophthalmology Neurosciences Pathology & Laboratory Medicine Division of Neurosurgery Radiology Cell Biology & Anatomy Medicine Ophthalmology Department of Surgery Medicine College of Pharmacy Cell Biology & Anatomy Internal Medicine College of Nursing Pathology & Laboratory Medicine Pathology & Laboratory Medicine Pharmaceutical Sciences Biostatistics, Bioinformatics & Epidemiology Pharmaceutical Sciences Pathology & Laboratory Medicine College of Charleston Department of Biology College of Health Profession
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